#nsfs loceit
djs-horny-blog-lmao · 8 months
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Hopefully tumblr hasnt nuked the quality but ohghgh my god. Dont know if i wanna wreck him or be him yknow
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pupplaylogan · 3 months
in love w/ the idea of logan slowly realising he likes when janus controls when he uses the bathroom & how much he drinks.
them working on a script & logan gets up 2 use the bathroom & janus, jokingly but not really, scoffs & says "absolutely not. sit back down, youre not going anywhere until we finish this." logan does sit back down, feeling... hot. and confused.
janus hands him water so he doesnt get dehydrated while he works. he jokes "im going to make you drink so much water you piss yourself, do you hear me?" logan can feel his cock twitch in his pants. he swallows hard.
logan asking 2 use the restroom while theyre out in public & janus just raises an eyebrow, confused. "... are you asking me for permission?" logan flushes and turns away. "of course not."
the next time he asks, janus smiles, teasingly, & tells him no. he pretends to not notice the tent in logans pants that hes trying desperately to hide.
it's family movie night and logan gets up to use the bathroom. janus loudly asks where he's going & if he's trying to escape family night. logan stutters through "im just using the restroom", but janus tuts at him and tells him to sit back down. he cant escape from them that easily. everyone laughs and logan sits with his legs crossed underneath the blanket. he can feel janus' hand on his thigh, squeezing softly.
next week, janus invites logan 2 watch a doctumentary. he fills him up on water and they have a cup (or multiple) of tea together. logan asks to use the bathroom, half way thru realising that he's asking janus for permission again & trails off. janus turns to him, smiling, teasing, and patting his thigh and tells him that he cant. he has to wait until the documentary is done. logan can feel his face burn and his mouth gets dry. he thinks janus might know, but neither of them admit anything as logan squirms through the rest of the movie.
theyre always the first two up in the morning. janus hands logan his cup of coffee when he suddenly asks "have you pissed today?" logan blinks at him. he can see janus' face is light pink. he says no, confused, and janus just hums staring intk his own cup of coffee. "do you like when i tell you when to go, dear?" now it's logan's turn to blush. he isn't sure how to respond to that. but janus is staring at him intently, waiting, and logan realises he's terrified of the answer.
"im sorry did i push too much?" janus asks, frowning. "i didnt mean to make you uncomfortable, i just, well—" janus is stuttering.
"yes," logan admits, cutting him off, "yes i... i do enjoy when you..." he swallows, glancing away. janus smiles at him, holding a hand up to his bladder and pushing ever so slightly. logan gasps a bit, enjoying the feeling a little too much.
janus pats him. "perhaps we should talk about this more in detail. you should use the restroom." he sips on his coffee, sitting down as patton makes his way into the kitchen— oblivious to the tension in the room.
logan stumbles to the restroom. feeling excited for what their future relationship holds.
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"Don't close your eyes, baby. Look at me." WITH LOCEIT(sub logan, dom janus obviously) IF U WANF PRETTY PLEASE :3 - @pupplaylogan
A Display of Dominance
Loceit (Dom Janus and Sub Logan)
Warnings: Sado/Masochism, Impact Play, Degradation, Punishment, Bondage, Bleeding Mention
Read it on AO3!
When Logan forgets his place, Janus (and his flogger) are there to remind him of it.
The last of the locks of the restraints on the large wooden bench that Logan was currently naked and bent over clicked into place. He winced at the sound that more or less resigned him to a night at Janus’ mercy. The side in question stood over him, shirtless and sporting leather gloves in exchange for his silk ones. He paced in front of Logan, who was only able to see him from the waist down. Janus paused right in front of him.
“We’re going to start now. Is there anything you have to say for yourself before we start your punishment?”
“How likely will I be able to walk tomorrow?”
His question was met with a harsh smack to his cheek. He let out a small noise at the sting that bloomed across his face.
“Unlikely.” Janus stated and walked out of sight, “Flogger or Paddle?”
Logan was still recovering from the slap, he took a breath, “F-flogger?”
He was expecting the sting of the small strips of leather, but instead felt Janus’ glove covered hand come down on his ass. He yelped, more at the foreign sensation than the pain itself. Janus chuckled from behind him.
“Funny. You think you have a choice in the matter.”
The pain struck again and again and again. Logan’s ass was properly stinging now as he clutched at the restraints forcing him to take it. Each hit landed right on the center of his asscheeks, most likely making the area red from impact. 30 strikes total, if his counting had been accurate.
“Now that you’re warmed up, would you like to give me a reason as to why I’m punishing you?” Janus spoke clearly. When he stepped into the role of dominant, he always seemed to have an air of teasing nonchalance. Asking taunting questions and doling out punishments more for his own amusement rather than to correct behavior. Logan’s found himself in this position from convincing Remus to steal his chastity keys from Janus for Logan to unlock himself to forgetting to ask permission before looking up at him. He always loved to play games and inevitably watch his subs lose at them. Luckily Logan was far from fragile and Janus could be as rough as he liked.
“I-I didn’t…” Logan breathed, “I didn’t let Virgil use me when I was working.”
“Hm. And you didn’t use your colors?” Janus questioned, referring to their safewords.
“N-no, Master.”
“So, if I’m understanding this correctly, you deliberately told one of your dominants no?”
“Yes, Master- Ah~!”
Janus’ hand came down on his rear once again before he moved over to his other side. Logan’s eyes had been screwed shut while his head rested on the cushioned headrest of the bench. He suddenly felt a gloved hand lift up and pet his chin before hearing Janus speak again.
"Don't close your eyes, baby. Look at me."
Logan let the hand guide his chin upward and opened his eyes to meet Janus’ stare. His eyes were watering with the beginnings of tears starting to form in the corners. Janus gazed into them with an unreadable expression. His blank face turned into a frown and he spit on Logan’s face.
“Disobedient brat. You know you’re nothing more than our toy. We’ll use you when we want to and you’ll let us like a good whore next time.”
Janus let Logan’s head drop down again while he walked to go pick up one of the leather floggers hanging off to the side. He tested it on himself first, the braided strands slightly nipping at his skin. He went over to Logan draped over the bench and didn’t hesitate before letting the flogger crash down on his ass. 
“You know what to do, brat, don’t keep me waiting.”
Logan yelped at the hit, allowing a tear to roll down his face, “One. Th-thank you Master.”
Another swish of the leather hit his thighs, making him groan at the sensation and increase the count. He loved the dull thrum of pain that the flogger brought compared to the sharp sting of a hand. Each feeling got him to sink deeper into the fog of subspace until they all muddied into pleasure. 
Finally, his tears were freely flowing and he whined at every hit, stuttering through his counts until they ended.
“T-t-twenty, thank y-you Master.” He panted.
“What are you thanking me for, slut?”
“Punishing me?”
“Is that a question or an answer?” Janus chided, setting down the flogger down on Logan’s back for a moment as he went to retrieve a chair from the corner of the room.
“A-an answer, Master. I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
Logan had to collect himself before answering, “Not understanding that my dominants can use me whenever they please.”
“That’s right.” Janus pulled the chair up beside Logan and went to put the flogger back in exchange for another tool, “See? If you understand that, why did you have to be such a little brat?”
“I wasn’t thinking, Master, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again I swear-”
Logan was cut off with a loud smack of a paddle coming down on his backside. He yowled in pain and rocked against the bench, seeking to get away from the source of his pain.
“The question was rhetorical, pet.” Janus said, sitting down and letting another hit land, “This time, I want you to tell me exactly what you are after each hit. Understood?”
Logan whimpered, “Y-es, Master.”
“I’m your toy to use!”
“I think you’re more than that, darling.”
“I-I’m your slut, Master!”
“And what else?”
“Y-your little whore! Ah!”
“Your plaything!”
“Your painslut!”
This continued until Logan was a sobbing mess who was repeating various states of ownership Janus had over him. With one last hit with the paddle, he was begging without even knowing why he was doing it.
“P-please please Master, I-I’m so sorry please- use me! Please, use me!”
Janus let the paddle fall to the floor with a loud thud. He ran a hand over Logan’s ass and thighs, admiring his work. The skin was red and bruised, just like how Logan had asked. Janus pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, standing up and picking up the paddle to put it away.
“I think you’ve learned your lesson.” He spoke softly now, “Will you be good from now on?”
“Y-es.” Logan said with a broken sob.
“Good boy. Now that that’s over, we can have some real fun.”
“What?” Logan questioned. He was sobbing, completely broken from his punishment, and there was still more to come?
“You think I’m through with you? Oh, you poor dumb pet, we’re not finished until your pretty little ass is bleeding and I’ve fucked it at least twice.” Janus stepped in front of him again, leaning forward on his polished black cane, “Do I have to teach you that lesson all over again?”
“N-no Master.”
“Good. Now don’t forget to count.”
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bottomloganagenda · 8 months
I need to get over my writers block! Send me some smutty prompts/kinks and a ship (of two or three Sides) and I may write it
What I will write
Most things,( but I'll let you know if I'm uncomfortable with something or just can't, so I may just say I can't or won't Incase I just didn't know about or forgot to include something in my will not write list)
Any combo of sides
What I won't write
Top Logan
Watersports (or anything similar)
Feet stuff
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softdomxiety · 2 years
This is your quarterly reminder that Janus Sanders has a praise kink and absolutely deserves to be railed about it
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pxppetafterhours · 7 months
New Things Are Always a Hit - loceit
I haven't written smut in forever but I'm obsessed with them. Logan discovers a lot of new things while 'researching,' and always subjects someone in the group to them. Janus is ever-willing to indulge his attempts at being the dominant one in the dynamic, always ready to be pleasantly surprised.
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“May I hit you?”
