#you will all look upon my blorbo and despair.
floating--goblin · 8 months
hi i'm talking about that old man again
We've already established that Secondo, described as a "miserable, wounded, bitter old man" is either not quite that but projects it, or on the other hand passes himself for a much happier person but is deeply unhappy within (which is what I choose to go with, and it'd make sense that his ghouls would know that best)
But I especially like how, for all his gruffness, he's surprisingly kind to women. Don't get me wrong, all the Papas are-- as head representatives of Satanism, you expect them to be. But Secondo as a character's been oddly tied to women. Personally, I don't think the Year Zero MV meant to imply his ghouls were female, but rather that that group he feasted with, of women from all walks of life and of all ages, was a symbol-- what he trusted and valued most. His era saw the most appearances from the Sisters of Sin (i know that's for practical reasons but we're talking characterization here), whom he would also treat very reverently; and despite being written to be a womanizer, he's surprisingly tame, especially for the 2010s. The women he's with in Papaganda seek him out, and for the most part seem to lead the interaction-- he's just kind of along for the ride, even sees it as "a special treat" and something he does "for the fans". Obviously I'm not saying he's not getting anything out of it, but the general feel is much kinder than you'd expect from the average womanizer character.
"But what about Jigolo Har Meggido?" I hear you say-- WELL, let's be honest that's 1. hyperbole and 2. playing on traditional christian values (like all their other songs). "I am the one who preys on weak" isn't literally an admission of predatory behavior, it's about parodying the idea that women are helpless, pure, pretty little things with no agency. He offers what they seek, after all.
So yeah idk. Secondo, woman guy? more at 5
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mariana-oconnor · 2 years
Types of AO3 Summary
Option 1 - The Excerpt:
The quickest, the easiest! Find a section of your fic that contains the main premise of said fic and also showcases your writing. Copy paste that into the summary box. BOOM! Done.
Best used for any fic, unless it's so short the excerpt would be the whole fic.
Option 2 - The No Frills:
Just a description of the fic. No need for drama. No need to complicate matters. Keep it simple, keep it safe.
Example: "A short character exploration of Blorbo's thoughts after Daisy leaves."
Best used for short fics, poems and fics where the style/format is more important than the plot. Or fics that tie directly into a scene/episode from canon or another fanfic.
Option 3 - The Hook:
Draw the reader's interest by giving them a set up with no conclusion. Introduce the main character(s), introduce the status quo, describe an inciting incident, leave a question in the reader's mind.
Example: "Blorbo is a barista at a coffee shop, struggling to pay their bills, but after handsome rockstar Obrolb walks into their coffee shop they find that they have to decide whether a chance at love is worth the cost of fame."
Best used for mid to long fic where there's a strong premise and follow through. Especially good for AUs. Can be expanded for more complex plots or used multiple times in one summary for multiple characters or subplots.
Option 4 - The Sitcom One-Liner:
"The one in which [over simplified description of one of the main plotlines]" This is essentially 'boil your plot down to the very simplest statement you can, oversimplify if possible. The more bizarre or unhelpful the better.
Example: "The one in which Blorbo learns to like cake".
Best used for fics with at least a little humour in them.
Option 5 - The Rule of Three:
Three is a magic number. Find three key moments in your fic and just list them. That's it. Often ends with 'not necessarily in that order' if used for comic effect. If it's an AU, establish that quickly (i.e. 'Star NHL player Blorbo…').
Example: "Blorbo makes a friend, falls in love, and almost burns to death, not necessarily in that order."
Best used for anything, really. Three is a magic number. The human brain loves things that come in threes.
Option 6 - The Trope Lure:
Why bother describing the plot? We all know AO3 readers are here for the tropes. Similar to The Sitcom One-Liner just using tropes instead of plot. Often followed by the phrase 'that nobody asked for'.
Example: "The Space western / A/B/O / Mail Order Bride fic that nobody asked for."
Often tacked on to the end of The Hook or The Excerpt as a tl;dr.
Best used for fic that plays its tropes straight with no shame or second guessing.
Option 7 - The Pre-emptive Strike:
(Not recommended) You just wrote this fic, the self doubt is consuming you. You feel the need to apologise profusely for your existence for no apparently reason. You feel cringe, you think the fic is cringe, you want everyone to know that you think the fic is cringe in case they don't like it and judge you for it.
Example: "So I fell in love with this pairing and had to write this. It's weird and terrible. Lol! I suck at summaries! Sorry!"
Best used for no fics ever. I cannot stress this enough.
(Seriously, I am begging you, don't do this. If you're planning to use this option, rethink it and do one of the others. I guarantee you more people will want to read your fic.)
