#high west distillery
glacierruler · 4 months
Masterpost | Next Chapter
Content Warnings: Mentions of Fantasy Racism, Mentions of Assassination/Murder, Mentions of Blackmailing, Thievery
Please reblog my writing!
All rolls will be listed at the end of the chapter, and is notated as rolls
Taglist: @cutebisexualmess @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat
The Adventure Begins
Six adventurers, fates intertwined beyond belief, are in the same town. Only two of them have met, having known each other since birth. Other than that, these wanderers have no idea of the existence of the others. Yet, they must meet. They will meet. For they are important to how the kingdom of Schelendor changes, whether it be for the better or the worse, only their choices will tell.
Their journey to the city of Haolewyn is something personal to each of them, Virgil; an urchin who learned to survive on the streets is searching for a dear friend who kept him alive, Roman and Remus; two brothers who ran from their village after an incident that the former refuses to speak about while the latter making a pact with a deity to get revenge, Janus; a criminal who lives in a city further west travelling to see what he can exploit from the nobles there who have something to hide, Patton; on a journey to try to bring peace between the nobles who are on the verge of a war over whose town Haolewyn’s is, and Logan; he is researching magic and how it works to connect to his research on how sorcerer’s magic works. None of them realize just how important they are, but they soon will.
However, they are currently in separate parts of the city, most of them attempting to find the information they need and find a place to rest before nightfall. Remus and Roman however, are currently at the tavern that employed Remus.
Remus’s job was to make and mix the drinks, he also helped out at the distillery a few miles away when needed. Roman entertained the guests at the tavern most nights, although one could find him almost anywhere in the city. As usual, Roman’s performance was astounding the crowd, giving them all something to stare at. Only one heckler could be heard above the noise, only one who had the right to make fun of him.
“Your voice could use a drink or two!” His brother cackled. Rolling his eyes, Roman launched into his story of the night. Another tale of heroes defeating dragons terrorizing crowds, when the doors slammed open. Eyes tore from Roman momentarily to stare and glare at the newcomer who had interrupted the story.
The newcomer of course was Logan, of course. He hadn’t meant to slam open the doors, however that did not stop the patrons of the bar from judging this newcomer with suspicions high, Logan suspecting it due to his orcish heritage, that is until he noticed that the performer was a tiefling. Perhaps this section of the town was different, which was a thought that brought a certain comfort to him. Roman was entranced, as most travellers avoid this bar. Especially those who have something to study, yet he was very aware of the glares heading this individual’s way and gave him a wink before turning to continue the story. Logan was utterly confused as to what the wink meant, but went over to the bar area to find where to request a room for the night. As this had been the cheapest place available, and Logan had not acquired nearly as much funding as his peers, a cheaper place would allow him to save his gold for something of more importance. Still Logan couldn't help but be entranced by the story the tiefling who had winked at him was telling. It was of a grand adventure to slay a dragon in the town of Aqin. It made no logical sense, and usually Logan is one to scoff at stories like that. But for some reason he couldn't this time and he did not understand why. However, unknown to him as it was, it wasn't because of something completely intangible. As long as one believes in fate that is. The reason Logan was so entranced was because of his intertwined destiny with the bard on stage. Remus on the other hand was having the time of his life looking at the wizard who had joined the tavern, especially the books he was reading.
“You a fan of magic?”
Logan looked up, surprised that someone was willingly talking to him as he was almost always avoided.
“Ah… yes! I am currently doing some sanctioned research.”
“Oooh how fancy! Why'd you want the government involved?”
“If I am to be completely honest, I would lack the funding required to conduct this research on my own. Other than the necessary expenditures it is of my professional opinion that I am capable of coordinating the required research independently.”
“Interesting, whatcha wanna learn about magic for? Becoming a wizard? Trying to curse someone as a one off thing?” Remus leaned towards Logan, watching as the taller halforc’s eyes widened a bit.
“Ah, I’m already a wizard. Apologies, I am not in my official robes currently. It was of my opinion that I’d be more agreeable in common clothes.” Logan startled, intrigued at the way the bartender cackled a bit.
“You and my brother would get along well then! Both of you people pleasers to the core!”
“Might I inquire as to who your brother may be?”
“Roman is currently performing! He’s the storyteller! I’m Remus! What d’you go by?”
“My moniker is Logan.”
The two kept chatting for a bit, Logan ecstatic to talk about the research he’d been looking into and completely forgetting about asking for a room. That is until someone else came in.
Janus entered the tavern, having travelled all day to get to Haolewyn. While he was anxious to get started on the blackmail case, he’d mess up horribly if he didn’t get a proper night’s rest.
“Bartender,” he said, addressing Remus who was preoccupied with talking to Logan. “May I ask where I can get a room?”
Logan startled a bit at the sudden voice, turning to look over to where Janus had just entered.
“Yep! What’s your room for? Got someone else coming too?” The eyebrow wiggle confused Logan, as he knew it was meant to mean something yet the connotation of it eluded him. He watched as the newcomer sighed, clearly exasperated at the question.
“If you must know, I require a place to rest. Nothing exciting I’m afraid.”
“Aww. Maybe next time! Here’s your key, we do clean the rooms after each patron leaves, but we do not take any responsibility for any leftover mess! It’s 2 silver a day to stay here!”
“Apologies to interrupt, however this has reminded me that a room would be necessary for me as well.”
“Here’s your key too!” Remus sang, tossing both of them keys. Cackling when the newcomer didn’t seem to catch it.
Just a moment later, Roman’s story ended. And with roaring applause, he made his way over to his brother. Passing a tip jar around for those in the tavern to give him some extra copper (and if he was lucky silver) for such a stunning performance. Watching him talking not only with the halforc from earlier, but the yuan-ti as well, he elected to introduce himself.
“Greetings weary travellers, I am Roman. The main entertainer for this wonderful establishment! I see you’ve met my brother Remus already.”
“Salutations I am Logan. And indeed, it has been delightful conversing with your brother.”
As all three of them turned to look at the fourth companion, it became certainly clear that something about the conversation made them uncomfortable. All of them going through what might have offended the humanoid still unknown to them. Unbeknownst to them, it was just the subject of dropping his name that made him uncomfortable.
Eventually the silence became unbearable for the fourth, and he introduced himself.
“You may call me Deceit.” His voice as smooth as possible, Janus watched the other three process what he had said. If they were smart, they wouldn’t say anything about it.
Turns out, the one named Roman seemed to have a deathwish.
“Oh, so you’re too special to just give out your name? What are you, a government officer?”
“Oooh, are you the officer funding Logan’s research,” Remus chimed in and Janus couldn’t help but slightly wish the assassin he knew was nearby. Sadly they weren’t as this assassin avoids this city for some unknown reason. Which is a very fortunate thing in this case, as if Janus were to have them murdered he would be interrupting fate, and fate is not a thing to be messed with.
Rubbing his temples attempting to avoid his oncoming headache, Janus sighed. “I’m not a government agent—”
“Something a government agent would say.” Roman interrupted quickly.
“I am just not fond of handing my name out to strangers.”
“Like a government agent!” Remus cackled, both twins high fiving each other as Janus looked like he wanted nothing more than to murder someone.
“If it is any consolation Deceit, I highly doubt you have the capability to be in such an esteemed position.”
For some reason, that annoyed Janus even more. Especially since it got Remus cackling even more and Roman snickering at him.
“Ooh yeah, he’s too short!”
“Remus, you can’t be mean to humanoids smaller than you! That’s mean.”
“I was not aware that there was a height requirement to be a government agent.”
However, before Janus could be humiliated even more, the tavern doors opened again. And a rather small, Shadar-kai elf walked in, a glare etched into his face.