The question from his boyfriend makes Janus pause his movie and roll over on the couch to look at him, raising an eyebrow at him and pursing his lips in bemused confusion. Logan stands stiffly at the end of the stairs, one nervous hand tapping the banister. “Do you care to elaborate?” he asks, knowing Logan loves elaborating.
“I believe it is called ‘impact play,’ a kink that can be a part of BDSM.”
“My god- Logan, sweetie, asking to hit me is not the most concise way you could’ve brought that up. I don’t know, do you have that kink? Or is this one of your spontaneous fixations?” Janus sets his chin on his hand, savoring the tiny amount of blush on Logan’s face.
“It is not spontaneous. Spontaneous means performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination, this was not sudden or an inner-“
“Thank you, Logan, please continue your initial train of thought,” Janus teases.
“Ah, my apologies. I was getting to that. I came across the concept of impact play while doing other research.”
“’Other research,’ what ‘other research’ would cause you to stumble on that?”
“Ah- Impact play,” Logan diverts back on topic, pulling out a spiral notebook where he apparently took notes, “is an umbrella term for all things sexual involving hitting or being hit with an object in a safe and consensual way.”
“I know what it is, mhm. And are you a flogging kind of guy or a spanking one, hm?”
“That is a very upfront question, and I have no way of knowing the answer without experimentation.”
“Experimentation?” Deceit entices him, cocking his head to the side as a smirk he can’t help fills his face. Logan’s efforts to be a good dom are always adorable to him.
“I have been researching safe and controlled methods of impact play that we can attempt, if you would want to do so with me. I know our romantic involvements with the whole group should come to mind as well, and if you would prefer I suggest it to one of our other partners-“
“Logan, honey, you’re getting insecure. Again.” Janus pushes himself up from the couch with a sigh, walking over to Logan and wrapping his arms around his waist. A second set of arms sneaks their way around him as well, holding him soundly, and Logan blushes despite the chastising look he gives him. “Of course I would be willing to try it with you. I trust you to do your research – at least compared to everyone else – and you are always a thorough and well-intentioned dom.”
Logan nods sharply. “Good. That’s good.” Janus smiles, and a third set of hands holds Logan’s cheeks as he kisses him.
Shiny leather glints on the sheets in the low lamp light of Logan’s room, many tools of the trade splayed before Janus as he relaxes on the bed with a smirk. Naked, half his body glints with scales, and his eyes are fixated on Logan’s even though Logan is examining the sorted line of trinkets. “You seem excited, starlight. Care to introduce me to your pals?”
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about, these tools are not human beings.”
Janus’s smirk falls slightly, and an eyebrow raises instead. “Joke, Logan. That was a joke.”
“Ah, my apologies. I assume you mean that you would like an explanation of the toys I’ve acquired.” Janus hums in confirmation, and Logan continues with a sharp nod. “I have a crop,” he points to each one as he goes, “a paddle, a flogger, and my hand.” He holds it up as if demonstrating.
“Stunning layout, can’t wait.” Janus traces a finger along the sheets boredly. Logan seems to not notice, continuing to examine and sort the toys. Janus sighs. “If only I had a big, tough dom that were wielding them, that would certainly be nice.”
“What? Oh- Sorry, yes, of course.” Logan shakes himself out of sorting mode. “I thought we might begin with my hand, and escalate from there.”
“Sounds nice, may we get to it?”
Janus scoffs. “If you want me to correct myself there’s an obvious solution, sir~”  
Logan’s chest puffs out slightly, and he sits on the bed. “Janus, I would like you to lay across my lap.” Janus snickers, and crawls over to him on his hands and knees like a cat. He sets a hand under his chin, and begins drawing him to kiss, but Logan pulls his face away. “Janus.”
The tone in his voice does quell the brat in Janus for a moment, and with a roll of his eyes and reddening of his cheeks, he lays out across Logan’s lap, hiding his face in his arms. Logan’s hand comes to rest on his skin, the pads of his fingers digging into his flesh just slightly. “Are you ready?”
Janus nods. Logan’s hand raises, and falls hard with a resounding smack. Janus yelps slightly, jolting and hissing through his teeth. “Maybe not that hard, right off the bat, Logan,” Janus says shakily, the human half of his face bright red.
“Why not? You are having reaction that are typical to you experiencing pleasure.”
“Yes, Logan, but it’s- it’s better to ease in, with impact play.”
“Hm. Very well.”
His hand comes down yet again, softer but still rough, leaving a red print against his pale skin. Janus hides his face further and lets out a strained hum. He is beginning to blush to his shoulders already. Its Logan’s turn to smirk now, massaging his hand on the red marks to ease the pain as one website suggested. “Is something the matter?”
“You know very well the answer to that,” Janus hisses, his voice snake-like with embarrassment, as it always becomes when his façade is shattered by pleasure. Logan contains his reactions, for now, though he can feel both himself and Janus beginning to get hard in his lap. This kink was a good choice.
Without warning, Logan brings his hand down against him in three, quick slaps. Janus’s fists clench into his palms and he groans softly. Logan withholds an affectionate laugh. “I barely need to ask, but would you like to graduate to a toy?” Janus nods, flustered. “I would like to hear the words.”
“Yes, Logan, I would, thank you.” He sounds incredibly sarcastic, but as Janus himself implied, there is a solution right beside them. Logan picks up the leather paddle, and without warning him, smacks him lightly. Janus yelps, and then breathes out shakily. “Jesus, Logan…”
“I would prefer you use my title, Janus.”
“There is no sexy way to rephrase that. But I’ll try from here on… sir.”
Logan shrugs, after considering, as that is fair enough. He raises the paddle and swings it downwards sharply one, two, three, four times in a row. Janus bites his own hands slightly, tiny half-moans escaping him with each smack. Logan pauses, massaging the skin once again. Janus’s cocks are leaking slightly against his leg, just from being hit.
“Despite your earlier brattiness, you are doing well.” His hand moves to Janus’s hair, petting him softly in praise. “If you stay well-behaved, I will be easier on you.” Janus nods in confirmation, face staying completely hidden. Logan is briefly tempted to force him to look at him, but disrupting his position is arguably the worse option considering his current… view. His own cheeks are flushed, and he adjusts his glasses as he takes in the red marks he’s leaving.
The paddle comes down in quick succession five more times, and Janus, fully giving in to the pleasureful sensations, lets out a long, low groan, shoulders shivering. He presses his red face as far into his arms as he can. The temptation to lash out in bratiness is mostly quelled by the idea of Logan being any rougher than this with the remaining toys. Speaking of, Logan has grabbed up the crop. Janus feels the cool leather drag along his skin as Logan positions it.
“Please be gentle,” he suddenly calls out, stalling Logan half-raised in the air.
“Colour?” Logan questions.
“I’m green, it’s fine- You’re just being very aggressive today… sir.” Janus rolls his eyes hidden in his arms. The attitude doesn’t last as the crop is brought down against his skin with a sharp slap. He grits his teeth over a high moan, shuddering. It was gentle, as gentle as a crop can be, but it’s a lot for him. Logan recognizes that and soothes his hand over the skin. He leans in half and kisses the skin of Janus’s ass, which makes Janus scoff out a laugh, embarrassed but calmed.
Logan brings the crop against his reddened skin twice more, Janus suppressing moans. Logan looks him over, considering him. He prefers the nights where he can pull Janus completely out of his usual persona, and him having the wherewithal to still suppress moans won’t do at all. He begins hitting his ass repeatedly in a slow deliberate pattern, over and over. Janus jolts with each one, his nails digging into the flesh of his palms as he loses control over the noises leaving him. Logan pauses, stilling and turning red as he watches Janus tremble in place, and feels him leaking against his pants – well, the wash of clothes will be on him considering he chose to stay clothed.
“Janus?” Logan coaxes at him. Janus raises his head just slightly, silently showing that he’s paying attention. “Would you like the flogger now?” Janus nods. Not enough. “I need you to ask me when you have desires.”
Janus makes a noise between a hiss and a whimper, panting as he tries to calm down enough to talk. “Please… can… can you use the flogger. Sir.” The sass is completely gone, leaving his voice faint, and stilted in embarrassment. Logan smiles affectionately. That’s more like it.
He picks up the tasseled bit of leather by the heavy handle, dragging it just lightly over Janus’s skin. Janus groans, his muscles tensing up. Logan represses a smirk. And smacks the leather against him roughly. The sound is different, a bit less loud, but the pain is definitely worse on Janus as he lets out a sharp shout and jolts. Logan accidentally lets slip a small chuckle, which makes Janus huff at him loudly.
“Shut up,” Janus mutters.
“Don’t talk to me that way.”
Janus shrivels at the tone he uses, lowering his head submissively. Logan only sounds like that when he is completely into a dominant headspace and that’s not a time to mess around with him, as Janus quickly learned while they’ve been together. He hums in an attempt at apology, sinking into his arms even more somehow. Logan’s arm reels back, and the sharp sting of the impacts that follow make Janus let out loud muffled moans into his arms. He can feel his cocks twitching lightly against each other and Logan’s pants with every impact, keeping present in his mind just how much he’s enjoying this. Fuck, he both hates and loves when Logan can convince him into debasing himself and his typical persona. If he didn’t get off so hard to shame, he would literally fight him over it sometimes.
Logan’s hand curls into his hair, scratching at his scalp. “Good job,” he offers breathlessly. “You take it very well.” Janus can’t even muster a response, just lying there burning in the face. Logan rubs his lower back soothingly. “I think that is enough. For a first go at it, at least.” Logan sits him up, though it’s more so cradling him in his lap. It’s oddly gentle for a moment where they’re both incredibly hard and turned on. Logan kisses him quickly. “Lay down, Jan.”