Sometimes added on to any other summary as a strange disclaimer. (srsly. don't.)
Option 8 - The Unapology:
Embrace the mayhem, embrace the deep dark depths of your soul. The opposite of The Pre-emptive Strike. A combination of The No Frills and The Trope Lure that truly gives no fucks.
You have committed crimes and you are proud of them. You know what your USP is and you're going to make sure your target market finds you. Look upon my works, ye readers, and despair!
Example: "There aren't enough tentacle fics in this pairing, so I had to write one myself!"
Best used for fics with controversial/polarising tropes with all relevant details already clearly stated in the tags.
Option 9 - The Interrogation:
What if you wrote a summary entirely in questions? What if your readers had to read the fic to discover the answers? Who knows what will happen if you do this?
Example: "What happens when Blorbo McBlorbo gets his wish and Daisy doesn't make it to the plane on time? What happens when Obrolb finds out? How will this change Daisy and Blorbo's friendship?"
Best used for... I honestly don't know. This style of summary does not vibe with me. Mystery fic maybe? Sorry guys.
Option 10 - The Multipack:
Got a bunch of shorter fics in one work? No way of summarising them all without a wall of text larger than the Great Wall of China? This one is similar to The No Frills in that you're not describing the plots themselves and similar to The Trope Lure in that often broader genres and tropes are mentioned. What links those fics? Are they all in the same fandom? The same pairing? The same challenge? Just slap that right in the summary. A chapter list with 1-2 word trope/pairing summaries can be included or not.
Example: "A collection of Blorbo/Daisy/Obrolb fics based on Tumblr prompts. Chapter 1: Regency AU Chapter 2: Werewolves vs vampires Chapter 3: Ghost!Daisy Chapter 4: Space pirates!"
Best used for (obviously) works that are compilations of fic.
Option ? - The Void:
I said The Excerpt was the quickest and easiest summary to do. I lied, well... I didn't exactly lie. What is quicker and easier than not having a summary at all? After all, that's what the tags are for.
Best used for... nothing? Write a summary, guys. Please?
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reddpenn · 2 years
Honest Question: What's your opinion on Kazuichi Souda? Do you like him? What's your favorite straights ships with him?
Look, let��s be honest. Kazuichi is bisexual and hasn’t realized it yet, and therefore by definition no ships with him are straight ships.
I do think he and Sonia got together during the Despair Era in one glorious, toxic, train wreck of a relationship that made them both miserable. This being the Despair Era, that was the point. It is a relationship that is fascinating to explore in fiction and which I would never wish upon anybody in real life.
Do I like him? Kazuichi is my favorite character in the entire Danganronpa franchise. Maybe because I remember being this kid in high school - smart and bookish and neurodivergent and so socially awkward that I basically went through high school without any friends, and so, so aware of my family’s money problems that I wanted to skip anything that cost anything, and with very little self awareness about when I was being annoying, and… look, I can’t be too hard on this kid. I was this kid. I get it.
But anyway, you've opened up this Pandora's Box and now it's Blorbo Time, so let’s talk about Kazuichi Soda.
Here is what we know about Kazuichi.
This kid is sixteen. Puberty is hitting him hard. He has a lot of big feelings and a lot of hormones and not a lot of experience in what to do about that. He does not have a lot of social awareness. He probably has ADHD, maybe on the autism spectrum, almost certainly undiagnosed.
He has a lot of trouble making friends because of his poor social awareness (again, this kid is neurodivergent and awkward and sixteen).
He is very, very smart. Despite how he dresses, he is a nerdy, bookish kid who likes to study. He dresses like that because he is sick of looking like a nerdy, bookish kid who likes to study. He is sick of people pretending to be his friend so they can copy the nerd’s homework.
He has a lot of trust issues, because he’s used to this pattern of people calling themselves his friends so they could use him. He doesn’t even mind if people use him, what hurts him is the way they drop all pretense of friendship afterward. He would be perfectly happy to let them copy his homework if they were actually friends with him.
He has gotten used to assuming that nobody actually wants to be friends with him.
School is not a safe place, for Kazuichi.
Kazuichi’s family lives in poverty. Their family business is failing. The constant awareness of that eats away at him. He admits to skipping a school trip because his family couldn’t afford it. He has probably skipped other things. He has probably skipped meals, skipped outings with friends, walked when he could have taken public transportation (and not gone anywhere too far away to walk), anything that saves money. This has all contributed to his difficulty making friends.
(This is a problem I relate to so intimately, because I remember being exactly this kid. I watched my family’s small business come crashing down during the early 2000s recession. I remember finding out my parents had filed for bankruptcy. I remember being afraid to buy food at school, because every penny increased my family’s financial burden.)
