#now i just have to figure out if im gonna double major science and english or wait on the english degree
cloudshapedpatch · 1 year
it has come time for me to actually decide what subject i want to specialize in as a teacher and i'm so scared i'm gonna make the wrong choice and waste four years and an assload of money choosing the wrong one
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svbcritic · 5 years
ok  so  we  back  at  it  again  with  my  second  and  newer  son  prince  !!  he’s  my  soft  boy  compared  to  the  hobgoblin  that  is  charlie  so  pls  luv  him  !!  i’ll  stop  my  ramblings  to  spare  u  all  but  u  all  know  the  drill  ...  tap  that  lil  heart  if  u  wanna  plot  and  i’ll  pop  right  on  over  to  ur  im’s  !!
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⌈ jung wooyoung, cis male, he/him ⌋ hey, is it PRINCE YEUN that you’re looking for? you know, the TWENTY year old STUDENT. typically i see them hanging around LICKETY-SPLIT! so you could try there! i hear they’ve been in living in PRINCETOWN for SIXTEEN YEARS. gristol wouldn’t the same without them, right? anyway, whenever i see them they make me think of THE LASTING SCENT OF CINNAMON GUM, TIRED EYES HIDDEN BEHIND GLASSES, DYED HAIR WITH HIS ROOTS BEGINNING TO SHOW, & CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKES WITH EXTRA WHIPPED CREAM.
full name: prince yeun / nicknames: mainly just prince / ethnicity: korean / sexuality: bisexual / occupation: student & barista / spoken languages: korean, english, german, & conversational spanish / hogwarts house: ravenclaw / current hair color: lilac
okie dokie so first things .. prince’s Look is in the gif i used bc im whipped for wooyoung in these glasses and his hair is a cute lil newly dyed shade of lilac purple so i love that for him .. an intellectual and a cutie .. he hates explaining how he was named prince bc i imagine his parents struggled having a kid so when his mom became Pregnant and was giving birth .. they always fondly called him their lil prince and it kinda just stuck when prince popped out !!
prince was born and raised in ansan , south korea for a good four years of his life where his mom was a tax accountant who moved from busan and his dad was a marine biologist in the korea institute of ocean science and technology , they loved one another v much and managed to juggle their respective careers with their relationship before prince came along
eventually his mom got heH $$$$ a good job offer in new york city so his dad stayed at home following their move to take care of the house and whatnot until he managed to finesse himself another job as a fish biologist for the department of the interior / u.s wildlife service or w/e the official job title is
bc living in the city is uHHH expensive as h*ck and ny state taxes are whack , they find themselves in gristol bc at the time it’s a cute lol seaside town that his parents fell in love w and thought it was good to raise prince and their other kids
prince was always a fun loving kid when he was younger , always joking around and smiling and got along w people well flexed w those dimples and got away with a lot of shit when he was growing up fkdfsskl swindled a lot of extra tips from restless married women when he had a job delivering pizza’s for $$ during high school . peter parker who ?? prince can’t relate bc he was always on time and made that solid tip .. except when he realized he hated pizza delivery and got a job as a barista during high school and it’s what he does still for that $$ while he;s in school !!
academically prince was brilliant and was in the top 5 of his graduating class and it was his stupid grade in his elective art class that brought his gpa down bc he can’t draw anything to save his ass fndsj .. any stem subject and he’s golden but anything creative based and prince is not as thriving .. but put a math problem in front of him and he can solve it within a moment .. probably does a side gig during tax season to help ppl out filing their taxes and makes some $$ while doing so jfhdslk
but yeah for college prince attends baruch college where i s2g he has no sense of what’s fun or self preservation bc goes as a double major for chemistry and biology so keep prince in ur prayers at this point bc dude is gonna be running on his anxiety and caffeine at this point and he still is until he graduates next year
at this point prince is juggling some ideas of what he wants to do later on as a career path and then one night he’s pulling an all nighter he stumbles across the show forensic files and a bitch is shook and hooked on it ,, this beginning prince’s fascinating w true crime along with solving them
he figures in john mulaney’s ever lovely words “ he has the backbone of a chocolate eclair” so prince knows he wouldn’t do well as a police detective , so he figures forensic anthropology is the next best step even though he��d mainly around dead ppl’s bones a lot of the time but it’s ok
yeah mans flexes w the education and plans to go on and get his phd in biological anthropology at binghamton university in new york where he plans to spend the next seven years earning his phd so flex !! rip his mental stability bc it’s gonna be hanging on a thread at this point
overall  , personality wise prince is v kind , v loving and compassionate and is dedicated to those he values . 10/10 is the dad friend who makes shit jokes and probably rambles on about how cool his major is bc he loves it so much )): even though it’s kinda out there compared to everyone else he loves it and enjoys talking about it whenever he can !! just a v sweet boy who’s softspoken and can be a bit rambly but when he smile he lights up a room bc he wears his heart on his sleeve and now im emo bye
one of the less ideal things about prince though is that he’s v obliging and often just wants to believe ppl and can be a bit naive , just especially when ppl are taking advantage of him ): he just wants to help ppl and see the good in everyone so he’d be that friend u have to yell at to stop being so giving to others bc it’s to a fault
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