#now everything is squeaky clean and neat and tidy and it sucks. i want to see the ugly the raw the uniqueness of your art!
infinityshigh · 2 years
[taps mic] art doesn't have to be easy to love or to look at. it doesn't have to be dumbed down or comfortable or palatable for every audience. sometimes it needs to make you unsettled and uncomfortable! and this is good!
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blue-skeleton6289 · 5 years
Okay uh just something I want to know--what would happen if when the skeletons came home and found that the reader wasn't there(also the reader is at the grocery store somehow, also pretend that they don't know that they have their phones) I want to see how it would go (if your okay on answering it)
Sure! Welp time to get emotional!
The whole house was neat and tidy!
"Good job Y/N a work well done!" You pat your back as you go towards the fridge, you were hungry all that cleaning and running around really made you hungry. Opening the fridge your surprised to see not much left. Some milk, still some veggies, afew condiments left, but not that much. You don't even see any eggs!?
"Well I guess none of us has gone grocery shopping. Guess I will just go! I bet Axe and Jupiter will be thrilled to see the fridge full and cabinets! Might as well stock up!" With that idea set in mind you ran upstairs to put on clothes that wasn't dirty or smelled like cleaning supplies.
You throw on a purple shirt with a cream half sweater and some high waist light jeans.
Grabbing your card you were pretty excited!
As you turned around you saw Joey sitting there waiting. TUGGING AT YOUR SOUL STRINGS!!!
"You wanna come?" You asked as his tail wagged more and he ran to his new leash handing it to you.
"Hehe, you pretty much are a service dog. Emotional support!! So if anyone asks you act like you know what to do!" You hold his big tan and black head, as his pink tongue sticks out.
You hook it on his collar and put on your gray ankle short boots. Running down the stairs with Joey.
Grabbing a car key you take Papyruses red ferrari. He gave you permission if ever needed.
Joey hopping in the back you drive off towards the store.
The house was quiet no noise at all, just the ticking from the grand old father clock.
Sans, Red, Stretch, and Fluffy called it a day early wanting to get home and relax. Be with you.
But when they all got home they expected Joey to be running at them or atleast barking like he usually does. At there arrival.
"where's joey?" Sans asked finding this very weird.
"probably outside or with dollface" Red waved it off its happend before.
Fluffy sniffed the air not smelling you in the house? Or Joey for that matter?
Fluffy went outside automatically, to not see a soul out there.
"she is not outside! i-her scent is kinda faint, like she is gone!" Fluffy was passing back and forth. Trying to calm down. Gone. Gone. GONE!
All the skeletons eyes go out. Now that they think about it your scent is alittle faded. Like you have been gone for 2 hours! Maybe more!
All of them look around the whole mansion. It was clean and like every time they come home to you being there. Giving them that happy sweet warm smile.
They can't find you... Calling their brothers in a panic. All trying to stay calm, they double check everywhere!
"why the fuck can't we find 'er!? wheres is 'er dog!? 'er room is still there everything is still fuckin' there but where is Y/N!?" Red is now loosing it.
As the others pull up they run to the house.
"WHERE IS SHE!?" Papyrus was so worried aa they all looked through the house as well.
"HOW COULD SHE JUST BE GONE WHERE IS HER DOG!!?" Edge screamed, looking for that you and that dog of yours!
"DID YOU CHECK THE LAUNDRY ROOM!?" Blue asked trying to think.
Everyone stopped at that. Teleporting to the laundry room or running.
As Error, Ink, Nightmare, Dream, Dusty, Axe, and Jupiter arrived home. Coming to this chaos.
Axe immediately started to go alittle insane. Dusty teleportinh everywhere with one thing on his mind. You.
Nightmare and Dream were both trying to look for your soul. You weren't in the house?! Or anywhere near the house?!
That got everyone to go either more berserk, sad, worried, confused.
"w-where c-c-could s-she h-have g-gone?!" Error was getting mad and more worried then he would have ever imagined.
All there souls were in a frenzy thinking the worse.
When Ink got struck with something...
"What if the machine took her back?" Ink asked as the words trembled out. He was...feeling something. Something he didn't like it was bothering him.
Everyone froze at that, Papyrus, Jupiter, Blue, even Dream. Were on the verge of tears. There soul was growing more sad.
They all took in thid information. All their souls were screaming in protest. No no that can't be!
"no, no that can't be we didn't fix it yet!" Sans voice was growing deeper. With worry of that possibility.
"but when she came here the machine was still broken. what if it was a glitch...she did come from a universe were we didn't exist... what if it glitched and sent her and joey..back." Dusty said, as his grin was growing so big as a maniac. Then it fell completely... Which made all of them uneasy except Nightmare, Error, and Axe.
She can't be gone!!
All there souls were screaming in protest. No nO!
They all got to the basement to see the machine like the way it was. No sign of being used... That DIDN'T help!
They all started to cry, little tears were streaming down there cheekbones.
Dusty was laughing as violet tears streamed down his face.
Nightmare was getting more and more unstable as his anger and negative feelings and emotions were taking over. As his cyan eye was dripping cyan tears.
Sans was crying, his face was in a alittle flushed as he was morning over you. As he fell to his knees.
