dimensionaljumper · 4 years
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@nxomusetxchnology​ said: "You. What are you doing here, you're not supposed to be here." The white haired girl looked on at the blond boy. Weiss stared at Scribe who ended up in her room. 
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“Ahhh-” really this was the worst luck and unfortunately for the Traveler, this was not the first time something like this had happened. Though he did not mean for it to, as such he would clear his throat a little bit. 
“I’m sorry for intruding, but it seems as though I am a little lost. Can you tell me where I am and who you are?” Yeah he was not even going to defend himself here. That was extremely sloppy of Scribe.
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wingsofintxlligence · 4 years
Continued from X
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Gods she hated these things. She hated the dresses too. How the hell do women breathe in them? But of course Erwin had insisted that she come, properly bathed and dressed up. Her hair, which normally she threw up in a ponytail was curled and styled so it fell on her shoulders and framed her face. She blinked as she heard a familiar voice and turned to Levi, a smile tugging on her lips. Even wearing a mask she would recognize those eyes and that posture anywhere. Did he recognize her? He had called her shitty glasses. Maybe she would mess with him a little.
“Oh, I just find this whole thing boring. What about you?” She asked, smiling.
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shadows-edge-rp · 4 years
(Starter for @nxomusetxchnology)
By now, Vivianne finally had something of a safe routine she’d fall into while in the Scouts.  Twice a month, Vivianne waited until--most of--the Scouts were asleep to slip outside of HQ on what she told anyone who’d noticed this habit of hers was simply night walks to help clear her head and soothe some form of insomnia.  If anyone had noticed that these walks happened twice a month around the exact same time...they hadn’t said anything yet.  And in a way...Vivianne wasn’t lying when she said they were simply walks she went on when she grew restless.  She just left out the fact that in the middle of those walks she slipped down to the Underground and drained a criminal of her choosing dry to soothe a restless and needy thirst for human blood.
That part, people didn’t need to know.
Unfortunately, she’d been going through something of a dry spell--recent events had kept herself and others too busy for her to safely slip away without drawing unwanted attention. The return from an expedition was already a busy time, but lately, it seemed like there was always one too many people awake that could catch her sneaking out, and she didn’t want to risk it.
But now, she couldn’t wait any longer--if she did, she worried she’d hurt someone, maybe someone especially important to the Scouts. That had been her biggest fear since day one, a thought that had almost dissuaded her from joining in the first place.  So far, she hadn’t had any incidents, though--and as long as she continued practicing her control and feeding regularly, it wouldn’t be a problem.
Quietly, Vivianne slipped out of her sleeping quarters in civilian clothes with a plain, heavy cloak wrapped around her shoulders, keeping her footsteps soft but quick as she made her way through the halls and out into the cool night air.  Her hunger stirring restlessly inside her, Vivianne sought out her usual path that would lead her towards an entrance to the Underground, the thrill of the coming hunt already rising in her veins.
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eyesofambition · 4 years
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“Well I wouldn’t mind a spot of tea if you are offering.” Tanya would pleasantly accept the tea offer. Although she is always a coffee person. Tea is something she does enjoy from time to time.
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“Hold on...“
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“There’s a ‘dragon slayer‘ out there? That is a battle crazed idiot? Whoo boy...“
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theraikouhotel · 4 years
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Also if you are getting tired of the mothers, I do have @nxomusetxchnology​ where I have others I roleplay!! I’m sure you’re all not getting tired of mamas but still it would be fun to do others that I have up! Get to know my other muses there too everyone! 
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wingsofintxlligence · 4 years
Continued From X
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“Right. I spoke without thinking.” She said, glancing at him as she leaned back in her chair, removing her glasses and pinching the bridge of her nose. She felt so damn tired but she still had too much work to get through. “Although tea is a good alternative. No hangovers.” She said with a slight smile in his direction.
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dimensionaljumper · 4 years
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@nxomusetxchnology​ said: 🎰 For nxomusetxchnology (From Mama Mun~)
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
1. Jaehee x Eliza
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“And who the hell are you supposed to be? You look like you would rather kill me then anything else-” Eliza you’re judging too quickly again.  
2. Mamo x Tyson
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“Umm...no, you are way too young for me-” Tyson might adopt her though...maybe.
3. Viktor x Hibiki
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“At least you’re....motivated there friend, can’t see anything wrong with that. But I don’t fall so easily.”
4. Esdeath x Tyson
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“Ha ha haa...I’m in danger-” She doesn’t look like someone he’d want around George, no sire! 
5. Weiss x Iris
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“And who the hell is this rich girl? How did she get here? What is that sword? I demand answers!”
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theraikouhotel · 4 years
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“After watching my mun interact with people from other places, the @nxomusetxchnology​ building is going to go live soon. This is where you can see others aside from me, Shikubu-san and Arty-san.” 
Translation: The mun has worked on this for two days and is happy with the outcome, if you’d like to see others you can have fun there as well as here! 
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