#now granted things in my life can go catastrophically fucking wrong in a thousand different ways so like
lord-radish · 1 year
Between OSRS and Hyrule Warriors, I'm playing a ton of grindy games lately. Thank god I'm not working on the Minecraft flatworld project at the same time, right? Hahahaha, hahaha, haha...
(nah jk the real joke is that I'm not working on the Minecraft flatworld project)
#I'm a lot more over the former best friend stuff than I've been for a long time.#I'm spending a lot of time hanging out with the coworkers and with my pub friends#both groups rely heavily on alcohol which sucks ass but I like legit have friends again. I've managed to rebuild and move on#i still have like intrusive mental arguments where I'm like describing to my former best friend why he can't come back into my life#but even those are lessening in severity. and it's just like. the minecraft flatworld project only exists because I was coping with that#and I'm going back to it less and less#because I have a full-time job and I spend time with friends and I buy other video games if I'm bored. I've moved on#i needed that minecraft project to stay sane during the worst two years of my life. i *needed* that distraction to move on#and granted I still play a lot of tedious fuckin video games. but that one with the self-imposed tedium is waning hardcore#I'm gonna keep it around and go back to it from time to time but i don't 'need' it to cope. my life has changed so much since then#and it's all for the better. i have a job. i have two sets of friends and a ton of great video games to play#i have my own place to live - I'm living on my own. things are looking up#now granted things in my life can go catastrophically fucking wrong in a thousand different ways so like#i don't doubt that I'm going to need the flatworld project as a grief management tool in the future#but I don't need it *now*. i severely needed it for at least six months straight and I needed it well beyond a year after what happened#but since then I've needed it less and less and right now - I don't need it. because things are going well#that being said I'd still say I'm pretty depressed? but that's more of a baseline me thing
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The wrong girl, pt. 9 (E.D.)
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Summary: Unlike Ethan who is done with life, Grayson who is calling every lawyer they have on retainer, Y/N is actually prepared to do the work and make this nightmare end, before it ends her and Ethan’s chance at love.
Warnings: angst, violence, swearing, slight fluff
The Wrong Girl - Masterlist
Defeated, the three laid in different positions all over Ethan's room, each doing their own thing.
Ethan desperately searched for all possible information on what his ex spilled, shocked to find Jack joined in, accusing him of assault.
Grayson argued with their lawyers, going overtime on strategic plans for resolving the issue.
Y/N, however, didn't search any information about anything. She sat with her knees drawn to her chest, head tilted to the side as she stared at Ethan Grant Dolan, wondering just how much more catastrophes can they survive before they break. She watched the boy she loves - a little bit broken, a beautiful disaster, just like she is. And that's when she hatched a plan.
Texting Jack, she pushed herself off the ground, determined not to let anyone hurt her turtle man.
"I have to go. Do something. Just, uh, don't do anything stupid." She leaned down, letting Ethan grab her forearm as he pulled slightly, wanting to keep her with him.
"I don't want you to go." Mumbling, Ethan stopped breathing altogether once Y/N pressed her lips against his and unlike him, it felt like she breathed him in, overwhelming her senses with Ethan and the vanilla musk that he loved to drown himself in.
"I won't be out for long. Okay?" Brushing her nose against his, she smiled, pecking his lips once more as her hand moved down his cheek, sensing his nod more than seeing it.
"I love you." Ethan whispered meekly, wanting more than anything to keep her at his side and protect her from the world especially since her name is dropped in the media more than once as his long term fling...even the name itself contradicts the statement because no fling is long-term, that's already a relationship, a love without bounds and he was certain it could survive this disaster. He had to believe it could.
Without saying it back, Y/N pecked his lips once more for good luck, walking away as his heart fell. He didn't exactly expect her to say it back although she told him she feels the same way, but he knew he has to earn her trust, to truly know she can count on him. He has a lot to make up for, but it doesn't mean it didn't sting not to hear her say the words when he did. Even as a small mercy now when he is in a disastrous position.
Y/N on the other hand is a woman with a purpose much too big to think about the I love yous or who has to rectify their past mistakes.
On her way to a meeting point, she texted Kyle and the crew, checking they're in position as she couldn't have Jack suspect anything.
Once confirmed, Y/N walked with her heart in her throat, hoping this works out. There’s a lot riding on her plan, more than she’d like to admit. She and Ethan deserved a chance at a real relationship, a proper attempt to be who she knew they could be.
Upon arrival, she noticed Jack to already be in place, not alone as she assumed it would be.
"Oh, look! Trash is here!" The annoying shrill tone of Ethan's ex girlfriend already made her skin crawl more than words. Y/N couldn’t help but wonder how the hell did Ethan force himself to listen to this plastic human being talk, let alone scream in the bedroom - he must have been seriously off his rocker to be with her for a year.
