#nursery furniture london uk
harlisonluxebaby · 9 months
Discover outstanding nursery sets, prams & pushchairs for your little one.
Indulge in exquisite luxury for your little one. Explore our carefully curated collection of nursery furniture sets, prams, and pushchairs, designed to enchant and enhance their world. Elevate every moment with our premium offerings, crafted with care and style. Discover the epitome of comfort and elegance for your baby.
Name: Harlison UK LTD Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ Website: https://www.harlison.co.uk/
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olomolobaby · 3 years
For most would-be parents, making the preparations to welcome their child into the world starts way before their birth.  A lot of them start creating a first baby list London, UK soon after getting the news that they are expecting a baby.
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alsheyra · 3 years
Searching For the Best Designer Furniture?
Assuming you need the most recent modern choices in designer furniture, London has the best selection to choose from in the UK. One of a kind living spaces require the click here right furniture and assistants to improve and supplement them. Regardless of whether you live in a vanguard loft, an in vogue level or a changed over warehouse, luxury brand furniture can truly set off a space.
Product Versatility
For designer furniture, London store choices ought to have various product lines to fill all areas in the home from a living or family room to bedrooms, libraries, kitchens, bathrooms, workplaces or even nursery areas. This flexibility, the capacity to absolutely outfit your whole residence, assists you with guaranteeing that the style streams easily starting with one room then onto the next.
Smooth lines are the sign of designer furniture. Search for stylish choices that give the contemporary, modern look you are looking for. For dining tables, you should seriously mull over a table top produced using safety glass or even faded wood or an enamel finish along with tempered steel rounded backings. Foot stools for your living room could join a hazily finished wood top with glossy chrome legs.
Sofas and seats canvassed in 100% leather in your cherished shade frequently conjure modern styles albeit different materials would likewise work. Racking, armoires, diversion units and even sideboards regularly look smooth and particular with designer furniture and works great with stylish, open spaces.
The capacity to buy a full room idea is an attractive one despite the fact that you might incline toward looking for each special designer piece in turn. The full room idea is great in case you are working with a fresh start, basically a vacant home. Be that as it may, in case you are watching your budget and can manage the cost of just a household item or two all at once, there are furniture store choices in London accessible as well.
At the point when Money is no Object
At the point when you have an unlimited free pass and cash is no article, you should consider working with a furniture designer who can carry your in vogue dreams to realization. Or then again, you can rely upon a designer's imagination and capacity to peruse your personal embellishing style to concoct some design ideas custom fitted to your specific preferences. You could even peruse different furniture showrooms of designers and choose one dependent on their previous work.
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nimi-khan · 4 years
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Basic Information
Full name: Tasneem Khan Pronunciation: Tus-neem Kh-ahn Nickname(s): Nimi (Nym-ee). TK (childhood nickname) Birthdate: October 24 Age: 35 Gender: Demiboy Pronouns: They/Them Romantic orientation: Panromantic Sexual orientation: Pansexual Nationality: British Pakistani Ethnicity: Pakistani   Current location: London, UK Living conditions: They’ve recently moved into live in a small two bedroom flat with their baby mama -- a woman named Aysha Farooqi. It’s a small space, but it’s comfortable. They’ve spent the last few months bickering over nursery colors and picking out rocking chairs as they slowly assemble a nursery. Their space, in comparison, is lacking, as if all of the effort and money these two have pooled together is going to taking care of this child. Their furniture doesn’t quite match and is covered with more paint stains than Aysha will admit to. The pair share a bedroom for now, but the plan is for them to save and move to a place where they can each have their own. Nimi is a fan of natural light and is often throwing open all of the windows and making sure all of their houseplants get some sun.
Birthplace: London, UK Hometown: London, UK Social Class: Middle Class Educational achievements: *crickets chirp* Father: Imran Khan Mother: Minha Khan Sibling(s): Nadia(41), Amna(38), Zoha (38) Birth order: 4th child. Pets: There was a fam dog! Never one of their own. Previous relationships: They’ve had a couple! They burnt through them fast back in college and was probably a bit of an immature shithead at that time. They’ve been slower after that, making figuring themself out a priority first. They’ve had a few relationships since, but all had been slow to develop and figure out as Nimi stays cautious with their heart and the hearts of others. They’re in a open relationship right now with Aysha, which works well for them. Arrests: Yup...They had some dumb ass college days. Prison time: Nothing significant
Occupation & Income
Current occupation: Nurse! Dream occupation: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Past job(s): Cashier, Barista, Receptionist. Spending habits: They spend way too much money on houseplants. Also baby shopping: they have to be convinced not to buy every onesie with a dumb phrase on it. In debt?: They owe some money to their parents that they’ve slowly been repaying. With the new baby on the horizon, their parents say to forget about it and to focus on making sure the little one has everything. Most valuable possession: AA chip.
Skills & Abilities
Physical strength: Average Speed:  Below Average Intelligence: Average Accuracy:  Average Agility:  Below Average Stamina: Above Average Teamwork:  They’re an extrovert who pulls energy and motivation out of working with teams and groups. They’re quick to follow directions and appreciate guidance. Talents/hobbies: Crosstitching, cartwheels, board games and tabletop gaming, drawing sharp ass eyeliner wings, gardening Shortcomings: Impulsive and naive Languages spoken: English, Urdu and a tiny bit of Hindi Drive?: Yeup Jump-start a car?: If someone reminds them which is positive and which is negative, yeah Change a flat tyre?: Nope Ride a bicycle?: Yes! Swim?: Yup. Play an instrument?: Used to know piano, hasn’t played in ages Play chess?: Yes! Braid hair?: Does their niece’s hair all the time Tie a tie?: Yeup Pick a lock?: Nope Cook?: They’re learning!
Physical Appearance & Characteristics
Faceclaim: Riz Ahmed Eye colour: Brown Hair colour: Black Hair type/style/length: Short Glasses/contacts?: None Dominant hand: Right Height: 5’8″ Weight: 145 lbs Build: Lean Exercise habits: Goes on runs in the morning and bikes often Skin tone: Golden brown Tattoos: A floral design on the upper thigh, Pride rainbow on the ankle. “no flowers. no rain” on the back of their arm. Matching dinosaur tatts with siblings. Six small circles on the wrist (saving throws). Piercings: A nose piercing. Both ears pierced, but doesn’t wear earrings often. Marks/scars: A scrape on the knee and hand from a bike fall. Clothing style: Bright and colorful. They wear lots of loose, billowy tops. You’ll often see them in lots of cardigans or loose sweaters. If it’s hot, they’re usually prefering tanks or sleeveless shirts over t shirts. They’re also a fan of showing collarbone.   Jewellery: Nose ring, sometimes switched out for a stud. For special events, or when they want to feel good, earrings come out. Makeup:  They used to wear a looot of makeup when younger but have settled down into something more comfortable lately. Usually eyeliner and maybe some concealer. Allergies: None! Diet: Don’t drink, don’t eat pork. Eats halal. Physical ailments: None.
MBTI type: ENFP Enneagram type: Peacemaker Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good Temperament: Sanguine Element: Air Emotional stability: High anxiety and self consciousness Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert Obsession(s): How people perceive them Compulsion(s): Alcoholism Phobia(s): Cruises, Scientologists Addiction(s): Alcohol, Drugs Drug use: Yup Alcohol use: Yikes Prone to violence?: Nope Prone to crying?: Yes Believe in love at first sight?: Sure, but not for them
Accent: British I guess? Speech quirks: Stutters when nervous Habits: Grinding their teeth. Nervous ticks: Messing with their hair. Drives/motivations: Being a better version of themself. Self care. Fears: Loneliness. Sense of humour?: Goofy. Self deprecative at times. Do they curse often?: Sometimes.
Animal: Turtles. Beverage: Roohafza Book:  The House Plant Expert by Dr. D. G. Hessayon Colour: Yellow Food: Mac & Cheese Flower: Anthirium Gem: Rose Quartz Mode of transportation: Biking Scent: Jasmine Sport: Competitive Hot Dog Eating? Weather: Being cozy on rainy days Vacation destination: Pakistan, dad’s village
Greatest dream: Being a good parent. Greatest fear: Loneliness, failing at being Most at ease when: Being the little spoon Least as ease when: they feel like they have something to prove Worst possible thing that could happen: Being somehow whisked away from their son’s birth and missing his whole life Biggest achievement: Nurse’s license Biggest regret: Lying to their siblings and stealing from them.
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harryandmolly · 5 years
Ten Years - Part One
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summary: ten years after 2007 Warped Tour, Shawn and Val come face to face in London
warnings: Language, that good yearning
WC: 3.3k
A/N: this is a post-epilogue miniseries of I Could Write It Better Than You Ever Felt It. I recommend you read that first or this will make you go 🤔
Shawn has never felt further from his 19-year-old self than right now, squished into what has to be the world’s tiniest lift with Val and Alice and Alice’s very large, fancy pram.
The rickety lift slowly drags them up to the third floor of the old building. In the mirrored doors, Shawn watches them, saved from Val’s returning gaze as she focuses on making faces at her sleepy baby. Her back is pressed up against his chest. He can smell the achingly familiar citrus scent of her hair. But he can barely recognize the boy that ran away from this girl.
The lift stops with an alarming little jolt but Val looks unbothered. She hands the pram off to Shawn to steer while she fishes keys out of her purse. Shawn walks slowly, gazing down at Alice’s round and curious face. Who are you to be taking up my mommy’s attention? She seems to say. Shawn’s lower lip twitches. Who, indeed.
Val lets them into the dark flat. It’s roomier than Shawn expected, having seen the modest building from the outside. As Val flips on lights, Shawn’s hungry eyes suck in as much as they can, committing it to memory for further study.
The walls are a rich shade of deep, deep red. The furniture is modern but comfortable. There are bookshelves in every corner, packed full of fantasy, art texts and music biographies. He stumbles over a stuffed colorful caterpillar toy. It makes Val chuckle.
He looks up at her and watches as she drops her jacket onto a hanger and kicks her boots into a corner next to a teeny tiny pair of cleats that make him smile.
“Already got her on a club team?” he rasps, finding his voice has failed him slightly. Val graciously ignores it and glances over at the cleats.
“Aren’t those hilarious? Raf sent those for her a few weeks ago. They were his daughter’s when she was Alice’s size.”
Shawn smiles and tucks his hands into his jacket pockets, rocking back and forth. He’s gazing around, memorizing as casually as possible, when he feels her warmth again. He looks down to see her smirking up at him. He ducks his head and chuckles. There never was any hiding from Val.
“Wanna stay for dinner? I was going to order takeaway.”
He grins at her British -ism and bites into his lower lip, nodding at her fridge. “I can cook if you want.”
Val’s eyebrows lift. Shawn’s laugh is low and gravelly. His voice is still not working quite right. He thinks it’s prolonged exposure to her coming out of nowhere. He doesn’t really mind. She could always understand exactly what he was saying even when he was babbling helplessly, even when he wasn’t speaking at all.
“You can… cook?”
Shawn rolls his eyes and shucks off his jacket, placing it on the back of a barstool at her modest kitchen island.
“I did grow up a little in the last ten years,” he sighs, wandering into her kitchen curiously.
“I noticed.”
Shawn freezes almost comically. His hand is halfway to the fridge handle. He blinks and turns his head slightly to look at her. She’s wearing the smile that’s haunted him for ten years, the one that’s so signature Val -- it’s a dare and a promise all in one. He swallows so hard his throat visibly bobs.
She’s fucking flirting with him. And she doesn’t look like she did it accidentally.
His motor function comes back enough to open the refrigerator and look around, and also hope the cool air will reduce the pink burning in his cheeks. Val busies herself with freeing fussy Alice from the pram, holding her against her hip after shedding all her tiny little layers down to a pair of leggings and a long sleeved tee with the Arsenal FC logo on it.
Shawn studies the contents of the fridge. It doesn’t take long. He looks up at her, frowning disapprovingly.
“You don’t cook,” he says plainly.
Val snorts, which makes Alice wriggle against her chest.
“I don’t cook. Never have, never will. It horrifies my mother, who sends five pounds of frozen homemade empanadas every month packed with dry ice.”
Shawn groans and lets his head loll back. “Fuck, I love your mom’s empanadas.”
A moment later, his head snaps up. His eyes widen. He claps a hand over his mouth.
