wcndyxdarling · 6 years
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Once upon a time, Wendy from Peter Pan became a reality.
SHE bears a resemblance to COURTNEY EATON. The Fable, who identifies as CIS FEMALE, goes by the name of WENDY DARLING and appears to be TWENTY-TWO years old. The CLERK AT NOD’S BOOKS lives in FABLETOWN.
Name: Wendy Darling Age: Twenty-two years old Occupation: Clerk at Nod’s Books Note: There are some slight triggers in here. I wasn’t sure exactly but just in case I tagged them accordingly!
PAST - Life in London…
Wendy’s childhood closely follows that of the fable. Born the eldest of three to George and Mary Darling, she learned that societal expectations and responsibilities were highly important, especially for a girl of her status. She was expected to grow up much earlier than most children her age and as willing as she was, she couldn’t. Maturity could not contain the deeper parts of her personality, the creative ones that is. 
When her brothers were born, something shifted inside of her. There was an almost protective nature that overtook her and along with it came her creativity. Stories popped up constantly in her mind. Her imagination became larger and wilder than those of her peers. She became a talented storyteller, sharing her stories with her brothers every night in their room. She spent countless nights staying up with them and telling them the different tales in her head, some of which she had dreamt and others which she had made up.
Although it may seem like she had a wonderful time getting along with her brothers, the same couldn’t be said for her relationship with her parents. Her mother, though gentle and motherly of course, was very much reserved around her children especially when it came to their father. She loved her children but she couldn’t put aside her duty as a wife to take care of them. Her father was temperamental and would often burst into fits when he couldn’t get his way. He never hit his children… at least for now. You can imagine Wendy’s fear of not meeting his expectations, especially in Edwardian London.
During a social event at the Darling house, her youngest brother Michael and their nanny caused a scene, embarrassing Mr. Darling in front of his fellow bankers as a result. As he raised his hand to hit the woman and the child, Wendy intervened and stepped in front of them. With tears streaming down her stinging cheek, she was quickly escorted out of the room along with her brother and the nanny.
The entire debacle was the first time Wendy ever felt brave and defiant. Something had stirred inside of her. It was time she left and become free. Plotting with her brothers and packing what they had, they escaped into the night. The last thing she would remember was running with her brother until they blacked out.
PAST - Meanwhile in Neverland…
(Need to finalize her meeting with Peter Pan but just so you know…)
Her memories of getting to Neverland and some of the events that had transpired there were a bit hazy but she did remember the feeling of being there. Never in her life had she felt more free to be herself.
One memory that rises above all else when she thinks of Neverland is Peter. Something about the boy who never grows up stirs something inside of her. He had shown her a new world and what it was like to be free. He showed her how to love who she was—to embrace her childlike wonder and imagination. He was brave and kind despite everything that happened. She loved him for that. She would always love him for that.
It broke her heart when she needed to leave and returned home. As much as she would have liked to stay, she had realized that she wouldn’t be able to live a life with him. There were other things she needed to see. There was a whole other world waiting for her outside of Neverland and she needed to return to be the person she was meant to be. And so she left with her brothers and tried to forget everything.
PAST - Life back in London…
The Darling House was filled with celebration when the children returned to London. Her father was surprisingly happy to see his children back and although it would only be for a little while, Wendy grew to love him a little for that.
As life went on for the Darlings, Wendy matured into a proper, young lady. She became the young lady her parents had intended her to be and for awhile, she was content. She was making her parents happy with the suitors she attracted. Although she continued to write stories, she stopped sharing them with her brothers. In fact, she stopped spending time with them entirely, focusing instead on the matters of marriage. 
Although she seemed content, her youngest brother Michael knew otherwise. Fearing her betrothal to a man that wouldn’t treat her well, he decided to send one of her stories to a local newspaper. He hoped that the recognition she got from writing would persuade her to follow her childhood passions. To everyone’s surprise, Wendy’s story became famous in the community, notably among the children. Albeit Michael had sent her story under a pseudonym, it didn’t make much of a difference. Seeing the enjoyment that the children got out of her story, something shifted in Wendy again. Suddenly, the feelings of the past bubbled inside her. She realized how restricted her life was. She longed for freedom again. For Neverland. For him.
When she told her father about her plans, he didn’t take them too well. At that time, she had already promised to marry the man that he chose. To back out now would be an embarrassment to the family, he said. Still she continued to fight for her wishes. Their relationship had become strained once again. Harsh words were fired at the other, often ending with a door slammed in one’s face, silent dinners at the table and the occasional bruise on the young woman’s person.
One evening, Mr. Darling decided that he had had it with his daughter. Fearing the worst, he had all of Wendy’s writings burned and disposed of. Her father had taken everything from her. He finally broke her… but not all of her. In her final act of defiance, Wendy left again and this time, it was going to be for good.
