#now he either holds stitch in his groovy like the dad he is with that infectious smile and rosy cheeks OR looks down on (me) the screen and
poppurini · 11 months
ill take your ask as an excuse to write for mr. lilz cuz he got to me too… certainly not to millie hheun’s terminal degree of infection but if they waterboard us with an onslaught of SSRS he’s bound to move me.. gnawed at my cerebellum like a rattttt and now we all have to make a circle and pray that his groovy art pictures him shirtless and tatted to the nines
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and i get you…i’ve been ignoring that man for the past two years…didn’t even notice him in the first…then all of a sudden the world comes crashing down on me the vanrouge disease hit me like a PLAGUE….next thing i know i’m in shackles
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