#now let the merch and food budgeting begin!
incorrectpizza · 9 months
hehehe disney ticket is OFFICIALLY booked and I managed to save twenty-five dollars and sixty-four cents which isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things but hey it IS disney we're talking about so uh yeah calling today a win.
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25yearsofcrying · 3 years
Julie and the Phantoms
Summary: Trying my own hand at JATP novelization, using the show rather than the novel or the scripts. I’m sure it’s been done before but there’s never enough Julie and the Phantoms, right? If nothing else, I have an excuse to rewatch every single scene of the show all over again.
CHAPTER 01: we don’t get older 
This is what I’m talking about! The lights we are under are burning hot, we are half sweat and not one of us can keep a single hair in place but we’ve never sounded better. We’re amazing, playing on a proper stage. Our music and lyrics have never felt more true either.
Don't look down | 'Cause we're still rising | Up right now | And even if we | Hit the ground | We'll still fly | Keep dreaming like we'll live forever | But live it like it's now or never
I feel connected. To the guitar in my hands, to the guys in my band, to the music, to the audience.
Tonight, we’re playing the Orpheum. The energy of the place, or perhaps our own excitement, pushes our performance beyond what we’ve ever done before. Despite the sweat we’re drenched in, I feel I could do this for hours.
We ain't searching for tomorrow (tomorrow) | 'Cause we got all we need today (today) | Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins | We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain
But our song wraps up. We finish to a brief applause from the waitress cleaning tables and a few shouts from the Orpheum’s staff and our crew. Tonight, we are playing a sold out concert at the Orpheum, but that’s in two hours.
Reggie, our bass player, still pulls his mike closer and says: “Thank you! We’re Sunset Curve! Tell your friends!” He winks.
I laugh and shake my head. Bobby, the rhythmic guitar, knocks his elbow against mine before we grab our drinks. “Too bad we’ve wasted that on a sound check,” he says. “That’s the tightest we’ve ever played.”
“Wait until tonight, man,” I assure him as I turn to look over the Orpheum. “When this place gets packed with record execs.” This truly feels like the beginning of something new. It’s like I can feel the energy of everyone who’s ever played here before us and I’m living for it. This place makes legends.
Meanwhile, Reggie the eternal cheerleader, focuses his attention on our drummer. “Alex, you were smoking!” he shouts with a bright grin.
Alex, who’s emerged from behind the drums, looks humble and flustered for a moment. He instantly tries to play the compliment down. “Oh no! I was just warming up. You guys were the ones on fire.”
“Could you accept your awesomeness for once?” Reggie doesn’t give up.
“All right,” Alex agrees, red and shy but obviously pleased with himself. “I was killing it.”
It makes me grin and I rub his shoulders in excitement. Despite his insecurities, Alex really was killing it. As always. He might be one of my closest friends, but he wouldn’t be in the band if he wasn’t good. Trust me. I don’t make compromises when it comes to my music.
My names is Luke. Reggie, Alex and Bobby are my bandmates of several years and together we are Sunset Curve. And tonight, we’re going to prove why we live and breathe for music.
But first things first. “I’m thinking we fuel up before the show,” I say. I don’t know about the guys, but I’m starving. “I’m thinking street dogs.”
While Alex and Reggie answer with a chorus of approval, Bobby turns his attention elsewhere. He gets off the stage and heads straight for the waitress who’s showed her appreciation for our music.
“I’m good,” he tells us over his shoulder and to her, he says: “Vegetarian. I couldn’t hurt an animal.”
I roll my eyes but we are all drawn to the conversation. And the waitress – a very pretty Latina – turns to all of us. “You guys were really good,” she says and I beam at her.
“Thank you.” It’s always a wonderful feeling to see people connect with our music. We write all of it ourselves so up on that stage, people see and hear our souls.
“I see a lot of bands. Been in a few myself,” she continues and that makes her initial compliment all the better. “I was really feeling it.”
