#obs: munday
obshimchan · 7 years
Do you observe Halloween? If not, is there an alternative that you do observe? I dress up for Halloween and trick-or-treat B-) the one perk of looking young Have you ever dressed up in costume, whether for Halloween or otherwise? What was it? I have multiple times. One time I was an Umbreon! I have been a black cat...too many times.  What’s your favorite candy? I like sour candies and Skittles.  Do you have a monster, urban legend, or creepypasta that you enjoy? Tell us about it! Oh, boy. Werewolves are my favorite.. I do not know any urban legends in my area rip. I dooo have a nosleep story that I can share. I do warn that it is... scary so don’t read it if you don’t want to be scared lol. I don’t know how to tw certain fears since that would give it away? It is The Soul Game. It scared me for a good while, and I usually do not get afraid from horror literature! Another good story is the Boothworld one. It is by the same author. Read at your own risk. It is a horror story, so keep that in mind if you decide to read.
How are you with things that are horror-themed, such as movies and/or video games? Horror movies do not phase me all that much. Video games are different. I tried playing Silent Hill Homecoming (arguably the least scary installment in the series) and chickened out. Though, I will say, I think I have grown more afraid of things as of late. I almost finished SH Homecoming in the past so.. idk. What is something that you’re afraid of? I am afraid of many things.. I do not really like the dark sometimes? It depends. I don’t mind it a lot of the time, but.. when I am bothered by it.. hrrngg Have you ever been to a haunted house or other Halloween-themed attraction? I have not. Alternatively, do you have any ghost stories to tell? I don’t know if this is a ghost story, but.. A few years ago, when I was playing Minecraft with my brother (sitting beside me) and a friend (via online), there was a knock beside my window.. It was 1am, and I live on the 2nd story. I freaked out. My brother had heard it, and my friend had heard it through the headset. I woke my parents up because I was freaking out. My dad checked outside, but nobody was there so :/ ALSO, once when I was home alone with my late cat, I got up to go to my parents’ bathroom to get something. Their bathroom is connected to their room on one side, and the other side is their master closet. Well, when I went into the bathroom, I heard some noises coming from the closet. It sounded like fragile objects being knocked together. My cat was with me, though, so it could not have been her :( ALSO ALSO, when I was home with just my brothers and late dog and cat, we heard something moving around upstairs, like, footsteps?? but everyone was downstairs so.. LOLOLOLOL :’D
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obscuraxrp · 7 years
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HELLO MEMBERS, it’s time for Obscura’s sixth “Munday”!
For those new to Mundays here at Obscura: we value a sense of community among our members and, to that end, we post an OOC meme meant to learn more about you, the mun, on the first Monday of each month!
Participation in Munday is entirely optional – members are by no means required to participate if they don’t wish to share information about themselves or just don’t want to have OOC content on their blog for whatever reason!
However, for those who DO wish to participate in Munday, check beneath the readmore and you will find a small form asking you a few OOC questions – some informative, some just for fun! You may either reblog this post (and edit out this message) and fill in the form, or you may copy and paste it, then re-post it to your blog – either way, please tag it as “obs: munday”! This form is not required to be posted on Monday, nor is it required to be under a readmore break, though you may post it under one if you would prefer. You may answer only part of the questions if you so desire – again, this is just for fun, and members shouldn’t feel pressured to say more than they feel comfortable with.
For those who have missed the previous Munday(s) and wish to also answer those questions, including some basic informative ones, you may find them in the tag HERE, and may add it to today’s meme if you so wish!
We hope that you’re all having fun and feeling comfortable – and we hope that you continue to enjoy yourselves here at Obscura!
— Obscura Admin Team
Do you observe Halloween? If not, is there an alternative that you do observe? Have you ever dressed up in costume, whether for Halloween or otherwise? What was it? What’s your favorite candy? Do you have a monster, urban legend, or creepypasta that you enjoy? Tell us about it!
How are you with things that are horror-themed, such as movies and/or video games? What is something that you’re afraid of? Have you ever been to a haunted house or other Halloween-themed attraction? Alternatively, do you have any ghost stories to tell?
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jinhwanxobs · 7 years
munday 4! (plus the other ones kinda?)
       this is my first munday here so hi everyone~! quick introduction as well i suppose (sort of summarizing a few of the other munday things) -- i’m grey and i use they/them pronouns! i am a college senior, comp. sci. major. i’ve written for fun since i could actually write, but I’ve been roleplaying (krp specifically) since fall 2014! (i’m also in central timezone -- an hour behind obscura main timezone). I don’t particularly have a strong preference for any kind of writing genre; it’s all more or less fair game! 
i’m sorry this is so long lmfao
munday 1!
What is your ultimate weakness; what makes you feel all soft and squishy inside?
“cute” things? ...my biases usually...
Write the first thing to come to mind in caps: BUT WHY Three random facts about you: i used to know how to play piano, i’ve owned a pokemon game from every generation except for the wii games (which do not count), and my bias groups are vixx, infinite, btob, f(x) and bts.
munday 2!
If your muse(s) could describe you in a few words, what would they say?
“at least they’re clean...”
What is the most wicked thing you could imagine your character doing?
as a witch he could very well slip into warlock-dom at a point so i’m not sure how general this should be -- magic can really fuck you up, kids. as it currently stands he’s... i could see him ruining someone’s life on social media or something if they really pissed him off though
If your muse(s) were real, would you fight them?
yes. he’d probably beat me on size alone. probably. but it’d be worth it
What object would you erase from existence if given the opportunity?
cigarettes. the smoke and residue makes me so sick
If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?
that’s a lot of money. i’d buy a service that’d help me invest it? or something? and pay off my loans. i’m not a very material person so i... have no idea.... outside of housing and donating most of it and helping out my friends
If you could play any sport, what would it be?
does dance count as a sport?? i love watching excellent and intense choreography and i do like to dance but i am very awkward-limbed
Do you have any fun hobbies or talents you’d like to share?
i like to draw! i actually write fanfic outside of rp too. mmm i like to cook/bake as well, and i like to play video games when i get the chance
Do you have/want any pets? 
i want a cat.......... please let me have a cat...........
munday 3!
