#obake vivain
ugetelynx · 8 months
I literally have no clue how to content warn Tushima’s lore cause there’s a LOT 😭 so I’m only going to go until he joins the government and i’ll work on another post going further in depth of his adulthood if I feel like it
The main content warnings (i think i’ve been working on this for like three days); death, death via suicide, abuse, kidnapping, experimentation, fires, murder, etc
• Tushima is the youngest of the Vivain brothers, his older brothers being Xander and Obake Vivain. He was raised as a girl (he’s trans) but other than that life started out okay
• When he was really young he lost his mother to suicide due to unseen mental health problems. Tushima is a spitting imagine of her (will be important) however he was too young at the time to really remember unlike his brothers so her death didn’t affect him the way it did the rest of his family (as he hadn’t had a grasp on death yet but oh boy will he soon)
• His father starts gathering resentment for his kids and neglecting them in all sorts of ways out of his grief for losing the wife he loved with all his heart; however he always treated Tushima with love and care due to be a spitting image of his late wife and would never hurt him cause if it
• As Tushima grew older he started transitioning, and he became a lot more aware of his father’s abusive behavior towards his older brothers. He always puts himself between him and his father if he was about to hit Xander or Obake; using the fact that their father would never hurt him to protect his brothers
• Their father soon remarried a woman who had fallen on hard times and they were basically just using each other; Obake and Xander never liked her, Tushima does cause she’s nice and never really knew his mother.
• His stepmom soon became pregnant with Jean-Eve, Tushima’s little half sister, and divorced his father not wanting her child to grow up around him
• Tushima falls into a gang at some point during high school due to meeting Inadv, one of his love interests. Tushima also becomes incredibly close friends with the rest of the gang; Ivy and Sage (twins), Fiora, Silas, Naomi, and Pearl
• Here’s where things start going downhill—fast
• Tushima was fwb with Inadv for a good while before meeting Elyta and getting together with her, cutting off the fwb deal with Inadv; however Inadv caught feelings (though he knows his boundaries and is happy for him)
• Tushima, age 18, gets accepted into a prestigious college that he never wanted to go too but he qualified and his brothers made fill out an application. Obake’s best friend, Molotov, also got accepted so he and Tushima arrived at college together
• Night one he and Molotov are kidnapped in the night and wake up in cages. Tushima recognizes a ton of other students from when he and Molotov first walked into the building to get their room keys
• Tushima’s attention is brought to the “scientist” unlocking his cage, before he knows it he’s getting grabbed and forced somewhere, he can hear Molotov’s faint yells getting further and further away
• The “scientists” strap Tushima down onto a bed as Tushima frantically tries to free himself; only to get muzzled and have his entire body forced still as the headmaster he always saw on the news comes out of the shadows with a syringe full of a weird green liquid, Tushima screams in agony as he gets injected with it (he has lifelong trauma with needles after this)
• They toss him back in the cage and he’s already feeling violently ill; that’s when he notices his body changing. His skin turns to black scales that rip his clothing, his teeth turn into fangs, nails into claws, and tentacles growing out of his back. He coughs up a green liquid before hearing a pleased voice behind him, without having any control over his body he’s slashing at the person through the bars; just slightly out of reach.
• Apparently he’s “perfect” and “just what they’re looking for”
• Since then his “college studies” were normal during the day but at night he was always forced into fighting and killing other students; “failed text subjects” as they called them, made Tushima feel sick. They all had one thing in common, they were horrifically disfigured to the point you’d think they were something out of those zombie movies
• He hated killing them, he always felt so fucking guilty and sick afterwards, but every time he refused he was given a liquid that stopped him from going into his “other form” or whatever you wish to call it to protect himself as the scales are impenetrable. Whenever this happened he’d get abused and beaten so badly it looks like a fucking murder scene, which it probably would have been if it were anyone other than him.
