#now i have a lot of feels about brienne going to war for her clients
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Because I had a tiny bit of inspiration for the lockdown AU (which is possibly going to be more of a divorce lawyers AU as the flashbacks kick in)
"Oh," Cat says. "Oh. You love him."
There's a finality to her tone that makes Brienne's heart lurch. It doesn't matter, she thinks, it never has-- Except she's never been able to lie to Catelyn Stark a day in her life, not really. She spent too many years watching Cat go to war for their clients; respects how Cat goes to war. How she went to war for Brienne, once, and how much she owes for it--
  "I don't know that--" She begins, but the look on Cat's face makes her swallow the rest of the sentence, makes her stop talking entirely. She can't believe she's spent so many years talking around this for other people. She doesn't have a single word left for herself. It never mattered before, how she felt; not like this.
Cat lets out a sigh - and she knows that particular sigh; knows it's one of Cat's tricks when she's trying to convince a client not to do something stupid and emotional and screw themselves out of a perfectly good settlement. It's a tactic. Brienne hates that bloody sigh. "I just think-- People do terrible things, for love. Make terrible choices, and they have to live with them. I think we know that better than most, Brienne."
"What I know is that people do all kinds of things for love, Cat. Some of them are terrible, most of them are just choices." She says it gently, because Brienne has her own tactics for guiding clients, and they generally entail a lot less feigned motherly concern. "Maybe they're choices I wish I'd made earlier, now. Maybe then I would have had some time to actually enjoy them."
Header by the wonderful @scoundrels-in-love as always
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of thrones season 7 episode 4 recap Pt. 1
I need to vent about this episode so bear with me please.
WARNINGS: SPOIIIILERS; definitely not a D@€n€r¥$ fan so I’m actually gonna talk about the bad things she does/says (specially this episode); a Jonsa shipper so I’m bound to talk and fangirl about them I’m afraid.
A few things I would like to say before I start:
- I don’t hate D@€ny, it might surprise y'all because of all the things I said on my last reacap, but I don’t, I find her an intresting character, her arc from wannabe hero to quasi-Villian is very cool, but I do dislike her which means I don’t root for her to get the IT (I don’t even want the IT to be a thing at the end of the series) and she does annoy me a lot when she acts like a brat, but I have nothing against the people who do like her and root for her, and neither should anyone, let people like the things they like please. Same thing goes for shipping.
-I will not talk anymore about spoilers and leaks from future episodes, this is getting awfully tiresome, and I prefer to watch for myself what is going on when I watch the episodes.
-This is gonna be kinda long, so again I’ll break it in parts.
Cool? Let’s begin!
1.- We start with the Lannister-Tarly army leaving Highgarden, they already transported part of the money and are taking the rest along with the very much needed food in carts.
Bronn got a big bag of gold as payment, but he still wants the castle Jaime promised, so how about he takes Highgarden? LOL no says Jaime, you’ll get your goddamned castle when this shit-show is over, and Bronn sass the heck outta him and Cersei’s reign. I really like Bronn a lot y'know? Always makes me laugh.
Tarly senior and junior come along to inform them the Reach farms are almost emptied, and Jaime sends Bronn along to help them persuade the farmers that are reluctant to give them the food.
LOL Bronn calls Jaime m'lord in the most sarcastic way ever. I really like their friendship even a bit more than theTyrion/Bronn one.
2.- Back on KL we have random Iron Bank dude congratulating Cersei on getting the money in such a short time, and is basically kissing her ass to the point Cersei has to drink to stop herself from shutting the fake bih off. (Same girl)
Random dude suggests that now she has no more debts, the Iron Bank might be willing to help her in her actual quest, she says that would be cool but she has already sought out a group of mercenaries I think? (don’t remember the name Sorry) that random dude says have been very helpful to hurry up the payments of some difficult clients, Cersei says she sought their services to retrive something (OK I think it might beTyrion or Sansa).
And wow dude, Cersei might be a crazy ass bitch but you know what they say: bitches get things done. She has played things very well and even I’m not rooting for her I respect that she managed to turn things around, she has a clear advantage over D because she was smarter, she knew Tyrion would underestimate her and he did.
3.- Winterfell! So LF is kissing Bran’s ass (he couldn’t get in Jon’s good graces so obviously he’s hoping to get Bran on his side, pity that Bran knows what a trick ass bitch Baeless is) and gives him the dagger that tried to kill him, also saying he would have died on Cat’s stead (don’t make me laugh you coward) and how hard it must have been for him to come back to find such chaos in the world, Bran looks him dead in the eye and says ‘chaos is a ladder’ which is a quote that LF says to Ned in S1 if I remember rightly, this makes Lil'creeper very uneasy.
