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npwd ref sheets are FINALLY here!! them <3
read the fic here!
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rbtlvr · 10 months
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oops </3 @somerandomdudelmao it was too funny not to draw
(leo's fine btw -
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sad-leon · 6 months
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Creechur!! My goober!
Featuring @gemini-forest's goober, Kraang Leo! They're so silly and would definately team up to bother Feral Leo adslfkjalskdj
I have so many memes i wanna draw with the three of them
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pluckedanarchist · 5 months
what do you meme is considerably harder to play with two boomers than new phone who dis
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dandylovesturtles · 10 months
The separated AU poll (@tmntseparatedaucompetition) featuring my AU "100 Feet and a World Away" along with "New Phone Who Dis" by @callmehere-iwillappear is TOMORROW. We're up against Life Mission: Empyrean Bloodbath so I fully expect us to lose lol BUT I did say last time if we tied with NPWD I'd give us the next part of the "April takes the boys' pictures" saga AND SO! here! is April taking Leo and Mikey's pictures!
Vote for us tomorrow (if you want to)! All of these AUs are absolutely incredible so whoever wins is fully deserving~ Regardless, I will try to finish the saga with Raph's picture + Splinter getting to see them as soon as I have time (though it may take a bit because I have... bitten off a bit more than I can chew lol, and I need to get some other things accomplished).
Anyway enough rambling HERE'S THE FIC:
"April!" calls Mikey the moment she walks in. He scurries across the plywood bridge from his rock to the edge of the pool and hops off the concrete separating wall, and hurries over, buzzing around her excitedly. "I'm so glad you're back!"
"Well I said I would be, didn't I?" April grins, fishing in her bag for the strawberries she's brought them. She gives two of them to Mikey, and watches as he shoves one in his mouth, smiling as he chews.
There's a splash and when she looks back, Leo is sitting on the containing wall, watching her like a hawk. She wishes she could hug Mikey, but she knows if she tried to so much as touch him, Leo would be on her in a second.
Something to work on, but not today.
"Let's get this over with," he says. "I got the info Donnie wanted."
"That's great! Good job, Leo!" she says. All she gets is a scowl in return, but she tries not to let it get to her. "But before we talk about that, there's something else I want to do." She pulls out her phone and waves it. "I'm gonna take your picture!"
"Whoa, really!?" asks Mikey, clearly excited, but before she can reply, Leo is inserting himself between them.
April has to take a breath to steady herself; she knows he doesn't want to hurt her, and she knows he's just a kid. But when he moves like that, stands over her and tenses his muscles and looks down over the top of his snout at her, she can sense how easy it would be for him to kill her, and her instincts tell her to run.
But April O'Neil doesn't run.
She exhales and speaks, voice steady. "Leo. I understand why you're concerned-"
"Do you?"
"-but I promise you, I'm not going to do anything bad with them. I just want to show them to your dad."
"Still saying you know our dad, huh?" he says, the suspicion clear.
"I do know your dad, Leo." She takes another deep breath and lets it out slowly. He has every right to be cautious, she reminds herself, even if this is eating into their time tonight. "Look, Donnie already let me take his picture. He trusts me not to do anything with it."
"Yeah, well Donnie-" Leo starts, but then he seems to remember Mikey is there, and drops it mid-sentence. Which is good, because April can handle Leo being a jerk to her, but if he started badmouthing his brother they would be having words. "I just... worry he hasn't thought it through," he fixes it to.
"But Dee's a genius, right?" says Mikey. "I bet he has. He probably has some way to make sure she can't do anything bad with the pictures!"
That's not true, or at least, April is pretty sure that's not true (she did give him the phone, though, so maybe...) but if believing that will help them be comfortable with this she won't correct them.
Leo hesitates again, and she can tell he's struggling with his doubt over Donnie's intentions and his self-held rule of trying to keep Mikey's opinion of his brothers positive. Apparently, the latter wins, because he sighs and folds his arms and says, "Fine. But you're only taking a picture of me."
"Awww, Leo, come on," whines Mikey, but Leo ignores him, staring April down.
April wants to argue, too, but she knows if she pushes, Leo will just refuse to have his own picture taken too, and they won't get anywhere. Furthermore, he has info Donnie needs - if he becomes completely uncooperative then she won't get that either.
Deciding to cut her losses, April sighs and nods. "Deal."
Mikey looks thoroughly unhappy, but Leo seems to untense just slightly at the agreement. "Okay. Let's get it over with, then."
He walks over to the wall where their scale and measuring devices are stationed and raises both of his arms the same way Donnie had. April bites back her second round of nausea tonight and shakes her head.
"Nope, not like that. We're gonna do something more natural."
It's easier in here without the fence to deal with. She considers for a moment, then nods at the pool and says, "Sit on the steps. I'll take your picture there."
