#obviously i'm no professional writer and criticism could help me get better but I find this kind of 'criticism' especially unhelpful
troubadour-malin · 2 years
vent in the tags!
#so i have a few original stories on wattpad#one dates back to 2019#it's the first piece of writing that I've ever completed and while it obviously has its flaws i'm very fond and proud of it#it gets a lot of reads and someone started reading it and leaving comments this week#and i'm always grateful for readers and comments but like#at first the person seemed to enjoy it#and then they started to complain about the length of the chapters#and fair enough I get that 100 words is pretty much very short for a chapter#this is a short story and I made it to feel like 'fragments' of thoughts and story#and honestly the length of the chapters is one of the things that got me to complete it eventually#but alright. This reader doesn't like that it's so short. I'm not upset about that it's a perfectly valid point to make.#and ok even if i didn't ask for it i guess that counts as constructive criticism so i get where they were coming from#but then they kept on commenting about how it was 'ruining' the story and how 'unpleasant' it was#and that what is bugging me right now because like... i put my work out on the internet for free#and while you have every right not to like it#it's hurtful to read that what you poured your soul into is 'unpleasant' to read..... i get that not everybody is gonna like what i do but#i just can't understand why they didn't just... stop reading instead of pushing and commenting some more about the same thing.#I know i'm upset over a really small thing and ultimately as long as I'm happy with my own work it's all that matters#obviously i'm no professional writer and criticism could help me get better but I find this kind of 'criticism' especially unhelpful#I wrote this back when I was sixteen and it's for free on wattpad so obviously it's not gonna be perfect or even good#I made this for myself first and then decided to share it with other people so why do they act like i'm responsible for 'ruining' the story#HOW COULD I POSSIBLY RUIN A STORY THAT I WROTE MYSELF what the hell#I don't even know what I'm trying to say actually#I'm just upset about this and how rude some people on the internet can get without even realizing#anyways if you read all this i hope you're having an amazing week#so' speaks
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randomperson339 · 2 years
Hey guys I wanna make a game
but I'm way off anything presentable so here's my all star development team. Is this reasonable? No. Is this more fun? Yes. Should artists just skip to where they're discussed and get their rightful ego-boost? Also yes
BTW this is like a super long post. You have been warned.
Director: me (of course)
Programers/game design: James/ the folks over at extra credits and their other projects. This is because they have years of game-design experience I just don't have. Obviously it's in like, the beta beta stage so I'm not commenting on this too much.
story/writing: Tale foundry. they have a lot of story experience I just don't have, again plus they probably have good printers being The Tale Foundry and all that.
Art direction: a combination of Red from OSP, aka Aurora comic, and dead sound , with Neytirix thrown in too. Aurora/Red because she has a very distinct, minimalist style that would do excellent with giving the game a style unto itself. This would be aided by Dead Sound, who's a good horror YouTuber that would add some nice contrast by just doing what he's currently doing. Now there might be some difficulties in combining the two artstyles, which is why I would employ Neytirix, who regularly does very horrific stuff but also does some very cute art. Heck, she's a master at combining the two into one part horror one part very cute, which draws the comedy out of the situation.
Other artist I would be excited to include:
@beautysnake: amazing artist, cannot recommend their animations enough. Except to those with photo-sensitivity, because there's a lot of flashing lights. But her animation work is impeccable, animating better than most full-form TV shows I see. Like, the equivalent to Arcane-levels of animation quality, relative to non-professional animation work. Deserves to just exist without any financial troubles for a few years just by the sheer quality of the work she produced
Aegean: Wings of Fire meme-poster that I just vibe with. Would go onto make all the dragons I could ever want
@dingodoodles/DingoDoodles: very similar artsyle to Aurora/Red, would help establish that kind of art as the default for this world/universe
Glitch/Liam Vickers: these are two separate artists in the same catagory because this is my speculative dream team post and you can't stop me >P. Also I really know them because of their amazing work on Murder Drones. They're not on the same level as BeautySnake, but that's like saying you're not on the same level as J.R.R. Tolkien. they're still amazing, with these very stylish set-pieces that just ooze imagination. Yeah that imagination is used to make horrific stuff, but again we need some amount of horror in this game. And their robot designs would be excellent in the art
@mechapen: Very cool art, I love how they can convey movement in their work. Also is heavily inspired by Anime, which I appreciate.
