#now i basically have one saying 'keep them their canon bodytype'
ok I HAVE to bitch about it bc it has been haunting me bc every time I open up my art fight profile to check things I have to see this one attack I got and I dont think the person has a tumblr so they probs won’t see this
I am still seething over it and I need more people to attack me so it can get off my front page.
Because it was the most painfully awful rendition of my character.
My character is unmistakably fat, and she’s not very feminine
and this person not ONLY made her skinny
but also gave her big boobs
And huge eyelashes and earrings and nail polish
and a very out of character facial expression that felt vvvaguely sexual?
Its just. 
That’s NOT my girl.
but they said on their profile n shit it’s their very first art fight and that was their first ever attack and I did a revenge (bc I always try to) and thanked them for it anyway because I didn’t want them to get discouraged or to dislike art fight because of a bad experience.
I deserve a goddamn nobel peace prize stg
anyone else have this problem???
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valjar · 7 years
Some thoughts about JASPER and Ignys Jasper  -Part 3- A comparison
In Part one and two of this trilogy, I have written down some thoughts about JASPER and Ignys Jasper. About their nature, who and what they are. Now here is why I started this in the first place. How Jasper and Ignys are similar and why Ignys could be called a character analysis on Jasper in her early stages.
(Part 1 - JASPER) HERE
(Part 2 - Ignys Jasper) HERE
As the other posts already indicated, there are striking similarities between JASPER and Ignys. Some were intentional when I wrote Ignys, but most were not. We don´t even know that much canon meta about JASPER after all. Sadly. Not yet. So, this post will also lean a bit into theory territory and can be debunked by canon, but I have the feeling that some of these hold some water in the end. First, I´ll list the similarities, then I´ll write a bit about them and then the differences. Then I´ll look on what drives the two and what makes them the most powerful and how that is linked between them.
Similarities between JASPER and her descendant Ignys Jasper Firewalker:
1. Both have a long and decorated and eventful military past
2. Both have quartztypical bodytypes and fighting skills and styles.
3. Both are extremely strong.
4. Both possess indomitable willpower
5. Both ALWAYS keep going. No matter what if they must.
6. Both are strongly influenced by their emotion.
7. The (red) Jasper is regarded as “the supreme nurturer” and both have abilities and traits in that direction.
8. Both had an extremely abusive and toxic relationship with a Lapis Lazuli. Jasper with the gem Lapis Lazuli and Ignys with her descendant Lapis HOPE Lazuli.
9. Both are linked to the ocean in powerful and mysterious ways.
10. Both have lost a Diamond they cherished deeply and suffer from it greatly.
Ok, here´s the list. Let´s get down to detail. The topics are in no intended particular order.
1. Ignys and JASPER have both a long and decorated military past. Both have been in positions of command and both are hailed as heroes by certain people and gems. While Jasper is a gem and has been in the military over 5000 years, Ignys is a hybrid and served for 25 years. Jasper is hailed as “the ultimate Quartz, who took out 80 crystal gems before sundown upon emerging” (see PART 1). Ignys is hailed as an ultimated unit, too, but in different ways. Where Jasper is hailed for her strength and strategy, Ignys is hailed for her adaptability, strategy AND strength. Ignys is much more finetuned and refined. What kind of commander Jasper was is not quite known, but there is a popular headcanon/theory that she has been some kind of general. Ignys WAS a general. She was the youngest general to EVER exist. Due to her tremendous physical strength and, more striking, stamina and adaptability and her strategy and intelligence, she flew up through the ranks.
