#obviously i do all this silly delusional shit for myself first and foremost but knowing other people enjoy it too is so 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
danthropologie · 10 months
what do you mean comeback within a comeback???? the delulu theories are going mainstream and marcus mumford is one of the girlies too
p.s. and happy belated birthday your wild theories and tags have made this season bearable for me you are certainly one of the ppl that make the dirlie experience so fun for me. hope you have a wonderful year ahead <3333
i think there's a way to read it (and probably the way it was meant) that's not TOTALLY delusional: he's in the midst of making his comeback to the sport after six months off, and now that's being compounded with the comeback from this injury. comeback within a comeback.
but as a delusional girlie, obviously there's a third level of comeback that all of this is happening within: the red bull redux prodigal son narrative. so really it should be more like comeback within a comeback within a comeback 😈
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cherrysha · 4 years
I am tired of writing serious things rn so this headcanon is just me cutting some slack. This Thot has been rolling around in my head because while I am a sub, I am also a degenerate first and foremost. It is in my nature to think of these things So.... sexual infantilization is not rlly my thing, but it was brought to my attention that some yanderes could use it as a tool to demean their darling, to make them feel small and powerless. And that...I like det. Its v lighthearted because writing serious stuff all the time is no fun
The enhancers would be the worst so I came up with some headcanons under the cut
Warnings: yandere themes, kidnapping, lots of degradation, allusions to dubcon, 
• It starts when he’s just a little too rough with you • Is gripping your shoulders so hard as he drives himself deep • And of course you’re crying because that’s how it always is • Whether it be because he’s too rough or you’re just a tad bit overstimulated • So he doesn’t think anything of it • It’s not until after, when the bruises are so bad that the blood looks dark and thick under your skin, that he gets soft • You’re too angry to look at him • And he has to baby you, because your muscles hurt so bad you can’t lift your arms to even feed yourself • And he knows you hate it, but there’s this pleasure he gets from seeing you submit to him this way • Anger in your eyes as you open your mouth to the spoon he’s pressing against your lips • He truly thinks its cute when you’re angry • Gets a little kick out of how you’re forced to listen to him even though it pisses you off • When you swallow he’s cooing at you • His good little girl finished her plate • And it’s so humiliating you wanna puke • Once you’re healed it’s not as bad • But he still does it • You’re in the shower and ofc you can’t lock the door because Uvo would never allow that • And he’s just shoving his big ass in there with you like “does my princess need help washing her hair?” • And you’re hollering at him to get out, to leave you alone. But it just makes him laugh • Tbh I think it’d also just be an excuse to be handsy with you
• There is no realization with this bastard. He steps out the gate ready to belittle you • He loves making you feel small physically and emotionally • Don’t get me wrong he does love you, he’s just an asshole • But he picks out your outfits and puts toothpaste on your toothbrush because you’re just a silly little girl who can’t do anything by herself without messing up • And he does it just so he can punish you when you act out • And who can blame you for wanting to bash his skull in when he talks to you like that • Putting on your shoes - “here baby, I know you can’t do that by yourself” • Pressed up against you, guiding your hands as he ‘teaches’ you how to properly wash the dishes • The whole time his dick is digging into your backside, but he pays it no mind • So when you refuse to wear the stupid dress with its sickeningly pink frills • He has a reason to keep you naked • “If you won’t wear this, then you get nothing. You know that sweetheart” • Or you throw your food on the floor because Phinks knew cutting it up would piss you off • He has a reason to bend you over the table and raw you into next week • Treating you like a child is just a means to an end • He just likes punishing you
• I think.... • I think this man might actually like it • I’m gunna be crucified here but lemme just explain myself • He’s patient, and has a hard time making quick decisions • He’s caring and v protective • Shit he even tells uvo’s big ass to be careful • Hot take here but I think he’s the most likely out of the 3 to be a little delusional about the whole thing • I’m not saying he’s irrational he’s just very emotionally driven • I just... think he’d treat you with a lot of care and after a while it just slowly happens • So you’re obviously weaker than him, slower than him, smaller than him • And he just has to baby you • Like he gets you stuffed animals and it’s not even a joke like this dude just sees it and is like • This is cute and soft...she is cute and soft...maybe she’ll like it • And that’s how it is. He just gets you a bunch of cute clothes, cute blankets and pillows, even buys you those stupid letters that you can hang on your door that spell your name • And it’s because he’s built up this idealized version of you instead of the obstinate grown ass woman he kidnapped • Of course you wear the cute shit, it’s not like there’s anything else you can wear • And of course you use the bedding he gifted you, it’s not like you could use anything else • And he just sees that and it’s confirmation in his head that wow you really like his gifts! • Of course when you’re bad he has to punish you • But he’s not like Phinks, I don’t think sex would be a punishment • Like one day you just get angry because this isn’t you, this isn’t your life • He gives you a warning when he comes in to wake you up and you push him away • Gives you another when he has to force you into the outfit he picked for you • But when you throw something at his head he’s had enough • And he’s just like wow...okay. Basement? • And he just leaves you down there for a few days because he’s really pissed off and he knows he can hurt you, but he doesn’t want to • So you're just left down there, naked, shivering on the bed he put in the corner for you • No food, just a few bottles of water • Until you’re desperate enough to behave again • And he sits there and explains • “This is what happens when you misbehave” • And it’s so condescending you want to beat the shit out of him • But you know you can’t, so you huff, frustrated tears slipping down your dirty face • And nobu just thinks you’re remorseful of your actions • So he takes you upstairs and runs you a bath • Gets in with you and washes the dirt off of your body • And slips his cock into you as a gift for taking your punishment so well
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