Other writers I would include (mostly story analysis, so not making the story moreso there to be critical of it):
Schee: is the dude who actually made me analyse my own work and find themes. I'm just going to point out that's better than the public school system did, but that's a massive disservice to Schee. His analysis is better than anything I could come up with, and his passion is palpable in every aspect.
@ohnoitstbskyen: does a lot of analysis, and has a backround in some kind of illistrative field (I can't remember for the life of me what it is exactly), but that gives him a unique perspective as to what to do with characters.
@orbitaldropkick: If you can stomach it, go read Kill Six Billion Demons. It's not complete, yet, but it's still like much better than a majority of the media I've consumed. That alone gives them the right to be on this list, and their use of utter brutality would be a nice contrasts, since we already have horror and comedy in here. But seriously, their writing is ascendant and I hope to one get to the level of mastery they have. And don't even get me started on the lore- amazing all of it. I'm excited for whatever else they do in their life, even if it's just retire.
Oh wiat... I forgot a director of marketing... I suppose @neil-gaiman could work, since he has a decently-sized Tumblr blog. I'm certain he has no other credentials, like writing on some of the most influential books in existence and popular TV show of this era with impeccable talent put into it. Nope. None of that exists, since his only claim to fame is this one tumblr blog
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danganmos · 6 years
Updated FAQ
Age-related FAQ
I'm 17, can I still join?
If your birthday is before MARCH 1ST, then you can stay! If it is after March 1st, then unfortunately you must go.
Why is it 18+ anyway??
Two reasons! 1. This might have a lot of upsetting content such as body horror, gore, nsfw JOKES. There is no actual NSFW in this server. Mostly there's possible horror aspects that could be upsetting for people under 18 and to keep our options open, it's better to be safe than sorry. *Please note everything dealing with body horror, gore, executions etc. will most likely be only written out descriptions. 2. Some members do not feel comfortable with minors. It can be due to anything- Nothing against one person or anything! For example, I'm a music teacher and I teach minors. It's weird for me to not be professional around minors due to this and it makes me feel weird.
FAKE ages
Please do NOT fake your age. This game will be long and if I discover that someone has been lying about their age, then they are valid for permanent banning. Be honest please.If you know anyone who turns 18 before March 1st, they can now apply.
What is the Hopeful's list? This list shows who has turned in their applications! This helps people see what talents, names, and who is RPing them has turned in. Is this the official class list? Nope. Just a list of those who have applied. The official list will not come out until March 1st.     People's names are on there twice? Yes! You can submit as many apps as you want. Why is Inu (the admin) on there twice was accepted characters? For plot reasons, it would be very helpful for me to have two OCs here to assist. I don't want my name on that list Okay! DM me and I will remove it.
How do I do the prompt?
You read the entire prompt and then reply how your character would like. I'll be posting an example soon in #⭐examples⭐
Why are there so many suggestions inside the prompt? Do I reply to all of them?
No, no! Not at all. I listed a crap ton of suggestions because sometimes people need ideas on what to do.  The main goal is to see how your OC would react in the face of danger.
What person should this be in?
Please have it be in third person. While this is a prompt that says "you" in second person, I merely did that to avoid anything sounding too awkward. This entire thing is for your OC too- Nothing out of character / irl.
I can't picture what the room looks like?
Here's a rough picture I photoshopped together.
Tumblr media
I have an OC with an art talent, but I see you're not accepting those?
