#nsfs logan sanders
Logan in a collar Logan in a collar Logan in a collar Logan in a collar Logan in a coll-
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pencilpat · 10 months
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A sense of... possession.
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moonbeam-dragon · 9 months
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pupplaylogan · 9 months
Breedable Bitch (Intrulogical)
"I’d like to see you write Remus and Logan together with Remus calling Logan a Breedable bitch. If you’re alright with that. - 🌧️"
Word/s: 528
Summary: top remus + bottom logan, scratching + slight blood, hair pulling, aggressive sex
Smut Drabbles masterlist | FANFICTION MASTERLIST
Remus pins Logan down by the shoulders, chest pressing uncomfortably into the couch. His ass is in the air and Remus is slamming into him— skin slapping with every thrust.
Logan's hands grip the couch cushion the best he can. Pressing his face down and panting hard, his chest heaves. His face is wet from sweat and his hair is plastered onto his skin.
Remus moves his hands away from Logan's shoulders and then he digs his nails into his upper back, slowly, tediously, dragging them down. Hard. Little beads of blood prickle up from the little lines.
Logan moans, muffled.
Remus grips his hips, continuing to fuck him as Logan's cock leaks and sways inbetween his legs. He bet he's bruising (and that thought has his cock twitching).
He's teetering on the edge.
Remus leans down over Logan, blowing hot breath against his ear. His mustache tickles his skin. He licks his ear before growling, "Aren't you my breedable, little bitch?"
Logan gasps.
He grips the cushion tighter in his fingers, eyes rolling into the back of his head. His mouth falls open in a silent moan, before they clank together, clenching. He groans. "Remus, oh fuck—."
He comes, legs shaking.
Remus laughs mockingly above him and his head spins.
"What? You like that? Do you like being my breedable bitch?" Remus asks, tone snide.
Logan doesn't respond. He's panting hard and drooling onto the couch. It pools beneath his mouth. His cock hits his stomach the harder Remus thrusts and he whines, overwhelmingly sensitive.
Fingers wind in his hair, pulling his head up with a sharp tug. Logan moans, wincing, both from the tug and awkward position. His mouth hangs open as drool runs down his chin.
"Answer me, bitch," Remus grunts. Logan moans again and nods the best he can.
"Yes, yes, yes," Logan chants.
"Yes, what?"
"I love being your bitch! Your breedable bitch!" Logan answers, squeezing his eyes shut.
Remus groans, dropping Logan's head and shoving his own into Logan's shoulder. A few more thrusts and he's coming in Logan. He shudders above him. Logan's cock weakly twitches and squirts out more cum.
(Remus spreads ointment across Logan's back, over the scratches— his scratches. His heart flutters in his chest, staring at the marks he put on Logan. He doesn't think he could stop the dopey smile on his face even if he tried.
Logan winces at the sting, but does his best to sit as still as possible.
Remus moves his fingers away, closing the jar, and wiping his hands on one of the random pillows. Logan turns around to face him, cupping his face and pressing a kiss to his mouth.
Much softer tham what they just finished doing.
Remus smiles at him, vibrating.
"Are you alright, love?" Logan asks, quietly.
Remus nods, running his hands up and down the sides of Logan's body. He starts rushing through questions. "Are you okay? Did I do too much? Did you like that? Was I too hard? Did I hurt you in a way you didn't like—"
Logan cuts him off with a shoosh and a finger to his lips.
"That was amazing, Remus.")
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far-from-fran · 4 months
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djs-horny-blog-lmao · 11 months
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Hopefully tumblr hasnt nuked the quality but ohghgh my god. Dont know if i wanna wreck him or be him yknow
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badbadfurrysides · 4 months
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logan strung up in harness-like stuff? yes please
(repost bc tumblr doesnt like me-)
full: https://x.com/naughty_spoof/status/1799235214893629598
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vulgarvixxen · 1 year
Roman being a birthday whore
Tw: drugs, alcohol, suggestive drinks, sex, crying(the happy kind but it’s there), drunk/tipsy sex, orgy
It was his birthday and Roman had been invited to a concert by his twin who knew how much he wanted to see this new band but was too nervous to go alone.
The band had a masquerade theme, each member wearing a mask that hid half their face. The lead singer Emotions had a cat mask with light blue details, Logic wore a raven mask with indigo and dark blue highlights against the black feather and played the keyboard. The bassist, Anxiety, wore a mask that covered the bottom of his face in a creepy spider mouth in a deep purple, the drummer, who went by Deceit, had a snake tattoo on the left side of his face and a yellow and gold snake mask on his right half. They were really cool and their music was a mix of seductive melodies with thought provoking lyrics that got Roman’s creative side flowing.
Remus brought “Birthday Queen” and “Birthday Bitch” sashes for them to wear, they were corny but in the fun way that his brother could be when he wasn’t being a gore gremlin from work. (Being head of the special effects team for horror movies really warps one’s humor.) The club was more underground and you had to “know a guy” to get in, which both twins did but Roman had never taken advantage of the fact. Being a costume designer and inspiring actor didn’t leave him a lot of time to make friends let alone friends you’d take to a club that had a grungy “IDGAF” vibe and catered to mainly behind the scenes clientele.
The outside was a boring looking concrete structure and inside it stayed mostly concrete, the walls were graffitied in mixed of color that popped out in 3-D designs where the black lights hit them. And the floors were a checkerboard of colored concrete covered in epoxy, glitter and confetti that seemed to be mixed in or just stuck between layers. It was grungy and beautiful, Roman was blown away and so grateful that his brother brought him here at last!
When a bartender wearing shades saw Remus they waved the twins over, “Hey Babe, I got you those passes you wanted. Two VIPs and two drink bracelets, your sweet birthday asses get to meet the band and all your drinks are free.” They explained, clipping on a neon pink bracelet, reminiscent of old hospital bracelets, onto each of their wrists. Remus gave them one of his happy feral grins, “You’re the best, Remy! I’d blow you right now if you weren’t on the clock.” To that “Remy” got a devilish grin of their own, “Speaking of blow jobs, let’s start you cuties off with a bj shot.”