Janus does so, sort of dragging himself to the pillows more than crawling. He lays down, dizzy with arousal, savoring Logan affectionately shortening a name for once. Logan appears in his sight again, lifting one of his legs with his fingers digging sharply into the pudgy skin. “I’m going to prep you now,” he says, his glasses and his clothes removed somewhere in Janus’s haze.
Janus frowns at him poutingly. “You know I prefer your glasses on, starlight…”
Logan smiles at him. “I do not want to break them, as I’ve explained many times.”
“You’re so cute though,” Janus breathes out, and Logan knows he’s not lying for now.
Logan gently works him through one finger, then two, being a little rougher than usual when prepping. Janus can’t make himself hold back moans anymore, and little ones keep slipping through his lips as Logan’s fingers stretch him. He puts a hand over his mouth bashfully, panting into his own scales. Logan slips on a lubricated condom, and strokes yet more lube over himself, leaning over Janus after does so. Janus can’t take his eyes away from Logan’s; it’s rare he makes eye contact for so long at a time, and it never fails to make Janus feel special.
“I’m going to put it in,” Logan narrates, as he usually does to make sure everything is okay with his partner. Janus blushes, releasing his mouth from his hand’s confinement and wrapping his arms around Logan’s back. Missionary is a bit boring after being whipped, but both are too turned on to focus on deciding a position.
The head of Logan’s cock pushes into him slowly, and a low hiss leaves him, a bit more snake-like than he would like. Logan also groans, pressing their bodies close together, resting his forehead against Janus’s as he gives him time to adjust. They pant in tandem, practically hugging each other.
Logan begins moving without giving warning like he typically does, and Janus can’t help a loud groan at knowing Logan can’t wait either. He grips his nails into Logan’s skin, making sure to leave marks that the others can be jealous of – polycule or none, Janus likes ownership. Logan huffs and shivers as his nails drag down his back, and he leans into Janus’s neck on the side of his scales, pressing his lips to the extra sensitive parts of him. Janus loses it then, any remainder of control he was holding onto. He doesn’t stop a single sound from leaving himself, clinging to his partner.
Logan always sets such a steady, hard pace and doesn’t falter, and it’s never unwelcome. Their chests are pressed right against each other as Logan moves his mouth along Janus’s neck deftly, barely containing his own sounds. Logan’s hips hitting against the red marks left behind stings, and Janus feels like he’s going insane. He swears and drags more marks into Logan’s skin, his head falling back into the pillow.
Logan digs his fingers into the sheets on either side of his head, moaning as he thrusts inside him. He angles slightly differently, only for Janus to cry out as his prostate is hit. Logan doesn’t slow down, aiming to hit that spot again and again. Janus wraps his legs around him and draws him in for a kiss as a sneaky way to hide his frantic amount of noises. Their lips lock certainly, and Janus presses apart Logan’s with his tongue, which earns him a heavy groan. He digs his fingers into Logan’s hair and tugs it just slightly, using any amount of focus he can manage to pleasure Logan as well, even if it’s difficult due to the assault on his sensitive inner walls.
Neither of them seem able to manage words at this point, which is common between them, but Logan manages to mutter a quiet, “You’re doing so well,” into Janus’s ear as his hand slides between them to stroke Janus’s cocks together steadily. “You deserve to cum,” he says at a whisper, nuzzling against his neck. Janus groans, loudly and unrestrained at this point. His body curls inward towards Logan, pulling him closer. Logan moans as well, his hips beginning to stutter and lose their rhythm.
Janus suddenly leans upward and bites down into Logan’s shoulder hard. Logan jolts at the feelings of fangs in his skin, a short yelp leaving him. He adjusts immediately, and begins stroking Janus faster as he realizes how close he is. He lets Janus dig his teeth into him though he tries to ignore the unsanitary nature of it, choosing instead to mutter permission to him so soft it can barely be heard.
Janus cries out around Logan’s flesh, screwing his eyes shut as he cums over Logan’s hand and his own stomach. Logan isn’t far behind, but that doesn’t stop Janus from whining with overstimulation. Logan has the distant playful thought of how spoiled Janus is, but it’s quickly overpowered as he finishes as well, shuddering and hiding his face against Janus’s neck to muffle himself.
They both lay there, panting against each other’s skin. Janus sighs sadly as Logan pulls himself away to clean up. He returns from his bedroom’s bathroom with a small towel, his glasses back in their place. He wipes down Janus’s stomach softly, murmuring at him. “You did very well, good job.” He presses a kiss into Janus’s temple, and Janus rolls his eyes at him, smiling.
“Wow, Logan, you really are only nice during afterglow, hm?” Logan looks at him over his glasses and thwacks his thigh with the towel. Janus laughs. “Aw, not done whipping me yet, sir?”
“Janus, watch yourself,” he scolds, but he’s smiling despite it. He returns the towelette to the bathroom and then returns himself to Janus’s arms. Janus practically purrs as he wraps his arms around him, his characteristic smirk having returned. Logan is back to not enjoying eye contact, seemingly, as he keeps his eyes closed as they rest.
“Logan?” Logan opens his eyes as Janus speaks. Janus grabs his chin and wiggles his face back and forth. “Never beat my ass like that again~”
“Is that a falsehood?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he scoffs, blushing and hiding his face in Logan’s chest.
“Mhm,” Logan chides, tucking Janus under his chin.
Janus seems to hesitate. “Please do not tell Remus about us enjoying this kink.”
“Do you genuinely believe I would subject us to that?”
They both chuckle quietly, and then choose to spend the rest of the night relaxing, arguments over leaving excessive marks on each other saved for the morning.
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vulgarvixxen · 2 years
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I posted 461 times in 2022
That's 395 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (9%)
419 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 81 of my posts in 2022
#🧪 anon - 13 posts
#vixxen speaks - 10 posts
#not safe for sanders - 8 posts
#anon ask - 6 posts
#nsfs roman - 5 posts
#nsfs logan - 5 posts
#nsfs virgil - 5 posts
#supersecretsmutside - 5 posts
#nsfs janus - 5 posts
#minors dni - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#also i might not use it at the start of the fic but it will be what i build the fic off of
My Top Posts in 2022:
Loceit, #25. “i love you. so, so much.”
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Anding these together, because there will be more of the Bikini!AU aaaand cause this derailed from the og plan
Warnings: 18+, semi-public sex, nearly getting caught, mild panic attack, lmk if should add more
I love you
“I love you. So, so much” Janus professes as Logan uses his tongue to make love to Jan’s clits again, he lovingly pets the other’s hair from where it had fallen into his face. This was round three excluding the original beach escapade and Logan was proving to have extreme stamina. He’d have to reward his new lover with a day of pampering, neck massages and happy endings, to show how appreciative he was for the attention. Janus was close again when a door slammed downstairs and they could hear another side headed straight to the laundry room …exactly where they were holed up! They both froze, adrenaline and endorphins fogging their brains too much to think clearly. Patton’s cheerful voice was right outside the door when another voice called out for him, “there’s an extra towel in the bathroom, don’t worry about it Peppermintbear!” They heard Pat’s steps go back to the stairs, “Okay, smart thinking Remus!” And the oblivious side left again, likely back to the festivities.
Janus sagged in relief, that was too close for comfort and he was glad that Remus was still running interference. He was going to make a comment on being in the “closet” when he noticed that Logan was breathing hard and still staring at the door, “Dove, are you alright?” He was answered by a sob, instantly he was off of his perch on the dryer and next to Logan on the floor, “Dearest we are safe, it’s alright now. Breath with me” they took deep breaths together on the laundry room floor, hands clasped as pulses began to slow back down. “Is it alright if I sink us into your room? I think you need to rest.”
He gets a nod from the quiet logical side and cautiously sinks them into the indigo room. With a bit of help Logan is able to get into bed but as Janus goes towards the door he tries to sit up and makes a whimpering sound much like a kicked dog, “don’t leave”. Janus practically dives onto the bed so he can hold Logan close, “Not leaving, dove, I can just snap the lock. Don’t want anyone walking in and waking us.” With a snap the door that Janus was headed towards locks and he settles his hand onto Logan’s back again to continue the embrace. After a while of just holding each other and letting the tension bleed out of them Janus starts singing and using a second pair of hands to cradle Lo’s head.
“ you are my sunshine
my only sunshine
you make me happy
when skies are gray
you’ll never know dear
how much I love you
please don’t take my sunshine away”
“Did you mean it? Do you love me?”
“If I had my gloves on I’d say, “I hate and loathe you, you disgust me whenever you’re near” but I don’t so I will say. I love and adore you, you are a delight to be in company with. And I mean every word.” Janus punctuated the statement with a tender kiss. “Rest now, Dove, the kids will be home by the time you wake.”
“So Jan and Lo huh?” Virgil asks in a low tone, trying not to get the attention of the other two in their group, “yeP!” Remus pops the word like a gum wad bubble. “Cool” “mhmm”
7 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
I simply think. Logan teaching Thomas how pussy works.
You are so right anon and honestly I had intended for this to have twice as much Logan but Thomas became the focus. I hope you enjoy this anyway.
Warnings ⚠️: 18+ only, oral sex, vaginal fingering, hint of degradation, hint of feminization kink, slight dom/sub elements, lmk if I missed any
Logan class in session
It happened while talking to Talon and Joan about exes. Talon had lamented about a guy who would never go down because “he didn’t think pussy needed that much fuss.” it made him realize he didn’t know anything about pleasuring a partner with a vagina. Sure he knew from biology where some stuff was but it was only a vague idea and that didn’t help him know what to do or where, and that’s how he ended up here in the mind-palace with Logan and two very enthusiastic volunteers.
