#obviously not flirting. again. girlfriend committed four year long relationship etc etc
eternalsummer2006 · 1 year
im literally like. dumb
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blckb3ar · 5 years
1-100 SIR
1. I don’t think looks are that important in a relationship, but there obviously must be SOME attraction to your partner
2. They can be!
3. Nope
4. Nope, I’m single
5. Nope!
6. Yup! And I’m TIRED
7. I believe so. I’ve never tried to commit to multiple people at once
8. ?
9. Just someone who is a genuinely kind person who I can get along with pretty well
11. Honestly... no
12. Yes because I’m stupid but it also depends what it is...
13. yes
14. ?
15. I have two! I want another one but on my tongue
16. Noooo I’m too scared
17. Being a GAY man, no, I do not like kissing in public. I feel so uncomfortable
18. Nope! I do not shower everyday. But when I start working in a nursing home, I will. Idc if that sounds dirty either I don’t have TIME BRO
19. ?
20. Nope!
21. Yes. I was in a relationship for YEARS and didn’t cheat once. I would never
22. No, but I think I’ll be in a committed LTR
23. This year is ending... but yeah, if it happens 🤷🏽‍♂️
24. Yes, but not in a relationship type of way
25. Nope!
26. Not that I know of. And I thank god for that.
27. NO
28. No, I haven’t (thankfully)
29. Yes. All the time!
30. Yes. My last boyfriend who was completely trash and really ruined me for a long time omfg
31. A boy* (at the time obvs)
32. No! Pussy 🤮
33. Yes. Everyone I’ve ever been with has been older than me
34. Yes!
35. Like a guy? I wouldn’t say they HATE him, they just are annoyed/frustrated with him... so yes
36. Honestly... no
37. Yes! Straight men! :(
38. Never for someone... but about someone, I have
39. No bitch
40. Ummmm.... I don’t know?
41. My longest relationship with a guy? Two and a half years. With a girl? Four years
42. I have had 3 girlfriends... and REAL boyfriends I’ve had two.
43. Bitch?? I don’t remember??
44. I believe I had sex with my ex last year or the year before I can’t remember...
45. 18
46. I would be like “I could’ve told you that one” TBH
47. N/A
48. Honestly yes FUCK
49. Yesss
50. Not recently in the past two months maybe, but I have. Because I realize that I was wasting my time and a part of me still feels that way abt the situation so that’s WHY
51. No?
52. Like a partner? Yes.
53. Well I’m just going to talk about this guy I dated for two years. This was towards the end of our relationship and we were off and on mind you. So anyways. We were going to start dating *again* this one day and then I was hesitant as I usually was so then we were talking about it the next day and he ask me if he could date someone else.... bitch I was so hurt omgg
54. 1) I’m 6’1. 2) I’m fat. 3.) I have a bunch of small birth marks in the most random places. 3.) my eyes are brown. 4.) my hair is brown. 5.) I’m hairy? 6.) I have an innie. 7.) my thighs are fat as fuck. 8.) I’m light skin.
55. Lemme suck ya dick again 😭 kidding. I wouldn’t say anything because at this point in my life, I don’t care about them anymore!
56. I’m not really sure but I think just reassuring me that you want me will do it
57. Bitch I am not posting no picture
58. Two... so sad, I know. I really want an older man who has like 10+ years on me but I’m ugly so that won’t happen smh
59. What they’re wearing or their nose. Not in a bad way but I usually have to look DOWN when I’m talking to someone so
60. Girl...
61. This is hard because I’ve only ever have had penetrative sex. But I think sex can really be anything you and your s/o make it.
62. In my opinion cheating is sexting, flirting (aggressively), preforming sexual acts, etc.
63. We’re laying there... just rubbing and feeling on one another. Idk bitch. Just taking our time?? IDFK
64. Hmm I don’t know tbh
65. I don’t really have a perfect date idea in my head. I think a REALLY GOOD date would just be watching a movie and cuddling but idk??