Kazuichi’s dad hits him for skipping things and “making them look poor.” Kazuichi’s dad has probably hit him for other things. Kazuichi does not register this as abuse. It is normalized, in his household, that sometimes his dad gets too drunk and gives him a smack.
Home is also not a safe place, for Kazuichi.
Look at this childmurder death game from Kazuichi’s perspective.
Kazuichi has never been on a class trip before. He has never been surrounded by friends before. He has never even been to the beach before. He has never been away from his abusive home for this long before. Despite the death game going on in the background, being stranded on a tropical island is the best thing that has ever happened to Kazuichi. He has no desire to escape the island and go home. In his mind… is it really that hard to just ignore the death game and not kill each other and have fun?
It's worth noting that up through chapter 2 of the game, his crush on Sonia is that of a hormonal, socially awkward teenager. He likes her a lot and he’s annoying about it, but thus far she hasn’t given him any signals to stop, and he hasn’t pushed any boundaries or crossed any lines about it. His big sneaky master plan in chapter 2 ends with him flat out telling Sonia, “hey I really want to hang out with you, can we please tag along?” Which is what he probably should have done from the beginning, but he was having a lot of fun hanging out with Hajime and pretending to do espionage.
This entire scene at the diner during chapter 2 is my favorite scene in the game. It’s just the cast of this game being such normal teenagers. They’re hanging out and having fun! They’re making plans to go to the beach! They’re goofing off and teasing each other and being entirely too hormonal about each other’s swimsuits!
And Kazuichi, throughout this scene, is having so much fun. He’s riding the emotional high of being a normal teen with normal friends having a fun time at the beach. He has never gotten to do anything like this before, and it’s awesome.
And then, still riding that emotional high, looking forward to playing at the beach with his friends and his crush... he walks in on a girl with her head bashed in.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I mean... think about the emotional whiplash of that. Put yourself in this sixteen year old kid's shoes and imagine what that does to a person.
Actually, you don't have to imagine. The game shows you. This… breaks Kazuichi. The trauma of this moment is something that, for the rest of the game, he does not ever recover from. This moment marks an immediate, permanent change in how his character is written, the beginning of the downward spiral that makes so much of the fandom hate him.
Let's look at Kazuichi after this moment.
He’s just had a harsh reminder that everyone on this island is trying to kill each other. He was wrong, these people aren’t his friends, so he falls back into old habits. Be useful to them so they’ll keep you around, but do not trust them, because they will betray you. Even Hajime. Especially Hajime. The people who seem closest to you just hurt you the most, in the long run.
He is increasingly on edge, wound up tighter and tighter, waiting to be betrayed. When Nagito mentions to him that Hajime might be the traitor, it feels like the other shoe dropping. Of course Hajime is the traitor, because Hajime was basically his best friend, and betraying you is what best friends do.
And Sonia? The way Kazuichi acts toward Sonia throughout the rest of the game becomes pretty unacceptable, I will not argue against that. I get why people hate him for it. It’s not okay. It really, really sucks for Sonia. It’s also a cry for help which is not really about Sonia.
Kazuichi's obsessive crush on Sonia is a coping mechanism. It is escapism. He is trying to recapture that emotional high. He desperately wants to go back to that moment in the diner when they were all having fun, when this was a normal school trip and they were normal teenagers and he was going to the beach with his friends and Mahiru wasn't lying there with her brains bashed in, in a room covered in blood, and he walked in on it and he set off the body discovery alarm and he ended that sunny, happy, normal afternoon.
This kid is traumatized and trying to cling to normalcy. He is clinging to something that was a part of that moment. Crushing on a girl is normal. He desperately wants normal back.
The school trip is not a safe place, for Kazuichi.
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venomous-qwille · 1 year
Just wanna say that every time I show up to your blog I'm super excited bc I love your characters and art
But your pfp makes it feel like you're looking down at us while you feed us angst and character trauma like..
"Watch me put my blorbos into situations. Watch. You are powerless to stop it. Read and weep." And I think it's really silly.
Look upon my blorbos all ye mighty and despair.
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a-hobit · 2 years
Y’all I used to watch Danny Phantom over and over for years I loved that shit so much and so I thought “oh a trip through my nostalgia! Blorbo!”