“That’s what we do this for. I’m Luke, by the way,” I say and the guys all introduce themselves. Bobby shoves himself in front of me when he says his name and I shove my finger in his ear. What can I say? We are brothers, even if not by blood.
“I’m Rose,” she replies, grinning at us.
She must be a little older than us, but even that doesn’t stop Reggie when his eyes light up as he senses an opportunity to promote the band. “Here is our demo…” He hands her a CD with our logo on it. “And a T-shirt. Size beautiful.” He adds a wink again. An opportunity to promote us and to flirt. Beside him, Alex groans audibly.
“Thanks?” Rose seems unimpressed but she adds: “I’ll have to make sure to not wipe the tables with this one.”
To the surprise of no one, words a little too honest tumble out of Alex’s mouth: “Oh, good call. Whenever they get wet, they just kinda fall apart in your hands.” He is not wrong. Our merch is produced on a budget.
Sensing that my awesomeness, Reggie’s forwardness and Alex’s lack of interest are ruining his game, Bobby turns to us with a pointed glare. “Don’t you guys have to go get your hot dogs?”
“Yeah.” I lean to the waitress with a conspiratorial smirk. “He had a burger for lunch.” I’m not trying to wreck things for him, just tease him a little. I don’t think he stands a chance to begin with, but it’s admirable he is trying.
With good-natured slaps to his shoulder, we leave Bobby to his flirting.
jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp  jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp jatp  jatp jatp 
We leave the Orpheum through a back door and I take a deep breath. “That’s what I’m talking about!”
The last time I felt this level of excitement was before our first ever real gig.
Alex throws me a questioning look: “The smell of Sunset Boulevard?” It makes Reggie snort and I shake my head.
“No. It’s what that girl said in there tonight. About our music, all right?” Her words affected me. Not just because she thought we were good when she’s already seen so many other bands and it would take a lot to stand out in her ears. She felt our music. “It’s like energy. Connects us with people. They can feel us when we play.” I throw my arms around Alex and Reggie both and pull them closer. We’ve always had a connection, ever since we’ve started playing together. “I want that connection with everybody.”
They laugh, but I can see that they get it. Even if Reggie replies: “Then we’re gonna need more T-shirts.”
I can’t remember when Reggie became our dedicated promoter, but it’s a role he takes extremely seriously, which makes me think it must have been his idea in the first place. I am more focused on the music itself, on what it feels like to be on stage and play for a crowd that sings back the lyrics I wrote. And Alex, if we let him, would be perfectly content to play for himself in a garage somewhere, even if he clearly enjoys people loving his performances. Reggie is the one with the business sense. He claims that if we want to play in front of crowds, we need to let people know we exist. It hurts me to think our music on its own is not enough, but perhaps he has a point.
He shoves next few T-shirts into the hands of girls waiting in line for our concert. Their excited reaction and their instant recognition of us makes us all giddy, but I pull my hood over my head. No matter what anyone thinks, I don’t do this to be followed around by fangirls. It’s nice, sure, and one of the perks, but it’s when I am on stage that I want attention. Right now, I just want a street dog.
Though, I can’t help but think that Bobby is missing out by staying behind.
Establishments like Sam n’ Ella’s, which serves hot dogs from the back of a rusted car, are our main source of food these days. Most of our money goes into the equipment, transportation between gigs, creation of demos and merch. Between us, there’s not a single set of supportive parents and so the funds are tight to begin with. One’d think we’d be used to our food options by now, but Alex still frowns. “Man… I can’t wait until we eat someplace where the condiments aren’t served out of the back of an Oldsmobile.” We fill our hot dogs ourselves and he is dripping pickle juice all over the car’s insides as he speaks. He goes to apologize to the owner, but the man dismisses Alex’s fears with a laugh. “No problem, it’ll help with the rust!”
