#o’brien is very happy with how his pet project is turning out
corvidaeconundrum · 2 months
For mark and O’brian ⚽️
Soccer Ball- Who is someone that your OC believes in and roots for? Are they private about their admiration or do they make it well known?
Mark is very Team Sarah, understandably. He makes it his duty to protect her, and keep her life easy and fulfilling and tries his best to make sure things go her way. He keeps this private from the other Reborn, and especially keeps it away from Lucifer, though hes halfway sure he already knows. He does make it well known to others though, such as other lower alternates, or Adam and Jonah once he catches whiff of their behavior.
O’Brien roots for Cesar, all the way. He is very proud of how his Midnight Star has proven itself, and hopes to see the it become a true harbinger of the new world. He is very vocal about this, especially to Mary and Joseph, though he makes sure they keep the whole thing under wraps from Mark. He doesn’t want it interfering.
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draco-kasai · 3 years
Hero Collaboration Program
Summery: High School Hero Collaboration Program! Helping Sophomore hero students connect with others around the world! Come join us for a two-week-long trip to one of our schools for an amazing once in a lifetime experience with students of Yuuei! Only a lucky 40 students will be selected for this program. They will be split into two groups of 20 and sent to different schools to have completely unique experiences!
A/N: AKA, A very ambitious fanfic I started because even though I have another fanfic in progress my brain decided to give me an idea and I just had to do it. These are all characters I adore and I even did lots of research on them to hopefuly get them down right. I also too many backstories and threw them into a meat grinder to remold them in a way that would make them fit into this universe. 
I love Class 1-A, but like they need to be taken down a peg or two, and I want to see them get their asses handed to them.
Ch. 1 part 3 of 3 Program Sign-Ups  
Chapter 1 pt 1 --> Chapter 1 pt 2  --> -Chapter 2-
“Hola mama.” a teen smiled softly at the woman behind the desk. His brown hair, that almost looked a reddish orange in the light, was a curly mess, almost hiding his two round, striped ears.
The older woman looked away from the computer screen she had been typing at to smile at her son, “Manny, Hola mijito. What brings you to the library? A project?”
“Um, no, not really…” brown eyes glanced over to one of the bookshelves. A girl with shoulder-length blue hair, and red goggles, gave him two thumbs up, a large grin on her lips before she left. Looking back at his mother, Manny spoke, “I, uh, wanted to know if you’d let me sign up for the Hero Collaboration Program!”
His mother tilted her head to the side in confusion, “Hero Collaboration Program?”
“Uh, yeah, It’s this whole program for first year hero students in preparatoria.” Manny began to explain as his mother turned to attend someone who wanted to check out a book, “Basically we go on a two-week-long trip to California, and meet and work with other kids from around the world. We’re going to be working with students from a specific school in Japan. Frida and I want to sign up as a team!”
“That’s very nice and all Manny but… well, why are you asking me?” His mother asked as she waved goodbye to the student.
“What do you mean?”
“Well… It’s just… you don’t usually ask me for permission with aanything since we don't... live together, you usually just go to your father or grandpapi. Never me…” Maria frowned, a hand fiddling with a hoop earring.
Manny let out a soft sigh as he ruffled his hair, “Well, yeah, but papa and -.... He would obviously say ‘yes’ and I wanted your opinion. I mean… I don’t see you as often as it is, and being with dad is great and all, but… you're my mom.”
Maria placed a hand over her heart, face full of concern, “Manny… ” Pausing, she looked around for a moment. Telling her son to wait, she walked off to speak to someone before coming back and grabbing her bag. Taking her son’s hand, she led them out of the library and over to a park. Sitting them both down at a bench, the older woman began to speak, “Now then… Is everything alright, baby?”
Brown eyes widened in surprise at his mother's question, “W - what do you mean?”
Maria let out a soft huff, “Manny, I may not be around often, but I can tell something is bothering you. I don’t think it’s my permission you were worried about.” her son let out a heavy sigh.
"Well… it's just that, ever since I decided to join the hero classes when we started preparatoria things at home have been… tense. Like grandpa has been distant and dad has been doting all over me more. Even training at home isn't even fun anymore! It’s so suffocating to even be home anymore! I’ve had to stay over Frida’s house a few times cause I just can’t take it!"
“The Suarez’s are letting you stay over?”
“Yeah, Mr Emiliano doesn’t really know what’s going on, but I think he has an idea… he’s been trying to be nicer to me...”
“When did this happen?”
“Um… Like a while ago? Uh, sometime in September?”
Maria frowns at this news. The fact that her son doesn’t feel comfortable at home anymore is worrying. Not just that, but he didn’t even come to her when this all started. Biting her lip, she asked, “Why didn’t you come to me sooner?”