The drink was made with some kind of coffee liqueur that smelled way too good to be cheap, Irish cream, and a healthy squirt of whipped cream. One of the shots was topped with edible gold and the other with edible rainbow glitter, Remus pulled the shots closer to the edge of the bar, taking the gold one for himself and putting the rainbow one in front of Roman. “There’s rules for this drink Ro-bro, no hands allowed, you have to knock it back with your mouth alone.” And to show what he means, Remus leans forward and wraps his lips around the glass rising up to throw the shot back. The chaos twin winks at Remy as he sets the shot glass back down without touching it, Remy looked like he was not at all impressed but that could have been his neutral face. Taking a stance so he won’t fall over, Roman put his hands behind his back and tried to copy what his brother did. It wasn’t perfect but he was able to get his mouth around his shot eventually, the taste of sweet coffee pours over his tongue and he finds it covers any alcohol flavor. He can’t quite put it down like Remus so once the glass is empty he uses his hand to put it on the bar, “That was really good, thanks Remy.” Remy smiled at him, “No problem, Babe, go have a fun birthday.”
The first hour was full of local bands playing a song or two, never staying for long before the next one came one, most of them weren’t Roman’s taste but a few didn’t sound half bad. They ended up buying a shirt from a three person band that was called Rainbow Panic and reminded him of LaPeer, the girls all wore different pride buttons and looked pretty young to be already so talented. They asked the girls to autograph the shirts. Between bands they got more drinks and mingled with some of the regulars that Remus seemed to know, it was really feeling like a party by the time the main act, the reason they were there, The Guise!
Conversation quieted to barely a whisper as the band started playing their song ‘Façade’, a song about feeling like an imposter in your own life. It was one of Roman’s favorites and the reason he had sought out more of their music, he was mouthing along with it as he let it flow through him. He couldn’t be sure but it looked like Anxiety noticed because he was giving their table more glances than the rest…could just be the silly birthday get up though. The second on the playlist was another great song, probably their most popular, ‘Subterfuge’. This one was about how we’re lied to from childhood and how telling the truth is more deceptive in this day and age. The story is cool but the lyrics are so clever by using words with double meanings. The next few in the list are ‘Parody’, ‘Veneer, and ‘Strike A Pose’, each one was pretty good and Roman knew all the words still but he wasn’t in love with them like the first two. The last before the break was Roman’s current favorite, ‘Reproduce’, it was about how being creative could feel like making love or being screwed. It was both relatable and really sexy, Emotions and Deceit shared the microphone for this one and it did things to his insides.
The break saw Remus getting them some pretzels while Roman kept watch of their drinks, the line at the bar was long so he wasn’t expecting his brother for a while. So when someone sat next to him Roman was rightfully surprised, the guy was wearing a purple hoodie that hid most of his face in shadow that set him on edge. “Uh sorry, just wanted to say happy birthday. Hope it’s a good one.” And just as quickly as he arrived the hooded mystery man was gone back into the crowd.
Remus thankful got back in time for the last small band to still be playing and Ro could tell him everything about the mystery guy, “Ooh, sounds like you could end up having a happy ending to your happy birthday. Lucky.” Re teased, knowing that Roman wasn’t one to typically have one night stands. They ate their snack and clapped with the rest of the room when The Guise came back for their final half. ‘Four-Flush’ about a lover cheating, ‘Assume’ about assuming a persona and the assumptions made because of that persona, ‘Jubilee’ celebrating a success by aiming higher, ‘Holy Revelry’ a newer song about embracing your flaws because it makes you human, and lastly the song that cemented their popularity, ‘Masquerade’, all about coming out of the closet and facing the “red death” of being disowned. The queer community in Hollywood had fallen in love with the pure emotion that Emotion put into it, it had made Roman cry the first few times he heard it.
The show wraps up with Emotions and Deceit thanking the audience and a club worker saying that the live music for the night was over and that a DJ would be playing the rest of the night. This was when Remus nudged him and waved their VIP passes at him, “Let’s go meet the band Ro-bro!” Oh right, they had those, he had forgotten. O-M-G he was going to meet the Guise, this was the best birthday ever! Going to the door that the band went through was nerve wracking, the bouncers were super nice though and knew Re so that was comforting. In the back there was an area or closed doors probably for dressing rooms and a curtain that the bouncers had pointed them to. Behind it was the band sitting on various furniture, chilling and out of some of the more restrictive parts of their costumes. The smell of weed tickled Roman’s nose and he noticed Deceit and Logic passing a thin joint between them, Emotions was drinking a bright pink concoction that almost hurt to look at, and Anxiety was sitting on the arm of a chair wearing a familiar hoodie and fiddling with his mask.
“Hiya, you guys rock. I can see why my bro here is a huge fan.” Remus says as a way of announcing their arrival. Anxiety jolts from his task and Roman can see his eyes widen, that was the mysterious stranger! Emotions waves at them, “Hi, nice to have you here and also happy birthday!” His talking voice is higher but just as soothing to hear, it distracts Roman from his mini heart-attack realization. Remus shoves Roman onto an unoccupied couch and sits next to him, “Thanks, sorry if Roman stays quiet for a hot second, normally he’s a real talker but he’s all star struck. Give him a minute and he’ll probably have a good story about some celebrity he fitted for some movie or whatever.” Roman blushes at the mention of his work, he always forgot that he technically was around stars all the time.
Logic asks if Remus has any stories of his own, the gremlin talks about meeting the lead lady of horror herself Sigourney Weaver when he worked on the newest Halloween movie. That got Roman to speak up a little and add the part Remus had purposely left out, it was purposely because Remus would never forget a part of that story. The conversation started picking up from there and soon Roman didn’t notice Remus leaving with Remy after a drink drop-off. He did however notice when the guys started to take off their masks.
Logic and Emotions had the easiest to get off and they both switched out contacts for very similar glasses, Logic with black and Emotions with a sky blue. Anxiety had followed with his spider mask and put it in a bag by his chair, he put in a set of spider bites that shone a rainbow of colors. Deceit was the last to uncover his full face but he didn’t add anything, actually he removed something, his tattoo! It had apparently been a temporary one he used to obscure his identity. But now Roman had a new problem, they each were very pretty and giving him a lot of attention.