I can’t bring myself to care about the quality of food. My heart is still at the Orpheum. It doesn’t matter that we’re sitting on a questionable couch in the street and eating even more questionable hot dogs. “This is awesome, you guys. We’re playing the Orpheum. I can’t even count how many bands have played here and then ended up being huge. We’re gonna be legends!” I rise my street dog like it’s a toast. “Eat up boys. Cause after tonight, everything changes.” We won’t have to choose between food and paying for merch production anymore.
I take a bite and almost shudder. Any food is good enough for Reggie, so he eats his hot dog with gusto, but Alex pulls a face when he tastes his. “That’s a new flavor?”
“Chill, man. Street dogs haven’t killed us yet.”
Trust Reggie to provide the perfect last words.
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whatanerdgirlsays · 5 years
If you’ve been living under a rock or simply don’t live in California so your entire world doesn’t revolve around the Disneyland Resort, then you may not know that the newest addition to the park – Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge – has officially opened as of this past Friday.
I’ve been excited about this for FOUR years now, since the announcement that there would be a Star Wars themed land. The closer it got though, the more that it just seemed like it wouldn’t be in the cards for me though. I unfortunately haven’t been able to afford an annual pass in quite some time, and a day ticket is a lot for me. I was counting down the days until opening but I had a feeling that I would not be there.
That literally changed about three weeks ago. Let me start with a little backstory. I’ve been to Disneyland a handful of times in the past two years and I took the same picture every single time, starting with one taken in August of 2017. They had started the construction on Galaxy’s Edge and there was a really cool walkway and wall leading to where the land was going to be. I took a picture sitting in front of it, staring wistfully at the picture, and posted it on Instagram, joking about how I was first in line.
I was contacted by someone named Frank, who is now a friend of mine after two years of instagram following, who let me know that my picture caught the eye of Disney and they wanted to know if they could have permission to use the image in promotion stuff. I thought it was kind of crazy, but gave my information and thought nothing of it. Frank and I stayed IG friends though and that was great!
A few weeks ago, Frank reaches out to me, asks for my email, saying that Disney Parks wants to get in contact with me. Hmm, okay. So I passed along my email – which is basically public anyway – and waited. I received an email from someone named Mark, who works for Disney Parks, asking if he could have ten to fifteen minutes to chat on the phone with me. After Googling him frantically and finding that he seemed pretty legit, I okayed the phone call. It basically boiled down to they can’t tell me why, but they want to come film me being surprised with…something. I set it up for a few days later.
Long story short – which you guys know I’m NEVER good at – Mark, one of the Disneyland Ambassadors, Justin, and a full camera crew came to my apartment and surprised me with a trip to Galaxy’s Edge before it opened to the public.
And while I had a *slight* idea that it had to do with SWGE, I had no idea it would be this and I was in awe of this opportunity for the weeks prior to it actually happening. You can watch the video below…its super fun and way way awkward haha!
Fast forward a few weeks to this past Wednesday, the 29th. This was the day I got to go and I found out a few days prior that this was going to be the media day and the day of the official dedication/opening ceremony. I was seriously SO excited. I had a ton of cast member friends that went to their previews, but they weren’t allowed to take pictures and I was just ACHING to have my trip to the land. I was so ready for it.
Daniel and I showed up at the Disneyland Hotel a little after 1 pm, which was the check in. We were given Park Hoppers to get into the parks before the event started 630 pm but we decided to go hang out at Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar for a little bit. Its my favorite place and all of my favorite Skippers work during the day so I never see them anymore and I haven’t been in SO long. It felt like the perfect way to start what was sure to be an awesome night.
When it was finally getting close to event time, we headed to the park, rode Winnie the Pooh once because YES, and then headed over to SWGE. I was so excited and ready for it. We were told we were allowed to take as many pictures and videos as we wanted and we could start posting and sharing as soon as the media embargo ended at 6 pm. I had also learned that not only were we going to be in a great spot for the dedication ceremony but that all the food and drinks for the event were complementary. I was already sorting through my head what I could and could not try with my budget and this was SO exciting to me because I wanted to try everything!