What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
well if i’m being a sap i’d say meeting all of my rp friends; i’m extremely fortunate in that regard. but as a more specific thing, i’d say my love live luck is pretty damn incredible. my best girl fuckin loves me. when scouting for job kanan i did 6 pulls, ur came home TWICE as did the hanamaru ssr also twice, as well as another ur and two ssrs?? and i’ve gotten every one of her cards that’s come out since then?? she’s too good to me
If you could attend any concert or event right now without any obstacles, what would you choose?
i would die (my anxiety would kill me) but a vixx concert with a hi-touch event
What’s your dream vacation?
being at the ocean (can you say beautiful, destin sands) with no pressure of going anywhere, meeting anyone. just lazing in the sand and swimming out into the water. getting caught in the waves sometimes but feeling all sun warm and happily worn at the end of the day
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Any style preferences?
tea! hot tea i can drink with or without sugar but my cold/ice tea has to be sweet -- (bubble) milk tea is also so so good
A game you love ( traditional, video, etc )?
i love pokemon......... i’ll say it ten thousand times....... hoenn is my favorite region (i love the routes around fortree....)
Favorite/Number one go-to internet meme?
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Least favorite internet meme?
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Something that makes you want to flip a table?
hmm... i’d have to be in the moment of flipping the table to tell you
In your opinion, do you fit the stereotyped traits of your western zodiac sign? Do you believe that another sign fits you better? What about your muse?
i don’t know? i think i’m perhaps more like a taurus than a libra. i don’t really understand the stereotypes very well. uuuh... jinhwan? he doesn’t fit the stereotyped traits of an aries either. maybe gemini?
Post a gif of what you’re currently feeling right now.
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munday 4!
Do you prefer to brainstorm your plots or wing them? Do you have no preference in either?
i’m not so sure so far as what winging a plot would be -- i like to have a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen. not necessarily detail by detail, but having a good idea of the setting and how long a thread will go, if there might need to be any location changes or time skips possibly?? those are good things to discuss. you can’t always tell how a muse will react to things until you’re writing them in that moment, so it’s good to be flexible in regard to those changes too ouo
What kind of writing memes do you like, if any (sentence starters, drabble memes, head-canon memes, etc)?
i don’t particularly like sentence starters, as it’s hard for me to come up with fitting context for them. i love headcanon memes for sure but it’s a bit hard for me to say for anything else, as i’ve not had a lot of experience with them!
What’s the easiest way to plot with you? Alternatively, what is the easiest way to contact you for plotting?
give me all your ideas, any ideas!! even if they’re very silly to begin with (mine often are) there might be a good idea for a plot buried in there~ i’ll do the same but please do let me know if i need to slow down haha discord is the single best way of getting ahold of me (thru dms) please do not hesitate to add me and send me a message! on tumblr through dms is totally fine too but i sometimes lose track of them ;;
What kind of movies/television series/dramas/anime/etc do you like to watch?
i love animated stuff! most anime, western stuff like legend of korra, atla, steven universe, young justice, teen titans, etc.; i like action movies i guess? superhero stuff is pretty alright but uh pacific rim and mm: fury road are two of my favorite movies. unless it’s pretty gripping i have trouble paying attention (and also no matter what it is i usually prefer to watch with subs bc i always get a lot more out of it that way)
Would you be interested in the occasional group viewing of a movie/series/drama/cartoon/etc, if one were to be organized?
YELL HES. i have a ton of studio ghibli movies and also all three seasons of atla and all seasons of legend of korra, if i can just figure out how to stream them i’d love to help with that sort of thing also??? ?????
If yes to the above, do you have any specifics in time or day as to when you are available to attend? If no, is there any group activity that you would be interested in participating in (ie, games of some sort)?
bruh i’m down for anything. i’ll have school coming up here this next week but i’ll for the most part be free on the weekends outside of coding and doing schoolwork and hunting bugs. i’m done with class by the evening all during the week too
If you were caught up in a food fight, what food would you throw first?
oh geez... something that wouldn’t hurt? i’d probably just be trying to get out of there asap lmfao
If you could be any mythological beast, which one would you be and why?
DRAGON. NATURALLY. big dumb scaley dog with a big pile of shiny things in a hoard. that me -v-
Top five things that make you happy?
i don’t know about top five! but here’s a few... giving someone something that you’ve thought they’d really like and actually making their day; lazy background music and ambient noises in a place of solitude; chicken tikka masala with rice and naan; drawing silly things; ...pokemon? anything and everything about it?
Share a picture! It could be of your bias, a cute animal, a drawing, a meme, an anime wife—anything you’d like!
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obsxsangmin-blog · 7 years
Munday Vol. 4
-Do you prefer to brainstorm your plots or wing them? Do you have no preference in either?  I don’t particularly have a preference. As long as I know vaguely where we are gonna end up, I’m good.
-What kind of writing memes do you like, if any (sentence starters, drabble memes, head-canon memes, etc)? I’ve only had a couple memes sent my way, and i think i like headcanon memes a lot. lets me explore the character without having to work all the way through writing things out in their voice if you know what i mean???
-What’s the easiest way to plot with you? Alternatively, what is the easiest way to contact you for plotting? I think everyone currently here in obs has discord, and it’s really the easiest way to get a hold of me. I’ve got discord on my phone so I know when people are messaging me. I check tumblr daily, but usually late at night in EST time. So if someone doesnt have discord, they can message me here.
-What kind of movies/television series/dramas/anime/etc do you like to watch? I fall really hard for sports anime and really bad romance anime and action anime. Which is like everything. so... not particulalrly helpful. Overall I’d say my taste in movies is “bad movies” Things that really are bad but are fun to laugh at and make fun of.