“You know,” Deceit purrs, “We were going to go out and unwind, you should come with us.” Emotions nods enthusiastically, causing Deceit to chuckle. Logic chimes in next, “I’m sure if you let your brother know that it won’t be a problem, he seems like the protective sort.” Roman nods, Remus had always been his physical protector while Roman stood up for Remus during conflicts of feelings. It was just how they balanced each other out. “Be sure to share your location too, safety and all that.” Anxiety adds. Could he? Should he? This was every real life horror story beginning but it’s not like he was stupid enough to not already know to share his location, not that he needed to with the twins having “track my phone” for each other. “I mean, I’d like that. Re would probably say I need to be more adventurous anyway…” he was already pulling out his phone and sending the texts.
After some late night greasy hole in the wall food the band takes him along to a coffee shop that was pretty close to his own apartment, he didn’t say anything but they all knew the menu so they must come often. It’s there he sees the signs that the guys are partners in more than just the band. Emotions is a touchy person so seeing him hang onto the others doesn’t register at first but then he kisses Deceit and that tracked, the duets had so much heat in them not to be from actual feelings. But then he kisses Logic and calls him Logie, it’s too sweet to be a nickname based on his persona so it must be from Logic’s real name. Next was Anxiety snuggling his face into Deceit’s neck, the act screamed “lovers”. So when Roman caught smaller hints it became obvious that the band was a polycule.
Emotions giggly held his hand as the group went to the apartment complex just around the block from his own, Anxiety was close enough to his other side that they bumped shoulders in a way that felt intentional. Logic led the way with Deceit bringing up the rear, Roman felt safe instead of crowded like he would have normally. Inside their place was extremely homey, lived in and filled with love, it reminds Roman of sharing a dorm with his brother and Emile in college. “I’m grabbing beers, requests?” Anxiety asks, heading to what was likely the kitchen. Logic asked for his “usual” and Emotions called for a “dark”, what’s brought in is some local brew, two light beers and two lagers. “I didn’t know what you liked so I grabbed extras of their stuff, but um, I could get you water if you want.” Anxiety offers. It was really nice of him but Roman was in the mood for a normal beer after all those mixed drinks. “Beer sounds good to me, thanks.”
After a few beers they accidentally let slip their names, Patton, Logan, Virgil, and Janus. Roman now had a lap full of Patton, the guy was playing with Roman’s sash and humming. The others were all talking quietly as not to disturb Pat’s bubble of sound, it was a surprise when suddenly there was a pair of lips kissing his neck. He must of made a noise because the other three had stopped talking, he should be stopping Pat, those were Patton’s partners and the poor guy probably was drunk enough to think he was one of them! He was going to say something when Janus chuckled, “Of course our dear Emotions would be the first to make a move.” With the silence broken Virgil adds in quickly, “You can say no, he won’t be upset, we won’t be upset. This is all so sudden and all.” Logan seems to agree with how he nods and puts a hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
“W-what if I don’t want to say no?” Roman stutters, face burning. “Please.” Patton has quit giving him hickeys to give him the sexiest pair of puppy eyes. That was just unfair. Heart hammering Roman kisses those pouting lips, the next bit is a blur but eventually the five of them are in a bedroom with a California King with far less clothes on then they had on in the living room. Patton was kissing his neck again and Virgil had claimed his lips, he could see Logan or Janus but he could feel their hands all over him. Someone was taking off his pants but he couldn’t care less who, Virgil had just made the hottest whine into his mouth and he was kinda more focused on that. Whoever was taking pants off had done the same for Patton and making rounds, Virgil was rutting his hard-on onto Roman’s own. Patton switching places with Logan and slicked fingers entered him, “Good boy, so relaxed and willing to be filled” Janus hummed the praise from close by, Roman whimpered into Virgil’s kiss.
Logan had three fingers fully inside Roman when he pulled out, they were almost immediately replaced by Virgil’s dick. Roman figured it was him from the piercing and the way Virgil sighed at the same time he was filled. The pace started slow and built up, moans were mixed with praise and kisses from the others to both of them. All too soon Virgil had finished, pulling out quickly and falling into Janus’s waiting arms. “Aww, was our spiderling that pent up that he couldn’t even make it to our guest’s first time?” It was teasing but the tone made it sound like this was normal, Virgil was just like that.
Now Patton was back in front of him and had a happy grin on his cherub face, “Ro-Ro! It’s my turn, do you want my dick or my mouth?” Roman had always been more a bottom and when it came to oral he much preferred giving than receiving, “Your dick, please.” He answered, though quietly like he wasn’t already in their bed. “Aww, no need to be coy! You’re being so good using your words, you’re a very good boy.” God, Roman didn’t know why that pet name was affecting him more than ever before, was it because of who was saying it or how they said it like it was true? He couldn’t think about it long as Patton pushed in and Roman had to keep himself from screaming in pleasure. Emotions not only had a big heart but also a huge cock, thickening as it went and it just kept going! Logan rubbed one of his hips, helping him relax again and take more.
The pace Patton set was slow, he didn’t build up like Virgil had but kept perfect rhythm as he pushed deeper each time in. As this was going on Logan had moved on to just as slowly jacking Roman off, slick fingers playing with him like they had all the time in the world. When Virgil came back into the mix it was to litter his neck in soft kisses, from what Roman could see Janus was buried in Virgil and watching as the others played their parts. Something about that seemed so romantic and loving, so private that the blush on his cheeks traveled down to his chest. Looking at Logan or Patton didn’t help, they were looking at him like something precious. He spilled over Logan’s hand with a sob, Janus and Logan coo over him thinking it was just the orgasm but he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so loved. Patton came a few thrusts later, praise and “love you”s spilling out of him like a salve on a burn.
Janus and Logan kept up the coos as Patton and Virgil cuddled, dozing in and out as they watched for now. He was lubed up again by Logan as Janus took to kissing him, deeply and hotly. He didn’t notice when they started frotting but he was very aware when Logan entered him, the pace set was in sync with him and Janus. “You have been very good, Roman. Never impatient or demanding, you were even going to remind Patton that he wasn’t kissing one of us. So honest and humble, such a good boy.” Logan whispers into his ear, it has him whimpering into the kiss again and praying he isn’t crying. Janus breaks the kiss to add his own whispers, “Virgie showed you his face but you didn’t call him out backstage, you didn’t accuse me of being fake because of the tattoo either. How are you just so lovely, hmm? You could brag about working on movie sets but you got awe-struck by us, how did we go so lucky?” Roman is definitely close to tears now, hiding his face into Janus’s shoulder to hide his wet eyes and just bask in the moment.
