#oat milk is my personal favorite to have w cereal
nylarac · 5 months
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whatshehassaid · 6 years
Favorite Things
I’m bored out of my mind at.... hell, I don’t even know what time it is. 
Food and Drink
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant? 
Umm, it really depends. I like Chinese/Asian type foods and pizza and a lot of things, so... I can’t really choose one? I really love Thai Express though.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
It’s a toss up between pistachio and mint chocolate chip. Chocolate chip cookie dough is really good too
Favorite Chocolate Candy?
Ferrero Rocher or anything with a chocolate/hazelnut mix
Favorite Fruity Candy?
Sour Skittles or wine gums
Favorite Flavor Starburst?
Either the pink or the red
Favorite dish at Olive Garden?
I’ve actually never been to Olive Garden.
Favorite kind of sushi?
Uramaki (California rolls)... I also like maki.. (oh boy, now I’m craving sushi)
Favorite Asian dish?
I’ve really only had Westernized type Asian food, so.. I love spring rolls, sushi (see above), chow mein...
Favorite Italian Dish?
There’s a lot to choose from there as half my extended family is from Calabria... so...  chicken parmigiana or angel hair primavera
Favorite food of all time?
There’s a lot to choose from there... I really love steak though. Like, a little too much. 
Favorite way to cook a steak?
Medium, sometimes medium well
Favorite pasta dish?
Angel hair primavera
Favorite cookie?
White chocolate macadamia nut
Favorite fast food french fries?
Favorite cereal?
Raisin Bran. Don’t @ me
Favorite breakfast food?
Mmmm, omlettes. 
Favorite pizza toppings?
Pepperoni, green pepper, sometimes pineapple.... sometimes olives.
Favorite fruit?
It’s a tie between strawberries, cherries and pomegranates. 
Favorite vegetable?
Favorite dessert? 
White chocolate cheesecake.
Favorite comfort food?
Homemade chicken soup
Favorite way to eat bacon?
On its own, honestly.
Favorite thing at a buffet?
I don’t really go to buffets..... 
Favorite pumpkin flavored treat?
Pumpkin spiced lattes........................ don’t start with me
Favorite dish at Thanksgiving?
Favorite cake?
Strawberry shortcake... or angel cake w/ strawberries.
Favorite ice cream sundae toppings?
Hot fudge, maraschino cherries and whipped cream
Favorite thing to cook?
I love making pizza..
Favorite soda?
Cherry coke.
Favorite alcoholic drink?
Vodka coke.
Favorite drink at Starbucks?
Skinny cinnamon dolce latte
Favorite flavor coffee?
I just.... coffee? and espresso... I love espresso.
Television & Movies
Favorite 80′s movie?
Um, toss up between ET, the Indiana Jones movies (Last Crusade has always been my fave), and The Shining.
Favorite Harry Potter movie?
Toss up between Prisoner of Azkaban and Half Blood Prince in the HP series... Crimes of Grindelwald (so far) in the Fantastic Beasts series.
Favorite Hobbit from Lord of the Rings?
Favorite Simpson’s character? 
Favorite cartoon cat?
Felix the cat. 
Favorite TV sitcom?
I Love Lucy. Does that count as a sitcom?
Favorite cartoon?
Peanuts (does that count?) or Looney Tunes
Favorite scary movie?
I’ve watched a LOT of horror movies, but Halloween (1978) hands down.
Favorite funny movie?
Hmmm... I don’t watch many comedic movies, honestly.. Bridesmaids? I don’t know..
Favorite celebrity?
Y’all really gonna ask this? We all know it’s Jude Law.
Favorite South Park character?
I never really got into South Park, tbh.
Favorite chick flick?
Um, The Holiday and maybe Confessions of a Shopaholic....
Favorite Pixar movie?
I’d have to choose three ‘cause I can’t choose one... Ratatouille, Coco, and Toy Story
Favorite Family Guy character?
Don’t really watch it. I watched the first season. Stewie, I guess?
Favorite Leonardo Dicaprio movie?
Aw, you gotta do this to me? Top 3: Titanic, The Great Gatsby and Shutter Island.