“I’m so sorry!” The sound is garbled against the skin of his hand. He removes it to Val’s amusement.
“Don’t worry,” Val hums, pressing her nose and lips up against Alice’s patch of dark hair above her little ear, “I swear around her all the fucking time. Don’t I, nina?”
Shawn grins and turns back to the fridge. With a sigh, he unloads a carton of old Waitrose eggs, some wilted spinach and a bag of shiitake mushrooms. He snuggles the ingredients into his arms and nudges the door shut with his foot, glancing at her reproachfully.
“Don’t judge me on this, it won’t be my best work. But I have limited resources.”
Val takes a deep, calming breath, watching him start to sort out a cutting board and a pathetically dull knife at her kitchen counter. Because Shawn Mendes is cooking her dinner.
It’s been a weird six hours.
Val props herself up on a stool, planting Alice in front of her, holding her by the waist so her floppy, energetic baby doesn’t squirm onto the floor. Alice also serves as an excellent shield between herself and the man in her kitchen she can’t stop staring at.
She listens to him chop and crack eggs and melt butter like making dinner for her is some kind of Food Network challenge. She tries to tamp down a goofy smile at the thought. Alice smacks her tiny palm against Val’s lips for her attention. She holds her daughter’s hand and mimes nibbling at her fingers, making Alice squeal with laughter. Val peeks over Alice’s shoulder to see Shawn grinning at a frying pan, expertly flipping an omelette. Val’s stomach flips with it.
“So,” Val coughs, “How’ve you found London so far?”
Shawn slides the omelette sizzling onto a plate and cracks pepper over the top. He slides it over to her with a fork, slinging a dish towel over his shoulder while he gets to work on the second. Val mouths thank you, sealing it with a wink as she lifts the baby into a high chair and pops open a can of mashed carrot and swede from the countertop.
“I love it,” Shawn murmurs, nodding, “I’ve always really liked it here. My mum has family here. I’m over here a lot for work.”
He slides his tongue over his lower lip, making the black enameled ring quiver as he thinks about the comment he left out -- he’s long been considering getting a place here. Many of his favorite producers are based out of London. He and the guys love working out here. Forefront has remained more popular in the UK after the scene faded in the US. It makes sense.
“And… how long are you staying?”
Val hopes the eagerness doesn’t cut too deeply into her voice. If Shawn notices, he’s mercifully cool about it.
“I’m leaving Thursday to go home for the holidays.”
Val’s jaw tightens. She straightens up and stares at Alice, watching as she takes a fist of Val’s hair and shoves it into her mouth instead of the spoon of food Val is offering.
“I’ll be back after New Years to write the new album. Gonna spend a few months here.”
Val’s stomach swoops. She jams the spoon into Alice’s cheek by accident, reaching for her bib to wipe the food away before Alice can protest.
“That’s nice,” Val replies airily.
Shawn plops into the stool next to her with his plate and eyes her as she takes one bite of her food and feeds her daughter with her other hand.
“Ever accidentally mixed up the spoons and eaten baby food by mistake?”
Val barks a laugh. “Happens like, once a week.”
Shawn, Val and Alice eat in comfortable silence. Shawn chews a little slower than usual because he knows he’s probably getting kicked out after dinner and he’s not really ready to let go of this just yet.
What is this?
Shawn shakes the thought before it can sprout in his brain. He’s not going to freak out over this. This is fine. It’s dinner with an old friend and her baby. Nothing weird can happen with a baby around, right?
Val stands and scoops a squirming Alice out of her high chair, walking toward the nursery with a glance over her shoulder.
“I’m gonna get her changed and put her down for the night. Want to open that bottle of wine there?” She nods at a bottle of cabernet and Shawn’s eyes get a little brighter.
“Yeah,” he responds enthusiastically, nodding, “Good night, Alice!”
Val beams and flaps Alice’s little hand at him. “Night night, Shawn!”
When Val emerges twenty minutes later with the baby monitor, Shawn has the dishes cleaned and the wine breathing with two glasses out on the counter while he flips absently through his phone.
“I’m gonna get changed, too,” Val says softly, gesturing down at her leather pants and chewing on the inside of her lip, trying not to read too much into all the different cozy-cute outfit ideas in her head.
Before she can overthink it, she swaps out her urban mom chic look for clingy charcoal leggings and a black camisole with her favorite cable knit cardigan over top. She gives her hair a flip in the mirror and pinches some color into her cheeks.
You know, just because.
When she walks back into the living room, Shawn has the wine poured. She tips her glass against his and murmurs “cheers,” willfully ignoring the way Shawn is trying not to check her out.
They sit at the bar. Shawn watches Val cross her long, slender legs, her bare, black-lacquered toes glinting up at him. He hums a chuckle and sips his wine.
“What?” she giggles.
He nods at her. “You. Your black nail polish. Some things never change, I guess.”
The words feel heavy as soon as they leave him. It swirls around them, all that has changed, all that hasn’t.
It would be easy to look over at Val now and see a stranger. It’s been a full decade. The amount of life experience packed into the ten years between 22 and 32 could have made her an entirely different person. But Shawn’s been watching her, listening to her all day. She’s still Val.
It’s a comfort and a curse, he thinks. It’s not like he hasn’t wondered about her, about how much the years have changed all the things that drew him in. It hurt to think she was changing and he didn’t even know it, couldn’t see it. And now he knows just how… Val she still is.
This night won’t last forever, even if they did just open a nice bottle of wine. He’ll go back to the hotel, he’ll leave London. He’ll be stuck with knowing the woman he loved is still every bit as incredible as he remembers her. Hell, she got better. He can’t believe it, but Val Moreno got better with time.
He shakes his head and pushes a hand through his hair. “Wow,” he mutters.
Val takes a gulp from her glass and nods. “I’m kind of feeling that, too.”
“It’s just…” Shawn hisses, finally cracking with the help of the fine cabernet, “It’s been… ten fucking years.”
Val looks over at him. She’s silent for a few long, slow seconds.
“So tell me about them.”
Shawn looks at her as she stands and reaches for the bottle and her glass, heading for the couch.
“Didn’t we do that all afternoon?” he laughs, standing and ambling after her.
Hey moron, he thinks to himself, Do you really want to give her a reason to make you leave sooner than you have to?
To his relief, Val persists, swinging her legs up to fold beside her and patting the cushions. He settles in and continues sipping from his glass for courage.
“Well,” she starts, looking a bit uncertain as she gazes into her glass, “If your ten years has been anything like mine, you have a list of things you’ve been wanting to tell me, saving up for if we’d ever see each other again.”
Shawn’s fucking fingers tingle. She’s been making a list. For him.
He nods. “Y-yeah. I mean… yeah.”
Val smiles. It’s soft and encouraging. “Ok. I’ll start.”
Shawn’s heart softens its battering ram motion in his chest. He bobs his head.
“I was… so scared when I got pregnant with Alice. God, it was the most frightened I’ve ever been of anything. More scared than when I told Raf I was leaving Streets, even more scared than when I was pregnant with Rafael. Because I felt so ready this time. If she was taken from me… god, I swear to god, I held my breath the entire nine months with her. Even after she was born, I just stared at her. Like if I blinked, that would be it. She’d be gone. I think it’s only in the last six months that I’ve started to fucking relax.”
Shawn’s body surges with affection and protective instincts he barely recognizes. He nods eagerly.
“I think it’s amazing you decided to do it on your own. I mean, I bet you hear that all the time. But…”
“But you know better than most how much of a risk I felt I was taking,” she says softly, leveling him with her gaze.
Shawn is quiet remembering the night she finally released it into him, a flood of words he was too young to hear, to feel, to accept. It was the night they said ‘I love you.’ It was the night he ran.
“Your turn,” Val whispers, refilling their glasses. Shawn drinks eagerly.
“Uhm… I… fuck. The closest I ever came to calling you was six years ago, after Making Midnight. I felt like shit. I think I knew all along it wasn’t right -- none of it. It wasn’t me, it wasn’t us. It was a bad album. I had no business being as pissed as I was that it sucked and everyone hated it. But I was so angry with myself. I just felt powerless. It took me so long to be ok with speaking up and saying when I thought something was wrong. It took me so long to find a way to be a leader. I think that’s the way I’ve changed the most in the last ten years.”
Val watches him thoughtfully. She takes a short sip and shakes her head.
“Maybe that’s one of the ways. I’m not sure it’s the biggest. I think 19-year-old you wouldn’t have lasted through a walk in the park with me and my kid. 29-year-old you held her for over an hour. I think you fell a little bit in love with her.”
She chuckles but she’s not joking. Shawn goes crimson.
“She’s… god, Val, she’s amazing. You’re so lucky. You… you both are.”
Val’s eyes drift shut. She drains her second glass. When she opens her eyes again, Shawn’s warm honeyed eyes are watching her. He doesn’t look scared. He doesn’t look anxious. He looks a little lonely.
Val fills their glasses again. She’s warm enough now to slip out of her cardigan and leave it beside her on the sofa. She watches Shawn watch her toss her hair over her shoulders. He chews on his lip until it’s red and swollen.
“Say it.”
He looks up from his already half empty third glass. He blinks quickly. “What?”
“Say it, whatever it is.”
Her voice is calm and smooth. He swallows.
“I was just… wondering if you’ve been in love in the last ten years.”
Val’s head tilts. “Honestly? I didn’t really try. I didn’t want to be. I just wanted Alice. Even before I was ready for her, though, I wasn’t all that interested in looking around. I guess I figured it would fall into my lap when it was right.”
“Why didn’t you look?” Shawn asks, a little too quickly.
Val notices. She takes a slow, deep breath. Shawn watches it inflate and deflate her chest as his tightens. With a resigned smile, Val reaches out and cups his cheek. Her whole body is warm, humming with alcohol in her veins. Her fingers have him choking down a gasp.
“Do you know what I think is really the most incredible part?” she breathes. He blinks at her again, dumbstruck.
“We were together less than three months. It was Warped Tour. We were… fuck, we were kids. I never expected that I’d be hung up on it after all this time. That years later, I’d be on dates and thinking of you. That I’d be sleeping with other people and still thinking of you. I thought this is something that would fade. When I saw you in the garden today, it felt exactly the same as waking up next to you in my bunk on that stupid tour bus, like it was 2007 all over again.”
Shawn’s eyes have fallen shut. He’s overwhelmed, breathing heavily. He turns his face to nudge his lips against her thumb, leaving a gentle kiss.
“God, I still write songs about you. Like, all the time. I thought I was crazy. Maybe I am. I don’t know. Maybe we both are.”
Val waits a beat, then drags his lips to hers. Her kiss is firm but sweet. Her face softens as soon as his mouth touches hers. His fingers curls into the ends of her hair as he edges closer, carefully, dropping himself headfirst into the kiss because who knows if he’ll get another.
They break apart, panting for air. Val plants her hands on his shoulders and wastes no time hauling herself into his lap.
Shawn whimpers, gasping into her mouth. She feels… perfect. Fuck, he’s on fire. It’s been so long. Her tongue slips against his, she groans into his mouth. Her arms are slung around his neck so all he can see and hear and feel is her. How did he go without this for so long? How did he let her go? How could he leave?
But he knows why he left. He left because he was a kid. It took every ounce of strength and maturity he had to walk away when he let himself realize it. He left for him.
Shawn inhales deeply and scoops his hands around her cheeks, easing her back gently. Val’s eyes are heavy. She’s panting.
“Wait… wait,” he grunts, shaking his head as he breathes heavily, in synch with her, “It can’t be like this this time.”
Val feels his words snapping into place in her head. She looks down at the baby monitor she dropped next to her sweater. She lets her head fall forward as she laughs breathlessly.
“Ok. Add that to the list of things you wouldn’t have done ten years ago.”
Shawn grins and tugs her forward until her head rests against his shoulder and his arms drape around her back.
“You deserve so much better than what I gave you last time,” he says softly. It’s not pained or self-deprecating, it’s simple and honest. “I want it to be real.”
She turns her lips against his neck and sighs. The same scurry of goosebumps she remembers she always left on him marches across his skin.
“Then let’s talk about it in the morning,” Val murmurs. Carefully, she unfolds her body from his, takes his hand, and leads the way to her bedroom.