She helped improving the army and the Red Fortress, the elite force she served in for 20 years of the 25, much to the delight of all and was overall a very good and charismatic leader with a strong codex of honor, like for example to not hurt non combatants/those not involved in the fight. Jasper shows the same trait. In "The Return", she shows no interest in harming Steven, because, to her, he was a human non combatant. Only after he reveals himself as a gem hybrid and in possession of the gem of THE Rose Quarz, she attacks him, but only knocks him out. Ignys would do the same. She would in a fight/battle rather subdue or incapacitate her opponent than seriously harm or even kill them. Both adapt to the environment they fight in quickly. Example: Fighting in and around water. Normally gems, that are not water gems, don´t really have anything to do with water and therefore probably not too much experience with fighting with/in/under it. JASPER adapts to it through the whole Malachite situation to a point, where it´s very hard to make out, who of the two is steering the fusion at the moment and Jasper appears to find her way and target under water swiftly and efficiently (see Alone At Sea) and has no longer any problem with going into it (see Crack The Whip). Later this will only deepen, despite a short period of Malachite related PTSD reactions around water (wether it happens in the show or after it is not yet known, but I root for in the show, like late season 5 or season 6). Ignys on the other hand is made and born for fighting in/around and under water. As already mentioned in PART 2 multiple times, Ignys is a diver with tremendous abilities and paired with her military elite training, she is a highly valuable and sought after type of unit, what makes her word gain weight and her raise through the ranks as well and is a major contribution to how she could be the youngest general of all times (usually generals are 60 years and older and have most of the times at least 30 years of military service under their belts). Both JASPER and Ignys will be matriarchs of an own court-like structure at the peak of their power, which they fiercely protect. More to both´s role as matriarchs later.
2. Ignys and JASPER share bodytype and a lot of their fighting style. Both are very tall, muscular, massive and percieved as beautiful. They also share a lot when it comes to fightingstyle. Both remind of the Quartz they are. Jasper fights with massive power, but also with strategy, but the strategy can be overriden by anger or distress. The quartztypical fightingstyle has a lot of kicks and punches and yanking and shoving around. Both are not afraid to tank away a lot of hits and damage, making both very resilient and tough. If they would have to pick a martial art, they would both pick kickboxing and would both excel at it. Even though, they share basics and quartztypical patterns in their fighting styles, there are also clear and striking differences: While Jasper prefers to stay on land, Ignys prefers the water more and more, the older she gets. Ignys blends in with her environment and fights along from stealth, JASPER prefers to face her opponents rather head on, the moment the fight has begun. She uses her strength and speed to her advantage. Ignys relies more on her endurance, adaptability and dexterity and then puts a lot of strength in to, preferably, one, well placed move. Ignys has a much wider palette of styles than Jasper. She also shows patterns of Pearl, where her fighting looks almost like dancing for example. The biggest difference between JASPER and Ignys is, that JASPER is an almost total land unit and Ignys can do both, but is more a water unit, given her talent in it. JASPER is offense/tank, Ignys is defense/tank, at least strength and resilience wise.
3. Both are extremely strong. This one is self explaining. Ignys is part JASPER and Diamonds, so she possesses tons more strength than a normal human her size/age/sex would. Ignys can lift twice her bodyweight. With a body weight of 551 pounds, that would make 1102,31 pounds, so, A LOT! This strength shows in their fighting and in their mastery over their body/form a lot. Further, they share trememdous mental strength, that can further amplify their physical strength.
4. Both, JASPER and Ignys are known for their willpower. Once they want something done or deem it right, they WILL get it done, especially when it is in sync with their codex of honor. This willpower allows them to bear and endure even the impossible and in Ignys´ case allows her go WAY past her limits. Both cannot be controlled via psychic means, nor can they be seduced. There was a period in both´s existences where they could, but as they both get older and more in sync with themselves, they can less and less. Especially Jasper will get her mental and emotional autonomy by season 6 and beyond, which will make her effectively immune to seduction and bribing and mind control, much to the dismay of Lapis Lazuli and homeworld, who still lowkey want that. In Ignys´ case, the person, she has to free her psyche from, is Lapis Hope Lazuli, her abusive ex. She falls less and less for her traps and lures and both, JASPER and Ignys, end up standing rigidly behind their codex of honor.
