#npa account settlement
For NPA legal matters ,Account Settlement, we are the ideal expert Npa consultant emphasises on the business s long term viability and supports with payment deferral 
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fundsourceindia · 9 days
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forblogmostly · 1 month
Financial Updates from PC Jeweller: Key Outcomes from the Board Meeting on August 14, 2024
PC Jeweller Limited, one of India's leading jewelry manufacturers and retailers, held a significant Board meeting where crucial decisions were taken, especially regarding the company’s financial performance for the quarter ending June 30, 2024. This meeting was pivotal as it highlighted the company’s ongoing efforts to manage its financial obligations and operational challenges while ensuring compliance with regulatory norms.
During this meeting, the Board of Directors approved the unaudited standalone and consolidated financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. These financial results, reviewed by the statutory auditor, have been submitted in accordance with Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The results were accompanied by limited review reports, reflecting the company’s transparency and adherence to regulatory guidelines.
The unaudited financial results, both standalone and consolidated, shed light on PC Jeweller's financial performance over the past quarter. The Board's approval of these results underscores the company's commitment to maintaining its operations despite facing significant financial challenges, as highlighted by the auditors in their review.
Independent Auditor’s Review: Key Observations and Qualified Conclusion The independent auditor, AHPN & Associates, provided a detailed review report on the financial results. The review was conducted in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410, which mandates a thorough, albeit less extensive, examination than a full audit. The auditor's role was to provide moderate assurance regarding the accuracy and fairness of the financial statements.
However, the review report included a qualified conclusion due to several unresolved issues:
Discounts to Export Customers: The company had provided significant discounts to its export customers in the financial year ending March 31, 2019, amounting to INR 513.65 crore. While approvals from authorized dealer banks for discounts amounting to INR 330.49 crore have been obtained, the remaining INR 183.16 crore lacks requisite approvals and supporting documentation. This issue has persisted across multiple financial years, raising concerns about the accuracy of revenue recognition.
Trade Receivables and Credit Losses: The auditor noted that the company had not adequately reviewed or re-computed expected credit losses on trade receivables, particularly from overdue export receivables. Given the defaults in payment obligations and the initiation of legal recovery processes, the adequacy of the provision for expected credit losses remains uncertain.
Inventory Under Court Custody: The auditor highlighted that inventory at certain locations, which is currently under court custody due to legal disputes, could not be physically verified by the management or the auditors. Consequently, the valuation of this inventory is based on estimates, which introduces uncertainty into the financial statements.
Despite these qualifications, the auditor concluded that, apart from the issues mentioned, the financial statements were prepared in accordance with the applicable accounting standards and provided a fair view of the company's financial position.
Going Concern and Settlement Proposal A critical aspect of the report was the assessment of PC Jeweller's ability to continue as a going concern. The company’s borrowing accounts were classified as Non-Performing Assets (NPA) as of June 30, 2021. Legal actions were initiated by lenders, leading to significant financial strain on the company. However, a One-Time Settlement (OTS) proposal was submitted by the company, which has been approved by most of the consortium banks. This approval is a crucial step toward resolving the company’s debt issues and ensuring its continued operations.
The settlement proposal's acceptance and the dismissal of insolvency proceedings by the Hon'ble National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) have provided a lifeline for the company. The management remains optimistic that the company will overcome its financial challenges and continue its operations without interruption.
Additional Emphasis and Future Outlook The auditors also emphasized several key matters:
Delayed Receivables: There has been a significant delay in the receipt of export proceeds, amounting to Rs. 1469.26 crore as of June 30, 2024. The company has applied for condonation of these delays, but the potential penalties remain uncertain.
One-Time Settlement (OTS): The acceptance of the OTS by most banks and the proactive steps taken by the company reflect its commitment to resolving its financial difficulties.
Income Tax Liabilities: The company has significant unpaid income tax liabilities, but these have been offset against income tax refunds from previous assessment years.
In conclusion, while PC Jeweller faces ongoing financial and operational challenges, the recent developments, particularly the approval of the OTS proposal, provide a hopeful outlook for the company’s future. The Board of Directors, along with the management, continues to work towards stabilizing the company’s financial position and ensuring long-term sustainability.
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npaconsultan · 2 months
Comparative Study of NPA account settlement Impact of The Nationalized Banks
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A viable, sustainable and strong banking system is crucial for the overall development of the economic structure of a country. The failure of an effective banking system may lead to adverse impacts in various spheres of the economy. Both the Public Sector Banks and the Private sector Banks in India have made considerable contributions in all economic aspects.