On the projector screen was a very simplistic illustration of the human vaginal anatomy, Logan was talking about how the muscular canal is both elastic and flexible. Not as interesting as the fact that it expands? During? Sex? then just goes back to normal later? Why hadn’t that been in his college biology textbook, that was more relevant than the section on how the nose smells! Oh and it turns out those weird videos he came across as a young adult where the actresses “squirted”? Yeah that’s a real thing not just something for porn, the porn was still exaggerating and lame but it was real! Thomas was really enjoying this time with Logan…and two oddly quiet twins.
“Now that we have gone over some of the basic understanding of the vagina and it’s parts I think it’s time for some on hand experience. Remus and Roman have been kind enough to shift their anatomy to a human,” he stops and glares at Remus who just huffs and waves off the teacher’s obvious reprimand, “a human vagina, so you can see how different stimuli are received. Any questions before we begin?” Thomas raises his hand and is called on.
“Why do we need both of them to shift?”
“Ah! Yes, great question! Well just as every penis is unique so is every vagina and as such no two people will respond the same. You will switch between them to try and find what each likes best, and it helps to have a backup if one of our subjects needs a break for water!” Logan says it like he’s reading a script but there is an underlying chipperness one would more likely associate with Patton, it was nice to see.
“You really thought this through. Alrighty I guess I’m as ready as I’m going to be.”
Thomas’s tongue teased Roman’s folds, earning a sighing moan from the red twin, it wasn’t Roman’s “spot” but Thomas liked the breathy moans it pulled out of the other. He teased a little longer before he added circling his thumb around so it swiped both the clit and it’s hood. That got Roman howling out in pleasure, arching his back and grasping for anything for leverage. He switches his tongue and thumb so he’s pressing the tip of his tongue against the clit in a flicking motion.
Bolstered by the pleading of his ego Thomas continues his flicking, every few licks longer than the others until the cries of “fuck” become screams of “yes” and “Thomas” but he doesn’t stop until Roman is squirming and whining.
“Amazing work Thomas, you found the places that give Roman the most stimulation and used that to help him reach a satisfying climax.” Praises Logan as he helps Roman sit up and sip some water. “I believe our other subject is very excited to be of help, don’t keep him waiting.”
At the direction Thomas wipes his face of the cooling mix of ejaculation and drool and heads over to where Remus is whimpering and clutching the end of his casual shirt. It was kind of cute seeing him so needy and willing, maybe he could do this sort of thing with the intrusive side more often.
“Just lean back now, I’m going to find what makes you feel good. Ok?” Remus nods eagerly to the instructions and falls back onto the bed/table thing both twins have been situated on, his hands still hold his shirt but now his legs are spread and Thomas has to swallow to keep the drool in his mouth from running down his chin.
“Are you always this horny or is it just because you’ve been waiting?” Thomas teased as he leaned down to take his experimental lick over the folds.
“I could hear what you were doing to Ro-Ro and how much he was loving it, couldn’t wait for that to be me. Thomas, make me your bitch, make me feel like a Duchess only good for making her king an heir.” Remus pleads and Thomas backs off to look the side in the eyes.
“Do…do you want me to use she/her while we’re doing this? Cause I’m fine with that but I’m not going to call you names while I’m trying to make you feel good.”
“Shit, yes. Yes please use she/her and call me Duchess if you get the chance to talk!” Remus blushes as she admits what she really wanted and Thomas chuckles at how cute he finds her antics right now.
Right off the bat he finds that she likes her urethra teased a lot more than Roman had but that nibbly kisses on her inner folds got the best gasping jolts out of her. He takes a chance and nibble kisses Remus’s hood as he’s running his fingers over her folds and into the vagina and is rewarded with a chant of “𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞“ so he kept up the rhythm before changing the angle of his hand so the urethra gets some attention and he can tell she holding back,
“Duchess, be a good girl and cum for your king.” As soon as he finishes his encouragement he is back to nibble kisses but not for much longer as Remus let’s go and let’s her orgasm wash over her. Thomas is thrilled when she “squirts” a stream of ejaculation on his hand between clenches.
“You ok my beautiful Duchess?” He asks after Remus has stopped gasping for breath.
“Wonderful! You’re a natural Tommy, you put straight white guys to shame!” She giggles, she pauses as Logan comes over to help her up just as he did her brother.
“Remus, though in her own words are a bit lacking, is correct. We’ve only had one lesson but I’m confident that should the need arise you will be prepared to bring pleasure to a partner who has a vagina.” Agrees Logan as Remus enjoys her water and waves at Roman who seems to be trying to stay awake.
“Thanks, I really enjoyed this. I feel like I’ve gotten close to the three of you and not just in the biblical sense.” That gets another giggle from Remus and a smile from Logan.
“No more talk, I want snuggles!” Roman demands in a sleepy grumble. It doesn’t take much to snap the twins into clean, soft clothes and shift the mind-palace into a big pile of padding, blankets and pillows. With three of his sides dozing off Thomas couldn’t help but think that he owes Talon a nice candy bouquet for planting the idea in his head.
* fuck fuck, Thomas don’t dare stop, by the gods don’t stop!
11 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Bless your followers with more long Patton. 🙏 mayhaps a bit of him going deep. 😳
I gotcha fam 🖤
Full of Feelings
Warnings: 18+ only, sexual encounters, clothed sex, hand-jobs, spit-roasting, cum eating, blow-jobs, Remus eats something unusual
A new normal had settled upon the Mindscape, it was not unusual to see Patton walking around in sheer or transparent clothing throughout the day. There were more family nights now too, everyone taking turns to have Pat sit in their lap. Being able to take in that beautiful cock and Patton being happy to accept touches had boosted everyone’s moods and relations were mending, the world was healing.
Movie night had them all on the couch watching a cheesy RomCom, Patton had pulled Janus close with a “it’s a little chilly” as an excuse to cuddle. They were at the second sexually tension scene and by now Jan sat fulling on Pat’s lap. That’s when a thick pressure grinded up against Janus’s ass, coupled with a needy whine from behind him. Subtlety Janus pushed back to increase the friction, loving the way he could feel Pat from his ass to his base. They humped for the rest of the movie, picking up speed close to the end and finishing when the light came on. Janus came so hard that if he hadn’t been wearing briefs it would have been audible, the cum from Patton soaks through to his skin making the clothing even more soiled. The others stare with hungry eyes but say nothing. “Thanks Jay-bird, I’m a lot warmer now.”
During an idea session Remus and Roman argued over the placement of some jokes, it was loud and Virgil was getting a headache from the noise. He was about to just leave when Patton took his and guided it to his barely concealed erection, Virgil tilted his head until Patton started to rub a palm against Virgil’s crotch. Oh! The pair tuned out the twins and focused on slowly jerking each other off. Eventually the twins shut up and watched the lovely show in front of them. Once Virgil came he put more effort into bringing Patton to completion…the meeting table had to be cleaned but Virgil didn’t have a headache anymore.
Logan wanted to be filled, he had gone to Remus for help but the usual tentacles in his anus were not cutting it. He was about to ask Remus to stop when Patton walked past the, unintentionally left opened, door. The father side popped his head in and the pair stopped, “Lo-Lo are you alright? You feel kinda sad.” Patton asks, Remus looks at the logical side with panic but is waved off. “Just need a little …more.” “Maybe I can help!” And that is how Logan ends up spit-roasted on three tentacles in his anis and Patton’s cock in his mouth, full and content. (He continued to be full and content from all the cum and mucus-slime he had taken too.)
Roman was making Patton a new robe but he wanted this one to hug the heart’s body unlike the ones before that were flowy so he needed Pat’s measurements. He had the arms, chest, and hips now he needed length and inseam. Length was just an inch longer than Roman himself and inseam waaaaas “Ro that tickles, if you wanted to touch you just had to ask!” The heart laughs as he runs a hand through Roman’s hair, and Roman can’t help it when he sighs and leans into the touch. The project is set aside as Roman and Patton exchange heated touches, sweet kisses, and grinding hips until they both spill all over Roman’s outfit. He doesn’t mind continuing his work in the nude, not if it’s for Patton.
Thomas was out on a date and Patton was feeling all those extra feelings and hormones at full blast. He was about to try taking a cool shower to ease the heat boiling in his guts but just as he was about to get up Remus entered the room. The darker creativity stopped abruptly and sniffed the air like a hunting dog, turning to look at Patton with a queasy smile, “does daddy dearest need a hot hole to fill? Cause I got several!” Remus says with a cackle. Patton is so happy that Remus is showing his caring side for a change, “sure kiddo! Take me however you feel most comfortable with!” With a snap Re is on his knees and pouring ranch!? Flavored lube onto Pat’s cock and sucking it down his throat like a slurpy. It doesn’t take awfully long with the strong suction and tight, warm squeeze for Remus to be swallowing Patton’s large load of cum. He licks his lips, kisses Pat, and skips away happily. The fatherly side giggles as he watches the other leave, he likes this new normal.
13 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Going off the hiking prompt: Logan getting double dicked against a tree
Survivalist Hike
Warnings: 18+, pre-hyperthermia, d.a.p., mild sex-pollen, snake anatomy Janus
There has been a lot of stress in the Mindscape lately, projects in the works and deadlines to be met. Logan had taken the brunt of it all trying to keep the schedule and keep the others motivated while also planning for the coming weeks, he was relieved when they reached the weekend that Janus marked for self-care. He was burnt out and wanted some time away from the “office”, luckily Janus had suggested they go camping which Logan had been asking the other side to do for months now. You see Logan loved hiking and camping in the imagination where he could watch the wildlife and study them, it relaxed his mind while stimulating his body! He figured that Janus would also enjoy the outdoors since it was late spring and the weather would be accommodating to their other’s snake attributes. This is how they found themselves on a mountain in the imagination with an unexpected cold front rolling in bringing freezing rain and howling winds, having only one extra blanket in their tent.