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architectnews · 3 years
Stirling Prize 2021 Shortlist, UK: Building + Architects
Stirling Prize 2021 Shortlist, Architects, Architecture Photos, Buildings News, Past Winners
Stirling Prize 2021 Shortlisted Building + Architects
16 September 2021
Shortlist for RIBA Stirling Prize 2021
Key Worker Housing, Eddington, Cambridge, south east England – by Stanton Williams Architects
Tintagel Castle Bridge, Cornwall, south west England – by Ney & Partners, William Matthews Associates
Windermere Jetty Museum, north west England – by Carmody Groarke Architects
Cambridge Central Mosque, south east England – by Marks Barfield Architects
15 Clerkenwell Close, London, south east England – by Groupwork
Kingston University London – Town House, London, south east England – by Grafton Architects
Stirling Prize 2021 Shortlisted Building + Architects
Key Worker Housing, Eddington, Cambridge Design: Stanton Williams Architects photo © Jack Hobhouse Housing in Eddington
Tintagel Castle Bridge Design: Ney & Partners, William Matthews Associates photograph © David Levene Tintagel Castle Bridge
Windermere Jetty Museum Design: Carmody Groarke Architects image © Carmody Groarke, from Lakeland Arts Trust Windermere Jetty Museum
Cambridge Central Mosque Design: Marks Barfield Architects Cambridge Central Mosque
15 Clerkenwell Close Design: Groupwork
Kingston University London – Town House Design: Grafton Architects
25 Sep 2020 Stirling Prize 2020 Betting Odds Stirling Prize Betting Odds from Bookmaker William Hill – updated daily – now archived
9 Oct 2019 Stirling Prize 2019 Winner Design: Mikhail Riches
An eco-friendly council estate in Norwich.
photograph © Tim Crocker
The estate, called Goldsmith Street, is made up of almost 100 ultra low-energy homes for Norwich City Council.
Goldsmith Street Housing in Norwich
Following the announcement that Goldsmith Street won the 2019 Stirling Prize, Rory O’Hagan, director at Assael Architecture, said:
“Goldsmith Street is a welcome breath of fresh air in the long line of Stirling Prize winners. The scheme is an architectural triumph, with community and sustainability at its heart. It truly shows what is possible when architects and local authorities take a forward thinking, resilient view on affordable housing, prioritising the long term quality and operation of the homes over the short term value uplift.
Its PassivHaus certification is testimony to this, showing that low-energy, sustainable housing can be financially viable and accessible to all. Against a backdrop of growing climate concern, Goldsmith Street shows what architecture as an industry can do to better support people and planet.”
Background link:
Mikhail Riches Architects
11 + 10 Oct 2018
Stirling Prize 2018 Winner
The world’s most sustainable office
Crowned best new building in the UK
The 2018 RIBA Stirling Prize has been awarded to Bloomberg by British architects Foster + Partners.
Described as a tour-de-force, the city block building houses all of Bloomberg’s employees under one roof for the first time.
Bloomberg London HQ
photo © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
21 + 20 Jul 2018
Stirling Prize 2018 Shortlist
Stirling Prize 2018 Shortlisted Building + Architects
Bookmaker William Hill odds, reported by Building Design magazine, favourite first:
10/3: Storey’s Field Community Centre and Nursery, Cambridge
7/2: Bloomberg HQ, City of London
4/1: Bushey Cemetery, Hertfordshire
4/1: New Tate St Ives extension, Cornwall
9/2: The Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre, Worcester College, Oxford
11/2: Chadwick Hall, University of Roehampton, London
Bloomberg London Headquarters by Foster + Partners for Bloomberg, winning RIBA London Award 2018, RIBA National Award 2018 photo © Nigel Young / Foster + Partners Bloomberg London Headquarters
Bushey Cemetery by Waugh Thistleton Architects for The United Synagogue, winning RIBA East Award 2018, RIBA National Award 2018
Chadwick Hall by Henley Halebrown for University of Roehampton, winning RIBA London Award 2018, RIBA National Award 2018
New Tate St Ives by Jamie Fobert Architects with Evans & Shalev for Tate St Ives, winning RIBA South West Award 2018, RIBA National Award 2018
Storey’s Field Community Centre and Nursery by MUMA LLP for the University of Cambridge, winning RIBA East Award 2018, RIBA East Sustainability Award 2018, RIBA East Building of the Year 2018, RIBA National Award 2018
The Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre by Niall McLaughlin Architects for Worcester College, winning RIBA South Award 2018 and RIBA South Building of the Year 2018, RIBA National Award 2018
Stirling Prize 2018 Shortlisted Building + Architects on RIBA website
post updated 1 Nov + 31 Oct 2017
Stirling Prize 2017 Winner
Stirling Prize 2017 Winning Building + Architects
Hastings Pier, Sussex, South East England Design: dRMM Architects for Hastings Pier Charity photo : Alex de Rijke Hastings Pier on 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize Winner
Hastings Pier wins the 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize for architecture
• Hastings Pier is the best new building in the UK • A ‘phoenix risen from the ashes’ – the pier was rebuilt after a devastating fire in 2010 • Architects dRMM have carefully restored and creatively reimagined the Victorian pier as a contemporary multipurpose space
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has awarded the 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize, sponsored by Almacantar, to Hastings Pier by dRMM Architects. The RIBA Stirling Prize, now in its 22nd year, is awarded annually to the UK’s best new building.
Hastings Pier, on the East Sussex coast and overlooking the English Channel, can chart its history from 1872. For many years it was a popular pleasure pier famous for musical acts, but its recent past has been much more precarious. Neglected for years, it closed in 2008 following storm damage, and in 2010 faced destruction when a fire ravaged the entire structure.
Residents and supporters were determined to use the fire as an opportunity to reimagine the pier. Buoyed by the help of the Heritage Lottery Fund, a RIBA design competition attracted entries from around the world. London-based architects dRMM won the competition and immediately set about close consultation with locals and stakeholders, quickly reaching the conclusion that the pier must serve a wide variety of scenarios to be sustainable. Additional fundraising from a local action group found 3,000 shareholders to buy a stake in the project at £100 a share – this is the people’s pier.
The new-look Hastings Pier has been repaired and rebuilt, then creatively reimagined. The 19th century structural iron work, hidden below deck, has been painstakingly restored and strengthened following years of neglect, storm and fire damage. The surviving Victorian Pavilion, one of two buildings on the Pier, has been transformed into an open plan, glazed café-bar.
photo : Alex de Rijke
The vast pier deck has been set aside as an uninterrupted flexible expanse for large-scale concerts, markets and public gatherings. The new timber-clad visitors centre building in the centre of the pier, has a viewing deck on its roof providing a dramatic space for visitors to experience epic views along the coast and across the English Channel.
The architects have used timber throughout the project, much of it reclaimed from the original pier: the visitors centre makes a feature of its scorched wood cladding. The reclaimed timber has also been used to create the pier’s striking new furniture, manufactured locally as part of a local employment initiative.
RIBA President and RIBA Stirling Prize Jury Chair, Ben Derbyshire, said: “Hastings Pier is a masterpiece of regeneration and inspiration. The architects and local community have transformed a neglected wreck into a stunning, flexible new pier to delight and inspire visitors and local people.
Hastings Pier showcases the remarkable skills, tenacity and problem-solving flair of its talented architects, dRMM. It also rewards the patrons of this great architectural achievement: the local people who have taken the initiative, and risk, to create this highly innovative and extraordinary new landmark. I am delighted to award the 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize to the people’s pier.”
Speaking about Hastings Pier, dRMM Founding Director, Professor Alex de Rijke, said: “dRMM Architects were delighted to collaborate with Hastings Pier Charity on this ambitious project which, like a ‘Phoenix from the ashes’, was realised through dedicated community action. The new pier is designed as an enormous, free, public platform over the sea – inspiring temporary installations and events across a variety of scales. This space offered more potential than an ‘iconic’ building on the end of the pier, and demonstrates the evolving role of the architect as an agent for change. All of the many people who worked on this long project are grateful to have received the prize – and proud of achieving the apparently impossible”.
photo : Alex de Rijke
Chair of Hastings Pier Charity, Maria Ludkin, added: “Hastings Pier is both a symbol of regeneration achieved when communities work together and a beautifully designed canvas to realise multiple uses for the residents and visitors to the town who come to enjoy it. dRMM developed a strong design vision; respecting both the history of the Pier whilst demonstrating innovation and originality in coming up with a twenty first century solution. From the opening day, Hastings Pier has invited curious visitors, stimulated conversations, and engaged and welcomed all who use and support us. Accessible and sustainable, it frames a spectacular seascape and offers unlimited variations for relaxation, contemplation and play.”
The 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize judges said: “Hastings Pier is a project that has evolved the idea of what architecture is and what architects should do. dRMM’s role has been utterly pivotal in realising this masterpiece of subtle, effortless design. They have driven this project through to completion: campaigning, galvanising and organising local support throughout each aspect of the funding stage. They went above and beyond what most people think of as the role of the architect – and then they kept going!
dRMM show what incredibly talented and dedicated architects can do: inspire, think big, interact and engage with communities and clients to help them to achieve the seemingly impossible; this is a great message for young architects following in their footsteps.
The vital importance of building sustainably runs throughout the RIBA’s awards, and Hastings Pier deserves special recognition for its remarkable use of sustainable materials and positive social impact. The architects have designed a process as much building, and have designed the Pier to evolve and grow.
This project shows that local communities working with architects can make a huge difference. Councils across the country should take inspiration from Hastings Pier, and open their eyes to the unique assets that can be created when such collaborations take place.”
Hastings Pier was chosen as the 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize winner from the following outstanding shortlisted entries: • Barrett’s Grove, Stoke Newington, east London by Groupwork + Amin Taha • British Museum World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre, Bloomsbury, London by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners • Command of the Oceans by Baynes and Mitchell Architects for Chatham Historic Dockyard in Kent • City of Glasgow College – City Campus, Scotland by Reiach & Hall Architects and Michael Laird Architects • Photography Studio for Juergen Teller, west London by 6a architects
The judges for the 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize were: RIBA President Ben Derbyshire (Chair), Anupama Kundoo – Anupama Kundoo Architects, Peter St John – Caruso St John Architects, Evan Davis – Journalist & BBC Presenter and Jane Hall – Founding member of Assemble.
The winners of two other annual RIBA awards were also announced:
• The Houseboat by Mole Architects and Rebecca Granger Architects won the 2017 Stephen Lawrence Prize. The prize, set up in memory of Stephen Lawrence who was setting out on the road to becoming an architect before his tragic and untimely death in 1993, and supported by the Marco Goldschmied Foundation, is intended to encourage fresh architecture talent and reward the best examples of projects that have a construction budget of less than £1 million.
• Bedales School won the 2017 RIBA Client of the Year, supported by The Bloxham Charitable Trust. The award recognizes the role good clients play in the delivery of fine architecture. We are also pleased to announce that Almacantar, the property investment and development specialists and sponsors of the RIBA Stirling Prize since 2015 have renewed their support of the Institute for a further three years (2018 – 2020).
post updated 24 + 8 Oct 2017
Stirling Prize 2017 Shortlist
Stirling Prize 2017 Buildings + Architects
Winner to be announced on Tuesday 31st of October 2017.
Six buildings are on the shortlist for the 22nd annual Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Stirling Prize for the UK’s best new building.
The bookies favourite is currently Barrett’s Grove, Stoke Newington by relatively little known architects Groupwork + Amin Taha.
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, dRMM, Reiach and Hall and Michael Laird Architects have all had previous nominations for the RIBA Stirling Prize, but only Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners have won it.
Now in its 22nd year, the RIBA Stirling Prize, is the UK’s most prestigious architecture prize. The winner of the 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize will be announced on Tuesday 31 October at the Roundhouse, London.
The AJ notes that, “among the biggest surprises are the omissions of Foster + Partners’ Maggie’s Centre in Manchester, Marks Barfield’s i360 in Brighton and Herzog & de Meuron’s Tate Modern extension in London”.
The RIBA Stirling Prize is judged against a range of criteria including design vision; innovation and originality; capacity to stimulate, engage and delight occupants and visitors; accessibility and sustainability; how fit the building is for its purpose and the level of client satisfaction.
