#now buy some airpods too! it'll definitely improve your experience as you Literally Have To if you don't want a stupid-looking adapter!''
sevicia · 5 months
The lack of a headphone jack on so many recent devices makes me so fucking mad . I was gonna say "unreasonably" mad but I won't because I'm RIGHT . Like from a practicality standpoint there is absolutely NO FUCKING REASON to remove it ... you just took away a hole that had 0 impact on customers that prefer bluetooth . there is nothing stopping a person that wants to use bluetooth headphones from using bluetooth headphones as long as the phone supports it . like what are we fucking doing . if it's not broken don't fucking fix it ??? THERE'S NOT EVEN A "FIX" . there's no new & better way of using wired headphones that you can replace the old way with . "just get bluetooth headphones" charging them is annoying they get lost easily some of them have significant delay when it comes to game audio like they're just super fucking annoying in general . "just get an adapter" I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO !!!!!!!!!!!
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