However, the amount of non-performing assets or NPA in the balance sheet can have a deep impact on the bank’s profitability. As per the directives of RBI, the accounts become non-performing when the loan account is overdue and the bank fails to recover the capital or interest from the capital for over a period of 90 days.
Plans to increase productivity
Over the past few years, there is a powerful drive going on in the nationalized banks to enhance their profitability. This implies that the PSBs also have to think of improving productivity, which is necessary to survive in the present economic state.
The future of the banks lies in the ability of the banks to build good quality assets consistently even in a competitive environment and minimize the NPAs. Competition and consolidation are the two prime factors that will impact the private and public sector banks in future. The effective methods of NPA account settlement can turn out to be the factors dominating the future of the banking system.
NPA categories
Every bank has to classify all the non-performing assets into three categories, depending on the time frame over which the asset has been in the non-performing stage and the realise-ability of the debts:
Doubtful assets
Substandard assets
Loss assets
The detection of the NPAs and the able management of the debts will help the bank to enjoy more financial stability.
Impact of NPA on banking systems
The level of return on the assets is one of the most significant aspects of the bank’s efficiency. Its high tie for the banks to provide provisions for the NPAs from the present profit ratio. The NPAs can affect the return to the assets in the following ways:
Increase in cost of capital
Reduction in ROI
Fall in the interest income of the banks accounted only on receipt mode.
Disturbance in the capital adequacy ratio with the entry of NPA in the calculations
Doubtful debts and bad debts add to the loss
Limitations in recycling the funds
Mismatch in assets and liabilities
It's high time to consult the NCLT lawyers in Mumbai who can help the banks to regain economic stability.
Comparative study
Thorough research of the ten years’ data from the top Indian banks like Canara Bank and State Bank of India shows that the banks are making policies that try to contain NPA for improving the profitability and asset quality.
HDFC and PNB show superior NPA management systems if you compare them to the systems existing in SMI and ICICI or other private sector banks. The system even supersedes the system of the public sector banks too.
The positive trend in NPA control
Recent research studies on trends of the non-performing assets in the various private banks of India show that the level of NPAs in the public sector banks is alarming. But it also shows some improvement in the asset quality with a little decline in the NPA percentage. Thus, the studies show that the banks can maintain economic stability if they take timely action against the degradation of the good-performing assets instead of concentrating only on the NPAs Analytical study
A thorough analytical study shows that the NPA of all the nationalized banks is showing an upward trend. Therefore, statistical records also pave the way for the banks to apply better measure for NPA management
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npaconsultant1234 · 3 months
How and when the borrower should approach the Financial Institution or Bank for One Time Settlement ?
How and when the borrower should approach the Financial Institution or Bank for One Time Settlement?
Inorder to avail the best OTS terms, the borrower should have a better negotiation edge over the lender Financial Institution or Bank. The Lenders are not willing to offer considerable waiver under OTS when there is ample scope to recover its entire dues by way of sale of mortgaged assets. Thus first and foremost we have to create tools which will enable us to have a better bargaining position with the Financial Institutions/ Banks.
Moreover whenever the Economy is not performing well and Bankers are struggling with large number of NPA accounts and high degree of provisioning then it is in the interest of the Lender also to welcome the Borrower's move for OTS.
Once the Borrower decides for One Time Settlement then it needs setting up of highly professional negotiating Desk for executing the OTS Plan.
We Render
Services to create tools within the legal frame work to gain a higher bargaining position which indirectly enables the Banker to accept our offer.
Services to structure the deal which is the most important aspect of any OTS exercise.
Services to achieve the desired results under OTS, which is mutually beneficial to the Borrower as well as Lender as it saves time, money and energy which is otherwise lost in initiating recovery process and unnecessary litigation.
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finlender · 1 year
    Funding for OTS Settlement in Mumbai FinLender
With the understanding of the complexities involved in financial matters associated with business operations, Finlenders specialized and offered the Best Funding for OTS Settlement related to Funding for OTS Settlement in Mumbai. Our export financial analysts assess the various details associated with our clients’ businesses, and offer relevant solutions. This results, the operations, and growth of the business is affected as the entire focus of the borrower shifts from his business towards arranging for funds, and complying with the procedures, and regulations with respect to the consequences that follow. Our services are in conformation to the legal rules & regulations, and fulfill the needs of our clients.