Favorite Actress over 50?
Do people who are dead count? ‘Cause I’d choose Marilyn Monroe in a heartbeat.
Favorite Marvel movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Favorite TV Show?
A tie between Hannibal and Twin Peaks.
Favorite cancelled TV series?
Hannibal. Definitely Hannibal.
Favorite show on the Discovery Channel?
I don’t really watch it all that much.... can I use a show from the History Channel instead? (Hunting Hitler)
Favorite classic movie?
Niagara (1953) or Dracula (1931)
Favorite Beatles song?
Golden Slumbers
Favorite string instrument?
Acoustic guitar
Favorite instrument?
Favorite band or music artist?
I have too many so, Neutral Milk Hotel, Nirvana and Lana Del Rey.
Favorite music genre?
Indie, alternative, whatever.
Favorite style of dance?
I love the way swing dancing looks.
Favorite boy band?
Oof, ya outtin’ me. NSYNC.
Favorite disco song?
Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson or Night Fever - Bee Gees
Favorite 80′s song?
I love a LOT of 80′s music so... I can give you a few (I can’t choose one, that’s impossible): Call Me - Blondie, Take on Me - Aha, Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler, You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) - Dead or Alive, A Criminal Mind - Gowan, Maneater - Hall & Oates, Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson (THERE ARE A LOT MORE)
Favorite cover song?
Byaginc’s version of Losing My Religion - REM and I also really like Lo-Fang’s version of You’re the One That I Want.
Favorite one hit wonder?
Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground
Favorite song you’re embarrassed to like?
Ummmmm.. if I have to pick one.. Irresistible by Jessica Simpson (also the version with Lil Bow Wow is a banger?)
Favorite foreign band/artist?
Catatonia (does that count, I mean, I’m not Welsh.. so). I also like Pink Floyd.
Travel & Recreation
Favorite state you’ve visited?
I’ve only visited one state in the US and it was Florida.
Favorite country you want to visit?
Italy or England
Favorite thing about America?
If you’re referencing the US, I live in Canada, so... I don’t know?
Favorite kind of vacation?
I love beaches... but I also love art and architecture so *shrug*
Favorite car?
1950′s VW Beetle. 
Favorite road to drive on?
I don’t drive.
Favorite way to travel?
Car, I hate planes.
Favorite beach?
I haven’t been to many honestly.
Favorite place to go with family?
Favorite vacation you’ve taken?
The first one I ever went on to Universal Studios in Orlando.
Favorite fictional place you’d want to visit?
Hogwarts, let’s be real.
Favorite ride at a carnival?
Those swing carousel things.
Favorite thing to do at the beach?
Favorite rollercoaster?
I do nOT do rollercoasters.
Favorite theme park?
Favorite thing about traveling?
I love nice hotels, I don’t know why that’s my fave part, but it is.
Nature & Animals
Favorite dinosaur?
Um, I’ve never really thought about that? T-Rex, I guess?
Favorite breed of dog?
Favorite season?
Favorite flower?
Favorite animal at the zoo?
Elephants... if they have them or pandas
Favorite type of bear?
Panda bears
Favorite natural disaster?
....what kind of question is that?
Favorite reptile?
I love snakes.
Favorite animal?
Tie between cats and sloths.
Favorite bird?
Favorite thing in the sky?
The moon.
Favorite thing about a rainy day?
Hearing rain on the roof.
Favorite sea creature?
Can I say the Loch Ness Monster? (haha) Jellyfish.
Favorite color rose?
Light pink or dark red.
Favorite small mammal?
Favorite big cat?
I love snow leopards. 
Favorite thing about spring?
Favorite wild animal you’d like as a pet?
A sloth.
Favorite sport?
Favorite extreme sport you're too scared to do?
Does snowboarding count?
Favorite Olympic sport?
Figure skating.
Favorite football team?
Don’t watch American football.
Favorite basketball team?
Don’t really watch that either.
Favorite hockey team?
I know I’m Canadian, but I’m honestly not that invested. I’d choose the Maple Leafs ‘cause I’m from TO, but they’re.... aw f ul.
Favorite baseball team?
Blue Jays
Favorite sport to play?