PRESENT - Life in Fabletown…
After hearing about Fabletown, Wendy quickly sought after a ticket to leave. King Cole offered her a chance for a new life—a place to start over and become who she wants to be—and she willingly accepted. He took her in, even giving her a place and a steady job to support herself. For once, Wendy feels free—the shackles of her old life are now behind her and she is free to do as she pleases. However, there is a slight sense of fear in her. A fear of the unknown and uncertainty. It is not as strong as it was when she first moved but it is still there and she wonders how or if it ever will affect her.
Wendy enjoys her life in Fabletown. She enjoys working at Nod’s Books and practicing her writing. She adores the quaintness of the town and thinks highly of the townspeople there. She feels safe and happy. Although she misses her brothers dearly (living alone was a bit hard to get used to), the friends she has made in town fill the void in her heart.
Wendy still is very much like the girl from the fable, albeit slightly more mature. She is very sweet and imaginative, sharing the occasional story here and there. If you stop by her work, she’ll try and convince you to buy 50 books that she thinks would be relatable to you. Although she is the “residential little sister,” she is fiercely protective and possesses a motherly nature over those she cares about.
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BONUS (Thank you for reading this novel. Here is your prize.)
Look at her being a little cutie:
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Look at her cleaning up the bookshelves (pretend they’re not scrolls and she’s not wearing that get-up):
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hxntsmn · 6 years
Once upon a time, The Huntsman from Snow White/Little Red Riding Hood became a reality.
HE bares a resemblance to TRAVIS FIMMEL. The Fable, who identifies as CIS MALE, goes by the name of HUNTER and appears to be THIRTY-EIGHT years old. The BARTENDER OF TRIP TRAP lives in FABLETOWN.
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centuries ago when Hunter was born, he was left outside of an inn by his mother whom he has never known. he was taken in and raised by the poor innkeepers. as a boy he was crafty and quick-witted, and was taken on board by a band of roaming criminals who had murdered his family. they used his nimbleness and young age to their advantage and he grew up with them and partook in pillaging, murder, and many other violent crimes. he was aggressive and was never taught how to properly manage his emotions since he was never given any real parenting.
when he was a little older and able to think more for himself, Hunter split from the group. he was never happy with the way that they went about doing things and they had treated him horribly, so he decided to take on mercenary work and was known as ‘The Huntsman’. he knew he wasn’t good for much else despite hating himself for it.
eventually came a time when the Queen asked him to assassinate Snow White. he obliged and took her offer, but there was something about the girl’s innocence that Hunter could not taint. he admired it and knew that he truly could not live with himself if he took such a beautiful thing out of the world, so for the first time in his life he disobeyed orders and let her go. it was the start of a revelation for Hunter, and he decided he would try to use his skills to help people rather than hinder them.
saving Ruby and her grandmother from the Big Bad Wolf was merely coincidence. he had been in the right place at the right time and had been skilled enough to take on the beast, but he did not know how much of an effect it would have on his life. killing Wolf made Hunter famous, and people actually revered him.
he tried his best to take advantage of his new life. he stopped killing for a living and took on manual labour and tried to help people, but though he was finally able to become a changed man it did not last for long. the group that he had abandoned got wind of his fame and tore his reputation to the ground, letting everyone know just who he really was and what he had done. Hunter was forced back into the life he hated after being shunned, and he now despises the Wolf for giving him an opportunity that he never deserved in the first place.
moving to Fabletown could have offered Hunter another chance at a new life, but he did not want to accept it since he believed there was no point. he thinks that he will never be more than a criminal so why not act like one. the only real ‘pleasures’ he gets out of life now are drinking, fighting and fucking; conversation and friendships are not his forte.
he got a job in Trip Trap because he basically lives there and drinks there all the time. he doesn’t mind the people that frequent there but he wouldn’t say he likes them. he wouldn’t say he likes anybody. 
people from his past make him really uncomfortable (Snow White, Ruby, Wolf etc)
basically, he hates himself and projects it on to everyone else ok thanks for coming to my ted talk
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sherffwolf · 6 years
Once upon a time, The Big Bad Wolf from The Little Red Riding Hood/Three Little Pigs became a reality.
HE bares a resemblance to PETER GADIOT. The Fable, who identifies as CIS MALE, goes by the name of WOLF and appears to be THIRTY-TWO years old. The SHERIFFlives in WOODLAND LUXURY APARTMENTS.
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Just like the rest of the Fables, Wolf was born centuries ago and he was part of a litter of seven pups. As the runt of the litter, Wolf was often teased by his brothers mercilessly. However, his mother was particularly fond of him, whom she personally loved and cared for greatly. His brothers always resented him for the attention he got from his mother, which in turn only made the teasing worse. 
He knew happiness for a little while until his father, a legendary wolf, left his mother. He remained at her side for two seasons but - due to his father’s temperament - he was drawn back towards his old life, leaving Wolf’s mother heartbroken. The young pup didn’t quite understand the situation and all he knew was that he wanted to comfort his mother. 
When his mother died tragically, his brothers left in search of their father and Wolf remained behind to protect her corpse from scavengers --- it was his one and only mission, his brothers had told him. Unfortunately, he proved unable to defend her due to his small size and he blames himself for it every day since.
