#oc tomasz galinski
noblebs · 1 year
Character Inspo Tag
Rules: List your OCs and the characters that inspired them!
tagged by @writernopal! her post here. I'll tag @howlingbreeze @dominimoonbeam and @blackhearteros
this is a very very fun tag but it's also going to reveal some very embarrassing things about both me personally and my creative process, so like. don't judge me lol
the Hell Priest/cenobites, Hellraiser
Taako, The Adventure Zone
The Little Mermaid, the original Anderson version - I realize now that Undine is the more suitable vibe I wanted when I pulled TLM, but I wasn't specifically thinking of it when I was first working on Orion so idk if Undine really counts as inspiration
the Ashgrove crew is a little harder to pin down; the main trio have been rattling around in my head for so long that I genuinely can't remember all or most of the original inspirations. I also absorb new insp from new things all the time so. I tried my best??
Olivia Dunham, Fringe
Dana Scully, The X-Files - but specifically when she adopts a random dog and then that one scene where she's drinking wine in the tub and lying on the phone about working
October Daye, Rosemary and Rue
Grantaire, Les Miserables
Ed Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist
David Powers, The Lost Boys
I don't remember the book, but I remember there was a werecat who was the only thing I liked about it. shout out to that lil guy
cats in general... I've very deliberately modeled a lot of his personality around stereotypical housecat behavior
nagual mythology
Enjolras, Les Miserables
Louis de Pointe du Luc, Interview with the Vampire
strzyg/strigoi mythology
online anarchists (I'm sorry, anarchists, I do love you)
damn I've gotta start talking about more than these four though, huh
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noblebs · 1 year
thank you! 🖤
1- Kris wishes they could be a mechanic and dreams of fixing up an old muscle car 2- Nieve's guilty pleasure is dancing, she loves dancing competition shows 3- Tom is from Poland and named himself after his grandfather
ask for random facts about OCs!
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noblebs · 1 year
👗🌹🎳 for any character you like!
thank you nopal! let's talk about Tom~
👗-Describe their style grungy: lots of plaid and ripped denim. he also likes loose muscle tanks and tends to dress in lots of layers. he doesn't accessorize much, apart from a sizable number of facial piercings
🌹 - Do they have a signature scent? Perfume, shampoo or alike? not really, he's not very picky about the scent of his shampoo or deodorant so he usually just grabs whatever.
🎳 - Do they have hobbies? If yes, what are they? he likes dabbling in lots of media of visual art; his favorite is oil painting. he also spends a lot of his free time doing odd jobs for Francesca, which he probably thinks of as a hobby even though it's really an unending series of random chores
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noblebs · 1 year
Happy STS! I hope you've had a great week 💙
A bit of a fun one this time because I have had a long week. Your OCs get locked in Ikea overnight; what do they do?
omg this is a very cute and whimsical question but I don't know if I'm qualified to give good answers... I have literally been in an Ikea once and it was the worst shopping experience of my life. I hate Ikea so so much lol
that being said!
Nieve (assuming for the purpose of the question she can't just call someone) would bring a comfy chair to the front of the store and just sit calmly next to the doors so she can give the first person to unlock them the chewing out of a lifetime. Kris and Tom would hang out with her for maybe 30 minutes before Kris gets very bored, so they keep each other occupied by breaking shit and, if they could find paints or markers (does Ikea carry those?? don't ask me), graffiti. then have sex on the top of a bunk bed. Nieve refuses to so much as enter a store with the two of them ever again.
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noblebs · 1 year
1, 5, and 10 with any and all characters you want to answer for :)
hell yeah, thank you!!! I'm going to do both Tom and Nieve from Ashgrove WIP, I haven't been giving either of them nearly enough love lol
1. What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant)
TOMASZ: Almost always craft beer, usually a porter. He's not native to Portland, OR (the nearest big city to Ashgrove), but by god is he a Portlander in spirit
NIEVE: When she's drinking socially/out with a friend, she'll usually opt for martinis, but if she's out drinking alone (more common) she's not going to be coy about it: she goes straight for vodka shots
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some emotional backstory in.)
TOMASZ: The emotional aftermath of protesting or other social action always hits him hardest about a day later. He went out with a group after dark for an organized protest, things escalated. There was no tear gas this time but people started getting arrested. He ran like hell, and the guilt of doing so instead of standing by his comrades still eats away at him. He stayed inside and cried for most of the next day, scared of what could have happened to him and scared of having not let it happen at the same time.
NIEVE: She puts on a cold, stoic persona around basically everyone. But secretly, very secretly, this may be her biggest and most shameful secret... she cries easily over emotional movies. I think the last time for her was probably Big Eden (just because that movie makes ME cry every time). It's been a long time since she's had a romantic connection with someone and, by and large, she's genuinely fine with that; she finds personal fulfillment in other ways. But in those moments she feels the longing for intimacy and vulnerability.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
TOMASZ: Spare change for the bus, exactly two keys (not on a single keyring), phone, ID and debit card (that's right, no wallet), and a pen or pencil--most of these he'll leave in his sweatshirt or coat pockets so he doesn't have to remember to pick them up as he's leaving his apartment. It's not that he believes in travelling light so much as he's just disorganized as all hell
NIEVE: Only the absolute essentials go in her pockets: wallet, keyring, phone, sometimes pepper spray. But she does keep a symbol of her goddess Brigit, which is a family heirloom, hanging from the rearview mirror in her '93 Ford Taurus, which also usually contains a spare gallon jug of water, a first aid kit, a multi-tool, a camera with a big zoom lens, and a police scanner.
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noblebs · 1 year
thank you!
67%. What's the worst injury they've ever gotten?
ohoho this is such a fun question, I had to resist the urge to answer for everyone lol. Kris gets his in the course of the WIP so I won't spoil that :)
Tom was killed via a gunshot wound to the lung and suffocated. but he woke up a few days later perfectly fine, just a little thirsty for blood, so no big deal right?
ask about my OCs with your battery percentage!
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noblebs · 1 year
he/him - 27 - vampire - tattoo artist
Tumblr media
“Oh, damn,” Tom says with a chuckle beneath his words, “I used to do this kind of thing all the time back in Portland.” He lifts one of the cans of spray paint out of the bag and reads the label. Puffed up with pride in his own ingenuity, Kris reaches up into the bag and fishes out the bottle of cheap whiskey that’s fallen to the bottom. “Tonight will just be practice. Next time we’ll tag city hall or something.” Tom laughs and fits one of the respirator masks over his nose and mouth. “Been a while since I got to use paint. Or done any art that wasn’t for work.” The spray can in Tom’s hand clatters as he shakes it while surverying the canvas of a wall before them. Kris hums, taking a swig directly from the bottle. It scrapes his nostrils and throat alike on the way down in a satisfying burn. Tom marks a large black circle in one long spray. “I didn’t know you lived in Portland. Why the hell did you come out here?” Tom doesn’t answer immediately, paint hissing as he outlines an outstretched fist. “A lot of reasons. It got bad for vampires for a while, back in the ‘70s, and I just needed some distance. I was still trying to make it with traditional art back then, so I guess I thought the remoteness would be…I don’t know, inspiring or something.” His muffled laugh beneath the mask is a gentle rumble. “You don’t seem like you’re from around here, either.”
Tom's tag Ashgrove
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