Logan picks up his thrusts and ends up cumming next, not that Roman and Janus are far behind. Roman is pampered with kisses and more praises as the revived Patton gets washcloths to clean up with and Virgil has water bottles at the ready. Like outside Roman is in the middle of the group as they all settle down into a calm, he’s pretty sure Patton will be asleep soon and the rest of them are not going to last long either. He wonders as he starts to drift off if this will just be for tonight and he’ll have to treasure this night or if maybe, just maybe he has a chance to be part of this relationship.
In the morning he has several texts from Remus saying he was also going out, that he was staying with Remy, don’t wait up ;). Logan is awake and in the living room as Roman heads for the door, “Roman, a moment please.” He’s not sure what to expect from this, maybe a warning to keep quiet about their identities or not to contact them again, what he doesn’t think will happen is Logan adding his number to Roman’s phone or a promise of sending the rest of their numbers later in the day. “We normally date a new person first before taking them to bed but last night was an exception. I hope you will accept the offer.” The kiss goodbye was gentle and warm and Roman can’t help but smile all the way home.
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romansgoodluckcharm · 5 months
I'm a big fan of robot Logan but I'm an even bigger fan of Logan who's into robots
Logan taking apart a machine and trying desperately to stay professional but he can't help correlating between the whirring of fans and the fastening of his breath. The warmth of the metal and the heat of his cheeks. The oil that spills as he moves aside a pipe and the blood that pumps through his veins and makes his heart thump thump thump
Logan who goes from dotting data to shaky musings, brain going dizzy with it; there's receptors across the wires, to detect oil leaks or abnormal temperature spikes, would touching them elicit plea a specific response?
His fingers hover over the wires, it's internal workings almost humming in anticipation, green lights blinking up at him in approval,
Would more heat receptors on the surface mirror direct contact? Would it be able to feel it's metal burn at the touch like his does? He gasps, feels something (one of the levers, he assumes) veer sharply towards him, reaching for him, and he's glad it seems to be enjoying this as much as he is, would that feel good?
Would that make you feel good?
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I desperately need transmasc Logan who uses binding tape and his boyfriend Virgil who is playing with/massaging/sucking on his tits to help the tissue recover once he takes it off. Y’all feel me?
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pencilpat · 1 year
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Dumb suggestive sketch. He got him a gift! 💙💚
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webplayanalogical · 1 month
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nude logan art under the cut 😳 18+ interactions ONLY
im nervous to post this, mostly because i gave logan my exact body type, but also i guess posting nsfw art in general makes me nervous cos i was nervous to post my last art as well lmao
anyway, hope y’all enjoy ^_^ unless you’re a minor in which case i hope you hate it 😡 /j but srsly DNI 17 and unders
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pupplaylogan · 1 month
hit the spot (ao3)
Words: 539
Pairings: loceit
Author's note: posting all my smut drafts. there are unbeta'd and basically posted as is. Starts and ends weird, since it was meant to be part of a bigger fic that I never got around to finishing.
Summary: Janus felt Logan tense up, hips stuttering against Janus' palm, before he was cumming hard. Logan moaned. His semen mixed with his piss against his boxers.
Alternatively, Logan wets himself in Janus' lap.
Logan gasped, gripping Janus' shoulders until his knuckles went white. He grinded downward into Janus' crotch. He felt his cock twitch and squirt piss into his boxers and jeans. Groaning, he tipped his head backwards. Janus leaned forward, pressing kisses to his exposed neck.  
"Janus," Logan gasped, "please, I'm gonna—," he cut himself off, moaning loudly. His hips stuttered and his cock leaked. 
Janus moved one of his hands towards his bladder. He began rubbing little circles, barely pushing down. Logan grit his teeth. 
He squeezed his thighs around Janus, leaning his head forward and tightly shutting his eyes. His chest rose up and down as he started breathing heavily, panting and gasping for air. His fingers twisted in Janus' shirt. Janus moved forward, tilting his head and pressing his mouth to Logan's. Their teeth clashed together. Janus slipped his tongue past Logan's lips. 
"Janus," Logan moaned into his mouth, "Janus, Janus, Janus." He felt Janus grin.
His cock squirted and he whimpered. His bladder felt too full, aching and pushing against the tight belt around his jeans. Janus just barely pushed two fingers. 
Logan's grinding faltered for a second. He pushed up against Janus, squeezing his thighs and fingers too tight around the other man. He whimpered, gritting his teeth. His eyes fluttered open. Janus was staring at him, pupils huge and cheeks flushed. Logan's cock leaked into his jeans. Janus picked up his speed just slightly, grunting and moaning. 
Janus pressed his palm hard against Logan's bladder,
And Logan was pissing.
Logan gasped loudly, hips stuttering to a stop. His warm piss shot out, quickly soaking the front of his jeans and the inside of his boxers. Arching his back, his mouth fell open into an 'O'. Eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows furrowed. He started grinding against Janus again, trying to meet his pace. He moaned loudly, feeling his piss spread in his jeans.
Janus watched as the piss trickled down Logan's thighs and ass, soaking into his own jeans and onto his cock. It was warm and wet. The hand that was on Logan's bladder moved down to his cock and he squeezed it gently. Logan keened, bucking upwards into his hands. Janus felt the stream of piss hit his hand and he pressed down, starting to palm Logan. 
The stream slowly died down, Logan's cock weakly squirting out a few more dripples. He exhaled.
"Kiss me," Janus groaned, leaning up and pressing his mouth to Logan's. Logan pushed back harder, letting Janus slip his tongue into his mouth. 
Janus continued palming Logan. He picked up the pace to match his own grinding, feeling Logan's thighs tense and untense against him. Logan's hands moved down his shoulders to his chest, circling his thumbs around Janus' nipples through his shirt. Janus moaned into Logan's mouth. 
