#but it’s not like. one sided affection as in there’s no way to call me into question without calling him into question as well
WIBTA for continuing to try and reach out to my half-sibling, even though my mom "doesn't like it"?
So, I (20F) haven't known my dad, as he left when I was too young to remember it and then he died. I don't actually know much about him, or any relatives I have on that side (as my mom won't tell me much), but I know a few names, and specifically those of my half-siblings. One, who I'm calling S, is apparently my sister. I've known about her my whole life, and have wanted to contact her in some way also for a very long time. Well, I found S on Facebook when I decided I wanted to try and find anybody the other week, and have attempted reaching out. It's gone well so far, she's been really nice, but I haven't brought up the related part because I just don't know how. I tried to look up how to go about this, and most things I find just say to "not get your hopes up" and to "ask a relative for help", so... I asked my mom if she had any idea how I should go about that, since I don't know, and she's generally better at talking with people than I am.
My mom instead blew up at me, and told me that she doesn't like that I'm trying to reach out to S, doesn't like that I want to know anything about my dad, doesn't want me doing this, doesn't like me doing this, and that "not everything is about you you're not the only one who was affected by that". When I tried to ask for a reason why she doesn't want me to, all she had to say was that "it's not fair S had a dad and you didn't", and "they never helped or reached out to me even though they knew about you". (Though, I'm unsure how unbiased this statement might be, since she's always had a tendency to blame everyone close to people who have upset her for the one persons actions)
I haven't brought it up, but quite honestly I want to keep talking to S and try to bring it up anyways, but now I'm worried I'll be an asshole for it.
On one hand, I'm an adult and I think I deserve to try at least, and I think my mom's reasons shouldn't be impacting my choices (yeah it's unfair I didn't have a dad, but that's his fault not S's? and yeah no one helped her or anything before, but why does that mean I can't even try to reach out?), but on the other... Obviously this upsets her, and I think me wanting this has crossed some sort of line with her or something?
So... I guess, what do you people out here think? Would I be an asshole if I just ignored my mom and did it anyways?? Because I'm not sure anymore... (and apologies if this is "above tumblr's paygrade" or anything)
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yup-thats-me · 1 day
—little things • I. Obanai
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pairing: husband!Iguro x wife!reader summary: some days can be tough but Obanai is grateful to have his wife right by his side warning: negative self-image, self-hatred, manga spoilers. be warned
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“What does she see in me?”
Iguro touched his reflection in the mirror, his eyes glossed over with tears. It's almost been three years since the serpent Hashira married his sweetheart, Y/n. Although their marriage was a strategy devised by their families to strengthen the clans, Obanai is grateful that he does not have to suffer an unhappy marriage like most arranged couples do.
It must be for of his good deed in his previous life that he got a wife like Y/n. She is kind, supportive, understanding and loving. She showed him love and affection, something he could only dream of when he was a child. She understood that when he would distance himself when his past weighed him down, she would give him space but if it got out of hand, she would slowly push her way through and embrace Obanai. An embrace so warm that made all his worries go away, be that a physical one or an embrace through words. She knew how to calm him down.
Iguro knew Y/n loved him, she could never betray him, not even in his dreams. But there are days. Days that his mind tells him that he is not deserving of the love he receives from his darling wife. Days where he hates his heterochrome eyes, days when he wishes those vile women had slashed through his cheeks completely so that he would have been dead. Dying is better than being ashamed of his face. If he were to die, he would not need to bandage his face at present.
But, somewhere deep down in his heart, he knows that it would not have been better had he died. Had he died in his childhood, he would have never met Y/n, would have never known how warm her hand feels against his cheek, how affection feels. He would have died without knowing any of that; something he did not want.
His eyes were closed shut, jaw clenched. Fingers closed in a tight fist. What exactly hurt him, he did not know. But it hurt, oh it hurts so much. It is days like this that he wishes for Y/n’s presence. Sure, he can call her right now. Maybe she is in the bath, getting ready for bed and would be by his side in a minute, but he did not have the heart to busy her with such a trivial matter. It's better not to worry her about his mood swings, she tolerates enough of him already.
“I hate my face, I hate the way my eyes look, hate how weak I am,” he said through gritted teeth. He continued on his list of the things that he hates about himself, immersed in his thoughts so deep that he did not hear Y/n entering the room.
Smiling softly, Y/n stood beside him in front of the mirror.
“I love the cute expressions you make when surprised.”
Her sudden voice made Iguro step back in surprise. He quickly composed himself, turning his face to the side to wipe his tears from her view. There’s no way a man should let his wife see him crying.
Y/n gently put her hands on his cheek, making the man look at her eyes. “I love the way your cheeks get flushed red when I compliment you,” she coaxed, her fingers slowly making their way to the back of his head.
“Love the way you look away when you hand me a present.” Her fingers found the beginning of the white cloth; the bandage. Iguro stared at her. He felt the bandage around his mouth loose a bit but he did not want to push her hand away, not when she felt so warm, so comforting.
His wife pecked him on the cheek, his heart skipping a beat when he felt her lips on his cheek. No matter how many times she kissed him, it still felt like a fever dream. She caressed his face lovingly, her touch almost making him forget that the bandage came off his face; his face was bare, bare for her to see.
“And,” She stroked the scars as lightly as a feather. “I adore your scars.”
He could not force the tears from blocking his vision.
“How can you say you hate these when I absolutely love them?’’
“My love, when will you see yourself the way I do?”
She gently shook his head making him open his eyes to face her. “Your eyes, my love. They hold kindness in them. How can anybody not love this magnificent piece of art?” Her own orbs glossed over with tears.
“I cannot thank you enough for being alive, today,” a choked sob rippled through her chest. “So please, please love yourself.”
Iguro’s arms wrapped around her neck as he pushed his face into the crook of her neck, his tears wetting the skin.
“And if you can’t,” she whispered.
“Let me love you enough for the both of us.”
do not copy, steal or translate my work to any other site. all rights reserved to yup-thats-me on tumblr
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poppy-metal · 24 hours
could you PLS talk abt moody reader and bsf patrick. and i'm not even talking abt smut, just that dynamic. she's not necessarily rude all the time, just kinda hesitant to do things. he's always pushing her into doing things that he knows she'll enjoy eventually even if she's reluctant at first (and he's always right). like one time he finds out that she doesn't know how to swim, never learned bc her parents just never took her to lessons and now it's his mission to teach her. and he's always the one who initiates physical touch and she pretends like it bothers her when he hugs her while he's all sweaty but secretly loves the affection. and she's torn when patrick is asking abt her opinion on the new girl she's seeing bc on one hand, the new gf is pretty and nice and smart so she's not gonna lie and be a pick me (and patrick values his bsf's opinion sm so she knows she has to be careful) but she's on the other hand she's in love with him and that should be HER not the other girl. sorry for the rant LMAO i didn't think this was gonna turn out so long
oh to be patricks autistic - mistaken for a bitch - best friend. everything he does, if it was someone else you'd be so unbelievablely triggered and upset. putting you in a headlock when hes sweaty and gross, throwing his arm around you and dragging you into his side - you snap at him and call him disgusting but theres never any heat to it. you'd never admit but you like the attention, soak it up like a flower does the sun. its strange to compare patrick zweig to the sun but thats what he is to you - you're always gravitating towards him. reaching tendrils out. when one of your snarky remarks makes him laugh out loud you feel like you could walk on air. and he's alot of things like loud, and mouthy, and impulsive, but he also remembers your favorite order from your favorite places, he lets you borrow his hoodies when you're cold and he never asks for them back - you asked one day, secretly hoping he'd say no but worried he was missing them "do you want me to give em'back?" and he'd just jostled your shoulder with his shrug and shook his head "its fine - i have a shit ton, and you wear em' better anyways" - he shit talks people with you and doesn't say anything about your absolutely insane statements like "ill behead them all and use their bones for kindling." he just snorts and asks if you can make him a s'more. you love him a little desperately. a little so much that when you take a moment to really look at him, his sun freckled skin, the messy tangles and wisps of his hair, the way his nose curves, the way he stands, sits, moves his hands, it hurts.
it hurts especially bad when you remember you cant have him that way - the way he has other girls - the way he has them gasping and pleading in the back of his car, moaning his name - because you'll always just be his friend. the girl who can make him laugh so hard pepsi squirts out of his nose. never the girl he'd want flushed and in his bed.
(you're stupid.)
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meshiinuma · 2 days
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pool day
relationship: poly sashisu x reader
desc: it's your mission to keep your lifeguard date mates company while they perform their duties at the pool
wrd cnt: 3.6k
warnings: gn reader, fluff !!, thats it !!!
a(shley's)/n: this is mostly 4 me bcuz i got my nostril pierced n now i CANT GO UNDERWATER . I ONLY WENT 2 THE POOL ONCE THIS SUMMER AUGHHHHH and i bought some rlly cute swimsuits 2 :[[[ sighhhhh ill resign myself 2 being above water i suppose also the song suguru is humming later is paikea by patea maori club
at the sound of the sharp whistle of the lifeguard, you stop.
“no running.” she calls out to you, smugness tinging her tone.
you look up to see shoko sitting at the top of the tall lifeguard chair. she has her sunglasses low on the bridge of her nose, staring you down with a salacious look in her deep dark brown eyes.
“and no food by the pool.” with a pout, you lean on one of the white bases of the high chair and suck at your blue raspberry popsicle.
“this is a dictatorship.” you finally say after slurping out enough flavor to satisfy you for the time being.
“shame.” shoko pulls off her sunglasses and gets a good look at you from your spot underneath the huge red shade attached to the back of her chair, her blindingly white shirt dulled underneath the shadow. if you looked close enough, you could see her black bikini bottoms peeking out.
she tucks some of her hair behind her ear, you thought it was growing out quite nicely. you didn’t say that though. you actually just chomped off the discolored part of the popsicle, pure ice melting on your tongue.
sigh “i don’t know why all three of you decided to sign up for lifeguarding, now i’m all alone, burning. slowly infecting myself with skin cancer…!” your girlfriend chuckles at your dramatic declaration. 
“you know we need some cash, just surviving off of satoru’s trust fund isn’t enough. plus, you have your own job.” shoko reasons, her attention slipping from you briefly so she could switch off her water proof alarm, beeping to remind her to switch out guard posts.
“that pays more too…” you mumbled and licked up a stray droplet about to fall onto the concrete. out of the corner of your eye, you see shoko stop for a moment and stare at the pink muscle work it’s way up the rocket-shaped dessert.
to suck more sugar out of the ice, you take the popsicle fully into your mouth and slowly pull it out with a pop.
by now, shoko was down from her post and smacked you lightly on the shoulder, “in public?” judging by her grin and the little flush across her cheeks, she didn’t care.
“as if you, satoru, and suguru don’t do worse, hm?” you leaned forward with a teasing grin, close enough to give her a little peck with your blue stained lips.
she giggled at the ticklish feeling of your lips brushing against her soft cheek and pushed you away when you bit into it lightly, “okay, okay. there’s kids around, you know that?” she drawls, but still gives you a kiss and nip on your bottom lip back.
the two of you are interrupted by two pairs of feet leisurely strolling down the side of the pool, one voice greeting you and your girlfriend loudly.
you look up to see the last half to your heart approaching, one in a lifeguard tank top and the other shirtless, both have bright red swim trunks on.
“hi baby! hi my darling shoko!” satoru jogs up and gives you a wet kiss on your lips, more spit than lip action. he repeats the action with his girlfriend. she splutters and gently shoves him away.
“you’re like a dog, slobbering everywhere…” shoko leans up to peck him on the forehead, cradling his head like she did yours.
suguru comes up behind satoru and leans over him to give you a kiss on the cheek, deciding to save his more overt affection for later.
once shoko and satoru separate, suguru leans over shoko and gives her a kiss on the top of her head. she reciprocates with a kiss to his jaw while satoru bounds up the lifeguard chair and settles into place with his rescue tube.
when they pulled away, you admired the way they stared at each other. the love they had was palpable. you smiled involuntarily and licked at your popsicle.
they pulled apart when the manager of the pool speed walked by with a bark of an order, “ieiri! to your station! geto! back to making rounds around the pool!” 
there was always something bothering him. shoko just rolled her eyes and waved goodbye to her partners, leisurely walking to her next lifeguard post at a farther end of the pool.
satoru brushed your shoulder closest to him with the end of his crocs, “hey.” you looked up to see his own sunglasses slipping down the bridge of his nose, a silly grin on his face, “can’t eat near the pool.” just like a little puppy dog, he tilted his head to the side and let out a huff of air like a laugh.
in response, you stared up at him with sultry eyes as you tossed whatever was left of the popsicle around your tongue. when you bit of the last of the ice, you slowly pulled the stick while maintaining eye contact.
satoru’s face turned red and his beautiful ocean blues widened. he whipped his head to the side and mumbled, “shut up…” you giggled and slapped his exposed calf, moving towards suguru.
internally, you were giggling and screaming and kicking your legs. suguru was just the type to make anyone shy and flustered, even if he was a big softie on the inside. outwardly, you were coy and sly, “hey, big boy.” at your approach, suguru cupped his hand on the side of your head and granted you the privilege of one of his soft lipped smiles.
“hi,” he fiddled with some of your hair, then perked up.
“oh!” he leaned down to the white plumeria bushes lining the pool fence and plucked one with a long stem. your boyfriend turned back to you, still waiting patiently, and slipped it behind your left ear. after he secured it, he kissed the shell of your left ear, “thought of you after i saw them.” suguru whispered, sending giddy shivers down your spine at the thought of taking up space in someone’s mind.
when he pulled away, a lovely grin split your face almost in two and you bashfully looked away, carefully cupping the flower decorating your ear.
“wh-hey!” you and suguru turned to satoru, who had a grumpy look on his face at the affection you were receiving.
“aw, do you want one too satoru?” before he could answer, you were already making your way towards the bushels of flowers.
your fingers danced around tons of white petaled, yellow centered flowers until you found the one with the brightest center. just like your sun.
you plucked it happily, with ample room on the stem so you could tuck it behind his left ear, and bounded over to the lifeguard chair he was sat at.
“i have something for you!” you singsonged, holding the pretty flower behind your back.
satoru gasped as if he didn’t just watch you pluck from the flower bushes, “for me? i couldn’t possibly imagine what it could be!”
shyly, you stepped up to the first step of the chair and held out the flower. like a dog offering something for its beloved owner.
your other boyfriends hands cupped the petals, making sure not to crumple them, “oh…thank you baby…” he looked up at you, love and adoration crowding his eyes, “i love it,” and he moved to take it from you, but you slipped it away at the last second, “nuh-uh! I’ll put it on for you, then i know it’ll look perfect. a perfect flower for my perfect baby.” 
bright red exploded across the pale cheeks of your boyfriend as you stuck the wooden popsicle stick in your mouth and gently turned his head so you could slip the flower behind his left ear, “i’m your perfect baby?” he asked.
when you finished, you turned his head back to you to get a good look at him, “my most perfect, most loveliest, smartest baby.”
satoru looked beautiful.
he does everyday, but the delicate flower added a more gentle touch to him. something that distanced him from the cold winter beauty he was born with. made him more suited for the bright blue of the pool in the full swing of summer.
you leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, “you’re so beautiful satoru.” you spoke around the stick in your mouth. suguru came up next to you and leaned on the side of the chair, looking up at satoru with reverence shining in his fox eyes.
“you really are beautiful…” he trailed off and satoru got flustered all over again, jutting his wet pink bottom lip out with a shy smile.
“thanks…” your white haired lover turned back to you and suguru, something more down to earth twisting his lips up, “you guys are pretty beautiful too, even more than me.” he chuckled as you ruffled the top of his head (careful not to jostle the plumeria out).
“alright you charmer, weaseling your way into our hearts,” you smacked his bare pec and got down from the chair, going back to the flowers blooming and making the whole area smell so sweet, yet spicy with undertones of cinnamon.
another flower made it’s way into your hands, but this one was a bright blush pink with a spot of yellow in the middle. 
suguru’s intense. he burns with love and care for everything that could ever be cared about. passionate. he craves happiness on the inside. for as long as you’ve known him, he’s always been pursuing joy to complete him. you hope he feels complete around you, satoru, and shoko.
“turn around and crouch down a little.” suguru follows obediently with a hum and lets you part his bun so you could safely tuck the little flower into his top knot. when done, you move his hair out of the way so you could peck the nape of his neck.
at the brush of your lips against him, he shudders and jerks away with a chuckle, “alright, calm down, you can do that later.” you just rolled your eyes.
when looking at suguru head on, the little bit of intense pink poked out behind him. it just added more to his thin and refined features, crafted with light and precise strokes of a brush.
your thumb reached up to swipe at a droplet of sweat starting to run down his forehead, “have you been putting sunscreen on?” your head whipped around to satoru, “both of you?” 