-Would you be interested in the occasional group viewing of a movie/series/drama/cartoon/etc, if one were to be organized? Yeeeeeeeeeeaa boiiii.
-If yes to the above, do you have any specifics in time or day as to when you are available to attend? If no, is there any group activity that you would be interested in participating in (ie, games of some sort)? I live with helsing and bun, so like. any time theyre good, ill probably be good for too. I think cards against humanity would be really fun with everyone.
-If you were caught up in a food fight, what food would you throw first? none. its my food.
-If you could be any mythological beast, which one would you be and why? I dont tend to think that hard about stuff like that? Probably like.... a bugbear or something. I dunno.
-Top five things that make you happy? cdra, bun, warden, fluffy, my dog, and obscura. boom.
-Share a picture! It could be of your bias, a cute animal, a drawing, a meme, an anime wife—anything you’d like! 
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Heres a kai that i photoshopped the yaranaika face onto. the file is titled yarenaikai.
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obsxduri-blog · 7 years
Intermission V.
Blog Guest: Jou
What’s your favorite animal? Fictional or otherwise!: Dragons, cats, & owls. I have simple tastes. Have you ever dyed your hair before? If you have, what colors did you use? If you haven’t and would like to, what colors would you use?: First time I died my hair, I went with pink/purple/blue streaks. After that, I went with black lowlights and blonde highlights (it was uh. bad). After that, I went onto a red-auburn. I’m back at normal color right now, but I want to go back to my red. ;_; What television shows did you watch as a child?: As like...a kid-kid? Sagwa the Chinese-Siamese Cat was basically my absolute jam.
How do you like to relieve stress?: I’m really bad at this, but I really like to spend time with my friends & play video games to unwind! What’s your favorite part of roleplaying?: I love developing characters & seeing other people’s characters?? It’s just SO COOL to me. What’s an achievement you are proud of?: Every day, I train a little more to become a Mean Person.
Many of us have returned to or will soon be returning to school! Do you have any advice that you’d like to share?: Don’t put off assignments to the last minute. I’ve done this all my life and I’m getting gray hairs despite only being twenty; stress like that takes a very noticeable toll on your health & body. That being said, make sure to take care of yourself, too! If you have or are pursuing a degree, what is it?: Illustration with a minor in Creative Writing! Do you have any go-to studying tips that you would share?: I’m a horrid studier (I tend to just reread/skim my notes the day before a quiz) so refer to other people’s advice here. ;w;/
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obscris · 7 years
munday form. three
"...so on those days, this is what I tell myself. whatever you're feeling right now, there is a mathematical certainty that someone else is feeling that exact thing. this is not to say you aren't special...this is to say thank god you aren't special." (neil hilborn)
What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you? I met beyonce once. my mom had a night job as an usher in a theatre on fifth ave and she sneaked me down during the show when beyonce was leaving. I shook her hand and told her I loved her, and she just laughed and thanked me for being a fan. it was magical. (it was like when she first started her solo career I think) If you could attend any concert or event right now without any obstacles, what would you choose? mamamoo ofc, or bts. or twice. heart eyes. What’s your dream vacation? going back to colombia, or korea or japan. (I just want to travel the world)  Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Any style preferences? I live on coffee tbh, typical colombian. milk, two sugars.  A game you love ( traditional, video, etc )? first (or third)  person shooters; destiny, ghost recon, division, halo, gears of war. assassins creed series, final fantasy, resident evil 6, pokemon, sims, batman and board games are my shit.   
Favorite/Number one go-to internet meme? I still love the evil kermit ones. Least favorite internet meme? the cash me ousside chick. please stop making her famous. Something that makes you want to flip a table? life man, just life.
In your opinion, do you fit the stereotyped traits of your western zodiac sign? Do you believe that another sign fits you better? What about your muse? I'm a cancer through and through. but as far as cris goes, definite leo. 
"fiercely loyal and protective of loved ones, the lion is proudly devoted to each and every member of the family. strong, loving, and regal, this person is always conscious of making everyone proud." 
Post a gif of what you’re currently feeling right now. my brother has me on a diet.
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obsxtakuya · 7 years
idk what day of the week it is tbh
Time for a Munday and let’s pretend I’m not stupidly late
How long have you been rping?
This is it. Literally my first RP ever (please be patient with my poor soul I have no idea what I’m doing)
Do you write outside of rp?
I write poetry and prose and the occasional short story if the mood strikes.
Which days/times do you get the most writing done?
Usually my best writing inspiration always strikes whenever I have something else I desperately need to do. I almost always want to write the most directly before the deadline for a project.
If your muse(s) could describe you in a few words, what would they say?
“She’s a bit...soft.”
What is the most wicked thing you could imagine your character doing?
Yikes™. Probably betraying or sacrificing others to save himself/his family/his friends
If your muse(s) were real, would you fight them?
I would, and I would lose.
What object would you erase from existence if given the opportunity?
The Scrub Daddy sponge
If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?
Pay off my student loan, pay off my friends’ student loans, then take those friends and buy a house somewhere.
If you could play any sport, what would it be?
I was a gymnast for a pretty long while, and it’d be cool if I could get back to that.
Do you have any fun hobbies or talents you’d like to share?
I have a talent for dancing really badly. I tried line dancing the other night and I was predictably awful at it but it was lots of fun.
Do you have/want any pets?
I have two cats, and they are the fuzzy lights of my life.
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obsxgohn-blog · 7 years
How long have you been rping? If I could count I would. It’s been a really long time tbh. Do you write outside of rp? Yes, actually! I write comics, currently am writing a visual novel, and occasionally write novelle style things and fanfiction, sort of? I actually tend to consider myself a writer, at least a comic writer, despite my horrible writing. Tbh my writing is the most awkwardly direct sounding thing and for that I am so sorry. Which days/times do you get the most writing done? Night, mostly. I have sporatic bursts of energy where I can write a lot, but other times I write one or two posts every now and then. If you ever need anything done you can always poke at me though. I’ll respond more quickly if you need me to!