He felt Logan tense up, hips stuttering against Janus' palm, before he was cumming hard. Logan moaned. His semen mixed with his piss against his boxers. 
Janus moved his hand to grip Logan's hip and started slamming against him, quick and hard. Logan watched as Janus' mouth fell open and his eyebrows furrowed together. 
Logan thought he was going to have bruises after this, from how hard his hips were being gripped.
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moonbeam-dragon · 9 months
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djs-horny-blog-lmao · 10 months
yeah unfortunately I think we are doomed to forever be separated by time zones unless I am traveling :(
prompt: hmm okay I have one. Janus is having an *awful* day and is snapping at everyone. desperately clinging to the last threads of his self control. (side of your choice) is finally like "okay, you need to be put down for a trance/nap/orgasm/all of the above" and semi-forcibly hypnotizes him into chilling the fuck out and giving up control.
- 👽
hiii alien anonnnn so this has been sitting in my askbox for literally months <3 <3 but i finally found the ouevre to do it so. i may be a little rusty tho so sorry <3
roughly 1.5k words. dom!logan, dom!roman, sub!janus. roloceit. no actual sex, just trance. Induction is written out. use of 'good boy' as praise. hypnosis.
as always, full fic under the cut
--- --- ---
Janus hates that he’s snapping at everyone. Remus can take it, usually laughs in Janus’ face about it, which makes it worse, honestly, but Janus appreciates that Remus can take it. Logan can too, actually, but the others all take it some level of personal, and Janus wishes he weren’t feeling so crabby, but he’s just-
He’s wired that way today, it seems.
Roman stares at him a little longer each time after every snappy remark, and Janus is sulking now, he wants to be close but everything is kind of loud, and he feels electric in a bad way, and he just wants-! …He doesn’t know what he wants.
Logan is sitting on the sofa. Janus is sitting in the armchair. Roman is sitting on his bean-bag throne. Roman and Logan keep shooting each other glances, even as Janus pretends to ignore them with a scowl on his face.
Why is it so hard to ask to be looked after? He wants to be looked after. He feels like shit, and he wants to be looked after. Janus finds himself tearing up, and he hides his face.
It’s when he hears movement that he looks up, and realises Roman has heaved himself out of his bean-bag throne and closed the difference between he and Logan, and he’s leaning down to whisper in Logan’s ear.
“Mm,” Logan says in agreement, before he rises to his feet too.
They approach Janus, which makes him shy away a little, shrink into the armchair.
“What do you want?” he snaps. “Leave me alone.”
“Do you really want that?” Logan asks, tilting his head, and Janus stares a moment. “Or do you want us?”
“We’re happy, you know,” Roman says, and he moves to Janus’ left a little more. “Happy to try take care of you.”
Logan moves to Janus’ right, sitting on the edge of the sofa.
“You’ve been highly strung all day,” Logan points out. “We have noticed. We want to help you.”
“We promise we will help you,” Roman adds, and he perches on the left armrest of Janus’ chair, and Janus keeps looking between them, unsure where to focus. “Don’t even worry about which one of us you want to look at. Do whatever you like.”
“Listen to whoever you like,” Logan adds. “Roman or I, we both want the same thing for you. To relax.”
“Yes, to relax,” Roman agrees, and Janus’ hands clench on his pants, he stares straight ahead so he’s not looking either in the eye. He can guess what they’re up to. And t-that’d be nice, but it- Janus isn’t- Janus won’t drop so easily. Surely he can’t, all stressed like this. “Don’t even worry about it, darling. There’s no rush, there’s no panic. It’s just you, me, and Logan. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
Janus looks at him, trying to keep a cynical look on his face, and he shakes his head softly.
“Oh, you don’t believe us?” Logan leans in a little, and Janus blinks as he turns to face Logan only to realise how close Logan suddenly is. “We do want you to relax. There’s nothing else you need to focus on other than Roman and I. Unless you want anything else…?”
Janus stares for another long moment, before he realises they’re waiting for a response, and he swallows, wets his lips, and softly says, “No…”
Roman and Logan both smile. Roman’s comes out as a sharp and eager grin. Logan’s looks perfectly normal, if it weren’t for how dark his eyes get, how hungrily they trace the shape of Janus’ face.
“You don’t have to worry,” Roman says, and he holds out his hand.
Janus hesitates, staring at it, before he slowly puts his hand in Roman’s.
“May we take off your gloves?” Roman asks.
Janus shakes his head.
“Aright,” Logan finishes, and he offers a hand too, and Janus looks at his hand, and hesitates a little longer before he puts his hand in Logan’s too. “Thank you for telling us.”
“We just want you to breathe,” Roman says softly, and he closes his fingers loosely around Janus’ hand. Then, slow and gentle, Roman pulls Janus’ hand towards him, then away from him in a small circle. Both Logan’s and Janus’ eyes follow the shape of it, before Logan silently copies the motion himself.
Janus feels- he already feels way more… fluid. Just kind of… being moved by their hands. They are moving him, and he doesn’t have to think about it.
“Breathe in,” Logan says.
Janus doesn’t question it. He breathes in.
“Hold,” Roman says.
Janus’ eyes fall to the floor as he does what they say.
“Breathe out,” Logan finishes.
Janus lets the air woosh out of him, head bowing.
“If your eyelids are feeling heavy, that’s alright,” Logan tells him, and Janus blinks slowly. Logan’s right. They are feeling heavy.
“You can close them, if you want,” Roman offers. “You can let your eyes close as you just breathe, nice and slow and calm.”
Janus keeps breathing in the pattern they set, and they guide him through the pattern of breathing a few more times, and Janus has to admit he’s feeling more grounded, the touch of his own clothes against his skin doesn’t feel as bad.
“As you breathe, and as you feel us just moving your hands gently like this,” Roman speaks up again now, and Janus’ eyes are closed, but he turns his head towards the prince anyway, listening, “you can feel yourself relaxing. All the tension is dropping off you, rolling off your shoulders and down your back, dripping off your fingertips. You don’t need that tension. You can just let it all go.”
Janus takes a big breath in, holds it instinctively, and when he breathes it all out, he slumps, listing over just a little, and their grips on his hands tighten a little to make sure he stays upright, and a little smile tugs at Janus’ mouth at that sensation.
