virtuous-absolute · 1 year
Tumblr media
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grigorian-noble · 8 years
I Am A Shadow, The True Self
Something he wants to keep private
Danny wants to forgive his father, and even after knowing the full truth...he cannot. His strict laws and virtues he created to uphold himself forbid it. His virtue dictates “No circumstance excuses someone for the way they handle their progeny. Success and survival do not depend on cruelty.”
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sublabor · 8 years
Send 👍 if you like my character portrayal; please say why.
[-Cuddles.- Thanks, babe~. This is really sweet of you.]
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pinkygreengumballs · 8 years
♣: One thing you love about your Muse. : I just adore Yachiru, Shes adorable and the nicknames she gives to everyone is hilarious!
▲: What’s your Zodiac sign? [ western or eastern! ] : I’m a capricorn, born in early January -just got the whole zociac key set from fairytail as a late present-
✫: Why did you begin RPing? : I started when I was in 7th grade becasue my friend convinced me, i stopped for a little while but then got onto tumblr and got hit with the want again, havent stopped since lol
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iichigo--k-blog · 8 years
“Tell me"
Put a “Tell me" in my ask and my character will answer…
If you snuck into my room I would:
[  ] Go back to sleep                 [  ] Kick you out[ x ] Cuddle with you                   [  ] Be like “How in the world?”[  ] Let you sleep on the floor    [  ] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged) I would:
[ x ] Kiss or hug you back                       [  ] Smile and laugh[  ] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable        [  ] Push you away[  ] Be shocked                                       [  ] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[  ] No          [ x ] Yes          [  ] Most certainly not.          [ x ] Without hesitation.
You are:
[ x ] Cute          [ x ] Adorable          [ x ] Attractive          [  ] Beautiful[  ] Okay         [  ] Ugly                 [  ] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:
[  ] Stranger          [  ] Acquaintance          [  ] Ally[ x ] Friend              [ x ] Love                        [  ] Rival [  ] Enemy
I find you to be:
[  ] Pathetic          [  ] Off no consequence          [ x ] Intriguing [  ] Frightening     [  ] Unsettling                          [ x ] Annoying [  ] Infuriating       [ x ] Pleasant company            [ x ] Comforting [ x ]  Unable to be lived without                            [ x ] Trustworthy
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uraharashouten · 8 years
((*slides url into askbox along with cookies* if you aren't take these anymore feel friend to disregard this.
[[ meme:  Send me a url and I’ll write some positivity for it. ]] 
(I will always *munch* take requests *munch* for positivity! *om nom nom*)
Well my goodness, Cee. I’ve never told you this but you’re the first Shinji I followed and I’ve always kind of thought of you as the darling of my dash. I know we don’t interact much but I lurk all the time, and I hope this doesn’t sound creepy but I read most of your OOC posts, and I’ve reblogged so many memes from you. You've always struck me as a sweetheart of a person and loyal to your friends. I’m always interested to see the art you post on your blog. And your Shinji is so chill, it’s amazing. And I especially think Shinji’s ship with Notay is adorable.  I know you’ve had your ups and downs here so I just want to commend you on sticking around! 
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reiimada · 8 years
My muse is currently in a maids dress. Send ۵ for your muse to walk in on them and they have to explain themselves.
Rei sensed the blonde man standing in the room before she could even turn to face him but when she did she simply told him why she was wearing a maid’s dress.
“Remember that bet I lost and I had to dress up in a maid’s uniform and serve you for one whole day? Well, I’m finally getting around to it so what would you like me to do first?”
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noomokokoro-blog · 9 years
💉 phobias
He has one very clear phobia that has developed through trauma, which is asphyxiation. As a result, he cannot have anyone touch his neck, especially when fingers wrap around it. He’ll panic. He also isn’t crazy about small spaces, but that isn’t a true phobia like claustrophobia, it’s more of an unease thing.
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the13thcaptain · 9 years
Send me a ‘★’ if you actually like my blog. Takes a second, means a lot.
Thank you~!
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reiimada · 8 years
HEADCANON PROMPT MEME: Send in a character and a number from this list and I will write a headcanon based on the word
16. Smile
A smiling Rei is a happy Rei, and a happy Rei will try and make others smile if they’re down or have a frown on their face. Her smiles can range from a tiny smirk to a toothy grin.
Smiling is pretty essential for Rei because of how she still has some memories from being a human and what a tragic end her life came to.
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