#nt; ooc
nephytale · 6 months
The red haired menace is back... in some form. Consider this an inbox call (?
Then like this post to throw some of the twins in your inbox while I update things on this blog.
Nothing serious, just chill and funny to get these people moving their bones after so long.
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ziinesso · 1 year
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Selfish, I acknowledge it. However, as soon as my mind turns to you, an urgent wish awakens within me: that you desire me fervently. It's a personal intention, I admit, to aspire to bewitch your thoughts, in the same way you adeptly do with mine.
Selfish that I am to seek the attention of an innocent. How can I pretend to rise from the darkest depths of the earth to reach you? And yet, here I am, writing to you, kneeling before your gentle person. I allow myself to confront you with my reality, with my shameful dreams.
But as I contemplate these words, I cannot help but wish that they reach you, that they reveal the depth of my heart to your eyes. For in the midst of this tragedy I am living, perhaps you will deign to cast a compassionate glance my way.
- choso, geto (jjk) ; itachi, madara (nt) ; law, king (op)
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razorfst · 3 months
want everyone to know andrei is lifting bambi into the air after that goal, he is tossing him up like a baby and then wrapping into a giant ass bear hug
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symphonies-of-silver · 8 months
(( ik I mentioned I'd be coming back soon but things have not been so great for me lately. Its hard to find the enthusiasm for art sometimes when I feel like everything I do is sucky and worthless. And on top of that just really complicated feelings and events happening atm :'D ))
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strywoven · 7 months
quarterly check-in time ( + some house-keeping ) !  it is now the halfway mark of my semester and i am realizing how nanami ( jjk ) coded i am bc i - to the extreme - min-max my time to maximize my academic output.  work-life balance ?  not in this house ; only work.  as always , feel free to skip over this or read this at your leisure , but i will preface there’s a somewhat IMPORTANT note at the end.
i was invited to join symposium day in april.  which , again , is another major honor on my part , but i declined bc - full disclosure - i am not a man who does well with public speaking.  so , while i would’ve appreciated the accreditation of speaking , i also know that i would’ve stood at the podium , shook like a leaf and been so nervous that i made ( very bad ) jokes the entire presentation of my research projects OR i would’ve spoken so quietly they would’ve had to turn my mic ALL THE WAY UP bc no-one could hear my stupid ass as i mumbled through the whole thing.  the board member who was inviting me was like , “you know , i don’t think you give yourself enough credit” and i had to sit with that for a little while.
remember when i said i was accepted into the Psi Chi honors society ?  well , golly gee , there’s A FEE for membership !  how dare you want my time and my commitment and then demand my nonexistent money.  absolute malarkey.
in moral theology i want to report that whenever the prof brings up sociology and/or psychology , he IMMEDIATELY does the *pauses , looks at me in the front row* “... mav?”  IN LIKE.  the most expectant way.  bc he knows i have input on the subject.  i’m the resident nerd ig.  NOT LIKE I’M THE ONLY PSYCH MAJOR IN THAT CLASS BTW.  i’m just the only one with a big mouth.
i’ve noticed i have a rapport with several professors on-campus now … like , they will actually stop and wave to me when they see me or flag me down to talk to me and i *clenches fist* it makes me so happy.  it’s wild to come to the realization that these people genuinely GIVE A SHIT about me and how my education is going , i’ll say it.
as for my house-keeping tidbit : i cannot believe that i have to remind everyone about smth that is stated NUMEROUS TIMES in my rules , about smth that i make evident whenever we talk ooc - please , my compatriots in christ , COMMUNICATE .  in lieu of being hard-blocked by a now ex-mutual who i perceived as a ( good ) friend , over … i truly do not know what … i was so blindsided by this , i nearly deleted my blog out of shock and anxiety.  we are all adults , and none of us are mind-readers.  if ever there is a concern or smth you need to tell me , just do so !!  this is not meant as a vague , nor is meant to be a vent , but i do want to make clear that i am always open to being approached.  thank you.
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djsangos · 11 days
//okay i'm actually playing so fucking atrociously after that horrible experience i've gotta go to the store i'm just gonna do that and cool off lmao
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hopefuture · 2 months
Ngl some Marvel fans trying to pull the 'what if we brought back the pre-recast version of an actor and say it was a variant' is some peak goo goo ga ga lack of object permanence kind of shit
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isforever · 3 months
my muses wanna fuck good night
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helldustedstories · 4 months
Missa did it first, so now I have to do it too.
So many of my muses are neurodivergent in some way, shape or form.
Stolas, Moxxie, and Lucifer are all on the autism spectrum (with the added bonus of ADHD for Lucifer and C-PSTD for both Moxx and Stolas), Charlie's got ADHD, Husk is definitely not neurotypical, and neither are my OCs.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Sentinel after retiring from the Magnus position:
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nephytale · 25 days
* Looks the dash in silence *
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autobotmedic · 2 years
Ratch has studied and focused primarily on Applied science, which includes more than this list because there are advanced alien categories not describable by Earth words and also him reading about it occasionally doesn’t make him an expert on that topic, so, THESE ARE THINGS HE KNOWS A SUBSTANCIAL AMOUNT ABOUT not things he might know a little a bit (... even if ‘a little’ could be a lot by our standards hgksjdhf).