Then it was time. At exactly 630 pm, they let the mass of media and media guests come into the land and that is when I saw Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge for the first time.
I cannot even begin to explain how I felt. It felt like experiencing something I never thought I would experience in my life. Its one thing to immerse yourself into a fictional world but its another for it to come to life in front of you and that is exactly how it felt. I spent four and a half hours in SWGE and I felt completely immersed in the Star Wars universe the entire time. I always knew that Disney was capable of transporting you – I worked there for long enough to know that – but this was beyond my expectations. I forgot completely that I was in Disneyland.
It was more than just visiting another land in the park – you were genuinely in Batuu. The cast members are Batuu residents and they are fully committed to their characters and the story of the land. I loved that the First Order Troopers walked around looking for Resistance fighters and that the Resistance fighters would hide. It felt REAL. I loved it. I loved the architecture and the shops and the food places. The Millennium Falcon? ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. My favorite fictional transportation come to life in front of me, life size? I was in love. I was truly blown away at how much I felt transported to another planet. Truly, it was amazing. I have about a thousand pictures but I tried to share some of my favorite pictures!
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The food and drinks were SO great and they were a big thing that I couldn’t wait to try! Food isn’t really a big thing in the Star Wars universe so I was really excited to see what they came up with! The big thing that I wanted to try, of course, was blue milk. I honestly had NO idea what it was going to be like and I was pleasantly surprised by both the blue milk and the green milk and how good they were! They were sort of these sweet, fruity smoothie like drinks and I seriously enjoyed them. I found out later that they have coconut milk in them and I’m allergic to coconut and that’s why I felt sick at the end of the night but at least I tried them LOL! I didn’t try as much food as I wanted but what I did try was seriously delicious – I loved the cold noodles and alllll of the desserts were DELICIOUS!
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The dedication ceremony was short but incredible. I haven’t done a big event like this in so long and it reminded me how much I truly miss it. It was done in front of the Millennium Falcon, which was the first time I saw it close up and it looked just so amazing! Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, said some words and then he brought out freaking LEGENDS – George Lucas, Billy Dee Williams, Mark Hamill and…Harrison Ford, Han Solo himself, one of the biggest childhood (and adult) crushes of my life. I can’t even explain how much awe I was in to be in the presence of these amazing people that I grew up watching.
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The Millennium Falcon Smuggler’s Run was opened immediately after and we raced – walked, of course – to the entrance. Because it was a small event and there weren’t a ton of people, we were able to go on the ride three times. It has a Star Tours sort of ride, bumpy and fun, and super interactive. There are three options for roles – pilot, who literally uses a toggle to steer, gunner, who basically button mashes and makes sure to take those TIE fighters out and the engineer, who has to push and flip a selection of buttons and switches in your mission. We did all three roles and each one was seriously fun. I think I liked pilot and engineer the most – I was terrible at pilot though but pushing the buttons and flipping the switches while being an engineer felt SO cool. The entire queue walk through was super cool and seeing Hondo – a favorite from Clone Wars and Rebels – before getting on was even better.
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We checked out some of the merchandise but I was a good girl and kept myself from buying anything. A lot of the merch was SERIOUSLY cool and I wish I had taken pictures of it but there were definitely things to covet – Ahsoka dolls, lightsaber and droid building experiences. Maybe someday haha! But there were certain things I wanted that I was happy to get my hands on and those were the thermal detonator soda bottles! They’re so so cool! I am so glad to have the entire collection. I also am proud of my media pass, my ticket for the day and my grand opening pin. These are things I truly will treasure forever – along with my giant SURPRISE SARA poster. This was an amazing experience.
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My nerd girl self was also seriously stoked at seeing the celebrities that kept popping up as I explored Batuu – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Chris Paul, Ty Simpkins, and freaking Brie Larson. You guys know my OBSESSION with Captain Marvel so when I realized she was there, I lost it and I definitely embarrassed myself. I told her she’s amazing and that I absolutely loved Captain Marvel. I asked her for a picture but she was enjoying as a guest so she politely declined but said thank you for saying hi and she was so sweet and nice and I am so stoked at even the small interaction with a lady I look up to so so much. I also met Sam Witwer for the first time, who does the voice for Darth Maul in Clone Wars, Rebels and Solo, and is FANTASTIC.