“Uuggh one of the twins must have changed the forecast after we left, the bratssss!” Janus hisses, his breath just barely visible in the cold air. “We will speak with them when we return. Which I suggest we do soon since this temperature could become dangerous for your health.” Logan replies as he packs away his things, his fingers numbing the longer they are exposed to the cold. “But thissss was sssupposed to be your weekend, a time to relaxxx” the other pouted as he snuggled in the one blanket. Logan sighed but kept packing, sure he was disappointed but he wasn’t going to risk their health and safety for a trip that would just cause more stress. Better to go home and just go back to work.
“I know itsss not the same but we could ssspend the night in my greenhouse, it will be warm there and you can ssstudy the plantsss.” Janus suggests when he notices the resigned look in Logan’s eyes, he doesn’t add that his snakes also live there so the logical side will be surprised. A bit of light returns to Logan as he thinks about it, “Yes, that sounds like an acceptable second choice for our trip.” He reaches out to sink them out but the imagination pushes back, like stretched rubber bands they spring back to where they were. A few more tries prove just as fruitless, “they messsssssed with the sssettings! Stupid boysss!”
Getting out the map, one Roman gave him to fill out, Logan looked for the closest exit…it was miles away. He let out a deep sigh, there was no way either he or Janus could hike that long in these conditions after a long day of walking already under their figurative belts. There had to be some other way out or at least somewhere safer to wait until the storm passed, wait what was that symbol on the map across the river from them? “Janus, do you know what this symbol means? It’s not on the key.” The shivering snake looked down at the paper with a critical glare before his eyes widened and a giddy smile graced his face, “that is a love nest, Roman and Virgil come out here for their little sex retreats. It will be nice and warm, probably full of booze and firewood too! Logan it’s so close!” The embrace of the snake hybrid startled the logical side not only because it was unexpected but also because Janus’s skin was as cold as the rain outside, they needed to get to this “love nest” quickly. “Put on all the clothes we brought and use one of the sleeping bags as cover, I’ll carry the bags. We might get there before the sun sets and leaves us in the dark.”
They trek the dirt path and across the footbridge over the river to a strange looking tree, where the other trees were thin and tall, this one had a stout trunk and thick branches that turned up like a flute glass. With the dwindling light it took far longer for Logan to find the hidden entrance into the secret getaway, a knot on the trunk was a latch-knob that needed to be lifted to open. By then a sheet of ice was coating the ground and the sleeping bags they used as coats and Janus had stopped talking a few minutes ago, a troubling development. He tossed the bags to the side of the entrance and dragged the snake side into the shelter. He noted that Janus moved sluggishly and was beginning to take a blue tint on his human half, “T-takkke offff the w-w-wet c-clothes an-and shhhoes, gotta g-get you warmmm.” Logan chatters the instructions as he also strips off his wet shoes, socks, and pants.
Janus gets his shoes off no problem but Logan has to help him get the outermost pants and shirts off so they don’t soak his already freezing skin. Once he gets Janus on a plush seat with a dry blanket Logan staggers to the fireplace and throws on the logs stacked by the wall, thank goodness for magic since the logs replenish after a moment. His numb fingers fumble with the match but eventually he gets the fire going and starts looking for anything to help them heat back up safely, Janus especially needs to warm up without shocking his system. In the kitchen he finds a two burner stove and a kettle that he fills with water and sets on a burner to heat, there is some strange tea in a red box that smells sweet and fruity that they can drink. In a room upstairs there are plenty of dry clothes to change into while theirs are still wet. When he comes back down with sweatpants on and some more layers for Janus the water is ready for tea. Its fruity scent is even stronger as it steeps in the mugs, he’ll have to ask Roman for some when they return home.
“Janus, I know moving is uncomfortable but you need to drink something, please.” He coaxes the lethargic side to take the mug who immediately curls over the source of warmth. A good sign. Logan finds another blanket and to conserve heat sits next to Janus, it also lets him keep an eye on the other’s health as the night progresses. Silence is filled with sips and the popping crackles of the fire that has warmed the room considerably, it’s peaceful and as their mugs are drained the sides start to fall asleep leaning against each other.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Way too soon for his taste later, Logan woke feeling better but also a little off. He figured it was just the fatigue and skipping dinner that made him feel “funny” but as his mind woke more he noticed that his companion was missing, “Jan? Where?” He looked around and saw that the blanket that was tucked around Janus earlier was now leading down the hall. Groggily he followed down the hall to find his missing companion and check on his health, the snake side needed to keep warm. So it was worrying to see discarded layers thrown haphazardly about as he neared the over the top bedroom. “Janus?” He calls out worriedly, “Here darling, closer.” Janus’s voice is huskier than normal and sends an ember of heat to his guts, it was a wonderful feeling that washed away the weirdness he woke with. He walked more into the bedroom, towards where he was sure he heard the other call to him, when he was shoved up against the bark-like wall.
Lips met his in searing kisses, hungry but experienced as they coaxed open his mouth to drag out sounds that Remus would approve of. A thigh nudged his legs apart to give Janus room to pin him in, three sets of hands tugging away at fabric to get to heated flesh, “So warm darling, you make me so warm. Want you, want to be in you.” Janus moans between kisses, and Logan wants that too, wants to chase this feeling and let Janus ruin him. “Yes, yes, I want you too!” He gasps as a set of arms lifts him up.
He hadn’t noticed when his boxers came off but the sensation of his dick rubbing against Janus’s own dicks made his head spin at how amazing it was. When a slick finger enters his hole he thinks he sees stars, Janus, please! Feels so good!” He cries as the other side adds another finger, “Soon darling. Don’t want to hurt you, my love.” And that hits Logan hard, Janus could use him right now and he’d thank him for it but the selfish side was being gentle, considering his needs too, it was far softer than he was used to when he was with the others. Before he can get too into his own head Janus adds a third finger, pumping and curling the digits to find that sweet spot.
The musical sound that Logan makes when Janus hits his prostate breaks the resolve the snake side had, “I think you’re ready love, relax for me.” Janus bids as he lines up one of his dicks with Logan’s hole. He slides in and let’s the logical side sink down onto him slowly, “That’s it darling, there we go.” A beat later and Janus starts to rock up into Logan with one dick as the other still ruts against the other’s own. The night is filled with porn worthy moans and gasps of each other’s names, the buildup of heat between them steaming up the windows.
Logan can feel his climax nearing but he wants more, wants something else, “Janus, I can’t take both, give me both.” He pleads as Janus thrusts again, “Ok love, but you have to stop me if it hurts.” Janus agrees, he uses two sets of arms to lift Logan again and holds his dicks together to ease them in. It stretches him but it doesn’t hurt like he half expects so he only whines needily to get the other moving again. Janus just huffs fondly and sets back to his pace, rocking up in a rhythm of in and out, in and out, the squeeze of Logan’s hole heavenly hot and accommodating to the girth. “Feel so good in you Darling, so perfect. My perfect Logan.” He whispers as he speeds up a bit, listening to the other’s breath hitch at the compliment, he keeps calling Logan perfect and darling until he feels the logical side spill cum over both of their stomachs. He can feel his own release close behind so he takes the time to kiss as much of Logan as he can reach as he thrusts harder, when he cums his teeth sink into soft flesh and his vision whites out.
When Janus comes back into himself he finds that he and Logan are still connected and entangled together. The logical side is pushing back his sweaty bangs and looking at him with such reverence that it’s frightening at first. “Are you alright darling? I didn’t mean to break skin.” The bite was bleeding and once again Janus was glad he wasn’t venomous. “I’m fine, you don’t have to apologize for something I liked.” A blissful smiles graces Logan’s lips and Janus feels his face blush bright red, a strange twist since they had just fucked and now he was flustered.
They stayed there on the floor until the room temperature started to get noticeably cooler, retreating onto the bed and under the plush comforter. The next day came quickly and with much warmer weather, they spent most of the morning and afternoon lazing in bed where it was cozy. Hiking was forgotten in favor of repeating the events of the night before, several times. When they returned Sunday evening everyone commented on how relaxed Logan looked…if he and Janus decided to take more hiking trips no one made comment on it, except for the dwindling supply of Vitali-tea in the love nest, oops!
23 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
11.“shh, you can take it. you're doing so well.”
The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the spout
Shout out to @supersecretsmutside for helping me pick a ship and concept when I was too overwhelmed by the possibilities. This prompt is frankly too delicious and I couldn’t settle on how to use it!
Warnings: 18+, spider!virgil, Inaccurate spider anatomy, sounding, frotting, oviposition/eggpreg, dub-con(consent for the future is given later), lmk if I missed any
It was nice having Patton on display all the time and getting absolutely pounded by his giant cock but for Virgil it was having an annoying drawback. His spider half was “female” and being bred was making him need to lay a clutch, unfortunately Thomas didn’t know much about spider mating habits so instead of just laying the eggs in a nice little bundle of web he needed to insert them somewhere warm first. Virgil had held back for so long but now he absolutely needed to lay in someone or the clutch would be lost, his instincts wouldn’t allow that. He could go to one of the other dark sides but neither one of them had the body heat his eggs needed. Logan would love to experience the process for science but he has been so upset lately that he might not be able to enjoy it…maybe next clutch. Roman probably wouldn’t mind but he was busy helping Thomas with work for the next script, and…and Patton would likely be grossed out by having spiders inside of him, even if they were his babies. Bother Logan or scare Patton away? Ugh why was his life so difficult!?
