#now i'm going to gif some stuff before bed because there was actually a download out!
realhotgirlshitah · 1 year
Chocolate and Vanilla Swirl
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Jack Champion x Fem Reader
Warnings: None just teeth rotting fluff lol. Implied black reader but not too heavily.
Synopsis: Jack’s been following you on Tiktok for a while but doesn’t expect to actually meet you when Jasmine and Mason take him out clubbing to play cupid.
You loved TikTok. It was a fun and cute app where you took every given opportunity to post your thoughts and random lil videos bc you're silly like that.
Soon enough after downloading and posting for fun you built up quite large following who found you both hilarious and amusing.
Including Jack Champion.
At the time he started following you, you weren't quite sure who he was and didn't think much of it but following the release of Avatar 2 and Scream 6, you realised that this dude was... following you, like you were followed by an actual celebrity.
However you had the attention span of a bagel and were a massive scaredy-cat so you hadn't watched either movie. So, you just carried on your merry business making TikToks that people found funny and relatable and watched your following grow from there.
One thing that you didn't like about how people viewed your content was that on TikTok, the assumption was being insanely attractive and funny were mutually exclusive. You were funny, HILARIOUS even but you were also gorgeous, it's just your personality was so big it shone through.
So when you'd post a video and get comments that said stuff like:
Why's she kinda-
Hear me out
Wait why are you low-key cute
It bristled you a little, you wanted people to stop playing in your face like that.
So one evening, while getting ready to go out clubbing with your friends, you went completely against your character by posting a thirst trap. An absolutely scrumptious one.
The outfit was cute as hell. A pink miniskirt, a cream low-cut top that made your boobs pop, some cream knee high boots and some accessories to match.
"You look so fine Y/N," your bestfriend squealed before snapping a bunch of pictures. "I would honestly kill for a body like yours!"
You grinned and threw your arms around her in excitement. "I love you so much girl, thank you for letting me borrow your boots,"
"Anytime, now let's film that TikTok!"
Jack was in London doing press for the movie Scream 6. When the cast had finished for the day, they went back to the hotel together and Jack decided to chill out with Jasmine and Mason as per usual, not to do anything but just for the company.
"Dude, you're probably in here more than I am," Mason laughed causing Jasmine to chuckle in agreement.
"I'm just so bored," Jack sighed scrolling through tiktok and flopped against the bed.
"Well since we're in the UK we could always go out tonight, giving that you're legal an all- Jack?
Jack wasn't paying attention. Because that's when he saw your TikTok.
He was speechless (for once) staring at the way your plump glossed lips moved to lip sync with the attractive sound with a smirk. The way your seductive dark eyes looked up at the camera before placing it down and showing off your outfit. The way your French curl braids bounced with every step you took backwards (your hair wasn't the only thing that bounced with each step). In short, Jack was enchanted, he'd always thought you were gorgeous, as well as funny. But in your usual videos, your intention was to get your point, or lack thereof, across, to rant, to make people laugh.
However, your intention with this video was almost to seduce the person watching. You were confidently acknowledging how attractive you were and making it known.
And boy did Jack know.
"Jack? Jack? Dude, why has that sound been playing on your phone for the last 10 minutes?" Mason walked around to the bed and caught what the brunette was watching before he could hide it. "JAS, COME LOOK AT WHO JACK HAS A CRUSH ON!" The whoop of delight that simultaneously left Jasmine and Mason's ears was almighty.
"Jack! You're into Y/N? I didn't know you were down with the swirl, somebody wants to be invited to the cookout," Jasmine smirked teasingly at him as he blushed profusely. "We're mutuals on TikTok, she's literally the sweetest! If you want I can-
"No!" Jack exclaimed. He was scared. He genuinely didn't think a bad bitch like you, who was confident and brash, not to mention intimidatingly gorgeous, would want anything to do with him. Yes, there were many many girls all over the world who would throw themselves at him but he thought you were WAY out of his league, you didn't even follow him back on TikTok! "Let's just- change the topic please?"
Mason and Jas looked at each other with a knowing glance before shrugging in unison.