I even saw Ashley Eckstein, founder of Her Universe and the voice of the EPIC Ahsoka Tano – we are basically friends at this point haha. I was stoked to see her husband, David, as well – he’s my favorite baseball player of all time and I totally was a fool in front of him just like I was a few years ago when I met him the first time. I swear, being 31 does not kill your fangirl tendencies. But its also nice to know that I’m not jaded from meeting so many of my fave celebs – I can still act like a total dweeb!
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I am so insanely grateful to Disney and to Frank and Mark for this experience. It honestly was beyond anything I could have imagined. Not only did I get to experience of my favorite stories come to life in front of me in a brilliant and beautiful way, but I had a one of a kind time doing it. Seeing all these people I look up to like George Lucas and Brie Larson, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill, Ashley Eckstein…it was incredible and being able to say that I was there for the opening ceremony is just an honor and a privilege.
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge is only accessible via reservations (which are full) until June 24th and then the land is fully open to the public! Right now, I’m genuinely so impressed with the reservation system and how its gone so smoothly, how the lines have been short and manageable and the crowds have been great.  I have a feeling once it opens to the public, it’ll be more crowded but that won’t stop me from recommending that everyone head to Batuu as soon as they can. If you’re a HUGE Star Wars fan, if you’re a casual fan, or even if you just love seeing what Disney and their Imagineers are capable of – you just have to go. You have to. I have loved Disneyland my entire life, ever since I was a young child, and I’ve been lucky enough to go consistently through out my life and they still managed to just blow my mind with this addition. Its just absolutely perfect. I can’t wait to go back.
May the Force be With You!
Adventures in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge for the Dedication Ceremony! ~~~ #starwarsgalaxysedge #swge #disneyland @disneyparks @disneyland @starwars #starwars If you've been living under a rock or simply don't live in California so your entire world doesn't revolve around the Disneyland Resort, then you may not know that the newest addition to the park - Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge - has officially opened as of this past Friday.
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myupdatestudio-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Myupdatestudio
New Post has been published on https://myupdatestudio.com/tone-recommendations-the-two-way-avenue-of-endorsements/
Tone Recommendations: The two-Way Avenue of Endorsements
I have these days received some questions on equipment endorsements, with subjects starting from the satisfactory Manner to method producers to what producers anticipate in go back for make-supplying artists with the gadget, be it discounted or free.
                                  Tone Recommendations
Tone In a Book
First, you need to have something of price to offer to even be taken into consideration for a gear endorsement. You want to have a high-enough profile as a musician that an organization can virtually see the cost in having you associated with their brand. Exposure to his or her equipment is the primary reason corporations make up take on endorsers. So, whether it’s the use of their gear onstage, on television, or in YouTube videos, you need to be honest with yourself approximately your ability to offer that Exposure.
The “old days.” Earlier than the internet, being associated with a first-rate band or artist changed into the best Way guitarists have become well known. If you were in a band with a reported deal that was a very good begin, as it make-up there has been a promotional system backing you. And returned then, it turned into all of getting equipment into the hands of musicians that have been respected and favorite.
I make-suppose makeup the long-term success of the Gibson Les Paul is the gold fashionable that every gear manufacturer needs to shoot for whilst introducing a product. It has to, in reality, be noted that the Les Paul truly wasn’t that famous until Mike Bloomfield, Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, and others found its deserves in the mid-’60s—after it has been discontinued! (Gibson could begin generating them again in 1968.) Entering into the ’70s, continuously seeing global-famous guitarists like Jimmy Web page, Ace Frehley, and Peter Frampton with Les Pauls turned into more than simply an endorsement. It helped cement the Les Paul into our collective cognizance as one of the number one equipment in rock ’n’ roll—so much in order that even non-guitarists ought to without difficulty apprehend one. The internet. With the arrival of the internet, the physical income of song commenced saying no. Unlawful file sharing took a large toll and report agencies were either trimming fat, consolidating, or outright folding. Recording budgets decreased, studio bookings slumped, and artists had to begin counting on journeying and merch income for their earnings.