Favorite winter sport?
I do not do winter sports. I’m a klutz as it is.
Favorite sport you wish you were a pro at?
Figure skating would be AMAZING.
Favorite professional athlete?
Serena Williams, Evgenia Medvedeva
Favorite sport to watch in person?
Favorite nursery rhyme?
Didn’t really have a favorite.
Favorite childhood memory?
My grandfather. 
Favorite board game?
Monopoly or Scrabble
Favorite children’s show?
I looooooved Looney Tunes. I still do, honestly.
Favorite toy as a child?
I had a Barney the Dinosaur plush (I had Barney everything)
Favorite teacher?
My sixth grade teacher was a pretty cool dude.
Favorite thing about school?
Art class.
Favorite age?
Don’t really have one, maybe 4 or 5?
Favorite Christmas present?
My mom bought me a N64.
Favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Green Eggs & Ham
Favorite Halloween costume you've worn?
Technically I wore it as a teen, but the Silk Spectre II costume I wore when I was 17.
Favorite lunchbox snack?
Favorite Winnie the Pooh character?
Pooh & Eeyore. 
Favorite thing to do during recess?
Favorite superhero?
Wonder Woman.
Favorite video game?
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Favorite color Power Ranger?
Favorite fairy tale?
Does Beauty and the Beast count?
Favorite game to play outside?
Catch the flag.
Fashion & Beauty
Favorite department store?
Does Sephora count as a department store?
Favorite place to shop?
There’s a lot of places I love to shop. Mostly bookstores though.
Favorite store in the mall?
Indigo/Chapters (I love my books)
Favorite perfume/cologne?
YSL Black Opium or Chanel’s Coco Mademoiselle
Favorite hair color?
On me? A mix of auburn and dark brown
Favorite makeup you can't live without?
Eyebrow pencil 
Favorite shoes?
My thigh high dark brown suede go-go boots. ;)
Favorite occasion to dress up for?
I’ll honestly dress up for anything. I love dressing up.
Favorite hairstyle?
Anything wavy/curly with or without braids.
Favorite outfit you have?
Right now I have a super cute wrap dress that I like.
Favorite soap scent?
I like the smell of Dove soap, is that weird?
Favorite article of clothing?
I love high waist mini skirts.
Favorite place for a piercing?
Upper ear.
Favorite piece of jewelry?
Right now I’m a dork for the replica pendant from Crimes of Grindelwald. I also love this bracelet/ring/hand jewelry thing I have.
Favorite thing to wear to bed?
Sometimes lace and silk stuff ;) Sometimes just huge t-shirts
Favorite luxury brand?
Favorite candle scent?
I love coconut scents.
Favorite extracurricular activity?
.....reading? (again)
Favorite day of the week?
Favorite holiday?
Does Halloween count as a holiday?
Favorite website?
Well, I’m on Tumblr QUITE a bit...
Favorite way to communicate?
Usually face to face.. I hate talking on the phone. Text message is a close second.
Favorite Youtube video?
I love this dork. [x]
Favorite kind of house?
Favorite car color?
Favorite baby boy name?
I don’t know...
Favorite baby girl name?
Charlie, Evelyn
Favorite thing to do when you’re sick?
It’s an odd habit of mine to watch The Mummy or HP or Spice World for some reason
Favorite person you’ve never met?
Famous? Bryan Fuller Person in my life? MY THREE BEST FRIENDS!
Favorite question you’ve answered so far?
I don’t know...........
Favorite thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours?
I literally slept most of the day. Don’t judge me.
Favorite place to meet up with friends?
Kitty Cafes and.... cafes in general.
Favorite hobby?
Reading, making art.... listening to music
Favorite way to cheer you up?
Anything to do with Jude Law usually does the trick, bahaha
Favorite thing to look forward to?
Leaving this god awful small city to go explore other places.
Favorite kind of gift to receive?
Things that are heartfelt... things that people make whether it be handmade or... whatever... it’s really sweet.
Favorite crafty thing to make?
Does sketching count? Funny story, I used to get in trouble in art class in high school for sketching human anatomy (hands, collarbones etc) instead of reviewing art history notes, which I also loved by the way.
