#now y'all get to see an EMS trauma assessment
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
(fighting back the baying mob) listen i can— i can only hold them off for so long—! they'll never stop unless you give them what they want!!
(mob screaming "more motorcycle accident fic")
— 🌕 (currently acting as if I'm not the one who started this)
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LOL Good Lord 🤣 well thank you Moon for holding them back yes this is absolutely your fault never mind the fact that I wrote something for it and came up with the idea in the first place
(for those of you who haven't been pounding down the ED doors, this is what we're referring to)
Mo had already cranked the heat up as much as possible in the back of the ambulance by the time Hyrule helped the firefighters load Wild into the back. The incident commander was trying to set up a landing zone so they could rendezvous with air medical and get Wild to the hospital faster.
In the meantime, that meant Hyrule was in charge of stabilizing him.
"Mo, get him on the monitor," Hyrule instructed as he reached for the drug box to start working on an IV. His heart was racing far more than it usually did on trauma calls, and the words this is Wild kept screaming in his mind. He tried to silence them, instead focusing on the fact that yes, this was Wild, and yes, that made this absolutely horrifying, but he would not let his brother die.
By the time Hyrule had grabbed supplies and tossed them to the other paramedic on scene, Wild's vital signs had appeared on the monitor.
HR 112. BP 90/50 with a MAP of 63. SpO2 90%.
He's bleeding out.
Swearing internally, Hyrule crouched down over his friend, flashing a light in his eyes. When Wild's pupils reacted normally and equally, the medic sighed a little in relief. Wild still wasn't responding to him, but at least there wasn't an indication (yet) that he had serious brain damage.
Hyrule continued his assessment, going from head to face to neck. Multiple lacerations but nothing too deep. Road rash, for sure. No tracheal deviation, no JVD. Next was Wild's chest and abdomen, which had been exposed after someone cut through his clothes with trauma shears. Lung sounds present, notably diminished on the left... and an obvious flail chest.
Scrambling for the jump bag, Hyrule pulled out the needle decompression kit and muttered an apology to Wild as he found the correct intercostal space and stabbed into the skin with a needle. Blood poured out through it.
"Oh, lovely," Mo muttered. "Had to be a hemo, didn't it?"
Hyrule didn't comment, too busy biting his tongue.
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