• After “graduating” Tushima and Molotov came home so much different than before. Tushima had always been closed off and quiet; but now he simply looked and sounded dead. Like he was a robot or ghost
• A couple months later he and the gang + Elyta run into Kiara and her colleagues; a rival “gang” if you will. Tushima knew from the glint in her eyes that there was something she was interested in; and Inadv had it. She and Inadv come to a deal that if he and the gang leave she won’t touch them, but as soon as his back is turned, a sharp spike goes straight through his stomach. Kiara kneels down next to him and takes a vial of that green liquid Tushima had been injected with before turning and leaving.
• Breaking out of his shock he rushes over to Inadv and collapses, frantically trying to stop the bleeding, screaming and begging for Inadv to keep his eyes open.
• Nothing works and Tushima and the rest of the gang are in tears, Tushima realizing he’d fallen for Inadv like Inadv fell for him, but it was far too late and Inadv died there in his arms (he fell too fast and he fell too late)
• a while after Inadv’s death, Tushima is contacted by a man named “Disappear” who had apparently formulated a plan to get back at the college that ruined both their lives. Intrigued, Tushima and his friends show up at the meeting spot. There Disappear, a man in his mid-late 30s, explains he was a victim of the college’s experiments and when he’d heard of Tushima and his ability and blood’s unique reaction to the injection he needed to get in contact with him. (Oh and Disappear also has a husband named Flawless who just looked like he was happy to be there)
• A week before the mission was set to take place (all sorts of people were involved including Tushima’s brothers), Tushima is smoking on a rooftop when someone comes up behind him. That someone is Kiara fucking Hayes. The girl who murdered Inadv
• He’s instantly on guard but she raises her hands to show she doesn’t mean any harm and sits down next to him, pulling out her own cigarettes. That’s when she and him start to have a one-on-one, both of them getting progressively more relaxed with each other.
• “Sorry about Inadv.” “Sorry for judging a book by it’s cover.” “Pff.. you’re a dork.” “Hey!”
• Kiara explains that she wants to help Tushima, to make up for what happened awhile back is what she explained but Tushima was sure there was more to it
• During the mission, after having evacuated everyone and rescuing the ones being experimented on, Kiara and Tushima are left 2 vs 1 with the headmaster who, for an old dude, is a lot more challenging to take on than he looks. And the fact the building’s on fire and burning down doesn’t help in the slightest
• He manages to knock Tushima so hard into a wall he cracks his head open and falls to the ground. The headmaster goes to kill him but as soon as he strikes at Tushima, Kiara jumps in the way and takes a sword straight through her arm (leaving her with permanent nerve damage afterwards)
• Tushima manages to force himself back into consciousness but the second he sees Kiara on the ground, holding her bleeding arm with the headmaster standing above her, he snaps and instantly “shifts” (literally have no clue how to describe him going into his corrupted form) into his corrupted form, losing all sense of control and tackling the headmaster to the ground before he could react and sinking his teeth into his neck until the body stopped moving
• Changing back he hurries over to Kiara and helps her up and over to the window Disappear was at
• “You okay?” “Yeah, just a flesh wound” “You’re bleeding way too much. we need to get you medical attention” “Vivain, I am fine”
• The sounds footsteps are hurrying toward where Tushima, Kiara, and Disappear are. Kiara urges Tushima to come with them but he tells Disappear to get Kiara and the others out of there and he’ll stall time for them, and Kiara is very much not happy about it
• “You guys go on ahead, I’ll give you time while they arrest me.” “Vivain what the fuck are you thinking?! Come on lets go, the building’s coming down!” “Hayes—Kiara. I’ll be fine, get out of here.”
• Disappear, quite literally dragging Kiara away, makes their escape with the others while Tushima is left behind when a flurry of government agents storm the building and aim guns at him. Putting his hands up, and behind his head, he gets on his knees as the agents all check the scene around them. Then—to Tushima’s surprise—the leader grabs him by the arm and hauls him up. Informing him that the government could use his ability to their advantage, and it would pay handsomely, and Tushima is initially very reluctant at the idea until the government brings his family into it—giving him no choice but to accept the “deal” of working for them.
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