"Sure little bro, like I said earlier, how about we go clubbing? I know a great one nearby and you'll be able to get in since the minimum age in the UK's 18 instead of 21," Mason smiled. "If you go get ready now, we can grab a taxi and leave in five minutes?"
Jack, who was grateful for the subject change, nodded in excitement. "Yeah, that sounds like it'll be fun, I'll go get ready,"
Before he knew it, they were at a nightclub, he had a couple shots but decided he wasn't too fond of the taste and wanted to have awareness for the entire night so stopped his drinking there. However he had enough alcohol to make him even more smiley than usual and man he wanted to hit the dance floor.
"See any girls you like, Jack? Or are you still thinking about your TikTok crush?" Mason nudged him playfully earning a laugh and shove back.
"Leave him alone, Mason, he'll find what he's looking for soon enough," Jasmine smirked.
Oh. That sounded ominous.
Jack however, was too laid back to care and decided to dance a bit, so he made his way through the crowd to find space.
That. Was when it happened.
'Movie' by Megan thee Stallion was playing, and everybody who knew you knew that was your song. You also didn't have too much to drink but enough to make you clap your hands in excitement as your body buzzed to get on the dance floor with your friends. You felt hot and the song made you feel hotter. As your body moved in sync with the music, you rapped along with the lyrics, your friends hyping you up and smacking your booty, screaming about how fine you were.
They weren't the only people who thought you were fine.
Jack had just pushed his way through the crowd and immediately his eyes were on you, absolutely enthralled, shocked and terrified. Out of all the places in London he could've gone to, it was the one you were in? He turned back to glare at Mason and Jasmine who were grinning at him and putting their thumbs up, encouraging him to say something.
They knew. It was a set up, they set him up!
He felt like his feet were stuck to the ground as he watched you dance, moving like nobody was watching when in reality they were, people stared at you in jealousy and awe at such effortless beauty. Jack of course was staring with the latter.
He was about to retreat back to Mason and Jasmine when 'Killshot' by Magdalena Bay started to play, not as hype as the previous song but it was one that made you feel even sexier.
As the chorus was about to start, you turned around and made direct eye contact with Jack, his eyes widening at your gaze. You didn't recognise him immediately but it clicked after a couple of seconds since there were edits of him all over TikTok, not to mention you noticed Jasmine grinning with Mason.
You recalled the text convo you had with Jas before you left for the club.
Hey Y/N, I saw your recent and noticed on the caption it said you were going clubbing, where you off to?
Hey sis! I'm off to Kiko's, really nice club about a 10 min drive from the O2 xx
Oh cool! I'm staying at a hotel with some friends I think you'd love, our hotel's literally connected to the O2, see you there maybe?
Now girl, you know what happened the last time we went clubbing together
We'll behave, I promise!
If you turn up you better get us our own section pookie
You know I will!
I know das right!!
Then it dawned upon you that Jack was the friend and judging by the look on Jasmine's face, she had a plan. The sneaky devil.
You didn't mind though, there was no denying he was a massive cutie, tall, strong looking and very handsome but he also looked really sweet. Also, the way he was looking at you like you were the only girl in the room gave you butterflies, his eyes were so gorgeous, it was difficult to not stop and stare.
So you smiled at him, making his heart stop and his eyes widen. He was already hooked.
"I'll be back, you guys want any drinks?" You asked your friends. They all shook their heads no and continued dancing prompting you to make your way to the bar as the chorus continued to play. "One shot of tequila please,"
"Make that two shots of tequila please," You looked behind you to see none other than Jack Champion looking down at you. "Hey, I'm Jack,"
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you Jack," you flashed him a pearly white smile, immediately making him forget himself. "I'm guessing you're here with Jas?"
"And Mason, they really wanted to take me here clubbing and now I think I know why," he grinned making you laugh.
That laugh.
Jack would literally dress up in a clown costume and do the worm in front of millions just to hear that laugh. It was like music to his ears, a drug he'd have no problem becoming addicted to.
Two shots of tequila were put in front of you along with lime and salt on a small plate, the way he looked at it dumbfounded made you giggle slightly.
"Never had a tequila shot?" You smirked.
"N- No, this is my first time going out and drinking, back at home the legal age is 21," Jack explained as heat rose to his face.