If your muse(s) could describe you in a few words, what would they say?
This is funny because Gohn can’t say shit. Gohn would probably hate me because I wouldn’t take his peppermints.
Lu would just scream asshole while hiding in a blanket fort.
What is the most wicked thing you could imagine your character doing?
Well Gohn frequently brutally tortures people, but he usually avoids the physiological aspect. He, however, could break that out if he felt like it.
And Lu just... I mean, he eats people so really what can I say?
If your muse(s) were real, would you fight them?
I like living very much and I don’t want the plague or to be ripped limb from limb by wind.
What object would you erase from existence if given the opportunity?  BINACLE. THAT POKEMON CAN HECK RIGHT OFF. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BINACLE ISNT AN OBJECT? I DONT CARE. If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?  I would spend it on Art. I’d hire people to draw comics and stuff for my writing. I’m okay at the drawing but man would it be cool to have other people do some of my million ideas. If you could play any sport, what would it be? I’m not huge on sports, but how about underwater basket weaving? Do you have any fun hobbies or talents you’d like to share? Uh... I’m, as aforementioned many times, a comic artist and writer? I draw many comics and things. If you ever wanna see my art?? You can ask and I can get you my art blog ;w;? I’m a starving artist so all the follows count for something. Do you have/want any pets? Not really? I want a ferret. I sort of have two cats? I love them.
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obshimchan · 7 years
right before monday ends
What’s your favorite animal? Fictional or otherwise! I like cats and wolves hehe Have you ever dyed your hair before? If you have, what colors did you use? If you haven’t and would like to, what colors would you use? I have dyed it an auburn-ish color before... and have also had the misfortune of getting blonde highlights when that was A Thing. What television shows did you watch as a child? I watched Courage the Cowardly Dog, Teen Titans, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Powerpuff Girls.. A lot of cartoons on CartoonNetwork basically haha. 
How do you like to relieve stress? I just don’t deal with stuff  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just lay down LOL What’s your favorite part of roleplaying? I like improving my writing and writing with other people  What’s an achievement you are proud of? I am being a Negative Nancy I am sorry. Maybe my scholarship if anything.. owo
Many of us have returned to or will soon be returning to school! Do you have any advice that you’d like to share? Study and do what you’re told to work on? Don’t put it off? If you have or are pursuing a degree, what is it? Bachelor’s in biology w/ emphasis on pre-PT Do you have any go-to studying tips that you would share? Rewrite your notes
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obscuraxrp · 7 years
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HELLO MEMBERS, it’s time for Obscura’s fifth “Munday”!
For those new to Mundays here at Obscura: we value a sense of community among our members and, to that end, we post an OOC meme meant to learn more about you, the mun, on the first Monday of each month!
Participation in Munday is entirely optional – members are by no means required to participate if they don’t wish to share information about themselves or just don’t want to have OOC content on their blog for whatever reason!
However, for those who DO wish to participate in Munday, check beneath the readmore and you will find a small form asking you a few OOC questions – some informative, some just for fun! You may either reblog this post (and edit out this message) and fill in the form, or you may copy and paste it, then re-post it to your blog – either way, please tag it as “obs: munday”! This form is not required to be posted on Monday, nor is it required to be under a readmore break, though you may post it under one if you would prefer. You may answer only part of the questions if you so desire – again, this is just for fun, and members shouldn’t feel pressured to say more than they feel comfortable with.
For those who have missed the previous Munday(s) and wish to also answer those questions, including some basic informative ones, you may find them in the tag HERE, and may add it to today’s meme if you so wish!
We hope that you’re all having fun and feeling comfortable – and we hope that you continue to enjoy yourselves here at Obscura!
— Obscura Admin Team
What’s your favorite animal? Fictional or otherwise! Have you ever dyed your hair before? If you have, what colors did you use? If you haven’t and would like to, what colors would you use? What television shows did you watch as a child?
How do you like to relieve stress? What’s your favorite part of roleplaying? What’s an achievement you are proud of?
Many of us have returned to or will soon be returning to school! Do you have any advice that you’d like to share? If you have or are pursuing a degree, what is it? Do you have any go-to studying tips that you would share?
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gyuobs-blog · 7 years
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                                              munday funday on a tuesday 
How long have you been rping? 
 eight years at most
Do you write outside of rp? 
 on occasion; i used to be a pretty popular request/fic writer for my krp blog (infinite based) and would write all the time. now it’s just a ‘if i have the motivation’ type thing.
Which days/times do you get the most writing done? 
that is a good question. honestly there is no exact time. it’s just whenever i can.
If your muse(s) could describe you in a few words, what would they say?
“she’s....different, to say the least. a bit hopeless at times.”
What is the most wicked thing you could imagine your character doing? 
nothing. he literally can do no harm. he is a smol soft being.
If your muse(s) were real, would you fight them? 
i would fight him in a game of cards. but nothing else. probably try to teach him computer shit.
What object would you erase from existence if given the opportunity? 
...spiders, do they count? or those stupid bar things you push to get into train stations or amusement park rides, they always hurt my hip.
If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?
lets see, i’d probably get my parents and brother out of debt and find a comfortable place for me and my boyfriend to live while also giving his parents some money too. i’d actually spend a lot of it on other people before myself.
If you could play any sport, what would it be? 
soccer, you just kick a damn ball around. 
Do you have any fun hobbies or talents you’d like to share? 
i am actually an aspiring writer/artist ( ooo fancy ) but currently due to coughdepressioncough i’ve yet gathered the motivation to properly pursue anything.
Do you have/want any pets?
yes i have seven dogs and two cats that live with my parents. yeah i know crazy right. and three cats that live here with me and my boyfriend and his parents. i love animals so much man so very much.
