#now that i've finished the other fic i can't use it to get unstuck on my multi-chap one
rolandkaros · 6 months
if i asked y'all for writing prompts/requests would u give them to me orrr.........i want to write something new but idk what
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zannolin · 1 year
🍣 🥮 !!! -kai
🍣 What helps you focus or get in the mood to write?
being at work. no okay i'm joshing you but also...you know how you like get in the writing mood at the worst times? that's me when i'm marching miserably around my workplace. some of my best ideas have hit me then. or in the shower (hence why i keep bath crayons in my shower caddy so i can outline on the walls like a madman). or when i'm about to sleep. any not-wilbur from the fey au fans? yeah that idea + description hit me when i was like THIS close to falling asleep and i jolted out of bed like a zombie, no lights no glasses, fumbling across the room for my phone so i could text it to myself unintelligibly before i forgot it. usually i try to find a nice quiet place, sometimes with people around sometimes not. i really like to be outside in nice weather if possible, and i listen to instrumental music, but usually just one song on loop because i might get distracted if not. and it can't be like my FAVORITE instrumental songs, especially this one because i'll just sit there and stare into the middle distance daydreaming about horses. no joke. usually if i'm really struggling i will turn on a sprint or i'll try to write by hand. those are very good at getting me unstuck. that or the looming threat of finals.
🥮 Do you have any writing milestones you're working toward?
i WAS working towards 100 fics on my ao3 but then i put 28 of them on anon so that set me back pretty far and i went eh never mind. i used to have a list of "must write" fics i wanted to get done before i left the fandom that shall not be named (sorry, can't help joking) but then i kinda hit my limit with some shitty things that happened and the poor magic of pegasus au didn't get written, nor did summer's end, nor did the life is strange au or the coma au with tam, all of which pain me immensely, and wild geese still isn't finished and and the taxidermist can't even be posted because it was for a zine that's in limbo and i'm miserable just thinking about it now. those aus were so damn good and they'll never be written....but at least the fey au got written. my magnum opus. um...other than the agonies of things unfinished....not really? i was going for 50k written this year and i already did that. i'm hopinggg to maybe be able to write the final girl au (resident evil fic, for those unfamiliar) but i dunno if that will happen. i keep bouncing around and just working on whatever makes me happy, which is Not Writing at the moment. just soooo much reading. so many books. and i already hit 400k words on my ao3, and i'm not really feeling like working (in earnest) on anything original at the moment, though i've had some ideas i might play around with. just going wherever the wind blows me i suppose.
thank you for indulging me and sending asks to distract me from The Horrors <3
ask game!!
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illwynd · 3 years
are u writing anything atm and if so would u consider sharing a little snippet/s with us? no pressure. I just absolutely adore your writing and presence in this fandom. sorry if this ask is weird or annoying.
aaaah nonny, it is not weird or annoying at all! ❤︎❤︎❤︎ Hearing that there are still people wanting more fic from me is super motivating, and honestly I need a bit of that right now, so ty!! :D
If you count WIPs in my folders that I plan/hope to finish at some point, I've got tons in the works. And of course I still need to finish LMD and I think that should happen soonish, since it was starting to feel unstuck the other day.
But since we're coming up on spooky season, I've been thinking about what I might be able to get ready in time this year, and I'm really hoping it's this one. I can't remember if I've ever shared any of it on here before. If I have, it's been a while.
The story involves young adult Thor & co. dragging a reluctant Loki along on an adventure to a cave in Nidavellir where there is rumored to be treasure, and also perhaps monsters to defeat. They quickly get in over their heads, and they learn that there is more to the cave than the tales told. And my very cryptic working title is "Tentacles." So. There's that. XD
Maybe no one else sleeps any more that night either.
Loki isn’t sure. But he definitely doesn’t, though he wraps his blanket around himself and sits with his back to the wall, letting his eyes slip closed while he tries to listen for any other sounds beneath the drone of the storm.
He knows, of course, that Thor didn’t cause the rain to come; being the god of storms doesn’t mean they are all within his control. But, in truth, he would not have resented it even if he had.
Loki can barely imagine what it must be like. Not for lack of trying--he has lain in his own bed, listening to rainfall on his window, so many times, imagining being gifted with the sorts of powers that the rest of Asgard would love him for.
Magecraft is useful, and Loki would never give it up, not when it’s the only real weapon he has that sets him apart from everyone else. But it’s not… it’s not like that.
He has imagined being Thor. Has imagined wielding the hammer. Has imagined calling down the storms, standing in the heart of a great bolt of lightning. Those daydreams always feel childish, as if he were putting on his brother’s cape and playing pretend.
He has imagined being inside Thor’s skin. And, while he’s imagining it, it doesn’t feel childish at all. Instead his heart races, and he feels warm all over, and he…
Right now he shifts and shivers, aware of the water trickling from his soaked clothes and along the cold floor, not quite dozing, until something else happens to intrude upon his thoughts.
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