That is kind of correct. Due to this being an art museum, talents such as SHSL sculptor, oil painter, acrylic painter, - painter, sketch artist, art critic, or anything within the physical art field are most likely not going to be accepted. I have personally decided that would give the art OC an advantage that could kill the fun for everyone else. It would also make a lot of plot issues for the NPCs and plotline.
My OC is a _ artist, is that okay?
Talents such as comic artist, graffiti artist, garbage artist, make-up artist / special effect artist, any designers, and any photographers are okay. Basically, if the art has anything to do with a stereotypical non-modern museum, expect it to be denied.
My art OC is being treated differently than the other OCs by the Mod/NPC characters?
If an art (any art field) OC is accepted, please expect them to get heavily harassed by an NPC character. It's part of the plot, trust me. They really aren't welcome here to the NPC characters. Think of it as starting with a letter grade of "C" while everyone else gets a "B." The art field OCs can and will be on a possible NPC's shitlist. This implies the NPC characters will bully them, harass them more than the others, or try to run them out of town.
My OC has a fake talent because....
Fake talents are 100% good and fun to do! The only reasons when they're not okay are when they revolve around: - "I have a fake talent to hide my true gender." Closeted OCs are fine- But when a gender becomes a form of plot/tragic backstory, then it becomes a little iffy. There are plenty of bad representations of gender in the media already. We'd rather not deal with the possible controversies that come with it. If your OC is a closeted gender/sexuality, then it's fine. It is very common for people in this day of age to be closeted due to family/religion/social/whatever situations. -"I have a fake talent to hide my illegal talent." Again, totally okay. The only times this isn't okay is when the talent they hide deals with NSFW talents or drug-related talents. There is no OC here with a NSFW talent. While their personalities/hobbies can be NSFW, there is no accepted/will be no accepted OC that's like SHSL Adult star or anything. With that being said, NSFW humor/crude jokes/being nasty is allowed. There will be no actual NSFW in this server. It can be _implied, but never shown.-"I have a fake talent to hide my illegal talent" pt 2 Cool. Murder, malicious intent, possible killers, or whatever is fine. The line is drawn when it comes to cults, human trafficking, kidnapping, and so on. Anything revolving around that is not welcome. While your OC can have this in their backstory, I'm not going to deal with a SHSL kidnapper.
Get that shit out of here. -"I have a fake talent because my true talent is embarrassing." Neat. -"I have a fake talent because my true talent is suspicious." Neat. -"I have a fake talent because I want to." Cool.
In regards to excessively - characters
What does this mean?
This means characters who are not very deep. For example, a SHSL serial killer who is 1. obviously a serial killer, 2. finds nothing wrong with it, and 3. literally talks about it way too often. While you can drop hints and have your OC be apathetic to their morals and killing, I'd rather not have someone running around bragging about it. This also goes for other stereotypes that can become repetitive, predictable, and somewhat boring. Another example is a stereotypical anime tsundere character who acts the same each and every time. Please know that we are looking for deep characters who can be brought to life by the writers.
Bleeding into IC
This is not welcome in the slightest. If an OC appears to be the writer in an OC form/a self insert, then they will be turned down. The worst part about a killing game with bleeding means that we aren't just killing the writer's OC.... We'd be killing the writer. To avoid such topics, awkward situations, and potential drama; please know that self inserts of any kind are not okay.
I share this trait with my OC, is this bleeding?
No! Not necessarily. Bleeding is strictly when you stop RPing as your OC and literally place yourself in their shoes and become them/ they become you. Lots of traits in OCs stem from IRL experiences or concepts, which is totally fine. For example, Iseri has a strong sense of smell like I do. This does not mean I am Iseri. I do not condone his actions and I do not give a shit if he dies. If I were to be completely like him, condone / justify his actions, and get super upset if he dies, then that is bleeding. Feel free to ask questions about this concept.
I don't want (this character) to die. I like them too much.
Sucks, huh. When you apply an OC to a killing game, please expect no one to be safe. Not even the mod OCs. Everyone is valid to die. Do not beg a mod to let that OC live. (Your own OC or someone else's OC.)
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