Barretts Grove, Stoke Newington, North East London, South East England Design: Amin Taha + Groupwork for Nick Grant photo © Timothy Soar Barretts Grove on 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist
City of Glasgow College, City Campus, Glasgow, Scotland Design: Reiach And Hall Architects and Michael Laird Architects for City of Glasgow College photo © Keith Hunter City of Glasgow College Building
Command of the Oceans, Chatham, Kent, South East England Design: Baynes and Mitchell Architects for Chatham Historic Dockyard photo : Hélène Binet Command of the Oceans in Chatham on 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist
Hastings Pier, Sussex, South East England Design: dRMM Architects for Hastings Pier Charity photo : Alex de Rijke Hastings Pier Regeneration on 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist
Photography Studio, Ladbroke Grove, west London, South East England Design: 6a architects for Juergen Teller Ltd photo © Johan Dehlin Photography Studio for Juergen Teller on 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist
British Museum World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre, London, South East England Design: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners for the British Museum photo : Joas Souza British Museum World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre on 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist
The 6 buildings were selected from 49 projects across the UK announced as winners in the 2017 RIBA National Awards for architecture,
Stirling Prize 2017 Betting Odds
Stirling Prize Betting Odds from Bookmaker William Hill:
3/1 Barrett’s Grove, Stoke Newington by Groupwork + Amin Taha 7/2 City of Glasgow College – City Campus by Reiach and Hall with Michael Laird Architects 7/2 Hastings Pier by dRMM Architects 4/1 Photography Studio for Juergen Teller by 6a architects 6/1 Command of the Oceans by Baynes and Mitchell Architects 6/1 The British Museum World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
Website: RIBA Stirling Prize 2017
page updated 5 Oct 2016
Stirling Prize 2016
Stirling Prize 2016 Buildings + Architects
2016 RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist – 14 Jul 2016
photo : Hélène Binet
I’d suggest this is not the most stellar Stirling Prize shortlist, I feel there are two buildings that might win: Blavatnik School of Government or Newport Street Gallery, Vauxhall. Comparing these is like comparing a Bugatti Veyron to a Jensen Interceptor (give me the latter any day, but with a mechanic on tap!): Blavatnik is sumptuous and sophisticated whereas Newport Street Gallery is a little more rough and ready, less solipstic, more focused on what it contains perhaps.
I think Blavatnik School of Government is the likely winner, don’t think I’m swayed by the betting odds published in summer (no longer seem to be online, curious), as it is a novel building by one of the world’s most celebrated architecture practices. Last year’s winner was considered to be political, the school might have been awarded purely on merit but there was a discussion about giving the government a shot across the bows for stopping their BSF school procurment route.
A private house has never won the Stirling Prize which might rule out the Outhouse! City of Glasgow College, Weston Library and Trafalgar Place are all well crafted buildings but the Stirling Prize tends to go to striking buildings like the Scottish Parliament. Still, in 2012 The Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge won, and its beautifully rational facades are reminiscent of the City of Glasgow College, Riverside Campus.
Adrian Welch, architect
Readers comments welcome! info(at)e-architect.com
Stirling Prize 2016 Shortlist
Stirling Prize 2016 Shortlisted Buildings & Architects
Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, England Herzog & de Meuron image : Iwan Baan Blavatnik School of Government University of Oxford
City of Glasgow College, Riverside Campus, Glasgow, Scotland Michael Laird Architects / Reiach and Hall Architects image : Keith Hunter City of Glasgow College
Newport Street Gallery, Vauxhall, London, England Caruso St John Architects image : Hélène Binet Newport Street Gallery Building
Outhouse, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England Loyn & Co Architects image : CHARLES HOSEA
Trafalgar Place, Elephant & Castle, London, England dRMM Architects image : Alex de Rijke Trafalgar Place
Weston Library, University of Oxford, England WilkinsonEyre image : James Brittain Weston Library at University of Oxford
25 Sep 2013
RIBA Stirling Prize 2013
2013 RIBA Stirling Prize
Astley Castle wins
photograph © Hélène Binet
Astley Castle, Nuneaton, Warwickshire by Witherford Watson Mann
I’ve not had the pleasure of visiting this building (ref Tom Dyckhoff @tomdyckhoff) but oozing from the pictures is an overall feeling that these architects know materials and furthermore know how to handle them. In a way the textured brick, stone and gentle wood tones are the antithesis to the Serpentine Sackler Gallery unveiled this week to much controversy. I find them easy to relate to, indeed they strongly appeal to me. I’m sure I’m not alone, but realise so much of architecture appreciation is ultimately subjective.
Still the architects have clearly won over both the critics and the public, winning both the BBC popular vote and the actual Stirling Prize (judged by critics). The mix of old and new is very appealing to many (the sort of thing you hear on Grand Designs or Escape to the Country!) but it isn’t always easy to get right.
I’m sure the architects had fun on this project and I’m glad that this is possible to work with our heritage without going overboard and getting too sensitive and prissy about details. Although this year’s Stirling Prize shortlist wasn’t the strongest ever, Witherford Watson Mann are clearly a practice to watch.
Adrian Welch, architect e-architect Editor
2013 RIBA Stirling Prize Vote
Astley Castle wins BBC online poll
BBC Stirling Prize 2013 vote results:
– Astley Castle: 27% – Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre: 25% – Bishop Edward King Chapel: 20% – Park Hill Phase I: 14% – Newhall Be: 9% – University of Limerick Medical School: 6%
Of course this vote will have no impact on the Stirling Prize judges’ verdict.
This vote closed at 16:30 BST on 25 Sep 2013.
More than 65,000 votes were received.
2013 RIBA Stirling Prize for best new building winner
The event starts on Thrusday 26 Sep at 7.45pm with the presentation of the awards in the Platform Theatre which will last for approximately an hour. The host is architect and broadcaster, George Clarke.
Venue: Central Saint Martins, Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, London N1C 4AA
Presentations will be at 9pm.
Bookies favourite: Chapel at Cuddesdon by Niall Maclaughlin photograph © Niall Ferguson
18 Jul 2013
RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist
2013 RIBA Stirling Prize for best new building – shortlist announced
The shortlist for the prestigious 2013 RIBA Stirling Prize for the best new building has been announced today (Thursday 18 July). Six exciting and exceptional buildings will now go head to head for architecture’s highest accolade from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).
The 2013 RIBA Stirling Prize shortlist features the vibrant reinvention of a 1960s Sheffield housing block Park Hill; the bar-raising suburban Essex housing development Newhall Be; a contemporary new holiday home within the burnt-out shell of the 12th century Astley Castle; the highly original and beautifully crafted Bishop Edward King Chapel; the dramatic and monumental Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre and the sculptural yet economic University of Limerick Medical School and student housing.
This year’s RIBA Stirling Prize shortlist features some ‘fresh’ architecture talent – five of the six practices are on the list for the first time, beating-off competition from previous winners including Sir David Chipperfield and Dame Zaha Hadid. It is also the first year in the prize’s 18 year history that half of the shortlisted firms have women at the helm: Alison Brooks Architects, Grafton Architects and heneghan peng.
Stirling Prize Shortlist, alphabetical:
Astley Castle, Nuneaton, Warwickshire by Witherford Watson Mann photograph © J Miller
Chapel at Cuddesdon by Niall Maclaughlin photograph © Niall Ferguson
Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre by Heneghan Peng photo : Marie-Louise Halpenny
Newhall Housing, Harlow, Essex by Alison Brooks Architects photo : Paul Riddle
Park Hill Sheffield by Hawkins/Brown and Studio Egret West photograph © Daniel Hopkinson
University of Limerick Medical School and Pergola Bus Shelter, Ireland by Grafton Architects photograph © Dennis Gilbert
Stirling Prize 2013 – judges citations
The six architecture practices competing for this year’s title (and their odds according to William Hill) are:
• Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre, Northern Ireland by heneghan peng architects William Hill odds: 3/1 Breaks the mould of the traditional visitor centre that tends to hide from the limelight or make a statement, this highly imaginative and sculptural piece of ‘land art’ offers visitors an experience that is physical and interactive, like the causeway itself. Having ‘tuned in’ so perfectly to the environment, the visitor centre acts as the perfect prologue for the main event.
• Park Hill Phase 1, Sheffield by HawkinsBrown with Studio Egret West William Hill odds: 9/1 Reinvention of the loved and loathed Grade II* listed 1960s housing estate. The structure of the building remained in place whilst key features were changed – interior layout, windows, security and much more. It stands as a beacon for imaginative regeneration, quality mass housing and the bold reuse of a listed building.
• Newhall Be, Harlow by Alison Brooks Architects William Hill odds: 3/1 The radical re-thinking of the shape and interior of the UK house is tackled masterfully with these 84 new homes in suburban Essex that clearly illustrate that good design quality and committed developers can transform peoples’ lives. A new model for British housing?
• Astley Castle, Warwickshire by Witherford Watson Mann Architects William Hill odds: 6/1 Beautiful contemporary Landmark Trust holiday home installed in the ruined walls of a 12th century manor. Unique example of the recovery of an ancient building – it is a prototype for a bold new attitude to restoration and reuse.
• University of Limerick Medical School by Grafton Architects William Hill odds: 6/1 Exceptional example of how to create a vibrant new public space through the careful design and placement of buildings. High-quality, beautiful and dramatic buildings that punch far above their rock-bottom budget.
• Bishop Edward King Chapel, Oxfordshire by Niall McLaughlin Architects William Hill odds: 9/4 An uplifting spiritual space of great potency that the client has described as ‘what we dreamed of but didn’t think we would get’. An incredible showcase for modern British craftsmanship.
The six shortlisted buildings range dramatically in size and purpose, but all will be judged by the same criteria: their design excellence and their significance to the evolution of architecture and the built environment.
Housing is a key highlight of the shortlist, with the projects at Newhall Be and Park Hill offering two very different answers to the quality and quantity crisis of British housing. They both show that with vision, careful-crafted design and a committed developer, great things really can be achieved.
The question of how to re-use historic listed buildings is boldly answered twice, with Park Hill and Astley Castle, both Grade II* listed. Challenging the traditional ideas of conservation and restoration, the architects have creatively re-invented these buildings within their existing structures, with astounding results. The Giant’s Causeway Visitors’ Centre worked within the constraints of a UNESCO site and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, to create something that also rose far above the expectations posed by its challenges.
Exquisite detailing abounds in all six projects, perhaps most potently in the Bishop Edward King Chapel in Oxfordshire whose rich stone façade and timber interior provide some of the best examples of craftsmanship the judges have seen for some time. Attention to detail has also transformed Limerick Medical School’s simple teaching and study areas into rich, theatrical spaces – all on an incredibly modest budget (€1,220 per sq m).
Angela Brady, RIBA President, said: “The RIBA Stirling Prize is awarded to the building that has made the biggest contribution to the evolution of architecture, and nowhere is the need for fresh-thinking needed more than in housing. The UK is blighted with unimaginative, poor quality houses that people don’t want to live in but have little other choice, so I am delighted to see two amazing and highly original housing projects on this year’s shortlist. These projects show how when talented architects and clients work together and focus on quality, affordable and desirable new homes can be created. They shine a light on what the future of UK housing can be.
All six shortlisted projects are ground-breaking in their own way – buildings that deliver more than could ever have been expected. Some of them, such as Park Hill and the Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre, are genuinely courageous in laying out a new visionary approach. This RIBA Stirling Prize shortlist is sending out the clear message that creative vision improves our lives.”
The winner of the RIBA Stirling Prize will be announced on the evening of Thursday 26 September at Central Saint Martins, King’s Cross, designed by last year’s RIBA Stirling Prize winner Stanton Williams.
The 2013 RIBA Stirling Prize judges who will visit the six shortlisted buildings and meet for a final time on the day of the presentation (26 September) to pick the winner are: Stephen Hodder – architect and RIBA President Elect (President: 01/09/13; Sheila O’Donnell – architect, O’Donnell + Tuomey; Paul Williams – architect, Stanton Williams; Dame Vivien Duffield – philanthropist and Chair of the Clore Duffield Foundation; and Tom Dyckhoff – journalist and broadcaster.
Previous winners of the RIBA Stirling Prize include: Sainsbury Laboratory by Stanton Williams (2012); Evelyn Grace Academy (2011) and MAXXI Museum, Rome (2010) both by Zaha Hadid Architects; Maggie’s Centre at Charing Cross Hospital, London by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (2009); Accordia housing development by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios/Alison Brooks Architects/Maccreanor Lavington (2008); The Museum of Modern Literature, Marbach am Neckar, Germany by David Chipperfield Architects (2007).