“sir yes sir!” satoru saluted while you and suguru chuckled. satoru has sensitive skin that burns easy, and his refusal to put a shirt on only heightens the chances of him coming home peeling and burnt to a crisp. suguru needs sunscreen less, but he still cares for the health of his skin. that doesn’t stop him from coming home a few shades darker and having tan lines from his work clothes.
you kissed suguru’s cheek and went over to the lifeguard chair that satoru was at, already waiting with his head ducked.
“good. now i’m gonna go give one to shoko,” you plucked a completely white flower from the bushes and started towards where shoko was seated, “make sure not to slack off!” you called out behind you as you threw away the popsicle stick in a trashcan.
satoru and suguru just waved goodbye to you, sporting mischievous grins.
the stem of the flower twirled between your fingers while your mind wandered off to your girlfriend.
smart shoko. smart, beautiful, trusting, obsessively clean shoko. you sighed wistfully at the memory of her forcing suguru out of the pool last summer after he got his nipples pierced, citing the insane amount of germs floating around in a pool, even if they were sanitized with chlorine. if someone was drowning in front of shoko, you don’t think she’d jump in and get them herself.
your feet slowed once they approached the base of the lifeguard chair, “hello lovely girlfriend of mine.” you cooed, reaching for her hand resting on the armrest of the chair.
“why hello to you to, light of my life, fire of my loins.” her hand went to caress you from the top of your head to the bottom of your chin, “i thought we were in public, sho-ko.” you teased and moved to stand in front of the lifeguard chair.
“sorry babe, just can’t resist myself around you.” she chuckled as you rolled your eyes.
“whatever now get over here, i have something for you.” you stood on the first step of the lifeguard chair, still twirling the plumeria in your hand.
“oh? i’d love to see it.” she drawled, offering her head to you.
judging by her nonchalant reaction, she had seen the interaction between her partners.
with tender hands, you tucked the flower behind her left ear and secured it as best as you could. when you were done, your hand slid down to her jaw and brought her head up to face you.
“you look really good, shoko.” you had to restrain yourself from pouring your heart out, or she’d shrink away (a habit you, satoru, and suguru were trying to break). in reality, she looked more than good. she looked stunning. the pure white flower mellowed her out, adding some contrast to her lightly tanned skin and brunette hair. it complimented her faint freckles too, giving the perfect image of a beautiful island dwelling twenty-something woman who spent all her time by the shore.
but you couldn’t say any of that. you just leaned in and kissed her cheek, “like, really good.” 
she flushed a light pink and tucked her stray hair back, “thanks, you look good too.” you couldn’t hold yourself back, you have the most amazing woman in the world and you weren’t going to waste time saving your words for the right time. you could die tomorrow and shoko would never know how beautiful you think she is.
“pretty girl shoko.” a kiss to her jaw, “smart girl shoko.” a kiss to her forehead, “my most amazing girl shoko.” a kiss to the tip of her nose.
your (future wife) girlfriend giggled and pushed you away lightly, looking away so you wouldn’t see her chill facade break at your insistence to love on her, “okay! okay, i get it…”
“anything interesting happen while i was gone?” you hum and turn shoko back to you as she fans herself with a baseball cap satoru slapped onto her head before they left the house for their shift.
“well,” she swallowed and finally looked back at you, “i watched a bird, like, dive for someone's ice cream and take a whole chunk out of it. it kinda looked like a crow and later i saw this lady with a weird braid surrounded by crows.” you leaned against the armrest of the lifeguard chair as she regaled you with more tales of the pool, “and then i saw these two kids, one of them had pink hair and the other had a bob, push this other kid that looked like a sea urchin-”
“how could you say that about a child shoko!” you gasped dramatically, “this is an injustice to all children in the world!” she just flicked your forehead and continued, undisturbed.
“anyway, they pushed the kid in and when he got out he chased them with his service dogs.”
“did you tell them to stop running?” amusement filled your voice, “nope.” she popped the p and settled back into her chair.
“oh, so you’re just targeting me then? how rude.” your fists went to your hips and she just pushed her (you’re pretty sure those are satoru’s, if you were to judge by the expensive luxury brand on the arm) sunglasses up the bridge of her nose, “yup.” 
before you could retort back, the pool manager passed by and barked out another order, “no distractions ieiri! back to work!” and he speed walked past, yelling at other employees as he went.
shoko rolled her eyes and you sighed, “i’ll see you at lunch, yeah?” and you pecked her on the lips.
“yeah, see ya’.” she said after you pulled away and made your way to the many slides at the pool.
for the next hour, you went down all of the slides twice, did some sick tricks on the diving boards, and raided the snack bar for free popsicles and ice cream bars (through all of this, you placed the plumeria safely in your pool bag. you retrieved it when you got sick of the water and pruney fingers, choosing to stay on land for a bit).
the pool lets lifeguards go for lunch during adult swim, so when they call for everyone under eighteen to get out, you happily make your way to the little cluster of circle benches in the food court.
you spot shoko and satoru in the far corner, shaded by a large tree and having an animated conversation.
as you approach, you start to hear bits and pieces of their conversation and pick up on the agitated tone in shoko’s reply, “dude, it’s not even going to happen there’s zero chance of that, so i have no clue why you think i’m the best person to ask for that answer.” satoru sighs, “it’s a hypothetical question, shoko! it’s not going to happen! but if it did happen i’d have to think about it!”
“what are you thinking about? i didn’t even know you could do that, satoru.” you take a seat at the bench next to shoko. satoru opens his mouth to speak, then stops, “hey…” you waved him off, “what were you talking about, though?”
“if it’s ethical to fuck my clone.”
“oh.” you blink at him, “well. hm.” you pause, mulling the question over in your mind, “i think we need suguru for that one.” swiveling your head around, you look for him, “where is he, anyway?”
“in the snack bar.” shoko replies, turning back to satoru to comment on the absurdity of his question as you rise to get your boyfriend.
suguru is standing in front of the soda machine, getting some cola in a to go cup and singing under his breath, “uie mai koia, whakahuatie ake…” but stops when you shove your face into his (actually really sweaty, gross) back and wrap your arms around his waist.
“oh! hi baby,” his big hand goes to hold your arm as you listen to him fill up another cup with soda. you pull away pretty fast once you couldn’t take the face-full of stink coming from his semi-drenched tank top. you didn’t blame him, today was one of the hottest days of the month.
“i’m almost done here, can you get our lunch from the fridge?” like the loving and amazing partner you are, you grab the bright yellow lunch box with tons of zippers, the baby blue and gray square lunch box, and the green tiffin box covered with a dark forest green handkerchief. from the freezer compartment, you grab an ice cream bar for yourself.
when you turn around, you see suguru waiting for you with three to go cups filled with various drinks and one heat insulating thermos in his hands, “got everything?” and he tilts his head in that adorable way that makes his bang swish a little and it fills you with the urge to dote over him and pinch his cheeks.
you push down the urge, “yeah!” and follow him out the door.
suguru places down everyone's drink first and you put down lunch boxes immediately afterwards. shoko’s tiffin, satoru’s box, and suguru’s lunch box that could qualify as a mini satchel.
you sit down afterwards and unwrap your ice cream bar, taking a big bite out of it first thing. shoko opens her tiffin and starts to snack from the top compartment filled with shrimp chips. satoru opens his box and unwraps a soft baked dessert, sinking his teeth into it once it was sufficiently out of its casing. suguru doesn’t unzip his own until he sees everyone has started eating, but as he moves to open his lunch he stops and narrows his eyes at you.
“is that all you’ve been eating today?” he accuses you in the middle of your bite of vanilla goodness.
“yesh.” you reply, mouth full of the cold dessert.
suguru pouts and says your name in the way you would when you’re mildly disappointed in someone, “you have to eat something with actual substance!” he declares as he opens his lunch box fully and pulls out something wrapped.
“well maybe you shouldn’t tell me you guys have too much frozen stuff and then give me the key to the snack bar!” you retort after swallowing.
your boyfriend just rolls his eyes and places a wrapped and square object in front of you, “here. since i know you don’t eat anything that’ll keep you full when you’re here.” you reach across the table to give satoru your ice cream bar (so he can have a bite, at this point it’s become instinctual to give him a little bit of your dessert when he’s around) and unwrap the object.
you gasp at what’s inside.
“a sandwich? for me?” you coo and take a bite of the mediterranean sandwich you saw him prep that morning, you just didn’t know he was making another one for you.
“thank you, sugu!” and you peck him on the cheek for his chivalrous activity.
he just looks away bashfully and opens up his thermos to take a sip from the hot tea he brewed that morning.
happily, you gobble down the sandwich made just for you as conversation leisurely flows through the table. sometimes you pick off one of shoko’s spring rolls, satoru’s oreos, or sips of suguru’s tea. none of them mind, willing to give anything to you. their lover. light of their lives.
you were just content. happy to be covered in chlorine water, eyes stinging a bit, and sating your ravenous hunger. here, with your lovers and the scent of sweet and spicy filling the air.
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ginabaker1666 · 1 day
As Long as You Follow
Beat Me, Daddy, Eight To The Bar: Part Five
Everett Blakely x Valencia DiRosano (OC)
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Relationships of any kind during wartime are sometimes more important than mission briefings or making sure there’s enough donuts for the boys. When misunderstandings put them to the test, the least likely of the bunch to keep a level head ends up being the one to see them all through. All it takes is a bit of time. And some good humor.
Part Four Follow along with the Eight To the Bar Playlist
What’s that expression? What goes up, must come down. That one, not always pertaining to tossing something up in the air and waiting for gravity to ultimately pull it back to its rightful place, but emotions too. Temperatures, and the trickiest of them all, feelings. Feelings seemed to be the biggest culprit, running both hot and cold, I love you no I hate you. And the crash? The crash always came after you felt like you were floating on cloud nine. And it always came out of nowhere. 
It had been the perfect ending to what Val would call her worst day in England so far. Her friends were all safe, Curt and his crew included, and if she had to give it a name she’d say she was well on her way to being in love with Everett Blakely. He had given her the smallest taste of how he felt for her in his actions alone that night. Showering her in affection, never once asking for anything in return for all he had given her as they hid from the world- and the air raid- in the mess kitchen. Reminding her that he would continue to be a safe haven for her so long as she’d allow him. When Olive burst through the doors of the Red Cross hut after Val had come back, crying and looking like she had just lost everything, well, it proved the old saying right no matter how bad Val wanted to ignore it. The only question was who had made her cry the way she was; Benny or Douglass. She didn’t need specifics, what she needed was to make sure her friend was alright. As Val and Helen set about helping Olive get ready for bed, one with a soft hand to take off her makeup and wipe her tears, the other with a kind ear and shoulder, they had found out that it was James Douglass. 
“Deep breath Chickie, and tell us what happened.” Val had wrapped Olive in a hug, the pair sitting on her bed as she waited for the sniffling to die down. Helen had joined them, taking up the empty spot on Olive’s other side. 
“When we were walking back,” She hiccupped, hands wiping at her eyes furiously. “Benny, he told me that he knew when to bow out. He saw how Dougie and I looked at each other.”
“So then why is Doug mad?” Helen’s eyebrow raised, and Val could tell that the other woman was slowly starting to see where this was heading. 
“He saw me hug Benny, it was all friendly! Benny even said he sees me as a sister! And Dougie, he…” The tears had started again, but both girls knew what she was trying to say. 
“Doug saw the two of you.” Helen finished for her. 
“He’s so…” Olive gestures with her hands, trying to pick the right word. “Angry.”
“Oh, honey,” Val sighs, stroking Olive’s hand. “Don’t let it worry you. He was probably just drunk and not thinking straight.” Olive nods, in unison with Helen, 
“He’ll be fine by the morning,” Helen replied with a sweet smile. “He’s going to see you in that truck and he’ll forget he was ever angry the second he sees your pretty smile, mkay?”
“Exactly, it’ll all be alright. You’ll see.” Val grinned, and began helping Olive get ready for bed. Armed with a jar of cold cream, she set about taking her friend’s makeup off while Helen unpinned her hair and tied it up in a scarf for her, so that she could sleep comfortably. 
It was not alright. 
Everett is first at the truck the next morning, eyes sparkling as he spots Val hurrying over towards him. She greets him with a chaste kiss, one that has John Egan rolling his eyes as he stops for his morning coffee at the window Tattie is occupying. 
“Morning ladies.” Ev turns to greet the rest of the Clubmobile once he’s satisfied that he’d given Val a proper hello. 
“Morning Blakely,” Olive greets, placing two cups down on the ledge in front of him. “One for you, and the other is for Dougie.” “I don’t think coffee is gonna make it up to him, Olive,” he says, the furrow in his brow eerily similar to the one that Val makes almost daily. “He’s really upset.” “I wish he’d just listen to me,” She urges, her head pounding due to lack of sleep and dehydration. “If you could get him to–” “I’m staying out of it,” Everett responds, taking the cup on the right. “It’s none of my business if he wants to forgive you or not.” “I didn’t do anything!” Val can tell that just the discussion of it is causing Olive to get hot under the collar. Her eyes are beginning to water, and she looks like she might burst into tears at any moment. 
“Honey,” Val coos, intervening before anything escalates further. “Olive really didn’t do anything. Her and Benny were only talking.”
“She’s your friend, Val. Of course you’re taking her side.” He sighs, and then turns from his girlfriend back to Olive. “You led my friend on and I’m not okay with that.”
“Ev!” Val half shouts, following him as he begins to depart. 
She catches up to him just outside the equipment hut, his hand on the handle of the door, he’s surprised when she pushes the door shut on him, stopping him from entering. 
“What the hell, Val!”
“First of all, you walked away without so much as a goodbye, Everett,” She starts, shoulder leaning against the door to stop him from going in, arms crossed over her chest. “Second, I don’t understand why you won’t even listen to Olive.”
“Honey, I really don’t want to fight,” He sighs, dropping his hand to her waist to try and coax her closer. “We had such a nice night, I don’t want to ruin the morning.’ 
“No one’s ruining anything.”
“I’m sorry I walked away without saying goodbye…”
“Go on…’
“Go on, what? I’m sorry for not saying goodbye.”
“You’re not sorry for almost making Olive cry?”
“Val, this is between her and Doug, and apparently still Benny.”
“Oh my god, you’re just as stubborn as your damn friend!”
“Don’t yell at me, I didn’t start this fight…” He stressed. 
“No, that one’s on James Douglass.” She practically  growled, pushing off the door and turning to head back to the truck.
“Now who’s not saying goodbye!” Everett called after her. 
Val turned on her heel, stopping just long enough to see the uncertain look on his face, and hating every second of it. But she’d defend Olive, because that’s what friends did. Everett was doing it for Dougie, but that didn’t mean she liked it. Still, the idea of sending him up to fly without a goodbye; not something she would do. 
“Fly safe, please.” She called out to him, her eyes softening just enough for him to see she genuinely meant it. “I’ll see you when you get back.”
She just caught his grin as he pulled the door to the equipment hut open, before she turned to join the girls back at the Clubmobile. 
The remainder of the day had all of them in a funk. Olive was sad, Val was trying to stave off her anger and Helen and Tattie just wanted their friends to feel better. Just A Snappin had returned from its practice mission without a scratch, and Val had felt a surge of relief when Everett, accompanied by Croz, wandered up to the truck. Croz still looked a bit green around the gills, so when she tossed him a pack of gum from the open hatch, he eagerly accepted. Waving his thanks, he made his way to the equipment hut to drop off his gear, knowing that Ev needed a minute alone with Val after he had overheard the pilot and bombardier discussing their respective sweethearts that morning. 
“Hey…” Ev looked sheepishly up at Val, hazel eyes squinting in the late afternoon sun. 
“Hi…” Val dropped the rag she was using to wipe down the counter, dusting her hands off before jerking her head towards the back of the truck. When Ev nodded and moved to join her, she thought that maybe, this morning's event could be put behind them. 
She quickly descended the three steps, joining Ev on the grass, but not moving any further for fear he was still upset. 
“I’m sorry,” He spoke before she could get the words out. “I don’t want to argue with you, and I sure as hell don’t like it.”
“I don’t like it either,” Val sighed, taking his hands in hers. “I just… I know we both feel differently about this. But it’s also not our fight to be having.”
“Doug is real hurt.”
“So is Olive. Though to be fair, Dougie isn’t even giving her a chance to explain.”
“What’s to explain? He saw her with Benny.”
“You think he was able to tell what he really saw? It was dark and he had a few too many in him!” She could feel herself getting heated again, her eyes turning sharp, brow pinched. 
“He saw her with Benny! And Benny is just as bad,” Ev practically spat. “He knew Dougie had feelings for her and he cashed in on that stupid bike race.”
“I’m not doing this again!” Val pulled her hands back. 
“Doing what? Tell me Dougie is wrong?”