So deep in his anxious debating Virgil doesn’t notice when another person comes up behind him until there are arms around his waist and a thick package rutting against his back, if he wasn’t so horny from the hormones urging him to lay he would have been startled. Now though? He twists in the other’s grip and claims their mouth in hot open-mouthed kisses. Even clothes the frotting spurs on his need, mating out in the open didn’t feel safe so as the two continue to get hot and heavy they sink out into Virgil’s bedroom. They land on the plush bed and for the first time since they started Virgil notices the bright blue Georgette cloth used as a wrap skirt, of course Patton would be the one to find him in such a state! He makes quick work of getting his ovipositor out of his pants and unknotting Patton’s skirt, the drive of his instincts causing his mouth to water at the sight of the thick long cock that filled him with such delicious hot seed. Later he will wonder if he’s venomous like Janus because Patton becomes putty under him, lax and pliable as he takes the other’s throbbing erection and starts to slide into it.
Oh! It’s so warm and tight around his thin appendage, his natural slime-like secretion letting him glide in without difficulty. “Hung!” Patton chokes on a confused gasp at the new feeling, he’s never been penetrated before and had never imagined his first time being like this. The farther Virgil goes the better it feels to be so incredibly full, the weird purple stuff oozing out with his pre cum tingles the same way Virgil’s mouth is, it’s like heaven. Virgil pulls back just a little to get more coating inside the other’s cock before he starts pushing all the way in, stopping only because he reached residence. Patton is underneath him moaning and sobbing from the pressure keeping him from cumming, a now clawed hand brushes away his tears, “s͟h͟h͟,͟ ͟y͟o͟u͟ ͟c͟a͟n͟ ͟t͟a͟k͟e͟ ͟i͟t͟.͟ ͟y͟o͟u͟'͟r͟e͟ ͟d͟o͟i͟n͟g͟ ͟s͟o͟ ͟w͟e͟l͟l͟.͟”͟ the spider side rumbles affectionately as he nibbles little love bites along his mates chest, coaxing his to relax so the appendage will keep going. Some more tingling kisses and backing out for the slime to build up let’s Virgil press on with just a wet pop and a shiver of bliss running up Patton through his cock.
Now inserted to his base and inside the hottest part he can get in his mate Virgil lets his cluster work their way through the ovipositor, the eggs are the size of the small beads (8/0) and slip easily into their father. Shallow thrusts force a bundle of eggs into their resting place and finally the deed is done, their brood is being warmed and are safe for the short time they need to incubate and Virgil has a whimpering mewling mess of a mate under him begging for more. With his human mind becoming clearer without the need to lay he can help his mate enjoy their time connected even more. He slides most of the way out and begins to slowly slide in just to pull back out just a bit, sounding Patton’s cock with his still inflated ovipositor. Shaking and moaning in pleasure, Patton hardly has time to call out a broken “close” before he’s cumming on Virgil’s appendage and he can feel the now slightly bigger eggs (5/0) pushing up out of him.
The barely still inflated ovipositor is marbled in translucent purple and pearly white that makes Virgil’s dick hard in knowing that he made his mate feel good but the throaty moans still coming from his mate mean the process isn’t done yet. Weaving together a cone of his silk Virgil starts pumping Patton’s cock, milking out the eggs and mixture of their cum into the soft safe silk. “Virgie, it feels so nice. Like I get to keep cumming and cumming, those little beads rub inside so perfectly. Virgie, honey, baby, can we do this more? Love feeling you inside me so close!” The heart babbles as he watches the last of the objects leave him and his body goes limp on the bed. Virgil nuzzles him and closes the web up around their clutch. “You keep fucking me all the time and I’ll keep making babies to fill you up with.” He purrs in response. Patton gasps, “babies?! Oh gosh we’re parents, of course I’ll give you more children! As many as you want honey!” The enthusiasm is appreciated as the idea of more healthy broods make the animalistic side of Virgil preen at having such a providing mate.
“So many, Pop-star, I want so many. But I might not be able to always go to you for incubation, is that alright?” Some of his normal anxiety is bleeding back in as his post sex high and animal need wanes, the idea of his mate rejecting him in some way is settling into his mind. “Of course baby, I want to help you with our…eggs? But even I know I can’t be there all the time! Lo-Lo and Remus will want to help for sure and I know Roman loves feeling useful, do what you need to bring those spidery little kiddos into the world!” If he could move Patton would be snuggling his emo sweetheart and peppering kisses all over his face but Virgil was fidgeting with their loving bundle and sleepiness was dragging Patton under anyway.
“Cuddle me? After you put the kids to bed?”
“Yeah, I can use some cuddles after that too.”
*(8/0) is very small and (5/0) is about twice that and barely smaller that a standard poni bead
26 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
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tulipanthousa · 2 years
Do you know any good loceit smut? I’ve been on a loceit binge recently
as a true blue monsterfucker i must recommend this naga janus fic by my dear friend @centrumlumina. read the tags but hnnnng
41 notes · View notes
nsfsprince · 3 years
For the art requests
What about tall dom logan and remus sharing janus and absolutely WREAKING him?
Maybe they call jan kitten too?
Also bonus projection points if Janus is afab
Thank you so much!!!! I love your art!!
This was only supposed to be a sketch but…👉👈 i got carried away.. (i assumed by afab we were still going w/ trans janus, so hope u dont mind that i went with that if you had meant differently, bc yay projection!) and Thank you!
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(Full colored version Discord media links: with speech text, and without speech text)
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djs-horny-blog-lmao · 8 months
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I drew this in late october 2020, so oh my god ive been sitting on this for 3 years?? Blows the dust off
I still really like it tbh
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pupplaylogan · 7 months
College student logan coming 2 professor janus' class w/ a vibrating cock ring . He makes it the entire way w/o cumming.
That is until janus tells him 2 stay afterwards . He puts a hand on logan's hip & brushes his hair behind his ear & runs the back of his hand along logan's cheek & asks a million questions."you didnt answer any questions even though you always do. You were all red in the face. You kept zoning off and looking at me... is everything all right, dear? You're usually one of my best student, the best one, even."
& . Well. He cant really stop himself from hunching over & cumming in front of janua can he
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bottomloganagenda · 4 months
Need more NSFS blogs to follow and look through but I feel like I see a lot of them not tag so it's hard to find some to follow so if you're an NSFS blog reblog this or like or whatever I just wanna see some more
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vulgarvixxen · 2 years
Going off the hiking prompt: Logan getting double dicked against a tree
Survivalist Hike
Warnings: 18+, pre-hyperthermia, d.a.p., mild sex-pollen, snake anatomy Janus
There has been a lot of stress in the Mindscape lately, projects in the works and deadlines to be met. Logan had taken the brunt of it all trying to keep the schedule and keep the others motivated while also planning for the coming weeks, he was relieved when they reached the weekend that Janus marked for self-care. He was burnt out and wanted some time away from the “office”, luckily Janus had suggested they go camping which Logan had been asking the other side to do for months now. You see Logan loved hiking and camping in the imagination where he could watch the wildlife and study them, it relaxed his mind while stimulating his body! He figured that Janus would also enjoy the outdoors since it was late spring and the weather would be accommodating to their other’s snake attributes. This is how they found themselves on a mountain in the imagination with an unexpected cold front rolling in bringing freezing rain and howling winds, having only one extra blanket in their tent.
“Uuggh one of the twins must have changed the forecast after we left, the bratssss!” Janus hisses, his breath just barely visible in the cold air. “We will speak with them when we return. Which I suggest we do soon since this temperature could become dangerous for your health.” Logan replies as he packs away his things, his fingers numbing the longer they are exposed to the cold. “But thissss was sssupposed to be your weekend, a time to relaxxx” the other pouted as he snuggled in the one blanket. Logan sighed but kept packing, sure he was disappointed but he wasn’t going to risk their health and safety for a trip that would just cause more stress. Better to go home and just go back to work.
“I know itsss not the same but we could ssspend the night in my greenhouse, it will be warm there and you can ssstudy the plantsss.” Janus suggests when he notices the resigned look in Logan’s eyes, he doesn’t add that his snakes also live there so the logical side will be surprised. A bit of light returns to Logan as he thinks about it, “Yes, that sounds like an acceptable second choice for our trip.” He reaches out to sink them out but the imagination pushes back, like stretched rubber bands they spring back to where they were. A few more tries prove just as fruitless, “they messsssssed with the sssettings! Stupid boysss!”
Getting out the map, one Roman gave him to fill out, Logan looked for the closest exit…it was miles away. He let out a deep sigh, there was no way either he or Janus could hike that long in these conditions after a long day of walking already under their figurative belts. There had to be some other way out or at least somewhere safer to wait until the storm passed, wait what was that symbol on the map across the river from them? “Janus, do you know what this symbol means? It’s not on the key.” The shivering snake looked down at the paper with a critical glare before his eyes widened and a giddy smile graced his face, “that is a love nest, Roman and Virgil come out here for their little sex retreats. It will be nice and warm, probably full of booze and firewood too! Logan it’s so close!” The embrace of the snake hybrid startled the logical side not only because it was unexpected but also because Janus’s skin was as cold as the rain outside, they needed to get to this “love nest” quickly. “Put on all the clothes we brought and use one of the sleeping bags as cover, I’ll carry the bags. We might get there before the sun sets and leaves us in the dark.”
They trek the dirt path and across the footbridge over the river to a strange looking tree, where the other trees were thin and tall, this one had a stout trunk and thick branches that turned up like a flute glass. With the dwindling light it took far longer for Logan to find the hidden entrance into the secret getaway, a knot on the trunk was a latch-knob that needed to be lifted to open. By then a sheet of ice was coating the ground and the sleeping bags they used as coats and Janus had stopped talking a few minutes ago, a troubling development. He tossed the bags to the side of the entrance and dragged the snake side into the shelter. He noted that Janus moved sluggishly and was beginning to take a blue tint on his human half, “T-takkke offff the w-w-wet c-clothes an-and shhhoes, gotta g-get you warmmm.” Logan chatters the instructions as he also strips off his wet shoes, socks, and pants.