5. As their will already indicates, Ignys and JASPER keep going. No matter what. No matter how hard and how bad and no matter how painful. JASPER goes through millenia of grief, Malachite and abandonment, without really showing it caving under it. Only in Earthlings, we see Jasper broken and vulnerable to the point of no more self restraint, something that had already taken form in Alone At Sea. Ignys goes through decades of grief, through the horrors of war and the aftermath of an abusive relationship and wrestles with the horrid current of Dark Rock Cave this way. Ignys sees her student in a life threatening situation, after latter has fallen into the currents off Dark Rock Cave and despite those being so strong and despite them being cursed and inescapable, Ignys goes after her student. And she fights and fights and fights and keeps going, until she has saved her student. No matter how hard and dangerous it is, no matter how out of breath Ignys is. Especially the(free)divers among you will know, how hard it is to keep going when you are out of breath and how dangerous that is. JASPER even says in Crack The Whip: "Jaspers don´t give up. Jasper keep going until we get what we want!", so it DEFINITELY runs in the JASPER lineage to be willstrong, which is amplified by the Diamond information in Ignys (see PART 1 and PART 2). Ignys´ will will be put to the ultimate test when LEVIATHAN, a demon from both, her and JASPERs past appears and threatens everyone. JASPERs test will be much less flashy, but not any less deep, meaningful, interesting and hard.
6. JASPER and Ignys are both strongly influenced by their emotions and their mindscape. It can either be their greatest power or their greatest Kryptonite, depending on what is going on inside them at the moment. When JASPER feels triumph or a good reason to fight, she gets empowered by it. Even by a temporary good feeling. Something, she believed Malachite would give her and she deemed worth fighting and searching the whole ocean for. For Ignys it was and is saving lives. The first time we see that is in "Rising Tides - New Skies", where Ignys saves her student from drowning in Dark Rock Caves horrid and cursed waters. Ignys and JASPER are both strengthened by the feeling of doing the right thing and weakened by the feeling of help- and/or powerlessness. Jasper, when she was forced to see the corrupted gems run away in "Earthlings" and Ignys, when her ex, Lapis Hope Lazuli comes back and intrudes in her life uninvited after 30 years. Lapis Hope Lazuli is Ignys´ biggest Kryptonite, as well as being reminded of her shot mother. JASPERs Kryptonite will be Lapis, Malachite and the reminder of her past, probably directly Pink Diamond and her own self loathing and doubt.
7. Coming back to what makes Ignys and JASPER strong, it´s important to know the spiritual meaning of the gemstone Red Jasper. The Red Jasper is called "The Supreme Nurturer" and that means, that it provides energy, stability, to an extent healing and of course protection and grounding to the ones around them. That is the ideal and natural state of this Jasper´s energy. So it´s for JASPER. After the events in the show, or mid/late in season 6, JASPER will discover this side to her. She will find herself at her most powerful, when she protects or helps others. A thing, that will make her a matriarch later on to a lot of Quartz gems and others, who find protection with JASPER and her new allies in the homeworld/earth conflict and finally live around her in an almost courtlike structure. Ignys discovers, that love is her greatest enhancer every time she protects or saves someone. Especially children and her students. When she saves her student, Ignys feels an immense surge of power in her. This becomes stronger and stronger, as she gets her girlfriend Imogen Morganite, who she will protect from LEVIATHAN. Her love for Imogen will ignite a global love for every living being, a nurturing energy, that will be so strong, that Ignys reaches her ultimate power. A power that allows her will to be overcome the process of actively dying and allows her to fight herself back. JASPER lacks this ultimate, because she can´t die the way people do. Ignys, even more than Jasper, is willing to go through literal hell to protect her loved ones. Love gives both, especially Ignys, unfathomable power.