OTS Settlement Companies in Mumbai
Finlender is the best OTS Settlement Companies in Mumbai that offers an opportunity to revive business, and credit rating for NPA accounts. We offer to restructure borrowing, and provide working capital for businesses having scope, and willingness to revive to normal status within a period of 12-24 months. We provide an exclusive set of services, where you can find investors, businesses to help review your business financially. We help you to develop your financial profile, and could probably save you from going to the bead rock of becoming an NPA.
OTS Settlement consultant in Mumbai
We have a wide network, and strong relationships with lending banks for OTS Settlement consultant in Mumbai. We believe in a complete package of financial consultancy, and our team takes initiative to coordinate with the banks, interact with the banking personnel, follow-up and ensure that all requirements, and queries are resolved. Our NPA Finance Services are exclusively working for the NPA Segment that also includes OTS Retrieval, Loan for OTS, OTS Solutions, OTS Takeover, Finance for OTS Loan, OTS Finance, OTS Finance, Finance Facility for OTA accounts, Transfer of NPA accounts. We allow you to transfer your OTA account to one of our lender companies so that you can have more time to pay off your debts, and also save your precious property from the bank NCLT Act.
Loan for OTS Settlement in Mumbai
Finlender are the Best Loan for OTS Settlement in Mumbai that can play a vital role in tightening your bank’s credit risks management system by providing assistance that includes assessing capital structure, assisting in business plan finalization, structuring the transaction to meet company requirement. Our company studies recovery potentials, and also possibilities of revival of units. We also explore all possibilities of recovery for banks. We also explore all possibilities of recovery for banks. We interact with the borrower & also suggest various ways for recovery. With experience & expertise of our team, we are confident of reducing NPA from our allotted portfolio.
READ MORE....NPA and OTS Finance Private Equity Project Finance Corporate Finance Company in India
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An overview of the RBI's MSMEs-friendly loan restructuring policy 
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The RBI has given one more window to the MSMEs dated 06-August 2020, in which the RBI allowed credit rebuilding strategy for the ideal development of the MSMEs who all have been appropriately guaranteed after the MSME/udyam Registration. RBI's advanced rebuilding strategy will give help to explicitly those influenced by the Covid 19 pandemic. 
The RBI advance confining arrangement will be viewed as the new system that was non-settlement yet "acknowledged" as dated January 1, 2020. RBI's credit rebuilding strategy will support the heft of MSMEs affected by the pandemic circumstance because of Covid 19. The Government of India has forced the National Lockdown. Unconstrained working and financial exercises have halted. It brings about pressure in the MSME area, which has underlined and needs further vital help. In this manner, it has been concluded that shaping the focus on MSME borrowers to be qualified and prepared for the rebuilding of their obligation under the current system and giving their records to the concerned moneylender, named the norm on the first of March, 2020. The said rebuilding strategy should be carried out by the 31st of March 2021. 
Who will be benefited from the RBI Loan Restructuring Policy? 
The Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, which don't fall under non-performing resource (NPA) until the date March 1, 2020, and were recently treated as "acknowledged" accounts, will profit from the RBI advance rebuilding strategy upheld on dated 01, March 2021. It tends to be viewed as a proceeding with plot expansion until the date 31st December 2020, an "acknowledged" account until January 1, 2020. 
The MSMEs which have enlisted under the Goods and Service Tax with approx borrowings up to the measure of INR 25 crore as of first March 2020 will be covered under the RBI advance rebuilding strategy. 
Why Is RBI Loan Restructuring Policy Required? 
The activity is convincing as the chance for Msme's advance record falling under NPA is higher than that of others. At the point when the RBI delivered its last monetary soundness report, in which RBI had expressed that the MSMEs area had been influenced especially because of the absence of incomes during the Covid-19 pandemic. 
The RBI advance rebuilding strategy will contribute the fundamental help for the MSMEs in the two areas which have been influenced more because of the National lockdown forced by the Indian Government coming about conditions, regulation, switch movement, production network, and exchange gagging, and so forth 
How might the RBI Loan Restructuring Policy Be Enforced? 
To execute the RBI credit rebuilding strategy, the RBI has set up a five-part master council coordinated by VK Kamath, the previous administrator of ICICI Bank. He will set up the recommendations dependent on the prerequisite of monetary boundaries. At the point when the RBI has given expansive forms, 
While the RBI is favored with the expansive bend and the board of trustees will propose the MSMEs area explicit standard that contacts for such boundaries to be discrete into every settlement plan for borrowers with total openness of INR 1,500 crore time charm. 