Manny lowered his head, avoiding eye contact, “I didn’t want to bother you with my problems. I probably wouldn’t even have told Frida if she hadn’t been there when I announced my intentions for becoming a hero to them.”
His mother’s frown only deepened at this. He should know that he wouldn’t be a bother to her. No, not her son, never her son. She thought they were closer than that. “... Have you spoken to them about it?”
“...No… Whenever I try bringing it up, they just… brush it off or get distracted with something else. Besides, what am I even supposed to say to them?”
His mother bit her lower lip in thought. Her hand wandered up to gently pet her son’s head, eliciting a soft purr from him. She hasn’t been there enough for her son. Leaving her husband was difficult, but leaving Manny had been the hardest part. She would have taken him with her, but not even she was sure if her Mariachi band would do well, and they didn’t either till they finally caught a break. Once things for her had become more secure, she wanted to have Manny travel with her, to see the world, but he was already happy with his father and his best friend. She couldn't take that from him. Seeing him once a month was enough for her.
“Do you want to stay with me for a while?” She blinked in surprise at the sudden question that left her lips. Looking down, she could see the shock in her son’s face. He obviously wasn’t expecting the question either, “I mean… You can stay until you know what to say to your father and grandpa or… if you want, you could… can stay as long as you like.”
Manny stared up at his mother. He remained silent for a moment before he spoke, “Is… is that okay?”
“Of course it is, mijo. I have a spare guest room. You are always welcome. My door is always open for you, no matter what.” Many smiled weakly and hugged his mother.
“Gracias mama.” He mumbled softly into his mother's shoulder. The two sat like that for a while till Maria finally pulled away.
“Now then, let’s go get your things from the house, yeah?” She smiled softly as she whipped the stray tears from her son’s freckled cheeks. With a nod, they both got to their feet and began walking.
“So, did you really want my permission for the program?”
“Yeah, I wanted an unbiased opinion.”
“Well, I think you should go. Consider it a vacation.” She ruffled her son’s hair, “Will your girlfriend be joining you?”
“Yeah! We stopped by her dad’s work during our last recess. He was pretty okay with it. She may not be becoming a cop like the rest of her family, but they’re still pretty proud of her.” Manny grinned, “Frida and I are really excited about this!”
“I’m glad.” Maria found herself grinning as well.
Frida Suarez. Age 16. Seat 4. Student Rank 13. Hero Name: Rockster. Quirk: Quirkless.
Karate, Hand to Hand, parkour
Manuel Pablo Gutierrez O’Brien Equihua Rivera. Age 16. Seat 5. Student Rank 17. Hero Name: El Tigre. Quirk: Tigre
Has striped ears, tail and fangs. Has stripes going down his arms, legs and back just like a Tiger. Roar can temporarily paralyze anyone in range. When angry, his eyes turn green, making him lose control to instincts.
Agile, hand to hand, night vision, sensitive hearing
“Good morning” A slim girl with slick waist long black hair mumbled as she walked into the kitchen.
“Oh, hey honey, you’re just on time. I made pancakes.” A large, buff man with blond hair placed another pancake on a plate.
“Good morning, Violet.” The girl's mother greeted from across the island as she fed the baby.
“Morning guys,” She ruffles her baby brother's hair, “morning Jack Jack.” The toddler let out a fit of giggles as he clapped his hands together.
“Where’s your brother? I don’t want him rushing through breakfast again.” The girl's mother looked around as she spoke. Violet shrugs her shoulders as she sits in her seat on the island and gratefully takes the plate of pancakes her father offered her.
“Probably still in the shower.” She responded, pouring syrup on her breakfast, “Uh, hey mom… did…did you look at that packet I gave you yesterday?”
“Packet?” Her father cocked up an eyebrow as he set down a plate for his son and wife, “What packet?”
“Bob, I talked to you about it last night.” His wife rolled her eyes fondly, cleaning her son's face, she nodded, “I did, I think you should apply.”
“Really?” Violet perked up, food in her mouth.
“Don’t speak with your mouth full.” Bob set down his own plate and took a seat at the island, “Last night? Oh, you mean the exchange program, right? Yeah, I don’t see why not, sweetie.”
“Ooo! Pancakes!” A younger blond shouted followed by a small gush of wind, the boy suddenly appearing in his seat.
“Dash, no running in the house.” His mother reprimanded, earning a soft sorry.
“Really? I can apply? Yes! Oh my gosh!” Violet cheers, happily wiggling in her seat.
“Apply for what? What did I miss?” drowning his pancakes in syrup, Dash glances at everyone.
“Your sister is going to be applying for a two-week hero program. She’ll be interacting and training with other hero hopefuls from across the country and other places of the world.” His mother explained. Jack Jack squealed from next to her and clapped his hands together.