8. Both had an extremely abusive relationship with a Lapis Lazuli. JASPER had one with Lapis Lazuli, the ocean gem and riptide queen herself and Ignys with a descendant of said Lapis Lazuli, Lapis HOPE Lazuli. While Lapis the gem trapped JASPER in a fusion in the ocean, Lapis HOPE Lazuli "trapped" Ignys much more lowkey and non physically. Both had a really hard path with communication, openness, gentleness and respect and in both cases the "big and strong one" was the victim. Yes, in both relationships both were abusing each other, but JASPER and Ignys ended up on the recieving end of the abuse MUCH more often. In both cases, unspeakable things were done to the Jasper part, that barely even get mentioned, because both Jaspers are barely capable of ever really talking about it. Unlike JASPER, Ignys will find a way to talk about to Imogen and both abusive relationships are intertwined with each other. Ignys and Lapis HOPE Lazuli are the second generation to this relationship and those two will have to work on it to bring the demons of the past to peace at last. Unlike JASPER, Ignys completely embraces this duty to the past and does her hardest to resolve it and is ready to forgive Lapis HOPE Lazuli. The big showdown between Ignys and LEVIATHAN is the point where the fate of their intertwined fates will be decided. Either, Ignys, the dragon will win and Malachite/LEVIATHANs energy will find peace or LEVIATHAN will win and cause unspeakable chaos and calamity. Both JASPER and Ignys are deeply traumatized by what they experienced, but somehow both find a relationship, that is not abusive and they are happy with. Ignys and Imogen´s relationship is the good, healthy and happy counterpart to this relationship and that one is linked to the relationship between JASPER and Laura Tiger´s Eye, a very early 10% gem hybrid.
9. JASPER and Ignys are linked to the ocean/water in mysterious and powerful ways. This one should actually be evident from what is mentioned in PART 1 and 2. This link started with Malachite and is possible because Lapis has "written" a "code: ocean" onto Jasper and Malachite has passed on some "codes", too. To understand this, you have to imagine gems as a kind of mobile, sentient supercomputer. Their gem is their hard drive and their "Lightbodies" are their screens, that are actually more of holoscreens. This allows them to be tachnically immortal, independent from organic needs and to shapeshift swiftly and to have a wide variety of powers. All these attributes are like "Apps" written on the gem during the creation process, like the knowledge of your purpose and who to be loyal to. These "Apps" or "programs" set limits to the gem of what they can do. They can only shapeshift to a certain extent and only reform with (slightly) different clothes, but not with different bodies. Normally, those "codes" barely get changed at all, so the gem doesn´t get to change either. No growing up, no change of purpose and change of mindset is extremely hard. Fusion on the other hand CAN add different codes to a preexisting "App" or write an entirely new "App" altogether. Such a new app can be a new power or a perspective and of course a different appearance. They create a new "model" of "computer". The longer those two gems stay fused, the more likely it is that new information gets written onto the gems of the components and those keep these changes even after fusion. Example Garnet and Malachite. In Garnet, two complementary gems with clashing abilities live in a permafusion. They have created the new "app" electricity-type power and have a different appearance to the two gems Ruby and Sapphire. Also the "app" of Sapphire, future vision, gets changed. It shows now many possible outcomes of a future, unlike Sapphire, who only gets to see one outcome. Ruby gets to use Sapphires "App" future vision and has so built it into her life and mindset, that she doesn´t really want to live without this perspective andymore (see Jailbreak, where Ruby sits in the cell and is pretty desperate). Garnet is a fusion of extremely rare and extremely common and is a healthy fusion. Malachite on the other hand is a toxic and not very stable fusion. She is a fusion of JASPER and LAPIS LAZULI, both perfect individuals of their gem type. JASPER has the "Apps" spin dash, extreme strength, endurance and durability. Lapis has the "Apps" flight through water wings, extreme hydrokinesis and experience in the/under water. Malachite is held together by Lapis´ tremendous willpower and hate and her information is forced onto Jasper, who is held underwater 24/7 for a whole year. That made Jasper adapt and she began to percieve the water-information as a rush of power and after unfusing, she wants it back. JASPER totally takes in the experience and and confidence in/under water and claims this power and learns to love the deep more