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obsxbjoo · 7 years
mundorkday heyo
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Preferred name:  tbh I’ll respond to any noise you make in my general direction but Inc is totally fine as well !! 
Preferred pronouns:  any ?? any,, 
 Timezone:  MST (UTC -7 or smth) ey -yodels at the top of the Rocky Mountains-
Preferred writing style:
hahah is it news that I don’t have a preference ?? tbh I’m super cool with any format, para, sms, dialogue or otherwise !! I actually find it a mote easier to respond to styles that are naturally shorter but thats jus bc I feel like it’s less pressure and I don’t have to fiddle with words for nine billion years pFSFSFSSS but I love em all the same !! just,, might respond faster to shorter ones just because its easier for me haaa 
Preferred writing genre:  
boy I’d love to try anything at least twice hahah //shot exploring different themes is always a treat in my experience ?? wherever the inspiration takes us ! I just believe that putting a muse into different situations can showcase different sides that wouldn’t have otherwise come to light !! does the usually distant or socially awkward muse have a chivalrous streak ? is the quiet one actually good with comforting people ? does the tough one have a way with children ? does the small one LOVE CHEESY GARLIC BREAD CHIPS ?? it’s always a discovery and I think it’s pretty great pFFFS,,, explorinn find the new things I’ll admit tho I’m all for them crack and dank memes

Genres you’re less interested/would rather not partake in:  
as a minor I’m neither interested in nor willing to write smut or excessively sexual content :’> anything else is really fair game !! 

Any other writing preferences?  
ah I guess ?? I usually prefer small text but really it doesn’t matter either way hahaha anything else is pretty Aesthetic but also time consuming so I’m like ?? wow ?? amazing but also ahahah I’m so lazy so um yeah I’m pretty minimal on formatting,, 
Favorite color: 
right but listen here every color is beautiful in its own right like yeah some are drab some are neon some are pale and others aren’t and that is honestly incredible *DEEP BREATH* tl;dr how do you expect me to choose 

Favorite/lucky number: 
uuuhhhhh,,, well idk the number 9 or 1 / 11 appears a lot in my life I guess hahahaha

A song/show/drama you’d recommend: 
a friend of mine would like me to promote Scorpion (cbs) and I’ve seen the first two episodes and it’s pretty great so far ?? either way I’ve peeked into quite a few different corners of music/show/drama tho but at the sam time I know like nonE AHAH,,, tho for real you can get me into pretty much anything ?? I always find something to appreciate pffs

Fill in the blank: “You’re always free to message me about ___!”
yelling ?? idk man for real I’m a huge chatterbox and I always want to talk to people haha !! really feel free to start a conversation with me about like,, most anything tbH,, if it’s a topic I’m not familiar with you should 100000% tell me about it ?? I’d love it :00 ( also we can always just hold a conversation in just screeching I’m down for that also ) 

If you could choose a species in Obscura that you’d like to be, what would it be? Why? 
geeeee all the species r pretty cool ?? tho bein a vampire or a werewolf is to u gh so like I honestly don’t think I could pull it off hAHAHA,,, tbh a beast blooded would be mighty cool !! I’d totally want to be a dragon :‘DDDD

What is your ultimate weakness; what makes you feel all soft and squishy inside? 
um,,, tbh ships ?? and not even just the romantic kind like give me familial ships,, friendships, hateships, platonic ships ???? I’ll just m elt inside hahahaha wow I’m super lame.,, just some kids just having to deal with each other’s existence in their lives is honestly the best,,, angst also makes me cry and hurt forever but I love it 8") 

Write the first thing to come to mind in caps:  

Three random facts about you: HAHAHAH whoops I absolutely,,, s UC K at these pFF ok um,, um lessee other than the fact that I’m lame
a pair of magpies were going to build a nest in this smol conifer right up against a window in our house and like ?? yo you could see the beginnings of the twigs getting threaded through there and I was like :000 !!! hype ?? wow they chose this place to be home and I was so ready 2 take pictures of ugly baby dinos I mean cute baby magpies since it’s like I could sit on the arm chair that’s up against the window and I could have full vantage of the lil nest ??? as I was saying, hype !! bUT THEN MY MOM TOOK OUT A FRUIT KNIFE THE ONE WE CUT WATERMELONS WITH AND SAWED OFF THE WHOLE BRANCH AND THREW IT TWIGS AND ALL INTO THE TRASH AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHG -sobs softly- im just sorry for the poor magpie pair,,, I’m sorry we wasted all your hard work,,, ( mom’s explanation: this is my house so I’m not going to let them build a home on my home I was here first !! ) tho like I don’t think the magpies moved out tbh I saw the other day they were perched on our tree so ???? I’m just sad I missed out on the great pictures sob it was like a fairy tale ( I tried to talk my mom out of it by saying about how a pair of magpies were considered auspicious n all and I’m disappointed it didn’t work ?? I made a pretty good argument I feel ;v )
right so like last week we had a few slices of raisin bread from T&T ( our local Asian food supplier in the form of a supermarket eyyy ) and I was like,,, wow ??? dude how great would raisin bread french toast be like wOW !!? I’ve never made french toast before and tbh we’re like rice everyday ™ and honestly the inside of our fridge has never seen cheese or cream or pasta ( ok look I know uncooked pasta doesn’t go in the fridge but I was making a point ) and certain other western-type foods are rare guests ( a tragedy rly because I love that stuff ) bUT ANYWAY !! I was thinking about french toast and going,,, woah,,, woah woAH ??? we might actually have all the ingredients ?? we always have eggs, and… oh, half and half…? aw… we don’t have that— oH but you can make it with milk and butter ??? gasp i actually think we have like 1 stick of frozen butter from waaaay back and I’m sure it’s saved there omg this’ll work. we don’t have nutmeg but… I distinctly remember getting vanilla extract and my mom says we have cinnamon ?? I didn’t even know we had cinnamon !! wow this is going to work imma make it for breakfast tomorrow it will be great !! so cue tomorrow, I wake up earlier to get it ready ( lmao since usually I wake up like 5 mins before transit comes and toss stuff into my backpack and leave ) and,,, and it turns out we I overestimated what we had in our fridge aHAHA,,, what I thought was a stick of butter was actually yeast and there was ?? no sugar ?? I could not find sugar,,, we didn’t have milk either and I was v disappointed in myself bUT !! I still made it using soy milk and brown sugar ( it was super hard I was chiseling it with a spoon ) but luckily I did manage to dig out the vanilla extract + the cinnamon was def there, as were the eggs and salt was around. of course, had to use vegetable oil instead of butter to grease the pan as I’d planned but !! it totally turns out great and was a p good success considering a first attempt hahaha,,, topped it with bananas, crumbled walnut and maple syrup and it was great :^)))))) 