“Whoa, cooool! You’ve got to tell me how it goes! That sounds awesome! I want to sign up too!” Dash bounces in his seat
“Well, you’ve got to wait till you’re a sophomore in high school since it’s a sophomore only program.” Violet explained as she waved around her fork. Her younger brother pouted at this.
“Don’t worry, Dash, you can apply when you get to 10th grade too.” His father's reassurance made the boy grin, “Now eat up kids, It’s my turn to take you all to school.”
Violet Parr. Age 15. Seat 14. Student Rank 14 Hero Name: Violet. Quirk: Flyrogensis
Can create force fields to protect herself or use in battle. Is able to generate fields to throw or break through solid objects.
Hand to hand, stealth
“Good morning Rudy!” A short, plump woman greeted her son happily, placing down a plate of eggs, home styled fries and wheat toast. On the table across sat a tall, scrawny man already eating happily.
“Good morning kiddo!” he greeted with a wave.
“Morning ma, morning pop.” Rudy smiled, sitting himself down at the table.
“Did you ever make your decision on that program you told us about a few days ago, sweetie?” Millie asked, finally sitting down to enjoy her own breakfast.
“Oh that’s right! That hero thing, right?” His father, Joe, turned his full attention to his son.
“Oh, yeah, actually I did. I decided to go ahead and apply.” Rudy’s green eyes looked away from his parents and picked at his food, “I uh, I still want to become an artist but… I also really like helping people. There’s a bunch of heroes out there that have more than one job and I thought, maybe, I could do that too.”
“Oh baby, of course you can!” Millie placed a hand over her son’s, prompting his eyes to look up to meet hers, “I work as an advice column writer and even do opera, all while keeping the house spotless and putting food on the table! If you want to do more than one thing, go for it.” She gave her son a smile that he graciously returned.
“I’m so proud of you, son!” His father grinned widely, giving him a hair ruffle, “You’re growing up to be such the creative young man! And I'm not just saying that because of the nature of your quirk!”
Rudy laughed as he swatted his father's hand away, “Stop it, pop” The laughter only grew as Joe drew his son closer to give him a noogie.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough now. No messing around at the table.” Millie lectured, a small smile still on her lips. Both father and son broke apart, shooting small apologies.
Rudy Tabootie. Age 16. Seat 18 Student Rank 15. Hero Name: Snap. Quirk: Chalk Art
Anything he draws with chalk becomes real or animated. Somehow he can defy all laws of physics and draw what he needs in the air in 2D, and it becomes 3D. His only limit is his imagination.
Hand to hand
“I’m heading out now!” A teenage boy called into his house as he stepped out.
“Wait, Jake, don’t forget Haley!” An older woman called as she walked down the corridor with a small ten-year-old following besides her.
“Awe man, seriously?” Jake frowns, watching his mother help his sister through the straps of her backpack.
“Yes, I have to head out in…now!” His mother’s eyes widened as she looked at her watch. Giving a quick peck on her kid’s foreheads, she ran back inside, “Johnathan, we have to go now!”
“Oh, oh! Now? Oh, shoot! Head for the car, I’ll be right there!” The older man with glasses was quick to tighten his tie and grab his car keys. Rushing past the kids, he gave them both a little hair ruffle before they entered the car and drove off.
“Well, that was somethin.” The siblings looked down the steps to see Jake’s two friends staring off where their parents had gone.
“What’s with the rush?” The male wearing a beanie asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Hi Spud, Hi Trixie. Mom has an early wedding to get too.” Haley explained hopping down the steps' while her brother locked the door, “Dad’s driving her before heading to work.”
“Hey there Haley.” Trixie smiled, the fairy-like wings on her back flapping about happily, “Guess that means we’re dropping you off on our way.”
“Wicked.” Spud grinned as he patted the girl’s head.
“Sup guys,” Jake greeted with a grin as he skipped the last three steps, “We should get moving unless we all want to be late.” He prompted them to start walking.
“Hey Jakey, did you tell your parents about that program you want to enter?” Trixie asked.
“The Hero Collaboration Program, right? Yeah, he asked. I don’t think he’ll get accepted, though. I mean, have you seen his grades? I doubt he’ll be accepted.” Haley waved her hand about dismissively, earning a glare from her brother. Trixie and Spud shared a look.
“Uh, the program isn’t based on grades.” Trixie’s words made the young girl blink in surprise.
“It… it’s not?”
“Nah, It's just an essay where you talk about yourself and an interview.” Spud explained
“Whoa - that’s ridiculous! It’s an exchange student program! It’s supposed to be based on grades! What kind of program doesn’t base anything off of grades!?” Haley tugged at her pigtails as she threw herself into a spiral.
“It’s a Hero program, Haley. We’re supposed to learn more about the hero world while we’re there and make connections with other students. They wouldn't even let us apply unless we were in the hero courses, and you gotta have at least a 2.5 to even get those classes. I’ve got straight B’s and one C. I'm golden if I can write a good enough essay and pass the interviews.” Jake sent his friends a grateful smile.
