#obvs some of these are hella dependent on verse but mostly I based it in a nebulous post RE4 situation
notyetdeadkennedy · 4 months
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Character Flaws
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BOLD what always applies to your muse; ITALICIZE what sometimes applies to your muse; STRIKE OUT what never applies to your muse.
absent-minded / abusive / addict / adrenaline junkie / aggressive / aimless / alcoholic / anxious / arrogant / audacious / bad liar / big mouth / bigot / blindly loyal / blunt / callous / childish / chronic heroism / cheater / clingy / clumsy / cocky / codependent / competitive / corrupt / cowardly / cruel / cynical / delinquent / delusional / dependent / depressed / deranged / disloyal / ditzy / egotistical / envious / erratic / fickle / finicky / fixated / flaky / frail / fraudulent / foul mouthed / guilt complex / gloomy / gluttonous / gossiper / gruff / grudge holding / gullible / hedonistic / humorless / hypochondriac / hypocritical / idealist / idiotic / ignorant / immature / impatient / incompetent / indecisive / insecure / insensitive / lazy / lewd / liar / lustful / manipulative / masochistic / meddlesome / melodramatic / money-loving / moody / naive / nervous / nosy / ornery / overprotective / overly sensitive / paranoid / passive-aggressive / perfectionist / pessimist / petty / power-hungry / proud / possessive / pushover / reckless / reclusive / remorseless / rigorous / sadistic / sarcastic / senile / selfish / self-destructive / shallow / sociopath / sore loser / spineless / spiteful / spoiled / stubborn / suspicious / tactless / temperamental / timid / thief / traitorous / ungracious / unlucky / untrustworthy / withdrawn / workaholic
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tagged: @squarecranks tagging: @thespyinred, @troublemkr, @sup3rcop, @actiongrrl, @nghtshroud, @havvkinsqueen, @fiercehearts
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