#oc bk: Neo
sqeedledob · 10 months
which character of yours would be most likely to eat something inedible on a dare/for fun?
I initially wanted to say Neo as he's my feral little man but I think for him it would depend on the texture. He's pretty sensitive to mouth textures and if it's something textured like Lentils he'll probably throw up everything in his stomach before he can get it down
His sister, on the other hand, and surprisingly Aki are more down for that kind of tomfoolery. Maizie 100% has the "I won't do it" "yeah you wont" "OH BET???" Attitude and eating odd things like bugs and such wasn't so uncommon where Aki comes from! So it depends on what you mean by inedible!
Maizie has canonically swallowed a screw before to prove a point so... yeah she's a little creechur lmao
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