“Argue with you!” She turned, making her way back up the steps and into the Clubmobile, and Everett couldn’t be sure, but it sounded like she was speaking Italian under her breath. If she didn’t want him knowing what she was saying, it couldn’t have been good. 
Helen appeared in the window, a sad smile on her face directed at him, and he knew he wasn’t apologizing his way out of this one. 
“Give her some time to cool off, Ev.”
“Just, tell her I’m sorry. Again.”
“I will, don’t worry.” Helen nodded, watching as he walked off in the same direction Croz had gone earlier. 
Just as Helen was about to turn and check on Valencia, she heard Olive shouting for Dougie as he passed. All three women in the truck held their breath, Tattie watching from the back door while Val and Helen remained in the truck. 
“He looks like shit…” Tattie whispered back to them. 
“Like he hasn’t slept since this whole thing started.”
“Yea well, neither has she.” Val pointed out, Tattie and Helen nodding along in agreement just as they hear both Olive and Doug’s voices start to carry. 
“Dougie, can we please talk?” Val and Helen are now watching from the hatch windows, eyes wide in curiosity. “I have nothing to say to you. Save it for DeMarco.” Douglass’s words cut across to her, and the girls can all see Olive trying to maintain her composure, not wanting a repeat of this morning. “I'd like to exp–” She starts, but he cuts her off. “No need. I thought we were…” He sighs, a harsh breath pushing through his nostrils as he stops. “I don’t have time for this.” “Find time, James. Nothing is going on between Benny and I. We are just friends!” Olive stresses. “That’s not what it looked like last night,” He sighs, his shoulders dropping. The girls all see Olive’s eyes grow misty at his tone.
“If you’d just listen to me for one damn minute,” She urges, trying to hold back the tears. It makes her voice squeak, the effort of keeping it in causing her chest to tighten, her neck straining with it all, too. 
“No,” he says simply, and walks away. 
They’re all out of the truck like a shot as Olive returns. The tears are now freely flowing, and it takes every ounce of restraint on Val’s part not to go after Dougie for making her cry. Again.  
“Oh, darling, he’s not worth it,” Tattie is first at her side in consolation. Reaching into her pocket she pulls out her hip flask. With a quick glance to make sure Chick isn’t around to see, she hands it over to Olive. “Now drink, it’ll calm your nerves.”
Olive does as she’s told, wincing as the whiskey works its way down her throat. Tattie lights two cigarettes, passing one to her, hand falling to her back softly as she tries to sooth her. 
“Now,” She says, her eyes softening, though her words come out with the authority she’s known for. “Are you coming to the club tonight?”
Olive shakes her head with a deep sign, leaning against the truck and taking a deep drag of the cigarette. 
“No, I’m just going to clean up and go to bed. I don’t have it in me to socialize tonight.
“Well, you let us know. You know we’re gonna look after you.” Val is on her other side, her own cigarette between her fingers as she works to settle her own nerves. 
Olive gives a half hearted reply, stopping when she feels Meatball at her feet sniffing around. Benny is of course, right behind him with a kind smile, his preempted happiness at seeing his friend faltering as he takes in her appearance, and all of the girls around her. He’s worried, naturally, but they all reassure him that they’ve got it under control, and should they need him, they’ll give a holler. Val can tell that Benny is distraught over seeing Olive so sad, and she knows he feels partially responsible, so after he says his goodbye to Olive and the rest of them, Val beckons him over to the side, her voice low, though she knows that what she’s about to say no one passing by will understand anyway. 
“Benny, so che sei preoccupato, ma per favore non provare a parlare con Douglass.” Benny, I know you’re worried, but please don’t try and talk to Douglass.
“Lo so, non farà che peggiorare le cose, ma in parte è colpa mia.” I know, it will only make it worse, but this is partly my fault.
“Non è colpa tua. Douglass è testardo.” It is not your fault. Douglass is stubborn.
“Fatemi sapere se ha bisogno di qualcosa. Anche tu, se è per questo. Ho sentito te ed Everett stamattina.” Let me know if she needs anything. You too, for that matter. I heard you and Everett this morning. 
“Staremo bene, mi prenderò cura di lei.” We'll be fine, I'll take care of her. 
Val was acutely aware of three pairs of eyes on them as she spoke to Benny, but she knew that he would understand, and she didn’t want to keep beating a dead horse in front of Olive. The poor girl was worked up enough as it is, so to hear them continue to discuss the arguments being carried between them and the boys, would only upset her more. So, she kept it quiet in her own way, and would do what she could to protect her friend, and lift her spirits. 
That  night in the club it’s just Val, Helen and Tattie. It feels like they’re missing a big piece of the puzzle without Olive there with them, and it brings down the mood substantially. Not to mention that Douglass is sticking close to Hambone, and Ev, try as he might, wasn’t getting much out of Val. She had accepted the drink he had gotten her when they arrived at the club, and she had thanked him with a kiss to the cheek the same way she had that night a few weeks ago when he had spotted her giving Curt the what for. Before they had become officially Everett and Valencia and were still toeing the line between flirty friends and a couple. Val hated it. She missed sitting on his lap at their table, the smell of his aftershave as she pushed her nose against his neck as they danced, the feel of his hands on her waist as he twirled her around. Glancing over her shoulder, she spots him at the bar with Brady and Crank looking, for lack of a better word, less than invested in the discussion that the other two pilots were currently having. Sparring him another glance, green eyes focused but trying not to be obvious, she completely misses Curt taking the seat next to her. 
“Alright, what the hell did I miss? Where’s Olive?” He announces his arrival in a flurry of questions, as you do when your name is Curt Biddick. 
“Olive’s in bed.” Val turns to him in reply. 
“Is she sick?”
“Not sick, just,” Val takes a breath, wondering just how much Curt knows, and if Everett had divulged anything to him upon his arrival back at base. “Not feeling very social tonight.”
“Well, I know yous all missed me but, you can perk up now, ladies!” He joked, and Val knew he didn’t really know anything of what had gone on that day. 
“We did miss you, Curt, but it’s more than that.” 
“Well, how about ya give your old friend a dance and fill me in, hmm?” 
He was holding a hand out to her, and she knew that if she denied him, he’d be on her in a fury of more questions and worries. So, with a forced smile, she obliged Curt his dance and let him lead her out to the dance floor as the band slowed down a bit. 
Keeping his hands above the waist and in a respectable way, lest his mother come to England and give him a smack for anything more than that, he began to sway them gently, his eyes finding hers. 
“So, why are ya giving me a dance when Blakely is all alone at the bar looking like someone kicked his dog?”
“We’re not exactly seeing eye to eye right now.” She sighed. 
“What happened?”
“Well, long story short, you missed a spectacular bike race in the mess hall last night. Benny and Dougie had a bet. Winner walks Olive back to the hut.”
“DeMarco won, didn’t he,” It was not a question. “Is that why Doug is practically up Hambone’s rear end and Olive’s in bed?” 
“Benny won,” She confirmed. “So he walked her back, and according to Olive, he told her that he was bowing out. He sees her as a sister and wanted to be friends, but Dougie had a few in him and saw her hug him.”
“So now he’s all pissy, and lemme guess. Blakely’s on his side so now you and him are at odds.”
“You know, after the war, you could go into psychology.”
“Doctor Biddick at your service!”
“Gross, no. I take it back, it sounds yucky.” Val scrunched up her face, causing Curt to bark out a laugh. It drew the attention of Ev at the bar, and had she been dancing with anyone else, she’d be worried, simply because of the current argument at hand. 
“You want my opinion or nah?” Curt pulled her attention back to him just as the song began to wind down. 
“You’re going to give it to me anyway,:” She shook her head, letting him lead her to the bar for a drink. “So let’s hear it.”
He stopped walking just as they reached Everett, Curt giving her a gentle nudge in his direction. 
“Stop the fightin’ the both of yous,” He looked at Everett, then back to her. “And give your gal a dance, Blakely.” 
He left them at the bar without another word, wandering over to where the Major’s were congregated at the other end, Bucky and Gale pulling him into whatever conversation they were having. 
“He’s right…” Everett conceded, taking her hand and leading her away from the bar. 
“Don’t let him hear you say that.” She glanced up at him, eyes twinkling, letting him know that she was done being upset. 
“Let’s put this aside, even if it’s just for right now. Come dance with me?”
“Yea, okay,” He led her to the dance floor, finding an open space before pulling her close, her eyes fluttering closed in delight as he held her. “Missed you today.”
“Missed you more, honey.” His lips pressed against her temple, letting her know that he meant it. 
“Is it bad that I want to lock them both in a room until they sort it out?”
“We can’t do that,” Ev chuckled. “It wouldn’t be fair.”
“To who?”
“Either of them.” He assured her. 
“And what about us?” She inquired, thumb stroking over his cheekbone. “Is it fair for us to argue too?”
“No, it’s not fair, but-”
“No buts,” She cut him off. “Just listen, please.”
“What she did was not okay, Val. Besides, isn’t Doug your friend too?”
She pulled away from him as if he had burned her, stepping back mid dance and putting enough distance between them that he wouldn’t be able to pull her back. 
“Of course he’s my friend!” She hissed, trying not to disturb the other couples on the dance floor. “But that doesn’t make him any less capable of making a mistake, Ev!”
“So you’re admitting he’s wrong but Olive wasn’t?”
“Gesù Cristo, come può un uomo essere così testardo!" Jesus Christ, how can one man be so stubborn!
“Val, don’t start yelling, not here!” He grabbed her arm, and the two of them left the dance floor in a flurry, trying not to draw any more attention to themselves. 
When they reached the bar, she pulled her arm from his grasp; it was just tight enough that she couldn’t slip away, but never painful, and fixed him with a look he had never seen before. 
“I’m leaving.”
“I’m. Leaving.” She ground out, smoothing her jacket before taking a deep breath. 
“Honey, please don’t leave.”
“Why not? All we’ve done all day is argue over Doug!”
At that, Douglass turned from where he was at the bar with Hambone, eyes wide in shock. He hadn’t been expecting Val to be as heated as she was, but again, he supposed he should have known better than to assume Olive’s best friend wouldn’t take some frustration out on him. 
“The hell did I do to you?” Dougie had regained his composure, turning to face Val in bewilderment. 
“You,” she seethed. “You hurt my friend.”
“What, she can dish it out but she can’t take it?” 
“Woah ayy enough you three!” Curt was between Val and Douglass before either of them saw it coming, and to Dougie’s dismay, Benny DeMarco was with him. 
“Of course you’re here.” Dougie rolled his eyes at Benny, causing Curt to put just enough force into his stance and push Douglass back. 
“You hearin me Doug? I said, that’s enough.”
Dougie nodded silently, watching as Curt turned back to Val who stood statue still, utter shock etched across her features. 
“Demarco, walk her back,” He nodded at the pilot kindly. “I’ll be right there and then we’re gonna talk, yea?”
Val hugged Curt tightly before departing, and she knew he could see the tears in her eyes. He knew it before she felt the first one fall, that she was utterly terrified of losing Everett and her friendship with Douglass. For all the days she was tough as nails and kept him in line, he knew that the girl he used to walk home from work at night, who’d clutch his arm a little too hard if someone catcalled her, or cried on his shoulder when her heart was broken, was still in there somewhere. 
As she turned to leave, she could see the broken look on Everett’s face. Someone else was walking her back. Someone who wouldn’t kiss her good night, or hold her until they absolutely had to part. It was someone else, not him, and if he could, she’s sure he’d give himself the beating that Curt surely wanted to bestow upon him. But she was safe with Benny, and she’d be safe with Curt. She just wished that she was safe with Everett instead. 
Benny had walked her back, and it was the most uncomfortable silence that Val had felt in a long time. Meatball had dutifully followed his owner as he left, and trotted along happily between the two of them, stopping every so often to snuffle at the ground or bark. She wasn’t sure what to say, if she should say anything at all. She was grateful when Benny broke the silence by handing her a cigarette, the end already burning a soft orange ember. 
“Hey, you know none of this is anyone’s fault. It’s all just…”
“An alcohol fueled misunderstanding?” She turned to him, her eyebrow raised. 
“Yea, it really is,” He chuckled. “Doug was drunk last night. All he remembers is what he saw when he was drunk.”
“He made her cry twice, Ben…”
“I know. I’m mad at him for that too.”
“God, I left them in there with Curt,” She groans, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I left my boyfriend with Curt who, if looks could kill-“
“Woah, hey, come on now,” He drops a hand to her shoulder reassuringly as they come up to the Red Cross hut. “Curt wouldn’t hurt Ev or Doug.”
“Tell that to the last guy that made me cry.”
“The last guy had it coming, I’ll bet. But not Blakely or Doug.”
“Did I blow it with him completely? Maybe I am too much…” The words came out on a broken breath, and she felt herself about to crumble. 
“Absolutely not. You’re not too much.” Benny pulled her into a hug, knowing that she needed it, and wouldn’t be able to wait for Curt to show up. 
He traded places with the pilot as soon as he saw him approach, carefully shifting Val from his arms into Curt’s. Sharing a look, silently asking if he had needed to swing at anyone back in the club, Curt simply shook his head no, Benny breathing a sigh of relief. Offering him a wave, he called for Meatball who barely hesitated to follow him back towards the officers hut for their nightly routine. 
“Come on now,” Curt soothed, hand rubbing up and down her back gently. “No crying.”
“I ruined it.”
“What, your mascara? Yea gal, ya did.”
“Ohhh ya mean Blakely? Nah, not at all. He looks like someone kicked his dog but that fella’s still crazy for ya.”
“I yelled at him.” She lifted her head from his shoulder, swiping under her eyes furiously to get rid of the tears. 
“I know, I heard ya.”
“Called him stubborn.”
“Mhmm, well, we all get that way from time to time.”
“What if-“
“No. You stick to ya guns. But, ya gotta clear your head; you’re both hot under the collar and not thinkin straight.”
“You think so? What if it ends up like-“
“Blakely ain’t him, you hear me? Yous two will work it all out, otherwise all my hard work will be for nothin.”
“What hard work?” 
“Who do ya think slipped him your favorite drink, hm?”
“That was you!?” She shouted, eyes wide in disbelief. She had sworn it was one of the girls and they just weren’t budging. 
“Yea dollie, it was me.”
“Curt Biddick!”
“Wanna see my best gal happy, so stop with the tears and go get some sleep. You’ll feel better in the mornin.”
“Love you, even if you are a huge pain in my ass.” She grinned, pulling him close. 
“Yea yea, I know ya do,” He hugged her back tightly, reminding her that she wasn’t alone. “And I know I am.”
It took a full week. A full week of Val sticking close to the other girls, and Curt. A week of Olive slipping off to bed early and avoiding the Officers Club for fear of running into Dougie. A week of the three of them trying to get her out of the funk the argument had caused. Val barely saw Everett unless he was passing by the Clubmobile or in the Officers Club at night. They had scarce words for each other, but she always had his coffee ready in the morning, and he always had a cocktail waiting for her at night. They were allowing the other to cool down, and she wasn’t sure what Curt had told him, but she ventured a guess it was similar to what he had told her. Give it time. But still, there was just enough of a reminder there for the other to know they still cared. They were not throwing in the towel. 
The boys had gone up on a raid earlier that morning, and Val hadn’t hesitated to send Ev off with his coffee and a kiss. She couldn’t, wouldn’t, send him up with anything less than her affection for him. Please. She had begged, hands holding his for the first time since their dance turned into an argument at the club the week before. Come back to me, Ev. Had made him promise he would, that she’d see both feet on the ground. And he had kept that promise. She’d spent the entirety of the time waiting for him, with her Rosary in one pocket, and her own red braid tied around her wrist. It was Curt who strolled into Interrogation first, cheeky smile and arms wide open for her. He was quick to reassure her that Ev was alright, and would be along any second.
“You gonna talk to him?” Curt asked, holding her at arm's length. 
“Not here,” She shook her head. “Not the time or place.”
“Alright, that’s fair.” Curt was quickly shuffled into interrogation by Dickie, who offered her a one armed hug and a smile before continuing on. 
Turning back to where she was working on doling out coffee, she saw Ev and Douglass enter the hut, the former scanning the room for her with tired eyes. 
“All in one piece?” She questioned, holding out two coffee cups for them both. She still had a job to do. 
“Yes,” Ev smiled, taking the cup from her before giving her hand a squeeze. “Later?” 
“Come find me.” She nodded, quickly moving to the next set of boys who were coming into the hut. Douglass had left without so much as a thanks for the coffee, but she couldn’t let it eat at her, because Brady and Hambone were waiting with smiles,; albeit tired ones, as she handed off coffee and welcomed them back to base. 
“Hey Val…” Hambone’s stage whisper didn’t do him any good at hiding what he wanted to say, and she couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Yea, Hammy?”
“Douglass is a cranky sunuvabitch without Olive glued to his side.” He carried on, and Brady couldn’t help but shake his head as he pushed his bombardier along down the line. 