The tavern’s mood seemed to sour a bit when they saw Virgil, but he didn’t care. He had enough to not sleep on the streets here, and so he wouldn’t. And why should he be nice when as far as he was aware his friend had disappeared from this city without a trace. What good could come from a city like this. Although where he was from wasn’t any better, at least he had others that he could rely on there.
“Why the long face my friend?” Roman asked, attempting to figure out what was going on with this newcomer who looked a few missteps away from murder.
“I’m looking for a room, not an interrogation,” the elf growled at the tiefling.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that wanting guests to be happy and content qualified as an interrogation!” Roman sneered back, not enjoying the mood the other brought with him.
“And making fun of me for not divulging my name counts as keeping your patrons happy?”
Roman wrinkled his nose at that, clearly upset that he was getting told off by two different humanoids that he had just met. Thankfully for both Virgil and Janus he did back off, however he did continue to glare at them for a bit. Remus looked between both Deceit and the newcomer, before opening his mouth.
“Apologies but we’re out of rooms for the night. You’re new friendo here just got the last one, you can share if you want!”
“Why in Phythmia would I share with him!” Janus hissed out, feeling completely out of his depth when it came to the tavern owner and his brother.
“I need a room,” Virgil growled, narrowing his eyes at the other, “and I personally don’t care how I get it.”
“What do you mean by th—”
Virgil stormed off, fists tight, and Janus was left stunned as to what had happened with the shadar kai. What none of the four who were left there seemed to notice was that one key thing was missing. At least for a few minutes anyways, as when Janus went to look at his hand, he noticed the disappearance of an important item if he were truly to stay the night; the words of the elf ringing in his ears.
“Something wrong Deceit?” Remus asked, curious as to what had soured the yuan-ti’s already lemony expression.
“That elf stole my key,” he growled in response to the bartender, about to go off on a rant before Remus interrupted him.
“Oooh yeah, that’s gotta suck. Too bad you already paid for the room. We don’t do refunds here!”
“Oh of course not, why would you! Is there anything I could do to get a room at this point?”
“Of course not.” Janus sighed, scanning the room for any sign of the thief right before someone more interesting caught his eye.
A cleric had just entered the tavern, one that was well dressed too. Patton, was his name, not that Janus knew. His autumn nature was kind and alluring despite how uncomfortable he seemed to be in this environment. Clearly he was knew to this scene, considering his dress and his expression. Nervous as he was, Patton strolled over to the bartender anyways.
“Hi I’m Patton. Do you know of anyone with the name of Gallan?”
Roman: Performance: Roll: 16 Modifier: +8 Total: 24 (performance at the tavern) Logan: Insight: Roll: 10 Modifier: +3 Total:13 (Contested with Remus's persuasion check to see if he trusts him to tell about the research) Remus: Persuasion: Roll: 8 Modifier: +8 Total: 16 (Contested with Logan's insight check to convince the wizard to divulge information Virgil: Intimidation: Roll: 3 Modifier: +7 Total: 10 (Contested with Roman’s Insight roll to keep the bard from questioning him) Roman: Insight: Roll: 3 Modifier: +2 Total: 5 Remus: Deception: Roll: 14 Modifier: +5 Total: 19 (To Decieve Virgil and Janus that there are no more rooms and it’s Janus’s fault.) Virgil: Insight: Roll: Nat 1 (No modifier, just fails) (To see if he believes Remus about the rooms or not) Janus: Insight: Roll: 3 Modifier: +5 Total: 8 (To see if he believes Remus about the rooms or not) Virgil: Sleight of Hand: Roll: 17 Modifier: +5 Total: 22 (To steal Janus’s room key, contested with Janus’s perception. Usually passive, but considering the situation, Janus gets a roll) Janus: Perception: Roll: 14 Modifier: +2 Total: 16 (Contested with Virgil’s sleight of hand check in order to see if he notices his room key being stolen.) Remus: Deception: Roll: 19 Modifier: +5 Total: 24 (Contested with Janus’s insight. Lying yet again to Janus about there being no rooms left) Janus: Insight: Roll: 2 Modifier: +5 Total: 7 (Contested with Remus’ deception to see if there really is no way to get a room.)
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trivialbob · 1 year
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Ross planned a field trip for us this afternoon. We did a distillery tour.
Some years ago Sheila and I toured the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Kentucky. It was old and weathered, in a good way--a patina of decades and decades of making fine. At High West everything looked new and shiny. Were they going to make us wear hair nets before entering? I loved the clearly labled pipes and shiny tanks, the clean catwalk, and the diagrams on the walls. Hair nets were not required.
There wasn't a test afterwards, but one man in our group would have been prepared. He had a lot of questions. The tour leader was patient and polite and full of answers.
He was also polite to me too, but firmly explained "No, there are no buttons or valves we allow visitors to operate. You should keep you hands in your pockets until we are done, sir."
It was a nice visit. I didn't buy any to bring home, because I don't want to check my bag for the flight. However I will keep an eye open for the brand next time I'm shopping for whiskey at home.
After the tour we had a flight of bourbons in a tasting room. I don't have a the most sophisticated palate, but with gins and bourbons I can discern some better ones. I liked the ones I tried but will say the one that had "hints of chai spice, orange zest, toffee, leather, and dark chocolate" tasted fine but the aroma (sorry, bouquet) reminded me of a freshly unwrapped Band-Aid. Which isn't a terrible smell, if you are bleeding.
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castlesrp · 3 months
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👑♟️ KNOW ME NOW♟️👑
The legacy of the Anderson family begins on the West Coast, beginning three generations ago with a dream of a vineyard that ended up scaling to a global enterprise that left the Anderson Distilleries as one of the leading wine and alcohol distilleries in North America. We are seeking First Anderson, 23, Anya Taylor-Joy to help us complete the family!
In the opulent world of New York City’s elite, where fortunes are built and dynasties are solidified over generations, the hidden struggles behind the façade of wealth and privilege are bursting at the seems. Fourteen prominent families hold the keys to the kingdom, each with their own unique and storied legacy of accumulating vast wealth and influence within different industries while simultaneously grappling with the shadows that lurk within their gilded lives. As the elder generations of these families age and relinquish control, the younger heirs step into positions of power, bringing with them a wave of new conflicts and alliances. Against a backdrop of family feuds, legal battles over trust funds, sham adoptions, and even murder accusations, the glittering exterior of their opulent lives conceals a labyrinth of secrets and betrayals.
Welcome to KNOW ME NOW! We are a semi-private, 18+, canon only real life roleplay set in New York, New York, following fourteen elite families within high society. With over 225 canons available, we feature a linear plot following our fourteen canon families as they clamor for success, making and breaking alliances with one another, and creating a roleplay space focused on weaving intricate stories with one another in a safe and collaborative environment.
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threadandlace · 1 year
Pirate Smile (Jake POV)- Seamstress for the Band series, part eight (4.0k)
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Masterlist- to start from the beginning
“You okay?” you asked Josh as he came back into the room, clearly flustered as he paced for a moment before digging into his suitcase. He was quiet, which was abnormal when he was drunk. “Josh,” you repeated, a little louder this time. He stilled and slowly turned to face you. “What?” he replied, his eyes blank. “Are you okay?” you repeated, searching his face for a hint at whatever was clearly bothering him. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just drank a bit too much,” he said with a chuckle as he turned back to rummage through his suitcase for his toiletries. Something is up. Josh disappeared into the bathroom, and you heard the shower start.
