#oc: Elapis
ceruleanthiing · 2 months
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The lineup 💪 (about half my Ninjago ocs, as of dragons rising) from left to right, Two-Worlds (she/her), Chloe (she/her), Alcyo (he/him), and Elapis (he/they).
a lil more abt them vv
Two-Worlds is a hent (speculative etymological ninjagan term for amphicyonids, aka bear-dogs… google em, they’re pretty cool and not extinct in the Ninjago universe in my mind palace/hc zone) hailing from my friend’s fan-realm called Creatura. She’s not actually supposed to be in a humanoid form, it was artificially induced via magic. Her true form is much larger and much more quadrupedal like other creaturans (who just look like oversized, strangely colored but otherwise normal animals). She prefers this form though because she was raised in Ninjago around exclusively humans and got some body dysmorphia out of it… and as for why she’s a cowboy, it’s because she felt like it. She’s been wandering the merged lands searching for her scattered friends and family.
Chloe is a Fangpyre serpentine, and she looks pretty lizard-y because for some reason Fangpyre are more monitor lizard-ish than snake-ish in my head. She’s got special interests in pop culture and history, particularly human pop culture and ways in which human and serpentine history interact. Girlie is like a walking archive. Since the merge she’s been wanting to digitize and transcribe what remains of non-digitized archives and libraries, as the merge has made her all the more aware of how often natural disasters can destroy physical/recorded history. She’s pretty thrilled that Lloyd’s letting her digitize/transcribe scrolls in the monastery.
Alcyo is a master of an element i Made The Fuck Up for fun: mist. It’s a running gag that ppl (including him way back when) hear there’s elements of smoke and mist and go “…what’s the difference?” lmao. He’s no fighter, but still wanted help/training to use his element, and that’s how he knew Ash. He’s a geosciences guy like me and has been freaking out over . Well. Everything (lol he inspired that post) since the merge. He’s been getting together with ppl like him from across the merged realms (that is, geosci, eco, etc ppl who are as alarmed as he is) in order to document all the shit going on with the planet now as well as try to plan remediation efforts. I imagine governments have been a bit hesitant to work with a rogue group of jittery sleep deprived scientists but they (Alcyo’s ppl) try. I imagine they are the ones making the new maps and shit like that as well. He just wants to go back to his old day jobs and see Ash again. Sorry buddy, you can only have one of those back lmao
Elapis is a hypnobrai who’s been friends with Chloe since childhood. They’re significantly more jaded and pessimistic than she is but they’ve always appreciated her encouragement to pursue music. He probably knows how to play quite a few instruments but he’s usually That Asshole With A Guitar in my brain lmao. He likes learning about other peoples as much as Chloe does though (albeit through music scenes rather than reading) which is why the two became friends. He doesn’t know where she’s gone since the merge and hopes he can see her again one day. He’s found her siblings but not her, and it’s been pretty frustrating. Other than that, they’ve passed the time by jamming with all sorts of people at the Crossroads. Arin and Sora might have seen them around, performing.
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