#nye retro bash with chris evans
avengerofyourheart · 5 years
Frat Bro Chris Evans ft. The Midnight
Here’s a little bit longer clip with a quick glance at Chris on the far right of the screen with his baseball cap backwards and then we get to watch him switch it back around as the song changes. Every move he makes is swoon worthy. 😍 The Midnight were amazing!! 🙌🏻🎉❤️
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avengerofyourheart · 5 years
NYE Retro Bash with Chris Evans
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I still feel like last night was just a dream but then I see all the amazing videos I took and it all comes back. This is without a doubt the most memorable New Year’s Eve of my life and I’ll look back on it for years to come. 
SO. Here’s how it all happened. I saw a post on tumblr about this New Year’s Bash and GASP. It was taking place only 40 minutes from me! Double checked the tweet Chris had retweet and....ITS REALLY HAPPENING WHAT. Texted a friend to see if she wanted to come, she doubted the reality of it because HOW, WHY, WHAT. But yes. It was happening. We had to go. So I bought 2 tickets. 
Apparently, other people had trouble buying tickets but I guess I was super lucky. I heard that tickets were limited but I didn't realize HOW limited until I checked the venue and saw that the capacity was only 125 people. AHH. IT’S GONNA BE SMALL AND INTIMATE AND I’M NERVOUS AND EXCITED I CAN’T WAIT. That was my thought process. 
There was some drama regarding transportation and the friend I was going with I hadn’t actually met IRL yet (not from tumblr, more like snapchat and Instagram. It’s an interesting way to meet people.) But in the end I drove 45 minutes south to meet her and then we headed up the canyon in her friends car to Park City! :D 
For those who have never been, Park City is a small-ish skiing town in the mountains were Sundance Film Festival also happens every year. (Which was founded by Robert Redford, who played Alexander Pierce in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, in case you weren't aware.) Anyway, we park in a parking garage and walk through the lobby of a hotel and once we reach the street, the venue is RIGHT THERE. AHH. There was a bit of a line and it was SOOOO COLD.  Like, single digits. Fahrenheit. We only had to wait about 10 minutes before they started checking ID’s and letting people in.
High West Distillery is basically a ski-in/ski-out bar. It was even smaller than I envisioned so people got cozy really quickly and there was a velvet rope sectioning off part of the dance floor with some stools and couches there. The second friend, Natalie, went in search of the bathroom so it was just Vanessa the Instagram Friend and I. 
She leaned toward me. “Read my eyes.” Um...what? It took me wayyyyyy too long to figure out that she was hinting that Chris was standing RIGHT OVER THERE BEHIND THE ROPE 15 FEET FROM ME. WHAT. I spotted his friend first, the one who posted the photo on the plane. Adam LaVorgna, another actor who I recognized from the Jonathan Taylor Thomas movie “Home for Christmas” haha! But then I saw who he was standing next to and...I whipped my head back around toward Vanessa, eyes wide. 
“See?? That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” she yelled over the music. 
Holy. Crap. I tried to get another covert sneak peek but it was almost like looking directly at the sun, I had to avert my gaze. Wow. I just saw Chris Evans with my very own eyes. Dressed in a pair of jeans, dark blue sweater, bit of scruff on the chin, and a blue Boston Red Sox baseball hat, he looked gooooood. *swoon* 
We still had no idea what the “plan” was for the night, since he was supposedly the host, but we mostly just danced to the music, chatted with friends and tried not to panic at his close proximity. The room continued to fill and some people were let past the velvet rope and he greeted them. Such a sweetheart. I know they were calling it a “Retro Bash” but I guess I didn’t realize it was so literal??? People were arriving in full-on 80s regalia and a few guys wore mullet wigs and sunglasses (one of which turned out to be Miles Teller, but I didn’t find out til later. oops.) 