Meera enters the room, and Baeless gets away like the big coward he is, she asks about Bran’s new wheelchair, he says Maester Wolkan made it for him (I know he is a very minor character but I really like him) she says that’s good and that she came to say goodbye cuz she wants to go back with her family to wait for the WW with them besides she knows Bran doesn’t need her anymore, ‘I don’t he says and breaks my heart and Meera’s as well, she makes him remember about Jojen and Summer and Hodor’ s sacrifices but Bran just thanks her and says he is no longer Brandon Stark he remembers what it was like to be him, but know there are so much more memories, and well seems I was right being the TER is too much a person’s psyche and forces them to abandon their previous identities, I’m heartbroken because I love Bran a lot, but Meera is right to say he died on that cave, remember the ‘kill the boy and let the man be born’? Bran had to do it so he could be reborn as the TER and fight on the war against the WW, but it’s still pretty sad.
Meera leaves and Bran stares at the window, cue to Arya arriving in WF, and a parallel to S1 one the guard doesn’t let her in because they don’t believe she is Arya Stark. To be fair as far as the WF guards know Arya is dead, she tells them to ask Ser Rodrick and Maester Luwin (my Poor baby doesn’t know) they say there’s no one in WF with those names, then she tells them to ask Jon KitN and her brother, they say Jon is not there, who did he leave in his stead she asks, Lady Stark they answer, Arya is quite confused and asks what Lady Stark are they talking about? (my guess is that she assumed Jon was married, Hot Pie didn’t mentioned Sansa at all) they mock her and tell her she should know as she is trying to pass for her sister. Arya símiles and tells them to tell Sansa then, but they refuse because their Lady is to busy to lose time with her, Arya says that if she is ot who she says they would know but if she is and they didn’t tell Sansa well…
They let her in, and is such a beautiful thing Arya looking around and seeing her home and the banners of her house again.The guards are fighting over who stays and who goes, they clearly respect Sansa a lot, unfortunately before they can Reach an agreement Arya takes off.
They go to Sansa and tell her about what happen, but they brush it up saying the girl was lying most probably and that she asked for a Ser Rodrick and a Maester Luwin, Sansa then realizes her sister has come home, and she knows where she is.
Down the crypts in front of Ned’s sculture, they exchange some words (should I call you Lady Stark now? Yes) and they hug, I cried (not for the first or last time in this ep) and is such a beautiful moment (also I would like to say FUCK YOU to those who said they hated each other and wouldn’t be happy to be together again) Arya asks Sansa if Jon left her charge, she says yes and that she hopes he comes back soon (ahhhhh kill me my shipper heart, just one episode and she says she wants him to come back again I feel #blessed) because she is sure that when he sees Arya he’ll probably die from happiness (again FUCK YOU to those who thought Sansa would be jealous of the closeness of Arya/Jon relationship). Arya asks if Sansa killed Joffrey, and she is like no but I wish, Arya is like bitch me too the fuck! and says she got upset when she found out about it cuz Joffrey was always at the top of her list, what list? sansa ask, oh you know the one with the people I’ll murder, Sansa laughes it off thinking is a joke and asks what Arya has been doing all these years, she doesn’t answer but both know they went through some awful shit.
They oth turn to watch Ned, and Arya says it doesn’t look like him, this scene is very sad because the both long for the dad so clearly but at the same time know they must be strong to keep surviving.
They hug again!! And Sansa tells Arya Bran is also in WF, but Arya sees in her expression something is not right.
Under the weirdwood Bran is already waiting for them, Arya hugs him, but she immediately knows something is different, then he says he saw her at crossroads and that he thought she was going to KL, why would she do that? Sansa asks, because Cersei is on her list Bran answers, and you can see the moment it dawns on Sansa that Arya was being serious, then she asks her who else is on her list, Arya says most of them are dead and Sansa tries to smile because she wants to understand her little siblings so badly but she can’t fathom what kind of things they went through, and she knows she can’t protect them, also I think this is a nice parallel between her and Jon, because Jon was also baffled by how much Sansa had changed and wanted to protect her even if Sansa didn’t want to and know she finds herself in a similar position.
Bran gives Arya the dagger, says LF gave it to him and that it’s the one used to try to kill him, Sansa is worried af, she knows LF gives nothing without gain. And I think is safe to say his days are numbered.
They go back to the castle and Brienne is in proud mama mode, Podrick congratulates her and she is too emotional to cut him off.
Without a doubt my favorite scenes were the ones in WF. . . Already to long so I’ll continue in part 2
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