Reaching into your sweatpants pocket for your phone, you checked the time. Almost 2:30 am. Tomorrow morning is going to be a struggle. You checked through your socials, scrolling through pictures and videos from the night before. You laughed at some edits the fans had made of Josh making a face while hitting a high note. The thirst traps were your absolute favorite things to look over- it stroked your ego just enough, but also made you laugh at how enthralled some people were. You watched the TikTok Olivia had posted of the group’s trip to the distillery and winery, reflecting on the day. You noticed a few frames that had everyone included in them and grimaced, knowing people would immediately notice the gorgeous girl hanging in the background with Josh.
She really was pretty, but you liked her for more than just her looks- she was skilled beyond compare and hilarious. She fit right in with the group, her presence enhancing the group dynamic. Taking a deep breath, you opened the comments. Sure enough, the hateful side of the fanbase had sprung into action.
Who the fuck is this girl we keep seeing??? Hello?!
Does Josh have a gf?! Sleeping on the highway tonight fr…
Girlie wants to be a groupie so bad, fuck off
You were the most concerned about the ones speculating that she and Josh were a couple, mostly because you felt like there was some weight behind the speculation. It was only an inkling you had, but you saw the way he looked at her- it was a look you’d hardly ever seen from your twin, but one you knew it held weight.
Scrolling over to twitter, you saw the same speculation and hatred. You noticed that one of the girls that had thrown the beer in West Virginia had taken a video, which you clicked on. The video was shaky, but it clearly showed the cans of beer being shaken up before making impact. It broke your heart to see her freeze, holding the damn box of shoes that left her completely defenseless. Josh ran into the frame and you heard him yell something at the idiots with the cameras as he grabbed her and pulled her through the door. Oh they’re definitely going to run with this.
And, true to your fear, the fanbase did run with it. Screenshots of the video had been blown up, made into a meme, and shared all over Twitter and Instagram. “Fuck,” you whispered as you continued to wade through the cesspool of disgusting comments and jokes. “What?” Josh asked as he walked back into the room, towel around his waist and wet curls clinging to his face. “Uh, nothing,” you tried to cover. Josh turned to face you, giving you a serious look. As serious as he could give being a little drunk and slightly resembling a wet poodle.
Josh pointed to your phone. “Tell me. Now,” he ordered. You sighed before giving him the breakdown from the night. He stood still as he listened, slightly leaned back against the wardrobe at the front of the room. Once you’d finished, he rubbed his face before turning to fish his clothes out of the suitcase. “That’s all you got?” you asked. He pulled on a pair of underwear before turning to face you. “I’m too fucked up to comprehend everything. All I know is that I’m angry. And that I hope she’s asleep and not seeing the fucking vile filth people are spewing onto all these damn platforms.” You nodded as you listened, noting his passion as being slightly more than the normal amount. “Nothing we can do tonight. It’s a tomorrow issue for sure,” you commented as you rose and walked into the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Josh joined you in the bathroom and you both stood at the sink as you brushed your teeth. He looked tired- his skin was more pale than usual, purple shadows more prominent under his eyes. You knew that at the end of the day, he did this for you. This band, music, touring, all of it was your dream, he just happened to have the incredible voice and stage presence you had needed to be complete. The sacrifices he made never left the forefront of your mind, although your dream had slowly started to become his too. He loved performing and traveling and, of course, making you happy. Therefore, he was happy to join you on the rollercoaster that was Greta Van Fleet, although you knew that a hiatus was coming. You were ready for it, and you were sure Sam and Danny were too. The income you all were making off the tours was nice, but you were all able to be quite comfortable off the revenue generated from streams, merch and other endorsements.
You and Josh crawled into your own beds, turning to face each other and talk for a few minutes before you fell asleep. You’d always done this, for as long as you could remember. Typically, Josh would talk the most and you’d listen as he recounted various parts of the day, rambling about whatever crossed his mind. Tonight though, he was quiet. You figured he was just tired and irritated over the social media situation, so you discussed a time for your alarm before you shut off the light. A few minutes later you heard his breathing deepen, a sure sign he was asleep. His breathing lulled you to sleep soon after.
As soon as the alarm went off, you groaned. Josh was still out when you rolled out of bed and headed into the bathroom. It was 9:30 am, meaning you only had about 30 minutes to get down and grab breakfast before it closed for the day. You quickly got ready for the day, Josh not stirring at all as you moved around the room. You sat on the edge of his bed as you pulled on your shoes, turning to shake him lightly. He mumbled something and swatted at you. “As long as there’s signs of life, I’ll leave you be for a bit. I’ll get you something for breakfast, what do you want?” you asked quietly. Josh’s answer consisted of a grunt as he rolled over. “Okay, well, if you don’t like what I bring you, you’re out of luck front man,” you said as you headed out the door.
Danny was sitting at a table and drinking a coffee when you entered the dining room. “Morning,” he said with a smile as you walked over to him. “You want to sit?” he asked but you shook your head. “I need to take stuff up to Josh. He’s pretty hungover,” you said. Danny nodded. “Sam too. I told him I’d bring him a waffle. He asked for bacon for some reason, but I will not be fulfilling that request,” Danny said with a laugh. You leaned, quieting your voice as you glanced around the room. “Did you see Twitter?” you asked quietly. Danny nodded, giving you a look of sadness. “I really love our fans but… some of them really make me question humanity.” You nodded, “I couldn’t agree more.” You gave Danny’s shoulder a pat before heading to the breakfast bar.
You were boxes of food for you and Josh, as well as an orange juice for him and a coffee for yourself. The elevator doors opened, and you were greeted by a familiar face. “Good morning,” she said quietly, giving you a soft smile. “Good morning! You headed down?” you asked as you stepped out of the elevator, noting her luggage next to her and she nodded. “See you on the bus in a bit,” she said as the doors closed between you.
Josh was still half-asleep when you got back in the room. “Dude, you have to get up. For real this time,” you pressed as you put his food down in front of him. He slowly sat up, reaching for the cup of orange juice on the nightstand. You sat at the table in the corner to eat your breakfast and watched as Josh ate slowly, chewing thoughtfully on the bacon you’d brought him. “Why a bagel?” he asked, gesturing to the plain bagel you’d brought him, a light layer of peanut butter between the halves. “You always wanted a bagel and peanut butter when we were sick. Mom always made you a peanut butter bagel and brought me what?” you quizzed, knowing he knew the answer. Josh rolled his eyes, “crackers. So boring.”
 You both were able to make it onto the bus by 10:15, only a little behind schedule. “Always late,” Danny tutted as you took your seats at the booth in the middle of the bus. You had all chosen to get onto your bus versus the wardrobe bus today, giving her space to work on finishing whatever she needed to. “Where’s Sam?” Josh asked as he made a cup of tea at the kitchenette. “Bunks,” Danny replied, pointing behind him as he flipped through one of the magazines Emily had left on your bus for some reason. Josh walked over and moved the magazine in Danny’s hands to get a better look at the cover. “People? Really? Of all things, Emily doesn’t get enough drama on the road?” Josh joked. “And you too, for that matter Danny boy,” Josh added, poking at Danny. Danny chuckled but shrugged, “something to pass the time. At least this isn’t about us or our friends.” Josh took a seat and gestured to the cover “actually, Oprah is my friend, so thanks for that.” You all laughed as the bus headed towards the venue.
The ride to the venue was quick and you were all immediately ushered to sound check. “We need to get it done quickly because they’re letting the general admission group come in early due to the weather,” Emily had explained. Sure enough, when you stepped off the bus you were greeted by a downpour, the rain starting to puddle in the parking lot. Everyone made their way to the stage and went through the usual lineup to check your equipment. Everything sounded pretty good after a few minor adjustments, although you could tell Josh was exhausted as he struggled to hit different notes. You went to stand closer to him and noted how he relaxed, although he still was strained. As you exited the stage you all were ushered to the green room, a large open area that split into the various dressing rooms.