"Ugh, fine." He moves to do what she says, flopping on the steps with an annoyed grunt. It's such a teenager thing of him to do that she almost laughs, but she quickly swallows it before he gets more annoyed with her.
"Great! Now... sit however you want to... yeah, that's fine," she says after he pulls up one knee and leans back on his arms. She pulls her phone up with the camera on, adjusts the framing, then says, "Fair warning, it's going to flash." He shrugs. "Now... do you want to smile?"
He thinks a second, and then he smiles - closed lips, no teeth, more of a wry smirk than a full smile. But the way he tilts his head as he does it is so natural.
She takes the photo. Then she gets in closer and takes another. Then she pulls them up to look them over.
Like with Donnie the lighting is dim, but Leo is still plenty visible, and April can't help but smile.
"Dang, Leo... I have to say, the camera loves you."
"Ooo, lemme see!" says Mikey, and April turns the phone so he can look. Immediately his eyes are sparkling as he leans in to see more clearly. "She's right. You look great, Leo!"
Leo is trying to look uninterested, but she sees through him in the way he approaches. She doesn't make him ask, just flips the phone screen his way so he can look, too.
He leans in, and she something appears in Leo's face that she hasn't seen since she's come to visit him. Something soft and vulnerable and wondering - something she's sure he'd never intentionally show her, but something in the photo has brought it out of him anyway.
"That's... me?" he says finally, like he doesn't believe it.
"That's you!" she says cheerfully, even as she's trying not to think about how sad that question is. Come to think of it, there are no mirrors in here, and any reflective surfaces would likely show them a distorted image - this might be the clearest way Leo's had to see himself in years. "Pretty handsome, right?"
Leo's eyes flicker up at her just a moment, then they go back to the picture. "Handsome..." he repeats, reaching up and running his finger over the markings on his face. Mikey is watching him, with an understanding in his eyes that seems way, way too old for a thirteen-year-old, and, not for the first time, April realizes he isn't as naïve as he acts.
Even though her time for the night is dwindling, April doesn't pull the phone back until Leo finally looks away. Almost immediately his expression is back to being as annoyed as ever, but she knows that's just a mask. One day she hopes he can take it off, but for now she lets him keep it.
"You said you took Donnie's picture, too," said Mikey. "Can we see?"
"Of course!" she says, and pulls up Donnie's selfies, picking her favorite to show them. "Here we go; I had to let him take these himself 'cause of the fence."
Mikey looks, his eyes going wide, and Leo comes to join him, something less open and more complicated in his expression.
"Look, Leo, he has the same color eyes as you!" says Mikey, pointing. "And a matching scar!"
Leo's fingertips brush over the scar on his face, but he doesn't comment on it. "We all have the same color eyes, Mikey."
"We do? Oh, oh, and look," he continues, barreling on without waiting for an answer, "he has purple markings on his arms! I think his snout's longer than ours, too."
"Yeah, guess so."
"And what's up with his shell? Why's it look like that?"
"He's a soft shell." Leo frowns. "You didn't remember that?"
Mikey blinks once, twice. "Uh, I think I did, actually. Uh, maybe." He's still staring at the photo, but April can see his eyes starting to get glassy. "I... maybe I knew that, but I never really thought about what it meant? I... I forgot what he looks like."
He sniffs, harsh, and then the tears start rolling. "Oh, baby," says April softly, while Leo just tucks Mikey under his arm.
"I forgot what my own brothers look like," Mikey says, his voice thick and wet. "I forgot... and if I forgot... I'm sorry."
"Nothin' to be sorry for," says April. She reaches out and puts a hand on his arm, glancing at Leo, but he doesn't do anything to stop her this time. Mikey hiccups at the touch but doesn't pull away. "What is it?"
"I just... did they forget what we look like, too?" He glances up at Leo, then sniffs again. "Will they even recognize us?"
April decides this isn't the time to bring up how it'd be hard to confuse them for anyone else, because, while true, it's not really the point. What she goes for instead is a different but still practical answer: she waves the phone at him.
"I'll show them the pictures, okay? So now they'll remember, too." She looks up at Leo again. "That okay with you, Leo?"
He jerks his head as he looks away from Mikey, and she can practically see the gears working while he comes to a decision. Much as April hates making Mikey cry, it seems it's worked in her favor.
Because Leo sighs, and says, "I guess if you're doing that you need to take a picture of Mikey, too."
Mikey's eyes go wide in surprise, before he sniffles loudly and then turns and jumps onto his brother, who holds onto him with a good-natured chuckle. "Thanks, Leo!" he says, his tears still trickling down his face, and Leo just sighs and pats his shell until he eventually stops.