But something else happened—something I view as high quality. The appearance of tools like Myspace, YouTube, iTunes, and Fb made it possible to build a fan base, release music, and make a call for yourself as a musician or band without the need for a manager, file organization, or any of the alternative conventional track-biz middlemen. Musicians in small-metropolis The usa—or anywhere else in the global for that depend on—may want to now reach a huge target audience on their personal. And close to endorsements, reputation is repute. Period. I don’t make makeup tools producers honestly care whether you are a popular band with a major-label deal or live in Omaha and feature a YouTube channel with over 100,000 subscribers. If you have an audience and people dig what you are doing, you’re in a role to offer precious advertising.
How I did it. when I was beginning my professional touring career in the overdue ’90s, I were given in contact with Gibson’s La artist-family members workplace and enquired approximately endorsements. Their policy was to not deliver something away, However, they could every so often loan guitars. And In case you favored one, they would sell it to you with an artist bargain. When they loaned me an SG fashionable, I identified that I used to be an unknown and might have to show myself. So, every time a band I used to be in carried out on Tv, I’d be sure to set the timer on my VCR to report the show. every few months, I’d make-up make up a meeting at Gibson and bring the tape wherein they’d see me on the Tonight show and the past due show with David Letterman to daylight applications like the Rosie O’Donnell display—all with the SG they loaned me. They genuinely appreciated my loyalty and enthusiasm for the logo, and ultimately let me maintain the device.
When I began my YouTube channel in 2006, I had no idea YouTube might grow to be such a big a part of what I do. In the beginning, I might just sometimes upload instructions and guitar-oriented videos. However, that modified in 2007 when the folks at Suhr gave me a fantastic artist-priced deal on a Badger 18 amp. I wanted to do something in go back to thank them, so I make-up make up the amp in my little domestic studio, miked its makeup, and videoed myself demonstrating what it became capable of. some weeks after make up the video to YouTube, Ed Yoon from Suhr reached out and informed me they’d bought the complete first run of Badgers, and that my video helped get human beings enthusiastic about the amp. My very first YouTube demo!
I’d like to reiterate the importance of viewing a dating with a tools manufacturer as a -Manner Street. In case you need to endorse a product, ask yourself how you may be of value to the corporation. What can you do to help unfold the word about their products and make support them? Don’t expect the world At the start, But a willingness to earn their recognize via displaying you have something to offer is a make makeup region to begin. until next month, I want you glad guitaring! Pores and skin Firming Hints Healthful and bakeapple Pores and skin is not so much of a dream If you take right precautions and be aware of your food regimen and exercising. a very good daily Skincare routine requires four basic steps: Cleansing, Exfoliating, Toning, and Moisturizing. Skin toners are essential for all Pores and skin sorts. Skin toners allow to improve blood circulation to the Skin floor and offer the Pores and skin the glow that is related to its right fitness. Toners are used to easy the oil from the Skin. They’ll reason Pores and skin experience tighter due to Skin irritation. The Pores and skin are freshened via Skin Firming lotions. They help to boom the blood make makeup to the Skin. Toning the Pores and skin helps put off any residual purifier or that may have been left behind. A toner also enables restore the herbal pH degree of the Skin, leaves your Skin clean, clear and ready to be hydrated.