“I know, Hammy, I’m working on it. We all are.”
Val was cleaning up with Tattie, the two of them quickly packing away the leftover donuts, and moving it all to the Clubmobile. She had just stepped outside when Everett finally exited the interrogation room. He had been fully prepared to end the argument, but when Hambone had begun teasing Douglass about how Val also thinks he’s a cranky bastard, well, Everett couldn’t comprehend why his girlfriend would pour gasoline on an already blazing fire. His eyes scanned the room before he caught Tattie, the brunette giving him a stern look before gesturing outside with a nod of her head. Everett, taking the wordless cue as a sign to head outside, was stopped by Tattie as he approached the door, the same stern look on her face. 
“Patch this shit up, would ya? I’m tired of my friends crying.”  
“She’s been crying?” Ev looked at Tattie with wide, nervous eyes. His stomach dropping to his feet at the thought that he’d made Val cry. 
“She has,” Tattie nodded. “So please, let’s end this, yea?”
“I’ll talk to her.” He nodded, making a break for it before he got an even longer lecture from the General’s daughter. 
She was coming from the Clubmobile when he spotted her. Her red lips were stretched in a smile he hadn’t seen in days, and it almost pained him that he was about to ask if what Hambone had said was true. 
“Hi,” She breathed, taking his hands and pulling him off to the side of the hut. “Are you okay?”
“If you mean the mission, then yea, I’m okay.”
“What else would I be talking about?”
“I’m a bit baffled as to why you would tell Hambone that Dougie is a cranky bastard.”
“What?” She stepped back, looking at him to see if he was joking. “I didn’t say that to Hammy.”
“Then what did you say?”
“Oh my god,” She sighed. “Hambone told me that Dougie has been cranky without Olive, and I said I agreed and that we were trying to fix it.” 
“So he is cranky?”
“Well he hasn’t slept from the looks of it. I’d say that constitutes crankiness, Ev!”
“I thought we were getting to the end of this, but you’re still against Doug.”
“I’m not against Doug, I’m just not in agreement with the way he’s handling all of this.”
“Well, then I guess we’re not at the end of this are we?”
“It would appear not.” She groaned, turning around to head back to the Clubmobile. She could see Helen and Olive inside, and needed to be there instead of here. 
“Oh my god,” She turned on her heel, staring at him as he stood there. “What?”
When he didn’t reply, she turned back, letting out a frustrated growl as she stomped back to the Clubmobile. 
When she enters the Clubmobile, her face is the picture of anger, and Helen is the first to notice. “Not you too!” She protests, shaking her head in disbelief. “I thought things seemed better after today!” 
“What?” Val replies, an edge to her tone that she instantly regrets when Helen winces. “Ev is taking Dougie’s side, I'm taking Olive’s and we're talking in fucking circles.”
“I'm sorry, Val,” Olive whimpers from across the truck, and Val turns to see she’s clenching her fists at her sides, her face blotchy from her latest spill of emotions, and remnants of mascara smudged under her eyes. “I'm sorry you and Ev are fighting because of me.”
“We're not fighting because of you,”  She flips the page of the magazine that’s resting on the counter with such force, the counter rattles under the weight of her fist. “We're fighting because of Douglass.” 
“Val…” Olive begins to protest but she’s quick to cut her off. 
“Stop that, it is not your fault! You're allowed to be friends with Benny the same way I’m friends with Curt.” She snaps, flipping another page.
“Honey, take a breath…” Helen tries to get her to relax, but it’s no use. Her rage carries through the truck and out into the open air surrounding it. 
“Does that make sense to you?” She yells over her shoulder. The two girls nod, wide eyed at her tone, unsure if she’s addressing them or not. “Everett?” 
She shouts again, still not looking up from her magazine when Everett comes around the corner, absolutely flabbergasted at the point she had been trying to make for the last week. 
“It makes sense, Val.” He sighs, looking up at her with apologetic eyes, before he turns and heads towards the Officers hut, mulling over everything she had just indirectly shouted at him. At least this time she had yelled at him in English and he had been able to understand it. 
“Did he just…agree with you?” Helen looked at Val, eyes wide at how quickly she had put him in check. 
“Yes Helen, he did.” Val closed the magazine, folded her hands under her bust and turned to her friend’s with a smile. 
“Remind me never to get on your bad side.” She shuddered, a laugh punching through at the end as she saw Olive crack a small smile. 
“Now!” Val clapped her hands and turned to Olive. “Are you coming to the club tonight?”
“Yea,” Olive nodded, her smile returning. “Yea I am.” 
They take their time getting ready that night. Val happily sits Olive down so she can pin her hair for her, and apply her makeup. It had been a rough week for them both, Olive more than Val, and she wanted her friend to relax. Nothing to worry about while in their hut other than which shade of rouge they might wear or how she was going to style her hair. Their uniforms were pressed and hanging up, ready to be slipped into, pantyhose laid out on the bed along with clean lingerie and shined shoes waiting for a spin on the dance floor. 
Meatball had tried to follow them back to their hut after they closed up the Clubmobile for the night, but Benny had promptly dragged the husky back to his hut for a bath after a particularly muddy afternoon with Winks and Lemmon’s. So, the girls had turned on their staticky radio in the corner of their hut and enjoyed their early evening of primping and getting ready for a night at the club. The mood was light, and it felt like any other day; even Tattie seemed a bit brighter. Maybe they were getting to the end of this hellish week. Maybe Douglass would see reason, and Everett would be the one to walk her back and kiss her goodnight. Maybe the anger that had been swirling around base was finally dissipating. 
“I’m going for a smoke,” Val announced, shrugging on her jacket and heading for the door. “You two coming?”
“Almost done,” Olive replied, peeking over her shoulder as she dug through some jewelry. “Helen and I will catch you up, Chicken.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you at the club.” 
Helen waved her off absent mindedly as she applied her lip liner with laser focus, not bothering to glance up from the mirror. Pushing the door open, Val found Curt and Dickie also walking towards the club, the pair stopping to allow her a chance to catch up. Curt had his lighter out before she even reached him, the flame flickering in front of his face making him look ominous. 
“There’s the gal!” Curt bellowed as she approached. 
“Must you always yell?” She gave him a gentle shove before allowing him to light her cigarette. 
“You know he can’t help himself.” Dickie chimed in, tossing an arm over her shoulder and steering her towards the club. 
“You two behaving?” She looks between them, eyebrow raised in question. 
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Curt nudges her, pulling the cigarette from her for himself. “You’re out there screamin and startin fights.” 
“I think today might have been the last fight.”
When Curt looks over, he’s expecting sadness, no doubt, but is surprised to see that Val looks happier, and a bit lighter than she had been. 
“You two make up?” 
“We’re getting there. I think I finally got my point across.”
“What is the point,” Dickie asks. “if you don’t mind me asking.”
“That if I can be with Ev and still be best friends with Curt, Olive can be friends with Benny while still being with Douglass.”
“And Blakely knows this now?” The Co-Pilot inquires, looking at her curiously. 
“Like I said,” Val nods. “Got my point across.”
“That means she yelled.” Curt clarified. Stealing her cigarette back from him she shooed them both into the club. 
She hadn’t been waiting long when Olive and Helen strolled up, arms linked and smiling about something. This, Val thought, was how things should be. Her friends, happy. Her boyfriend, happy. Everyone safe. She stubs out her cigarette against the wall as she greets the pair, her voice carrying across the space between them. When she hears the door open behind her, she sees Olive pale immediately as she moves to stand behind Val, clutching her hand tightly.  It’s Dougie that’s exited the club, and he looks the worst of them all. 
“Douglass.” Val nods to him, watching him closely. 
“Valencia,” He replies, gesturing behind him as he speaks. “Ev's waiting for you inside.” 
Val can feel Olive’s nerves radiating off of her, doing her best to keep her out of Douglass’s line of sight. They’re so close to being inside the club, so close to a night around their table with cocktails and laughter. She’s so focused on the next step, that she completely misses Tattie as she slides up next to them, cigarette burning in one hand, gaze focused on the group that had gathered. 
“Jeez, you look lousy, Ol,” Tattie says, unaware of Val trying to shield her. “Still not sleeping?” Val doesn’t hear her reply, but a quick glance behind her and she see’s Olive shaking her head silently in response. She’s chewing on her bottom lip, the lipstick that Val had applied for her now staining her teeth. 
“I'm sure Benny would give you some place to sleep,” Dougie spits. The words leaving his mouth so quickly, if Val hadn’t been paying attention she might have missed it. “If he hasn't already.” 
Dougie’s face falls the second the words leave his mouth,  instantly regret washing over his features as the weight of what he’s just said settles over them all like the fog that perpetually covers England. It’s thick and murky, and wading through it makes you unsure because you can’t see where you’re going, or what’s going to happen next. Olive’s face crumples, and try as she might to hide it, a sob breaks free from her throat and out into the night air. 
“Dougie! Jesus Christ!” Everett shouts. The door of the club swings shut behind him, and he’s shocked at what he heard leaving his friend's mouth. 
Timing was everything, it seemed. Val is on Dougie in a flash, arm pulled back and ready to swing. Something, she thinks, Curt should have done days ago. James Douglass deserved the sense beat into him as far as she was concerned, but Tattie is just as quick as she is and she’s pulling her back with all the force one would expect from General Spaatz’s daughter. 
“Val, no, no!” Tattie is dragging her away as she shouts, the sound becoming almost guttural as her throat gives out. 
“How dare you, James Douglass!” She roars. “Look at the fucking state of her!” 
Everyone silently turns to Olive who is wrapped up in Helen’s arms, her cries muffled as Helen holds her tightly, and does her best to soothe her through all the ruckus. .  
“Olive,” Dougie starts, his voice cracking as he takes a step closer to her.
It’s Helen who shouts, surprising everyone as she puts her hand in Dougie’s face, stopping him from getting even a step closer to the girl she’s tending to. 
“Not until everyone has calmed down,” She continues, speaking firmly, both Tattie and Val looking on in surprise as mild mannered, sweet, Helen is the one to put her foot down. “You especially, Douglass.” 
He nods quietly, hands behind his back as he watches Tattie lead Val into the club, the green eyed Italian practically snarling at him on the way past. She’s not paying attention to whether or not Everett is following behind, her focus entirely on Tattie’s grip on her arm, the noise of the club as she walks through the doors, and the smell of cigarette smoke as Tattie lights them each one. 
“I’m starting to wonder what would have happened if I had left the hut five minutes later.” Tattie exhaled, smoke swirling around her, making her look almost ethereal. 
“You’d be explaining to Harding why Doc Stover was sewing James Douglass back together like Raggedy Anne.”
“Jeez, he really put his foot in it didn’t he.” 
Val was about to reply when the door swung open, Helen and Everett entering together, both looking like they needed more than just a drink, but also like they had accomplished something. 
Helen motioned for Tattie to join her, the two linking arms and heading further into the club to secure a table and some drinks, while Val and Everett stood staring at each other in the doorway like two awkward teenagers. 
“Where’s Olive and Dougie?” She asked, back pressed against the wall, unmoving. 
“I did what you suggested last week,” Everett shrugged. “Locked them in a room to sort it out.”
“No,” He chuckled. “They’re in the mess hall, talking.”
“Are they okay unsupervised like that?”
“They’re fine. I think they’re both too tired to keep fighting.”
“And what about you? Are you too tired to keep fighting?”
“Sweetheart,” He took the three steps separating them, his hands taking hers and pulling her away from the wall and into his arms. “I’ve been exhausted since it started.”
“Me too.” 
His arms came around her, pulling her flush against his body. Holding each other in the quiet of the entryway, Val could feel all of her anger dissipate. She had been a pot of hot, boiling water, all week. Bubbling with anger and fear, and now, the steam was floating off the top of the pot and taking everything with it. 
“I should have listened to you.” Everett murmured, face nuzzled into her hair as he held her. 
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” She whispered, pressing herself closer, her hands gripping fistfuls of his jacket. 
“You yelled at me in Italian,” He chuckled. “Curt said that means you’re really mad.”
“It sort of just happens.” She shrugged, pulling back so she could see his face. 
“He wouldn’t tell me what you said.”
“I called you stubborn.” She winced. 
“I deserve that. I was really stubborn.”
Everett’s hands slid around to cup the back of her neck, thumbs brushing the underside of her jaw as they stood there. The first fight, over. All that was left was to make up- truly make up. 
“I’m sorry,” Val sighed, feeling Everett’s lips brush over hers like a whisper. “I’m so sorry…”
“Shh, It’s okay, it’s over, sweetheart.”
“I thought I ruined it...”
“You didn’t ruin a damn thing,” He shook his head, leaning down to press his lips fully to hers. “Not a damn thing.” 
Val pulled him back down to her instantly, her lips molding to his, her hands gripping the lapels of his jacket to pull him closer. She wanted to be as close as she could  after not having him near all week, as close as was not considered indecent as they stood in the entrance to the Officers Club where anyone could happen upon them. When Everett pulled away for air, she chased him on a gasp, her breathing ragged, begging for him to come closer again. 
“I’m sorry, too.” He sucked in a breath, pressing his forehead to hers. 
“This was a miserable week,” She groaned. “I hated every second of it.”
“Can only imagine how Olive and Doug felt.” 
“Speaking of,” Val shook her head. “We should really check on them.”
Nodding, Everett reluctantly pulled away from her, taking her hand and leading her further into the club to seek out their friends. When they reached the table, they found Helen and Tattie with Benny, Curt and Dickie. Meatball was currently biting at Gale Cleven’s heels across the room. No Olive or Douglass to be found. 
“Look who it is!” Curt exclaimed, slamming his beer down and causing it to slosh all over his arm and the table.  
“Jesus Curt, you’re a mess.” Tattie shook her head. 
“Forget it,” Curt shook his arm out behind him, spraying beer all over the back of an unsuspecting Crank. “Yous two kiss and make up?”
“Yea,” Val grinned. “We did.”
“Finally!” Helen clapped her hands together in excitement. “Where’s Olive and Doug?”
“They’re not here?”
“They’re still talking?” Val’s eyes went wide, suddenly worried that Ev had sent them on their way, alone. 
“I guess? You think we should check on them?”
“For my own sanity, yes Helen, we should.” 
When the whole table stood to follow Val and Helen out of the club, neither could really say they blamed any one of them. Every one of them had been involved either directly, or indirectly, and wanted to see what would become of Olive and Douglass. So they headed back out into the night air, Val tugging Everett along with her while Helen and Tattie were right at her side. 
“God I hope they haven’t killed each other.” Tattie sighed just as they rounded the corner to the mess hall. The girls try to peer through the small windows in the door, but the lights are off in the mess hall and they can’t see anything in front of them. The boys, all hanging back, are watching to see what the girls might do next. 
“I can’t see a thing!” 
“It’s too dark!”
“Why don't yous three just go inside?” 
“Because, Curt,” Val turned and fixed him with a look. “We can’t go in there if they’re still in there.”
“Where else would they be?”
“I don’t know,” She sighed. “There’s dozens of places they could have run off to.” 
“Why don’t you look through the windows on the side?” Benny offered, gesturing around to the side of the building. Val’s eyes lit up as she pulled Helen and Tattie around the side with her, stopping short when she realizes that they can’t see in the windows. They’re all too short. 
“Everett!” She calls, her head coming around the corner to look for him. “I can’t see!”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“Give me a boost?” She’s batting her lashes and looking at him like she’ll give him the whole world if he helps her. And he knows that even if she promised him nothing, he can never deny her anything. 
“Come on,” He quickly shrugs off his jacket, passing it over to Curt so he can join the girls. “Benny, Dickie, come give the other two a lift would ya?”
“What about me?” Curt groans, now holding all of the jackets. 
“I’m not lifting you up, Biddick.” Everett looks at him in mock disgust, hands gripping Val’s waist as he prepares to hoist her up onto his shoulder. 
“Okay honey, just like when I gave you a boost into the fort, yea?”
“Got it.” She nodded, waiting for him to count to three. She’s on his shoulders faster than she can blink. Leaning against the window, Val uses her hands to brace herself so she can see inside. Helen is next to her, one hand on Val’s shoulder for support while the other is pressed against the side of the building. 
“Oh my god!” Val exclaims, her excitement causing her to lose her balance and almost slip from Everett’s shoulder. 
“What! Someone tell me what’s goin on up there!” Curt hollers from the ground. 
“Benny, move a little closer…” Tattie is trying hard to see inside, her hands over her eyes like binoculars to block out the glare against the window. Below her, Benny lets out a swear in Italian that has Val cackling. “Wow!”
“He’s kissing the daylights out of her!” Helen calls down to the boys, a smile on her face. 
In her excitement, Val begins banging on the glass, Helen joining in with her as their laughter turns into uncontrollable giggles. 