Favorite way to relax?
Reading, bubble baths.... other ways ;)
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inquisitor-julia · 8 years
I was tagged by the lovely @zevzevarainai thank you!! <3
1: are you named after someone? my first name is my grandmother’s middle name and my middle name is my other grandmother’s middle name
2: when was the last time you cried? when i thought my kitten was dying because he was throwing up and acting really lethargic....turns out he’d just gotten into some milk but i still cried about it and took him to the emergency vet at 12:00 a.m. .-.
3: do you like your handwriting? sometimes 4: what is your favourite lunch meat? i don’t eat meat  5: do you have kids? absolutely not nor do i ever want kids  6: if you were another person, would you be friends with you? i would probably think i was annoying tbh 7: do you use sarcasm? it’s my second language 8: do you still have your tonsils? yep 9: would you bungee jump? not in a million years 10: what is your favourite kind of cereal? cinnamon toast crunch or honey bunches of oats
11: do you untie your shoes when you take them off? does anyone actually have their life together enough to do this? I defintiely don’t...i also have cats who like to destroy untied shoelaces
12: do you think you’re a strong person? stronger than i used to be at least 13: what is your favourite ice cream flavour? give me chocolate ice cream with chocolate swirls and chunks of brownies topped with chocolate 14: what is the first thing you notice about people? clothing maybe? 15: red or pink? pink 16: what is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? *laughs forever*......yeah it’s all bad... 17: what colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? black pj pants with cherries on them and no shoes 18: what was the last thing you ate? Amy’s brand rice and black-eyed peas meal??? 19: what are you listening to right now? Love Natural by Crystal Fighters 20: if you were a crayon, what colour would you be? navy blue maybe 21: favourite smell? butterfly bush flowers or honeysuckle <3 <3 <3 22: who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my mom 23: favourite sport to watch? figure skating (and yes i was into it before yoi) 25: eye colour? gray w/ gold in the center 26: do you wear contacts? when i’m not too lazy yeah 27: favourite food to eat? potatoes or longans 28: scary movies or comedy? horror movies...though super terrible low budget horror movies are my absolute favorite thing to watch tbh and those are basically comedy for me
29: last movie you watched? Monsters University 30: what colour of shirt are you wearing? black and purple Labyrinth shirt
31: summer or winter? winter 100% summer can get away from me i hate being sweaty 32: hugs or kisses? hugs 33: what book are you currently reading? currently reading the Attack on Titan manga and the Princess Jellyfish manga 34: who do you miss right now? my friends who go to college far away from me D= 35: what is on your mouse pad? i don’t use one =P but i used to have a cat mouse pad 36: what is the last tv program you watched? uhhh don’t watch tv but does RWBY count 37: what is the best sound? violins @.@ 38: rolling stones or the beatles? i....honestly have no opinion here but the beatles have a song called Julia so i guess the beatles 39: what is the furthest you have ever traveled? i’ve only been up and down the east coast but i think Orlando FL is the farthest from home i’ve been? 40: do you have a special talent? i can call alligators and tigers, cats love me, and i’m ok at singing sometimes 41: where were you born? greensboro nc 42: people you expect to participate in this survey? whoever would like to! knock yourselves out guys! I’d love to read your answers to these! :)
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
Does Anyone Actually Eat Cereal for Breakfast Anymore?
Does Anyone Actually Eat Cereal for Breakfast Anymore?
was visiting my parents on a recent weekend when I witnessed the following tableau at 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning: my dad, clad in a blue cotton pajama set and robe, sitting in the kitchen with a newspaper spread out before him, pouring 2% milk into a bowl of Grape Nuts cereal and eating it at a notably leisurely pace. I must have watched my father perform this ritual thousands of time over the course of my childhood, but I suppose I never registered the fact that he was still doing it. I observed with rapt attention, like an anthropologist observing some bizarre human behavior.
After a few minutes, I couldn’t help myself: “Dad, you still eat milk and cereal for breakfast?”
“Yes?” he replied, his tone more question than answer, as if curious why I even found it necessary to ask.
