xwildatheartx · 3 months
• • Brooklyn • •
"Oh yeah? What're the kids like?"
She was glad those kids weren't alone out there, since this wasn't a safe place for anyone...let alone kids. Brooklyn might be a bit of a reckless shithead, but ya had to keep kids safe.
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[ ϟ ]
Luke finished off his cigarette and he dug out the pack from the waist of his jeans. Seeing that he didn't have many left, he decided it'd be best if he didn't have another. So he put the pack back in his pants once more.
"Yeah, and I'm sure they won't mind ya tagging along. Especially my little sister."
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xwildatheartx · 3 months
• • Jocelyn • •
She moved away from him, gently guiding the dog from where Lola stood on him. Her free hand brushed over his shoulder for a moment.
"Alright...why don't I feed her while you go get comfy. Then I'll join you in a minute..."
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Diego leaned into her touch, and seeing her smile caused him to return the smile. He was focused on her until there was a wet nose between them. Diego couldn't help but laugh as he watched Lola stand on him.
"Yeah, I think that'd be a good idea."
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xwildatheartx · 4 months
• • Kat • •
"Yeah really..."
She stood up too, her eager fingers taking his hand in hers. Kat started to lead him through the home, staying close to him for now.
"Then we can get you something to eat, get cozy..." Just like old times.
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[ ⌘ ]
"Yeah... Rivers can clean only so much."
Matias nodded in agreement, really excited about this shower now. But who could blame him? After she squeezed his knee, he stood up.
"Alright, works for me."
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xwildatheartx · 4 months
• • Frankie • •  
"Yeah, and back then I didn't know anyone else going through it. Like who would I tell that wouldn't think it was completely nuts? But like, I met others, people who knew about it or hell other werewolves too. Seemed way less isolating."
She hoped that was some what reassuring for him, that although the adjustment period was hard, it just took time, and things wouldn't always been this difficult.
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[ 🌕 ]
"Yeah okay. Thank you."
River counted himself lucky that he knew a couple of werewolves and Emma who could help aid him if he wanted. Most don't have these sources. The vet was surprised by her answer. 15 years? That was crazy.
"Oh wow really?"
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xwildatheartx · 6 months
• • Ronnie • •
"Oh Klaus is just always into something or another. Like an outdoor cat, they just kind of come and go as he pleases."
It was just the way Klaus was, the way they'd always been. But she knew the eldest sibling would meet their uncle eventually- especially if their uncle was true to his word and stuck around.
"But you'll meet them."
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"I'd love that."
Tyr smiled. He really wanted to make up for lost time with the kids. But unfortunately, he couldn't do much in his current state. His fake self really did a number on him. Who would've thought that was possible, since the other Tyr was a dentist.
"Yeah? How so?"
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xwildatheartx · 6 months
• • Brooklyn • •
Yeah no fuckin' wonder why this guy was called Handsome Luke; that smile was absolutely lethal. She'd kinda wished she had tried to hook up with him all those many years ago out behind some fair ride. But she shelved those thoughts for now; this wasn't exactly the time or place for these things now. Not with zombies runnin' around.
"Hey no problem. I get it, ya gotta look after them first."
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[ ϟ ]
"Yeah, alright. I will for sure."
He smiled. Luke was thankful that she understood his need to protect those two. Sure, it may seem small, but it meant a lot to him. He couldn't see Sparrow or Jason complaining if she tagged along. In fact, knowing Sparrow she'd probably be the most welcoming to it.
"Thank you."
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xwildatheartx · 6 months
• • Jocelyn • •
"Yeah no kidding..."
She brushed her tattooed fingers along his stubbly jawline, a wide grin spread on her lips. She was about to slide herself down onto his lap when the blue nosed pitbull snorted and shoved herself between where she stood and he sat. Lola half stood higher using Diego's legs as leverage.
The whole thing made Jocelyn chuckle as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"Wanna move somewhere she'll be less jealous?"
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Diego still had a smile on his face as she leaned into him. After a moment he placed his lips on hers and he stole a kiss. He just couldn't help it. He's crazy about her. He pulled back a little bit, their noses touching once more.
"Good cuz that would've been awkward."
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xwildatheartx · 7 months
• • Brooklyn • •
It was a nice offer, and she really did appreciate it; but if she was going to go with them...she wanted all parties consent first. Sure she didn't know the kids; but she wanted them to be comfortable if she was going to go with them.
"Y'know, that's nice of you to offer. But maybe talk it over with your son and sister first. I know you're the adult and all, but I wouldn't wanna make them feel uneasy or anything..."
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[ ϟ ]
"Pretty much."
Luke knew he was lucky that way. Sure, he did worry about the dangers his son and sister faced in this crazy new world. Luke was half tempted to take up his older sister's offer to join her group.
As she spoke, Luke continued to smoke and think. Should he ask this chick if she'd wanna join up with him? She seemed like a chill person. He just didn't want to put them in danger. But on the other hand, it would be nice to have another adult with them.
"If that's the case, you're welcome to join up with us. If you wanted."
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xwildatheartx · 7 months
• • Ronnie • •
"Oh you will. If you want, when you feel up for it, I could see if Henry can come by. so you can meet him."
Henry was the easier one to get a hold of since he was usually at home. But that didn't mean he wasn't busy. But this was their uncle, who they'd only ever heard about. It was kind of a big deal.
"Klaus can be a little hard to track down."