Josh immediately went to his room and closed the door, likely getting ready to take a nap. You and Danny went to check in with your seamstress extraordinaire, who looked quite tired. “How’d it go?” she asked in her normal, cheerful manner. Danny talked about how great things sounded and how excited he was for tonight, but all you could think of was the sea of hateful comments you’d read last night. 
Did she know? Had she seen what you had? She smiled at you uneasily. “You okay, Jake?” she asked gently. You nodded and took a seat in a chair to the side of the area of where she was working. “Yeah, I’m great. Tired, but good. You?” She nodded and expressed the same- tired, but good. Sam took a seat on the floor next to you and stretched on the floor, eventually laying back and closing his eyes. “Sam, the floor is probably disgusting, do you want the couch?” she had asked him, but he shook his head, lifting a finger up to silence her, which she had laughed at.
Emily came back, carrying her usual clipboard and frazzled look. “Emily, what’s for lunch?” Sam asked, noticing her presence before she’d even spoken, his eyes still closed. She completely ignored him and looked past all of you, finding comfort in one of the few other women on the tour. “We are having some weather issues,” was all Emily said before bursting into tears. 
Instantly, she was up and taking Emily by the hands and leading her down the hall, whispering to her as Emily sobbed. Something was clearly very wrong, but you and Danny stayed put, giving each other wide-eyed looks of confusion. Sam propped himself up on his elbows before looking around. “Where’d she go? Did I make her upset?” he asked and you shook your head. “Something’s going on, but we have no idea what. It’s fine,” Danny replied, sitting back in his chair as he eased his head back and closed his eyes.
The women came back a short while later, Emily taking off down the hall quickly. “Everything okay?” you asked as she returned to her work. She nodded, not giving you an explanation. “Do you know what we are having for lunch?” Sam asked and she chuckled. “The venue is doing catering. I think it’s Mexican,” was all she said before the room returned to silence.
She had been right- lunch was Mexican. “Should we wake Josh up?” Danny had asked and you nodded. You left your plate and went into his dressing room, taking a moment to adjust to the pitch black. You fumbled through the room, eventually finding his body curled up on the couch on the side of the room. “Hey. It’s almost 1:30, I figured you would want to come get lunch. They have these quesadillas that I think you’ll really like,” you said after gently jostling him awake. “I’m coming,” Josh had answered, still half-asleep. You helped pull him up off the couch and you flipped on the light on your way out, Josh wincing at the brightness as he followed behind you.
The vibe in the green room immediately changed when Josh stepped into the room. He ignored it as he went to make himself a plate and you returned to yours. Josh returned to the group and sat in a chair at the edge of the group, eating quietly. He didn’t so much as look her way, a shift from the day before when they had been side-by-side, eating and joking together. The air was tense, and Danny clearly felt it too from the looks he was giving you. Sam, however, was oblivious as he discussed the set list. Sam argued with Josh for a moment over the opener, eventually getting his way when Josh gave in.
Emily came back into the room as everyone was finishing up lunch, looking even more anxious and frazzled. “So we have a real problem,” Emily started, flipping her clipboard back and forth between her hands. You all waited for her to continue. “So… the arena is flooding.”
“What does that mean? Like, flooding how?” you asked as you searched her face for a clue to just how bad this was. “Like… there’s a leak in the roof. Multiple leaks. And the floor is covered in water. This storm is getting really bad,” Emily said quietly. “Wait…” Danny started, “didn’t you tell us that all the GA people were going to go into the arena early? Because of the storm? Are they in there right now?” Emily nodded slowly, all of you falling silent. “Well, they’re all being taken out into the halls now, because there’s now a hurricane warning. And, you know, because the arena has turned into a swimming pool.” Josh stood, “I want to see.” Everyone nodded in agreement and Emily excused herself to have a quick chat with the security team to facilitate a way to view the damage.
A few moments later, everyone was being escorted by security up through the levels of the arena until you made it out to finally see the damage. Everything Emily had said was true- rain was falling from a few spots in the ceiling, cascading down and splattering onto the concrete floor. There was now a few inches of standing water in the middle of the arena. Workers were milling about as they tried to clean things up, an impossible task as the water continued to fall from the ceiling, much quicker than they could clean. Everyone stood in awe, taking in just how bad the situation was. A few fans were still being ushered out from the area around the stage, all of them passing through the standing water that was collecting as they made their way to the halls surrounding the main area.
As you all headed back to the green room, the severity of the situation started to sink in. “So,” Emily had said after everyone was seated once again, “we are going to have to reschedule, obviously. The leaks won’t be able to be repaired in this storm, and I don’t think they’d be able to clean the water up quick enough anyways.” 
Everyone was silent- having to cancel or reschedule was the absolute worst thing, all of you hating it for so many reasons. The logistics of rescheduling were a nightmare, but the disappointment you all felt from the fan base was worse by far. Everyone’s minds shifted to the fans- people that had likely slept on the concrete outside the venue for hours, if not days, for a chance to get a good spot in the pit. “Obviously we will go break the news, although I don’t think it’ll be a surprise. Some people have left already because they’re piecing things together, but I think most of them will stay put. The storm is really getting bad. I know that we won’t be able to leave for a few hours,” Emily continued.
 “Can we get them food? Waters?” Danny asked, Josh agreeing. “The venue is going to provide food and water for everyone stuck here. Obviously, this is a huge liability, so everyone is being taken care of very well,” Emily clarified.
“Well… I guess we get another day off,” Danny noted, trying to stay positive. “We are just going to have to come back and make it up,” Sam commented, and you agreed. “How does that work?” she asked as she worked on applying beading to a pair of pants. 
She was always working, no matter where she was- always present, but still far off as she hunched over her latest project. Danny explained the rescheduling process to her as she listened and asked occasional questions as she worked. “Well, at least your outfits will be ready when you come back,” she added with a chuckle. “I was really excited about this wardrobe set too,” Josh said quietly, speaking to her for the first time of the day. “I know. They’ll still get their use when you guys come back,” she said, reaching out to squeeze Josh’s knee. He gave her a reserved smile, both trading their usually giggly exchanges for quieter glances back and forth.
The lights flickered as the storm continued to ramp up. You pulled out your phone to check the radar. “Looks like we are about to get the worst of it,” you noted, showing the radar to the group. Everyone had leaned forward to see the screen when the power finally cut out completely. It was pitch black save for the exit signs and the group’s terrified faces reflecting the colorful light from the radar on your phone. 
“Shit,” Sam hissed. You could feel Emily’s presence before you heard her, barely able to make out her shape from the red glow of the emergency exit signs as your eyes adjusted to the dark. “Everyone okay?” Emily shouted and everyone sounded off. “Do they not have generators for this kinda thing?” you heard Danny ask. Nobody had an answer, so you all sat in silence for a few minutes as you waited for something to happen. “I’m thinking we are going to be stuck here for a bit,” you said quietly, everyone groaning in response.
Editing credits to the lovely @joshs-jonch who I’m so grateful to have had on this journey with me!
taglist: @eyelinerjake @radmads-gvf @gretavansara @everyglowinthetwilightknows @fwzco
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lunearobservatory · 2 years
Yk what, I shall fancy you by asking about Idaho and Oregon. Tell me your head cannons about the two of them.
And I mean all of it.
Whether it's crazy, angsty, or something else, I. Don't. Care.
Give me passion for the specific things you love or give me nothing
Grabs you firmly by the shoulders. You have given me Power. STRAP IN FUCKERS!
I'll start with Oregon. Little warning now for weed nicotine alcohol and a small hunting mention i guess? Just in case <3
He's chill! He's cool, he's doing alright. In his own words "good, not great". He seems pretty tight with Washington, they're besties.
The West Coast really do scream "dysfunctional family dynamics" don't they?
