nathanscovell · 3 years
HMM Day 22 - Dead Snow
HMM Day 22 – Dead Snow
So the other day I was working at home because my son was sick from school. As usual, I was sitting with him while I was typing away on my computer. At this moment in time the Back to The Future trilogy was playing and my son is watching intently. It’s a grand time to be a dad in moments like this. There he is, seven years old and loving the shit out of the same movies that I watched when I was…
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nathanscovell · 3 years
HMM Day 16 - Let The Right One In
HMM Day 16 – Let The Right One In
You know what is one of the best things? Getting a new deodorant stick. Especially when you get a stick that is an entirely different smell than one you have been using. I swear, when I get a new stick of deodorant, I will spend hours smelling my pits. Sitting at work and just getting a good whiff of this new scent fills me with utter delight. It’s like I’m our President Joe Biden sniffing…
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nathanscovell · 3 years
Scenes To Be Seen - Super Freddy
Scenes To Be Seen – Super Freddy
Welcome to the fifth post of my Scenes to Be Seen series of Freddy Krueger deaths. At this point in time we’ve covered how Freddy gets to people in a very close and personal ways. If you recall the first two Elm Street movies, Freddy wasn’t all to creative with his deaths. He was merely a menacing demon that took his victims into a dream world where he would kill them. But in A Nightmare On Elm…
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nathanscovell · 3 years
Scenes To Be Seen - Children Suck
Scenes To Be Seen – Children Suck
Welcome to my fourth installment of my Scenes To Be Seen, A Nightmare On Elm Street kills series! The series that explores each Elm Street film and the best death from each movie. So far I’ve discussed my most favorite kills starting with the original 1984 A Nightmare On Elm Street where our own young Captain Jack Sparrow is pulled to his doom and a geyser of blood comes out from the bed! Oooh,…
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nathanscovell · 3 years
Scenes To Be Seen - Party Wrecker
Scenes To Be Seen – Party Wrecker
My neighbors are driving me nuts. It’s a Tuesday night and they’re having a party. Normally, that kind of thing doesn’t bother me. But my neighbors… they have a fondness for a style of music called Reggaeton. If you don’t know what it is then consider yourself blessed. I’m a metal head so my preference for music is pretty opinionated. If you ever talk to metal heads, they believe all other forms…
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nathanscovell · 3 years
Scenes To Be Seen - Old Faithful!
Scenes To Be Seen – Old Faithful!
Do me a favor. Off the top of your head, go ahead and state the top five killers or slashers from the vast array of horror villains you know. My best bet is that within the first three you named, you most likely counted Freddy Krueger in there. Don’t worry, you’re not cliche! You’re just a total badass because you love horror that much and you admire the elites of the genre. There’s nothing wrong…
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nathanscovell · 3 years
TrueKnot E-Cigs
As Kurt and Antonella Miller sit in bed, their traditional nighttime routine winds down to the typical mundane closure of clicking through the cable television channels. The process repeats itself over and over until either one of them gives up and decides to call it a night. On this particular night Kurt finds himself drawn to a particular channel normally ignored. He reachers over the bed and…
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nathanscovell · 4 years
Godzilla vs Kong
When I was a young boy, I had to share a room with my little brother. For anyone else that grew up with brothers and sister, there is a good chance you had the same experience. There’s also a good chance that you experienced the same annoying shit that comes with sharing a room with an annoying ass! I don’t understand what was wrong with my parents. They weren’t drug addicts but I don’t think…
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nathanscovell · 5 years
HMM Day 11 - Mimic
Day 11 of Horror Movie Marathon brings us Mimic!
When I was fifteen years, twenty pounds and no kids ago; I worked at a summer camp as a cabin counselor in West Virginia. The camp was called Camp Tomahawk and was deep in the forest, probably an hour or two outside of Baltimore. The two weeks of orientation were always the best because it was campers free. The calm before the flood of urine filled sleeping bags and annoying campfire songs.…
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nathanscovell · 5 years
HMM Day 8 - Dead Alive
HMM Day 8 – Dead Alive
Do you love your mother? I know I sure do. But that goes without saying. Everyone should love their sweet old mums. They not only brought us life, they put up with our stupid crap. They know us better than we know ourselves. Sure they roll their eyes and think us strange. But in the end our mothers think the highest of us while everyone else doesn’t. Let’s be honest, our moms are probably the…
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nathanscovell · 2 years
My Favorite Things - Schadenfreude
My Favorite Things – Schadenfreude
Welcome to my new series titled My Favorite Things. A series where I just basically bull shit about things that I love in horror films. At first, this was going to be a top five or ten list where I write out all my favorite “whatevers” in films. But then I decided to just do something a little more in depth and discuss aspects of horror that I love and maybe give some shining examples. I don’t…
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nathanscovell · 2 years
Scenes To Be Seen - Happy National Tree Day
Happy National Tree Day! Well yesterday I mean.
Hello everyone, I’ve been gone for a long time and I want to say that I am sorry about that. The reason for my very long absence is due to my new job and just being really busy. I have to be honest, I miss writing these posts and will do my best to up the output of stupid content. So I’m back at it and have a good Scenes To Be Seen today. Did you know that yesterday was National Tree Day? I…
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nathanscovell · 3 years
Scenes To Be Seen - I'm Joe Grizzly Bitch!
Scenes To Be Seen – I’m Joe Grizzly Bitch!
I’m a simple man. A simple man with simple desires. I don’t require fancy clothing or a slew of high end products to make me feel good. I like normal foods and enjoy simple pleasures like a good cold beer, a nice cigar and a nice romp with the Mrs whenever the mood is now. My mood about politics and social issues run in the realm of simple. You can be what you want just as long as I don’t have to…
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nathanscovell · 3 years
The Mutilator - Valentine's Day Letter
The Mutilator – Valentine’s Day Letter
So this is an odd post. I have always wanted to get into more creative writing and I actually had a challenge to write a Valentine’s Day letter regarding two horror characters. From the start one would quickly come up with ideas that are more comical. But I wanted to make a more serious post regarding two characters from an underrated Bronze Age slasher flick known as The Mutilator. This is kind…
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nathanscovell · 3 years
Scenes To Be Seen - Words Of Wisdom
Scenes To Be Seen – Words Of Wisdom
Welcome to 2022 everyone! It’s good to be back to writing and I hope everyone else had a great holiday season. I’m looking forward to this new year and what kinds of things I will be working on. I hope you all can enjoy more of my content as well. Some more Scenes To Be Seen posts, more Rear View Mirror Reviews, some short stories and then a few new ideas I have up my sleeve. All in all, it’s…
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nathanscovell · 3 years
Horror Movie Marathon 2021 Recap
Horror Movie Marathon 2021 Recap
Another Horror Movie Marathon has come and gone and this post is just a way to blow off some steam. Boy am I pooped, but now I get to spend these few months relaxing. Oh wait, it’s November! Which means we have Thanksgiving, then Christmas and then New Years. Damnit who the hell put four holidays together like this? I swear to God this is done on purpose by the government! They do this shit so…
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