The board will likewise begin a course of substantiation of settlement plans for subtleties over the expressed limit. The RBI will declare this alongside changes in 30 days. According to the RBI's fundamental danger survey, the three areas most incredulously influenced by the pandemic are the travel industry, land, and aircraft. 
Were Earlier Such Policy Not Exploited by Banks and Corporates? 
Prior, there were numerous financial plans to advance the upgrade of the MSMEs area, however, due to their not being as expected carried out, the Banks and Corporate were taking advantage of them. Following are the classification of such strategies. 
Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) 
The RBI has ended the corporate obligation rebuilding (CDR) strategy from April 1, 2015. For a long time, enterprises were taking advantage of the obligation to recast thoughts, with the lead representative choosing to disregard organizations by the obscure promoter in schemes for certain banks. Banks has additionally pre-arranged a secluded corporate obligation rebuilding unit with past IDBI supervising the interaction. 
The publicists of a few huge partnerships removed a few bank reserves while their cells were gone through. They are related with the corporate obligation rebuilding unit, and to get their advances reevaluated, some of them get more than once. These publicists took care of getting new credits and utilized liberal advance reevaluations to evergreen their records and keep them out of the NPA books. Presently some of them have proclaimed themselves bankrupt. 
Vital Debt Restructuring (SDR) Scheme 
In the Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) conspiracy, banks gave an opportunity to educate the advance expense into 51% of value, which was to be given to the most elevated competitor once the firm became possible. Yet, lamentably, this thought couldn't assist save money with figuring out their most exceedingly awful credit issue as just deals have partaken through this action due to development issues. 
Reasonable Structuring Of Stressed Assets (S4A) Scheme 
Inside the Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets (S4A) plot, the banks were reluctant to be permitted to compose downs as there were no motivating forces to do as such, and compose downs of the enormous account holders that could debilitate banks' capital pads. 
Resource Reconstruction Scheme 
There were significant issues looked at by the ARCs to decide the resources they had from the monetary organizations, and they simply needed to take the credit at a modest pace of interest. Thus, monetary establishments were careful with regard to authorizing advances for a huge scope. 
Suggested Read- Udyam Registration Benefits
Inside the particular and earnest time circle, in the field of alleviation for the MSME area in the period of stress during the unsure COVID-19 and unexpectable pandemic, RBI as regular in its good and money related plan which declared today has expanded the rebuilding of obligation for MSME borrowers. The RBI additionally stretched out help to enormous corporate, and SME sections with the vital shield and ways to deal with helping them. 
In a real sense, such an advanced rebuilding strategy allows a borrower with some adaptability as far as elegance and expansion residency for credit EMI, and interest installments to shield and support the borrower to purchase. It permits a fun opportunity to take care of his credit add up to the particular banks. The Loan rebuilding strategy helps the bank save money on higher provisioning. In any case, the banks need to make higher arrangements on default or a non-performing resource (NPA), directly affecting their productivity.
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otsfinancecompany · 2 years
OTS Finance is a loan granted by a financial institution to takeover a npa account liability settled under OTS scheme in order to restructure the npa account by giving sufficient repayment tenor & moratorium. 
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What is the process of one-time settlement in banking?
NPA Management Why do people take loans? It is a great way of helping your finance for various things. You may take a loan for completing your education, buying a new house, the wedding of your kids, to go abroad, or anything else.
If you are a company, then you will take a loan to diversify your business or launch a new project.
You make great planning and ensure that repayment of the loan is done in time. However, no matter how systematic your repayment plan may be, you cannot foresee all the possible bottlenecks. You may become a victim of unforeseen circumstances. There could be an unexpected loss in the business, or you lose your job due to an illness.
Such circumstances will seriously hamper the ability to repay your loan. You will miss the installment and get follow-up calls and reminders from the bank. It affects your credibility and market value.
When a bank or financial institution sanctions a loan, it expects that the loan will be repaid within the stipulated time. For a bank, a loan is an asset that generates income in the form of interest.
When the loan is not paid, it becomes an NPA or Non-Performing Asset. NPA is not desirable for any financial institution. When it goes beyond a threshold, it becomes a risk to the survival of the bank. Hence, it requires concrete npa management methods.
When a bank fails to recover the loan, it approaches the borrower with options like a one-time loan settlement. Though it looks like a simple offer, it may ruin the credit score of the borrower.
What is a One-Time Loan Settlement?