"I'll teach you if you want," you looked up at his towering frame and must have said it too quietly because he looked at you inquisitively before bending over so your lips were nearer his ear.
Girl, if you could blush...
You smiled and pulled his hand up in front of you before balling it up in a fist. Then you took a pinch full of salt and sprinkled it on his hand before doing the same for yourself.
"Lick the salt off your hand, take the shot and then suck on the lime as quickly as possible in one go," you said into his ear, which looked a bit red. You both picked up your shots and tapped the glasses before licking the salt, drinking the alcohol followed by the lime. The eye contact paired with the little smile he gave you during the mini lesson made a wave of heat wash over you and go a lil feral but he didn't need to know that.
"Oh, ooo big no no," he screwed his face up at the taste making you laugh again.
"Not the first time someone's reacted like that, maybe you're more of a beer guy?"
"Nope, I hate the taste,"
"Finally someone that gets it! Beer is just despicably vile, an abomination to beverages" you declared passionately making him smile at your voice. "What're you staring at?"
"Your accent is so incredibly cute," he looked down at you with a soft grin making your cheeks heat up again.
"I can't even imagine how many girls you must have said that to,"
"Only you, I honestly think I could listen to you speak all day,"
You smirked up at him as 'Wild Thoughts' began to play. "Wanna dance, Jack?"
"I uh uhm-
Before he even had the chance to answer, you took his hand within yours and pulled him through the crowed back onto the dance floor. As you led him through, his hand immediately found the small of your back, protecting you from the crowd, making your knees go weak. Soon, his arms were around your waist and your arms were around his neck, moving to the beat of the music.
"I love this song!" You grinned up at him.
"Me too!" He smiled. "You know... I follow you on TikTok,"
"Ah, I thought you did! Just wasn't 100% sure,"
"Well now you know,"
You gasped thinking "shit I don't follow him back"
He read your thoughts perfectly and smirked "It's okay, I'm here with you now so hopefully I can leave with something even better,"
"Oh really?" Your smirk mirrors his perfectly. "And what would that be, Mr Champion?"
"Your number plus a time and place i could take you out,"
Fuck this guy had all the makings of the perfect heartbreaker.
Once again, your heart rate increased at both his words and smile, that fucking smile.
"Depends. How many dates have you gotten since you've arrived in London?" He laughed again at your words.
"The only women I've properly spoken to since getting to London are you and Jas,"
You hummed thoughtfully, knowing that he was telling the truth, but not wanting to make your feelings too obvious. Jack felt like his heart was going to explode with the way you kept your dark eyes on his, a small smile tugging on your lips as he leaned in closer.
You were dangerous. And he was loving it.
He smiled softly at you, his thumb gently caressing your waist and bottom lip tucked under his teeth.
"You're so perfect, you're so so unbelievably perfect," he whispered, absolutely enamoured by you.
You grinned back, lightly twirling his curls at the back of his head with your fingers as he leaned in closer before making eye contact with Jas. She raised a brow at you and nodded towards the stairs, making you quickly catch on.
"Come with me," you smile against his ear making him go red as you tug him back through the crowd and up the stairs. Immediately the two of you are in a more private section of the club, guarded by two bouncers who let you through. The interior was very expensive looking and while you could see everything that was going on down where everyone else was dancing, it was a lot more private, with only you two occupying the room.
"Where are we-
"Private section of the club, Jas really hooked us up," you laughed. "Now I can actually hear you without having to lip read,"
The words coming out of your mouth however, fell upon deaf ears. Jack still couldn't get over how gorgeous you were, and still trying to understand how much time you were spending together without you thinking he was a waste of your time. His gaze was on you and nothing but you, thinking of you and just wanting to spend the moment with... you.
"Jack? Earth to Jack?" His eyes snapped back to yours, finally showing that he was paying attention. Immediately his arm found your waist again and he gently pulled you in, maintaining his gaze on yours. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Yes, the music was still thumping and causing the room to vibrate but it was like the two of you were floating away on a cloud, lost in each others eyes.