Thus began a mental spiral that ended with a pressing — nay, burning, investigative query: Is the combination of milk and cereal, eaten out of a bowl and consumed with a spoon, still a breakfast staple in 2018? It hasn’t been one for me in at least eight years, though I did ingest milk and cereal daily in this precise manner from the moment I had enough teeth to chew a Cheerio to at least the end of my senior year of high school. My cereal phases over the course of this seminal period were arguably more powerful than my stylistic ones, evolving from Rice Krispies to Raisin Bran to Smart Start to Honey Bunches of Oats to Cracklin’ Oat Bran with no shortage of ceremony. Sometimes I garnished my morning bowl with banana slices, but more often than not it was an purist endeavor: plain cereal swimming in milk of the cow variety (skim, 1% or 2% — whatever was in the fridge). I ate it in the company of my family before we set off for school, or work, or whatever agenda the day happened to hold, all five of us huddled over the kitchen table, washing down each bite with a sip of Tropicana orange juice. I ate it without thinking, because it was placed on the table in front of me and it tasted good.
Then, I stopped. It was somewhat gradual in the sense that I replaced the milk in my cereal bowl with Greek yogurt circa 2010, but when I ultimately eliminated the cereal as well, the transition picked up considerable speed. I became a flake in the brewing avalanche that was Wellness with a capital W, and baby, I was snowballing. All of a sudden I was eating oatmeal decorated in the manner of a professional mosaic and assembling open-faced toasts worthy of the Museum of Modern Art. The only thing close to milk I continued to consume regularly was the soy variety I added to my coffee in the morning, and cereal? I pretty much forgot it existed.
Apparently I wasn’t the only one: “[Breakfast] cereal, both as a cultural marker and a profit center, is at a crossroads,” The New York Times proclaimed in 2016. “Since the late 1990s, its popularity has been slowly fading.”
“Overall cereal sales in the U.S. have declined 11% over the past five years to around $9 billion in 2017, according to Mintel, a consumer research firm,” The Wall Street Journal reported this past spring. “Post CEO Robert Vitale said cereal has lost a tenth of its shelf space as a result.”
In a Twitter poll conducted a year ago by CNN Money Digital Correspondent Paul La Monica inquiring how often his followers ate cereal, the majority of responders answered “Never!”
More woes for General Mills. Cereal sales down. So is $GIS stock. Will include this poll in story later today. How often do you eat cereal?
— Paul R. La Monica (@LaMonicaBuzz) March 21, 2017
I posed a slightly more specific question to my Instagram followers last week, asking how many people actually consume cereal and milk for breakfast these days. Responses poured in by the hundreds, many of them from staunch defenders of this mealtime ritual I’ve associated with a bygone era.
“If eating cereal as an adult is wrong, I don’t want to be right,” one person messaged me. “If anything, cereal should be the norm! A lot of us are adults who work full time jobs and are not afforded the luxury of having the time to prepare a full breakfast for ourselves every morning. Cereal is cheap(ish), easy and there is a ton of variety.”
“Absolutely,” another said. “There is nothing more decadent than a simple bowl of cereal (bonus if you go for a ‘children’s’ cereal, a.k.a. joy in a bowl.)”
In addition to ease and cost, nostalgia was the primary reason responders cited as the driver behind their cereal consumption: “I had a long chat with some folks about this the other day,” one person told me. “We all agreed that we only eat cereal when we’re feeling super nostalgic! And, depending on my mood, I either go for the super sweet sugar bombs (that I was only allowed to eat at grandma’s house) or the boring cereals (Raisin bran) that remind me of what the adults were eating.”
“Cereal feels dependable and reliable, not to mention very comforting and nostalgic,” another wrote. “There’s nothing nostalgic about a protein shake or a poached egg!”
“It totally hits the spot when I wake up feeling off or need food that feels like a hug from mom,” said another.
Others acknowledged that even though they maintain their cereal-eating habits, they do so in the midst of a changing breakfast landscape. “Breakfast is the hardest meal to choose,” one person confessed. “There are so many health injunctions related to breakfast. You ‘have’ to eat protein (but be careful with dairy!), good fat, no sugar, not too many carbs… it’s so hard and makes me more anxious than any other meal. I compromise by adding fresh fruits and nuts to my milk and cereal.”