“Well, they saw us…” Tattie grins, tapping Benny to set her down on the ground before she topples over. Val and Helen are close to falling, but Everett and Dickie have them both on the ground before they risk hurting themselves. 
“I don’t think they’re coming out,” Val is beaming as she throws her arms around Helen and Tattie, her happiness contagious. “Good for them.”
“Come on ladies,” Helen gestures towards the direction of the club. “Let’s leave them to it.”
As they turn to head back, Everett pulls Val under his arm, tucking her against his side as they walk. He’s smiling as he plucks the Lucky Strike from behind his ear and lights it, handing it off to her for the first pull. Her red nails glow as the ember reflects off them, her smile threatening to split her face in two as she hands it back to him. 
“Is all right in the world now, sweetheart?”
“For now…”
“Only for now?” He questions, stopping just outside the door to the club. 
“When this war is over, then my world will be right again.”
It was the kind of night that seemed to go on forever. No one wanted to go to bed when the club had emptied out, all of them high on adrenaline and making up for lost time they had walked from the club to the hardstands. Laughing and sharing cigarettes, the girls giggling a little extra as the alcohol pulsed through their veins, the boys all watching with smiles on their faces and glimmers in their eyes. They had argued over whose fort to hang out in front of; Ev and Douglass lobbying for Just - A - Snappin while Benny tried to steer them towards Our Baby. Curt and Dickie didn’t care whose fort they set up camp in front of, because according to Curt it was getting increasingly difficult to not polish off the bottle he had swiped from behind the bar upon exit. And so, they picked a spot in the grass between the two Flying Fortresses, Meatball stretched out next to Benny, and continued to just be together. A motley crew if Val had ever seen one, but they were her’s. They had stayed there until the sun began peeking over the horizon, when Thorpe Abbotts was bathed in the soft orange glow of morning. Only then did they leave. 
Helen was dozing on Dickie’s shoulder, his jacket tossed over her shoulders, and Tattie had gotten cozy between Benny and Meatball, the Husky laying over her legs for a little extra warmth. Olive was tucked under Dougie’s shoulder, and Val was laying with her head in Everett’s lap, his fingers combing through her curls as she relaxed for the first time in days. Curt had his head in her lap, awake but silent, and Val couldn't remember the last time her friend had been so calm. 
“Hey,” Olive mumbled sleepily, her foot nudging Val’s. “I know I said it a lot this week but, thank you.”
“What are you thanking me for?”
“For having my back,” She signed, reaching over to squeeze her hand. “For reminding me what it’s like to have true friends.”
“Olive, I will always have your back, you hear me?”
“Yea,” She signed contentedly, snuggling further into Dougie’s chest. “Yea I hear ya.”
Nothing else needed to be said between them, she realized. All it took was a simple thank you and a reminder that she wasn’t alone, for Val to realize that Olive had finally put it all behind her. Douglass had pulled her aside earlier when he and Olive finally returned to the club, and before anything was said between them, he had hugged her. His apologies were profuse, and Val had to stop him before he started rambling; he had smoked two cigarettes in the time it took her to get him to understand that he was forgiven, and that it would take something much bigger than that to ruin the friendship they were building. She was beginning to think of him as her second Curt- brash and a bit off the walls, but a good heart. All of them had good hearts. It didn’t take a genius to figure that out, and she counted herself lucky in being able to share in that. With a content smile, she snuggled deeper into Everett’s lap, holding on tight to the hand that wasn’t playing with her hair. 
“Hey, Doug,” Ev spoke lowly, not wanting to disturb the peace around them. “Should we get these girls back to the hut so they can sleep?”
“Nah,” Doug replied, smiling. “Might not get a chance at such a clear sunrise again for a while.”
“You’re right pal. Besides, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful before.” 
“I couldn’t agree more. It sure is beautiful.”
“Bellissima…” Val whispered in quiet agreement. 
Everything was Bellissima. 
A/N: Thanks for reading! This series will continue for Blakely & Val, so if you enjoyed this, please like, comment, reblog- whichever is your poison. Feedback is always welcome & my ask box is always open. If you want to be added to my tag list, or removed, let me know!
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Erudite | Support Network
Watching Logan clips and "you just don't understand love" "I understand that it's making you act pathetic" is a banger line but also very aro coded lol Anyways this is partially I wanted to share the quote and also partially aro Logan please and thank you? – anon
Read on Ao3 Masterlist
Warnings: internalized arophobia ish
Pairings: none
Word Count: 2604
Roman answers his door and doesn't even hesitate before he's pulling Logan inside and into a hug. "Hey, Erudite, what's going on?"
"I'm very stressed for no reason and it's troubling me."
He blinks. "Yeah, that sounds like it's not a good thing to be. Can I help?"
"I don't know."
"Okay, do you want me to keep asking questions about it or do you just need to…exist for a few minutes?"
Logan sighs, shaking his hands as his arms start to cramp from being crossed for so long. "I think I—forgive me, but I don't think I know what I need."
"…well, you're doing the thing of being a little extra formal because you're freaking out—"
"I'm aware."
"Okay, okay. Uh—" Roman glances around and picks up one of the stuffed whales from his bed— "here. Hold onto that for a little while."
Logan gratefully accepts the plush and plants his chin right about where the blowhole would be, closing his eyes and breathing in the soft scent of fresh breeze lingering on the plush. Roman must've had his windows open this morning; he recognizes the smell of some of the Imagination's flower fields and the slight chill means it must've been recently. Reconstructing the timeline in his head does wonders to undo the worst of the tangled knot of stress and his shoulders sag. Roman comes up beside him and plants his chin on his shoulder, another grounding point of contact.
"Hi," he says, head bobbing awkwardly as his chin moves up and down, "you feel any better?"
"I think so. Thank you."
"Sure. You wanna come cuddle for a second while you figure stuff out?"
"…if you're busy, then—"
"Shush, Erudite," Roman says fondly, pushing him over to the bed and making him sit, "come cuddle. You look like you need it."
Logan doesn't protest as Roman slides his glasses from his face, letting him lie him on his side and scooting behind him, the whale still nestled in his arms. He closes his eyes and breathes in the scent again. Soft bird calls and wind chimes come from Roman's closet—that's right, he was supposed to work in the Imagination this morning, perhaps he just got back. The memory of Roman's joke about the door being in his closet makes his mouth turn up just slightly and he huffs a laugh. Roman snuggles into his side and nudges him.
"What's funny?"
"I was remembering your jokes about the closet door."
"That's a good thing to remember, I'm hilarious."
"You are."
"You want a blanket or something?"
"No, I'm okay." He lets out a long breath. "I think it's just…hard today."
"What's hard today?" Logan makes a vague gesture toward Roman's door and Roman makes an ah sound. "The others?"
"It's not their fault and there's nothing I would have them do about it—they can't do anything about it, it's not something for them to be worried about—"
"And it's not your fault for being affected by it either," Roman breaks in gently, "don't beat yourself up for having a reaction to something, Erudite."
"But shouldn't I be happy for them? That they're happy and everything? I know, I know," he says before Roman can say anything, "we've been over that too. It's a complicated situation and there will be periods where it's more challenging due to the nature of human emotions and the nuances therein."
"Took the words right out of my mouth."
He laughs again. "I know, Roman, I do, it's just…hard."
"Well, as we've also discussed, you can't think your way out of being in pain, so…"
The next sigh is tinged with frustration. "I know that. I'm just…frustrated with myself. I know it's not like I have a right to be—no, no, that's a poor choice of words. I'm frustrated that I'm frustrated, and at how there is not a way to resolve the frustration and instead I have to…ride it out, as Virgil would put it."
Roman's quiet for a second, just resting his head on Logan's shoulder when he rolls onto his back, still holding the whale. Then he too lets out a sigh. "Yeah, I get that. It's a very annoying sort of being annoyed because the fact that you're annoyed is making you more annoyed."
"And I'm guessing that pointing out the ridiculousness of it or the justifications for it doesn't help? Because then it just makes you more annoyed that you got into the situation in the first place?"
"You're as insightful as ever and the others don't give you enough credit for it."
He lets out a surprised bark of laughter. "Well, I wouldn't say that, but the sentiment is appreciated."
Logan lets his eyes fall closed, taking comfort in the solid heft and weight of the whale plushie against his chest. If he doesn't think about it too much—which is enough of a challenge for him at the best of times—he can almost imagine the whale wriggling around slightly to make itself more comfortable in his hold, its tail brushing the undersides of his arms as it rolls over to—
He lets out a yelp and scrambles upright, staring at the definitely moving whale plush on his chest.
"Oh, shit," Roman mutters, quickly scooping it up and petting it until it stills again, "I'm sorry, Erudite, I didn't know that would happen. I was working on a type of stuffed animal that would come alive in the Imagination as like, an animal companion sort of thing? But it was only supposed to come alive once we were in there or if…"
He glances up at Logan. Logan's still recovering from the shock of having a stuffed animal move, thank you very much, but manages to hold eye contact. "If what?"
"…it's dumb and more of an unintended side effect than a feature of the thing, okay?"
"Alright, so what is it?"
Roman sighs, ducking his head as a small blush spreads over his cheeks. "If it senses that you're someone I care about and worry about, okay? You were holding it and you were upset and it could tell that I was upset for you and…yeah, okay? It's not like I meant for it to happen or anything."
The whale moves a little and Roman presses a kiss to the top of its head.
"Yeah, I know, buddy, everything's okay. You just go on back to sleep, okay?"
"I didn't mind."
"You what?"
"I didn't mind," Logan admits, holding his arms out again, "it just startled me. Besides, that's sweet."
"Sweet? What's sweet? The fact that it just randomly comes alive when it's not supposed to?" The whale bumps its snout against his chin and he kisses it in apology. "I didn't mean it like that, buddy."
"I think it's sweet that it can sense when you're worried and tries to help. Though that does seem to be a feature of most of the Imagination's creations."
"Yeah, yeah, just call me a sap out loud, why don't you," Roman grumbles, but Logan can see the pleased tilt to his smile as he passes the plush back over. "If you're sure it won't bother you?"
"I'm sure. Hello," Logan mumbles as the plush squirms happily in his grip and he holds onto it again. It shifts so its tail is nestled against the crook of his arms, its snout against the crook of his neck. "It almost feels as though it's breathing, did you design that too?"
"Huh? No, I think it's…well, it's probably trying to calm you down and so it's mimicking a breathing cycle as like, a comfort thing?"
"Fascinating." He runs his hand up and down the whale's back, feeling the pulses every so often. The more he thinks about it, the more it feels like a pulse than a strict inhale-exhale, which is, as Roman says, actually doing wonders to help calm him down. "Is this what you've been working on?"
"Yeah, one of them."
"It's lovely. Who is the whale for?"
"Well, that one wasn't gonna be for anyone specifically, but I think it'd be quite upset if I didn't let it see you anymore." Roman reaches out and tweaks its fin gently. It brushes its tail against his hand before curling up with Logan again. "So it might be yours. Yeah? That sound good? Oh, god, look at it, it's really snuggling with you now, isn't it?"
Indeed, the whale plush seems to have taken on the affection of a sleepy cat, lazing across Logan's chest with a contented sort of air that comes from something right on the verge of sleep. The drowsiness is contagious; as the plush lounges in his arms, he feels himself slipping closer and closer to the edge of sleep as Roman scoots close enough to rest their heads together. The smell of the Imagination's flower fields helps tremendously. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.
"I think it's just difficult when I hear them talk in absolutes about it," he admits into the gentle quiet of the room, "when they say thinks like 'of course I love you, who wouldn't,' or things about the inevitability of falling in love with each other."
"Like it's not a choice to commit to that sort of relationship and just kinda something everyone's expected to do?"
"I believe so, yes. Not everyone will end up in a romantic relationship, not everyone will choose to stay in or maintain a romantic relationship, and it's not—it's not as though the romantic attraction itself sustains a healthy relationship."
"God no. Not in the slightest."
"And then to just…make a statement like that, where it's an assumption that this is just something that everyone does, like it's a facet of being alive, it…grates on me."
Roman doesn't bother with empty platitudes. Instead, he shifts closer and lets Logan cuddle into his side, the plush still nestled in his arms. Here in this moment, he doesn't have to worry about being judged or ostracized, he can just feel the emotions that he needs to in the time and space he needs to process them properly. And just that small action, in and of itself, makes everything a little more bearable.
"For what it's worth," Roman says after a while of them lying together in the quiet, "if at any point you just need to come in here and be away from all of that, you have permission to."
"You'd—you'd just let me come into your room whenever? What if you're not here?"
"If it's me specifically you're after, then either I'm gonna be in here or in there." He indicates the closet. "Off in Narnia or some other fantastical realm."
"Are you inviting me to get back in the closet?"
"Hey, we all know there's nothing wrong with being in the closet," Roman jokes, "but yeah, it'll be open to signify that's where I am. If you need to find me, just come in and it should take you right to me. I just mean that I get it, Erudite, I have to get away from it every so often too."
"Is that why you're up here instead of downstairs while they're making cookies?"
"No comment."
"That's a 'yes.'"
Roman lightly kicks his ankle and chuckles. "The answer is yes, you can come in here if you need to. Whenever you need to. I care for the others, really, I do, but I…just because I'm Romance doesn't mean that I'm immune to the aro need to get away from all of it every once in a while."
"I appreciate that, Roman."
"Of course. I—" he lets out a slightly self-deprecating laugh—"believe me, I've learned the importance of giving myself time to like, recover from stuff before I get to the point where I feel like I'm gonna explode about it."
Logan frowns, looking over at him. Roman's still staring up at the ceiling, his expression calm, but there's something slightly frantic about the way he's looking at the edge of the canopy. He shuffles a little closer and waits. Sure enough, after a few moment, Roman sighs.
"I'm sure you remember how difficult it was for us when Thomas was coming to terms with the fact that he wasn't straight."
"It was extra difficult for me because it made sense that Thomas didn't like girls, but when Patton and Janus were asking me why he liked boys, why he couldn't like girls and had to like boys, I…didn't have an answer. Like, I could explain to them the ways in which it made sense in Thomas's brain, not that they would've really understood it, but when it came down to like, me understanding it?" He shakes his head and his hair rustles against the pillows. "It was like someone asking me why the light was pink instead of purple and I didn't get why it was on in the first place, I just knew that it was. That it…had to be."
Logan makes a quiet noise of reassurance. The whale moves its tail over to brush Roman's hands. He huffs a laugh and starts stroking its soft plush back again.
"It was a lot of coming to terms with the fact that I just…didn't have the same lights that everyone else did. Ironically enough, that was actually really helpful in getting everyone to be okay with the fact that Thomas was gay. To me, it wasn't really very different from if he liked girls versus boys. It's what made him happy, and who were we to say he couldn't be happy?"
"And if it was possible to be happy with the lights in one color versus another…"
"Then it was also possible to be happy with no light. Or a different set of lights." Roman cracks a smile. "Besides, it's my head, it's my party, I can have whatever lights I want."
Logan chuckles. "Thank you, Roman, that…that helps."
"That's me, happy to help you out."
"You…you know I'm here for you too, right?"
"Aww, of course I do, Erudite," Roman murmurs, turning on his side properly so he can ruffle Logan's hair, "but this is about you right now."
"Yes, well, reassuring you that you know I'm part of your support network is helping me."
"This sounds suspiciously like your 'it makes me less stressed if I help you do something right' translating into you doing it for them."
"Look, there's a difference between telling you I'm here for you and actually making sure Virgil doesn't use salt instead of sugar, so—"
Roman bursts out laughing. "I forgot about that!"
"I envy you. My tastebuds still haven't forgiven it."
"I grew up with Remus, you remember. I think I got burnt out of reacting to weird-tasting stuff fairly young."
"Ah, yes, how could I forget?"
"Trust me," Roman says, making a face, "I wish he would've just messed up the salt and the sugar."
"I'm torn between wanting to know and desperately wanting to preserve some of my appetite for dinner."
"Take your time to decide, Erudite, we've got all afternoon."
"Thank you, Roman," Logan murmurs as the three of them drift slowly towards a pleasant mid-afternoon nap, "really."
"Of course, Erudite. In your own time, that's how everything's gotta go."
In his own time.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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stealthily · 2 years
i tried to learn as little about that godforsaken tr/ial as possible for either side and stay out of it, but the fact the most reactions I’ve seen involve people just calling her the nastiest fucking sexist slurs for fun feels. ick. “it’s about the fact men can be victims of abuse too” and yet nobody is offering up statistics or resources for said victims, but instead are just cheering their side on and talking about him like it’s fuckin’ blorbo from your shows instead of real ass people with real ass ramifications. i don’t know man, it’s gross. and it feels transparent how nobody brought this much energy with terry crews or brendan fraser or anthony rapp. like. is it possibly because their cases weren’t televised like a soap opera for your sick source of entertainment, or because it just wasn’t as exciting for you to call male abusers a “cunt” ?