Fueled by his loss, Wolf personally swore vengeance, vowing to eat something bigger as each day passed starting from small insects to humans until he became large and strong enough to confront his father and strong enough to never feel helpless again. He proved to be no match for the might of his father, though. 
Accepting defeat, Wolf shoved aside his futile attempts to avenge his mother and burying his hatred and grief, he later became renowned as ‘The Big Bad Wolf’ of legend. He antagonized the three little pigs and terrorized Little Red Riding Hood, attempting to devour her but was stopped by the Huntsman who cut him open and filled him up with stones. The two came to form a bitter, centuries-old rivalry.
After fleeing the Homelands, Wolf became employed as Fabletown’s Sheriff under King Cole’s administration. But due to his dark past and actions, several Fables are hesitant to trust him, and thus he was banned from ever setting foot on the Farm. Due to a special knife that was given to him by a witch working for King Cole, he is able to keep himself in his human form unless he chooses to do otherwise or his emotions get the best of him. He has three forms: human with yellow eyes and claws and more hair, a werewolf form and his true form, an eight-foot tall black wolf. 
Ever since he was made Sheriff by King Cole, he has been trying to put his past behind him and try and be something more than the Big Bad Wolf that has no control and no mercy towards those that cross him. Of course, it’s a difficult feat to achieve when the majority of the people in Fabletown still see him as the Big Bad Wolf. He really only wants to protect people and sometimes doesn’t do so in the best ways, by others’ standards, but to him, it’s what he needs to do. 
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fabledmarie-blog · 6 years
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Once upon a time, Maid Marian from Maid Marian became a reality.
SHE bares a resemblance to ALICE BRAGA. The Fable, who identifies as CIS FEMALE, goes by the name of MARIE and appears to be THIRTY-TWO years old. The BUSINESS OWNER lives in FABLETOWN.
THE FAIRYTALE & THE CHARACTER: Maid Marian, who is often times attributed to the Robin Hood folklore, but she was originally her own folk tale.
CHARACTER NAME: She prefers to go by Marie, not appreciating how time and human history has warped her story.
AGE: 32.
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis-fem, she/her.
FACECLAIM: Alice Braga
OCCUPATION: Owner of I Am The Eggman Diner
Note: I actually went with a super specific argument about the Maid Marian folk tale from Francis J. Child, wherein he thinks that the earliest versions of her story were actually from ballads portraying her as a sex worker, which I think is a super interesting history given that she gets kind of heralded as this image of the Virgin Mary in a lot of later texts. So she’s definitely someone that strays pretty far from the recorded fable, but nonetheless here she is. 
The first recorded history of Maid Marian begins with a single question: now come ye for peace here, or come ye for war? She was said to be born of the blood of a saint, with glossy black hair the color of a raven’s wings, that with time it would hang down in ringlets meant to mimic the halo that belonged atop her head. Even among streets painted with fallen tears and other hardship, she was a streak of gold across blood red cruelty. Maybe it happened because she once had a famous lover named Robin, this conflation of her story with another’s that turned her into something gilded, into something golden. The truth of her story is something harder to swallow, a life lived not in peace and not in war, but perhaps with a hand in either. The truth is that she comes from neither, from something in between, something soldiers on either side of the aisle loved to take advantage of. A body for a pouch of gold, a ballad named for the Virgin Mary even though she was told to be anything but. Legends painted her as saint, a mother, a gilded girl with with love in her eyes, but there was never anything but the lust forced upon her by a man that was supposed to be her blood and protector. She has been heralded through the ages for her loyalty to her family, to a man that she has never met, and every time someone in Fabletown finds out that this is the story she’s been given, it makes her want to scream. Perhaps this Robin Hood had a wife once, and perhaps her name was Marian as well, but that has never been her. This Maid Marian was sold by her blood for the cost of his sins, and for every part of her that never wants Fabletown to know her true story, she can’t accept this false one either.
There’s a very small part of her that longs for the past, for what she was forced to leave behind. If there was a single thing that she would have stolen with her to bring into this new world, it would be nature. She misses sitting on a rooftop and feeling the sun on her face, leaning against a casement ledge and being able to see trees in the distance, the sounds of birds waking her in the morning. She is used to darkness well enough, spent years living in a brothel built of dark wood and darker souls, but in a countryside tavern there’s access to horses, to running rivers of water with flowers growing along the bed. Here in Fabletown, there is nothing but grime. Beer and grime. Yet still, here in this new world she is a free woman walking, and even if this world is not the one that she would have chosen, not the one that she would have built, she has made a home of it all the same.