Way Traffic
Toning close the pores, tighten the Pores and skin, and hold it from being uncovered to a number of the toxins which can be floating inside the air or different environmental pollution. Toners can be used to clean the last lines of oil from the Pores and skin. Pores and skin Firming creams freshen the Skin. Additionally, they stimulate the blood make-up to the Skin. Use astringent creams with a chunk of cotton wool But if your Skin is asking worn off and worn-out, pat it on with a brisk slapping movement. For Ordinary Pores and skin, cut up a small sized fresh cucumber and liquidize it with half of a make-up of yogurt.Observe the combination for 5-10 minutes, and wash it off. For shiny Pores and skin whisk one egg white until it thickens, then whisk in 1 tsp of honey. Eventually, upload 1 tsp of lemon juice.Follow on your face and neck avoiding the delicate eye and lip regions
Catherines Plus Size
The easiest Way of making use of a toner is to put it on a cotton pad and wipe face in outward and make upward strokes. Toners now not simplest cleanse the Skin further and help in putting off any remnants of particles that you can have left at the back of However also cools, nourishes, hydrates and freshens make-up your Skin. It tightens makeup Pores and skin and close make-up any Pores and skin pores which could have makeup at the same time as deep Cleansing the face. Toners must be alcohol-unfastened as alcohol dries off Pores and skin. you could additionally make a natural Skin toner at domestic. Tomato juice is a make makeup Skin toner. Cucumber toner is a refreshing toner for Ordinary skins. cut up a small sized fresh cucumber and liquidize it with half of a make-up of yogurt. Apply the aggregate for 5-10 mins, and wash it off. Rose is an amazing Skin toner. Nutrition E oil and wheat oil are very powerful for dry Skin.
0 notes
matthewebel · 8 years
Making a Creative Brief for a New Album
One of the challenges that comes with every new album is wrapping a complete creative package around the music. You need photos, you need album art, you need posters and shirts and little promo graphics for emails and websites and GODDAMMIT CAN’T I JUST MAKE MUSIC?!?
Making a creative brief isn’t my strong suit. Some artists, like Amanda Palmer, clearly think in visual terms… I do not. I think in words and literals, not pictures and figuratives. It’s difficult enough making the music when you’re left-brained, but visualizing the necessary art package is torture.
Fortunately, my good friends Jess and Brad are very visual people. Professionally so. They were kind enough to take a couple hours squeezing the reluctant visuals out of my head, leaving me with enough clarity to begin a true and honest Creative Brief.
What IS a creative brief?
As Karen DeFelice said, the creative brief is “a definite blueprint for the project, with a clear set of expectations and goals.” The kind of thing that gives an illustrator or photographer a much easier time making you happy. Perfect! That’s the kind of unambiguous direction I need in my life… and exactly the kind of thing I’m not good at. Karen’s article, however, walks a noob like myself through the process. (Thanks, Jess, for pointing this one out!)
For Cognitive Dissonance, all I knew at the beginning was that I wanted something mostly monochromatic and more abstract than literal. Not a lot to go on. So grabbing the steps from Karen’s article, let’s work through this process together.
1: Who am I, and what is the album about?
This is akin to writing my own bio, which no artist I know enjoys doing. With respect to the album itself, though, I can at least describe the mood and dynamic of the music itself. Themes like broken dreams, perseverance, disenfranchisement, uncertainty, and hope permeate the lyrics. Even the album title suggests a theme of conflict and duality.
The production is harder-edged than most of my previous works, but isn’t what new listeners would call “hardcore.” Brad described it as somewhere between Elton John and the Foo Fighters, a space I’m very comfortable with.
As I suggested in my first album announcement, you could say Cognitive Dissonance is about learning to live with the conflicts within us all.
2: What do I need made, and when do I need it?
An “art package” is a nebulous term. What specifically do I need art and photos for?
CD and LP Album cover/inserts
Promotional head shots for reviewers/press
Graphics for shirts
Graphics for posters
Graphics for other merch (could be anything from wristbands to pint glasses… I’ll need to get more specific)
Web-ready graphics for each of the album’s singles
The list may grow or shrink depending on fundraising, but at least it’s a start. My artist and/or photographer will know what the end products will be.