April takes Mikey's picture, and he and Leo ooh and aah over it just as much as they had Leo's. She gets the information she needs, and gives a promise that she'll show the pictures to Donnie and Raph as soon as she can.
Raph... well, she's pretty sure he won't actually know what he's looking at. Honestly, April still isn't even sure if he can see.
But she knows Donnie is going to be ecstatic. She can't wait to show him.
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wrestlingis · 4 years
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2019 was the year Still Life With Apricots and Pears became their own person. With a record breaking Young Lions Cup reign, they more then proved themselves in the ring. Then at the Season 20 finale, we saw them come in with a literal clean slate as they ended the year strong with a victory over Sonny Defarge. Coming into 2020, they look to keep that momentum going. However, nobody can boast a more successful 2019 in CHIKARA than their opponent Ophidian. Not only did Ophidian change the landscape of CHIKARA with the introduction of the Crucble, but he won the Infinite Gauntlet, defeated Mike Quackenbush in 90 seconds, won the Johnny Kidd Invitational tournament, and won the King of Trios tournament. Both competitors come into 2020 with a massive wave of momentum behind them, but only one will leave National Pro Wrestling Day victorious.
“National Pro Wrestling Day 2020″ - Saturday, February 8th, 2020 - Philadelphia, PA
1. Mike Quackenbush vs. Hallowicked
2. Still Life With Apricots and Pears vs. Ophidian
3. Forged (Xavier Faraday, JoSue Ibanez & Joshua Wells) vs. The Crucible (Devantes, Tunku Amir & Frey Nassar)
4. The Colony (Green Ant & Thief Ant) vs. The Legion of Rot (Frightmare & Kobald)
5. Dan Champion vs. Callux the Castigator
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chikaraspecial · 5 years
National Pro Wrestling Day 2019 is loaded with intrigue!
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iamchikara · 4 years
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As mentioned prior, WiF! has taken the reins for this year’s NPWD, and here’s what they currently have on deck for February 8th.
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mattylovescomics · 7 years
MattyLovesPodcast #53: "Lost Timelords of CHIKARA"
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theyre having a normal one
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zhangweixu · 5 years
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百事新品 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxgtxn-nPWD/?igshid=1883x787t0itk
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dilod2 · 6 years
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Так вроде получше чем заводить кабель в прибор во внешней изоляции, но могут забраковать. #работа #bolid https://www.instagram.com/p/BormnG-npWD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=53wgr3txe06l
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nationwidepd-blog · 6 years
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eppaljeck · 6 years
his best friend is a shinx called epice
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wrestlingis · 4 years
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Last month at the Young Lions Cup XVI event, Jigsaw and Matt Makowski got to face one another for the first time in a trios match. This Saturday, they’ll square off in singles competition at National Pro Wrestling Day!
“National Pro Wrestling Day 2020″ - Saturday, February 8th, 2020 - Philadelphia, PA
1. Mike Quackenbush vs. Hallowicked
2. Still Life With Apricots and Pears vs. Ophidian
3. Jigsaw vs. Matt Makowski
4. Forged (Xavier Faraday, JoSue Ibanez & Joshua Wells) vs. The Crucible (Devantes, Tunku Amir & Frey Nassar)
5. The Colony (Green Ant & Thief Ant) vs. The Legion of Rot (Frightmare & Kobald)
6. Dan Champion vs. Callux the Castigator
7. ZERO & Boomer Hatfield vs. The Spoiler & Sonny Defarge
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chikaraspecial · 5 years
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Juan Francisco de Coronado and Missile Assault Man had a rivalry throughout the Secret Season 17, culminating in Missile Assault Man earning a Grand Championship opportunity against then Champion Coronado during the Summer of Season 18. The two former enemies were strong enough partners to make it to the finals of the Lethal Lottery tournament, ultimately losing to Princess KimberLee and The Whisper. At National Pro Wrestling Day, the rivalry will be renewed as Missile Assault Man has his first real singles match since returning to CHIKARA in October against Coronado. A win for Coronado would earn him a chance to once again be Grand Champion.
“National Pro Wrestling Day 2019″ - Lancaster, PA - Sunday, February 10th - 2:00 PM EST
1. Campeonatos de Parejas: Princess KimberLee & The Whisper (Campeones) vs. Sonny Defarge & Cornelius Crummels
2. Xyberhawx 2000 (Nytehawk & Razerhawk) (0 Points) vs. F.I.S.T. (Travis Huckabee & Tony Deppen) (1 Point)
3. Penelope Ford (0 Points) vs. Still Life With Apricots and Pears (2 Points)
4. Officer Warren Barksdale (0 Points) vs. Hallowicked (1 Point)
5. Missile Assault Man (0 Points) vs. Juan Francisco de Coronado (2 Points)
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