(Aka, my three girlfriends West Coast boys, and yes, they smoke weed.)
Anyway, he's with Washington the most. That bit of them hanging out together alone while ignoring California's calls? Yeah, that's them all the time. Washington info dumps about tech and Oregon is a little book nerd who absorbs info (Powell's city of books) and it's a very good combo. They share local coffee shop and microbrew recs and go hiking they are!! Hiking bros!!! They are also couch locked high as fuck watching runbacks of 2004 Cartoon Network bros!!! That La Niña bond!!!
Definitely get very philosophical a lot in conversation, like Wash gets viscerally emotional over space stuff and cried over Spirit the rover being shut down (rip to the real ones i miss them all) and Oregon is like god yeah man human attachment to inanimate objects is so wild. They'll either talk about it for hours OR bounce between topics so stupidly fast they don't even remember why they're talking about what they are or how they got on the topic from where they started.
Sorry for talking abt them forever I just think they're best friends.
As I mentioned Oregon is a big book nerd, he likes nature, probably has a house plant problem (they are all named), he hikes, and HUNTS!
This mf bow hunts, drag this out of my cold hands. Gun too sure but BOW HUNT OREGON. Washington gets icked about blood and killing animals probably so Oregon goes alone. Or maybe with Alaska sometimes? I really love Alaska and the PNW getting along for some reason.
Or, he goes with Ida :)
Idaho is Built Ford Tough thats for fuckin sure, this man's a farmer. And he fishes. He unironically owns several dad joke fishing shirts and a women love me, fish fear me hat. I love him. He's pretty outgoing, he Wyoming and Montana are all fairly good pals, hunting buddies and football friends definitely. Sometimes Colorado is alright to hang with, mostly when Denver is a little quieter.
And in a similar fashion, he and Oregon will get into bitchy fights bc Oregon really is still centered around Portland. Married couple spats yk?
Honestly they're just like. Domestic? I guess? They'll go on weekend hunting trips, Idaho really likes to cook esp with game, Oregon likes to try and pair whatever they're eating with a beer if applicable. It's usually applicable, they're "it's past five pm so it's socially acceptable to have a beer now, right?" people. They definitely have a wicked sourdough starter. Oregon likes kombucha sometimes and Ida thinks it's a hell liquid. They go to fuckin Albertsons and bring back like eight things they didn't need.
I've got a hc I've mentioned somewhere before that the West Coast/PNW including Ida have horrific nicotine addictions, and that Ida goes straight for cigarettes or steals off Oregon, who vapes and has a Juul that they scratched their names into with a pin. They're like That couple.
Idk they're in a way like the country/city boy dynamic but also not? Like Oregon is a bit rough and tumble he isn't a pure city boy. And Ida is like not country per se, more game hunting fisher boy. But it's similar yk? A little bit
Their dates are CUTE, they got that weekend hunting trip, Idaho is land locked so Oregon takes him down the coast, or like to an obscure distillery for flight tasting. Otherwise they just do movie nights and nice dinners. Oregon has taken them hiking to a nice place to see stars and has re-info dumped information from Wash about the stars and stuff and Ida is like wow that's so neat, absolutely not looking at the stars he's looking at Oregon.
I could get into angst but maybe i save that for now since I'm talkin about them bein cute and happy and i want them to have that rn tbh
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
Topgun AU Ideas
As I was scrolling through the Topgun tag on AO3 the other night, I realized that I was starting to see the same tropes and AUs over & over again. And while not a bad thing at all, personally, I'm just starting to get a little bored of reading the same story over & over.
So I started thinking about what kind of AUs I would love to see in the Topgun fandom and then I started making a list and it kind of spiraled out of control. Oops. 😆
I now present to you all my somewhat organized list of AU ideas! And feel free to use them for any fandom, I was just thinking about Topgun as I came up with them all. It's also by no means an exhaustive list so I probably missed some obvious ones.
Military AU ideas: Pentagon/Joint Chiefs/White House Advisor (think The West Wing but for the military - this is the one I've been dying to see someone tackle!) Navy JAG NCIS Blue Angels Air Force Instead of Navy Astronauts/NASA Test Pilots Naval Academy Instructors Adversary/Aggressor Squadron Office of Naval Intelligence Sailors Instead of Pilots Submariners Instead of Pilots Naval Flight School Instructors (Aviation Preflight Indoctrination, Primary Flight Training, Intermediate Flight Training, and/ or Advanced Flight Training)
Character AU ideas: Natasha is Maverick's daughter/niece  Bob is Maverick's son/nephew  Natasha is Ice's daughter/niece Bob is Ice's son/nephew Maverick is Amelia's father Penny Is Also a Pilot Penny’s Father Is An Air Force General Obligatory Goose/Carole/Ice Lives AUs Maverick’s Dad/Mom Lives Any of the younger pilots is the kid of one of the other 86 boys
And a whole lot more under the cut!
American Historical AU ideas: Colonial/Revolutionary War Post-Revolutionary War Lewis & Clark War of 1812 Mexican-American War/The Alamo Wild West (good guys or bad guys) Organ Trail The Gold Rush (California or Alaska) Pony Express Civil War/Reconstruction Transcontinental Railway Cattle Drives Industrial Revolution/The Gilded Age WWI Bootleggers/Rum Runners/1920s Jazz Age Great Depression/Dust Bowl WWII Korean War Vietnam War 1950s/Greasers Moon Race/1960s NASA 1980s/The Cold War
Other Historical AU Ideas: Ancient Greece/Rome Middle Ages Renaissance Tudor Elizabethan Georgian Regency Napoleonic Victorian Edwardian
Fandom AUs: The West Wing Firefly The Avengers Agents of Shield Star Wars Star Trek Harry Potter Percy Jackson Ocean's 11 Mission Impossible Bourne Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan Jack Reacher John Wick Friends New Girl Supernatural How I Met Your Mother Chuck Downton Abbey CSI Jurassic Park Indiana Jones The Office Parks and Rec Pacific Rim
Other Profession AU ideas: Coffee Shop Book Shop Bakery/Candy Maker Winery/Distillery Restaurant/Chef Bartender/Bar Mechanic/Car Repair Shop Doctor/Medical/Hospital Firefighter/Police Officer/Detective Wildfire Firefighter Florist Tattooist Gardener/Gardening Horse Racing Motorsports (NASCAR/F1/Motocross, ect) Professional Sports (baseball, football, hockey, soccer, basketball) Rodeo/Bull Riding Olympians Air Racing (it’s a real thing!) Actors (movie or stage)/Celebrity Ballet Dancers Teachers College Professors Lawyers/Judges National Park Ranger Cruise Ship Pet Groomer/Veterinarian Farmer/Rancher Banker/Financial Bodyguards Zoo Museum/Living Museum Musician/Band Mall (everyone works at different stores at the same mall) Marketing Archeologist Spies Reporters/Journalist News Anchors Lifeguards Assassins Criminals/Thieves/Heist Bounty Hunter
Misc AU Ideas: Royalty/Lost Royalty Time Travel Fae/Fairy Mermaids/Selkies Witch/Wizard Werewolves/Vampires Fantasy/Magic (including modern/urban settings) High Fantasy Dragons Soulmates (color blindness, first words, timestamps, matching marks, can share emotions, Red String of Fate, can share dreams, can see/talk to each other in dreams, can write on each other's skin, telepathic, Soulmate Goose of Enforcement) Omegaverse/ABO (not everyone’s cup of tea, just putting it out there!) Roommates Pirates High School College Mob/Mafia Fairytale Arranged Marriage Accidental Marriage Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage Superhero/Villain Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse Forbidden Love Boarding School Space/Sci-Fi Road Trip Summer Camp Immortal/Reincarnation Hallmark Movie Amnesia Pen Pals Resurrection Animal Shapeshifter May this list inspire all of you amazing fanfic writers out there! 💜
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
Since it’s NYE, I gotta ask.. do you have any info on that NYE party he threw in Utah a few years back? Does he usually throw NYE parties. I think that man staying home this year 😂
Ah, yes, Park City! That was for New Year's Eve 2018. This was actually one of the more unique friends group NYE bashes, as he made it into a fundraiser for Christopher's Haven:
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He got one of his favorite bands, The Midnight, to play the big bash at High West Distillery.