Janus gets his shoes off no problem but Logan has to help him get the outermost pants and shirts off so they don’t soak his already freezing skin. Once he gets Janus on a plush seat with a dry blanket Logan staggers to the fireplace and throws on the logs stacked by the wall, thank goodness for magic since the logs replenish after a moment. His numb fingers fumble with the match but eventually he gets the fire going and starts looking for anything to help them heat back up safely, Janus especially needs to warm up without shocking his system. In the kitchen he finds a two burner stove and a kettle that he fills with water and sets on a burner to heat, there is some strange tea in a red box that smells sweet and fruity that they can drink. In a room upstairs there are plenty of dry clothes to change into while theirs are still wet. When he comes back down with sweatpants on and some more layers for Janus the water is ready for tea. Its fruity scent is even stronger as it steeps in the mugs, he’ll have to ask Roman for some when they return home.
“Janus, I know moving is uncomfortable but you need to drink something, please.” He coaxes the lethargic side to take the mug who immediately curls over the source of warmth. A good sign. Logan finds another blanket and to conserve heat sits next to Janus, it also lets him keep an eye on the other’s health as the night progresses. Silence is filled with sips and the popping crackles of the fire that has warmed the room considerably, it’s peaceful and as their mugs are drained the sides start to fall asleep leaning against each other.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Way too soon for his taste later, Logan woke feeling better but also a little off. He figured it was just the fatigue and skipping dinner that made him feel “funny” but as his mind woke more he noticed that his companion was missing, “Jan? Where?” He looked around and saw that the blanket that was tucked around Janus earlier was now leading down the hall. Groggily he followed down the hall to find his missing companion and check on his health, the snake side needed to keep warm. So it was worrying to see discarded layers thrown haphazardly about as he neared the over the top bedroom. “Janus?” He calls out worriedly, “Here darling, closer.” Janus’s voice is huskier than normal and sends an ember of heat to his guts, it was a wonderful feeling that washed away the weirdness he woke with. He walked more into the bedroom, towards where he was sure he heard the other call to him, when he was shoved up against the bark-like wall.
Lips met his in searing kisses, hungry but experienced as they coaxed open his mouth to drag out sounds that Remus would approve of. A thigh nudged his legs apart to give Janus room to pin him in, three sets of hands tugging away at fabric to get to heated flesh, “So warm darling, you make me so warm. Want you, want to be in you.” Janus moans between kisses, and Logan wants that too, wants to chase this feeling and let Janus ruin him. “Yes, yes, I want you too!” He gasps as a set of arms lifts him up.
He hadn’t noticed when his boxers came off but the sensation of his dick rubbing against Janus’s own dicks made his head spin at how amazing it was. When a slick finger enters his hole he thinks he sees stars, Janus, please! Feels so good!” He cries as the other side adds another finger, “Soon darling. Don’t want to hurt you, my love.” And that hits Logan hard, Janus could use him right now and he’d thank him for it but the selfish side was being gentle, considering his needs too, it was far softer than he was used to when he was with the others. Before he can get too into his own head Janus adds a third finger, pumping and curling the digits to find that sweet spot.
The musical sound that Logan makes when Janus hits his prostate breaks the resolve the snake side had, “I think you’re ready love, relax for me.” Janus bids as he lines up one of his dicks with Logan’s hole. He slides in and let’s the logical side sink down onto him slowly, “That’s it darling, there we go.” A beat later and Janus starts to rock up into Logan with one dick as the other still ruts against the other’s own. The night is filled with porn worthy moans and gasps of each other’s names, the buildup of heat between them steaming up the windows.
Logan can feel his climax nearing but he wants more, wants something else, “Janus, I can’t take both, give me both.” He pleads as Janus thrusts again, “Ok love, but you have to stop me if it hurts.” Janus agrees, he uses two sets of arms to lift Logan again and holds his dicks together to ease them in. It stretches him but it doesn’t hurt like he half expects so he only whines needily to get the other moving again. Janus just huffs fondly and sets back to his pace, rocking up in a rhythm of in and out, in and out, the squeeze of Logan’s hole heavenly hot and accommodating to the girth. “Feel so good in you Darling, so perfect. My perfect Logan.” He whispers as he speeds up a bit, listening to the other’s breath hitch at the compliment, he keeps calling Logan perfect and darling until he feels the logical side spill cum over both of their stomachs. He can feel his own release close behind so he takes the time to kiss as much of Logan as he can reach as he thrusts harder, when he cums his teeth sink into soft flesh and his vision whites out.
When Janus comes back into himself he finds that he and Logan are still connected and entangled together. The logical side is pushing back his sweaty bangs and looking at him with such reverence that it’s frightening at first. “Are you alright darling? I didn’t mean to break skin.” The bite was bleeding and once again Janus was glad he wasn’t venomous. “I’m fine, you don’t have to apologize for something I liked.” A blissful smiles graces Logan’s lips and Janus feels his face blush bright red, a strange twist since they had just fucked and now he was flustered.
They stayed there on the floor until the room temperature started to get noticeably cooler, retreating onto the bed and under the plush comforter. The next day came quickly and with much warmer weather, they spent most of the morning and afternoon lazing in bed where it was cozy. Hiking was forgotten in favor of repeating the events of the night before, several times. When they returned Sunday evening everyone commented on how relaxed Logan looked…if he and Janus decided to take more hiking trips no one made comment on it, except for the dwindling supply of Vitali-tea in the love nest, oops!
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deviantofthemind · 4 years
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↠  𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀 𝒶𝓁𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝓎.
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djs-horny-blog-lmao · 11 months
ooh or something about Logan getting to relax and shut his brain off. maybe he gets a book from one of the other sides that trances him as he reads it
(hope multiple prompts are okay, feel free to only choose one or none. I just got very excited)
- 👽
okay. okay. okay. sorry for taking literally five months to get to this.
loceit, sub!logan dom!janus, no actual fucking. Hypnosis via reading, probably sort of doubles as an actual induction of sorts? Mindlessness, slow fall, implied hands-free-orgasm at the end, cnc (sort of).
2.6k words, under the cut. this one is heavy on that seduction/siren's call of trance angle.
--- --- --- ---
Logan rubs his temple as he hands in front of his bookcase, trying to decide on what to read. He’s getting a stress headache, it’s been a long week, and he is officially ready to try switch off and at least enjoy himself a little with a good story. Maybe he’ll reread a Sherlock Holmes novel… A Scandal in Bohemia, perhaps?
His fingers ghost along the spines of his books as he tries to make his choice. He loves this part. The anticipation. What to read, what to choose. Though he bites his lip, tilting his head. The decisions are overwhelming sometimes.
Someone knocks at his door. Logan grits his teeth before he answers it, but some of the tension drops away when he sees Janus there.
“Hello,” he says.
“Greetings,” Janus says, and his lips don’t move, but his eyes smile. “How are you?”
Logan blinks. “Um,” his eyes flick around, like it’s trick question. “Fine? …I was looking forward to a quiet evening reading, but… Well, nevermind. ...How are you?”
“Oh, reading!” Janus says with measured delight. “I was thinking of spending my evening the same way. Perhaps we could do so in each other’s company?”
Logan’s expression softens.
“That would be nice,” he agrees. “As long as we keep talking to a minimum. I don’t really want to hold many more conversations today.”
“We can do that,” Janus extends a hand. “Have you found your book, yet? Or will you pick one of mine?”
Logan hesitates a moment, before taking Janus’ hand.
“Well,” he shrugs one shoulder. “None of the books on my shelves are calling to me.”
Janus leads the way, and Logan lets him, and when he’s invited to step into Janus’ room, Logan takes a moment to bathe in the calming sensation that settles over him. The door clicks closed behind him.
“Alright, darling,” Janus says, and he puts a hand on Logan’s back to lead him over to his personal bookcase. “Let’s find you a good book.”
They comb over titles, but Logan finds his eyes drawn to one in particular, a tall, fairly thin book with beautiful midnight blue binding.
“Something caught your eye?” Janus says, his voice light and teasing, and Logan swallows, and pulls it off the shelf.
“What’s this?”
“Oh!” Janus clasps his hands. “I wrote that for you. I forgot to give it to you, silly me.”
“You wrote this for me?” Logan flushes, looking down at it. “Really?”
“Yes, love,” Janus leans in, kisses his cheek. “I wanted to give you something you could really wind down to in the evenings.”
He takes Logan’s empty hand and presses it over the front cover.
“It’s yours,” he whispers. His voice is husky. It makes Logan shiver with anticipation he can’t explain. “If you want it.”
“I want it!” Logan pulls it into his chest. “It’s… it’s very thoughtful, Janus. Thank you.”
Janus smiles softly, and turns back to the bookshelf to take a copy of Dracula, and takes Logan’s arm to lead him to Janus’ nice armchair.
…Janus is being oddly handsy today. But mind you, Logan smiles softly, he does get like this sometimes, he told Logan touch was very assuring for him as part of their relationship, and really, Logan likes Janus’ hands on him.
With a flick of the wrist and a thought, a second identical armchair appears beside the one Logan’s being gently pushed into. Janus pulls it up alongside comfortably, and settles there, in Logan’s periphery. He even puts his feet up on an ottoman, takes the hat off his head and settles it on the coffee table between them, and lounges back, opening his book.
Logan glances at him, and Janus shoots him a soft little smile.