13 Jun 2013
2012 RIBA Stirling Prize Contenders
RIBA Awards : contenders for the Stirling Prize
13 + 1 Oct 2012
RIBA Stirling Prize
2012 RIBA Stirling Prize winner announced on Saturday 13 October
The Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge, wins Stanton Williams Sainsbury Laboratory was bookies second favourite (odds: 7/2)
The hotly anticipated winner of the 2012 RIBA Stirling Prize for the best building of the year, was announced Saturday 13 October, at 9pm a special event in Manchester hosted by BBC Radio 4 presenter Mark Lawson.
The RIBA Stirling Prize, now in its seventeenth year, is the UK’s most prestigious architecture prize. Last year’s winner was Brixton’s dramatic Evelyn Grace Academy by Zaha Hadid Architects.
The Olympic Stadium topped The Guardian newspaper’s poll of Stirling prize shortlisted buildings.
Stirling Prize favourite – The Hepworth Wakefield:
The seemingly simple yet highly innovative London Olympic Stadium, the thoughtful and intimate Maggie’s Cancer Centre in Glasgow, the stunningly original Hepworth Wakefield gallery in Yorkshire, the beautifully detailed and rule-breaking Sainsbury Laboratory for plant science in Cambridge, the New Court Rothschild Bank in London that rises high whilst opening new views at street level, and the crafted and careful reincarnation of the Lyric Theatre on a small suburban site in Belfast are all in the running for architecture’s highest accolade and a £20,000 prize from the RIBA.
The winners of the RIBA Lubetkin Prize for the best international building and three special awards were also announced: RIBA Special Awards
The RIBA Stirling Prize is awarded to the architects of the building that has made the greatest contribution to British architecture in the past year
Location: UK
Stirling Prize Past Winners
22 Jul 2012
Stirling Prize Shortlist
Who will win the Stirling Prize 2012?
Looking at the Jury e-architect’s guess is that it will be between The Hepworth and The Sainsbury Laboratory.
Given that exuberant buildings by Zaha Hadid Architects have won the last two Stirling Prizes, beating David Chipperfield Architects’ Neues Museum in 2010, there are two factors that might sway the Jury towards austere The Hepworth, which is designed by David Chipperifled Architects.
We don’t see the Olympic Stadium being chosen by this Jury, though with Sir Nicholas Grimshaw as chair there is a slight chance. Maggie’s Centre London won in 2009 which might make another one less likely to win?
Stirling Prize 2012 Shortlisted Buildings + Architects
The six buildings competing for this year’s title (including betting odds from William Hill) are:
The Hepworth Wakefield, Wakefield – bookies favourite (odds: 3/1) Design: David Chipperfield Architects The Hepworth
London Olympic Stadium, London E20 (odds: 5/1) Design: POPULOUS London Olympic Stadium
Lyric Theatre, Belfast (odds: 4/1) Design: O’Donnell + Tuomey Lyric Theatre Belfast
Maggie’s Gartnavel, Glasgow (odds: 9/2) Design: OMA Maggie’s Glasgow Gartnavel
New Court, London, EC4N (odds: 4/1) Design: OMA with Allies and Morrison New Court London
The Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge – bookies second favourite (odds: 7/2) Design: Stanton Williams Sainsbury Laboratory
Stirling Prize 2012 : further information on the shortlisted buildings
Stirling Prize Awards background on shortlist / buildings / architects / odds / favourite
Stirling Prize 2011 RIBA Stirling Prize 2011 awarded to Evelyn Grace Academy by Zaha Hadid Architects
Evelyn Grace Academy, south London Zaha Hadid Architects
London Velodrome Stirling Prize Winner of the Public Vote in 2011
Stirling Prize 2010 MAXXI, Italy Zaha Hadid Architects
Stirling Prize 2010
Stirling Prize 2009
Stirling Prize 2008
British Museum WCEC on 2017 RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist
Pritzker Prize architects – Architect Winners
Civic Trust Awards Scotland
David Mikhail
Comments re Stirling Prize Shortlist 2021 welcome
The post Stirling Prize 2021 Shortlist, UK: Building + Architects appeared first on e-architect.
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Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/provence-extra-large-12-12m-cross-leg-oak-dining-table-spring-sale-extra-large-dining-tables-uk.jpg
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How a Rubbish Disposal Service Can Help You
Rubbish removal is a tremendous issue for the twenty-first century and people in the future. Reviews show that a normal family in the UK alone creates about 500kg of waste each year and the nation's development industry produces 90 million tons of refuse every year. At the point when the business squander figures are included in these, the figures are terrifying.
If not discarded in the right way, this garbage can put our condition and earth in question. What's more, expert rubbish removal in South London comes in this place.
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What a Rubbish Disposal Service Can Do For You A waste removal specialist company can offer garbage assortment, appropriate removal of gathered trash and precise reusing. An expert specialist organization will get repetitive family unit things, for example, furniture and ice chests. They can likewise clear your nursery garbage and assist you with disposing of old furniture, for example, racking, file organizers and work areas. An affirmed organization can likewise guarantee the legitimate removal of electronic things, for example, TVs, Computers, Laptops, telephones and printers. Read More
Source: https://southlondonrubbishremoval.wordpress.com/2020/04/24/how-a-rubbish-disposal-service-can-help-you/
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olomolobaby · 3 years
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bambinouk-blog · 6 years
School Furniture, Nursery Furniture, Cheap Nursery Furniture
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jeremystrele · 6 years
30 Modern Radiator Covers and Cabinet Ideas That Hide Your Old-School Pipes
Is your home or apartment heated by old-school radiators? They’re a good heating option, especially if they’re heat-conducting cast iron. But these radiator units take up considerable wall space and, in many cases, they’re unsightly. Fortunately, you can cover them up using modern radiator covers or radiator cabinets without affecting their heating capabilities.
The modern radiator covers in this open floor plan home creates extra surface area while hiding the old unattractive units. Image: Susan Fisher
First off, consider the material you’re using. Wood or metal are good heat conductors but be mindful about how close you place the material. A shelf over your radiator may damage the wood or block the air from circulating properly if too close. Aim to place it at least four to six inches over the radiator.
Also, allow for as much air circulation as possible. Why? The heated water inside the radiator convects, or transfers heat, into the surrounding air. If air can flow, your room will heat up. Check out these modern radiator covers and ideas to hide your tired old heating unit.
Small radiator covers
If you have a small unit or space, here are some ideas to not only hide your radiator but also reclaim the space. Consider adding shelving or some form of storage if you’re working with a small area. Create a vignette around your small radiator covers by accessorizing and adding a mirror or wall art to beautify a normally overlooked spot.
These furniture-style small radiator covers are then accessorized by adding small objects and wall art. Images: Town House Interiors and Turner Pocock
Two custom radiator cabinets were built tall enough to allow for air circulation and also include storage drawers. Image: Divine Design
When you accessorize around small radiator covers, you further conceal the heating unit. In this case, the radiator cabinet looks more like a piece of furniture. Image: Mia Karlsson
Radiator cabinets should include cutouts and lattice that allow for air circulation. Choose sturdy, heat-resistant decor, like metal lamps, glass and stoneware to sit over the small radiator cover. Image: Lisette Voute
The best small radiator covers are shallow enough to not interrupt traffic flow in tighter spots. The added counter space is the perfect spot for keys or other small objects. Image: Modern Radiator Covers UK
Modern radiator covers
If you’re covering up an old radiator unit, don’t just stop at hiding it – enhance it by adding a graphic pattern or modern lattice design. Here are a few ideas:
Adding a decorative lattice-style pattern (like this one) to the front of your radiator cabinet or cover is a great way to allow for airflow, hide the radiator and add a design element to your space. Image: Susan Fisher
This mod front-panel pattern may be the most stylish of the modern radiator covers we’ve seen. Image: Veronica Rodriguez
This elegant gold metal sheeting can be found in many home improvement stores and is easy to add to your radiator cabinets. Image: London Alcove
This everyday sheet metal makes a great panel for your modern radiator box. You can also paint it in your favorite color. Image: Episcopo Builders
This cool front panel covers the old-fashioned radiator but not the heat flow – if you look carefully, the sides are left open for better air flow. Image: Think Contemporary
Radiator cabinets
If you have access to a good carpenter, radiator cabinets that look and function more like a furniture piece (and less like you’re trying to cover something up) is the way to go.
A modern walnut built in serves four purposes: it adds a beautiful design element to this bedroom; the drawers offer more storage; the counter top adds a spot to sit or place items; and the radiator cover hides an old painted cast iron unit. Image: Raad Studio
A smartly-designed cabinet and small radiator cover fits in this small entry. Image: aimo+
For a minimalist-style radiator cabinet, doors hiding shelving and sliding panels hiding the heating unit were built. The heat flows from the top of the unit. Image: AMAN Architecture
Wood and mid-century modern radiator covers
If wood is a main design feature in your home or apartment, a radiator cover featuring coordinating wood elements will help your space flow better. Check these options out:
This modern wood radiator cover can be easily added to or moved over the existing old radiator. Image: InCreation
This cool, Mid-Century Modern cabinet hides the radiator unit behind it. The cabinet is set several inches away from the radiator behind it so it may circulate heat and air efficiently. Image: Rodriguez Studio
A custom oak radiator cover was fitted over the original unit to flow better with this transitional craftsman home. Image: Spaceworks Joinery 
Radiator covers that double as a bench or window seat
If your radiator sits under a window, why not box it in so you can sit and enjoy the heat inside and the view outside? Here are some ideas on how you create a radiator cover that also doubles as a bench or window seat.
This radiator cover looks more like a built-in piece of furniture with enough ledge area for sitting. Image: Ohara Interiors
In this kitchen, you can pull up a small breakfast table to sit and enjoy coffee or a snack by the window. Image: Berlin Rodeo
The radiator cover was built deeper and larger than the actual unit so that the area can serve as extra counter space or a daybed (with just a few pillows). Image: Think Contemporary
This built-in banquette cleverly hides an old, functioning radiator . Image: Sadro Design Studio
Here’s how you can create a wall bench around a radiator. Don’t leave pillows over the heating openings when in use so that your unit doesn’t overheat. Image: Blanchard Design Studio
White radiator covers
For a crisp and modern look, choose simple white radiator covers that freshen and modernize the space.
A zen-inspired living room features a white radiator cover that also serves as a small shelf for objects. Image: Chris A. Dorsey
The white radiator covers in this room are part of built ins around the desk area in a Moroccan-style living room space. Image: Laura U Interior Design
White radiator covers are a great way to modernize a baby nursery – and also create a little more distance between the hot unit and a baby or small child’s fingers. Image: NS Photography
This custom white radiator cover mimics the modern architectural lines of the stair railing. Image: Granit
Furniture-style white radiator covers feature legs and flush-mounted countertops for a polished living room look. Image: SLK Interior Decoration
Modern radiator covers with a recessed look
If you’re prone to running into your radiator or other furniture pieces, consider flush-mounting yours (or building out the surrounding area) for a recessed look.
The radiator recessed into the wall allows enough space for the kitchen cabinet drawers to open and close easily. Image: Pearl Interiors
Designers of this elegant small bedroom inset the radiator under the window to make the most of the floor space. Image: Taylor Howes
Do you have old-fashioned radiators in your home? If so, which of these radiator cover ideas appeal to you?
The post 30 Modern Radiator Covers and Cabinet Ideas That Hide Your Old-School Pipes appeared first on Freshome.com.
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owensrhodes · 6 years
30 Modern Radiator Covers and Cabinet Ideas That Hide Your Old-School Pipes
Is your home or apartment heated by old-school radiators? They’re a good heating option, especially if they’re heat-conducting cast iron. But these radiator units take up considerable wall space and, in many cases, they’re unsightly. Fortunately, you can cover them up using modern radiator covers or radiator cabinets without affecting their heating capabilities.
The modern radiator covers in this open floor plan home creates extra surface area while hiding the old unattractive units. Image: Susan Fisher
First off, consider the material you’re using. Wood or metal are good heat conductors but be mindful about how close you place the material. A shelf over your radiator may damage the wood or block the air from circulating properly if too close. Aim to place it at least four to six inches over the radiator.
Also, allow for as much air circulation as possible. Why? The heated water inside the radiator convects, or transfers heat, into the surrounding air. If air can flow, your room will heat up. Check out these modern radiator covers and ideas to hide your tired old heating unit.