and more. If Lapis misses anything, is not known. It´s only known, that she lowkey missed JASPER as a grand total, but I think she rather misses the feeling of being able to take out her stuff on an other. This information of this past fusion now sits in the gems and can be passed onto hybrids. And so Jasper did, but not every hybrid individual actually displays this information the same, if they display it at all. Same for Lapis Lazuli. But Ignys and Lapis Hope Lazuli do. They display talent, confidence and experience in/under water perfectly. Due to them being more than 60% organic, they display this power much differently to the gems themselves. They display this as extreme diving talent and capabilities. So, all in all, organic beings (hybrids) display the same ability much differently as a gem. Ignys experiences this link with the water as an intimate relationship of love, trust and respect. For Lapis Hope Lazuli, the water is just a power. Her relationship is not as deep as Ignys´. Same for Jasper and Lapis Lazuli the gem. Actually, Ignys´ relationship with water and the deep is unique. She gets from water power, strength, refuge and inspiration. To a point, where Ignys, under certain circumstances, can reach and enlightened-like state for a certain period of time. That shows in "depth´s clarity" and "phoenix" (a power, that makes her will so stubborn, that she can save herself from actively dying or even actively bring herself back from death. It only works, when she hasn´t been dead for too long and she can remove herself from the situation quickly. It causes terrible heat and exhausts her massively and she describes it as very painful.)
10. Both have lost a Diamond who they cherished deeply and they suffer a lot from it. JASPER lost Pink Diamond and Ignys lost her mother, Magenta Diamond. Pink Diamond got shattered during or shortly before the gem war/conflict. Who actually shattered her is not quite known yet. Magenta got killed by a, for a very long time, unknown person, too. She got shot. Both, Ignys and JASPER were helpless witnesses of their Diamond´s/mother´s demise. Jasper searched for the guilty and thinks it was Rose Quartz, like many do and tries to cope through revenge plans, but those backfire horribly. Ignys on the other hand swore, that no one would ever die through violence, if she could help it. Both made, motivated by those deaths, questionable and too many times, wrong life choices, that lead to their suffering and that of many others. Both finally realize, that trying to revenge violence with more violence won´t lead them anywhere but into a downwards spiral. Both discover a different job, outside their decorated military life, where they can protect, nurture and save life instead of killing it. Unlike Ignys, who becomes a teacher at the Beach City Capital School and stays one, JASPER changes her "jobs" many times, before she finds that one for her.
So, that has been an awfully long post and one or too many times I have drifted a bit astray, but I needed to write that down. To all those, who have read to this point: Thank you so much!
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cruentusscarlet · 7 years
Analysis and open interpretations of Remilia Scarlet’s personality and appearance; a guide.
Well, hello there, I’ve been around Tumblr for a good while and well, I’ve been investigating Remilia for a long time now since I started rping her, helping myself with all the canon material that ZUN provided to us all to build up headcanons or to decide what kind of personality and appearance I was going to give her when playing the vampire.
While all of this may not work for rpers all that much (I’m saying this because everyone has the right to do their own interpretation or even go out of the canon to build their own version), this may help to people that want to stick closer to canon, or know better what’s going on with the whole Remilia discourse regarding her personality or appearance.
If after all of this you still use the youngest appearance or personality you can think her to have to...do n.sfw stuff or ship her with someone you may depict as an adult...you may want to have that checked.
Warning: it’s an analysis, so it’s a rather long post.
I’m going to divide this in different parts, and the first one is her personality. All I’ll use will be canon material from the Wiki.
Yes, the first thing you think of when thinking of Remilia is probably her childish attitude...or how that word repeats a lot when describing her:
“While her appearance (and often speech and behavior) may portray her as childlike and non-threatening, she has fearsome magical powers and a reputation to match.“
“While she tries to cultivate the image of a mysterious and frightening vampire aristocrat, Remilia is as childish as her appearance suggests. However, she is surprisingly polite.”