For all that Marie sometimes wishes that she could go back into her Homeworld and change her story there, wishes that she could find the power that she now has back there, she also loves the life that she has created for herself here in Fabletown. There are days, the bad ones where she walks down a street and wants to do nothing more than scrub the skin straight from her bones for fear the filth and destitution will somehow have found their way into her blood, that there’s something in this town that’s corrupting her and she’s helpless to stop it, but this is the way of their world and she’s learning how to live with it. She loathed the discontent, the weight of it heavy on her chest when she was still living in Homeland, but here she’s free of that burden, and for all the seediness that surrounds her, she wouldn’t give up her new power for anything. The rest of Fabletown tends to regard her highly, both her fable and her new life as Marie, but very few people actually know that they are one and the same. Most people don’t mind that she doesn’t share her fable with them. So long as they get good food in their bellies and don’t end up with a server that spills maple syrup in their laps, her reputation is tied closely to that of the diner’s. People come, they eat greasy hash browns and a stack of pancakes and swallow it all down with a mugful of coffee that she’s still working on every day to make taste a little less like gasoline, and so long as her businesses continues to thrive well enough to pay her food and rent, she’s content. She only wishes that the rest of the fables could find any measure of success, could be happy in this new world like she is.  
Marie doesn’t exactly love her job, but she doesn’t hate it either, and she loves what it allows her to do. Running the diner takes up most of her time, managing shipments and orders for product, organizing her servers and cooks schedules as well as helping them out on most occassions by bringing out orders or whipping up some appetizer or meal or other when they’re busy an the cooks get overwhelmed. It’s not a big place, but it’s hers, all hers, and that’s something that makes her chest swell.
Marie lives in a sort of loft space in a studio apartment in Fabletown. The neon lights plastered along the buildings across from her big windows tend to cast the space in bright blues and purples at nighttime, but most of the time she doesn’t mind too much. As much as she misses being able to open her windows and gaze out over the vast forest she used to live so close to, there is nothing that she would give up for her independence. Her space tends to be a bit cluttered, haphazardly decorated with Mundie magazines proliferating unrealistic images of woman and promoting a lfe that she wishes would disappear. She steals them all the time, slipping them from shelves into her purse to try and stop their profliferation, but it’s not exactly like shes making a big dent on the industry. Still, she likes doing the little things. There are also collections of Mundie stories; she collects all the one’s that she can find abut herself. The one’s about a girl that she’s never met who bears her name and face, the one’s where she’s a side character in some man’s world. She hates him for that, even if she doesn’t know him. She can’t help it.
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thcbeautywithin · 6 years
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With a face that has always turned heads it seemed only fitting that she should be given the name Beauty but the true beauty of her was always the light that came from within. The kindness she’s always possessed and a passion for learning has meant that she’s always had a certain open mindedness, allowing her to fall in love against the odds. She knows the power of both love and intolerance and thought that Fabletown might be the perfect place for the first to finally win out once and for all. Her happy ending might be crumbling before her eyes but she hold her head high, a warm smile always at the ready for whoever might need it despite the ache in her own heart. While she might be best known by other residents for her love of books, there’s a protectiveness to her awoken by those she feels are hard done by.
Name: Beauty or Callista if you ask what name she was born with Age: 27 Occupation: Librarian Residence: Woodland Luxury Apartments Relationship status: In love but it’s complicated
The last child born to a merchant as his wife, Beauty grew up with three brothers and two sisters and despite losing her mother at a young age she always remained kind.
Her siblings were far more materialistic than she was, having grown up selfish and spoiled. These were traits that Beauty somehow escaped, perhaps because of her love for reading and learning letting her realise that there was more to life than money.
Around her sixteenth birthday her father lost his fortune and instead of the grandeur that they had all grown up in, the family was forced to move into a small farmhouse. Instead of sharing the chores her elder siblings force her to do the majority of the work without her father’s knowledge but it’s not something she really minds when her love for her family is so strong.
Three years later and it seemed that their fortunes had turned around again when news reached them that one of her father’s ships had miraculously survived and before he set off on his journey he asked what each of his children would like from him. All of the other expressed wishes for riches whereas Beauty only wished for the safe return of her father. It was only when pressured that she finally asked for him to simply bring her a rose upon his return.
Except things aren’t as good as they seem and after the bank ceasing what money her father had left he travelled home penniless. It was on his way back that he saw the Beast’s castle and took a rose. Leading Beauty to go live with Beast and the rest is something I think we all know XD
Still 110% in love with her husband and generally hates now living alone so much she spends the vast majority of her time at the library where she works.
Puts on book clubs but also offers to teach anyone who maybe didn’t get the opportunity to in the Homelands - complete discretion is given with this as she just wants everyone to feel comfortable with the idea of learning.
Mum friend to the max (she will adopt you if you’re not careful) and tends to get very overprotective of people she feels as though others aren’t treating right and does her best to promote everyone getting along and being kind to everyone.
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brief intro post
Hey everyone, I go by Soren (he/him or they/them please).  I will get around to making a bio/introduction for maera eventually. promise. here are some basics though. Let me know if there are any questions, comments, or concerns.
- I sort of combined the ideas of Atlantis and the idea of the little mermaid. So Maera is the Last Princess of Atlantis (I’m down for plots and ideas of her not being the last, just for now she believes that she is the last because she hasn’t seen another Atlantean since its fall).
