#now that skatingscores.com is gifting us by making it incredibly easy to look these things up
sunskate · 10 months
CPom might’ve preferred competing a couple of quads back - they’d have to do pattern dances, but back in the +3 GOE days the base value really mattered. They seem happy rn but it must be a little frustrating having made demonstrable improvements (Christina’s getting Level 4s!) and it making absolutely no difference to their standing in the pecking order,
i think we don't know yet that their track record this fall hasn't affected their standing. even though it feels like they're not being rewarded enough, it's a long game
C/B's place as US #1's not changing this season. but below that, there's a lot of uncertainty. i hope H/B come roaring back at Nationals, but it's going to be their first competition in over a year
Gr/Pa, who knows - CPom haven't gone head to head with them yet
but CPom have had 5 strong competitions - the issue with their ChRS at Nebelhorn felt fluky, and they fixed it. their consistency can strengthen how the judges see them and help in garnering support, so even if they haven't won the GP medal they wanted, people on the inside know their assignments were rough- going against the home faves at both Angers and Espoo they were solidly in 4th. they came within .12 of beating L/B's in the free. and they look like this:
like, how gorgeous ❤️😭 and i think if we're noticing they had the highest BV in this competition, skating people are noticing too. they're aiming for Montreal Worlds, they're aiming for 2026. if they get their trips, they're not going to remember the bronze medal they didn't get at a GP in November. their place in the US hierarchy is a bigger deal, and they're showing up in the ways they can control, so hopefully it's building some momentum and esteem for them
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