#obsessed with this old man i've started analyzing every piece of media he's in
floating--goblin · 4 months
hi i'm talking about that old man again
We've already established that Secondo, described as a "miserable, wounded, bitter old man" is either not quite that but projects it, or on the other hand passes himself for a much happier person but is deeply unhappy within (which is what I choose to go with, and it'd make sense that his ghouls would know that best)
But I especially like how, for all his gruffness, he's surprisingly kind to women. Don't get me wrong, all the Papas are-- as head representatives of Satanism, you expect them to be. But Secondo as a character's been oddly tied to women. Personally, I don't think the Year Zero MV meant to imply his ghouls were female, but rather that that group he feasted with, of women from all walks of life and of all ages, was a symbol-- what he trusted and valued most. His era saw the most appearances from the Sisters of Sin (i know that's for practical reasons but we're talking characterization here), whom he would also treat very reverently; and despite being written to be a womanizer, he's surprisingly tame, especially for the 2010s. The women he's with in Papaganda seek him out, and for the most part seem to lead the interaction-- he's just kind of along for the ride, even sees it as "a special treat" and something he does "for the fans". Obviously I'm not saying he's not getting anything out of it, but the general feel is much kinder than you'd expect from the average womanizer character.
"But what about Jigolo Har Meggido?" I hear you say-- WELL, let's be honest that's 1. hyperbole and 2. playing on traditional christian values (like all their other songs). "I am the one who preys on weak" isn't literally an admission of predatory behavior, it's about parodying the idea that women are helpless, pure, pretty little things with no agency. He offers what they seek, after all.
So yeah idk. Secondo, woman guy? more at 5
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