“That’s ridiculous! A 3.0 or a 4.0 student would benefit from it more! Why are they allowing such low grades in?” Jake rolled his eyes fondly at his younger sister’s ‘good grades are everything’ tirade. He almost cried out in happiness when he spotted her school come into view.
“Alright Haley~ Here’s your school, see you later, bye~!” Jake grinned as he gently pushed his younger sister towards the school doors. The little girl walked into the school, continuing her speech. Jogging back over to his friends, Jake gave them a smile.
“Thanks for helping with Haley, guys.”
“Naaah it’s no prob bro. Your sister is just focused on perfect grades. Wait till she gets older and realizes that that’s not going to help her with real world problems.” Spud nods as they all set down their skateboards.
Trixie pats her friend's shoulder, “Technically, Spud’s right, but we’re also not gonna let your little sister bully you just cause she’s got a 4.0 GPA. Besides, I'm sure you’ll get in, Jakey.”
“Thanks guys.”
“Anytime dude.”
“Alright, that's enough mushy stuff, let's go before the warning bell rings!” Trixie waved her hands about before kicking off, her friends close behind her.
Jake Long. Age 16. Seat 5. Student rank 18. Hero Name: Red Dragon. Quirk: Huolong
Can shapeshift into a dragon. He can also transform any part of his body into his dragon part without completely shape shifting.
Hand to Hand, Karate, parkour
A girl with ankle long blond hair skipped down the stairs of her house. Hearing the TV on, she assumes it’s her parents and calls out a greeting, only to pause at the foot of the stairs upon seeing her cousin. “Oh! Hey Finn” She grins, walking over to give him a hug, her hair shrinking down to be a bob cut.
“Hey Fionna.” Fin grins, ruffling his younger cousin’s hair.
“What are you doing here so early?” Fionna asked as she looked around.
“Mom and dad had their anniversary trip today and Jake and Lady’s place is kind of full 'cause of all the kids, so they dropped me off here.” Finn explained, walking with his cousin into the kitchen.
“Oh, that’s cool.” Fionna looked around the kitchen to see her breakfast already prepared and covered with saran wrap. “When did my parents leave?”
“About twenty minutes ago. I would have gone back to sleep, but I figured you might not see me, and I’d end up sleeping all day.” Finn yawned, walking back to the living room.
“Good call.” Fionna giggles as she grabs a fork and walks into the living room with her cousin.
“Hey, Finn, can I ask you something?” Fionna asks once she finishes her food. Her cousin hums in response, “You were, like, a sophomore once, right?”
Finn snorts at the question. Turning to face his cousin, he gives her a soft kick on the thigh with his foot, “Dude, I’m just one year older than you.” Fionna blushes, realizing the ridiculousness of her question.
Giving an awkward laugh, she clears her throat, “Right. Well, … did you apply for the Hero Collaboration Program?” Silence filled the room. Fionna was starting to feel nervous at the blank stare her cousin was giving her. She prepares to speak, only to jump in surprise as Finn bursts into laughter.
“Oh, oh, thank glob! I thought you were going to ask me for advice with Ignis! Yeah, I did though!”
“Whoa-” Fionna could feel her cheeks heat up at that. The image of a good-looking boy with a mohawk made of flames smiling at her made her face look like a tomato, “W - why would I want advice with Ignis?!”
“Are you kidding me? I’ve seen the way you get all flustered around him!” Finn grins, earning him a kick to the side. The force making him fall off the couch eliciting loud laughter.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Fionna huffed as she got to her feet and took her dirty dish to the kitchen to wash, “I just wanted your opinion on whether or not I should apply for the program! Jerk…”
With a gasp for breath, Finn rose up to his feet, his smile never faltering, “You’re going to apply?”
“Mmm, I’m thinking about it. I’m not sure, though.” The blond female sighs, dark blue eyes focused on the trickling water from the sink.
“Well, It’s not due till mid-December, right? You’ve got a lot of time to think about it.”
“I knoooow, it’s just that… I want to do it, but I’ve never really gone so far from home, I’m a little scared and nervous.” Fionna sighed, turning off the sink and putting the now clean plate away.
“You can’t think of it like that! Think of it like an adventure!” Finn grins, glancing at the clock and grabbing his backpack and Fionna’s.
“An adventure?” Fionna raises an eyebrow as she grabs her beanie that matches her cousin’s hat, only with bunny ears instead of bear ears.
“Yeah! But you gotta say it like this; AAAADVENTURE!” Finn pumped his fist in the air as he shouted, his other hand handed her her backpack. Fionna giggles.
“Alright, AAADVENTURE!” She shouts, making them both burst into a fit of giggles.