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mrfoox · 3 years
The fact i looks/act like a dude 90% of the time but stutters as soon as I'm nervous, scared or embarrassed is really ruining my masculine image
#miranda talking shit#I am not cute or feminine enough to be seen as a 'woman' but i sure cant pull of the dude thing either#This is probably badly explained its 12 am but idk i just wish i was either cool like a guy or like cute like a girl?#But im just a gobblin ... A stuttering and easily emotionally affected gobblin#And then we have my front teeth ... Which just makes me look like a child so its like damn... My entire life is an extreme opposite#Rollercoaster but my looks and personality couldnt just get to one side i guess no#I know everyone is a mix of feminine and masculine but i... Feel weird#Like im born a woman but i kinda wish i was a dude but would also wish i was as cute as other girls are....?#Idk i cant explain this its weird but ive always felt this way and its why i think im gender fluid but idk#Im like a stereotyical dude in 90% of my personality and way of talking but im so emotional and easily affected by everything around me#So i cant remain cool and its lame... Guess i dont think im cute enough to ... Have this kind of behavior as seen as... Not lame?#Does that make sense? No... Its stupid because i dont personally have this view bc i find everyone cute somehow but with myself im like no..#Guess i feel like i dont fit in a group perfectly so i feel uneasy#Gender is weird and i cant explain it ever bc i... Wish i was born a guy but i also wish i was more feminine ?#Someone calling me handsome or calling me dude/man makes me happy but then someone i care about actually acknowledge me as a girl and#Im also happy? Like yeah... Im rambling i know and i make no sense and i probably am wording this badly#Tbh think my autistic brain is also struggling with this because i want to fit into labels and folds neatly its comforting but here i dont#And i somehow feel dishonest or like im a fake or something because i feel so oddly about this? Like ... Idk? I feel this way but#Im also not expressing it or im not getting a more genderfluid name or something ? Man i know why i try not to think about this#Because it makes me feel so complicated ... What am i? Idk but i want people to like me (: lmao
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girlscience · 3 years
I was talking with some friends last night and religious trauma came up and listen. I get that trauma can affect people differently, and I get that it's not a competition and pain is pain. However. Calling being the only public schooled kid in your youth group religious trauma? seems incorrect. Saying "yeah I only went to sunday morning church service for a year before my dad decided he didn't like it and we stopped going"? Like I understand that can definitely be enough to traumatize someone.... but when I shared my experience of being scared I was infecting my friends and family with my sin and that I was dragging them to hell with me, and my fears that I might be the antichrist... and they look at me like this 👀😬😳 I think we might be talking about two distinctly different things.
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alienbrainwave · 4 years
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pleniloon · 2 years
if you want thirst I’ll give you thirst 😭 maid!reader walking in on their master jerking off 🫠 can be anyone idc
“You Called, Master?”
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part one (cont.) / part two
characters: albedo, ayato, childe, dainsleif, diluc, kaeya
summary: maid!reader walks in on their master getting off.
genre: smut
warnings: afab!reader (no pronouns); pet names (darling, dear, love), unprotected, overstim (dain), master-maid dynamic
note: head in hands,, i didn’t even finish reading this before my brain went DING‼️ DING‼️ DING‼️ like a thirsty mf 🫠 also guys i am on my knees BEGGING for more dain content please i will give you my c6 xingqiu 🙏
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you just had to be so good and obedient for him, didn’t you? getting on your knees and smiling sweetly after walking in on him fucking his fist in his office. giving his tip kitten licks and sucking on it, holding his shaft with both your hands and teasing him. it’s only when you lower your head and feel his cock hit the back of your throat that your master lets out a low moan. his gloved hands find purchase in your hair, pushing you down ‘till you’re gagging on his dick. oh, how your lips feel divine wrapped around him.
— diluc is gentle, letting praise fall off his tongue between every labored breath. “so good…” “you’re doing so well…” “just like that, dear…” he pushes your hair to the side and watches you suck him off, groaning when you moan so prettily around his cock. even amidst his pleasure he notices the way you rub your thighs together. “get me off with your mouth, and i’ll fill your pretty little cunt as a reward,” he promises. you swirl your tongue around his length and let him use your throat as he pleases, all with the hope of being stuffed full. and, when diluc does cum on your tongue, he keeps that promise. with your back pressed against the polished wood of his desk, diluc bunches up your frilly uniform at your hips and yanks your panties down your thighs. you let out such a sweet moan when he penetrates you, the leather of his gloves pressing into your hips so tightly to keep you still. the way your slick walls took him in so deep made his head spin. “m’gonna fill you up now, okay? you deserve a reward for being so good for me…”
— ayato is a tease above all, even in a situation like this. with you on your knees in front of him, moaning and drooling while he treats your throat like a toy. he can’t help the amused chuckle that falls from his parted lips when he notices your squirming. “go on, darling… get yourself off.” ayato watches you slip your hand under your skirt, pushing your panties aside just enough to slide two fingers inside your cunt. another sweet moan vibrates against his length, and he almost pulls you off his dick to fuck you himself. almost. “such an obedient little maid, hmm?” he teases you as if he isn’t affected by the situation. “i should have asked you to suck me off a long time ago…” he muses, pulling you by your hair off his length. ayato uses his thumb to keep your lips parted as he cums on your tongue, the possessive spark in his eyes igniting when you cum on your fingers at nearly the same time. “such obedience deserves more ceremony than this, don’t you think? sit on my lap, dear - let me give you a reward worthwhile.”
he didn’t need a maid, you were well aware of that when you took this job. your master kept you around because he enjoyed having something pretty to look at when he came home, and you did a wonderful job keeping the place clean for him. being the only servant in the home meant not needing to worry so much about “professionalism,” and your master took advantage of that on every occasion. still, you never expected to walk in on him getting himself off. just like every other household duty, satisfying your master was left to you.
— kaeya let out a pleased hum as you lowered onto his cock, your fingers pushing your panties aside to make room for him. you pulled your hand away and dug your nails into his shoulders once he was fully sheathed in your cunt, letting out a breathy moan when he rolled his hips into yours. his hands rested against your lower back and under your ass, giving you little time to prepare before he started bouncing you up and down his length. kaeya spoke right next to your ear and teased you incessantly. “you– hah, fuck– you’re really enjoying this, huh? you love serving your master like this?” his teasing words all but disappeared when you circled your hips and started bouncing yourself. instead of playful remarks and comments, kaeya was praising you like no other. “keep going, just like that… you’re so good, love…” he groaned, rutting into you like a man depraved. he pulled out, stroking his shaft a few times and releasing on your clean uniform. he looked at you with amused smirk as you tried to get up. “oh, you thought that we were done? i still need your services, love.”
— childe pressed your face into the cotton pillow, muffling your moans as he sunk into you with a single thrust. “ahh, this is what i’ve been waiting for.” he declared, wrapping his hand around your hair and pressing his palm into your shoulder. “obedience is so wonderful, isn’t it?” you could hardly form a coherent thought with your master setting a brutal pace, the sound of his hips slapping against your ass being the only thing you could focus on. you tried to match his pace, tried to meet his hips with your own, but he leaned over your back and chuckled next to your ear. “no need to think about anything else right now,” his arm wrapped around your body and reached for your clit, rubbing fast circles on the sensitive bud and making you sob into the pillow. “that’s it, just fall apart…” childe cooed in your ear, his sweet voice starkly contrasting the way he fucked your cunt like it was his only chance to do so. “i’ve got a lot of fantasies to live out tonight, so don’t get too lost in the pleasure just yet…”
your master was seldom home - you often wondered why he employed you at all. if you ever questioned his reasons, he would simply brush you off and say that your services were necessary. judging by the collection of antiques, documents, and other items that filled the shelves of his home, you were left to assume that your master employed you to keep those items safe. and, despite seeing little of him, you had developed a number of fantasies about him. somehow, being laid out atop his underused bed with his head between your legs was not one of them.
— albedo claimed it was all for an “experiment,” but his notebook had long been discarded on the floor. he took your clit between his lips and lavished it with his tongue, sliding two fingers inside your slick folds and curling his fingers up. you bit your hand to keep from sobbing his name, whimpering when he pulled away and stared you down. “don’t silence yourself. if you do, then i won’t let you touch me,” you knew that his threat was true - as albedo resumed his ministrations, scissoring his fingers and licking a stripe up to your clit, flicking it with the tip of his tongue, you let out a series of whiny moans. he pulled back just enough to speak, his hot breath fanning over you. “see, was that so difficult?” his skilled fingers were soon joined by a third, making you arch your back as your walls clenched around them. albedo hummed around your clit and pressed his free hand into your stomach to keep you from wiggling too much as you came. “hmm, interesting… but, i think i may need to run this experiment a few more times.”
— dainsleif was the most enigmatic of all - despite rarely saying more than a word to you, he was straightforward when telling you to sit on his face. now, he had your thighs in an iron grip as he licked into your pussy like it was ambrosia. you could do little but grip the headboard and tug at his messy locks, your moans bordering on sobs of your master’s name. he laid his head back against the pillow and huffed, clearly annoyed. “i told you to sit, not hover. listen to me when i give you orders.” dainsleif pulled your hips down and pressed your cunt against his lips, caring not for his own neglected cock or need for air. he let out a low groan and pressed his thumb to your clit, rubbing small circles around it while his tongue dipped into your folds once more. you wriggled your hips and tried to ride his tongue, but to no avail; your master was far stronger than the average man. even when you came on his face, he continued his abuse of your cunt, licking and sucking up everything you had to offer and coating his chin in your slick. only when you whimpered and begged him to stop did he pull away to catch his breath, chuckling softly at your panting and pretty whines. “no need to worry about me… i’m quite alright staying here for the rest of the night.”
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a/n: i have never responded to an ask so quickly… what does this say about me and my blog. 🫥
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darkmegs · 2 years
THEIR “FANGIRL” ACTUALLY LIKES YOU, NOT HIM!! (oikawa, atsumu, and suna)
warning: gn!reader, crack, some pouty boyos!. a random idea i thought of~
[ part 2 (sugawara and iwaizumi) ]
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“i swear if they don’t leave in 60 seconds, i’m going to serve a ball towards them.”
leaning against the bus with crossed arms, you watched the herd of squealing girls surrounding your boyfriend. iwaizumi is right by your side, glaring at the sight of his best friend being showered with affection and treats.
he scoffed, “yeah? well i’m waiting for 15 seconds.”
you popped your head into the bus, “mattsun! toss me a ball! a warning sign is needed for this.”
hanamaki leaned forward from his seat, “don’t you think hitting the girls with a volleyball is a tad bit excessive?” he asked.
you caught the ball matsukawa threw your way, “who said i was aiming for the girls?”
hanamaki laughed, “that’s our manager.” he remarked, before settling back into his seat.
“iwa, those 15 seconds up yet?” you asked, moving the ball from hand to hand.
“2 meat buns if i hit his back.” you voiced, adjusting your stance.
“5 if you get his head. it’ll help shrink his big ass ego.” iwaizumi offered.
you chuckled, “you’re on.”
then, in the blink of an eye, the ball hurled towards oikawa. a loud thud! when it met the back of his head. the crowd gasped loudly, taking a step back.
“what the actual hell, iwa?” oikawa called out, rubbing the painful spot as he turned around.
“it was me, shittykawa.”
oikawa felt chills run down his spine. there was only one thing he feared more than failure, and that’s you.
specifically, angry you.
he gulped nervously, before cracking a nervous chuckle, “haha…g-good shot, y/n-chan...have you been practicing?”
“…get in the bus.”
“yes, y/n-chan.”
he sheepishly bid his fangirls goodbye, “sorry to cut this short, ladies. wish us luck on our game.”
high-pitched whines of protest began to erupt as oikawa trudged towards the bus with his head hanging low.
he peeked up once he neared closer to you, only to be met with your hellish gaze. he quickly ducked back down, choosing to walk past you without a word.
iwaizumi followed right after, kicking the setter’s butt as he stepped onto the bus, making him stagger with a whimper.
the three of you turned around and see a girl —most likely a first year— with pigtails and a maroon bow in her hair. she looked incredibly skittish, fiddling with the hem of her skirt as her legs shook in place.
“sorry, but we have to go now.” iwazumi told her, forcibly shoving oikawa to get inside the bus.
oikawa waved to the girl, “sorry, i can’t stay any lon—“
startled, you all froze and stared at her with wide eyes. you stood there, confused as to why she wanted to speak to you.
“uhh…yes?” you asked.
“i-i-i…i love you!!”
before you could even fully digest her confession, you felt her arms thrown around you in a clinging hug. she buried the side of her face in your chest, her grip tightening.
“hey! y/n’s mine!!” oikawa attempted to go at the first year, but iwaizumi kept him back; like a vexed chihuahua being held by his owner.
“y/n-senpai, if you will, please be with me! oikawa-san doesn’t deserve you!” the girl wailed against you.
“you little brat! y/n-chan loves me! y/n, tell her!” he fought back, a deep pout hanging on lips.
“umm…i’m sorry but, i’m currently dating crappykawa.” you said.
“currently?!” oikawa screamed.
“so you have no problem with y/n calling you crappykawa, loserkawa?” hanamaki snickered. oikawa grew red and huffed.
“b-but…” tears began to well in the girl’s eyes. she sniffled and her sleeve quickly came up to wipe her nose.
“what’s your name?”
the girl cowered at your voice, letting out an anxious squeak! when she finally registered your words.
“hashimoto…s-sakura…” she murmured, quietly.
“may i call you sakura-chan?”
the thunderstruck expression she wore can only compete with the one adorning oikawa’s baffled face.
“you don’t even know her!” he gasped.
you ignored the pattering nonsense that left oikawa’s mouth and put your hands over sakura’s trembling fists.
“i can’t date you, but i’ll tell you what. if stupidkawa ever makes me angry, i’ll let you serve a volleyball at his head.”
you heard the roaring laughter bellow from hanamaki and matsukawa’s chests at your words. from the corner of your eye, you saw a sullen oikawa.
“so violent…” he mumbled, shivering in place.
“y-you’ll teach me how to serve?” sakura repeated, her mouth parted in awe.
you nodded, “but not right now; we’ve got a game to catch. so if you’ll excuse us…”
you patted the top of her head and stepped around a slack-jawed oikawa to enter the bus.
“move your ass, we don’t have time.” iwaizumi aggressively kneed him in the back to walk forward, before turning to sakura with a slightly softer attitude.
“we’ll catch you later, future mrs. l/n.”
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“atsumu, have ya recently done anything notable?”
atsumu tapped his chin at kita’s odd question, “besides my killer serves this game, i can’t think of anythin’.”
“or at all.” osamu muttered as he took a sip of water. atsumu threw a spiteful glare his way.
“why do ya ask?” the blond questioned.
“a girl in the stands has been staring at ya from the very start of the game.” kita voiced his keen observation to the setter.
the two turned their heads towards the crowd, and surely enough, there was indeed a girl staring down at them.
suna, who just so happened to be passing by the pair, stopped in his tracks and squinted his eyes to catch what was so interesting.
“is she…is she holding a megaphone?” he noted.
atsumu hummed at suna’s comment, before sighing. “oh, i see what’s happening.”
“ya do?” kita asked him.
“of course! she’s gonna confess to me. trust me, it happens all the time.” he confidently replied with a smirk. his eyes suddenly darkened and his voice dropped an octave, “…as long as they don’ do it while i’m servin’.”
suna snorted through his nose at the ridiculous conclusion atsumu came to, before walking away just as easily as he had walked in.
“is y/n-san alright with that?” kita wondered.
you stood nearby and were able to hear their conversation. you spoke up without taking your eyes off the clipboard you were writing on. “i really don’t care.”
the inarizaki team members flopped onto the benches with heavy sighs.
“you guys played great,” you said, scribbling their points down in the first set. “one more set and you’ll have the win.”
lowering his water bottle, suna elbowed atsumu, who was wiping the sweat off his neck with a towel, and gestured towards the stands.
“’bout to happen~” atsumu mentioned.
“the confession?” aran asked. word spreads around quick, huh?
atsumu nodded, his eyes closed in arrogance. they watched just as the girl took a deep breath and raised the megaphone to her lips.
“can i have your attention?”
the booming voice made the crowd quiet down, a few murmurs and whispers being traded among them. aran and suna glanced at each other, a bit shocked.
“what did i say?” atsumu remarked.
“atsumu-kun!!” the girl shouts.
“here it comes…”
“i’m in love… with your s/o!!!”
“see? i told ya— WAIT WHAT?!?!”
the entire gymnasium turned to you at the surprising revelation. the pen you were holding falls from your fingers, the sound of it hitting the floor echoed off the silent walls.
“atsumu, close yer mouth before the flies get in.” kita nonchalantly told him, as suna filmed the setter’s more than entertaining reaction.