66. Gay
67. I hate when dudes are too into themselves... like that is my biggest turn off ever
68. I love when dudes are shy. For some reason that’s a turn on to me LMFAO but also I like when they look well AND CAN CARRY A CONVERSATION. Oh and when they smell good too 🧐
69. My kinkest dream was years ago. My mom had dropped me off in a forest by her job and I was surrounded by like 20 men and I was tied up to a tree and I just blew them... but it was hot 😭
70. To be honest.... “baby” does it for me
71. I think it would be sweet if someone got me food and we cuddled and watch one of my favorite movies
72. The most superficial characteristic that I look for in a man is probably their height LMFAO
73. This isn’t the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me but I’ll never forget it. My crush in middle school got my milk for me... like bro I will never forget that shit. It made my heart SO happy
74. I don’t know actually.
75. I think age differences are good. I want a MAN.
76. It wouldn’t be a secret anymore if I told you 😜
77. A couple of days ago. Over something stupid but I was just like “oh word??” And then I stopped thinking about it
78. Like an hour ago
79. What kind of question is this? Bitch I can’t choose!
80. The last person I hugged was probably my best friend
81. A girl
82. Because it just ran it’s course and they were really abusive emotionally/mentally.
83. Yes...?? As in across the states kinda thing? No.
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whistlewhileiblogit · 5 years
Warning: LONG POST Being the "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" (with a lot of Arthur Morgan praise)
So on another post (forgot which one welp) I commented saying Arthur Morgan should be the standard for men. I stand by what I said.
And I was thinking, why the hell aren't more men like that? Then it hit me.
Because men see themselves as such already.
So many men put themselves in that role, despite not fitting it at all. They think that they are kind, and loyal and honest...whatever traits you can think of, they believe they are.
And this even includes the ones that jokingly say, "oh I'm an asshole". Because to them that's just it, a joke. They don't really think they're an asshole. Yet one way or another they reveal themselves to be just that.
How many times do men say "you're over reacting"? Or, "you're acting crazy"? And then when you call them out on their bullshit they straight out deny it?
The more I think about my interactions with men- brothers, boyfriends, friends -they all seem to have that in common. They all think they're the "good guy", the "hero" and/or that women are always the problem, or being too dramatic, or to blame, etc.
Allow me to give a few personal examples:
- My first (and only "official") boyfriend of four years constantly lied to me, and was also emotionally manipulative despite that I frequently called him out on it (he once blamed me for his suicide and said I would regret doing nothing to stop it). He also would rile me up over text, then proceed to ignore all my messages/calls. Towards the end of our relationship this worsened to the point where he continually had his friends under the impression I was a "crazy girlfriend". Despite all of this he still saw himself as this martyr, this saviour to me because he frequently tried to buy me off with gifts. He always made sure to mention "all he did for me" in arguments.
- The second ever dude I kinda sorta not really was seeing. I told him straight up from the start I wasn't sure what I wanted, but I was pretty certain I didn't want a relationship yet. He said he fine with it, happy to "see how things go", until one day he got mad at me for not wanting to be introduced to his family and friends as his girlfriend. Proceeded to tell everyone I was "crazy", that I ruined "the best weekend of his life", etc.
- Multiple guy "friends" I've had. Each of these were always just friendships to me. I made that clear. I spoke in a way that showed that. Yet they developed crushes on me. They can't help that, obviously, but then of course each asked me out. And what did I do? Politely reject them. Out of the 5 (I think?) guys over a period of many years, only TWO of them accepted it and dropped it. Oddly enough, those two each got girlfriends a few weeks after. The other three? One of them basically dropped me as a friend completely, another said he wanted to still be friends, which I tried for about four or so years, despite him frequently asking me out over and over again. Each time I said no. He tried to guilt trip me once saying "is it because I'm fat?" which was bs because at the time my well-known crush (who later became my first bf) was fat himself, and actually far heavier than him. Even when my bf and I were dating, he continually pursued me and put my bf down in the process. Not to mention what I think was his attempt at negging me (which obvi didn't work on top of his emotional manipulative behaviour). Eventually enough was enough, and I decided I didn't want to be friends anymore. And the third guy? I had NO idea he liked me, and I never thought of him that way anywho. He and I were becoming really close friends in a time where I didn't have many (I was so nervous making new friends at uni so it was exciting for me). He was really cool at first. Hella funny, and we could dnm about almost everything. Then one day he finally tells me over text that he, and our two other friends (who were dating each other) had formed this plan to try and set us up. I was mildly offended that my friends hadn't even come to me and asked if I was even interested, but let it go. So once again, I told him sorry, I'm not interested. He lowkey sulked that he'd figured he "wasn't my type" because I was always going on about Joel (from TLoU) due to my massive crush on him. He even had the nerve to say that I was "too picky" when it came to dating. After that, he started treating me differently. He wasn't nice anymore. He was actually being intentionally mean. Constantly picking on me in the group chat, etc. When I called him out on it, and told them I wasn't finding the "jokes" funny anymore, what did he do? Tell me I couldn't "take the banter" and that it was my fault because "I'm an easy target". A massive fight ensued and he left the group chat as if to say he'd "won". We haven't spoken since.