Of course, the trip started as you'd imagine, with an Adam Lavorgna IG post on December 27th:
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A couple days later, Adam also let us know they were taking advantage of the snow up there in Park City:
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On the 31st it was time for the big NYE bash, and you can find a ton of images from this on the internet, as a lot of fans bought tickets to be able to see him there (there are also a ton of stories about the night floating around if you Google):
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If you Google Chris Evans Park City you'll hit a lot of photos from that party.
I have this one photo floating around, and I've always thought this was also that trip, but now realize I may have that misattributed:
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shivshaktimachtech · 2 months
Round Pet Bottle Labeling Machine Manufacturer in Ahmedabad
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Round Pet Bottle Labeling Machine Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. A round PET bottle labeling machine is a specialized equipment designed to apply labels accurately and efficiently onto cylindrical PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles. It ensures consistent placement of labels, enhancing product aesthetics, branding, and compliance with regulatory standards. Why Choose Our Round PET Bottle Labeling Machines? Precision Labeling: Accurate application of labels on round PET bottles, ensuring uniformity and aesthetic appeal. High-Speed Performance: Capable of labeling bottles at high speeds, maximizing production output and efficiency. Versatility: Compatible with various bottle sizes and shapes, accommodating diverse packaging requirements. User-Friendly Design: Intuitive controls and easy adjustments for quick setup and minimal downtime. Durable Construction: Built with robust materials for long-term reliability and minimal maintenance. Applications: Beverage Industry Pharmaceuticals Cosmetics and Personal Care Food Products Chemicals and Household Products Distillery Dairy Agrochemicals Paint Shiv Shakti Machtech is Round Pet Bottle Labeling Machine Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Including Kathwada, Vadodara, Changodar, Gota, Naroda, Nikol, Mehsana, Palanpur, Deesa, Patan, Vapi, Surendranagar, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Rajkot, Amreli, Mahuva, Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Silvassa, Porbandar, Mumbai, Vasai, Andheri, Dadar, Maharashtra, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Pune, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Udaipur, Kota, Bharatpur, Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Ajmer, Delhi, Noida, Baddi, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, Una, Jammu Kashmir, Haryana, Hisar, Gurgaon, Gurugram, Madhya Pradesh, Indore, Bhopal, Ratlam, Jabalpur, Satna, New Delhi, Kolkata, West Bengal, Assam, Asansol, Siliguri, Durgapur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Brahmapur, Puri, Goa, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatna, Hyderabad, Guntur, Chittoor, Kurnool, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam, Karimnagar, Ramagundam, Suryapet, Telangana, Medak, Bengaluru, Bangalore, Mangaluru, Hubballi, Vijayapura, Davanagere, Kalaburagi, Chitradurga, Ballari, Kolar, Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchirapalli, Tiruppur, Salem, Erode, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kozhikode, Thrissur, Kollam, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Kannur, Malappuram, Bharatpur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Alwar, Bhilwara, Nagpur, Amravati, Solapur, Malegaon, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Wardha, Vasai-Virar, Gondia, Hinganghat, Barshi, Ulhasnagar, Nandurbar, Bhusawal, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Kalyan, Satara, Yamuna Nagar, Chhachhrauli. For further details or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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scotianostra · 1 year
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This is a major road junction to the south west of the city centre of Edinburgh, which takes its name from a local historical land area.
The earliest reference to Tollcross dates from 1439 with Tolcors being the typical early form with the cors ending continuing in use to the late 18th century. Towcroce and Tolcroce appear in the early 16th century. Stuart Harris has pointed out that there were no crossroads until modern times and that there is no evidence for such meaning as "toll at a crossroad". He derives the name from cors with cros as a later form (as in Old Welsh toll cors, meaning a boggy hollow) and that the ending -corse would have aptly described the low-lying area beside the now culverted Lochrin Burn running between the slopes of the Burgh Muir and the High Riggs south of the Grassmarket, High Riggs is the area behind the trees in the middle of the pic.
From the earliest, the name has referred to an area of land. It is called "Lands of Tolcross" in a 1649 Charter of Charles II: "South parts of Tollcross owned by Major James Weir" in 1814: "That part of the village of Portsburgh called Tollcross" in 1836. In an Act of 1771 in the reign of George III, when suburbs outside the royalty of Edinburgh were made into districts, one of the districts was "to be one District called Toll-Cross".
Archaeological excavations by Headland Archaeology in 2012, as part of a planning condition in advance of development, found evidence of occupation of the area during the Medieval period. The excavations found the transformation of the area from an agricultural landscape to an industrial area, including the remains of the Lochrin Distillery, a slaughterhouses, Edinburgh Ice and Cold Storage Company’s unit, an ice rink and a garage, that had been built over each other.
Tollcross is at the end of the road which runs from the West End of Princes Street, up Lothian Road, to Earl Grey Street to one of the busiest junctionsin the citym where t leads straight on to Brougham Stree towards The Meadows, to the right on to Home Street, the road leads to Bruntsfield and Morningside, and to the left along Lauriston Place past Edinburgh College of Art, George Herriots School and The University of Edinburgh at Teviot.
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rhinokck · 9 months
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Side by side of barrel aged stouts with vanilla. First up was Void Shaker, from Funky Buddha out of Oakland Park, FL. Aged in bourbon barrels from High West Distillery out of Park City, UT. This was really good, a roasty flavor with vanilla with a slightly boozy finish. Next up was Parabolita from Firestone Walker out of Paso Robles, CA. This is a barrel aged stout vanilla beans, cocoa nibs and sea salt. This was excellent, one of the best stouts I’ve had lately. A caramel ish flavor with hints of vanilla& chocolate.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
6 October 2022
Grand Master, The Royal Victorian Order, will attend the Annual Evensong and Reception, Savoy Chapel, Savoy Hill, London WC2.
Colonel, The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons), will attend the Blues and Royals Club Annual Dinner at Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park London, 66 Knightsbridge, London SW1.
7 October 2022
Patron, Minchinhampton Surgery Charitable Trust, will attend a Reception at Chavenage House, Tetbury, Gloucestershire.
8 October 2022
Patron, the Wooden Spoon Society, will attend the VetsFest Rugby Tournament at Moseley Rugby Club, Billesley Common, Yardley Wood Road, Billesley, Birmingham, West Midlands.
11 October 2022
Will visit the Lakes Distillery at Cockermouth, Setmurthy, Cumbria.
President, Riding for the Disabled Association, will visit the Blairgowrie Group at Easter Rattray Farm, Blairgowrie, Perth and Kinross.
Will visit the International Fire and Rescue Association training facility at Strathore Road, Thornton, Kirkcaldy, Fife.
12 October 2022
Patron, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, will hold a 50th Anniversary of Patronage Reception at St. James's Palace.
Will attend the Annual National Service for Seafarers at St. Paul's Cathedral, St. Paul's Churchyard, London EC4.
Court Member, The Fishmongers' Company, will attend the Court Autumn Dinner at Fishmongers' Hall, London Bridge, London EC4.
13 October 2022
Patron, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, will attend a Reception at Members' Dining Room, House of Commons, London SW1.
Patron, The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK), will attend the Women in Logistics Annual Conference at Volvo Trucks UK and Ireland, Wedgnock Lane, Warwick, Warwickshire.