Small radiator covers
If you have a small unit or space, here are some ideas to not only hide your radiator but also reclaim the space. Consider adding shelving or some form of storage if you’re working with a small area. Create a vignette around your small radiator covers by accessorizing and adding a mirror or wall art to beautify a normally overlooked spot.
These furniture-style small radiator covers are then accessorized by adding small objects and wall art. Images: Town House Interiors and Turner Pocock
Two custom radiator cabinets were built tall enough to allow for air circulation and also include storage drawers. Image: Divine Design
When you accessorize around small radiator covers, you further conceal the heating unit. In this case, the radiator cabinet looks more like a piece of furniture. Image: Mia Karlsson
Radiator cabinets should include cutouts and lattice that allow for air circulation. Choose sturdy, heat-resistant decor, like metal lamps, glass and stoneware to sit over the small radiator cover. Image: Lisette Voute
The best small radiator covers are shallow enough to not interrupt traffic flow in tighter spots. The added counter space is the perfect spot for keys or other small objects. Image: Modern Radiator Covers UK
Modern radiator covers
If you’re covering up an old radiator unit, don’t just stop at hiding it – enhance it by adding a graphic pattern or modern lattice design. Here are a few ideas:
Adding a decorative lattice-style pattern (like this one) to the front of your radiator cabinet or cover is a great way to allow for airflow, hide the radiator and add a design element to your space. Image: Susan Fisher
This mod front-panel pattern may be the most stylish of the modern radiator covers we’ve seen. Image: Veronica Rodriguez
This elegant gold metal sheeting can be found in many home improvement stores and is easy to add to your radiator cabinets. Image: London Alcove
This everyday sheet metal makes a great panel for your modern radiator box. You can also paint it in your favorite color. Image: Episcopo Builders
This cool front panel covers the old-fashioned radiator but not the heat flow – if you look carefully, the sides are left open for better air flow. Image: Think Contemporary
Radiator cabinets
If you have access to a good carpenter, radiator cabinets that look and function more like a furniture piece (and less like you’re trying to cover something up) is the way to go.
A modern walnut built in serves four purposes: it adds a beautiful design element to this bedroom; the drawers offer more storage; the counter top adds a spot to sit or place items; and the radiator cover hides an old painted cast iron unit. Image: Raad Studio
A smartly-designed cabinet and small radiator cover fits in this small entry. Image: aimo+
For a minimalist-style radiator cabinet, doors hiding shelving and sliding panels hiding the heating unit were built. The heat flows from the top of the unit. Image: AMAN Architecture
Wood and mid-century modern radiator covers
If wood is a main design feature in your home or apartment, a radiator cover featuring coordinating wood elements will help your space flow better. Check these options out:
This modern wood radiator cover can be easily added to or moved over the existing old radiator. Image: InCreation
This cool, Mid-Century Modern cabinet hides the radiator unit behind it. The cabinet is set several inches away from the radiator behind it so it may circulate heat and air efficiently. Image: Rodriguez Studio
A custom oak radiator cover was fitted over the original unit to flow better with this transitional craftsman home. Image: Spaceworks Joinery 
Radiator covers that double as a bench or window seat
If your radiator sits under a window, why not box it in so you can sit and enjoy the heat inside and the view outside? Here are some ideas on how you create a radiator cover that also doubles as a bench or window seat.
This radiator cover looks more like a built-in piece of furniture with enough ledge area for sitting. Image: Ohara Interiors
In this kitchen, you can pull up a small breakfast table to sit and enjoy coffee or a snack by the window. Image: Berlin Rodeo
The radiator cover was built deeper and larger than the actual unit so that the area can serve as extra counter space or a daybed (with just a few pillows). Image: Think Contemporary
This built-in banquette cleverly hides an old, functioning radiator . Image: Sadro Design Studio
Here’s how you can create a wall bench around a radiator. Don’t leave pillows over the heating openings when in use so that your unit doesn’t overheat. Image: Blanchard Design Studio
White radiator covers
For a crisp and modern look, choose simple white radiator covers that freshen and modernize the space.
A zen-inspired living room features a white radiator cover that also serves as a small shelf for objects. Image: Chris A. Dorsey
The white radiator covers in this room are part of built ins around the desk area in a Moroccan-style living room space. Image: Laura U Interior Design
White radiator covers are a great way to modernize a baby nursery – and also create a little more distance between the hot unit and a baby or small child’s fingers. Image: NS Photography
This custom white radiator cover mimics the modern architectural lines of the stair railing. Image: Granit
Furniture-style white radiator covers feature legs and flush-mounted countertops for a polished living room look. Image: SLK Interior Decoration
Modern radiator covers with a recessed look
If you’re prone to running into your radiator or other furniture pieces, consider flush-mounting yours (or building out the surrounding area) for a recessed look.
The radiator recessed into the wall allows enough space for the kitchen cabinet drawers to open and close easily. Image: Pearl Interiors
Designers of this elegant small bedroom inset the radiator under the window to make the most of the floor space. Image: Taylor Howes
Do you have old-fashioned radiators in your home? If so, which of these radiator cover ideas appeal to you?
The post 30 Modern Radiator Covers and Cabinet Ideas That Hide Your Old-School Pipes appeared first on Freshome.com.
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30 Modern Radiator Covers and Cabinet Ideas That Hide Your Old-School Pipes
Is your home or apartment heated by old-school radiators? They’re a good heating option, especially if they’re heat-conducting cast iron. But these radiator units take up considerable wall space and, in many cases, they’re unsightly. Fortunately, you can cover them up using modern radiator covers or radiator cabinets without affecting their heating capabilities.
The modern radiator covers in this open floor plan home creates extra surface area while hiding the old unattractive units. Image: Susan Fisher
First off, consider the material you’re using. Wood or metal are good heat conductors but be mindful about how close you place the material. A shelf over your radiator may damage the wood or block the air from circulating properly if too close. Aim to place it at least four to six inches over the radiator.
Also, allow for as much air circulation as possible. Why? The heated water inside the radiator convects, or transfers heat, into the surrounding air. If air can flow, your room will heat up. Check out these modern radiator covers and ideas to hide your tired old heating unit.
Small radiator covers
If you have a small unit or space, here are some ideas to not only hide your radiator but also reclaim the space. Consider adding shelving or some form of storage if you’re working with a small area. Create a vignette around your small radiator covers by accessorizing and adding a mirror or wall art to beautify a normally overlooked spot.
These furniture-style small radiator covers are then accessorized by adding small objects and wall art. Images: Town House Interiors and Turner Pocock
Two custom radiator cabinets were built tall enough to allow for air circulation and also include storage drawers. Image: Divine Design
When you accessorize around small radiator covers, you further conceal the heating unit. In this case, the radiator cabinet looks more like a piece of furniture. Image: Mia Karlsson
Radiator cabinets should include cutouts and lattice that allow for air circulation. Choose sturdy, heat-resistant decor, like metal lamps, glass and stoneware to sit over the small radiator cover. Image: Lisette Voute
The best small radiator covers are shallow enough to not interrupt traffic flow in tighter spots. The added counter space is the perfect spot for keys or other small objects. Image: Modern Radiator Covers UK
Modern radiator covers
If you’re covering up an old radiator unit, don’t just stop at hiding it – enhance it by adding a graphic pattern or modern lattice design. Here are a few ideas:
Adding a decorative lattice-style pattern (like this one) to the front of your radiator cabinet or cover is a great way to allow for airflow, hide the radiator and add a design element to your space. Image: Susan Fisher
This mod front-panel pattern may be the most stylish of the modern radiator covers we’ve seen. Image: Veronica Rodriguez
This elegant gold metal sheeting can be found in many home improvement stores and is easy to add to your radiator cabinets. Image: London Alcove
This everyday sheet metal makes a great panel for your modern radiator box. You can also paint it in your favorite color. Image: Episcopo Builders
This cool front panel covers the old-fashioned radiator but not the heat flow – if you look carefully, the sides are left open for better air flow. Image: Think Contemporary
Radiator cabinets
If you have access to a good carpenter, radiator cabinets that look and function more like a furniture piece (and less like you’re trying to cover something up) is the way to go.
A modern walnut built in serves four purposes: it adds a beautiful design element to this bedroom; the drawers offer more storage; the counter top adds a spot to sit or place items; and the radiator cover hides an old painted cast iron unit. Image: Raad Studio
A smartly-designed cabinet and small radiator cover fits in this small entry. Image: aimo+
For a minimalist-style radiator cabinet, doors hiding shelving and sliding panels hiding the heating unit were built. The heat flows from the top of the unit. Image: AMAN Architecture
Wood and mid-century modern radiator covers
If wood is a main design feature in your home or apartment, a radiator cover featuring coordinating wood elements will help your space flow better. Check these options out:
This modern wood radiator cover can be easily added to or moved over the existing old radiator. Image: InCreation
This cool, Mid-Century Modern cabinet hides the radiator unit behind it. The cabinet is set several inches away from the radiator behind it so it may circulate heat and air efficiently. Image: Rodriguez Studio
A custom oak radiator cover was fitted over the original unit to flow better with this transitional craftsman home. Image: Spaceworks Joinery 
Radiator covers that double as a bench or window seat
If your radiator sits under a window, why not box it in so you can sit and enjoy the heat inside and the view outside? Here are some ideas on how you create a radiator cover that also doubles as a bench or window seat.
This radiator cover looks more like a built-in piece of furniture with enough ledge area for sitting. Image: Ohara Interiors
In this kitchen, you can pull up a small breakfast table to sit and enjoy coffee or a snack by the window. Image: Berlin Rodeo
The radiator cover was built deeper and larger than the actual unit so that the area can serve as extra counter space or a daybed (with just a few pillows). Image: Think Contemporary
This built-in banquette cleverly hides an old, functioning radiator . Image: Sadro Design Studio
Here’s how you can create a wall bench around a radiator. Don’t leave pillows over the heating openings when in use so that your unit doesn’t overheat. Image: Blanchard Design Studio
White radiator covers
For a crisp and modern look, choose simple white radiator covers that freshen and modernize the space.
A zen-inspired living room features a white radiator cover that also serves as a small shelf for objects. Image: Chris A. Dorsey
The white radiator covers in this room are part of built ins around the desk area in a Moroccan-style living room space. Image: Laura U Interior Design
White radiator covers are a great way to modernize a baby nursery – and also create a little more distance between the hot unit and a baby or small child’s fingers. Image: NS Photography
This custom white radiator cover mimics the modern architectural lines of the stair railing. Image: Granit
Furniture-style white radiator covers feature legs and flush-mounted countertops for a polished living room look. Image: SLK Interior Decoration
Modern radiator covers with a recessed look
If you’re prone to running into your radiator or other furniture pieces, consider flush-mounting yours (or building out the surrounding area) for a recessed look.
The radiator recessed into the wall allows enough space for the kitchen cabinet drawers to open and close easily. Image: Pearl Interiors
Designers of this elegant small bedroom inset the radiator under the window to make the most of the floor space. Image: Taylor Howes
Do you have old-fashioned radiators in your home? If so, which of these radiator cover ideas appeal to you?
The post 30 Modern Radiator Covers and Cabinet Ideas That Hide Your Old-School Pipes appeared first on Freshome.com.
from https://freshome.com/modern-radiator-covers/ via 30 Modern Radiator Covers and Cabinet Ideas That Hide Your Old-School Pipes
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cessanderson · 6 years
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30 Modern Radiator Covers and Cabinet Ideas That Hide Your Old-School Pipes https://ift.tt/2RiVWd8
Is your home or apartment heated by old-school radiators? They’re a good heating option, especially if they’re heat-conducting cast iron. But these radiator units take up considerable wall space and, in many cases, they’re unsightly. Fortunately, you can cover them up using modern radiator covers or radiator cabinets without affecting their heating capabilities.
The modern radiator covers in this open floor plan home creates extra surface area while hiding the old unattractive units. Image: Susan Fisher
First off, consider the material you’re using. Wood or metal are good heat conductors but be mindful about how close you place the material. A shelf over your radiator may damage the wood or block the air from circulating properly if too close. Aim to place it at least four to six inches over the radiator.
Also, allow for as much air circulation as possible. Why? The heated water inside the radiator convects, or transfers heat, into the surrounding air. If air can flow, your room will heat up. Check out these modern radiator covers and ideas to hide your tired old heating unit.