ummmmmmmmmmmm wow those turned out long hAHAHA,, uh no other interesting stories are coming to mind right away but like ?? I guess one time when I was a kid we were in Toronto I think and I,,, rushed some pigeons ( like when u try to make people flinch right ?? yeah ) some pigeons that were in a courtyard and like,,, ok so there was a lady eating subway and she was a respectable business lady or smth bUT SO THE FLOCK OF PIGEONS ALL TOOK OFF AND SHE ( understandably ) SPOOKED AND DROPPED HER SUBWAY AND WALKED QUICKLY AWAY AND WOW I FELT SO BAD AAHHAAHAAAaaa,,, either way the pigeons descended on the subway and it was never seen again,,, I still feel rlllyyy bad abt it I’m so sorry for like ruining that woman’s day sobbbbb
ohey and we come full circle aHahah,, one story about birds, another story about food, and then a story about birds and food aahhaahaHAHAA,,, pretty accurate reflection of my life tbh,,, I’m all about birds and food
oH,, oh,, ‘nother story came to mind which involves a rly majestic nosebleed but uh hmmm let’s save that one PSHH
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obsxduri-blog · 7 years
Intermissions I-IV: Catching Up
Blog Guest: Jou
Preferred name: Jou Preferred pronouns: They/Them Timezone: USA EST UTC -5
Preferred writing style (script, para, either): Either Preferred writing genre: A roadtrip to hell with brief respites. Anything that causes characters to change, either drastically or over time. Characters developing bonds & relationships & affecting one another. (I’d say the typical “fantasy/scifi” but uh, Obscura’s already got that covered?) Genres you’re less interested/would rather not partake in: It’s just not believable to me if characters are 100% happy all the time, I guess? Any other writing preferences?: I’m so flexible it hurts.
Favorite color: Purple! Specifically, blue-violet. Favorite/lucky number: 3 (which I accidentally gave to Duri as well, for. Reasons.) A song/show/drama you’d recommend: Ore Monogatari!! & Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live. Fill in the blank: “You’re always free to message me about ___!” Plotting; cats; characters; anything you want, really. If you could choose a species in Obscura that you’d like to be, what would it be? Why?: Beast-blooded because I’m not a furry, but given the opportunity to be a real-life dragon, I’d take it.  What is your ultimate weakness; what makes you feel all soft and squishy inside?: FRIENDS.... Write the first thing to come to mind in caps: WEEEEH???? Three random facts about you: I am 5′10″ (178 cm) which means I am disgustingly tall (actually, the rest of you are very short). Currently attending art college! My two moods are soft & meme.
How long have you been rping?: Eight years, though is my first KRP. Do you write outside of rp?: Yes! Talk to me sometime about my 80+ OC’s. OwO Which days/times do you get the most writing done?: Whenever I have time to sit down.
If your muse(s) could describe you in a few words, what would they say?: “Haunted by a lack of sleep.” or something. I have difficulties describing others’ personalities, let alone myself, even in the frame of a fictional character doing it. What is the most wicked thing you could imagine your character doing?: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Witches, man. We’ll definitely see, though. If your muse(s) were real, would you fight them?: I’m pretty sure Duri needs a lot of therapy & some good friends, so no, I am absolutely not fighting this one. If other people or other muses want to fight Duri, though? By all means.
What object would you erase from existence if given the opportunity?: Headphone jacks in computers that don’t quite work. They’re hellish. If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?: Pay off my crippling college debt, buy a house big enough to move in all of my friends, get my transition rolling w/o dealing with insurance stuff...this is probably too realistic to be meme-y, sorry. If you could play any sport, what would it be?: Weight-lifting or hand-to-hand combat/self defense. Or parkour. Do you have any fun hobbies or talents you’d like to share?: I think I already mentioned going to art college, but yes, I do art! And that’s...pretty much my entire identity now...!!!! Do you have/want any pets?: I have six! Two dogs (Benny & Chooch) & four cats (Izzy, Dagda, Mozz, & Zoot).
What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?: One time I managed to win $200 in a scratch-off game on vacation? That’s objectively pretty lucky. I’m also just...really lucky to know the people that I do, have the friends that I have, and be loved like I am. If you could attend any concert or event right now without any obstacles, what would you choose?: Time travel me back to see Queen & David Bowie. ;_; I am a simple gay. What’s your dream vacation?: Big city with  Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Any style preferences?: I drink. SO much hot chocolate over the school year. I also really love tea, and I have been...sort of getting into coffee. Ish. I go to Starbucks sometimes because that fuckin’ Midnight Mint Mocha was literally made for me. A game you love ( traditional, video, etc )?: I LOVE AND HATE BIOWARE GAMES. They single-handedly destroyed my aversion to retaining canon & shipping canon/OC characters. Crappy ending? No problem! Didn’t happen! One of your favorite characters got thrown into the void because of an arbitrary choice meant only to punish people who didn’t take one specific choice early on???? They’re fine, they crawled OUT of the void. AU WHERE THANE DIES? NOT AN AU I LIKE. THANE LIVES ON HAPPILY WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND, RECONCILED WITH HIS SON AND HE’S. FINE. THAT’S THE NEW CANON.
