#oc: Kekkai Renge
bravelittleflower · 5 years
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Oc halloween challenge
Game of thrones house
Siblings Kekkai Renge and Kekkai Seoul. The house Kekkai knew no mercy. Not since the only ones that remained alive are the two siblings. Both of them on the different side of the earth and with no memory of each other but both of them fighting to win the game of thrones
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
What is your current muse(s)’s biggest fear? How would they cope when faced with it? - from, Foxesandmagic
Renge: having knowledge from the future her biggest is her presence changing things that aren't suppoused to be changed. She didn't know that Sabo was supposed to have his accident so she taught it was her fault that he died. She didn't cope well with it. She stopped eating and sleeping and just thought about "what ifs".
Lucy Darling: her biggest fear is her not having a happy ending. She would still pretend she is fine but home alone she would cry herslef to sleep.
Anastasia 'Tia' McAllister: her powers getting out of control. She will end up locked in her room nit letting anyone in.
Elias McAllister[Tia's brother]: Killing someone he loves. Probably a lot like Tia he would close himself and push people away.
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
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Dreams never End - read here
Was I supposed to be born in this world? No Am I going to make sure that nothing changes due to my presence? Also no Am I going to make sure that Monkey D. Garp is not gonna kill us with his training and that I'm gonna live a life with no regrets? Hell yes!
@foxesandmagic @randomestfandoms-ocs
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
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Dreams never End - Characters-
- meaning Lotus Flower
-new beginnings-
growing from the mud and blooming towards the sky a lotus symbolizes purity, spiritual awakening, revival and fortune
read here
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
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Yay update! @treavellergirl
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
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Dreams Never End
My One Piece Characters inspired by @foxesandmagic edit
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
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I made this with Rinmarugames.com
From my One Piece fanfiction Dreams never End
read here
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
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Tagged by @foxesandmagic Once again my One Piece story. POV Renge
The Fuushia Villiage was quiet. Peaceful. With no signs of troubles. Many people would think that it would be because of the departure of the pirates.(it wasn't) or because the bandits also weren't making any surprise appearances at Makino's bar(it really wasn't) or because Garp showed up(there you go!).
Garp showed up and what sane pirate or bandit would attack a vice-admiral? No one.
When I heard that Garp was coming back, I tried to hide from him at the orphange in Sonya's room ( not like it worked , damn Haki!and I would take Luffy with me but he can't keep quiet and when it comes to Garp is pretty much every man for themselves) But I was even more terrified when Garp hadn't show up to drag me and train. I was confused. Where was Garp and his torturous training?
"He left," answered Makino when I told her my concerns.
I'm tagging anyone who wants to do this because I don't know who hasn't done it already
[ @foxesandmagic ]
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
One Piece - Dreams never End
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
‘Is this really a good idea?’ – for Renge and whoever you think fits best, please - from, Foxesandmagic
Renge sighed. She did know that having the Rebels team up with the Revoutionaries was a bad thing.Especially for the marines.Something that she was but she just didn’t imagine how bad it was. 
Because if she would have she probably wouldn’t have ended up chained to a stool and waiting to get to spill answers.
“Come on we’re gonna make the marine bitch talk.” 
Renge glared at him.
“Is this a good idea?”asked his partner not as confident “ Sabo said to wait for him for questioning her.”
“Whats there to wait for? We have the Cavalry! The Cavalry! How much time do you think we have until she makes a plan to escape?!”
Renge ignored their fight. Ignored the mention of Sabo.Ignored everything around her in order to focus on the ropes around her wrists.
“Aha!” exclaimed Renge happily as she felt the ropes loose. But the little sound from her made the revolutionaries look at her again.
“If I knew that you are happy about getting tortured, we would have started ages ago, you know?” 
She tried not to shudder as the guy traced her cheek with the cold blade of his knife, she really did but the motion, the evil grin, reminded her to much of one of Porchemy’s lackey. She ignored the memory and put on a smile.
“Oh, thats not why I was happy.”
“I was happy because my ropes are finally loose which means I can kick your ass and free myself.” 
And she pounched him in the face.
 The second guy was surprised but not surprised enough to not get in action.
He got out his wooden staff and tried to hit her with it which thanks to haki she managed to dodge it. There was only one time he managed to hit because she felt a sudden wave of nausea but she quickly ignored. 
When he tried to attack her with the staff again, she managed to catch it. To catch it and bring the guy by surprise,She pulled him closer to her and promptly knocked him out.
She was breathing heavily. Renge was tired.And she was too tired to be from the fight so, she concluded that it must be some drugs.Of course she doesn’t have time to think about it .There won’t be long until someone realises that she escpaed.She doesn’t get the luxury to waste time.
The only time she wasted was to catch her breath and to get a strand of hair out of her face.These drugs that they gave her, made her more tired than she normally would be.Normally, she could ave finished these guys faster and they wouldn’t even get a chace to get her
She hurried to the door.She was happy that there was only one key on the ring, she didn’t have time to play guess the key.
She almost squeled in happines that she was almost free from this stupid, cold, small cell only to be met face to face with the chief of staff.
Renge still couldn’t believe that this was Sabo.The same Sabo who she spent most of her childhood with.Sabo, the only not crazy out of the three boys. Sabo, whose was shot by a celestial dragon in front of her.Sabo, who she mourned for months.That Sabo!
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YAY! Finally managed to write this prompt! So sorry it took me so long. Also I HATE fight scenes!! I’m sorry it took me so long but please keep sending me prompts I love them :)
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
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Kekkai Renge
Dreams Never End
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
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Tagged by  @purple-and-red-ribbons
Again my One Piece fanfiction Dreams never end
Kazumi was the kind of girl who names giant, murderous Sea Serpents that would-not-hestitate-to-rip-you-apart as Hebi-kun.
tagging @megdonnellys @sgtbuckyybarnes @alkhale @ceruleanmusings
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bravelittleflower · 5 years
Who would you say are your top five favourites of your OCs?
~ 1. Margaret Dursley simply because she is my very first OC and I worked hard on her
~2.Daphne Briars - she is that kind of character does what she wants despite the fact that you are the author
3.Kekkai Renge  - she is one of my newest OC but I love her
4. Callum Montgomery he’s a cinnamon roll
5.Suzume Yahto 
I have a lot more characters so it’s a very hard to say whoch ones are my favourites.For me getting asked who’s my favourite oc is like asking a mother who is her favourite child
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