Small radiator covers
If you have a small unit or space, here are some ideas to not only hide your radiator but also reclaim the space. Consider adding shelving or some form of storage if you’re working with a small area. Create a vignette around your small radiator covers by accessorizing and adding a mirror or wall art to beautify a normally overlooked spot.
These furniture-style small radiator covers are then accessorized by adding small objects and wall art. Images: Town House Interiors and Turner Pocock
Two custom radiator cabinets were built tall enough to allow for air circulation and also include storage drawers. Image: Divine Design
When you accessorize around small radiator covers, you further conceal the heating unit. In this case, the radiator cabinet looks more like a piece of furniture. Image: Mia Karlsson
Radiator cabinets should include cutouts and lattice that allow for air circulation. Choose sturdy, heat-resistant decor, like metal lamps, glass and stoneware to sit over the small radiator cover. Image: Lisette Voute
The best small radiator covers are shallow enough to not interrupt traffic flow in tighter spots. The added counter space is the perfect spot for keys or other small objects. Image: Modern Radiator Covers UK
Modern radiator covers
If you’re covering up an old radiator unit, don’t just stop at hiding it – enhance it by adding a graphic pattern or modern lattice design. Here are a few ideas:
Adding a decorative lattice-style pattern (like this one) to the front of your radiator cabinet or cover is a great way to allow for airflow, hide the radiator and add a design element to your space. Image: Susan Fisher
This mod front-panel pattern may be the most stylish of the modern radiator covers we’ve seen. Image: Veronica Rodriguez
This elegant gold metal sheeting can be found in many home improvement stores and is easy to add to your radiator cabinets. Image: London Alcove
This everyday sheet metal makes a great panel for your modern radiator box. You can also paint it in your favorite color. Image: Episcopo Builders
This cool front panel covers the old-fashioned radiator but not the heat flow – if you look carefully, the sides are left open for better air flow. Image: Think Contemporary
Radiator cabinets
If you have access to a good carpenter, radiator cabinets that look and function more like a furniture piece (and less like you’re trying to cover something up) is the way to go.
A modern walnut built in serves four purposes: it adds a beautiful design element to this bedroom; the drawers offer more storage; the counter top adds a spot to sit or place items; and the radiator cover hides an old painted cast iron unit. Image: Raad Studio
A smartly-designed cabinet and small radiator cover fits in this small entry. Image: aimo+
For a minimalist-style radiator cabinet, doors hiding shelving and sliding panels hiding the heating unit were built. The heat flows from the top of the unit. Image: AMAN Architecture
Wood and mid-century modern radiator covers
If wood is a main design feature in your home or apartment, a radiator cover featuring coordinating wood elements will help your space flow better. Check these options out:
This modern wood radiator cover can be easily added to or moved over the existing old radiator. Image: InCreation
This cool, Mid-Century Modern cabinet hides the radiator unit behind it. The cabinet is set several inches away from the radiator behind it so it may circulate heat and air efficiently. Image: Rodriguez Studio
A custom oak radiator cover was fitted over the original unit to flow better with this transitional craftsman home. Image: Spaceworks Joinery 
Radiator covers that double as a bench or window seat
If your radiator sits under a window, why not box it in so you can sit and enjoy the heat inside and the view outside? Here are some ideas on how you create a radiator cover that also doubles as a bench or window seat.
This radiator cover looks more like a built-in piece of furniture with enough ledge area for sitting. Image: Ohara Interiors
In this kitchen, you can pull up a small breakfast table to sit and enjoy coffee or a snack by the window. Image: Berlin Rodeo
The radiator cover was built deeper and larger than the actual unit so that the area can serve as extra counter space or a daybed (with just a few pillows). Image: Think Contemporary
This built-in banquette cleverly hides an old, functioning radiator . Image: Sadro Design Studio
Here’s how you can create a wall bench around a radiator. Don’t leave pillows over the heating openings when in use so that your unit doesn’t overheat. Image: Blanchard Design Studio
White radiator covers
For a crisp and modern look, choose simple white radiator covers that freshen and modernize the space.
A zen-inspired living room features a white radiator cover that also serves as a small shelf for objects. Image: Chris A. Dorsey
The white radiator covers in this room are part of built ins around the desk area in a Moroccan-style living room space. Image: Laura U Interior Design
White radiator covers are a great way to modernize a baby nursery – and also create a little more distance between the hot unit and a baby or small child’s fingers. Image: NS Photography
This custom white radiator cover mimics the modern architectural lines of the stair railing. Image: Granit
Furniture-style white radiator covers feature legs and flush-mounted countertops for a polished living room look. Image: SLK Interior Decoration
Modern radiator covers with a recessed look
If you’re prone to running into your radiator or other furniture pieces, consider flush-mounting yours (or building out the surrounding area) for a recessed look.
The radiator recessed into the wall allows enough space for the kitchen cabinet drawers to open and close easily. Image: Pearl Interiors
Designers of this elegant small bedroom inset the radiator under the window to make the most of the floor space. Image: Taylor Howes
Do you have old-fashioned radiators in your home? If so, which of these radiator cover ideas appeal to you?
The post 30 Modern Radiator Covers and Cabinet Ideas That Hide Your Old-School Pipes appeared first on Freshome.com.
Cynthia Bowman
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literallynataly · 6 years
Cosy is a word that is used in this house on a regular basis. If you are Scandinavian or in my case, married to one, the word practically gets engrained into your vocabulary. The word cosy literally means “comfort, warmth, and relaxation” – a state of being that is necessary in order to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Having visited quite a few Swedish homes over the years I have noticed that they often have a few things in common, in that they are – light, airy, and filled with plants. As Sweden has around 6 cold and dark months per year, Swedes tend to fill their home with green plants, a colour that come Autumn, they don’t get to see for a very long time. Having lived in tropical weather for most of my life, the weather in England to me has been nothing short of gloomy. So when we got around to re-decorating our home this Summer (and had our carpets replaced with wooden floors) I decided to embrace the word cosy and bring a warm, yet light and green feeling into our home. From light coloured furniture and wooden pieces, to the ongoing additions of plants, we have slowly been getting our home and state of mind ready for the dark months ahead.
  Since becoming pregnant I have come to appreciate slow mornings, giving myself space and time to start my day. I found that since beginning my morning slowly my stress levels have gone down and productivity throughout the day has gone up. Slowing down makes it possible for you to be more present in your own life, and gives you the ability to better connect with the world around you.
We decided to place a hanging rack within reach to our bed in preparation for the busy and sleepless months ahead. We were given a hand-crafted hanging basket from Pixie’s Magic Hook, a perfect storage space for all things you need within arms reach. At the moment it stores a book, our reading glasses, and a night light; but something tells me that in the very near future it will be storing all things baby! The rack also holds a beautifully crafted woolen blanket from Klippan for those cold nights ahead, which quite frankly could not come soon enough.
As far as pregnancy goes I have cut down massively on the amount of coffee that I consume, and have been mostly sticking to the occasional Matcha or Chai Latte which have a much lower caffeine content. I did however indulge in a mid-morning fika last week when I received coffee from Percol, a fair-trade coffee company from London. Fika is a wonderful Swedish tradition which quite literally translates to “taking a break” – one which usually includes several cups of coffee (in my case one cup) and lots of baked goods.
  Creating a comfortable and inviting living space in our home was my number one priority as it is the area where we spend most of our evenings together. For my bookworm husband, a cosy reading space was a must (the only arguments we ever have are about the amount of books he purchases on a monthly basis). I decided to put this little corner together using the second-hand chair and footstool which we purchased a few years back and accent it with a contemporary geometric pillow from ethical.market which is fairly made by Hetty + Sam.  The hand-crafted milk bottle ceramic vase also from ethical.market and made by Helen Rebecca fit beautifully with the accents of the pillow.
Our green storage corner which very much brightens up the room has both a fern plant and a palm plant (a great plant choice to purify the air in your home). Our lovely little fern sits snug in a hand-crochet pot plant cover from Pixie’s Magic Hook. A wonderful sustainable addition to the home, made from recycled cotton rope this plant cover can also be used as a small storage space.
The couch, my favourite hang out spot at the moment (there is some major couch potatoing going on as I am nearing my due date – less than three weeks to go, eek!) has been given the addition of a large eco-friendly linen pillow from ethical.market which has been screen-printed in the north of Sweden by Blästa Henriët.
  Personal care and well being has become such a part of my life since becoming pregnant. Sure, I of course lived as healthy as I could prior to pregnancy too but once you have another person to consider in the equation when it comes to your body and state of mind everything changes.
I have been very weary about the products that I have been using on my body for the past 8 months, I have barely worn any make up, and have cut down on the amount of skin products that I have been using – mainly sticking to natural oils such as coconut oil to soothe my skin and soften my hair. I have however been given a few pregnancy safe products from Seascape which I tried out and absolutely loved. You can read more about my review on these products HERE.  A product which I am also very much looking forward to using this Autumn/Winter is an MOA organic multipurpose healing balm given to me by Home of Juniper an online retailer with a focus on conscious consumerism. This balm can be used for pretty much anything from chapped skin to soothing a cold.
I have never given much thought to the towels we bought for our home. These were products that in my mind were solely used to dry ones skin without a second thought as to what brand they come from. I can now tell you that my mind has changed once coming across  The Maddison Collection who’s soft and luxurious towels and bathrobes far exceeded my expectations. I have come to appreciate that ones home is their sacred space that needs to be invested in. It was something that I took for granted whilst living in a warmer climate, as most of my time was spent outdoors. But having lived in the UK for a few years now, where the winter is not so pleasant, suddenly every space and product in my home gained importance.
And of course no room can have a warm and relaxing atmosphere without lighting a candle. As someone who loves candles I have made sure to place some in every room of the house, they do wonders to cosy up a room on those colder Autumn nights and I very much look forward to using the stag candle from Home of Juniper.
ABOUT: Pixie’s Magic Hook is an online collection of eco-friendly crochet home decor. Handcrafted in the UK by Tunde Balaz, her beautiful creations have a diverse range of uses. Tunde started this small business out of her love for crochet but also as a way to support her three children whilst taking care of them at home. As all of her items are hand-crafted they can be colour customised to suit your home aesthetic.
HOME SPACE: Mid-Morning Fika & Cosy Reading Corner
Crochet Storage Basket Deep storage basket, made of 100% recycled cotton rope. Ideal desk, nursery, bathroom storage, plantpot cover.
Hanging Storage Basket Ideal storage in nurseries and kids’ bedrooms, great for storing nappies, soft toys or pyjamas.
WHERE TO BUY:��https://www.etsy.com/shop/Pixiesmagichook
ABOUT: ethical.market is a UK based online retailer with a selection of ethical brands who care about the impact of their supply chain and believe in full transparency. This great retailer was co-founded in 2013 by Raquel, after learning about the hidden costs of cheap clothing and the terrible toll taken on workers in developing countries. ethical.market place stock a range of affordable and design led products by talented independent designers which show that one does not need to compromise on their aesthetic in order to shop ethically.
HOME SPACE: Cosy Reading Corner
Hetty + Sam Duck Egg & Copper Green Geometric 100% Cotton Cushion A modern, contemporary cushion featuring a green and copper geometric design fairly made using eco-friendly ink.
Blästa Henriët Large Eco-Friendly Cushion with Linen A cushion with natural linen responsibly hand screen-printed in Northern Sweden using eco-friendly inks and carefully crafted by hand in South West London.
Helen Rebecca Ceramics Milk Bottle Ceramic Vase with Landscape Painting  Porcelain milk bottle shaped vase cast  from vintage milk bottles fairly handcrafted in the UK.
WHERE TO BUY: https://ethical.market/
ABOUT: The Maddison Collection is a an sustainable luxury homeware company that produced bathrobes, towels and cotton accessories which are enjoyed worldwide in homes as well as luxury hotels and spas. This brand’s mission is to protect and improve the environment, promote workplace wellness and support clean water rights. They do this by ensuring that all of their luxury good products are manufactured ethically and sustainability and through social impact partnerships. You can read more about their green manufacturing practices HERE.
The Maddison Collection has been awarded the Butterfly Mark, sponsored by Positive Luxury, in recognition of their commitment to social and environmental sustainability. You can head over to Positive Luxury’s website to find out all of this brand’s positive actions.