So Logan leans back in the comfortable chair, wishing for a moment he’d thought to make tea before they settled in, before he shakes his head softly, and opens the book.
‘For my dearest Logan,’ The dedication on the first page reads, ‘who thinks too much.’
Logan’s lips twist into a smile, and he snorts, amused. He does notice that there is no title. There hadn’t been one on the front cover, and he tilts his head at it, glancing at Janus, who doesn’t look up from his own book.
It… it must be deliberate, then. Logan shakes his head again, and turns the page.
‘I am going to tell you a story,’ the book reads, ‘that might seem very familiar to you. But it’s a good story, Logan, and one you have always enjoyed, so I don’t think you’ll mind reading it again.’
Logan purses his lips, before he stops to evaluate how beautifully handwritten it is. Janus’ handwriting is just delightful.
‘It is about a man, much like yourself. Always a cliché, I know, but he really is like you. Hard-working, talented, and just so stressed. He never took a break when he should, until he found something that taught him how.’
Logan can’t help himself but raise an eyebrow at the prose, shoot Janus a quick glance, before turning back. This time, he doesn’t see it, but Janus side-eyes him, anticipation curling his lip into a hint of a smile.
‘He found a book. A book! Just like the one you’re holding now. A pretty book, a book filled with pretty words. It fitted beautifully into his hands, like it was made for him, just for him.’
Logan turns the page.
‘And the book started very simply. It taught him ways to relax. And the best, most basic start for relaxation – or so the book believed – was breathing.’
“Is this just guided meditation, or something?” Logan finally breaks his reader’s silence, turning to Janus.
“I thought you didn’t want conversation?” Janus raises an eyebrow at Logan, keeping his expression neutral, and Logan bites his lip and looks away. He did say that. “But… to answer your question… well, why don’t you keep reading and find out?”
Logan rolls his eyes at his partner’s ambiguity, but does turn back to his reading.
‘Yes, breathing. It may seem silly, but it works. The man found all he had to do was follow the instructions the book gave him, and nothing more. When the book told him to breathe in slowly, he did so. When the book told him to hold it, he did so. When the book told him to breathe out slowly, he did so.’
‘Why don’t you try it now? Just follow the words.’
‘Breathe in.’
Logan blinks, shakes his head, but decides it won’t do any harm. And besides, he needs to relax. He takes in a slow breath.
Logan does so.
‘Breathe out.’
And Logan let the air out, slow and gentle, and almost feels self-conscious for it. But Janus has gone back to ignoring him.
‘Good,’ praises the book, and Logan blinks at it. ‘That was perfect. Do it again.’
‘Breathe in. Breathe in all the stress and tension you have.’
Logan frowned a little, but did as he was told, sucking in a breath.
‘Hold it, floating, hanging, weightless.’
Those were good words to describe it, actually. He had to agree, it did… feel like that.
‘And breathe out. Breathe out all the tension, all the stress, leaving only relaxation. Relax, let the feeling spread through your chest from your lungs, down your arms and to your fingertips. Down your legs and to your toes. Up into your head and to your eyelids.’
Logan followed the words.
‘Good,’ the book praised him. ‘Again.’
The three printed lines repeated, and Logan did as he was told, and he had to agree with the book, as he read those words over and over, his tension just seemed to drain out of him. His blinking slowed down. It became so hard to want to lift his hand to turn the page.
‘Well done,’ were the first two words awaiting Logan on the next page. ‘Nice and relaxed. Like lying in a warm bath, like napping in the sun. Calm and relaxed, it almost feels like your head could be empty.’
Logan absorbs that line, but frowns a little at it, though now, his frown is little more than a downwards twitch of his lips.
‘It almost seems silly, doesn’t it? The idea of an empty head. But that was what the book told the man. It told him the next step in relaxing completely, relaxing enough, was to make his head empty. But to relax the mind, you have to relax the body.’
That… makes sense? Logan can follow that logic. He doesn’t remember feeling this sluggish before. He lets out a big, long breath, and casts his eyes over the paragraph again before he reads on.
‘The book told the man that his whole body should feel heavy. Heavy like lead. Heavy like lying in a warm bed on a cold morning. Heavy in a comfortable way, a relaxing way. Heavy in a way that he wouldn’t, shouldn’t and couldn’t fight. There was no need to fight it. If the man only let it happen, he would feel so good.’
Logan’s head tips to the side a little as he reads, his blinks so slow. It… it did feel nice to let it all slow down. His legs down felt so heavy, he couldn’t stand up if he wanted to, and he didn’t want to.
‘The book promised the man if he only let it all happen, it’d feel good. If he did as its words said, he’d feel so good.’
‘If he obeyed.’
Logan swallows hard, and goes to frown again.
‘Now, it’s a little silly, again, isn’t it? The word. The idea. ‘Obeying’. The word has strange connotations. There’s a level of mindlessness to it. To absorb what you’re being told, to accept what you’re being told, and to decide to do it. But even beyond that, ‘decide’ implies choice. ‘Obey’ is much more than choosing. Obeying feels better than choosing. The book told the man that he should obey, and as the man read on, he found himself agreeing.’
It… that also… makes sense? Logan can’t argue with that. And… it sounds like he shouldn’t argue with it, either. If he’s supposed to be following the book to relax, it wouldn’t make sense to disobey its instructions.
‘So the man read the book, and obeyed. The man let the book tell him to keep breathing deep and slow, to let his tension go, to let relaxation take over, and to let his body grow heavy, and his mind grow empty.’
‘The man didn’t need to think. He just needed to read and obey. You don’t need to think. You just need to read and obey.’
Read… and obey? Logan swallows hard, and combs over the line again. Read and obey.
‘Read and obey.’
He wets his lips.
‘Good. Very good. You’re so good.’
His lips part. He doesn’t make a noise, but his breath leaves him a little fast. And Logan doesn’t know it, absorbed in the book as he is, but Janus is still holding up his own book, yes, but his eyes are fixed on Logan.
‘You’re so good, doing exactly as you’re told. You’re so good for obeying. Read and obey.’
‘When you read the words, ‘read and obey’, you are going to start feeling something spreading through your body, Logan. It is pleasure. It is pleasure, as a reward for being so good, and for reading and obeying. You don’t need to think. You don’t need to do anything at all, other than read and obey, and feel so very good.’
‘Read and obey.’
Logan swallows again as a warm swell of pleasure washes through him, gentle but persistent, and he shivers under it.
‘Read and obey.’
His breathing gets faster.
‘Feeling so good. Read and obey. Read and obey. Read and obey.’
It crawls up his spine, filling his chest with warmth. It fills his brain, pushing down all other thoughts, all resistance, filling his head with warmth and pleasure. It rests nice and heavy and calmly in his stomach, growing stronger with each repetition, growing downwards, and Logan is barely aware of the way he grinds down a little into his seat as the pleasure fills him.
‘Read and obey. Unaware of anything but my words. Read and obey. Do you know what this is, Logan? This is trance. You are deeply in trance. Read and obey. It’s the truth. You are doing exactly as you are told, and you have fallen so deeply in trance.’
‘Read and obey.’
Logan struggles to keep his eyes open enough to read now, struggles to keep his eyes focussed on the words, but he can’t stop reading, he has to keep reading, he has to read and obey.
‘Deeply in trance. You are mine. Read and obey. Deeply in trance. Deeply aroused and feeling good. You are mine. Read and obey.’
Logan whines. He actually makes a sound. It wanders out his parted lips, so quiet, but it makes Janus grin, and give up all pretences of reading, and he sets down his book and watches Logan’s descent.
‘Fall deep. Fall deeper. Follow my words down, Logan. No more thoughts. No more thinking. Just pleasure. Read and obey.’
‘You want to touch yourself. You want to so badly, but you can’t. You can only hold this book, and read, and obey. Moan. Read and obey.’
Logan moans. It wanders out his lips, more breath than sound.
‘Good boy,’ says the book, and Logan flushes even as he struggles to keep his eyes open. ‘Read and obey. Moan again. Moan louder. Read and obey.’
Logan obeys. He moans again, moans louder, and if he were more aware, he’d hear how Janus’ breath hitches for it.
‘You feel so good. You are so deep in trance. You feel the pleasure building. Building. Building. Read and obey.’
This time, Logan moans unprompted. His hips keep grinding. He’s panting.
‘You can feel an orgasm building. You want an orgasm. You want to cum. You want to cum so badly. But you can’t, not yet, because I haven’t said you can.’
A whimper, this time. Logan’s lips are still parted, he can idly feel something wet leaking past his lips and trailing down his chin. He can’t move to wipe it away. He can only read and obey.
‘You’re a clever boy, Logan, I’m sure you can guess by now that the man in the story is you. We’ve done this before. You don’t remember it, but we have. That’s why it’s so easy to read and obey now. You’re back here, deep in trance, following my words, because this is safe and comfortable, and you feel so good.’
‘You want to cum. Keep reading. You want to cum so badly. Read and obey.’
Logan’s chest is beginning to heave. He can’t look away. He isn’t even aware of turning pages anymore, of his body moving to accomplish that task. He is only aware of the pleasure, and the words.
‘I wrote this book for you, Logan. You obey me. You feel good because I want you to. You obey me because I want you to. Read and obey.’
Logan turns the page, and realises it’s the last one.
And it has two words left written there, in Janus’ beautiful handwriting.
‘Look up.’
Logan reads them, obeys them, lifts his head, and- when did Janus stand up? When did Janus move over him? Logan looks up, mouth hanging open, panting, drooling, empty-headed and desperate, and…
Janus smiles at him. He reaches out, palms up, and closes Logan’s book.
As the book snaps closed, he gives his final order.
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