- Before Atlantis fell, Atlanteans were able to shift from a human to a mermaid state with ease. Maera was cursed with the fall of Atlantis to not be able to shift back into their mermaid form and that each step she takes on land brings her pain
- Maera often uses a wheelchair to offset the pain of the curse.  The pain varies from day to day, so there are times that she will not use a chair, like to move around small spaces, but she uses the wheelchair for any longer journies or long days around the museum
- Maera, as the Last Atlantean, has a vested interest in preserving the correct history of her people and others.  She started the museum as a hobby of remembering and recording her own Atlantean culture and history and then started to collect the stories and accurate histories of the other Fables.
- Maera was the youngest of 7 children and thus was not expected to do anything related to ruling the country except for those obligatory diplomatic dinners.  Many of her siblings became diplomats, but Maera was allowed to pursue military hobbies and became the Captain of the Atlantean army before its fall.
- As a military leader, Maera was fierce and commanding, the natural leadership that seemed to run in her family had her flourish in the job. Once on Earth, her fighting style did not translate well, but she took up many human fighting styles as hobbies. Practising fighting is always difficult for Maera, and her pain always increases after any practices. But she still does it, since when she is fighting and practising she can almost pretend like she’s back in Atlantis and it’s one of the few times that she feels alive again.
- I wasn’t really going to go with the whole “romance with a prince storyline” but if you’re interested in taking up the prince from the story i’m down to discuss it and come up with a story.  Because she totally could have been rescued/found on the beach by the prince and they could have had a friendship or a slight romance before he marries the princess from the other kingdom in the original Anderson story. message me, I'm down to talk about this.
- (My mermaid is more demisexual and panromantic, so down for romances of any gender)
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hcnsel · 6 years
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“The legend paints her as the victim and her sister the hero and she likes it that way, likes to be underestimated, likes that no one ever sees her as a threat. No one truly knows just how fiercely protective she’s grown over the years, how she’s sharpened both wit and senses to the point that she can anticipate any move made against her or her sister. She’s turned herself slowly but surely into a weapon, a shield between her and the rest of the world. She’ll not be fooled again, she’ll not let harm come to her or Maggie again. Of course she is so tranquil no one could know her strength and she likes it like that. She was always the silent one, the one no one saw coming.”
Name: Hansel Hilma Holzfaller Age: 37 Occupation: Waitress at the Crusty Lemon Residence: Fabletown Relationship status: Single and ready…to keep it that way.
Once upon a time, Hilma had a family. Once upon a time, they’d been happy but that was before her mother died and her father remarried. By that time she had another sibling, a girl much younger and who had been abandoned, Gretel. A long time ago Hilma would have described her family life as idyllic but that did not last for long, the happier days of her life can be counted on one hand.
Their stepmother wasn’t outwardly cruel to her or to Gretel and so it came as a surprise when they were abandoned in the woods. She’ll never forget those few hours before they found the witch’s home when she was convinced they might out there, of cold or starvation.
Instead, they found the witch’s cottage and a much worse fate. She was kept in a cage and fattened so that the old crone might eat her for days until Gretel saved her, saved them both by pushing the witch in the oven to burn.
After their quick escape from the witch, their luck seemed to have turned for the better as they had stolen gold and jewels from her, enough to last them a long while but they returned home and their father tried to make amends with them. Hilma did her best to humor him for a while, tried to convince herself she could forgive his actions but in the end she and Gretel left and it wasn’t long before they ran out of money.
Arriving to Fabletown she and Gretel have taken an apartment together, for neither can afford to live on their own and she has taken a job as a waitress in the Crusty Lemon. She’s used to working odd jobs and this one is just right for her, demands minimal interactions and free access to booze.
She isn’t really good at developing deep bonds with people, doesn’t try. She’s too paranoid, too guarded to truly let anyone get to know her and she tends to barrel through life these days with a casual indifference to everyone and everything. If she doesn’t care then she can’t be disappointed or hurt.
Is pretty adept at lying or pretending though just to get through social interactions so she might come across one way to some and completely different to another and you’ll likely never really meet the real Hilma unless she’s comfortable enough to show herself and that’s near impossible these days.
She is your local grumpy, high functioning alcoholic lesbian. Think Wynonna Earp but without the demon hunting basically.
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robnhoods-blog · 6 years
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introducing  ROBIN  HOOD  ;
HE bares a resemblance to MATTHEW DADDARIO. The Fable, who identifies as CIS MALE, goes by the name of ROBIN and appears to be TWENTY-EIGHT years old. The OUTLAW lives in FABLETOWN.