It is part of the overall npa management policy of a bank or financial institution. In this process, the bank or financial institute agrees to accept a smaller amount instead of the entire due amount. When it does so, the bank waives off the rest of the amount and makes repayment easier for the borrower. The option may be offered by the bank after six months of non-repayment.
The bank takes various measures to investigate the case before arriving at the conclusion. It will allow them to validate the reason for not paying the loan.
How Does the process of one-time settlement carry out?
First, the bank should believe that the reason for non-payment is legitimate. The bank offers a moratorium period. The option is for those borrowers who want to pay the amount in one go. After an agreement, the bank will waive off a part of the outstanding loan amount to make the repayment easy.
How much amount will be written off will depend on the gravity of the financial condition and the ability of the borrower to repay the loan. Since the borrower is agreed to settle the loan, its repayment status will be recorded as “settled” and not “closed”. The credit score of the borrower will be affected by the difference.
One-time settlement is considered an important tool of npa management policy.
It is quite obvious that opting for a one-time settlement is not advisable unless it is necessary. There are some other alternates to it.
The borrower should liquidate the savings instead of applying for a loan. Also, it should negotiate with the bank to request an extension for the repayment term. Or, it should ask for a restructured repayment plan.
The borrower can request the bank to hold off the interest rate or reduce it for some time.
One-time settlement is the last resort. For a bank also, it is not a profitable proposition. Therefore, it will use it only when there is no other solution.
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irondelusionexpert · 3 years
NPA Consultant in India is a Private Limited headquartered at Mumbai We provide various type of npa services like legal, financial etc Proper management of npa is necessary NPA Consultant has a proper team of every field like legal, banking, finance etc
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fundsourceindia · 1 month
NPA Loan
OTS Finance Company is a financial platform dedicated to clients who are under Stress or NPA accounts and wish to close their NPA account liability &  wants to restart their financial journey.  We provide a finance facility for closing an NPA loan total outstanding or NPA account settled under the One Time Settlement(OTS) scheme.
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speedydragondonut · 4 years
NPA Debt Settlement | NPA Recovery Process
NPA Debt Settlement can be done by arranging funds We at NPA Consultant, helps our client in NPA Recovery Process by arranging funds from various sources
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npaconsultan · 3 months
NPA Recovery Roadmap for Borrowers: Bank Debt Management Tips?
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Recovering Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) involves a strategic roadmap and effective debt management techniques. Here are essential tips and a roadmap for banks to manage and recover NPAs successfully:
1. Early Identification and Classification:
Implement robust credit risk assessment to identify potential NPAs at an early stage.
Classify loans based on their repayment status and severity of default as per regulatory guidelines.
Regularly monitor loan accounts for signs of stress or default.
2. Asset Quality Review (AQR):
Conduct periodic asset quality reviews to identify stressed assets and NPAs accurately.
Classify NPAs into sub-categories (Substandard, Doubtful, Loss) based on the extent of impairment.
3. Loan Restructuring and Rescheduling:
Offer loan restructuring options to borrowers facing financial difficulties.
Modify repayment terms, extend tenure, or lower interest rates to improve borrower repayment capacity.
Ensure that restructuring agreements are based on realistic borrower assessments and viability.
4. Negotiated Settlements:
Engage in negotiations with borrowers for one-time settlements or compromise agreements.
Evaluate the borrower's financial position and propose reasonable settlement amounts.
Ensure that settlement agreements are legally binding and provide sufficient recovery to minimize losses.
5. Legal Remedies and Recovery Proceedings:
Initiate legal actions promptly against defaulting borrowers.
Utilize legal remedies such as filing recovery suits, obtaining judgments, or issuing recovery notices.
Implement asset attachment, garnishment, or foreclosure based on legal provisions.
6. Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs):
Transfer NPAs to Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) for resolution and recovery.
Collaborate with ARCs to manage and resolve distressed assets through asset sale or restructuring.
7. Collateral Management and Realization:
Efficiently manage collateral held against defaulted loans.
Conduct proper valuation of collateral assets and realize them effectively to recover outstanding dues.
8. Customer Engagement and Rehabilitation:
Adopt a customer-centric approach to engage with defaulting borrowers.
Provide financial counselling, debt management advice, or rehabilitation programs to support borrowers in resolving NPAs.
9. Continuous Monitoring and Follow-Up:
Establish dedicated recovery teams to monitor and follow up on overdue accounts.
Maintain regular communication with borrowers to understand their financial status and recovery prospects.
10. Regulatory Compliance and Reporting:
Adhere to regulatory guidelines and reporting requirements for NPA management and recovery.