"Y/N... I'd really, really like to take you out on a date," Jack confessed, gently caressing your cheek as your eyes widened. "I mean I've actually been wanting to for a while but I thought you would probably be way too cool and think I'm too boring or you'd want someone better but I really would love to get to know you mor-
"Jack," you laughed adoringly at his nervous rambling  before placing a hand on the back of his head, getting on your tiptoes and pulling him in for a kiss.
And what a kiss it was.
Time felt like it had stopped for the curly headed brunette as your lips moved in synch perfectly. He felt his heart melt as you leaned more into him, nibbling his bottom lip lightly. It was perfect, you were perfect.
And in that moment, Jack knew that he wanted to spend every moment of his existence making you aware of how perfect you were to him.
"Jack Champion I'd love nothing more,"
A/N: My gawd he’s so cutie patootie pookie. Also side note: I saw a tiktok comment talking about how it makes perfect sense Jack is the “We rocking with Mark bc Mark is rocking with us” of the friend group and I in fact have not been the same since, it actually inspired this storyline lol.
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books-and-catears · 2 years
Hello! You probably won’t see this, but I recently found your account and it’s been my safe space! I’ve been having really bad days and when I read your stuff I feel a lot better, so I would like to thank you. I actually downloaded tumbler because of you! So, here’s my question, how would the brothers react to a Suicidal MC? Or MC saying they don’t want to live? I’m sorry if this is too heavy of a concept or dumb, I just wanted to ask cause I haven’t been doing great. Love your account! :)
Oh dear, I'm so sorry...*hugs tight* I'm so grateful that this could be your safe space, and I'm so sorry about what you're going through. You don't deserve any of it, and I'm sure it'll pass. And this is not a dumb concept at all, I found myself thinking about writing it a few times too.
Thank you for your ask and kind words, I hope this brings you whatever little comfort it can. Wish you nothing but happiness and love. And if the bad thoughts get too much, please reach out to someone near you okay?
Tw: Suicidal tendency mentions, Harsh language
Hold On to Me
It doesn't really go away. That voice at the back of your head, telling you to end it right now. The easiest way out of misery. It'll just be like falling asleep, a little pain and then nothing more.
How long had you been standing on that ledge of thought, simply frozen in place? Not falling, not pushing yourself back to safety. Living with seven more people doesn't help either.
Because who had the time to sit down and talk about it? Atleast that's the excuse you used to never tell them about it.
Until you accidentally let it slip.
They were visiting you in the human world. You were so happy initially. And then things just started going wrong...you didn't know how to stop it. It was all barelling so fast out of control. You were sick of it. Tired. And it reached your eyes.
And one of them noticed. And they followed you to your room only to keep on asking. And you couldn't hold it in anymore.
"I just want to end it. I'm tired. Tired of everything. I don't want to live anymore."
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LUCIFER stares at you with wide eyes. Wide scared eyes only for a second before he clears his throat.
"Do you have plans tomorrow, MC?" He asks, his grip tightening on the buttons of his coat.
"Not that I can think of." You said.
"I'd like to take you someplace. Please join me tomorrow afternoon. And get some good rest tonight." He said, before leaving the room.
He took you by the hand to an old garden in Devildom. It was overgrown, dried petals of flowers long dead graced the grey grass.
"This is where..," Lucifer paused and threaded his fingers through yours. "This is where I saw Lilith for the last time."
"...." You listened silently in awe.
"We had lost the war. Whoever joined me had fallen. I was the leader who doomed them all. So this is also where I almost joined Lilith in death." Lucifer said softly.
"I looked at my brothers, in pain and bleeding, their wings and body burnt and figured. It was a long fall. But then something saved me. Saved all of us. Diavolo..he changed everything."
"If I did go on to end myself, Lilith would never be reborn as human, my brothers might have followed me into death, and I would have never met you."
He stands in front of you, placing his arms in your shoulders and pulling you closer.
"I don't know if I can save you from what you're feeling. But you can be certain I'll give my all. You're not alone. Just like I wasn't alone."
MAMMON shook his head softly, furrowing his eyebrows, like it was a bad nightmare he was trying to wake up from.
"No.. oh no no no, not you MC..." It was like the mere thought of you permanant absence gave him a million ounces of pain at once.
"Mammon... you're shaking!" You help him onto the bed, refusing to take his eyes off you.