“Good,” Logan says, and that makes Janus’ breathing hitch. “Good. Let yourself feel good. It’s always nice to see you smile like this.”
“It lets us know we’re treating you the way you like,” Roman adds. “Relax. Breathe. Smile. Sink into it.”
Janus shudders, his hands clenching in theirs, and his head lolls, chin dropping to his chest, but a shy little smile grows wider across his sleepy face.
“Good,” Logan repeats. “Very good.”
“Good boy,” Roman says. “Such a good boy for us.”
Janus makes a little humming sound in the back of his throat – a little too close to a moan for it to be innocent. They keep dragging his hands in little circles, which disorientate Janus more and more, he’s being dragged around and down, and he’s sinking into it, and he really didn’t think he’d be able to achieve trance the way he had been feeling however-many-minutes-ago it was, but he has and it feels good.
“Good boy,” Logan says, and a hand cups the back of his neck, and Janus whimpers for it. “Sink under our touch. Let go.”
“Just let go,” Roman’s words are by his ear, and Janus knows in a thoughtless heartbeat that those words are going straight into his brain. “Just let go for us. You’re going to drop. You want to drop.”
“You will drop for us.” Logan’s voice penetrates his brain from the other side, and Janus doesn’t know who to lean towards, torn between their gentle push and pull, ebb and flow, up and down, and he’s so effortlessly dizzy. “You want to drop.”
“…Want… t’drop…”
Janus isn’t really even that aware he spoke until he realises his lips are moving, but a warm sort of satisfaction fills him too at the sound of his own voice – hazy, slurring, content.
Logan and Roman move in beautiful synchronicity, and it’d be stunning to watch if Janus could open his eyes, if he had the wherewithal to watch at all. They gently start to lift his hands, up from waist-height to shoulder height. They stop at eye level. Janus can feel it, feel the way they manipulate his body. It feels so good. They’re going to drop his hands, and Janus is going to fall with it. That smile stays on his face, dopey and hazy and content.
He’s going to fall. He feels so good. He’s about to feel even better.
“Want t’drop,” he repeats unprompted.
Roman and Logan speak together.
“Good boy,” they say. “Drop on three…”
Janus shudders, eyelids opening just a fraction so he can do his best to study their faces, even though the pleasant haze.
Janus sighs happily, closing his eyes.
The anticipation is killing him. He wants to drop. He wants to be good for them. When are they going to tell him to-?
Roman and Logan let Janus’ hands go. Janus drops. He slumps backwards onto the couch with an open moan as his hands fall and bounce on the leather sofa, but his eyes are closed, his mouth is open, his head is lolling, and his mind is finally, blissfully,
The last thing he consciously hears, as his mind fades away for the evening – and it makes him smile, makes him feel all warm and gooey inside – is a very fond chorus of ‘good boy.’
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pxppetafterhours · 10 months
New Things Are Always a Hit - loceit
I haven't written smut in forever but I'm obsessed with them. Logan discovers a lot of new things while 'researching,' and always subjects someone in the group to them. Janus is ever-willing to indulge his attempts at being the dominant one in the dynamic, always ready to be pleasantly surprised.
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“May I hit you?”
The question from his boyfriend makes Janus pause his movie and roll over on the couch to look at him, raising an eyebrow at him and pursing his lips in bemused confusion. Logan stands stiffly at the end of the stairs, one nervous hand tapping the banister. “Do you care to elaborate?” he asks, knowing Logan loves elaborating.
“I believe it is called ‘impact play,’ a kink that can be a part of BDSM.”
“My god- Logan, sweetie, asking to hit me is not the most concise way you could’ve brought that up. I don’t know, do you have that kink? Or is this one of your spontaneous fixations?” Janus sets his chin on his hand, savoring the tiny amount of blush on Logan’s face.
“It is not spontaneous. Spontaneous means performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination, this was not sudden or an inner-“
“Thank you, Logan, please continue your initial train of thought,” Janus teases.
“Ah, my apologies. I was getting to that. I came across the concept of impact play while doing other research.”
“’Other research,’ what ‘other research’ would cause you to stumble on that?”
“Ah- Impact play,” Logan diverts back on topic, pulling out a spiral notebook where he apparently took notes, “is an umbrella term for all things sexual involving hitting or being hit with an object in a safe and consensual way.”
“I know what it is, mhm. And are you a flogging kind of guy or a spanking one, hm?”
“That is a very upfront question, and I have no way of knowing the answer without experimentation.”
“Experimentation?” Deceit entices him, cocking his head to the side as a smirk he can’t help fills his face. Logan’s efforts to be a good dom are always adorable to him.
“I have been researching safe and controlled methods of impact play that we can attempt, if you would want to do so with me. I know our romantic involvements with the whole group should come to mind as well, and if you would prefer I suggest it to one of our other partners-“
“Logan, honey, you’re getting insecure. Again.” Janus pushes himself up from the couch with a sigh, walking over to Logan and wrapping his arms around his waist. A second set of arms sneaks their way around him as well, holding him soundly, and Logan blushes despite the chastising look he gives him. “Of course I would be willing to try it with you. I trust you to do your research – at least compared to everyone else – and you are always a thorough and well-intentioned dom.”
Logan nods sharply. “Good. That’s good.” Janus smiles, and a third set of hands holds Logan’s cheeks as he kisses him.
Shiny leather glints on the sheets in the low lamp light of Logan’s room, many tools of the trade splayed before Janus as he relaxes on the bed with a smirk. Naked, half his body glints with scales, and his eyes are fixated on Logan’s even though Logan is examining the sorted line of trinkets. “You seem excited, starlight. Care to introduce me to your pals?”
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about, these tools are not human beings.”
Janus’s smirk falls slightly, and an eyebrow raises instead. “Joke, Logan. That was a joke.”
“Ah, my apologies. I assume you mean that you would like an explanation of the toys I’ve acquired.” Janus hums in confirmation, and Logan continues with a sharp nod. “I have a crop,” he points to each one as he goes, “a paddle, a flogger, and my hand.” He holds it up as if demonstrating.