❝ The tales depict a hooded savior cowled with heroic motive –– steal from the rich and give to the poor. But the preachers cease the knowledge of a volatile genesis, of traitorous nobility, of the era of vermillion crusades, of the execution of kinsman and vengeful epilogues. Nottingham’s destitute population reaped the benefits of a vindictive soul, and began to hail their adroit deadeye like a newfound god. He was, to them, the prince of thieves, a legendary archer and swordsman plastered across the tyrannical Sheriff’s realm. Wanted placards construed thief and assassin; were saluted by roguish smirks and adorned with volleys of arrows. Robin’s renowned merry men were lethal outlaws, possessing calculating proficiency which made them an indomitable legion capable of annihilating nations or forging empires. Though his insurgent reign over Nottingham came to an abrupt halt as the fables fell, Robin’s revolt remains as prominent as it had amidst the medieval age. ❞
there are a plethora of depictions of our beloved robin hood but i prefer some of the very original tales, a majority of which derive from the 13th/14th century and took inspiration from historical figures.
originally born as robert of loxley and to a noble line of war generals, robin was raised with a weapon in hand, spending his childhood in constant, intensive training so that he may fulfill his intended purpose of a brilliant soldier && future general like his father before him.
by fifteen, robin was fighting in the thick of england’s crusades alongside his father and elder brother. an adept strategist and warrior, he ascended the military hierarchy with swift precision.
though both his kinsman were eventually consigned home to recover from grim injuries, robin remained at the helm of battle, his father’s rank of general bestowed upon him so that he may continue to lead the war in his stead.
after navigating the battlefield’s ceaseless bloodbath for several years, robin returned to find his family arrested, the entirety of their titles and land stripped from them.
the sheriff of nottingham, playing the kingpin of prince john, worked to expand the ownership of their territory during the absence of king richard.
and he’d arrived too late, the planned liberation of his family foiled by their abrupt execution. witnessing the deaths of his two brothers, father, and mother, robin was apprehended by men who’d been loyal to him during the war before he acted upon enraged emotion, all of whom pledged to aid in his vengeance.
that evening, he set fire to his own lands so that no use could come of them, and fled to sherwood forest with the very first of his merry men. thieved of all he’d accomplished and all he was, a dark rebirth unfurled within a young man.
the city’s townspeople were soon behind his cause. the sheriff and prince john proved to be unpopular figures, their tyrannical reign only furthering robin’s cunning plans. he became judge, jury, and executioner, taking the law into his own hands.
the moniker of ‘robin hood’ was coined by the people; eventually adopted and put to use by robin himself as he’d demolished his own name at his family’s demise. 
as the years progressed his revolution prevailed. once again, he was a commander with a legion beneath his belt. voices hailed him as a barrage of definitions: assassin, archer, swordsman, soldier, hero, outlaw, prince of thieves, and the like. eventually, nottingham’s wanted placards depicted a hooded figure at every turn.
stealing from the rich and giving to the poor was a fortunate side effect of his operation, though had never been his only motive as the people permitted themselves to believe. the immense admiration held for him simply forged a deathless martyr.
however, his legendary existence took a blow when several of his men were taken captive during a mission. expressing the same loyalty to his men that was received, robin turned himself in, promptly exchanging himself for their release.
for a time, the sheriff had declared him dead, hoping to reclaim his jurisdiction over nottingham. holding and torturing robin proved futile, encouraging a public execution in attempts to make a point which never arrived –– his men storming the castle and rescuing their leader upon the day of termination.
shortly after his escape the fables began to disintegrate, leaving all of robin’s efforts as progressively altered fairytales lacking verified truths. the situation has left a bitter taste in his mouth, as well as ignited a harsh determination to see his life back to its original setting, where no amount of retribution will be enough.
The loss of his beloved Sherwood forest has struck him hard, the area of Nottinghamshire his notorious conclave and home. Fabletown’s progressively crumbling foundation cause him to feel ill, its incessant neon bulbs stifling the evolution of freedom he’d established within his legend. Robin, in a sense, feels incarcerated by his surroundings, and would rather call for war than find himself confined to its cemented structures. Despite his loathing, however, Fabletown’s encompassing woodland manages to keep the outlaw’s wrath at bay. Often a specter living within its forestland, Robin is rarely seen more than once across a few weeks span, preferring his own silent company and relishing in an eternal passion for archery.
Though some have profited from the proffered secondary opportunity, Robin has found it of little impact. Due to the afflictions of his past life –– the immorality enacted upon him which fabricated him into Robin Hood –– he finds there is nothing to be absolved of or seek penance from, and therefore behaves similarly to his days before Fabletown’s incarnation. Bearing an unrelenting need to claim retribution, Robin is pinned to a never-ending path, unable to let the past fade away until his own death arises in the process.
Though he steals enough in order to get by, Robin remains a deathless martyr to those around him, aiding in their own calamities with little concern when it comes to taking the law into his own hands. Due to this, citizens on both the exterior and interior of Fabletown have often referred to him as a vigilante, though authorities have been unable to apprehend him (those who lack knowledge of his true identity cannot unmask him, and prefer not to cross him). Despite maintaining rent on a rather despairing studio flat, he tends to drift from place to place, seeking refuge in areas surrounded by deep wood and dense forestry, where he feels more at home and less a prisoner of the town’s blearing, neon illumination.