Ensure transparency and accuracy in NPA classification, provisioning, and reporting to regulatory authorities.
11. Data Analytics and Technology Adoption:
Leverage data analytics and technology for predictive modelling and risk assessment.
Implement advanced tools for portfolio analysis, borrower profiling, and recovery strategy optimization.
12. Risk Mitigation and Prevention:
Enhance risk management practices to prevent future NPAs.
Strengthen underwriting standards, credit monitoring, and portfolio diversification to mitigate credit risks.
Conclusion: Implementing these strategies and following a structured roadmap can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of NPA recovery efforts for banks. It's essential to tailor recovery approaches based on the unique characteristics of each NPA case and borrower profile. Regular reviews and refinements of recovery strategies are crucial to adapting to evolving market conditions and regulatory changes.
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npaconsultant1234 · 4 months
NPA Settlement: One time settlement scheme for npa 2023
NPA account settlement or one time settlement is done to recover any amount of NPA from the bank, an account which is not paid for 3 months is classified as NPA
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finlender · 1 year
  Funding for OTS Settlement in Noida - FinLender
With the understanding of the complexities involved in financial matters associated with business operations, Finlenders specialized and offered the Best Funding for OTS Settlement related to Funding for OTS Settlement in Noida. Our export financial analysts assess the various details associated with our clients’ businesses, and offer relevant solutions. This results, the operations, and growth of the business is affected as the entire focus of the borrower shifts from his business towards arranging for funds, and complying with the procedures, and regulations with respect to the consequences that follow. Our services are in conformation to the legal rules & regulations, and fulfill the needs of our clients.
OTS Settlement Companies in Noida
Finlender is the best OTS Settlement Companies in Noida that offers an opportunity to revive business, and credit rating for NPA accounts. We offer to restructure borrowing, and provide working capital for businesses having scope, and willingness to revive to normal status within a period of 12-24 months. We provide an exclusive set of services, where you can find investors, businesses to help review your business financially. We help you to develop your financial profile, and could probably save you from going to the bead rock of becoming an NPA.
OTS Settlement consultant in Noida
We have a wide network, and strong relationships with lending banks for OTS Settlement consultant in Noida. We believe in a complete package of financial consultancy, and our team takes initiative to coordinate with the banks, interact with the banking personnel, follow-up and ensure that all requirements, and queries are resolved. Our NPA Finance Services are exclusively working for the NPA Segment that also includes OTS Retrieval, Loan for OTS, OTS Solutions, OTS Takeover, Finance for OTS Loan, OTS Finance, OTS Finance, Finance Facility for OTA accounts, Transfer of NPA accounts. We allow you to transfer your OTA account to one of our lender companies so that you can have more time to pay off your debts, and also save your precious property from the bank NCLT Act.
Loan for OTS Settlement in Noida
Finlender are the Best Loan for OTS Settlement in Noida that can play a vital role in tightening your bank’s credit risks management system by providing assistance that includes assessing capital structure, assisting in business plan finalization, structuring the transaction to meet company requirement. Our company studies recovery potentials, and also possibilities of revival of units. We also explore all possibilities of recovery for banks. We also explore all possibilities of recovery for banks. We interact with the borrower & also suggest various ways for recovery. With experience & expertise of our team, we are confident of reducing NPA from our allotted portfolio.
READ MORE....NPA and OTS Finance Private Equity Project Finance Corporate Finance Company in India
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referloan · 4 years
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Finance for NPA Loan ( OTS )We are exclusively working for NPA Segment, whether you can say it as One Time settlement (OTS) & Re- structuring of NPA etc. Bottom-line is this, That we will help you to transfer your NPA account in one of our Lender Company, so that you can have more time to pay off your debts and also save your precious property from the Bank SARFASI Act.We are reputed financial advisory company dealing mainly in Sub-Standard Financial market. We are providing differential financial services, which are not readily available in the market. We are very aggressive, dynamic and strategic service provider for our clients. Our team consists of experienced seasoned financial professionals, Ex¬-banker who has got wide financial services experience of over Ten years or more. We have excellent relations with our lenders, private banks & NBFC’s and some foreign investors. We provide nationwide services and have satisfied clients based throughout the India in all major citiesFor more Details contact us on Whats-app (9868227249) and Mail- ( [email protected] )Note-: Download our online application Referloan from Google play Store https://lnkd.in/gXyXhJ7#finanaceadvisor #workingcapital #mortgageadvisor #NPARestructure #Onetimesettlement
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