#oc tag: lady dala
luvsavos · 5 months
(AA) hopefully it’s okay for me to ask you about your ocs some more 😅 I’ll be asking for both memes, if that’s okay? Since you said you’re feeling (Lord? Lady?) Shara and Lord Naas I’ll ask you about them 😊 for the edgy/misc, 1 for Shara and 20 for Lord Naas, and for the other, 25 for Lord Naas, 4 for Shara…and 23 for Lady Dala? Though I don’t know if these are in their monster forms and humanoid…whatever you want, I’m interested!
yes ofc it absolutely is okay and i appreciate it greatly bc ive been in a funk this past week(? idk how long it's been time is blurry) and talking abt my ocs always helps me a bit
as always thank u for the ask<3
oc ask meme 1 & 2!
1: What memory would your OC rather just forget?
oooh, this is a VERY good question🤔 there's probably a lot of memories shara wishes they could forget, though if they had to pick just one it would probably, predictably, be the dragon wars, or more specifically naas' capture and experimentation by the ancients; not even they were certain if he would survive or not, and they blame themself somewhat for it happening, despite rationally knowing it was not their fault. alternatively, they'd probably not complain about forgetting their first encounter with shang---it was the first time in a very, VERY long time that they felt genuine guilt or remorse; they had not intended to harm him, let alone as grievously as they did. they were only trying to drive him away, but unfortunately for them he's a stubborn bastard. if he weren't nami's adopted son, i don't think they'd care as much, but like. that's nami's adopted son. she adores him and dotes on him a lot. of course they're going to feel bad about nearly killing him, and the subsequent trauma he endured from the experience---he still refuses to be anywhere near them, and if they're even so much as mentioned, he becomes distinctly on edge and anxious.
20: Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
oh, yes. Absolutely. fatalis are incredibly possessive of what they deem as their's, and it is VERY easy to set off their jealousy; for instance, others attempting to court his, ahem, Favourite Mortal. the jealousy can manifest in a few different ways, depending on who it's aimed at---to most, it's violence, as one would expect from a fatalis. to those he's fond of, he pretty much becomes a very grumpy and possibly slightly petty cat. you WILL know that he is jealous and you WILL feel bad about it but he's just going to sit with his back to you and sulk about it to really let the Feeling Bad About It sink in. good luck getting more than a scoff or grumble or other various wordless draconic noises out of him as a response for a while until he's decided he's okay again.
and for the Other;
25: how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight?
being, by all technicality, an old fatalis, naas' senses are a little different to modern fatalis; where modern fatalis have incredibly poor eyesight (likely around the same as a human's, if not slightly worse) due to their crystalline eyes and primarily cave-dwelling tendencies, relying more on their other senses, naasfilrah has significantly keener eyesight, though in turn does not have as sharp of hearing nor a sense of smell as modern fatali. that's not to say, of course, that they aren't still FAR beyond that of a human or wyverian, but the primary sense he relies on is his eyesight, with hearing and smell coming after.
4: how crafty/resourceful are they?
hmmmmmmm....... they don't often utilize "resourcefulness" in the same way other members of the five might; they prefer to not take action unless the circumstances deem it absolutely necessary, or unless explicitly asked to, so you could probably safely say that they're not Overly crafty or resourceful? most of their "craftiness" or "resourcefulness" is their own knowledge and powers, rather than any actual craftiness.
23: how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
ignoring i had to go and watch a video of her voiceclaim (lady dimitrescu) for this LMAO i would describe lady dala's voice as regal and smooth, if not her tone being a little blunt and/or condescending(?); i think she could sing fairly well, though likely only her daughters and the other members of the five have heard it. that said, if you're lucky enough to be permitted into the coiled peaks, her domain, maybe if you're Extra lucky, you might just hear the sound of her singing in the early morning hours carried on the wind, an ancient lullaby/poem that her followers used to sing once upon a time.
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jadelotusflower · 4 years
Writer Tag Game
tagged by @findswoman - thanks!
Author name: jadelotusflower here and AO3, lotusflower85 on ff.net
Fandoms you write for: Star Wars, Robin Hood BBC, Merlin BBC, Stargate SG-1
Where you post: All current works are on AO3 (still need to archive some old fic there) - I post one shots or links with chapter updates here, and there is some stuff on ff.net (mostly multichapters). I prefer people read my work on AO3 since that has imo the best reading format, and I’ve also gone back and edited some works there while ff.net has the old versions.
Most popular one-shot: Based on kudos on AO3 - 3 a.m. 
Favourite story you wrote: It’s very hard to choose just one and so I’m not going to, but break it down by fandom. Red Five (Star Wars), A Life Less Ordinary (Robin Hood) and Against the Dying of the Light (Merlin) are my favourite fics - they’re the fics I’m proudest of and I think represent some of my best writing. It’s also no coincidence that they’re all fix it fics and represent my personal headcanon for the various fandoms (although in the case of SW, for thaty particular timeline).
Story you were nervous to post: Red Five, because it was a Luke/OC pairing, because said OC was by design an expy Mara, because it was taking a lot of sequel trilogy elements and running with them when the theories/details were being contradicted very quickly. There was a lot of smut but also a lot of plot (the final word count clocks in at over 200k), there are quite a few dark/serious elements and I really put the characters through the ringer.
How do you choose your titles: Sometimes I get a flash of inspiration for a title when the fic idea hits, but more often than not I look to the more poetic words of others, and search for a poem, literary reference, or quote that matches thematically.
How many of your stories are complete?: On AO3, 36 out of 41.
In progress: On AO3, five. Unposted but at least started or existing in fragments, eight.
Coming Soon: Chapter 10 of Against the Dying of the Light, Chapter 4 of The Lady of the Lake, Chapter 41 of Turn Your Face to the Sun - maybe in that order, maybe not, depending on how inspiration strikes.
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write: Assuming this relates to unposted works, I actually do have a sequel to Red Five that I’ve been working through in my mind that I’m very excited about, but have promised myself that I won’t focus on it until the abovementioned wips are finished.
Do you accept prompts: I would like to, but my wips are overwhelming enough already.
Top five favorite authors: I hate having to rank like this, so I am going to recommend my dear friends who are also amazing writers and everyone should read their stuff:
@thatginchygal @ta-dala @threadsketchier @findswoman
Tagging: The above, and some other amazing authors @jedimordsith  @myevilmouse @atamascolily @celinamarniss @jadedjo @klcthebookworm, and anyone else who would like to do this (please tag me so I can see).
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