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grctel · 6 years
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Left abandoned and unwanted from the she took her first breath in this world, it shouldn’t have been such a surprise to Gretel that she would inevitably be pushed out into the cold once more. The home that she thought she’d found taken away from her in hard times and even with her sibling by her side it left its marks on her memories. Killing the witch was the easy part, living with the repercussions of it less so. What was supposed to be a happy ending soon became a harsh reality as the jewels were spent and relationships couldn’t be repaired. Any softness that had been left in her was forsaken in the quest to harden her heart so it could handle whatever else life threw her way. When the offer of Fabletown came up, the girl took it in some vain half hope that it would bring back that soft innocence she’d lost years ago. But instead of reversing the past it gave her a way to move forward, a path to follow that meant she didn’t have to relinquish any of the hardness she’d fought for but could still help those around her.
Name: Margarethe Maggie Holzfaller  Age: 26 Occupation: Police Officer Residence: Fabletown Relationship status: Love? she doesn’t know her
Her parents abandoned her at birth or at least that’s all she can assume when she was left in the middle of the woods with nothing but a blanket. It was only luck that she was found by a woodcutter who took pity on her and took her in.
The next few years of her life were as good as anyone could have had. They didn’t have much but the three of them were happy and Gretel as she became known quickly bonded with her sibling.
Things changed with the arrival of the woodcutter’s new wife and tension began in the household, only escalating when food became scarce. Eventually it came to a head with the discussion of leave the children in the woods once more and it was only through luck and Hansel’s knack for forethought that the managed to find their way back.
The second time they weren’t so lucky though and they found themselves lost in the foods only to stumble upon a house that seemed like something straight out of their dreams.
It was too good to be true though and they quickly found themselves enslaved. Hansel’s quick thinking meant that they bought themselves some time but it was Gretel’s ability to be impulsive that led to the witch’s death.
With jewels in hand and reunited with their father it seemed all would be well but the relationship never quit recovered and the siblings soon parted ways with him thinking that they would be better off by themselves.
The wealth didn’t last long however in their young hands and they were eking out what was left of their spoils when the opportunity for Fabletown reached their ears.
As soon as she got to Fabletown she set aside her childhood nickname, no longer feeling like the girl she had been back then and now goes by Maggie/Mags instead.
Joining the police gave her an opportunity to channel some of her recklessness into something more productive and for all she can be fun loving in her time off and enjoy a lot of scotch, she takes her job seriously and is not one to be taken lightly while she’s trying to do her job.
Does okay with casual friendships and stuff but anything deeper and girl will run for the hills. She always needs to be the one who cares less or she will be out immediately.
10/10 bar friend though, would recommend
Keep sweet things away from her, she will not thank you.
But again, serious police lady so don’t get in the way of their investigation or there will be problems.
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lechatcameback · 6 years
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industrie et savoir faire
With all the charms of a cat and all the cunning of a con artist, Puss in Boots is known for clawing his way out of sticky situations and slinking into the warm laps of luxury. Once a mere mouser, he swapped burlap sacks for silk sheets by leading a hapless miller’s son to the throne of his Homeland. Now, as the savvy proprietor of the Lucky Pawn, he trades in whatever magical wonders he can scrounge up. Whatever it takes to keep him in a top-notch glamour - and off the Farm. 
While Théo is genuinely nostalgic for his Homeland, he wasn’t fool enough to stick around and fight for it. Not for too long. He’s always had a gambler’s eye, and the odds for his world only went from bad to worse with every battle. His peculiar breed of loyalty could only bear so much brazen, bloody stupidity. And his pride, prodigious as it was? Ultimately, that wasn’t worth his handsome pelt. Who could blame him if he ran to save his lovely tail and what was left of his nine lives? What did he care, if they did? That sort of scorn, that he could have brushed right by; what he found in Fabletown was rather different.
Here, a cat with a voice of his own, great ambitions, and spectacular style wasn’t simply a singular creature but a strange one. Too strange. There’d be no sunning himself on the balconies of barons and princesses. No wiling his way into the good graces of kings and courtesans. Caught by the scruff - like some common alley-way tabby, the indignity - Puss was exiled to the Farm. There, it didn’t matter how fine his French was, how elegant his fencing arm. He’d be sharing the mud with grumpy pigs and warbling donkeys and other boorish, boring creatures. The life he’d known seemed to be over and done. He’d caught rats for his keep before, certainly. But Puss had tasted better things. And he’d have them again.
As soon as he acquired himself a suitably splendid glamour, Théo left the barnyard behind and came back to Fabletown, set on securing all those creature comforts he longed for. A taller order than it used to be, that, and it’s got no simpler as the centuries turned. The divide between Farm, Fabletown, and those high-and-mighty fairytale types over in the Woodlands has only grown wider. Théo is terribly aware of the fact. That glamour of his costs, dearly. As twisted as their so-called-sanctuary is, Théo’s cynicism about the place is tempered by the knowledge that there truly is nowhere else to go. So, like the cunning cat he is, he’ll make the best of it… and sink his sharp claws into every scrap he can get.