“Yeah, you got it! Whenever I get nervous or scared to go somewhere, I think of it as if I'm going on an adventure! I do the same thing when I’m lost, that way I don’t freak out about it.”
“Well, that explains why you came home with a large smile after being missing almost a whole day when we were eight.” Fionna grumbled as she opened the door.
“Yeah! I was scared, but I kept telling myself that I was on an adventure to find the castle! The castle being home. I even met a hero on the way! Did I tell you about that? It was awesome! She was so cool, it’s what drove me to become a hero!” Finn grins toothily.
Fionna blows her hair out of her face as she closes the door behind them both once outside. “I don’t think I could ever be so optimistic, Finn.” She turns to continue walking, she bumps into her cousin’s back. “Uh… Finn?”
“It’s not that I’m optimistic, it’s just that if I let my fear or nerves get to me, I would never get anything done. We’re studying to be heroes, Fionna, you have to, just, take a leap of faith.” Finn turned to face his cousin, eyes shining with resolve, “I’m not saying it’s bad to feel that way, no, it’s okay to feel nervous or scared or even sad. It’s a normal human emotion, we all feel it. What I am saying though is; don’t let those emotions overpower your mind and let it control you. You have to put yourself out there, even if it hurts you, or you regret it, at least you can say that you tried. You’ll always come out of that stronger and smarter.”
Fiona stared at her cousin in surprise. Reaching out, he gave her shoulder a soft punch, “Sign up for that program. Trust me, it’ll do you some good,” He grins widely, mischief in his eyes, “and ask Ignis out already.”
Fiona let out a gasp in surprise and punched her cousin, “Shut it, you! I thought we were having a moment!”
“Ahahah ouch!” Finn laughed as he rubbed his sore bicep, Fionna marching past him towards school. Finn was quick to follow.
“Hey… Finn…” Fionna spoke softly once the school came into view. Her cousin hummed in response, “Thanks… I never took you to be so inspirational.”
“Eh, I have my moments.” Finn smiles, patting her head
“And Finn?” A brightly smiling Fionna skipped forward to stand in front of her cousin, turning on her heel she beamed up at her taller cousin.
“Yeah?” Finn asked stopping in his tracks.
“You should totally ask out Ignis’s older sister, Lucerna~” her smile morphed into a wicked smirk as she watched Finn’s face slowly turn bright red. With a giggle, she waved at her cousin and ran to her friend group with a wave.
“F- Fionna!” Finn shouted before chasing after her, making her laugh louder.
Fiona Venture. Age 15. Seat 16. Student Rank 19. Hero Name: Bunny. Quirk: Hair manipulation
She can alter, grow out, regenerate, reshape and change the texture of her hair. Has complete control of her hair like another limb.
Hand to hand, sword
“Hey guys~! Have no fear, B.B is here to brighten your lunch!” A boy with green skin and hair gave a toothy grin, showing off his fangs.
“Oh joy.” A pale girl with short purple hair rolled her eyes fondly as the boy flopped on the lunch table next to her.
“Hey Gar.” Jaime gave a soft smile and half-hearted wave.
“Wh - what the hell kind of energy was that?” Garfield frowned as he opened his lunch box, “That was the most depressing ‘hi’ I’ve ever gotten in my life - and I'm dating Raven! Ah, no offense.”
“I’d be shocked if I even got offended with your antics at this point.” Raven shrugged.
Jaime gave a half-hearted laugh, “Sorry dude, I’ve just been having an, eh, day.” he shrugged his shoulders.
“Oh, dude, what happened?” Garfield frowns
“My mom is being a worry wart about the program.” Jaime sighed, taking a bite of his lunch, “We also had a pop quiz in Mr. Valencia’s class. I totally fucked that up.”
“Oooo ouch dude. I’m sure you’ll be able to convince your mom to let you sign up. You’ve got plenty of time, too. It’s not due till December.” Garfield attempted to reassure, “Plus, Mr. Valencia like’s watching his students struggle. He’s always got that wicked smirk when he announces pop quizzes.”
Jaime snickers, “Yeah, you’re right. What about you? You gonna sign up?”
“Heck yeah, I am!” Garfield raises a fist in the air, “It sounds awesome!”
“I'm still surprised that your grades are high enough to get into the hero course.” Raven smirks at the jab.
“I’m hurt that you don’t trust my natural smartness skills, mama.” Garfield pouts, his pointed ears drooping for effect.
Raven gestures to him as she stares Jaime dead in the eyes, “Jee, I wonder why.” her plain voice made the boy across from her snort.
Garfield Logan. Age 16. Seat 7. Student Rank 20. Hero name: Beast Boy. Quirk: Shape shifting
He can turn into any animal in the animal kingdom. Has recently discovered he could also become mythical creatures.