He didn't say another word. He simply leaned his head forward and onto your shoulder. Your shoulder felt damp and his breath was unstable.
"If ya end it...I...who am I.. going to protect? No, I have to protect you from this feeling. I'll protect ya from it. I know just what to do! Come with me!"
"Mammon wait- wait, you're not stable! Where are you taking me?!" He was desperate and erratic. Keeping his eyes ahead, he carried you through the skies, taking you someplace you had no idea about yet.
"I've seen it okay?! I've heard humans say this shit and then be gone." His jaw clenched. He was fighting back panicking tears.
"I've seen them jump off buildings and swallow pills and more horrible things. They wanted to end it, they said. And they almost ended up doing it! But there is a way to save them...they need to talk to these 'specialists' who make these thoughts go away, I know it!"
"Just talk to them okay? I don't know how long it'll take but it'll go away! I know it will, MC...just please. I don't want to lose you to it."
LEVI dropped the whole pile of manga he was carrying for you. As you sighed and turned around in exhaustion, Levi crept up behind you. He stood closer now looking dead serious.
"It's not worth it, MC. It's really not worth it." Levi said gravely. "The people who hurt you or never cared about you will make a great big show of lies of how much they cared about you. And the people who actually cared will suffer in silence."
"Levi....You almost sound like you-" You cup his face. He hangs his head leaning into your touch.
"Right after the things had gotten peaceful in the Celestial Realm. When there was no need for the Navy or it's Admiral, I-" He paused.
He never planned to tell you this story. What if you think of him as weak? Or weaker than he already was.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. It's okay Levi." You insisted. But he saw the same tired look he saw in himself, on you. He had to tell you.
"I went off to the human world. By myself. Hoping to get lost or something. I'd never that useless before."
"All I did was worry my brothers. The only people who never made me feel like shit for not having anything to do anymore. It didn't feel good you know?"
You stood there in silence still absorbing his story. He blushed deeply realizing how bold he had decided to be suddenly and freaked out. You almost laughed.
"I- I- Did I say all that?! Oh no! I don't know what I was thinking - forget all of that MC, lets just go read the new manga I got!"
SATAN stood there silently for a minute before he sat down on your bed. He looked at you and patted the mattress next to him, asking you to take a seat.
"Would you like to talk about it? It helps more than you realise." He said.
You sigh. "It's... it's a lot. I don't know."
"What would you like to do right now? At this very moment." He asked, nudging your shoulder with his.
"I...I just want to rest, I guess. I can't think of anything else." You said, throwing your hands in the air.
"Then let's rest." He falls back on the bed, holding his hand out to you. You take it and he pulls you down too.
You both lie there, staring at the ceiling in silence, his fingers softly caressing your knuckles. You felt yourself calming down, an odd sense of calm filling the air.
"This feels better?" He asked, looking over at you. You nodded.
"There's always things you'll want to do. And they will give you happiness no matter how much." Satan said, inching closer.
"Please don't deny yourself that happiness, MC. You deserve every bit of it."
"And if you're feeling overwhelmed, I'm always here. I'll hold your hand and do whatever makes you a little happier. You mean too much to me, MC...I don't want you to feel this way alone."
ASMO's eyes brimmed up with tears within seconds. "Don't... don't say things like that, MC..."
"Just leave Asmo. Please, I'm sorry I'm just not in a good state of mind." You said, exasperated.
"That's all the more reason I can't leave you alone, darling." Asmo moved ahead and swiftly put his arms around you, his head resting on top of yours.
"I can't talk right now, Asmo. I need some space okay? I don't any control what I might say to you and hurt you." You prodded. Everything felt unpleasant and suffocating.
"I don't mind MC." Asmo smiled. "You humans have such a self destructive pride - you push others away when you need them most. And hide your sadness with rage. A few of my own brothers do too."
"You can say whatever you want to me. Be as angry as you can. Curse all you want. I know you won't mean it."
He smiles the prettiest smile, pressing a chaste kiss on the top of your head. And you relax into his hug.
The TWINs had come together and they exchanged horrified glances. Beel moved first and stood right before you. "MC..."
"Not now, Beel...just please, let me be awhile. I'm too tired for this." You try to reason.
