#oc: Adalaid Calderon
moireii · 3 months
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I've taken a long break from posting my art on line so I could focus on getting my art to somewhere that I'm happy with it. I've returned with dnd characters.
Thea - Cat Shifter Barbarian (Wild Magic) - A street urchin who stole some equipment from a random mercenary a few days prior to meeting the party. Has taken to adventuring very well. She's illiterate and afraid of magic, which is a problem considering her latent sorcery she's only just discovered. She has a rat companion named Gerard, though he's not exactly reliable.
Lorelei - Paladin (devotion) - A Normal Human Paladin™️ who just turned up and offered her services to a party heading to Barovia. Lorelei is almost definitely not her real name, and she's a little too good at talking around her oath of honesty. The party has more or less accepted that they're working with a very shady paladin, mostly because getting Lorelei to answer too many questions about herself is a battle in itself. May or may not be in a death cult.
Adalaid - Spring Eladrin Alchemist- the newest character who's campaign hasn't started yet. She's from the same homebrew world as Thea, though separated by a continent, 50 years, and the fact that Ada's campaign is a villain campaign. A reclusive and ethically dubious alchemist who specializes in poisons and artificial life. She was exiled from her home city in the faewilds due to the nature of her experiments. Her homunculus is named Cephas and the flowers growing in her hair are Oleander.
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