Favorite/Number one go-to internet meme?: I type like you would expect the Internet to in private (lots of periods/commas, Capital Letters, trademark symbol, raNDOM CAPS). I like bone-hurting juice? Calling people furries? Least favorite internet meme?: Crave that mineral. Something that makes you want to flip a table?: Memes.
In your opinion, do you fit the stereotyped traits of your western zodiac sign? Do you believe that another sign fits you better? What about your muse?: I’ve been told by people with more expertise than me that I pretty much fit the textbook definition of an Aquarius: weirdo, mysterious, deep-thinker. I had to go look up Scorpio stuff for Duri, and like...she’s more like it as MagCoChe? Since that’s the kind of person she wants to be (intense, caring, brave, etc). She’s also pretty ambitious (#JustLittleWitchThings) & stubborn with that ambitiousness. So, I guess she does fit Scorpio! Just...not in the way you necessarily expect those things to manifest, since people tend to talk about Scorpios as though they’re very confident. Post a gif of what you’re currently feeling right now.
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Do you prefer to brainstorm your plots or wing them? Do you have no preference in either?
I like to have some sort of skeleton of where to go, but I’m fine with winging it from there—I feel like the meat of a story can’t truly be found until you’re within it & writing it. That being said, I’m also very partial to plotting out where things will go in terms of those skeletons? I basically like having a guideline, and then playing with that.
What kind of writing memes do you like, if any (sentence starters, drabble memes, head-canon memes, etc)?
I just love memes in general! I feel like some surprising things come out of the drabble memes (I know I really enjoy reading what others come up with for those), but each kind serves their own function, especially in terms of what the mundane feels like writing.
What’s the easiest way to plot with you? Alternatively, what is the easiest way to contact you for plotting?
I am absolutely okay with plotting over Tumblr, but as long as I am awake, I am on Discord. (Other members can friend me through the OBS chat!)
What kind of movies/television series/dramas/anime/etc do you like to watch?
I watch a disgusting amount of superhero movies due to my stepfather’s interests. I’ve also been watching Star Trek: The Next Generation for the same reason, as a family activity. That being said, I gravitate heavily towards fantasy & scifi genres when it comes to consuming media of my own volition!
Would you be interested in the occasional group viewing of a movie/series/drama/cartoon/etc, if one were to be organized?
Absolutely!! I feel like movies are more feasible just because we all live with vastly differing sleep schedules & time zones, but I would happily do any. ovob
If yes to the above, do you have any specifics in time or day as to when you are available to attend? If no, is there any group activity that you would be interested in participating in (ie, games of some sort)?
I’m pretty much available whenever I’m awake/online? I probably wouldn’t be able to do anything from midnight to 10 AM or somewhere around there, but it also depends on my class schedule.
If you were caught up in a food fight, what food would you throw first?
Something that leaves a stain or sticks, so something with tomato sauce or a food like rice. Or maybe I’d just lob a full slice of pizza through the air in hopes it would hit someone topping-side first. Who knows?
If you could be any mythological beast, which one would you be and why?
Who says I’m not already an alien. Or a dragon. Or both. Have any of you ever seen me in the same room as an alien dragon?? I think not. 
Top five things that make you happy?
My friends because I’m terribly sappy, cats & animals of all kinds, talking about OC’s & muses, video games, memes?
Share a picture! It could be of your bias, a cute animal, a drawing, a meme, an anime wife—anything you’d like!
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obscris · 7 years
munday form. two
“did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? proving nature’s law is wrong, it learned to walk without having feet.” (tupac shakur)
How long have you been rping? so long honestly. I started out in the neopet boards, with wolf pack and pirate and fantasy rps being my favorites. then I moved to a couple forums that my friends ran. (this was when aim was poppin, truly, honestly) I don’t remember what they’re called though hmmm. Then I stopped rping for a couple of years and somehow found tumblr krp one day. With the first directory I joined being [eden-krp] and I really hope the admins bring it back one day.   Do you write outside of rp? I do! I write poems and short stories and my favorite college class so far has been creative writing tbh.    Which days/times do you get the most writing done? late at night. its my magic hour.
If your muse(s) could describe you in a few words, what would they say? “he's a good kid. he tries his best.” cris is hella soft bruh What is the most wicked thing you could imagine your character doing? he’s not really a wicked person but when it comes to his pack or pride or friends for that matter…he’d kill someone. If your muse(s) were real, would you fight them? uh no. he would destroy me with one finger. but if we’re being honest…I’d probably try. out of curiosity.
What object would you erase from existence if given the opportunity? im going to have to second mosquitos, because I hate them. and scientist have proven they could die out and nature would be fine. they suck blood and spread disease so fuck em. If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first? my mom a house and a business so she could make more money even without my money. and pay of my student loans. If you could play any sport, what would it be? I play basketball and baseball so probably football (soccer) the sport of my people. Do you have any fun hobbies or talents you’d like to share? I can play the xylophone and can also snipe you from 800ms away on Ghost Recon. come at me bro. Do you have/want any pets? 
I’ve had three dogs growing up. The first dog was my grandfathers, a shaggy little black dog named Scrooples. When me and my fam moved in with my grandfather, we were passed the responsibility of taking care of him. He was blind in one eye and pissed everywhere but I loved him. Then one day, he passed away and although it was illegal, my grandfather buried him in Central Park. Because that was Scrooples favorite place.
My second dog was a beagle named Candy. She was a rescue and hated loud noises. And whenever she did something wrong like ripped up a tissue or a peed on the sheets, she would always bumrush you as soon as you came through the door crying and licking your face so you’d forgive her. She was a sweetheart. About a year later, she ended up going with my older cousin upstate when she got married because they had a big ass backyard and city living was getting her fat. As she got older, she started getting really sick and got cancer. Even though she went through a lot of surgeries, she too passed away. She was my Candy Girl.