HOME SPACE: Personal Care and Wellbeing
Bordado Towels – Environmental designed, this trimmed in universally appealing grey, towel is made using soft, luxurious, lightweight and 100% cotton. Generously sized so wrap it up, bathing rituals completed!
Bordado Hooded Bath Robe – Hooded Bathrobe – 100% combed cotton with beautiful millennial grey trim. For every bathrobe sold a ceramic water filter is gifted directly to one Haitian or Dominican family.
WHERE TO BUY: https://themadisoncollection.com/
ABOUT: Seascape is a sustainable natural bath and body brand, with all ingredients sourced from he beautiful island of Jersey in the Channel Islands. Their soothing products are free from parabens, silicones, SLS, petroleum, artificial colours and artificial fragrances. Seascape does not test on animals and all of their products are suitable for vegetarians. Their bottles and packaging are also recyclable.
Seascape has been awarded the Butterfly Mark, sponsored by Positive Luxury, in recognition of their commitment to social and environmental sustainability. You can head over to Positive Luxury’s website to find out all of this brand’s positive actions.
You can read more about the wonders of Seascape products in a previous post HERE.
HOME SPACE: Personal Care and Wellbeing
Unwind Lotion body Lotion containing 100% natural essential oils of Jersey Lavender to soothe and relax and exotic Ylang Ylang to balance the mind and ease tension.
Soothe Body Mist Containing 100% natural essential oils of Jersey Lavender to relax and calm the mind, mandarin to rejuvenate the senses, and a selection of other essential oils to delicately fragrance and refresh.
Soothe Sleep Oil 100% natural essential oil of Lavender to relax and calm, as well as other essential oils to balance the mind and deliver a gentle fragrance. Use on pulse points for a relaxing good night’s sleep.
WHERE TO BUY: www.seascapeuk.com
ABOUT: As a family business which started in Sweden in 1879, Klippan has become a leader in home textiles. This brand offers unique products such as blankets, throws, cushions, table linen and home decoration made out of pure fibres. In order to manage production and fully control the quality of their products, all of their blankets and throws are made in their own factory. All lamb’s wool  used in their products comes from New Zealand and can be traced back to the individual sheep farmer. In this way the brand can ensure high quality whilst being eco-friendly. For the last few years Klippan has also been able to offer throws and blankets made of wool from farmers running sheep breeding using ecological principals (eco wool). You can read more about their eco wool HERE.
HOME SPACE: Mid-Morning Fika
PRODUCTS: Wool Blanket a mix of marino and lambs wool blanket to keep you warm and cosy through the colder months.
WHERE TO BUY: www.scandinaviandesigncenter.com
ABOUT: Home of Juniper is an only retailer for the home and gift giving, with the focus on conscientious consumerism. They treasure the stories behind the products they sell, and research the companies and individuals that they work with. This great retailer are proud to support British designers and makers, while also support ethical craftsmanship from further afield!
HOME SPACE: Personal Care and Wellbeing
MOA Apothecary Balm made in England organic multipurpose healing balm that is great to prep for the fall with temperatures dropping. moisture chapped skin and lips
Gold Stag Candle  made ethically in the UK by family run company with at least 10% from the purchase of each bee candle will go to BBCT. A British charity, they help protect and research our lovely bees.
WHERE TO BUY: www.homeofjuniper.co.uk
DISCOUNT CODE: use “nataly20” for 20% off entire shop until the 25th of September.
ABOUT: Percol is a fairtrade coffee company based in London ; this company believes in good coffee from seed to cup. Providing people with a good cup of coffee is important to the people behind this company, but so is making sure that the people and environments that grow our coffee are supported, respected and protected. This company was the first ground coffee on shelf to bear the Fairtrade mark as well as the first coffee brand to use single origin and single estate beans leading to more awareness about the provenance and characteristics of different coffees. Since then, they have also chosen to support the Rainforest Alliance, Soil Association and, of course, our own initiatives too.
Sign their petition to make coffee cups recyclable HERE.
HOME SPACE: Mid-Morning Fika
PRODUCTS: Barista Gold – a classic instant coffee that is smooth and bright!
WHERE TO BUY: Tesco, Ocado, Waitrose, and more!
  – GRANNAS – 
ABOUT: Handcrafted traditional Swedish wooden horses produced hand-crafted by this company since 1922. The horses can be bought online or you can visit their lovely factory in Nusnäs. It is absolutely worth the visit! (my husband and I drove there prior to our wedding to have horses made as wedding favours).
HOME SPACE: Mid-Morning Fika
PRODUCTS: Dala Horse – hand-crafted wooden horses painted with traditional Kurbits technique. These little horses make for a great addition to the home.
WHERE TO BUY: www.grannas.com
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  This post was sponsored by multiple brands, each of which I myself selected for this collaboration. As always – the story, all content, experiences, suggestions, and opinions are all my own. 
A Light Sustainable Living Space for a Cosy Autumn Cosy is a word that is used in this house on a regular basis. If you are Scandinavian or in my case, married to one, the word practically gets engrained into your vocabulary.
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garden centres
Since the first position place seeds collection was launched in 1855, Thompson & Morgan has prolonged to become one of the UK's greatest Mail Purchase Seeds and Plant organizations. Through the guide of our on the internet online catalogs and the function of our award-winning web website, Thompson & Morgan is able to provide house gardeners with the very best the finest top quality items money can buy. Moreover to our traditional UK existence, the brand also features throughout the whole world through its internet website and provides its popular position place seeds wide range through important lawn facilities across European countries.
Our variety has also prolonged to include an top ranked position place seeds wide range, young vegetation, lighting, position place seeds celery, red red onion and garlic cloves cloves sets, soft vegetables and fruits and vegetables and fruits vegetation as well as an extensive number of agriculture provides. All have been properly selected through tight analyzing and assessments to make agriculture a pleasure and an accomplishment for our customers. Moreover, we also give you a wonderful number of Provides sent with a personalized card to both the gardeners and non gardeners in your life!
We are very extremely satisfied to have our own position duplication program based in Suffolk in the UK, and can feature a number of top ranked results - such as the amazing Rudbeckia 'Cherry Brandy' and Buddleja 'Buzz'™.
Thompson & Morgan is happy to give you a UK based customer alternatives division who can respond to your agriculture issues as well as fixing any issues you may have regarding the deal or why not be a part of our successful Facebook or myspace or fb group for additional tips on agriculture and vegetation.
If you prefer to choose your spot place seeds in a regional nursery, Thompson & Morgan provides a a lot of different place and vegetable position place seeds through important nursery stores in the UK and European countries. Click here for important UK suppliers.
If you are improving vegetation for sell, our Direct2grower division provides a a lot of different position place seeds and English Extended link vegetation to commercial house gardeners make place seeds suppliers.
Seeds are a perfect choice for marketing special deals - please check with our Marketing Seeds web website for further details of the alternatives we can provide to support your strategies.
Find out about our having company
History More than 150 Years of Collected Gardening Information and Experience The UK has a rich agriculture background there are many well known individualities who have given their headings to vegetation, lawn styles and present day agriculture organizations. Among the businesses that have recognized the country's position place seeds market a few headings still withstand, although their independence has been provided up. Yet, as one of the very first organizations in the organization, Thompson & Morgan preserves both its recognition and its reputation for progression and the finest top quality.
It all began in a small lawn behind a baker's shop in Local bar field Road, Ipswich, managed by Invoice Thompson, the baker's son. He began perform by helping his father but, affected with ill-health, he began learning botany and amorously collected your lawn guiding a shop in Ipswich, Suffolk, England. He was soon to acquire the name of the 'baker botanist'. From your lawn he moved to a child's space at the edge of Ipswich and then to an even larger one. Gradually there were three Thompson place facilities in the town and Invoice began to post a guide called 'The English Plant Garden'.
In 1855 his first collection was produced and this was to be the forerunner of an unbroken line increasing through to today. Invoice Thompson dedicated to improving unusual and unusual vegetation, position place seeds of which were sent to him from many globally nations. It introduced him a spirit of chance, gained his organization vehicle for exciting ideas for each and provided him the relationship of such great scientists as Sir Bob Hooker, Sir Eileen Enhance and Charles Darwin. As one of the best plantsmen of his day his skill in improving vegetation of the European United States was identified when, in 1876 a number of Curtis's Organic Publication was dedicated to him. This was a unusual respect. A very extensive period later the Stylish Gardening Community spent him with its maximum respect, the Victorian Honor of Honor.
The position place seeds improving firm prolonged and Invoice Thompson developed a fortuitous cooperation with Bob Morgan. Although Morgan was by no means a botanist he was a amazing entrepreneur with sound financial knowledge and he was able to provide capital resources that permitted the growth of the business to be perfectly financed.
William Thompson approved away in 1903 at the age of 80 but he had resided to see Thompson & Morgan become one of the country's greatest position place seeds organizations with vehicle for introducing more types and types to the English agriculture public than any other vacation spot place seeds organization - a customized that is regularly on the this day. William's deaths left Bob Morgan the only proprietor of the organization until, 10 years later in 1913, Bob Sangster became a partner.
A amazing horticulturist and experienced administrator, having formerly been the administrator of Lissadell Scenery in Ireland in europe in europe, Bob was to add 4,000 position headings to the recognized 2,000 already in the Thompson & Morgan collection. He took over the business completely when, in 1921, Bob Morgan approved away. After ten more decades, a site on London, uk Road in Ipswich was purchased and couple of decades after that Bob was finalized up with in the business by his son Murray. Murray had already acquired agriculture training in Glasgow as well as having experience at Slococks, the then well-known child's space of Woking, Surrey. The reputation of the business had grown to such a degree that whenever someone somewhere in the whole world wanted to acquire place seeds of a particular position, more often that not it was Thompson & Morgan who were able to supply it.
In 1939 Thompson & Morgan became a limited organization and when Bob approved away in 1952, Murray Sangster took control. He was later finalized up with by his two kids, Keith and Bruce, both of whom had acquired agriculture training. In 1973 they decided to succeed their distribution middle to Poplar Road, Ipswich from where the business still features. One year later, in 1974, Murray obsolete and Keith and Bruce Sangster took over the control of what was to become one of the most contemporary agriculture organizations in the whole world. On Murray's deaths in 1994, Keith and Bruce became only owners of the business.
In 1982 Bruce improving the organization's development in the USA after formerly having a distribution base in Knutson, New Clothing. In 1999, the business became part of International Garden Products Inc., of Birkenstock birkenstock boston, MA, USA. In May 2002 Thompson & Morgan came back to individual private ownership.
In the late 90's David Hansord, the Managing Home at the time, developed today's number of Young Plants which were to be provided throughout the UK. This side of the organization has gone from strength to strength, major the way in mailorder vegetation.
Imaginative marketing strategies have designed Thompson & Morgan the sector's pace-setters and have assisted keep the business highly effective and young generation. The standard of the item is the base of the organization's success, and qc guidelines every aspect of Thompson & Morgan's features. All suppliers have to recognize position place seeds germination rates, regular assessments are designed by Thompson &Morgan's control of all reduced growers' vegetation and every shipping of position place seeds is properly examined in the lab and test reasons by the organization's professionals. Finally, to acquire place seeds placed into the well-known and unique Thompson & Morgan offers. With every package comes the organization's guarantee as to its balance.
To assist the starter farmer Thompson & Morgan have tried to take the secret out of agriculture methods and engender the utmost enjoyment from improving position place seeds. With this in mind the business launched a 32-page leaflet 'The Germination Times'. The guide has acquired much enhance from both beginners and experts as a specified addition to the subject, and a further example of the way that Thompson & Morgan's amazing approach to marketing is determined by long, practical knowledge. There are now also extensive improving books and tips on the internet.
Dark red Freda Home and Garden Design offers NYC landscapes style and elegance services that includes everything from beginning of the project to set up. We believe that a connection should exist between the outdoor and inside environment, and we try to create a sense of rhythm and flow that is as sleek as it is gorgeous.
Garden Design
From the initial evaluation and the style and style to building and setting up all of the elements, we can help guide you through is essential creating your personal lawn haven. We offer specific style plans, such as plant and furniture option, place planning, wood working, gardens, pergolas, lighting, irrigating, brickwork, message, gardens, roof landscapes, balconies, green roofs, flowerbeds, and package landscapes.
Interior Design
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