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER FEEL ABOUT THE FRESH START THEY WERE GIVEN? Puss might have had something of a reputation in the Homelands, but his legend was hardly malicious. A few lies, great and small, may have been told along the way, yes. Some cunning tricks were, perhaps, played. Not on anyone who didn’t deserve them, though. That king? A drunken oaf, his realm better off under the rule of his keen-eyed daughter, that miller’s son, and their oh-so clever cat. The ogre? Well, if he’d been as wise as he was powerful, he wouldn’t have wound up as supper.
The long and short of it is, really, that Puss served his masters - and himself - wonderfully well. How could he be faulted for that? The notion of a “fresh start” doesn’t mean terribly much to Théo, as a result. If anything, he leans on his story. This black cat can be your lucky charm, if you give him his due...
With debts to pay and finer things to aspire to, Théo’s first order of business upon his glamoured return to Fabletown was to acquire a reliable income. He soon decided that here, he’d have no master. Not like before. Perhaps the options were just that lackluster. Maybe he’d simply grown sick of minding the lovelorn and aimless, shoving them up ladders they’d never have been able to climb themselves. Or, who knows - could be that he missed the ones he’d lost, for all their human faults and flaws. Could be.
Whatever the reason, he struck out on his own. And it worked. A bit of black cat’s luck (or cheating, as the loser called it, rather rudely) won him the deed to one of the hamlet’s oddest enterprises: a pawn shop, bristling with bits and bobs of the Homelands they’d all left behind. The Lucky Pawn was just the place for a cat of his particular skills. He’d made a miller’s boy into a marquis. Selling trinkets at a sentimental price point? Child’s play, by comparison.
Théo’s been running the place ever since. He has it down pat, these days, and he’s quite comfortable in Fabletown. For Fabletown, anyway. It’s just not enough. Not while he can look up at the Woodlands, picturing how those legends live. Not so long as he has to worry about being able to afford his glamour, certainly. And there’s only so much sellable flotsam and jetsam coming out of the Homelands, these days... if he has to sidle on into the black market business to pay his way, he will. The truth is, Théo is honestly afraid of what will become of him if he winds up back on the Farm. You’ve got to be careful with what you pretend to be, after all. Once upon a time, a little runt kitten had to make up in smarts when he lacked in size and strength. The magic of his Homeland lent a hand, gave him a silver tongue and wits of spun gold. But there’s no magic in this world. Not a drop. Could he lose his, bit by bit, poem by poem, memory by memory, if he’s relegated to the life of a loft cat again? Théo doesn’t know the answer, and he’s terrified to test it. Doesn’t matter the cost - he’s not going back to the barnyard. That’s not how his story ends. 
Théo really is awfully charming. How, precisely, depends on who he’s out to beguile. Not that it’s anything sinister. Necessarily. He likes to be liked; who doesn’t? Seems he’s rebuilt his vanity, since the blow of being shipped off to the Farm. Or, maybe, he hasn’t, and that’s what all that sharp-dressed charisma boils down to - how fragile he feels, in a world where he’s suddenly both more and less than what he used to be. Regardless of the reason, Théo can be sweet, sultry, slick, as the situation calls for. A quick-study of personalities, he can usually suss out the best way to get on someone’s good side and stay there. Call that duplicitous if you want, but he likes to look at it as simply a matter of surviving. Isn’t that what we’re all here to do?
That intuition might be Théo’s saving grace. He really does have a way of understanding people, of just knowing, wordlessly, how much room they need, what he can do to ease their spirits. He’s also a wonderful listener, in a way that feels present and genuine. Because it is. It’s true, too, that hearing things is worthwhile to a clever cat. But Théo’s also just fond of stories. He’d share more of his own, but that feline disposition demands he keep himself at least a little enigmatic. He’ll listen to yours, though, and he is a wonderful listener. Plenty of practice.
Ambition is admirable, but there’s such a thing as too much. Unfortunately, Théo just can’t seem to dream small. It’s not power that he’s after, not even respect, or standing. He likes comfort, security, and, well, nice stuff. Is it so awful to want more than you were born to, especially when that was a diet of barn mice and a bed of horse-dirty hay? Maybe not, but Théo’s tastes tend to strain his means, and his reach often exceeds his grasp. Then, he’s only saved by being so quick on his feet. But even cats can slip...
It would be fair to say that Théo is, well, a bit of a tomcat. What did you expect? His appreciation of lovely things extends to lovely company, and with that exquisite glamour on, he’s quite lovely himself. His flings can appear superficial, but this is shortchanging him a bit - his affections are as warm as any purr. He’s just not a cat who can bear to settle down. To his credit, he’s feline-sly when it comes to keeping his affairs discreet. Théo’s well aware of how small Fabletown really is, and he likes to avoid souring ties, where he can. On the other hand, if sweet nothings (and sweeter somethings) will get him closer to what he’s after, he’s not above taking that angle. C’est la guerre. 
For wanted plots, head here!
Hi there! I’m Bo, 27, a they, student, and lover of all things history, mythology, and so on. I can’t wait to plot with everyone and write everything! Hit me up on Discord or through the ask box, whatever’s your jam! 
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