The schedule is a little easier: I need at least the cover art before fundraising in February, the promotional head shots before starting the PR blitz in March, and the rest by April so we can have all the merch ready to ship with the album in May. Why is the schedule important? For the artist it signals whether or not they’ll have time to complete the task. For my sanity, it tells me that I don’t have to hire a photographer until after we’ve done the fundraising.
Remember: Structure and deadlines are your friend when you’re working with other people.
3: Who’s my target audience?
Ah, marketing. The bane of my existence.
From the album title alone, you can tell I’m not shooting for the Andrew W. K. or Blink 182 crowds. I’m going for mid-20’s to mid-40’s intellectuals, presumably liberal, politically active (or at least aware), all genders. They eat locally-sourced sustainable food whenever possible, verify their news, and question their own biases. The kinds of people who probably have kids by now, but bring them to Comic Cons in costumes that match their own. The album’s not for the kids, though, it’s for the grown-ups who have had time to develop insecurities and addenda to their lifelong dreams.
4: Competition
I believe that, in music, you don’t have competition. Nobody listens exclusively to one artist. So where a business would describe their competitors and how they need to differentiate themselves, I need to describe the opposite: Whom do I sound like? Whose images and videos would I most like to emulate?
I’ll get back to you on that one. This question has always stymied me. For now, at least I know I’ve got elements of Elton John and Foo Fighters.
5: The Mood Board
Thanks to Pinterest, it’s easy to create a Mood Board and share it with the artists you hire. It’s simply a collection of things that represent what you’ve got in mind:
Color palette
Artistic styles
This is the easiest part for my non-visual brain to grasp— I don’t have to know WHY something works with the album, I just have to say “yes, that’s what I want” and pin it. Pin enough items and you’ll start to see patterns emerge. Beware, though: your artist/photographer may ask you why you added something, and you’ll probably have to give them a good reason.
It’s okay. That’s a healthy part of expanding your right brain. It’ll make this process easier next time.
6: Money
The budget is an obvious necessity, but how and when it will be paid must be addressed up front. Are you offering a deposit? Multiple payments upon delivery of multiple items? Make sure your artist knows you’ll be using their work in a commercial venture (I am hoping to actually make money from this album, after all). Do they want a check? Paypal? What about transaction fees?
Another thing to consider is the approval process. Are you the only one giving the green light, or do you have to decide as a band? What about your manager? Are approvals only valid in writing/email, or do you need a Skype call? Telegram chat? Unless you’re hiring a professional design firm, chances are good even your artist won’t have a clearly defined preference for all this, so work it out in writing before you’re neck-deep in Kickstarter mayhem.
7: Pre-existing art and formatting
I’m lucky in that I’ve had the same logo and type treatment for years. Take a look at my website’s masthead and you’ll see it: The circular logo with the big block font in all caps. If I’m asking the artist for a complete album cover design, they’re going to need those elements. To make things easiest, I keep them in a Google Drive folder as JPEG, EPS, and PNG, along with the actual font files.
I also need to spell out what formats I’ll need from the artist. Bitmaps like JPEG or PNG are fine for web graphics, but silk-screened goods like shirts and coffee mugs usually require vector images like EPS or AI. I’d also like the layered files, if the artist works in layers, so I can use various elements with adjustments. Like taking that fireball in my hand and replacing it with a “20% off” sticker for a Christmas special (or some other corny alteration). Getting the layered files gives me flexibility for the life of the album.
The more specific, the better
I don’t like telling my drummer exactly how to play his instrument, nor do I like telling an artist how to draw. Self-expression is why most of us became artists in the first place. But every project needs specific direction to stay coherent. If someone asked me to just write them a song, I’d be lost. If they asked me for an up-tempo ska piece about spring break, that would make my job a LOT easier.
The more details I can articulate, the more likely my art package will compliment the music I’ve written. Time to start writing that creative brief so Cognitive Dissonance can come to life.
Originally posted at http://bit.ly/2hO2wek
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