Hand to Hand
Shouta Aizawa let out a long, tired and heavy sigh as he went through the biology homework his students had turned in yesterday. He would have gone over them then, but honestly; he didn’t want to. He wasn’t too keen on doing this before his shift either, but he can’t really put it off forever. Even if he wanted to. Finally, finishing the last worksheet, he set it to the side, so he can hand them back out later. Glancing at the clock, he noted that it was almost 7 AM, and he should start heading to the school.
Leaning back on his couch, he rubbed the palm of his hands on his eyes as he let out a soft groan. He sat there for a few minutes, enjoying the silence, before letting out another long sigh and finally standing on his feet to finish getting ready. Once he finished changing, he headed to the kitchen and began preparing some coffee to take with him. The teachers 'dorms' was more like an apartment building complete with a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and livingroom. The only reason the staff even bother calling it a 'dorm' is to not make the students jealous.
When his drink was finally ready, he took a long swing, unbothered by the scolding liquid, he let out a content sigh before filling up a thermos, grabbing what he needed and heading for the door. Putting on his shoes, makeing sure food was in his cat's bowl and throwing on his scarf, he walked out into the hallway.
“Ah, good morning, Aizawa.” Ken Ishiyama greeted, making his way down the hallway.
“Ishiyama.” Aizawa nodded, locking his door, he walked the same direction as his coworker.
“You needed me to come in during the heroics class today, correct?” Ken pressed the button to the elevator.
“Yeah, Yagi is going to conduct a kind of maze race today. I was hoping you can come in and create the maze as he gives his lecture to the students, maybe sooner if you can.” Aizawa explained as they both stepped into the elevator with a third-year teacher. They all gave one another a quick greeting.
“Hmmm a maze, huh? I’ll have to speak to Yagi about the difficulty he wants the maze to be, but I can make it.” Ken nods, “Once I’m done speaking to him, I’ll work on it during my third period break.”
“I appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem. Though, I kind of wish you guys had asked me yesterday, I could have made it after classes ended.”
“Yeah, sorry. You know how Yagi is. Doesn’t solidify any plans till the last minute. He hadn’t told me about it till 9 PM last night through text.”
“Yikes.” The third-year teacher commented softly.
“You have no idea.” Both teachers responded just as the doors opened to the dorm's common area. The space was filled with a handful of teachers finishing their morning routine before heading for the school. Walking past the counter, Aizawa snagged himself a muffin Lunch Rush made last night for the whole staff during one of his inspirational drives. 
Entering the teachers’ lounge, Shouta practically threw himself on his chair. Finishing off his muffin, tired black eyes turned to the stack of papers on his desk. He almost let out a groan when he read the title. Is it really that time of year already? Usually he participates as a chaperone since he usually expels his class, leaving them under the jurisdiction of another teacher. Unfortunately for him, it seems like he has a class this year. A class full of problem children, great.
“Hey Aizawa! Looks like this year’s one of those few years you’ll have an actual class, huh.” Kan walked over as he skimmed through the papers in his hand.
“Unfortunately.” Aizawa sighed
“Thank the gods” Nemuri sighed as she ran a hand down her face, making Hizashi snort.
“You know, if you wanted my class so bad, I could have expelled them this year.” Aizawa drawls out flatly as he takes a few papers and stands to his feet. This made Hizashi start cackling into his hand, while the raven-haired woman let out a whine.
“Um, what are you talking about?” Yagi asked from his desk.
“Ah, that’s right, I guess this program is still kind of considered new, huh.” Kan mumbled to himself softly.
“Every time Shouta decides to expel his class, they are placed under my care, since I don’t have a homeroom class and am technically considered a substitute teacher.” Nemuri shoots an accusing finger at her friend who pointedly ignored her in favor of going through the papers, “And because of that I’m usually stuck taking his class to California for this stupid program!”
“She’s just mad that they force her to wear a more modest version of her hero costume and speak without foul language when she’s working with the kids.” Aizawa added with an eye roll, “Honestly, I don’t understand why Nedzu doesn’t enforce that here too.”
“Agh, you hurt me, Shouta! What would I even be if not for my amazing, sexy self!”
“More approachable.” The man responded as he drank some of his coffee before turning to Kan, “Alright, I’m ready to go.” Both men made their way to Principal Nedzu’s office.
“I... erm, I actually wanted to know what program you’re all talking about…” Yagi mumbles sheepishly, “Though it’s good to know that the student’s he expels aren’t actually expelled.”
“Nah, they're basically placed on a probationary period for the whole year. I can’t say his methods don’t work, though, lots of those kids learned to work for things they want and not just half assing it.” Nemuri sighed.
“As for the program, it’s a program that Nedzu had finalized during our first year here.” Hizashi informed, “It’s called the Hero Collaboration Program. Basically, around the end of the school year, all first year hero students go to America to train and socialize with other students from across the country and around the world.”