And my third and possibly saddest dog was my blue nosed pit-bull named Blu. I had him since he was a puppy and he was basically my child. Contrary to popular belief he was very sweet and loving and even when my baby cousins or family members would pull on his ear or try to sit on him, he wouldn’t try to bite them or anything. He would just run to me because the hoomans were scaring him. But he was a good guard dog though. When my ex girlfriend would stay over and I had left to work or the store, he would perch himself in between my room door and pick his head up if he heard someone getting too close to my apartment door.
Okay heres where it gets sad, So for those that don’t know the word gentrification, its the process of renovation of a deteriorated urban neighborhood by replacing the residents with more affluent families. Its happening all over New York City and as one of the last latino families in my neighborhood, we’re constantly getting pressured to leave the apartment or sell out. Although my apartment building never really had a rule for pets, all of a sudden they had one. They basically threatened to kick us out because we had a pitbull. So one day while I was away at work, my mom and cousins took Blu to ASPCA and didn’t even tell me.
It was the first time in a long time that I ever cried so hard. And there was nothing I could do. (sidenote: my first tattoo was his face on the left side of my chest, over my heart *coughmantitycough*)
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obsgyuri-blog · 7 years
❖ Munday [01]
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Preferred name: I once told Ten mun to call me THOT (ten’s hoe over there) and i think it’s safe to go with that Preferred pronouns: she/her  Timezone: central amurrica
Preferred writing style (script, para, either): My scripts are essentially paras within parentheses... sdsdjdskj so I’d like to say paras. novellas come rarely with me, like i gotta be FEELIN that shit Preferred writing genre (light themes, dark themes, domestic/ship/familial themes, etc): i’m an angst/fluff person by heart..,, like hoooo weee that’s the good stuff  👀  but any theme is A++++ with me as long as it makes sense to the muse’s character and it doesn’t feel forced Genres you’re less interested/would rather not partake in (sexual nsfw, violent nsfw, ships, etc): I don’t mind sexual nsfw if it’s in private. I don’t like writing it explicitly so like i prefer to fade to black or just headcanon it with my partner.  Violent nsfw is fine with me as well as long as it’s not graphic to where it’s self gratuitous and doesn’t do anything for the character/plot. I feel the same way about ships. Like I don’t like writing gore or shipping for the sake of being edgy or having a ship. There should be substance behind it all. I’m also really uncomfortable when writing touches upon topics that are often misrepresented and perpetuate negative stereotypes (e.g. mental illness, homophobia, etc)  Any other writing preferences (icons, small text, etc)? i don’t have a preference between text sizes it just needs to be LEGIBLE. so the <small><sub or <small><sup> is really overkill for my eyes. I ... love.. icons tho.,,, like.. seulgi’s so bubbly that it doesn’t match gyuri’s character but i still love icons bc i’M an aesthetic hoe
Favorite color: purple with blue undertones! Favorite/lucky number: 1 bc you (/points at you) are my #1  A song/show/drama you’d recommend:             • Stella Jang’s Vanishing Paycheck / EXO CBX’s Ka-Ching / Moon Hyuna’s Cricket Song            • We Bare Bears / Black Mirror / Avatar the Last Airbender           • Legend of the Blue Sea / everything Do Kyungsoo or Kim Seulgi has breathed in  Fill in the blank: “You’re always free to message me about your muses!” PLEASE MESSAGE ME ABOUT YOUR HEADCANONS AND IDEAS YOU HAVE FOR OUR CHARACTERS. i love bouncing ideas off people and seeing ppl be excited over their muses. i BREATHE in that shit If you could choose a species in Obscura that you’d like to be, what would it be? Why? Probably a fae. like u know how ppl say blondes have more fun? well in obscura faes have more fun. i don’t make the rules. i’d probably be a fae of music. it’d be lit What is your ultimate weakness; what makes you feel all soft and squishy inside? reassurance in life. that trope when characters pine after one another without really knowing until there’s some catalyst moment, and one of them is just like “oh.... i’m in love” THAT’S THE STUFF THAT WATERS MY CROPS AND KEEPS MY DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ON TRACK. i’ll eat my entire fist over soft tropes like that Write the first thing to come to mind in caps: REMEMBER YOU ARE A TRASH CAN, NOT A TRASH CAN’T Three random facts about you:
at best, i’m only okay at everything i try to do
i very much want to make a mermaid character eventually
i like to dance but am utterly lazy 24/7
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obshaechul-blog · 7 years
Preferred name: Taylor?????? Preferred pronouns: They/Them Timezone: EST
Preferred writing style (script, para, either): I’ve only ever done para, as this is my first roleplay. Preferred writing genre (light themes, dark themes, domestic/ship/familial themes, etc): meme themes? Genres you’re less interested/would rather not partake in (sexual nsfw, violent nsfw, ships, etc): violent nsfw. gore and descriptions of gore give me anxiety attacks and so i try not to get involved in writing that myself uwu Any other writing preferences (icons, small text, etc)? I preffer to type white text on black background, but haven’t figured out how to do that in word yet.
Favorite color: Blue. Favorite/lucky number: 4 A song/show/drama you’d recommend:  I’m Blue by Eiffel 65 has been stuck in my head. Fill in the blank: “You’re always free to message me about memes!” If you could choose a species in Obscura that you’d like to be, what would it be? Why? The idea of being a fae is really cool to me. Like embodying a concept is pretty cool. What is your ultimate weakness; what makes you feel all soft and squishy inside? My dog, Arwen, and having a good time with all yall. Write the first thing to come to mind in caps: Caps Three random facts about you: 1) I draw comics. 2) I wear lolita sometimes. 3) I have blue hair.
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