“While she can act in an overblown and grandiose fashion, she usually only does it during incidents or for important matters. Otherwise, she tends to exhibit childish behaviour[1].”
There are plenty of times the word childish repeats, usually without an example of what they refer to with ‘childish’, or what it’s considered to be childish with her.
Then there are descriptions in the own profiles, out of the descriptions of the Wiki, wroten by ZUN himself.
“Although she has been alive for 500 years, her personality is that of a selfish child.”
“Her personality is somewhat childish, and she's got maids who are basically at her beck and call, so she can be as egotistical as she wants. She's immensely powerful, so she can really kick up a fuss.”
“Considering how long she has lived, she acts rather childishly.“
And like three more profiles that say the same, but once again, it’s never stated what’s so childish about her, and it’s almost left in the air that she is simply selfish, implying that’s “somewhat” childish, or that she can be, sometimes, and not always.
And there’s where the interpretation part comes. From all the canon material or seeing Remilia in action in all of it, all I can think of is that due to her living for so long, or being so spoiled, she tends to have a bratty, egotistical and selfish attitude (and that’s what they’re referring to with ‘childish’), because it’s said that in certain occasions she can be “surprisingly polite”, “act in an overblown and grandiose fashion” during important matters, etc, etc...
“Her behaviour may be due to the fact she actually has the wisdom of a 500 year old being with the personality of a bratty child. Yet, it remains to be said that she has an overflowing and charming personality that even makes most fairies stick around as employees despite their freedom to leave at any time.”
“Despite her childish-girly appearance, she uses both a haughty "mistress" (~かしら?、~だわ) and a strong manly (~か?、~だ) speech patterns in her original Japanese lines. Unfortunately most of these nuances cannot be translated into English.”
Seeing how she talks or acts in canon, or the fact it’s also stated that she has the wisdom of a 500 years old being, I can only think that with childish, they refer to the fact that due to her boredom, she is a brat, and that’s it. She is still selfish, like a child, even if she is more than that, but no one is going to stop her from being like that with how powerful she is, right?
Heck, I’m 24 and I can be rather selfish or childish for a few things, but that doesn’t make me a child.
Now that you’ve read all of this, stop and think. What do you think that makes Remilia ‘childish’? Is there something else she may be aside of having the personality of a selfish child? It’s up to interpretation, really, specially when it’s so ambiguous that she may be more mature than one can think, but she would rather keep acting in an egotistical manner because she can and wants.
This is probably a more important point than the personality itself, specially when...for obvious reasons, p.edophilia is a thing, even if her appearance is also more confusing than one could think even after reading the descriptions for it.
At first we didn’t really have any information detailing how Remilia could look like, as in, age wise. It was an open interpretation you could get from her profiles, but it was never stated around what age she looked like.
“She looks young, but she's actually a vampire who's over 500 years old.”
“She looks like a young girl, but in fact she's a vampire who has lived more than 500 years.“
It’s said she’s young...but not how young, and to be honest, the art can’t really be trusted, mainly because ZUN gives every character a baby face, so we need to help ourselves with the written information.
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...because hell, in Silent Sinner in Blue (canon material), the artist is different but they even gave her a chest, so it makes you think. What’s the truth?...everything is rather inconsistent.
Then comes, the only information ZUN gave us about her possible appearance, age wise. Or inside what range she could be in.
It was part of one of ZUN E-Mails. People asked about the heights of some of the characters, a rough estimation for them.