Yagi perked up at this information, “Oh! That sounds like a lot of fun!”
“Even though they censor me, it is.” Nemuri leaned back in her seat, arms crossed, “There are quite a few field trips to museums, training activities, quirk theory classes and plenty of sparring. They even have a big party with live entertainment at the end of it, all along with a closing ceremony.”
“That sounds like a lot…” Yagi spoke in awe
“It is, but they’ve got a bunch of big companies from all over the place supporting them,” Hizashi nods.
“All the other departments have kind of similar field trips.” Higari Maijima piped in as he made his way to the printer, “The second-year support department are going to leave for theirs next week, third year business had one in the beginning of December and the third-year general education will have something a week before finals in March.”
“Ah! It’s good to know the youth of today are getting many more opportunities such as this to further their education.” Yagi grinned, “If only there were programs like that when I was back in high school.”
“Well, lucky for you, Toshinori, you’re going to be a chaperone for my class.” Shouta announced with an eye roll as he and Kan walked over. Once he was closer, he handed him two pages for him to go over. Its unfortunate he can’t choose who will be the chaperone to acompany him. It’s not that he hates Yagi, he’s a nice guy, don’t get him wrong, but the guy is still very new to teaching. He supposes him being a chaperone would be a good experiance for him though. 
“Done with your meeting with Nedzu already?” Hizashi rose a brow
“We just had to go over the usual rules and guidelines.” Kan informed, handing an excited Hizashi two papers, “A few changes have been made, but other than that it’s nothing new.”
Glancing at the time, Shouta almost let out a sigh in relief. He has 33 minutes before classes start. “Well, now that that’s all settled, I’m going to take a cat nap before classes.” He waved to his coworkers before heading over to his desk, where he pulled out his yellow sleeping bag. Making himself comfortable under his desk, he drifted off.
Shouta let out an annoyed grumble as he found himself being dragged out from under his desk. The warning bell hasn’t even rung yet, he’d know if it did. He has a digital clock he keeps under his desk to keep track of time. There are those rare days when he wouldn’t mind waking up or being woken up before the bell. Today, however, is not that day. Especially when he woke up to his best friend yelling at him and dragging him out from under his desk.
Shouta knows he can’t do much to get back at him without looking like a petulant child, so he opted for going completely limp. Make his friend's job just a little harder. And during lunch he may, or may not, throw a bunch of salt on his lunch when he’s not looking. Maybe he’ll even put a small pebble in his shoe just to inconvenience him. Who knows, he’ll decide later.
“Common Shou, class is starting soon!” Hizashi groaned.
Black eyes glanced at the clock under his desk, “The bell doesn’t even ring for another four minutes. There is no reason for you to wake me up and drag me.”
“Well, if you don’t get up, I won’t give you the coffee I made”
“Irrelevant, I can always take it when the bell rings.”
“It’ll be lukewarm by then”
“We have a microwave.”
“Ummm, you want to be in class on time?”
“If you’re not there early to give the announcement you wont be able to teach your students everything you were going to teach them and Toshinori is going to end up being the one to tell them during heroics class.”
Shouta pulled his feet away from Hizashi making him stumble back. Before he could complain, his friend was already on his feet and folding his sleeping bag. Glancing at his friend, he raises an eyebrow, “What are you waiting for?” He spoke coolly as he took the cup of hot coffee he'd made him. Shouta made sure to maintain eye contact as he drank his coffee, “Let’s go, or you’ll be late.”
The moment Shouta had closed the door behind him, he smirked at the scream of mild indignation his friend let out. Walking down the hallway, the older man made sure his steps were slow, he even took the long way there. By the time he made it to the door of his classroom, he waited for the last warning bell to go off. Once it had, he opened the door and stepped inside. The noise was quick to quiet down, and his students were in their seats. Good.
“Good morning class, before we start today’s lesson, I have an announcement.” From his peripheral vision, he could see his students exchange confused looks. Once he had reached his desk, he set down the binder he carried with him and took out the information sheets, “Class representatives.” He waved a stack of paper with a list of things they will need, Yaoyorozu and Iida were on their feet walking towards him immediately. Handing Iida the papers, he went through his binder again to pull out brochure-like guidebooks with the rules and regulations to hand to Yaoyorozu. Both teens eyed the papers, they gave them a curious look as they began to pass them out.
“If you read the information sheet, you’d see that both class 1-A and 1-B will be having a field trip abroad to America as a part of a program. The back of that sheet has -”
“What!? America?!”
“No way! That’s awesome!”
“What’s a ‘sophomore’?”
“It literally says right there on the paper, Denki.”
“I need to brush up on my English!”
“This is so cool!”