He simply cups your face, stroking a stray tear running down your cheek. When did you even start to cry? "You're hurting inside. This is why you haven't been eating?"
"I'm just not hungry, Beel. That all."
"And you haven't been sleeping well either have you?" Belphie reached out a stroked the bags under your eyes. "Stop doing this to yourself, MC."
You move back letting both their hands fall off you. Too much at once. You couldn't take it right now.
"You don't get to tell me what to do or not do with myself. Besides I'm fine. I just need to be alone for a while."
"You need space, we get it. But please don't do anything stupid. We're right on the other side of the door." Belphie tugged at Beel's jacket. "Let's go Beel. MC just needs some alone time."
Beel dashed out only to come back within seconds with a handful of snacks and your favourite ice cream. "Please don't starve yourself."
"....I won't Beel, don't worry. Thank you for all this."
Belphie puffed up your pillow before he left. "I enchanted the pillow. You'll have a good sleep and no nightmaresa. We're right here when you need us."
"Thank you Belphie..."
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misdre · 2 years
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I posted 1 787 times in 2021
384 posts created (21%)
1403 posts reblogged (79%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.7 posts.
I added 549 tags in 2021
#beyblade - 247 posts
#art - 59 posts
#beydoodles - 55 posts
#pokemon - 39 posts
#mizuhara max - 32 posts
#whumpgoretober 2021 - 30 posts
#kon rei - 30 posts
#touhou - 25 posts
#bey things - 23 posts
#sinnoh babies - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#now let's not mind the fact that i'm in my 30s and have no job and live in a tiny little studio apartment that i cant keep clean
My Top Posts in 2021
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it be like that
89 notes • Posted 2021-02-24 18:15:29 GMT
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a little drawing of takao and hiromi in school uniforms as a thanks for @ashandpikachu who edited some phone backgrounds for me, not exactly a very exciting drawing but i hope you like it anyways!
102 notes • Posted 2021-09-19 12:33:54 GMT
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some more fruit (+ one veggie because it felt more russian than a fruit) commissions for @ksmaggie ! this was my first time drawing rai actually hahaa
105 notes • Posted 2021-07-04 13:50:34 GMT
*new* beyblade subs masterpost
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hello again everyone! i've decided to make a whole new masterpost for my beyblade subs, all the links in the old one died like a century ago and i've wanted to do things a bit differently anyway and. stuff. i'm slowly working on editing and uploading new versions that will replace the old files, but the old files will be available here for all the episodes i haven't edited yet. (also i'm aware that there are other subs in existence by now too but i just like being thorough. plus i was asked to do this)
***what's different in the new versions*** - well first of all they're all available for hardsubbed streaming so you don't need to download anything to watch - improved translation, a fixed arial round font, overall better readability, no colour coding (it was difficult to maintain what colours i actually wanted to use lol), no changing font sizes etc - uniform spellings for all the names and terms (i try to go with what's more or less official. even though that's kinda elusive in this franchise but. anyway) - karaoke effects for opening & ending themes. in the old files, all of the above is just chaos with no coherence. that's why i'll be replacing them. it's going to take a while but i'm on it
the episodes are grouped in batches of tens below. google drive allows downloading an entire folder so you get the whole batch in one (depending on the folder view, the DL link changes places a bit but it's at the top of the screen). or you can also just pick individual episodes.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Episodes 01-10 **all new versions**
Episodes 11-20 **all new versions**
Episodes 21-30
Episodes 31-40
Episodes 41-51
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Episodes 01-10
Episodes 11-20
Episodes 21-30
Episodes 31-40
Episodes 41-51
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Episodes 01-10
Episodes 11-20
Episodes 21-30
Episodes 31-40
Episodes 41-52
also just an extra mention.... tumblr’s been giving me some shit with the episode urls so if some link doesn’t work, that’s tumblr’s fault not mine
122 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 14:40:37 GMT
do you lie in bed before sleeping and come up with hypothetical scenarios of storylines that you don’t even intend to actually ever create (because it’s some real self-indulgent garbage shit. in my case anyway), and when you get to the end of the scenario you start the same thing over and make it go differently this time with slightly different juicy bits, or are you normal
524 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 19:52:32 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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