List of Applied Sciences that he either officially studied as a medic, or he knows enough about at this point that he’s trusted on the topic regardless. Several of these overlap but I wanted to mention specific ones sometimes rather than just a broad category:
Aerospace engineering - partially due to the fact that some tfs are capable of space travel without a ship (such as those that can turn into satellites) or they ARE a ship (such as those that can turn into shuttles), partially out of his own intrigue with transportation and spacebridging technology, which later leads to his ability to create the groundbridge variation even with Earth’s limitations.
Applied mathematics
Applied physics
Biomedical engineering - yes he knows how most of the equipment he uses works and he can build it which is how they have any of it on Earth.
Chemical engineering
Computational geometry
Computer engineering
Computer science
Dentistry - this is not something he intended to focus on, but there wasn’t anyone else to take care of it as medical professionals dropped during war. so. he does. and he stops once there are others who can take care of that again post-reconstruction of their planet. because honestly he doesn’t want his hands in others’ mouths.
Electrical engineering - especially electromagnetism due to the field produced by sparks.
Electronic engineering
Marine engineering - related to tfs capable of turning into marine vessels.
Mechanical engineering
Nutritional science - nutrition but for vehicles, such a fuel combinations healthiest for specific builds, minerals, etc for needs ranging from paint nanites to lubricant for internal workings (eventually studies human nutrition on Earth).
Optometry - this is actually one of the most aesthetically fascinating to him of their biological variations, because you’ve got dilating optics you’ve got solid optics you’ve got multicolored optics there are SO MANY OPTICAL FORMS (plus types of vision) and they are amazing.
Physical therapy - strong evidence of this during bulkhead’s physical recovery after getting wrecked by hardshell, because Ratch has him doing exercises but also stops him from Overdoing it too.
Software engineering
Veterinary science - because of tfs with animalistic alt modes, but also out of his own interest and the sense of peace he finds in the wilderness (on earth or cybertron), he Will help an injured creature if he finds it or is presented with it.
Natural Sciences aka overlapping or exceptions due to familiarity or casual interest, but he has not intentionally studied everything that falls under these massive categories:
Biology - I think this is self explanatory, but beyond robotic, he has studied organic forms more extensively in recent ages due to space travels after the exodus from their homeworld and due to living on Earth. Includes his casual botany, neuroscience, and zoology interests.
Chemistry - although he can use his knowledge for analysis and creation/counteracting a problem when necessary, he cares about metallurgy and mineralogy more than most matters in this category. Also includes his knowledge of nanotechnology.
Physics - again, he can use knowledge for analysis and problem-solving, but he cares more about thermodynamics (which is part of chemical engineering mentioned above), mechanics, and psychophysics than most matters in this category.
TF Specific honorable mentions because I’m sure it qualifies as its own category:
Blacksmithing - perhaps one day I will be able to come up with a more technical term for assistance in developing well-born newforges, but for now, it is a term known by many due to idw so I use it.
Carrying and Pediatrics - again, I haven’t come up with robotic technical terms for their methods of budding or kindling to create sparklings (and their care/development afterward) because none of it is the same as humans (and I don’t share a lot of fanon concepts either hfsjkdhf), but I still use these terms so you know loosely what I’m referring to.
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crystalmannequin · 8 months
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✧*̥˚💙✦verses / tag dump✦💙*̥˚✧
(descriptions under construction)
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𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓼𝔂 - main verse / post-ff1
Having finally saved Garland from the cycle of battle and of his own making both, restoring light to the lands, the Warrior of Light is left to exist in a world that no longer needs him, and which has yet to become somewhere he can truly call home. Taking up a position as a knight of Cornelia, uncertainty clings to him still. Is he truly suited for peace?
𝓬𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓰𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓶 - ff1
𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓹𝓪𝓼𝓽 - dissidia pre-012
𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓸 - dissidia cycle 012
In the face of the manikin hordes, a hithertofore unseen and thus unaccounted for element, there is nothing the Warrior and his allies can do but fight. Fight, and be killed. Desperation mingles with practicality in a strategy that might be seen as cruel. Knowing that to save his allies he must plunge his own blade into their backs, or at least protect the one who does, the Warrior stands silently at Cosmos' side and hopes for another chance.
𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓪𝓵𝓵 - dissidia cycle 013
𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓶 𝓸𝓯 𝓫𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 - dissidia nt
𝓼𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼 - stranger of paradise
After journeying across worlds, once again the Warrior of Light must restore light to the crystals and to a world which needs his aid. However, things once again differ in increments from what is familiar to him, and when he faces this world's Garland, it is not his old enemy he sees. Nonetheless, he fulfills his duty as well as he can. The fetters of fate are tricky that way.
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crosshatch-throwaway · 9 months
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lunaoritur · 1 year
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one day, once ive explored more of lunas brainwashing stuff here, i wanna do a brainwashed luna event, have her go on a rampage
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crimjoyofmuses · 11 months
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// Guilty for being a monster lover and ends up giving certain muses those kinks.
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