“It’s definitely not trendy, and it seems old-school compared to something like avocado toast or chia seed pudding or whatever else people are eating for breakfast these days,” said another.
“The vibe I get at work is that the only acceptable grown-up breakfast food is yogurt,” chimed in a third.
Upon further research, I learned that cereal companies are not only wizening up to the powerful selling point of their products’ inherent nostalgia factor, but also pivoting their marketing strategy based on the reality that they can no longer compete with so-called “trendy” breakfast foods like green smoothies and chia seed puddings.
“The cereal makers realized that coming out with some of the really healthy cereals in recent years like Cheerios with added protein or Frosted Flakes with high fiber just weren’t getting people to eat more cereal,” Wall Street Journal reporter Annie Gasparao told CBS News. “The people who are eating cereal are eating it because it’s fun and it tastes good and it looks fun with fun colors. They aren’t eating it to be healthy.”
In other words, after trying and failing to hop on the Wellness train, cereal companies are now leaning in the opposite direction: more sugar, more artificial and more kid-like. According to CBS News, Post stopped selling the high-protein version of Honey Bunches of Oats and revived Oreo Os, which they had previously discontinued in 2007. (I purchased a miniature box of at my local bodega to confirm they do, in fact, taste like actual Oreo cookies). Similarly, Kellogg’s pulled its lower-sugar iteration of Frosted Flakes from stores and dispatched chocolate and cinnamon flavors instead, which boast a sugar content of 10 grams per (measly) 1/2-cup serving. And finally, my favorite: General Mills faced so much outrage for eliminating fake flavors, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial dyes in Trix cereal (one incensed customer called it “basically a salad now”) that they actually decided to bring back the older, more colorful, corn-syrup-filled version.
“These companies know that the nostalgic brands, the fun flavors, the cartoon mascots that’s what’s selling cereal and that’s what’s going to make them be able to stabilize this category that’s lost shelf space to Greek yogurt and protein bars and things that people view as healthier for breakfast,” Gasparao told CBS.
A side effect of this shift in focus is the somewhat startling but nonetheless true revelation that cereal isn’t so much a breakfast staple anymore as it is a novelty food. In a culture ruled by social media, no edible thing can succeed unless it is “doing the most,” and if cereal couldn’t do the most when it came to health and wellness, then it would have to do the most in other ways — as a snack (perfect for grabbing a 1/2-cup handful), as an indulgent dinner option (I can’t be the only one who begged to eat breakfast for dinner as a kid), as an experience (ever been to Kellogg’s NYC café or Milk & Cream Cereal Bar?) or as 2018’s unique blend of viral-friendly nostalgia (colors and iconography that reference the past paired with the kind of fantastical branding that sounds good in a tweet or looks like-worthy in a photo).
Haley’s boyfriend Avi (to whom I reached out for comment due to his rumored expertise on the topic of cereal) kindly sent me a bulleted list of the 11 different types of Cheerios he took note of during a recent trip to the grocery store: Original, Honey Nut, Apple Cinnamon, Multi Grain, Chocolate, Frosted, Fruity, Very Berry, Honey Nut Medley Crunch, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Protein. “There is also now a Pumpkin Spice Frosted Flakes,” he added. “There are more than six types of Raisin Bran. Have we advanced as a society because of this? Is this the best use of our time and resources?”
The answers to these questions are debatable, but Big Cereal’s marketing efforts seem to have reached at least one prominent member of Generation Z (13 hours before this story went live, I might add):
last night i had cereal with milk for the first time. life changing.
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) September 19, 2018
Life-changing indeed. Last week, I myself stood on a chair, pulled my roommate’s stale box of Cinnamon Puffins from the back of our kitchen cabinet and poured it into a bowl with milk. I ate it alone, legs curled criss-cross-apple-sauce underneath me on the sofa, washing down each bite with a sip of chamomile tea. I ate it at 8:21 p.m., but don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll work my way up to breakfast eventually, and I’m sure Kylie will too.
Photo by Louisiana Mei Gelpi. 
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