Axe was crying as he was pulling at his empty eye socket. Hopeing if he did you would come, grab his hand gently with your warm soft one. And be there.
Papyrus, Jupiter, and Blue were already balling. All holding there brothers.
There souls were sad but not as sad as it SHOULD BE!
Ink was getting alittle emotional, but he didn't cry. He was frowning heavily.
Edge was turning around looking at his brother. Who was slamming shit against the wall red tears streaming down his cheekbones.
As he was feeling so...sad...that stupid HUMAN!! Didn't even... Didn't even... One little tear slides down his cheekbone.
Dream was even getting emotional and it wasnt happy...
Error was couldn't get a hold of his glitching. He was rebooting over and over like his already unstable mind can't handle this!
Stretch was holding his brother as little honey glow tears were streaming down his face.
Fluffy was howling and growling. NO! His ********can't be gone. Tears where streaming down his cheekbones, mouth wanted to release his blazing lasser energy.
Then like a miracle, they all heard the sound of shuffling and barking!!
They all immediately run or teleport upstairs.
All stopping when seeing you holding four bags of groceries in your arms. Two on each side.
"I swear Joey you better not make me regert getting you that squeaky toy!" You shout as Joey runs off squeezing it and running up to them.
You look up in surprise smiling that beautiful mesmerizing smile. That could beat the sun.
Then they watch you frown in concern.
"What happened are you guys alright!?" You put all the bags down. Then they all tackle you.
"Ahhh!" You fall to the ground as almost every skeleton is on you. Whats happened.
"don't ever leave ok" Sans mumbles into you.
"WE THOUGHT WE LOST YOU!!"Papyrus was squeezing you.
"NEVER LEAVE AGAIN WITHOUT INFORMING US!!" Blue sniffs and holds you tighter.
"you fuckin' scared the shit out of us!" Red said as he poked your cheek. Which you looked down at all of them.
Then you get taken into another skeleton love puddle. Dusty as squeezing you so tight like he was trying to stay sane. As Axe, Jupiter and Dream held youso tight. It hurt but you didn't care.
"ever leave again i'll have to kill everyone until i find you" Dusty whispers into your ear, a deep voice. As Axe nods agreeing with him.
"...even if we are wanted criminals." Axe said in
"Maybe not that-" they all glare at Dream.
"Okay so we might!" He said holding you.
"What!? No I was just getting grocery shopping. I got you all condiments and-" you were snatched again, to be with Nightmare who was holding you as close as he could.
"we don't give a fuck about groceries or condiments!" Nightmare held you super close. Not letting you go.
They were all so worried. You should have left a note. You feel so bad, you made them all so worried.
"I'm sorry guys, I should have left a note. I wasn't thinking i'm so sorry" you whisper more and more apologises.
Then your snatched again but this time it was alittle harder considering Nightmare wouldn't let you go.
"cloudy, cloudy its okay just don't leave us." Fluffy whispers wrapping his tail around you. As he was whimpering and holding you close.
"Yeah give us a warning next time. Everyone was crying like a-" Ink was cut off by Fluffy wacking him with his bony tail. Shutting him up.
Having Error laugh pointing at him.
Then Error snatched you from Fluffy holding you up. Stareing at you.
"i-if y-you do that again i will destory this whole universe and every one if i have to look for you," he then brings you closer and whispers. "darling" which makes you explode red. All of them saying they would look for you. Is bring you to tears and making you blush like mad. Error was just the last straw to make you explode.
"Okay! I wont, do that again! Please stop with all this loyal destroying killing for me. Its making me blush!!!" You scream your thoughts out loud again.
"Wait no that's not what I-"
Everyone is grinning like mad at you.
While you just explode into a bigger ball of red.
"aw, honey its okay at least your honest." Stretch pats your shoulder.
"Shut up! Go get the groceries!" You shouted pointing at the door. Face red and looking alittle mad but not mad mad. As your eyes were sparking in amusement and love for all of them.
"WHAT DID YOU GET!?" Edge asked as he was heading towards the car.
"Come follow me and you will see!" You get up and motion for them all to follow. Joey squeaking his burger toy.
Everyone follows not leaving your side.
"I might have gone alittle over board, heh." You said scratching your cheek.
They all seem confused until they saw the whole car loaded with bags of food. Top to bottem.
"alittle?" Sans, Red, and Stretch said at the same time. Making you blush in embrassment.
"LOOK!! There were deals!!! So MANY deals!!" You scream throwing your arms out towards the car like it would prove your point.
"WAIT DO YOU MEAN CLEARANCE DEALS!?" Edge asked, squinting his eye sockets down at you.
As you looked totally guilty. "Nooooo"
"Why we have the money!!?"
Alot of sales of disappointment
You run to the car hugging it and the groceries!! "They were calling MEE!! Look half priced and by one get one free veggies!!" You start going on a rant on all the deals you got. With a gaint smile on your face, making weird little faces at stuff you found odd.
As you did all of them were listening and looking at you with plain adoration, love, and there souls beated happily against there ribcages.
One thought entered there minds.
Don't ever go...
I hope you enjoyed it! This was made in the moment, I hope you still liked it! (:
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