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Darius listened carefully as his niece told him about his nephews. They all sounded like a handful. But he wouldn't expect any less, as they were Mad Sweeney's children. And of course, he was happy that one of them took after their mother. He smiled as he was excited to meet the boys. He still felt ashamed about not being in their life. He regretted it.
"Oh yeah? Can't wait to officially meet them."
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xwildatheartx · 7 months
• • Kat • •
"Oh I bet it does. I remember my first shower when I got here." She gave his knee a squeeze; she considered herself incredibly lucky that he'd made it here and back to her.
"Why don't I show you where the bathroom is, and I'll go find something fresh and clean for you to wear?"
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[ ⌘ ]
A shower sounded fantastic to Matias, as he couldn't remember the last time he actually had one. Sure, he's washed up at a river but an actual shower? That was heaven-sent.
"That sounds amazing."
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xwildatheartx · 8 months
• • Ronnie • •
"So there's Klaus and Henry. Henry's in the middle, and is kinda like mom in the arts category but he's more focused on visual arts. Super talented, I mean, obviously. He's also kinda quiet like her too."
Henry for sure was the more introverted of the three siblings, and they all respected that...most of the time. The siblings did have a penchant for dragging him out into some antics on occasion. Then there was Klaus.
"And Klaus is our older sibling. He's good people but Klaus is always into something. Like a spicy disaster. He has like, this connection to the dead and acts like a psychopomp sometimes."
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"That she is."
Tyr smiled once more. He was glad that his little sister had a family of her own. At least she had someone to lean on in Tyr's absence. Plus she had kids to keep her busy and not participate in their father's schemes.
"I think so too. I'm also excited to finally meet all three of you. What are your brothers like?"
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xwildatheartx · 8 months
• • Kat • •
"Yeah-" She could absolutely melt in his presence- always did, always will. Kat gave his hand a squeeze and leaned in a little closer.
"How does a nice hot shower sound? Then after we can make something to eat and get cozy? Like old times...and you can tell me everything I've missed..."
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[ ⌘ ]
"I'm glad I took her offer."
He smiled once more and brought her hand to his lips. Matias then placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. After a moment, he pulled back from their hands and smiled at her once more.
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xwildatheartx · 8 months
• • Jocelyn • •
She smiled wide as she nodded, her nose touching his own. Jocelyn was glad that this conversation had gone in a favorable way- that he was into her too. And at least they knew they could cohabitate well, as they'd been living as friends & roommates for how long now?
"Yeah...I'd love to."
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"I was yeah."
On top of being nervous about making a move, he didn't know how Jocelyn had felt about him and so he didn't want the friendship to become awkward if he had confessed to her. But luckily he doesn't have to worry about that now. They both were into each other and it all worked out. He smiled and looked into her eyes.
"So what do you say about going out with me?"
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xwildatheartx · 8 months
• • Kat • •
She grabbed her things, then met him at the door as she slid on her own boots. Kat had leaned against the door to tie them up.
"What should we have for dinner? Was there anything you were craving in the void? If that's a thing..."
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[ ⸎ ]
"Yeah okay. Let's do that then."
Deion still had a smile on his face as he got up from his spot. He then went over to the door and put his boots on. He then waited for Kat to join him.
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xwildatheartx · 8 months
• • Brooklyn • •
Normally she would've wanted to make a near-flirty comment about his previous profession, but she was doing everything to try and stay light so he didn't worry any more than he probably did.
"Sure- here's the flag one for you...annnd for me-" she yanked out a larger and obnoxiously orange shirt that said 'I went to Tennessee and all I got was this crappy t-shirt.
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[ ★ ]
Cheyenne laughed lightly at her comment. He would disagree with her, though, he was glad it wasn't one of those Hawaiian shirts. He never looked good in them. Cheyenne looked over the two options before making his decision.
"Gotta go with the flag since I used to be a firefighter and all."
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xwildatheartx · 8 months
• • Frankie • •  
"Nah it's fine. I get it. I didn't exactly have a guide on how to do this shit back when I changed."
Frankie put her phone back in the car's cup holder beside her. It was kinda crazy to think about how long she'd been a werewolf, she'd just been a kid back then. She didn't like the word affliction though, but he was still new to all this, so she'd let it slide for now.
"Since I was in my teens, so like- 15 years or so now."
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[ 🌕 ]
"Ah, okay. I will for sure do that sometime then." River smiled as he gave her his number. He then pulled his phone from his pocket to get her number. Once added to his contacts he put the phone down in the cup holder in his car. He fully intended to text or call her at some point just because he wanted to learn how to control that other side of him if it was even possible.
"Oh, I will for sure contact you. You may regret giving me your number." He chuckled lightly. "Ages you say? How long have you had this affliction?"
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xwildatheartx · 8 months
• • Brooklyn • •
"Sure hun, go nuts."
Brooklyn handed them over the reference sketches; like she needed them for anything? This one was the artist here. She was curious to see what they'd come up with though.
"I mean- I like full-colour tattoos, but I'm open to black and white. Whatever the vision is, y'know?"
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[ ☠ ]
"Yep, I can do that. Do you mind if I hold onto these?"
Logan didn't think she would mind, but they thought it would be better to ask than just assume. They really wanted this to be good. No, the best they've ever done. It was their first real job. A job they will be getting paid to do.
"What are you thinking for colors? Black and white or?"
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