“well, y/n-san? what do you say?” the girl asked, the sharp static from her megaphone made you wince.
“uhhh…”, you met osamu’s eyes, he hands you a megaphone he took from one of the crowd members. you accepted it, whispering a small mention of gratitude to the grey-haired boy. you turned it on, the piercing noise making everyone cover their ears for a moment.
“…i’m not interested, sorry!!”
the crowd erupted in gasps, loud exchanges of whispers flooding the gym. the girl lowered her megaphone in defeat, she was about to walk away when she heard sounds of struggling.
“h-hey little girl! if ya try makin’ moves on y/n aga—“
“atsumu-kun, cut it out!”
“’m just protecting what’s mine!”
the bold girl spoke into the megaphone again, “y/n doesn’t belong to anyone! you might’ve won this round, miya atsumu—“
atsumu lowered the megaphone and incredulously whispered, “this round?!”
“—but y/n will reciprocate my feelings! one day! you just wait!!”
and with that, the girl marched off. her head held high and her face expressing nothing but determination. when the doors closed behind her, the team turned to you.
“…that was something, huh?” you laughed, nervously.
the referee blew the whistle, signaling the start of the second set. the team hurriedly jogged back to center court, a pouting atsumu plodding right behind them. you rolled your eyes and rubbed his back reassuringly when he walked by you.
“remind me to send you the video.” suna told you with a wink before sauntering away.
“ya better delete that, suna! ‘else i’m not settin’ to ya anymore!!”
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“there’s a ‘‘sunarin’’ fan club?”
your boyfriend had intended to mention it as a throwaway comment, something to briefly make fun of. but it seemed like your interest had been piqued.
“uhh yeah…” suna answered, “why? you jealous?”
you scoffed, “i’m just curious as to how the school approved it.”
he shrugged his shoulder, “dunno. i don’t even think the school looks into most clubs, they’re mostly interested in the sports teams.”
you hummed, not thinking much of it. you handed suna the drink you got him from the vending machine, leaning back against his chest as you two laid sprawled out under a tree near the gym.
he took a sip and rested his chin on your shoulder. you closed your eyes in content, satisfied with how comfortable it was being engulfed in his warmth.
then, you heard the sound of unified footsteps, almost like a marching army. you looked up and saw rows of girls, all wearing matching t-shirts, with signs and gifts at hand.
“shit,” suna muttered.
“those girls—” he paused to let out a heavy sigh, “—that’s the fan club.”
you sat up, deeply engaged now. “no way, they have your name and face on the back of their t-shirts.” you observed, with a laugh.
suna groaned, dragging the hood of his jacket over his face in order to conceal himself from their prying eyes. when he had first heard about the fan club from the miya twins, he was mildly amused. he often passed by their club room, dropping in a few times; pretending he was lost or asking about someone, just to entertain the whole charade.
but the whole thing ended up backfiring, as the girls grew even more obsessed with him. they would show up at practice just to watch him, or stagger into his classroom in packs to bombard him with sweets and love letters.
“one of them is coming over!”
suna groaned, “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
he looked up at the girl with boring eyes, his hood falling off. her breath hitched and she averted her gaze.
deciding to speak to her instead of your boyfriend, who can often come off as cold and dry, you smiled warmly, “hi there, do you need anything?”
her head snapped up at your voice. the heat flooded her cheeks and she turned red. with trembling breaths, she began to stutter something out.
she suddenly bowed at an exaggeratedly deep angle, her face practically meeting her knees.
“i-ishida mei! from class 1-3, nice to meet you!!”
the pair of you were startled at her introduction. it went quiet for a moment, before you cleared your throat.
“nice to meet you…ishida-chan…” you slowly said, unsure of how to respond. you nudged suna in the torso, forcing him to say the same.
“delighted.” he answered, curtly.
upon hearing his voice, mei raised her head, a solemn look on her features. “suna rintarou, from class 2-1. we finally meet.”
suna quirked his eyebrows at the serious tone she had. you glanced between them, incredibly confused as to what was happening.
“can i help you, kid?”
“rin…” you scolded, lowly.
“look, if you’re gonna confess your love to me or something, just do it now. i’m trying to enjoy my lunch break.” he told her, bluntly.
but what shocked you both, was when she started laughing. her head thrown back as the menacing, almost belittling chuckles left her lips.
“confess? to you? don’t be ridiculous, silly volleyball player.” she mocked.
her eyes shifted to you, and you gulped nervously. she smiled and her features softened, “i’m here to proclaim my love for you, y/n-sama.”
with eyes as wide as saucers, you stared at her in complete disbelief. suna scoffed, letting go of you and standing up. the sight was nothing less than comedic. a 185.7 cm middle blocker, towering over a nearly 153 cm first year, the two glaring daggers at each other.
“i’m afraid “y/n-sama” is not available.” he stated.
“that can be easily fixed.”
he tilted his head, “are you threatening me?”
she snickered, “oh don’t flatter yourself, you’re eons behind the worth of indulging my wrath.”
she grew bored exchanging meaningless words with suna, so she looked back at you. crouching, she gently took a hold of your hand.
“y/n-sama, you’re nothing less than a dream. therefore, you deserve nothing less than a romantic love story. i can provide that and make you change your mind about this unfavorable boy.”
you blinked, “i’m really sorry—“
“you’re not, but go on.” suna cut in. mei shot him a dirty look for interrupting.
“i can’t be with you, ishida-chan…” you told her with a grimace.
she retracted her hand and nodded, “i see…”
“seems like you’ve got your answer, bye now.” suna addressed.
“suna rintarou, from class 2-1,” she turned to him, “you might feel victorious now, but you’ll be hearing more from me in due time.”
after bowing one last time to you, she twirled on her heels and marched away. now that her back was visible, you noticed the t-shirt she was wearing. It was the same as the one suna’s fangirls wore, but hers had a big red ‘X’ etched over his face.
suna scoffed, “nice shirt!” he called out, sarcastically.
“i’ll make one for y/n-sama!”
he rolled his eyes and muttered, “brat.”
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thank you for reading! this was definitely not proofread, sorry for any mistakes >:(
thanks for calling darkmegs!!
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bunnyscraft · 2 years
Game on, Barnes
Bucky x Brat!Reader pt1 18+
Summary: Drunk reader and protective Bucky. Series Warnings: Dom Bucky, Brat reader Dom/sub undertones, daddy kink, handcuffs, smut next chapter lol, alcohol, knife kink.
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- “Bucky. No.”
- “Doll. Yes.”
This had been going on for a while now. Bucky trying to handle drunk you and drunk you stubbornly avoiding his help. Nope. Nope. Tonight was meant for you, Natasha, and Wanda to get plastered and while you were very tempted to give into your convincing boyfriend, you’d waited all week for this.
How he knew you were here, you didn’t even know. You decided that maybe it would be best to leave out some details of what your girls night would consist of. You didn’t enjoy keeping him out of the loop but Bucky tended to be a bit….protective? Not to mention the whole team knew of you being a lightweight so if he were to find out you’d be out drinking with someone like Natasha, he’d definitely object.
- “baby…I’m not going to ask again. Drink the water now before I pry your mouth open and pour it down your throat.” He seethed. His voice was harsh and deep, stirring something inside you. It almost convinced you to obey him. Almost.
You pushed you body against his chest, hands slowly making their way underneath his Henley. His skin was hot under your fingers as you rubbed circles on his chest. Looking up at his face you saw that he was doing his best to ignore the affect your touch had on him as he refused to make eye contact.
- “Cmon daddy….I can think of a better way to use my throat” you whined, suddenly desperate for him.
The sudden use of his favorite nickname causes his eyes to snap down to yours. You were a mess but to Bucky you still looked angelic, even with you drunken blush, messy hair, and glassy eyes.
- “yeah babydoll? You done being a brat and ready to be my good girl?” Bucky hummed as he rubbed circles on your hips. Fuck he wanted you right now.
His patronizing tone had your stubbornness melting away, you now ready to please Bucky. - “yes daddy. M’sorry” you pouted. “ jus’ wanna go home and be your good girl.”
As soon as the words left your mouth Bucky placed and assertive kiss to your lips and threw you over his shoulder already marching out of the club and towards your shared apartment. You letting out drunk giggles the whole way there.
- “I hate you.”
- “I love you, babydoll.”
- “If you loved me you would have handcuffed me to our bed and fucked me!” You all but cried. “not handcuff me to our bed and tell me to sleep!” You sobbed out as you thrashed to show your frustration. Bucky couldn’t help but laugh at your childishness from you not getting what you want.
“I promise I’ll fuck your in the morning baby” he tried to compromise in between laughs, only fueling your anger.
- “but…but I’m horny now! Please Bucky!” You screeched as you saw Bucky get into his side of the bed.
- “I can’t fuck you while you’re in this state babydoll. It’d make me feel like I’m using you” he cooed in an attempt to call you down as he gently cupped your jaw.
- “I want you to use me!” You huffed laying it on thick in hopes he’d give in.
- “I swear on my soul, I’ll use you sooo much tomorrow, baby.”
- “……promise?”
- “pinky promise.” He swore as he brought his metal pinky finger up to your cuffed one.
- “can you at least take these off?” You questioned, motioning to the metal holding your arms above your head.
- “oh no. I can’t. You’re simply too dangerous. You’ll jump my bones the second you get the chance” he exaggerated, before turning off your lamp, leaving you both in complete darkness.
- “good night, sweetheart.” Bucky cooed with a kiss, only to receive a huff from you.
“…………….goodnight, Bucky”
you just couldn’t go to bed without a goodnight. After all he really did love you, even if he cuffed you up to keep you from fucking.
But you’d get him back.
Just when he least expected it.
Game on, Barnes.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨🖤୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
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glazelilyy · 3 years
Genshin babies latching onto their dads pant legs
(i am assuming the genshin babies are around 1 or 2 and can crawl/walk so that just makes it even more cuteeeee) i am holding this precious concept to my chest because it is so toothrottingly sweet aaAAAA- (ok, ok, we all know i don't have restraint so here are my tidbit thoughts including gorou and itto bc them as dads is my favorite thing :P)
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diluc: he will meeeeeeelt and wonder how he has the privilege to be able to raise such a cute baby :D his baby latching onto his leg will never not make him smile and give him a sense of pride. even if he's doing something he'll pick his baby up and let them rest on his hip or sit on his lap if he's sitting and let them watch what he's doing and try and explain things to them (if he's writing on documents he'll give his baby a dry quill to play with or let their hand sit on his fist while he writes ueueughhguhg)
kaeya: AHH don't get me started he's all over it in the best way. pats their head and asks if they're lonely even if they can't speak coherent words just yet (it's honestly more like he's asking himself :<). he's another one who melts and wonders how he's able to be a father to someone so cute :P picks his baby up and hugs them tiiiiight out of gratitude with a lil smile on his face hehe
albedo: confused at first since he thinks his baby wants something, but then catches on and hoists them up into his arms. his heart is warmed that he's once again allowed to care for a being so fragile and soft yet full of unadulterated love. eeeee it makes him really happy that his baby finds physical comfort by his side, so he'll set aside any alchemical experiments and go for a walk to enjoy the scenery with his baby :D
childe: he is!!! so happy!!! immediately calls for his partner to see how cute their kid is being (raises his leg and gestures with his arms to his child who is hanging from his leg like it's a frickin monkey bar). no ifs ands or buts he will scoop his baby up into his arms and pamper them with kisses all over their face and neck and squish them to his chest for cuddlesssss. i hc childe as someone who doesn't believe he's worthy of domesticity but even just the little moments like this are enough to remind him!! :)
zhongli: will kneel down and check to make sure his baby is alright first, he'd be under the impression that something happened to them or upset them. but nope! they just want cuddles hehe, and once he understands that he'll open his arms wide and welcome their little body into his big embrace. seeing his child melt in his arms and trust him so wholeheartedly makes him so so happy his entire insides are a gooey lovey domestic mess :P
xiao: very very confused pls help him. he might not understand completely at first but the sight of his baby tugging at his pants leg makes his heart warm and the paternal instincts begin to kick in :P he'd be hesitant to pick them up at first because he's always scared of harming them, but the constant tugging and mindless babbles from his baby make him pick them up in the end (his baby's hands would go to pat his cheeks while he stares at them and he's officially in baby heaven and so full of love for his child hehehe)
kazuha: he's absolutely melting no doubt about it. the minute he feels a tug on his pants leg and looks down he's an absolute goner for how frickin CUTE his baby is. he'll summon a gentle current of wind that cradles his baby and takes them on a little, mini roller coaster ride leading right into their papa's arms. his baby smells of life and rejuvenation and he makes a silent promise to them of protection and eternal guidance and love.
scaramouche: annoyed at first, because the constant tugging was annoying mr mouche over here. but once he sees that it's just his baby he'll soften up significantly and rub their head with his large hand as a form of affection and greeting. he might even give them one (1) rare smile! but, of course, he can't deny his baby what they want when they're giving him those big ol puppy eyes and so he gives in and lets them sit on his shoulders or in his lap for the rest of the day :P (his baby ends up falling asleep in his lap and he can't help but give their forehead a lil kith eeee)
dainsleif: dain hasn't interacted with children for centuries, let alone any of his own. but part of him absolutely meeeeelts when his baby latches onto his leg. his instincts immediately make him pick his baby up and ushers them to sleep with a lullaby and a somewhat foreign smile on his face (AAAA DAIN IS SOFT FOR HIS KID(S) I STAND BY THIS). his mind is all jumbled and all he can think about is just how lucky he is to be a father (something he never thought he'd be able to do!)
thoma: he will pass out from how cute his baby is being right now someone give this man a glass of water- but seriously thoma would be over the moon happy and wouldn't hesitate to pick his baby up and bounce them in his arms to get them giggling. his heart is a gooey mess and he wants nothing more than to spoil his baby rotten with affection and lots and lots of kisses and hugs :P
itto: his baby practically uses his body as a jungle gym so he's not entirely disrupted by the tugging of his pants legs. but it always makes him super happy when his baby seeks him out for some parental affection!! similar to thoma he'll immediately pick them up and bounce them in the air a little (if they're old enough itto will spin them around)!! no need to say anything, he's immediately smothering his baby in kisses and tickles for being so darn cute :P
gorou: in absolute awe!! his mind might spiral into the reasons why he finally became so lucky to be a parent but he'll ultimately do his best to regain his composure and pick his baby up to hold to the crook of his neck for some nice tender and gentle snuggles :'))) he's just grateful that his baby will get to grow up in a more peaceful land than he did. awwauwhau my heart- gorou is so precious (his hand would stroke their head and back and he'd plant gentle kisses on their forehead AAAA)
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radiant-reid · 2 years
Little Touches
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Summary: Just a few moments where Spencer learns how much he loves touches
could you do one where BAU! Reader and Spencer are dating, and they know each other like the backs of their own hands, so whenever he gets either anxious, overwhelmed, or is just having a bad time on a case, she knows exactly how to calm him? 
spencer getting into a relationship where the other person is aware of how much he doesn’t like physical touch but he doesn’t know how to tell them that he wants to be touched, so slowly, over time, he sneaks little touches and kisses (maybe even some PDA?!)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (fluff)
Content Warning: Spencer gets a couple of minor injuries 
Word Count: 2.6k
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Spencer had never understood touches. Scientifically, he understood why people needed to feel physical, but he didn’t have enough experiences to be agreeing that it helped him personally. He felt okay getting enough oxytocin from spending time with his friends and getting hugs from Henry.
Things were different with Y/n. From the first time he kissed her, he knew things weren’t going to stay the way they were.
Y/n was cautious going into it, concerned he’d find her level of physical affection alarming when she’d only seen him hug four people since the start of her time at the BAU. 
The very first day after they got together, they were called in for a case early in the morning. Spencer was there only second to Hotch, and he'd already made two coffees when Y/n walked in.
"Here." He offered her designated mug out to her with a sheepish smile. Her coffee order had been memorized in his head since she joined the team, but he didn't have a reason to make it until now.
It was odd to see him at work when she'd just been on the phone with him the night before for two hours. Even though she'd had a crush on him for months while working alongside him, something felt different.
"You made me a coffee?" She asked once she took it, eyes darting around the quiet office.
There was a spoken agreement that they wouldn't tell the rest of the team for a while because it was so new, and things were much less messy when no one else knew.
Spencer nodded, his cheeks reddening as he looked down at the liquid in his mug. "It's my job now." He asserted before his voice got quieter. "As your boyfriend."
"Well then, I'll see you in there, boyfriend." Y/n teased a little, adoring the way the official title rolled off her tongue. Testing the boundary, she reached out to touch his forearm, letting her hand linger there for a moment before she turned off to walk up the stairs. It left that tingling feeling inside of Spencer that he didn't know was possible because of something physical rather than emotional.