Aizawa shot his students a quirk enhanced glare, making them all flinch and fall silent. Once he was sure they wouldn’t speak up again, he closed his eyes. Rubbing his eyes with the palm of a hand, he continued, “As I was saying; The back of that sheet has everything you’d need to pack besides the obvious. As for the brochure, it has the rules and regulations you must all follow. Let me give you a quick rundown of the top 4 rules, pay attention because these are the most important ones. 1. You are not allowed to harm anyone with your quirk outside of training unless used for self-defense. 2. All property damage done outside of training with or without your quirk must be paid for - lucky for you lot the school pays for any damages done. You better not do it, though, it’s a lot of paperwork. 3. Inappropriate behavior will not go unpunished, depending on the offense it may result in program suspension for a few days or even get you sent home and possible suspension or expulsion here at school or the hero course program all together.”
“Whoa, these punishments are kind of brutal…” Kirishima mumbled.
Shouta took a deep breath before he read the last one. From the looks of disbelief from some of his students though, they already read ahead, “And lastly, your hero’s license in America is considered a permit. You are not allowed to engage in any villain fighting unless given special permission from a pro hero. If an emergency does occur, you are to only help civilians to safety. Once a pro hero appears, you must A) give them your name, B) State the situation and C) inform them of your training. If the hero decides it’s best you help tend to the injured, you are to do as you are told. If they allow you to assist them in battle, you must provide back up and not directly engage with the villain yourself unless absolutely necessary. Failure to follow this rule will result in an automatic three-week suspension of your hero license.”
“What?!” Most of his class began to complain.
“What if the hero needs help fighting!?”
“How are we only allowed to provide back up!?”
“Why can’t we engage?!”
“What do you mean ‘absolutely necessary’??”
Activating his quirk again with a glare, everyone fell silent again. This has never been an issue before, but that's because the first years aren't even supposed to have their licenses to begin with. Goddamn it. Letting out a long-annoyed sigh, Shouta began to explain, “Look. To begin with, you lot weren’t even supposed to get your licenses till next year but due to the villain attacks, things were rushed for your own safety. Also, the laws in America are very different from they are here, this applies to many other places as well. Once you are outside Japanese soil and somewhere else, you should have the common decency and common sense to follow their laws and to be respectful. Now, then, what they mean by ‘absolutely necessary’ is if the villain decides to attack you directly, you are free to fight back on the pretense of self-defense. Other than that, your priority is to help civilians out of the danger zone, that way the hero wouldn’t have to worry about them as they fight, and they can’t be used as leverage against them. If you are in a situation where the civilians are all out of danger and no other pros have arrived at the scene to help, you speak to the hero on the scene. If they give you orders allowing you to engage, then you are allowed to go into battle, however, if the pro tells you suddenly to back off, you must back off, like it or not.”
“That’s utter bullshit!” Katsuki Bakugo shouted in anger, “Why the hell should we even follow that rule?! We have our licenses; we should be allowed to engage right away!!”
“As much as I hate to agree with Bakugo, I must. Sensei, why must we do so much?” Tenya Iida asked
“It’s the law. Even if they are going into hero work, the hero licenses are treated like drivers’ licenses. First years are allowed to test for their permit allowing them to enter the scene and their top priority is to evacuate the citizens for the hero. Second years with permits must take a more advanced version of the first exam, and then they are allowed to engage in battle when they see it fit, as long as all the civilians are out of the way. Third years, retake both exams at once, after which they are given a license to become a first responder. In America, they have academy’s where heroes in training take the final steps to becoming pros. Once you finish that, you are given a pro license and are allowed to start an agency, become a hero course teacher, and many other things that I can’t bother going over.”
“Those stupid losers don’t even become pros without an extra year of school. That’s pathetic.” Katsuki smirked cockily, arms crossed over his chest.
“I… Their system sounds quite efficient, though.” Yaoyorozu spoke up softly.
“I mean, yeah, but imagine having to go to an academy just to become a pro even after having finished high school? Agh That must suck!” Mina groaned.
“Alright that’s enough. We’re not here to talk about the differences between here and there. You can do that on your own time. As for now, I want you all to remember that guidebook by memory. I don’t want any mishaps just because you forgot to read it over.” Aizawa went through the binder once more and handed the permission slips to the students in the front seats to pass back, “You all have until the end of January to turn these in. That means you all have three-and-a-half weeks to visit your family and have these signed. If you can’t visit for whatever reason, you have a fax machine in the dorms, use it. Any questions?” Nobody raised their hands, “Good. Start brushing up on your English you will need it, the trip is mid-February, next month. Now, let’s get started with today’s lesson.”
And that is the end of chapter 1! I’ll post chapter 2 whenever I finish it. Hope you guys are intrested in the story thus far! Much thought went into it. :) 
Chapter 1 part 1 --> Chapter 1 part 2
-Chapter 2-
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