Life Vice President, National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs, will attend a 90th Anniversary Dinner at the Farmers Club, 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1.
14 October 2022
President, Riding for the Disabled Association, will open new North Pembrokeshire and Cardigan Premises at Havard Stables, Dinas Cross, Newport, Dyfed.
Will open Haverfordwest High School at Queensway, Haverfordwest, Dyfed.
Will attend the 2022 World Rowing Coastal Championships Beach Sprints and open the Coastal Schooner Interpretation Centre at Saundersfoot Harbour Events Deck, Saundersfoot, Dyfed.
17 October 2022
Past Master, the Worshipful Company of Woolmen, will attend a Dinner at Mansion House, Walbrook, London EC4.
Gatcombe Park: Guardian, Give Them a Sporting Chance, will hold a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park.
Gatcombe Park: Guardian, The Chaffinch Trust, will hold a Management Team Meeting at Gatcombe Park.
18 October 2022
Will attend the Clothiers Company 500th Anniversary of Ordinances Dinner, the Guildhall, High Street, Worcester, Worcestershire.
19 October 2022
Patron, Sense Scotland, will open TouchBase East Dunbartonshire, 59 Springfield Road, Bishopbriggs, Dunbartonshire.
Patron, Columba 1400, will attend a Reception and Dinner at Blair Estate, Dalry, Ayr and Arran.
Patron, Seagull Trust Cruises, will re-commission Canal Passenger Boat, 100 Southbank Road, Kirkintilloch, Dunbartonshire.
20 October 2022
President, Riding for the Disabled Association, will visit Ashmount, Ruddington & Wenlo RDA Groups at Meadow School of Riding, Bowley's Barn Farm, Stanford Lane, Normanton-on-Soar, Loughborough, Nottinghamshire.
Will attend the Seven Seas Club Centenary and Trafalgar Night Dinner at the National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Place, London SW1.
Will visit Kays Scotland, 9 Barskimming Road, Mauchline, Ayr and Arran.
21 October 2022
Patron, Maritime UK, will launch the National Centre for Coastal Autonomy at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place, Plymouth, Devon.
Will visit the Centre for Space Technologies at Cornwall Airport Newquay, St. Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall.
Will visit Communications Facility, Goonhilly Downs, Helston, Cornwall.
1 November 2022
Will visit the restored Junk Yacht Boleh at Haslar Marina, Gosport, Hampshire.
Patron, The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, will open the Gosport Services Community Hub at Brune Park Community School, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire.
Will visit the restored Junk Yacht Boleh at Haslar Marina, Gosport, Hampshire.
3 November 2022
Will attend a Luncheon at Coutts, 440 Strand, London WC2.
Patron, The Royal College of Emergency Medicine, will attend a Conference at Octavia House, 54 Ayres Street, London SE1.
President, British Olympic Association, will attend the TeamGB Dinner in Central London (venue tbc).
4 November 2022
Patron, Moredun Foundation, will attend a Conference at Pentlands Science Park, Bush Loan, Penicuik, Midlothian.
5 November 2022
Patron, Scottish Rugby Union, will attend Scotland versus Fiji International Rugby Match at Murrayfield Stadium, the City of Edinburgh.
8 November 2022
Royal Fellow, The Royal Academy of Engineering, will attend a New Fellows' Dinner at Drapers' Hall, Throgmorton Street, London EC2.
9 November 2022
Patron, Learning and Work Institute, will attend an 'Art for the People' event at City Lit College, 1 - 10 Keeley Street, London WC2.
Chancellor, Harper Adams University, will attend a 'How do we achieve Net Zero in Farming and Food?' discussion at Rabobank, Thames Court, One Queenhithe, London.
Commandant-in-Chief (Youth), St. John Ambulance, will hold a Young Achievers' Reception at St. James's Palace.
10 November 2022
President, World Horse Welfare, will attend the Annual Conference at Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7.
Patron, Wetwheels Foundation, will attend a Reception at Mansion House, Walbrook, London EC4.
11 November 2022
as President, Royal Yachting Association, will chair the Annual General Meeting, attend awards ceremony and luncheon at One Great George Street, London SW1.
15 November 2022
President, Riding for the Disabled Association, will visit the Maisemore Group to mark the Fiftieth Anniversary at Hartpury College and University, Hartpury, Gloucestershire.
16 November 2022
Patron, St Margaret's Chapel Guild, will attend an Annual Service at St. Margaret's Chapel and subsequently attend the Annual General Meeting, Queen Anne Room, Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh.
will attend a Service to mark the nine hundred and fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of Priory at Dunfermline Abbey, St. Margaret Street, Dunfermline, Fife.
24 November 2022
Chancellor, University College of Osteopathy, will attend the Graduation Ceremony at Bridge Theatre, 3 Potters Fields Park, London, SE1.
will attend a Biennial Reunion Reception of the Association of Royal Yachtsmen at the Royal Thames Yacht Club, 60 Knightsbridge, London SW1.
25 November 2022
Colonel in Chief, Intelligence Corps, will take the salute at a Passing Out Parade at Chicksands, Bedfordshire.
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winsoldwinsold · 16 days
Photo Virtual Tour Toronto: A New Way to Experience the City
Toronto, Canada’s largest city, is renowned for its cultural diversity, world-class landmarks, and bustling urban atmosphere. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, Toronto has something to offer for everyone. However, with the rise of technology and the need for more immersive experiences, the way people explore the city has changed. Enter the Photo Virtual Tour Toronto — a new and innovative way to discover the heart of Toronto without leaving the comfort of your home.
The Evolution of Virtual Tourism
Virtual tours have grown significantly in recent years, particularly after the global pandemic limited travel opportunities. This shift made it clear that people were still eager to explore new places, but in a safer, more convenient manner. Toronto has been no exception to this trend, with its famous landmarks now offering virtual tours that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
In addition to traditional virtual tours, aᅠPhoto Virtual Tour allows users to experience the city in a series of high-resolution, panoramic photographs. These photos are often taken by professional photographers and capture key spots across Toronto. The viewer can navigate through these images, moving from one location to another, and immersing themselves in the experience as if they were physically present.
Why Toronto is Perfect for a Photo Virtual Tour
Toronto is a city of contrasts — from historic neighborhoods like the Distillery District to modern marvels like the CN Tower. These contrasts make Toronto the perfect city for a Photo Virtual Tour, as each district offers its own unique flavor.
Iconic Landmarks
CN Tower: Perhaps the most iconic structure in Toronto, the CN Tower is a must-see for any visitor. On a virtual tour, you can experience the 360-degree views from the top, allowing you to gaze over Lake Ontario, the Toronto Islands, and the bustling downtown core.
Royal Ontario Museum: The ROM is one of the largest museums in North America and offers an extensive collection of world culture and natural history. While a physical tour offers a hands-on experience, a virtual photo tour provides up-close views of its impressive architecture, including the stunning Michael Lee-Chin Crystal.
Distillery District: Famous for its cobblestone streets and well-preserved Victorian-era industrial buildings, the Distillery District is a photographer’s dream. A photo virtual tour captures the essence of this charming neighborhood, showcasing its art galleries, shops, and restaurants.
Natural Beauty
Toronto Islands: Escape the city without leaving it by virtually touring the Toronto Islands. The islands are a perfect spot for a peaceful walk or bike ride, and the photo virtual tour can take you through beaches, parks, and marinas. The Toronto skyline, as seen from the islands, is also a highlight worth viewing.
High Park: High Park, located in the west end, offers a perfect mix of nature and recreational space. With its large green areas, hiking trails, and the famous cherry blossoms in the spring, a photo tour of this park can allow viewers to experience the serenity and beauty it provides.
