#nymphie watches one piece
nymph1e · 1 year
Boa Hancock, most beautiful woman in the world, Warlord of the Sea, The Snake Princess, Empress of Amazon Lily, deaming of becomming Luffy's tradwife and his aroace butt having zero interest in it is objectively the funniest thing in this anime thus far.
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seriouslysam8 · 2 months
He is startled awake by the ringing of his cell bars... He doesn't even know how long he's been here... Days. Weeks. It could have been minutes for all he knows.
He groggily realizes someone is talking to. Something about his master not even being able to finish the job correctly. That couldn't be right he doesn't have a master.
his musings are cut short when something smacks him in the face. He peers at the offending object and blearily readreads the headline stating "THE BOY-WHO-LIVES RETURNS HOME" when he's jerked into attentiveness by the picture on the front page
It's Harry... His Harry. But that can't be right Harry's only a toddler.. This Harry is way too old. Before he can make out more of the details the paper is suddenly ripped out his grasp.
Nooooo he tries to scream but it comes out more as a whimper.
The guard finds this funny for some reason as he snarls at him "you'll never lay a finger on the boy. You failed, you piece of scum." He then hears a clanging as the unknown guard walks away.
The preceding nights are the worst he remembers as he continuously relives the worst night of his life.
He's sprinting up the steps. Not even processing the blown apart roof. All he sees is the door blasted off its hinges.
He immediately comes across the first body and collapses immediately.
"Nooooo" he able to scream this time. "James what have I done!! It's all my bloody fault".
He's jerked outta his self loathing because he just knows he needs to see the confirmation of his greatest failure.
As he stands up he whispers "we'll see each other soon Prongs. I promise you that."
He doesn't know how much longer it is but he's thankfully pulled from the nightmare of reliving finding James' prone body next to the couch by the rattling of his cell.
He blearily stares up at his cell door when he recognizes Moody and no that's not right nymphy is a little girl. And she'd never look at him with such disgust.
But no it's not Moody or even his little cousin that grabs his attention. It's another newspaper headline but this time it proclaims loudly "HARRY POTTER MEETS FAMED GILDEROY LOCKHART!"
He reaches out as if it's a lifeline. He's older this time but he can tell it's been a year maybe two this time. He whimpers out a soft "I'll find you Harry".
"not on my watch you wont black" Moody sneers.
If he thought his dreams were bad after the previous newspaper he was sadly mistaken. It's as if the dementors could sense the new happiness inside him
He doesn't know how but he's able to drag himself up the stairs.
Another door blasted apart. "oh Lils why didn't you take Harry and flee. It's all my fault."
He collapses the second time that night next to the body of his sister. The person who knows him better than anyone besides James. The one who understands his terrible family only like someone who can because of shared experiences.
He can't even muster a cry of anguish this time as hot tears cascade down his cheeks. He doesn't even immediately feel the frigid cold November night air against his skin.
It's the soft voices this time that wake him from his self hatred. He's not even sure why he asks for the newspaper he sees the man holding. He deludes himself it's for the crossword, like he could possibly solve it in his current state. But it's definitely not for the infinitesimal chance to see his godson on the front page.
He does a quick glance at the front page and sighs in disappointment when he doesn't see Harry. He barely registers the story on the bottom with a picture of smiling happy family before he angrily tosses it into the corner.
Why was he being so stupid to think he would actually see Harry again.
It's hours later or maybe it's days or weeks who knows in this godforsaken place he definitely deserves to be in when he finally gives the photo at the bottom more than a passing glance.
He doesn't know how long he's staring at the photo trying to convince himself of what he's actually seeing.
"there's no way. He was never quicker than me. My curse hit him." But there's no denying that rat sitting on the boys shoulder is THE RAT. the rat that betrayed them all.
He should have known better than to think his nightmares couldn't get worse after seeing his godson for the first time in the previous articles. Since when did things ever work out for him. He's a Black for crying out loud. Nothing but destruction followed his wake. So in a twisted way he knew he deserved the horrors that awaited him that night.
That's when he finally hears it. The whimper that would haunt him forever. The whimper of his godson calling for him "pa'foo!!"
He's on his feet and at the crib and picking Harry up in an instant. Every other thought immediately leaving his mind.
He's so focused on consoling Harry he doesn't even see the blood trickling down his forehead
"ssshhhh Harry. It's ok. I'm here kiddo. Sirius is here buddy." He knows he's lying to the kid but he knows he needs to be strong for him.
He carefully hides his godsons face in his neck as he carefully steps over Lily to take him downstairs and away from the horrors within.
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animentality · 6 years
.... that thing about your old pets got to me. it brought back memories of the fishes i once had and how uncomfortable i was watching them all slowly just deteriorate in their tiny fishy bowls. after the last one perished i refused to get anymore because i knew of how i couldn't take care of them properly and it was better for them to not be under my care anymore.
I was the one who found all three of my rabbits dead.
Like no joke, it was always me who found our animals dead.
My first rabbit, Albus, at least he got out sometimes for a walk.
At least he had a long and happy life with someone else before he came to our family and he didn't live with us too long.
But my second and third rabbits?
We just...didn't know what to do with rabbits.
We had them in cages together, but never really let them out because they didn't really do much other than wander around and poop.
The male, Lupin, had this ball that he used to hump, cuz he was horny af, lmao, but he really did nothing else. And Nymphadora didn't have anything at all to do in her cage.
Because we didn't know what rabbits need.
We cleaned their cages but their lives were literally just being trapped in a cage.
I can't imagine how horrible that must've been for them.
Nymphie died soon after we got our second and third dogs.
She was just stressed out and hated the noise of the new dogs.
I came in the living room and saw she was lying down funny. Went to pet her and felt how she was stiff as a board.
Knew she was dead because I had found Albus (first rabbit) previously dead and was aware of what it felt like.
Remus followed soon after.
I wonder now if they just couldn't handle being in the same house as three dogs or if they just gave up or something on living after three years of being in a cage.
I cried for Albus.
I didn't cry for the other two.
I don't know why.
Maybe I was secretly relieved that this responsibility was gone. Maybe I was happy that they had gone on to a better place, maybe some meadow in the sky where they could really enjoy themselves.
And our fish were worse off because we had an absolutely piece of shit bowl made of plastic with nothing at all in it.
It was just a piece of plastic with a divider in the middle for when we had beta fish.
And I wonder now if having a male rival so close to you, but on the other side of a barrier, within visual range, is intensely stressful for betas?
I barely remember our goldfish, we didn't have many, but we had a lot of beta fish.
My mom kept buying them for us until we eventually said no, we don't want to watch those fish swim around doing nothing in a plastic prison all day.
I hate my younger self for being so callous and I think my mom even feels guilty now for not knowing how to take care of these animals before assigning them to our home, the pet penal colony.
It haunts me to this day.
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nymph1e · 1 year
Wow this mission to rescue Luffy's doomed-by-the-narative brother isn't going too well, huh?
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nymph1e · 1 year
I was just looking through my blog and MAN - I really did just black out and reblog a bunch of trans sanji stuff to Cope with his timeskip bullshit didn't i?
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