I could go on. I could tell soooo many anecdotes of my own, old friends, you name it. Men, on average, seem to all have this air of confidence that they think excludes them from being a decent fucking person.
Men frequently tell me about their "crazy" exes. How women "ruined" them and their lives. How they "just want a normal chick". And in the same moment will turn to me and say shit like, "I'd love a girl like you." or "you're a good chick, you're marriage material."
I'm meant to take it as a compliment. I know that is how I'm supposed to interpret these odd, (kind of) creepy comments.
The worst part is that if I DID date them, and it turned sour, in the end I will undoubtedly be called "crazy" or what have you, most likely. It seems to be a pattern that girls are always the crazy ones.
To swing back to my original point; men always assume they're the good guy.
I know in relationships, particularly in breakups, everyone wants to be the victim, the one who's been wronged. Hell, I am certain I was like that in my teen years.
But the thing is, girls and women are used to taking the blame. We are so often called crazy for the things we say and do that we start to believe it. And we begin to scrutinize our own behaviour. The amount of times my girl friends (and myself included) have admitted, "I could have handled myself better/I was caught up in my emotions/maybe I'm being too hard on him/he's just a guy" etc, compared to guys who have said something like that to me?
I cannot think of one time a guy I know fully admitted his own faults, or apologised without a girl initiating it. Again, because guys think they're the hero in their story.
They think they're all Arthur Morgan's. They think that because they start out gentlemanly and affectionate that that excuses their other shitty behaviours when they come to light.
I legit had a guy friend tell me deadass that he and his girlfriend never called each other just to say things like, "where are you/when are you coming home?" because he considered it an invasion on his privacy.
I mean, what? Checking in on your loved one is a bad thing now?
I'm just gonna say this: if you consider having a girlfriend (or anyone in a committed relationship) any of the following, YOU SHOULD NOT BE IN A RELATIONSHIP:
- A "ball and chain"
- Anything that you consider to be "keeping you down"
- A hassle or a nuisance
- An effort (that you don't see as worth the effort)
- Annoying while talking about their interests, hobbies, goals, etc. (basically if talking in general or not talking about things you are specifically interested in is annoying to you)
- You almost never see them already and yet still say "I need space"
- You are dating out of some sort of obligation you feel ("I might as well" "I've gotta get married eventually")
- You are only thinking of ways they can serve you (are they marriage material? Give good head? Obedient? Quiet?)
- You never actually think about them in a selfless way (you don't make an effort to remember birthdays, or things important to them)
- You don't ever make any sacrifice or compromise for them, yet constantly expect them to do it for you
- You think that offering them favours (giving them a lift, taking them to an appointment) will earn you brownie points, instead of doing it because you want to help them out
- You consider it a favour to do something that is at least in part your responsibility ("I'll pay for your birth control this time...")
- You see them as "holding you back" from being with other people sexually, OR you flirt with other people (I had a guy continually flirt with me, telling me how attractive I was because I played video games, all while his gf was in another room)
So all in all, this has been a long, bitter post saying men ain't shit.
And before anyone gets on my ass for it, no, I am not talking about "all men". Anyone who knows me personally knows I really love men...mostly. But sometimes shit has to be said. And in my defense, if you are a man who's first instinct is to say "not all men!!" you're probably part of the problem.
Men, try to be more like Arthur Morgan, or whatever hero of whatever story. Don't assume you already are one. Remember, Arthur didn't start off as a hero, either.
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