“Stunning layout, can’t wait.” Janus traces a finger along the sheets boredly. Logan seems to not notice, continuing to examine and sort the toys. Janus sighs. “If only I had a big, tough dom that were wielding them, that would certainly be nice.”
“What? Oh- Sorry, yes, of course.” Logan shakes himself out of sorting mode. “I thought we might begin with my hand, and escalate from there.”
“Sounds nice, may we get to it?”
Janus scoffs. “If you want me to correct myself there’s an obvious solution, sir~”  
Logan’s chest puffs out slightly, and he sits on the bed. “Janus, I would like you to lay across my lap.” Janus snickers, and crawls over to him on his hands and knees like a cat. He sets a hand under his chin, and begins drawing him to kiss, but Logan pulls his face away. “Janus.”
The tone in his voice does quell the brat in Janus for a moment, and with a roll of his eyes and reddening of his cheeks, he lays out across Logan’s lap, hiding his face in his arms. Logan’s hand comes to rest on his skin, the pads of his fingers digging into his flesh just slightly. “Are you ready?”
Janus nods. Logan’s hand raises, and falls hard with a resounding smack. Janus yelps slightly, jolting and hissing through his teeth. “Maybe not that hard, right off the bat, Logan,” Janus says shakily, the human half of his face bright red.
“Why not? You are having reaction that are typical to you experiencing pleasure.”
“Yes, Logan, but it’s- it’s better to ease in, with impact play.”
“Hm. Very well.”
His hand comes down yet again, softer but still rough, leaving a red print against his pale skin. Janus hides his face further and lets out a strained hum. He is beginning to blush to his shoulders already. Its Logan’s turn to smirk now, massaging his hand on the red marks to ease the pain as one website suggested. “Is something the matter?”
“You know very well the answer to that,” Janus hisses, his voice snake-like with embarrassment, as it always becomes when his façade is shattered by pleasure. Logan contains his reactions, for now, though he can feel both himself and Janus beginning to get hard in his lap. This kink was a good choice.
Without warning, Logan brings his hand down against him in three, quick slaps. Janus’s fists clench into his palms and he groans softly. Logan withholds an affectionate laugh. “I barely need to ask, but would you like to graduate to a toy?” Janus nods, flustered. “I would like to hear the words.”
“Yes, Logan, I would, thank you.” He sounds incredibly sarcastic, but as Janus himself implied, there is a solution right beside them. Logan picks up the leather paddle, and without warning him, smacks him lightly. Janus yelps, and then breathes out shakily. “Jesus, Logan…”
“I would prefer you use my title, Janus.”
“There is no sexy way to rephrase that. But I’ll try from here on… sir.”
Logan shrugs, after considering, as that is fair enough. He raises the paddle and swings it downwards sharply one, two, three, four times in a row. Janus bites his own hands slightly, tiny half-moans escaping him with each smack. Logan pauses, massaging the skin once again. Janus’s cocks are leaking slightly against his leg, just from being hit.
“Despite your earlier brattiness, you are doing well.” His hand moves to Janus’s hair, petting him softly in praise. “If you stay well-behaved, I will be easier on you.” Janus nods in confirmation, face staying completely hidden. Logan is briefly tempted to force him to look at him, but disrupting his position is arguably the worse option considering his current… view. His own cheeks are flushed, and he adjusts his glasses as he takes in the red marks he’s leaving.
The paddle comes down in quick succession five more times, and Janus, fully giving in to the pleasureful sensations, lets out a long, low groan, shoulders shivering. He presses his red face as far into his arms as he can. The temptation to lash out in bratiness is mostly quelled by the idea of Logan being any rougher than this with the remaining toys. Speaking of, Logan has grabbed up the crop. Janus feels the cool leather drag along his skin as Logan positions it.
“Please be gentle,” he suddenly calls out, stalling Logan half-raised in the air.
“Colour?” Logan questions.
“I’m green, it’s fine- You’re just being very aggressive today… sir.” Janus rolls his eyes hidden in his arms. The attitude doesn’t last as the crop is brought down against his skin with a sharp slap. He grits his teeth over a high moan, shuddering. It was gentle, as gentle as a crop can be, but it’s a lot for him. Logan recognizes that and soothes his hand over the skin. He leans in half and kisses the skin of Janus’s ass, which makes Janus scoff out a laugh, embarrassed but calmed.
Logan brings the crop against his reddened skin twice more, Janus suppressing moans. Logan looks him over, considering him. He prefers the nights where he can pull Janus completely out of his usual persona, and him having the wherewithal to still suppress moans won’t do at all. He begins hitting his ass repeatedly in a slow deliberate pattern, over and over. Janus jolts with each one, his nails digging into the flesh of his palms as he loses control over the noises leaving him. Logan pauses, stilling and turning red as he watches Janus tremble in place, and feels him leaking against his pants – well, the wash of clothes will be on him considering he chose to stay clothed.
“Janus?” Logan coaxes at him. Janus raises his head just slightly, silently showing that he’s paying attention. “Would you like the flogger now?” Janus nods. Not enough. “I need you to ask me when you have desires.”
Janus makes a noise between a hiss and a whimper, panting as he tries to calm down enough to talk. “Please… can… can you use the flogger. Sir.” The sass is completely gone, leaving his voice faint, and stilted in embarrassment. Logan smiles affectionately. That’s more like it.
He picks up the tasseled bit of leather by the heavy handle, dragging it just lightly over Janus’s skin. Janus groans, his muscles tensing up. Logan represses a smirk. And smacks the leather against him roughly. The sound is different, a bit less loud, but the pain is definitely worse on Janus as he lets out a sharp shout and jolts. Logan accidentally lets slip a small chuckle, which makes Janus huff at him loudly.
“Shut up,” Janus mutters.
“Don’t talk to me that way.”
Janus shrivels at the tone he uses, lowering his head submissively. Logan only sounds like that when he is completely into a dominant headspace and that’s not a time to mess around with him, as Janus quickly learned while they’ve been together. He hums in an attempt at apology, sinking into his arms even more somehow. Logan’s arm reels back, and the sharp sting of the impacts that follow make Janus let out loud muffled moans into his arms. He can feel his cocks twitching lightly against each other and Logan’s pants with every impact, keeping present in his mind just how much he’s enjoying this. Fuck, he both hates and loves when Logan can convince him into debasing himself and his typical persona. If he didn’t get off so hard to shame, he would literally fight him over it sometimes.