Not as deep as I remember it being and I think my opinion on Bitch Hartman actually kind of sours a lot of my enjoyment sometimes (sexist and homophobic jokes my detested) but otherwise if anyone was thinking about rewatching it I recommend it! It’s pretty fun for most of the time and while I didn’t love a few episodes (*COUGH COUGH* IDENTITY CRISIS *COUGH COUGH*) flanderization is really apparent in DP (Skulker, Vlad, Jazz, Sam, Danny andTucker all kind of suck in their own special ways toward the end of the series) and the way that you can pick on the writing errors pretty easy is annoying it doesn’t detract from how good it is!
Other news when Danny is not out of character and horrendously down bad he is so cute I might die. Also Sam? Not as bad as I remembered her for being towards other women! She’s typically supportive but slightly judgmental rather than outright being a killjoy. It mostly frustrates me that the writing for the other women who aren’t main characters is so shallow that it makes Sam seem like the only sane one in a room often. Buuuut to be perfectly honest idk a woman born around 1995-2005 that didn’t have a not like the other girls phase sooo
But god damn does this show make me laugh! It’s so well done — so here’s a list of some of the jokes that made me actually laugh out loud!
(In no particular order)
“Dude. You are one jacked up crazy frootloop. That will never happen.”
“But back in our college days she was just Harry — Harry CHIN!? GET IT??!”
“Agh who cares about who you were in your college days? It’s who you grow into that counts. If you can be that crazy back then and turn into a super cool ghost hunter…maybe there’s hope for me yet.
Aww thanks son…but your curfew is still ten.
Awww man!” 
“Does anyone want a cookie?
*shakes head no*
“The reason why Danny feels like you don’t relate to him is because you never talk to him about when you were younger!
When you went to college— had your first date —
“I know your little secret Danny.
YoU dO?!
The lying — the sweatiness — you have a girlfrie—!
“*in Walkers jail looking at past enemies*
Wow a table full of people who hate me…Just like high-school.”
“I’m perfectly happy Maddie—JACK FENTON DONT YOU DARE WIZZ ON MY RUBARB! Perfectly happy…”
“A party?? For me? ‘A decade of devoice’! You all remembered!!
Of course! And we even convinced your ex husband to come!”
“*Danny staring at Sam all lovesick*
Uhhh can you watch something other than me??
*pulls out a picture of Sam*
*continues staring lovesick*”
“*in a gaming lab with Tucker and Danny — Sam walks in*
What are you doing here? (To Danny) She can’t be here to play…
Oh because I’m a girl? And us girls are lacking in what? Opposable thumbs? One track minds? Stupid berets?
“*Danny Sam and Tucker walking though school (Danny with his shirt covering his mouth)*
Is anybody looking at me funny?!
Yeah…but that’s because you look like you’re trying to eat your way through your shirt.”
“Spooky hospital…ghosts guarding the joint…still no sign that Danny is in any real danger yet!
(Danny from inside the hospital about to be dissected)
Let me go!
Still…technically not a cry for help!
Well—not a cry for me!
“*Danny Sam and Tucker are talking in the highschool about Danny pranking Dash*
He’s going to find out it’s you.
(Danny and Tucker) Have you seen his grades? Never gonna happen!
(Dash) Hey! This iS FENTON WIPE!
(Sam) ‘Never’ is karma’s doorbell! Ding dong it’s for you!”
“I’m Sam Manson and my happy princess talent is…(glances over at Dora who looks threatening)…
Goth haiku.
(Pushed off stage)”
“I’m afraid I’ll have to take it upon myself to keep Danny safe and calm until you complete the task.
Me stay with you?! Forget it!
*manifests a little thunderstorm that electrocutes Vlad*
Look on the bright side Danny! Until we get back he’s going to have to cater to your every whim and desire…
Yeah! He wouldn’t want to make you angry…
(Vlad stares at them blankly)
(Danny smiles) This pleases me!”
“*Danny is manifesting himself in Tucker’s dream and is watching Tucker live out a fantasy where he’s a billionaire spending time with two girls who look like star*
(Tucker to janitor) That will be all Fenton.
(Dream Danny) Yes sir.
(Real Danny) Wait…I’m the janitor?!?
By the way Tucker? I don’t do windows”
“*Danny is being impersonated by Morpho and is chasing ‘Danny Fenton’ though the house as the alarms blare”
The ghost defenses! That means—!
*Fentons bust in guns blazing*
Bingo Maddie!! Putrid protoplasm straight ahead!!
And he’s after our boy!
(Morpho as DF) Ah—? Oh that’s right I’m your boy—Billy!!
“*after being on a cooking show with Pamela Manson*
(Maddie to Sam) I can’t believe your mother said I had bad meal presentation— so I didn’t use a parsley sprig is that a crime?!!?”
Hope you all enjoy! I’m rewatching Gravity Falls next!
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