Cultural Hotspots
Kensington Market: One of Toronto’s most culturally diverse neighborhoods, Kensington Market is known for its bohemian vibe. From unique street art to eclectic stores and restaurants, a photo virtual tour here offers a lively, colorful experience.
Graffiti Alley: This vibrant spot is a must-see for art lovers. Located near Queen Street West, Graffiti Alley is filled with incredible street art and murals. On a photo virtual tour, the bright colors and intricate designs come to life, allowing viewers to appreciate the creativity of Toronto’s local artists.
Benefits of a Photo Virtual Tour
One of the primary advantages of a Photo Virtual Tour Toronto is accessibility. People who might not have the opportunity to visit Toronto in person can still explore its beauty and culture. Whether due to distance, mobility issues, or time constraints, virtual tours break down barriers, making Toronto available to everyone.
Flexible Exploration
Unlike a traditional tour with a guide, a virtual photo tour allows users to explore at their own pace. Want to spend more time examining the intricate details of a street mural in Graffiti Alley? No problem. Feel like skipping to the CN Tower’s observation deck? You can do that too. The ability to customize your experience makes virtual tours particularly appealing for those who prefer self-guided adventures.
Travel costs can add up quickly, especially in a bustling city like Toronto. With a photo virtual tour, you can experience the city’s highlights without breaking the bank. This makes it an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers or families looking for affordable ways to explore new destinations.
With environmental concerns on the rise, reducing one’s carbon footprint has become an important aspect of modern travel. A photo virtual tour allows you to see the world without contributing to pollution from planes, cars, or buses. By participating in virtual tourism, you’re also supporting the sustainable tourism movement, which seeks to protect natural and cultural resources for future generations.
How to Experience a Photo Virtual Tour of Toronto
Most Photo Virtual Tours of Toronto can be accessed through a variety of platforms, including websites dedicated to virtual tourism, photography portfolios, and even social media. These platforms often use cutting-edge technology to stitch together multiple photos into a seamless, interactive experience.
Here are a few ways you can start your virtual exploration of Toronto:
Photography Websites: Many professional photographers in Toronto offer virtual tours on their websites. These tours allow users to navigate through key locations in the city using high-resolution images.
Museum and Landmark Websites: Some of Toronto’s most popular attractions offer virtual tours directly on their websites. For example, the CN Tower and the Royal Ontario Museum both have virtual tour options that provide stunning photographic views of their spaces.
Social Media: Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are also great places to find virtual tours of Toronto. Many local photographers and influencers share their favorite shots of the city, and some even offer guided tours through Instagram stories or live broadcasts.
The Future of Photo Virtual Tours
As technology continues to evolve, so will virtual tourism. We’re already seeing advancements in interactive features, such as augmented reality (AR) and 360-degree photography, which enhance the immersive experience. In the future, we can expect photo virtual tours to become even more sophisticated, providing users with an even closer experience of being in the physical location.
For Toronto, this means an even wider audience will be able to appreciate its beauty, history, and culture. Whether it’s through traditional tours, photo virtual tours, or augmented reality experiences, the city will continue to captivate visitors from around the globe.
Final Thoughts
A Photo Virtual Tour of Toronto offers an incredible opportunity to explore this vibrant city from anywhere in the world. From the towering CN Tower to the artistic Graffiti Alley, Toronto’s diverse attractions come to life through high-quality photography. As more people embrace this innovative way of touring, photo virtual tours are set to become a staple in the future of travel. Whether you’re planning a future trip to Toronto or just curious about the city, a virtual tour provides a fascinating glimpse into one of the world’s most dynamic urban landscapes.
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castlesrp · 5 days
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👑♟️ KNOW ME NOW♟️👑
The legacy of the Anderson family begins on the West Coast, beginning three generations ago with a dream of a vineyard that ended up scaling to a global enterprise that left the Anderson Distilleries as one of the leading wine and alcohol distilleries in North America. We are seeking First Anderson, 23, Anya Taylor-Joy to help us complete the family!
In the opulent world of New York City’s elite, where fortunes are built and dynasties are solidified over generations, the hidden struggles behind the façade of wealth and privilege are bursting at the seems. Fourteen prominent families hold the keys to the kingdom, each with their own unique and storied legacy of accumulating vast wealth and influence within different industries while simultaneously grappling with the shadows that lurk within their gilded lives. As the elder generations of these families age and relinquish control, the younger heirs step into positions of power, bringing with them a wave of new conflicts and alliances. Against a backdrop of family feuds, legal battles over trust funds, sham adoptions, and even murder accusations, the glittering exterior of their opulent lives conceals a labyrinth of secrets and betrayals.
Welcome to KNOW ME NOW! We are a semi-private, 18+, canon only real life roleplay set in New York, New York, following fourteen elite families within high society. With over 225 canons available, we feature a linear plot following our fourteen canon families as they clamor for success, making and breaking alliances with one another, and creating a roleplay space focused on weaving intricate stories with one another in a safe and collaborative environment.
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therpdirectory · 18 days
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👑♟️ KNOW ME NOW♟️👑
The legacy of the Anderson family begins on the West Coast, beginning three generations ago with a dream of a vineyard that ended up scaling to a global enterprise that left the Anderson Distilleries as one of the leading wine and alcohol distilleries in North America. We are seeking First Anderson, 23, Anya Taylor-Joy to help us complete the family!
In the opulent world of New York City’s elite, where fortunes are built and dynasties are solidified over generations, the hidden struggles behind the façade of wealth and privilege are bursting at the seems. Fourteen prominent families hold the keys to the kingdom, each with their own unique and storied legacy of accumulating vast wealth and influence within different industries while simultaneously grappling with the shadows that lurk within their gilded lives. As the elder generations of these families age and relinquish control, the younger heirs step into positions of power, bringing with them a wave of new conflicts and alliances. Against a backdrop of family feuds, legal battles over trust funds, sham adoptions, and even murder accusations, the glittering exterior of their opulent lives conceals a labyrinth of secrets and betrayals.
Welcome to KNOW ME NOW! We are a semi-private, 18+, canon only real life roleplay set in New York, New York, following fourteen elite families within high society. With over 225 canons available, we feature a linear plot following our fourteen canon families as they clamor for success, making and breaking alliances with one another, and creating a roleplay space focused on weaving intricate stories with one another in a safe and collaborative environment.
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jcinktinder · 19 days
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👑♟️ KNOW ME NOW♟️👑
The legacy of the Anderson family begins on the West Coast, beginning three generations ago with a dream of a vineyard that ended up scaling to a global enterprise that left the Anderson Distilleries as one of the leading wine and alcohol distilleries in North America. We are seeking First Anderson, 25, Harry Styles to help us complete the family!
In the opulent world of New York City’s elite, where fortunes are built and dynasties are solidified over generations, the hidden struggles behind the façade of wealth and privilege are bursting at the seems. Fourteen prominent families hold the keys to the kingdom, each with their own unique and storied legacy of accumulating vast wealth and influence within different industries while simultaneously grappling with the shadows that lurk within their gilded lives. As the elder generations of these families age and relinquish control, the younger heirs step into positions of power, bringing with them a wave of new conflicts and alliances. Against a backdrop of family feuds, legal battles over trust funds, sham adoptions, and even murder accusations, the glittering exterior of their opulent lives conceals a labyrinth of secrets and betrayals.
Welcome to KNOW ME NOW! We are a semi-private, 18+, canon only real life roleplay set in New York, New York, following fourteen elite families within high society. With over 225 canons available, we feature a linear plot following our fourteen canon families as they clamor for success, making and breaking alliances with one another, and creating a roleplay space focused on weaving intricate stories with one another in a safe and collaborative environment.
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