Logan’s hand curls into his hair, scratching at his scalp. “Good job,” he offers breathlessly. “You take it very well.” Janus can’t even muster a response, just lying there burning in the face. Logan rubs his lower back soothingly. “I think that is enough. For a first go at it, at least.” Logan sits him up, though it’s more so cradling him in his lap. It’s oddly gentle for a moment where they’re both incredibly hard and turned on. Logan kisses him quickly. “Lay down, Jan.”
Janus does so, sort of dragging himself to the pillows more than crawling. He lays down, dizzy with arousal, savoring Logan affectionately shortening a name for once. Logan appears in his sight again, lifting one of his legs with his fingers digging sharply into the pudgy skin. “I’m going to prep you now,” he says, his glasses and his clothes removed somewhere in Janus’s haze.
Janus frowns at him poutingly. “You know I prefer your glasses on, starlight…”
Logan smiles at him. “I do not want to break them, as I’ve explained many times.”
“You’re so cute though,” Janus breathes out, and Logan knows he’s not lying for now.
Logan gently works him through one finger, then two, being a little rougher than usual when prepping. Janus can’t make himself hold back moans anymore, and little ones keep slipping through his lips as Logan’s fingers stretch him. He puts a hand over his mouth bashfully, panting into his own scales. Logan slips on a lubricated condom, and strokes yet more lube over himself, leaning over Janus after does so. Janus can’t take his eyes away from Logan’s; it’s rare he makes eye contact for so long at a time, and it never fails to make Janus feel special.
“I’m going to put it in,” Logan narrates, as he usually does to make sure everything is okay with his partner. Janus blushes, releasing his mouth from his hand’s confinement and wrapping his arms around Logan’s back. Missionary is a bit boring after being whipped, but both are too turned on to focus on deciding a position.
The head of Logan’s cock pushes into him slowly, and a low hiss leaves him, a bit more snake-like than he would like. Logan also groans, pressing their bodies close together, resting his forehead against Janus’s as he gives him time to adjust. They pant in tandem, practically hugging each other.
Logan begins moving without giving warning like he typically does, and Janus can’t help a loud groan at knowing Logan can’t wait either. He grips his nails into Logan’s skin, making sure to leave marks that the others can be jealous of – polycule or none, Janus likes ownership. Logan huffs and shivers as his nails drag down his back, and he leans into Janus’s neck on the side of his scales, pressing his lips to the extra sensitive parts of him. Janus loses it then, any remainder of control he was holding onto. He doesn’t stop a single sound from leaving himself, clinging to his partner.
Logan always sets such a steady, hard pace and doesn’t falter, and it’s never unwelcome. Their chests are pressed right against each other as Logan moves his mouth along Janus’s neck deftly, barely containing his own sounds. Logan’s hips hitting against the red marks left behind stings, and Janus feels like he’s going insane. He swears and drags more marks into Logan’s skin, his head falling back into the pillow.
Logan digs his fingers into the sheets on either side of his head, moaning as he thrusts inside him. He angles slightly differently, only for Janus to cry out as his prostate is hit. Logan doesn’t slow down, aiming to hit that spot again and again. Janus wraps his legs around him and draws him in for a kiss as a sneaky way to hide his frantic amount of noises. Their lips lock certainly, and Janus presses apart Logan’s with his tongue, which earns him a heavy groan. He digs his fingers into Logan’s hair and tugs it just slightly, using any amount of focus he can manage to pleasure Logan as well, even if it’s difficult due to the assault on his sensitive inner walls.
Neither of them seem able to manage words at this point, which is common between them, but Logan manages to mutter a quiet, “You’re doing so well,” into Janus’s ear as his hand slides between them to stroke Janus’s cocks together steadily. “You deserve to cum,” he says at a whisper, nuzzling against his neck. Janus groans, loudly and unrestrained at this point. His body curls inward towards Logan, pulling him closer. Logan moans as well, his hips beginning to stutter and lose their rhythm.
Janus suddenly leans upward and bites down into Logan’s shoulder hard. Logan jolts at the feelings of fangs in his skin, a short yelp leaving him. He adjusts immediately, and begins stroking Janus faster as he realizes how close he is. He lets Janus dig his teeth into him though he tries to ignore the unsanitary nature of it, choosing instead to mutter permission to him so soft it can barely be heard.
Janus cries out around Logan’s flesh, screwing his eyes shut as he cums over Logan’s hand and his own stomach. Logan isn’t far behind, but that doesn’t stop Janus from whining with overstimulation. Logan has the distant playful thought of how spoiled Janus is, but it’s quickly overpowered as he finishes as well, shuddering and hiding his face against Janus’s neck to muffle himself.
They both lay there, panting against each other’s skin. Janus sighs sadly as Logan pulls himself away to clean up. He returns from his bedroom’s bathroom with a small towel, his glasses back in their place. He wipes down Janus’s stomach softly, murmuring at him. “You did very well, good job.” He presses a kiss into Janus’s temple, and Janus rolls his eyes at him, smiling.
“Wow, Logan, you really are only nice during afterglow, hm?” Logan looks at him over his glasses and thwacks his thigh with the towel. Janus laughs. “Aw, not done whipping me yet, sir?”
“Janus, watch yourself,” he scolds, but he’s smiling despite it. He returns the towelette to the bathroom and then returns himself to Janus’s arms. Janus practically purrs as he wraps his arms around him, his characteristic smirk having returned. Logan is back to not enjoying eye contact, seemingly, as he keeps his eyes closed as they rest.
“Logan?” Logan opens his eyes as Janus speaks. Janus grabs his chin and wiggles his face back and forth. “Never beat my ass like that again~”
“Is that a falsehood?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he scoffs, blushing and hiding his face in Logan’s chest.
“Mhm,” Logan chides, tucking Janus under his chin.
Janus seems to hesitate. “Please do not tell Remus about us enjoying this kink.”
“Do you genuinely believe I would subject us to that?”
They both chuckle quietly, and then choose to spend the rest of the night relaxing, arguments over leaving excessive marks on each other saved for the morning.
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