Anyway, a DJ played for the first hour or so until The Midnight came on stage. I knew some of their music before finding out about this, but the past few days I put their albums on shuffle to familiarize myself. They’re more techno than I’m used to but I really liked it and in the party scene, their vibe was perfect! Chris got so excited and sang along, dancing or air drumming to the beat. ha! So cute. He kept saying “This is my favorite song” but he said that about 4 songs. :D Bless him. 
There was a guy in the VIP section who looked familiar and I finally figured it out. He’s also a friend of Sebastian’s, Charles Chu (Choodius_maximus on instagram) he was wearing a huuuuuge black afro wig. We bumped elbows a few times while dancing so that was cool. One degree from Sebastian Stan!! I’m getting there! ha! :D 
Ironically, The Midnight did NOT play until midnight. Their set ended around 11:15pm so the DJ returned and he was great. Interesting song transitions and a good variety, too. Dancing continued and I got a few more videos of Chris, covertly. I didn’t want to seem creepy so I kinda panned the camera around and caught him a few times. Seeing Chris Evans dance and sing to “Living on a Prayer” is official a highlight in my life. I have evidence of it, too. :D He seemed to be living his best life, having a few drinks and dancing with friends. I loved seeing him this way, personally, rather than situations that might make him anxious or uncomfortable. He is a gem and we don’t deserve him. 
Midnight crept closer and the DJ started the countdown. Happy New Year!!! I caught the moment on video and finally showed my face. :) I was there, too!! Couples kissed and hugs were shared. From what we could tell, no smooches for Mr. Evans but plenty of hugs. I don’t like to speculate about his personal life, I just want him to be happy. :) 
I really wasn’t sure what to expect initially and I did wonder if he might interact or step up to the mic at some point as the “host” but as a whole, I had an amazing time! People asked if I met him, talked to him, got a pic with him. No, I didn’t, but that’s perfectly okay with me. Proximity while in his element is good enough for me. Maybe I’ll meet him at a con some day and mention last night. Maybe. As for now, I have photos and videos and memories that will last a lifetime. 
Thank you all for following my Instagram story. It’s now in my highlights there on my page and I will continue to share videos here. I’m infinitely glad that I jumped at the chance of seeing him and it was more than worth the money, 3 hours of driving, lost sleep, temporary hearing loss, and sore legs from dancing. :) 
Happy New Year to you all!! 
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avengerofyourheart · 5 years
Chris Evans grooving and drinking to The Midnight
Chris being a cutie, swaying and drinking to the music on New Years Eve. I was trying to be covert, hence the camera angle at times. 🙈 This is the first time I’m posting this cause it’s longer, wasn’t on my ig story! Enjoy! 😄
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avengerofyourheart · 5 years
Heyaaa happy new year 🥰 it the little Italian Friend there .. I have been away a bit and oh my my I just read the Chris Evans post at nye and like WOAH WOAH you lucky girl 😉😉.. sending hugs from Italy 😘
Hi, sweetpea!! I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to this. Happy New Year to you too!! I hope you’re doing well! I’ve been taking a few breaks from tumblr too, so no worries. :) Oh my goooossshhhhh I still can’t believe I saw Chris Evans with MY OWN TWO EYES AND RANG IN THE NEW YEAR WITH HIM AAHHHHH. haha. It was so nuts. I definitely feel super lucky. :D Sending hugs right back from the USA!! Thanks for dropping by, sweetie!! I always love hearing from you.
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NYE Retro Bash with Chris Evans (for anyone curious)
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avengerofyourheart · 5 years
You being respectful towards Chris is just amazing!!! I love you so much for this! Im so glad you had so much fun! Happy New Years!
Thanks, love! I do wish that being respectful wasn’t so amazing and more like the “norm” cause he deserves to have his privacy protected. I’m all for set photos and behind the scenes, cons, and anything that is involved with his work but I’m not a fan of paparazzi shots and the like. He is a blessing and shares so much of himself with us. The least we can do is leave him alone when he isn’t working. Happy New Years to you as well! Thanks for the message, love. 😘
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