#now time to reply to ur messages lmao. and colour huang
dontlookforme00 · 1 year
6, 21, 34 >:000
6- How do you want to die?
DAMN OK starting off strong, I see. I don't want to know I'm dying, sure, it'd be depressing to die without even realising its all ended, but I think the fear of a terminal illness/ fatal injury or whatever would actually,,.,.., well. Wouldn't be great. I am in fear of that fear, yk?? Anyways either dying suddenly in my sleep or being suffocated to death. Idk I think it'd be satisfying to watch it all fade black.
21- What are your plans for this weekend?
OO so today I went to a primary school fair (i went with my brother who goes there OK 😭) and I think??? Tomorrow I'm going to the seaside for my birthday (its not tmr its on Monday tho). Honestly I don't like it when my weekends are fully booked. Weekends are the only time I can relax and NOT socialise, and yet, here I am, socialising >:((
34- Who/what was your last dream about?
A OK SO I have very vivid, long dreams that I usually remember. Pretty wild ig. To make a long story short, in my latest dream, I was in a school (but not my irl school) and there was some important assembly coming up, maybe student elections for something??? Anyways there's was a shit ton of attention and everyone was busy. I, however, was scribbling inspirational quotes on the corridor walls with sharpie. Some girl came by and winced and told me to wipe it off and I almost cried. Someone ik irl walked past and was upset, because she thought her speech was really bad.
Time skip because I don't remember it, but I am John from Unordinary and I have broken into the same school, after hours, with Arlo from Unordinary, something something tentative allies, so maybe something rlly bad was happening??? Anyways, some fucking dude in a white ponytail cornered Arlo and started kissing him unconsensually and Arlo was pretty freaked out. Then Arlos entire family found him . Like all at once. They didn't find me tho.
Someone did, because I remember coming back to school the next day (still as john) and thinking, damn, now teachers won't trust me. They thought I was a good kid. (Which is true for irl me but NOT John so, ???) I think another kid ik irl was there. He was insanely op. For no reason.
Anyways, have a nice day and ty for the ask!
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