However, backing up a bit...generally speaking, they're about as tall as girls in their early teens ['10代前半' means 10 to 14 years old].  A suitable breakdown would be something like:
Tall: Sakuya, Meiling, Yukari Fairly Tall: Reimu, Yuyuko, Alice, Letty, Ran Fairly Short: Marisa, Youmu, Patchouli, Lunasa, Merlin Short: Remilia, Lyrica, Chen, Cirno, Rumia, Flandre
Basically, if we consider the top level as the height of a human in her late teens or older ['10代後半以降' means 15 years old or above] and the bottom level as the height of a human in her early teens ['10代前半' 10 to 14 years old ], that puts them in a fairly short class (though none of that level are human).  If their sizes appear to be different on the game screen than given above, it's because of some mystic force like perspective, so pay it no mind. :-)
This is like, the only information we have of this. It never specifies which is which, so it’s open to interpretate that Remilia may have the looks from 10 to 14/15, but not older...and that she may be taller than what’s considered short in a human sense.
...and for all we know, Sakuya, Meiling and even Yukari could even look like 15 still.
From here, it’s pretty much like counting with the personality. It’s open to interpretation. Some people will make Remi look like a 10 years old, others will make her look around 14/15 (that’s the interpretation I myself am using), and so on. You can take it however you want as long as you don’t break the law.
3.Shipping issue & Remilia’s body type
This is more of an extra section than anything, and more based in open possibilities, own headcanons and opinions than canon material itself.
After seeing all of the things stated above, what do you think of Remilia? Is it wrong to ship her with someone that could possibly look older?
It depends, it all goes back to interpretation, once again. For all we know, Remilia could be fairly short, but her body type could be different, as long as you see her to appear 14/15 years old (an age where the bodies are more developed). Depending of the person, one could not be developed at all around that age, or one could be fairly developed and not change at all when becoming older...like me. When I was around 14/15, I already had the body I have nowadays even if slightly more chubby, and I’m 24, but still the same (I’m stuck being 5′3′’ forever and not all that busty).
Think about real life for this. The petite body type exists. I had a friend that had that consitution when she was around 15 and she was short, pretty flat and skinny...and she still is, even when she’s 24 nowadays, and people tend to think she’s 15/16.
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(In this case the petite body type is the Cornet one)
Could Remilia have that body type? Nothing is confirmed, so she actually could, and if it was like that, it wouldn’t really change a thing if she had the same body when being 18...but is it right to ship with someone like this? You would have to think about the mentality she has...because if it’s a child mind interpretation, stop what you’re doing.
Discard the interpretation of having a non-developed body or having the one of someone younger (like 10...) if you’re going to ship...like, no. Don’t do that. That one is creepy, because it’s not the same to be non-developed than having a small bodytype...or, you know, having the body of an actual child. That one is wrong, don’t do that one either.
She could even actually have some chest and not as flat as some people portray her like we saw in Silent Sinner in Blue (then again, canon material). She could just be short, have a different body type, and all of that.
TL;DR for this section: shipping Remilia with someone that appear older may be wrong depending of the interpretation you give her, not only based on body but also mentality.
If you got to the end of this...honestly, congratulations.
Is there something 100% definite of how Remilia is after reading this? Absolutely not. You may use the canon information to build your own interpretation, just don’t make it creepy.
Does this mean it’s okay to ship her with older looking characters? I gave my opinion in section 3 regarding that issue. It will always depend of how you view it, or how you see her to be, so it’s debatable. But discard the creepy stuff, please, p.edophilia is wrong.
The major part of this was to make an analysis of her character because I’ve been wanting to do so for a good while now (it’s been 2 years since I started to analyze her character), so it was about time I talked about it so the fandom can see there’s more than just the fanon interpretation of child and moe Remilia.
I wouldn’t really like to argue with people about this, but rather I would like to see people’s opinions on this, or how they see the character themselves with the help of canon information now that I’ve exposed it in an ordered manner myself.
If you have any questions or would like to point out something that I didn’t talk about, feel free to message me @my personal account ( @frandoll-scarlet ) to not spam around here too much.
Thanks for reading! And hope this helped you to see remilia more in depth!
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