"Don't talk about her that way." Jack grumbled under his breath, wanting to protect Y/N even if she's not his anymore. He might have chosen to go back to his ex, cheating on Y/N in the spur of the moment but Jack really did love Y/N. He spent a year absolutely enchanted with every little thing she did, the good and the bad. She was like that song you always smile to, the one that lights up your spirits without a fail. And it hurt like a bitch when she left him for someone else...even if he did cause that himself.
"God, is her vagina magic or something?" The obnoxious girl rolled her eyes in disgust, her lips pursed and her arms crossed.
"I'm here to help you take Ethan down. He deserves all he gets." Y/N smirked, reaching out for Jack's hand, shamelessly holding on. He doesn't fight contact. In fact, he intertwines their fingers and smiles, feeling his heart flutter.
"He already fucked up, huh? That was fast." Jack chuckled, turning toward Ethan's ex with a smile. "Told you she's cool."
"Yeah, so, what lies do you have out there on him and what truths that can damage his reputation?" Y/N moved closer to Jack, leaning her head on his arm like she used to do when she's tired, expecting the brat before her to speak.
"Well, I have a DNA analysis that says he's the baby daddy. Took me months to fake this, but it will pay off. Also, told the fans he cheated with you, but it was me who did, hence the baby. Oh, and Jack told everyone he hit him, but Ethan only told him to stay away from you. Did I get everything?" She giggled to herself, cradling her pregnant belly, as if showing it off. Y/N had to stop herself from actually rolling her eyes at the woman, hating every moment spent in her proximity. If she wasn’t pregnant, Y/N would gladly slap the smirk off her face.
"I wanted to bury him, but I'm not so sure he deserved all of that." Jack said gruffly, seemingly disgusted by the woman he took up an alliance with.
"So those were all lies? Ethan isn't the dad?" She turned from the pregnant witch toward her ex, "and Ethan never hit you?" Y/N repeated for good measure, not knowing if it was clear the first time.
She didn't know Ethan, Grayson and thousands of fans all sat down in shock of the news, watching the live stream Kyle and the camera crew all broadcasted on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat at the same time, making sure the truth is spreading just as fast as the lies.
"And I'm Ethan's girlfriend, not his fling." Y/N smirked victoriously, stepping away from Jack, giving him a disapproving look, shaking her head in disappointment.
Ethan screamed back home, unable to hide how happy and proud he is of his girl, but most of all, freaking out about the fact she called herself his publicly. All he could think about is not being free of the PR mess that loomed over his head like a knife ready to strike, but about the fact she truly does love him.
"I've been his best friend for years. I've loved him for years. And he is my boyfriend now. I suggest you talk to the real baby daddy and Jack...I have no words. I can't believe how wrong I was about you." Turning on her heel, Y/N wanted to leave. To return home and curl up with Ethan after asking him to fuck her brains out so she stops thinking altogether. She just wanted to feel Ethan, hear his voice and have his hand run up and down her back as she felt his heartbeat under the palm of her hand.
But Jack reached out, grabbing her by the elbow, his eyes screaming hurt and desperation as he yanked her toward him, his free hand latching onto the back of her neck, pushing his lips onto hers without permission. Desperate people do terrible things, but so did those cornered without a way out. However, no matter how hard Y/N tried to push him off, struggling to get away, she was no match for a man of Jack’s statue.
Kyle didn't even hesitate, rushing out from behind the bushes, forcing him to let her go, landing a sickening punch to Jack's left cheekbone, effectively dropping him to the ground.
"Don't you ever come near me again!" Y/N cried out, wiping her mouth furiously, feeling sick to her stomach before running in the opposite direction.
"Are you okay?" Kyle rushed after her, the other guys joining them as she tried her hardest not to cry. It felt as if her lips are burning, poisoned, still dripping with invisible blood he caused her mentally more so than physically.
"Just take me home, please. I don't think I can drive." She asked, knowing Kyle is a kind soul and he would save her if she asked him to. And she wasn’t in a state to drive, her entire body shaking, turning numb as she scratched at her skin, feeling like his hands are all over her, dreading what would have happened have they met somewhere private with less prying eyes.
All she wanted was to be away from prying eyes, thinking how at least the truth is out there now and they can't touch her man anymore. Not without a public nightmare.
"Just take me home. Take me to Ethan."
Tags: @accalialionheart @fallinginlove-16 @xalayx @heyits-claire @dolandolll @godlydolans @dolanstwintuesday @ethanhes  @peacedolantwins @blackpinkdolan @dolandrabbles @softiegrant @inlovewithethandolan @graydolan12 @reblogserpent @dominantdolan  
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