#obviously I'm about to post That Pic separately so i will make it brief here
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📸: Andy Deluca
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stupendousfoxthing · 4 months
What do you think is going with this daen n jmn situation? You think she behaving like exo's wife? Or some jilted lover? Think she's gonna respond to all this hate by exposing her relationship?
Well, it's been a situation for a while. It was background noise until last year when Jimin did a live from his apartment and showed a brief glimpse of his bedroom, which matched with pics and videos of a bedroom Daeun posted. Then the documentary was released in October which was when it really started to blow up. That showed his living room and kitchen/dining area which also all matched with pics and videos that Daeun posted. I think a lot of Taekookers saw this but stayed quiet. Daeun just got very very loud about it a week ago. I think that is obviously his apartment. Whatever relationship they have, they were close enough that she spent time in that space. The one thing that makes me think it was/is probably romantic is the "Da Eun <3U" caption on the video because I think Jimin most likely added that. But I'm open minded until they confirm what is going on, if they do. I've seen the clips where she supposedly denied it and I don't see a clear denial. One short clip I can't even tell if she's reading messages or responding to them. If she denied it as clearly as is claimed, why has she been posting pics and videos from his apartment since last year. A lot of people are trying to say she's just a clout chaser who links herself to everyone. This also appears exaggerated because the previous rumors seem to have been quickly officially denied and one was over two pictures matching a couch and pictures of sandwiches she shared with someone she was working with at the time. They're trying to say she pushed a rumor with Jungkook with a collage circling matching items like a dog toy and a Fiji water bottle, but she never pushed anything with him. This is shippers doing this, this is what they do. So if that's her trying to link herself to JK, I guess every idol that has any matching items with another idol is intentionally trying to link themselves. So she somehow matched her apartment to Jimin's that he didn't start revealing until last year, but also all of these pic/videos are older than that (taken around the time the documentary was shot). Those explanations obviously contradict each other. I know she posts pictures and videos from another apartment, and this is also not a denial to me because having separate places would not be odd at all. I think people immediately jumped on the "they live together" narrative and so think if they can prove they don't live together that debunks everything. I don't know what's going on or why she escalated things so much a week ago, but I don't play the "someone in a relationship wouldn't do that" game because we're all humans with complicated feelings. I've done not smart things for (what I thought was) love. In her recent live clips and IG stories she seems fed up with the harassment but not afraid for herself. As far as "to stop the harassment she can just stop what she's doing" goes, if they're actually together how would she stop that. End the relationship? This is an IG account dedicated entirely to hating her, and here's them bragging about finding her in the comments section of her friend's IG and harassing her there until she deleted a post from January that showed her sitting in front of the obviously recognizable couch. I took this screenshot and censored her friend's name.
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How much of this would you put up with before you fought back?
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