They fell in love with the physical connection they got to have when they weren't masquerading as colleagues as quickly as they fell in love with each other. The early morning walks to the coffee shop before work where they could walk hand in hand and sit close to each other. The dates to the movie theater where they could sit right next to each other and Y/n could rest her head on his shoulder.
All the cases had made it difficult for them to find any time to spend together. It was something they knew would happen, but even a month in and it was hard to hang out.
So, when Spencer invited her to a French film festival, she agreed despite not being able to speak French. It was a drive-in theatre so Y/n drove so they could sit in the back of her car.
Because Spencer had to give her a whisper translated, they sat close together, but they both wanted to be just a little bit closer. His voice had been right in her ear all night, and she was ready to do something about it.
When she shifted away from him, he was worried that he'd gone too far by holding her hand. "What's wrong?" He asked, turning away from the movie to look at her.
"Nothing, but can you sit against there?" She asked, gesturing to the side of the car.
Spencer obliged her request, shuffling over so his back rested against the side instead of the back of the seats. She moved closer to him, crawling between his legs when they spread on instinct.
When she finally settled, it was with her head on his chest, her body between his legs, and her arms wrapped around him. Spencer immediately relaxed, holding her tighter to him and stroking her back. He could feel the instant effect that all those positive studies had detailed, and he wondered why he missed out on this, on her, for so long.
"Is this alright?" She checked, head tilting up to meet his fond gaze.
It was so much more than alright to him, feeling her weight on top of him like it was an anchor. "Yeah, this is really good."
Touches only became a more common part of their lives as their relationship progressed. Cuddling on the couch was much more prominent whenever they had a free evening. Outside of work, his hands were always on her. She knew it was only a matter of time before they weren't able to keep their 3-month long relationship a secret.
But Sunday mornings were not a time for that concern. Sunday mornings were a time for sleeping late and one trying to kick the other out of bed to make breakfast.
Y/n volunteered that morning since he had the last 2 times. Once she brought him coffee in bed, she got started on some pancakes. But before she could even start cooking them, two surprisingly thick, tanned forearms wrapped their way around her waist. The veins looked delicious and he struggled to not His scent engulfed her, heavy cologne in the air.
"What's this?" She asked, no longer focused on what she was doing as she tilted her head up to look into his beautiful brown eyes. The touches of gold flickered in the late morning sunshine.
"Missed you," Spencer claimed, eyes fixed on admiring the color in hers. Gently, he rocked them side to side when she turned back around to focus on breakfast, keeping his head tucked tightly into her neck.
Y/n giggled lightly, her face breaking out in a grin. "Been away from you for, like, five minutes." She reminded him but he was hardly paying attention as he peppered kisses on her cheeks.
Before she could keep cooking, Spencer spun her around and sat her up on the counter so he could stand in between her knees, keeping his face only inches away from hers.
"So? Every minute I don't get to see your face is terrible." He told her dramatically.
"What do you do when you're sleeping then?" She asked, trying to find a question to trick him.
But alas, her genius boyfriend couldn't be tricked, and his romantic wooing only came out more intense. "Not a problem because I dream about you."
"Stop" She squealed, hitting him on the shoulder. "You're the absolute sappiest."
"Never going to stop." He promised her, clearly meaning something more serious than a casual retort.
The way he looked with the sun streaming through the big windows in his apartment was criminal. So insanely attractive it was unfair. Like he was made to stand in the sun with his cheekbones pronounced and his eyes a shade lighter.
"I love you." He said, beating her to it.
"I love you." She smiled back, leaning forward an extra inch to rest her forehead against and letting her eyelids flutter closed. Spencer did the same thing, breathing in and out calmly and in sync with her.
There was something so grounding about it, being so close to someone you love with your whole heart, and it took away so much of the stress they had placed on them due to their jobs. She could feel his breath against her skin with every exhale, warm and comforting.
They only pulled away when Spencer's stomach rumbled, making her giggle. "So, pancakes?" He asked, eyes flicking to the bowl.
"Your favorite." She answered. "But I'm just going to sit here looking pretty while you cook them."
He chuckled, eyes drifting down to her figure covered by just one of his shirts and a pair of panties. It was his favorite sight in the world. "You absolutely need to just sit there and look pretty." He assured her.
Happily, she agreed, letting him cook before eventually sitting next to him at the kitchen island to eat, which always led to Spencer spinning the barstool she was sitting on with his foot playfully and unexpectedly. They spent all morning there, talking, reading the newspaper, and getting impossibly closer.
Then the phone rang, and, separately, they were being invited to dinner at Rossi's.
"Always look pretty in that dress," Spencer told her later that evening as they changed. Even if they had to go separately and pretend they weren't a couple there, they were going to spend the whole day together.
Y/n spun around from where she was critiquing herself in the mirror, taking in her incredibly beautiful boyfriend in his dark blue suit. "Thank you." She replied, stepping closer to kiss his cheek. Her lipstick left a bright pink mark on his cheek.
"Lovely, I can't go like this." He joked, reaching across the counter for a makeup wipe.
Sitting up on the countertop, she looked at his skillful fingers as they wiped off the mark. "I like marking you up, though." She countered, earning an immediate blush on his cheeks.
He stopped what he was doing, turning his head to look at her. "Do you mean that as something different?" He asked, trying to stop himself from reading into what felt like a lighthearted comment.
Y/n had only meant it jokingly, not about revealing their whole life, but his question made her think harder about it. "Yeah... yes, I do." She stated a bit more firmly. "I want everyone to know."
"Not as much as I want everyone to know." He stated, stepping closer to her where he could place his hands on the counter on either side of her body. "Tonight?" He asked, dropping his head down, so they were face to face, just inches apart.
"Tonight," Y/n confirmed, leaning forward to kiss him. She ran her finger along his lipstick-covered bottom lip. "Oh, yeah, they'll know now definitely."
He grinned while blushing, moving out of her way so she could hop down. "Let's go then." He grabbed her hand as soon as he could, leading her through the house to the car.
His hand stayed on her thigh the whole drive to Rossi's, reassuring her that everything would be okay because she was nervous even if she wasn't showing it.
When he parked the car, and she realized everyone else was there, her concerns about what they would think doubled. "We'll be alright." He assured her, placing a kiss on her cheek before dragging her out of the car.
"So we're just going to knock on the door and do this?" She asked, tightening her grip on his hand.
"Sure." Spencer agreed, surprisingly more calm than she thought he would be. He knocked when she couldn't, eyes darting to her while they waited for someone to come open it.
Penelope was there first, and her squeal quickly brought everyone else to the foyer, earning Y/n and Spencer a round of hugs and congratulations from everyone. There was nothing but excitement from all of their friends. Spencer's knee rested against hers for the whole dinner, and the smiles that were plastered on both of their faces only grew each time they looked at each other.
Round table meetings had always had a seating plan, even if it wasn't official, and Y/n's designated spot was right next to her boyfriend. But it was difficult for her to be so close to him without touching him, so they settled for something smaller.
They'd fallen into a routine of touches, and that morning wasn't any different. After he walked in with her coffee, he sat next to her, and when the case presentation started, his pinky finger came to rest against hers, touching her just enough that she could deal with everything she was about to hear.
The case wasn't any worse than usual, but Y/n could tell Spencer had a bad feeling about it, just from how he was a little more flustered than usual.
His stressing didn't stop at the precinct in Miami, and he was struggling to make the proper connections as he looked at the board.
"Here." Y/n handed him a cup of coffee when she walked in, failing to tell him it was decaf. Hotch and Morgan were watching the interaction from the table where they were going over some of the suspect files.
"Thanks," Spencer said, taking it from her.
While they looked at the board, she reached down to wrap her fingers around his wrist, touching her fingers to his pulse point. It was fast, far too quick. "You've gotta breathe, baby." She whispered quiet enough that no one could hear. "Your big brain can't work if you're so tense."
He understood by the nod he gave her, looking at her just for a moment before going back to the board with much more relaxed shoulders.
Two minutes later, he was rushing out of the room, throwing some instructions to Y/n and Hotch and taking Morgan with him. "How do you do that?" Hotch asked as she sat down across from him.
"What?" She asked, looking up at him, a little nervously like she was about to get in trouble.
"I've worked with him for 7 years, and I've never seen him relax as quickly as he does whenever you do that thing that you do." He explained.
Y/n smiled a little, grateful she could help him. "I don't know, but I'm glad I can."
"So am I." He replied, breaking his stoic expression to smile at her.
Somehow, it went wrong. Terribly wrong, and by the time Y/n and Hotch ended up at the crime scene, Spencer was sitting in the back of an ambulance.
As soon as the SUV stopped, she was jumping out to race over to his side. "What happened?" She asked, concern filling her voice.
Spencer was holding an icepack to his eye while a medic shone a light in the other. "Got my ass kicked." He joked, trying not to let her worry too much.
"Baby." She cooed, sitting next to him when the medic, not worried about anything more than superficial damage, left them. "Your pretty face." She pouted, reaching out to cup his cheeks and running her thumbs over his cheekbones. There were stitches on one side, skin red.
"Not just my face," Spencer admitted, pulling up his shirt so she could see the bruise that was already forming on his lower stomach.
It looked really bad and she reached out to touch his side, trying to be gentle but he still winced. She moved back to sitting next to him, cupping his cheeks again. His bottom lip was split, he had a black eye forming, and there was a cut above his eyebrow. She leaned forward, peppering a few kisses around his cheeks and jawline, anywhere she could get them without causing him pain.
"Stop looking at me like that." He complained, a little red.
"Nuh-uh. You're too hurt for that baby." She reasoned, maintaining eye contact with him. "And don't be pretending that you do like these little touches."
He chuckled out a breath, immediately wishing he hadn't when his ribs started hurting. "I do. More than you could ever know."
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@holding-on-to-my-youth @misselsbells06 @starrylang @lokisel @gryffi-ndor @lilibet261@idkbubs @slutalexis46 @glimmering-darling-dolly @kodiakwhiskey @rocketxgirl @mochionly @goldentournesol @xdsage @missusstark @spaceygirly1 @holding-on-to-my-youth @insomniacbeth @nbyrd390 @shirleyrose @airedale17  @tanyaherondale @buckys-estrella @geekykeen @lovingsherlockmolly @rory-cakes @muwun-blossom @jetblckdreams @i-wanna-be-conan-obrien @reidsbookmark @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @idfvc @sammypotato67 @tanyaherondale @1-800-brain-and-heart @stcrrjoon @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @wholesome-beans @frickin-bats @chaoticevilbakugo @goldeng1rl8 @arrowurboat @itzyourgurlnihya @belongwithreid @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @spencer-reids-mismatched-socks @addievermore  @harrymybelovedd @chimpmunk @i3k2ts @axen-gers @gxrlwithluv @finny-of-the-rear @greengarsstuff @altsvu @jakiki94 @narryl0ver @justreadingficsdontmindme @hobireasns @goldentournesol @kbakery @kaitieskidmore1 @twofacesoftheworldbutnotsome @chaoticconnoisseurgiver @kbakery @twofacesoftheworldbutnotsome @geekykeen @thisbitch-6 @andreead @kayleea122 @xoxospencerreid @dirtytissuebox @xoxospencerreid @jaydahlynne @sultrypotter @awhoreforspencerreid @sprinh @doe-eyed-fallen-angel @kamilaxq @beans-beanz @malindacath @halloween-is-my-nationality @kenny-0909  @mexicosuitrry @lucyysthings @iheartfinnthehuman101 @vane28282 @mente-sindescanso @lucyysthings @tatespillows @cecethoughts @manuosorioh @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @barbietiingz @grandhideoutavenue @feelinlento @i3k2ts @malindacath @luredwithpretzels @sanaz1dlol @ant-mans-tacos @mente-sindescanso @yumuramma @bubblebuttwade @bellarkeselection @spenceswifewhore  @barbiekatz @itseightbeats @neptunes-curse @sucker1-1punch  @nyx2021 @stilinski-void-04 @dirtytissuebox @daydreaminrry @happymangospot @devilslilbabysblog    / @bunny-script    / @pauline5525mgg @fanf1ctionwrit1n @j-cat @captainhotchner @ceeellewrites / @randommmguerr / @sinnxagain / @goofygubler7 / 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@reidsonlyangel @xreaderandshits @alohastitch0626 @nyx2021 @assemblemotherfuckers @idjit-sonovawitch @hwngslove @nycreid @helen-with-an-a @sia2raw @hufflepuffwhore13 @pastelbabygirl19 @blomfildsbeauty @hagridsmomma @differentavenue @grxnde-dwt @indecisive-asexual-stuff @hufflepufftruffle @alexxavicry @eichenhouseproperty​ @sydneekomspacekru  @ccosmic-illusion @majooooooooooooooooooo
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
I love you florally
paring: Marc, Steven, Jake x fem! reader. established relationship, you are their girlfriend.
warnings: none.
genre: fluff, fluff, fluff. soft moon bois <3
summary: after missing your boyfriends when they are away for a mission, you decide to visit them and give them flowers.
This is my first moon knight fic, go easy on me please. I'm potraying DID based on what they showed in the series, please correct me if I have written anything in the wrong way.
shoutout to my homegirl @imgoingtofreakoutnow for being my personal human translator for Spanish phrases 💗
The flower meanings are from google.
gif credit
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You missed your boyfriends—that sentence was the understatement of the century. They were out of town due to a mission for Khonshu.
Now you stand outside Steven's apartment impatiently...ahem, excitedly.
"Steven!" holding three different flower bouquets in your arms, you awkwardly manage to knock on the door, "Jake!" another knock, "Marc, baby, it's me!" you call out.
Hey it's been two weeks and you missed your boyfriends terribly.
"I'm coming, I'm coming, my love!" you hear Steven's voice.
The door opens to reveal Steven. His eyes lit up at the sight of you, a fond smile decorating his face. He steps aside so you can walk inside.
You quickly walk towards a table and carefully place the flower bouquets there.
"Y/n, love-"
You turn around facing him with a grin, you jump hug him giving him no time to finish his sentence.
"Somebody really missed us, huh?" Mark teases you.
"You have no idea" you wrap your legs around his waist, encircling your arms around his neck. You rest your head on his shoulder and pulling him close as humanly possible. "I missed you", you stroke his shoulder with your thumb three times and inhaling his familiar, comforting scent. They knew you missed them.
His laugh reverberates through the hug, he turns his head to the side and places a light kiss on your head, rubbing on your back.
"Nosostros también, princesa"
You smile at Jake's nickname for you. You lift your head and peer into his eyes full of affection and sweet love for you. You untangle your arms from his neck and place your palms on the sides of his face.
He let's out a sigh, relaxing and leaning into your touch. He doesn't even realise how tensed he was until your gentle touch soothed him. If anyone could make Jake go soft, it's you. Holding you in that position, he walked towards bed.
"Let me front, I want to hold her too"
Steven was getting impatient as well.
"Hey, love. How have you been?" Steven asks you, getting on the bed, his arms still wrapped around you.
You adjust your position and push him back completely on the bed, and climbing on top on him in a straddling position. "Not great since you were all gone, leaving me here alone" you add a dramatic pout, "for two weeks"
"It was just a couple of weeks, darling" a chuckle escape his lips. And you would do anything to hear that adorable sound again.
You playfully hit his chest at his action. "It's still too long for my liking". You turn your eyes, glancing at the flower bouquets you brought for them. You get off him, moving to grab them.
"Not so fast, baby" Marc yanks your arm, making you fall on top of him.
It was your turn to smile, "As much as I love seeing you underneath me like this-" you kiss his lips and softly caress his cheek with pad of your thumb, "wait a second, I'll be on top of you again" you assure him before climbing off of him and the bed.
He props himself in one hand, "Is that a promise?"
You wink at him in response and make your way to give the flowers you lovingly bought for your boyfriends.
A bouquet of sunflowers and red roses for Steven. Positivity and love.
A bouquet of orange and red coloured tulips for Marc. Desire, passion and deep love.
A bouquet of pink and red camilias for Jake. Longing, love and passion.
"You got us flowers? aw love, that's sweet"
"Mm hmm"
No one had brought them flowers to them before.
Steven was caught up in your sweet gesture. He remembered how many times you told him he was and is worthy of all the love in gentlest and most passionate form. You reminded all three of them actually.
Now, Marc and Jake will never openly admit it, but it warmed them to their core to receive a simple, yet loving gesture from you.
Each of them took turns patiently, to kiss you softly. They kissed you like that multiple times before, but this time it was different. They kissed you with yearning, with careful gentleness and absolute adoration— Marc kissed your head, forehead, Jake kissed your cheek, and Steven kissed the tip of your nose making you giggle.
"I love you florally" you confessed.
"That's not a thing, babe" Marc chuckled.
"It is now" you grinned at him in response.
"You are adorable, princesa"
"And a dork" Steven joined, kissing your lips. "Adorkable"
You guys spent that afternoon cuddling in bed, talking about their mission and your work and catching up on Netflix.
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