#oc: Saul
oddlyautumnal · 7 months
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[ ID: A set of digital drawings of two stylized characters named Tim and Saul in differing outfits. Tim is a thin white man with heterochromia and light brown hair. He has a thin mustache and a mole on his right cheek. He has a worried and awkward expression on his face. His design’s overall shape is rectangular, most prominently seen in his torso and head. Saul is a fat man with brown skin who is significantly shorter than Tim. His overall body shape is an upside-down U. He has black hair, a big nose, and a bushy mustache. He has a friendly expression on his face.
In the first drawing, Tim is wearing a pale yellow collared shirt with a square tie and suspenders that are light blue. He has brown plaid knickerbocker pants, knee-high light blue socks, and oxford shoes that are brown and cream. Saul is wearing a white collared shirt with a wide tie and suspenders that are red. He has dark grey dress pants with thick pinstripes and black dress shoes.
In the second drawing, Tim is wearing a newsboy cap and coat. They both match the plaid of his pants, though the cap is a paler shade of brown. Saul is wearing a large, dark green trenchcoat with red elbow patches. He is also wearing a newsboy cap, which is plaid and the same dark grey as his pants. /End ID ]
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trucbiduleschouettes · 11 months
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On the list of NPCs I miss: Saul and their adopted daughter, Cavale
Saul being a halfling (draconic sorcerer) , Cavale is already growing taller than him and she'll probably end up twice their height or something once she stops growing-
[Do not use/repost]
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comichindrance · 8 months
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fuck it im gonna just keep posting sketch dumps here. here's hector (feat saul and lydia who i borrowed from judeau)
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arwenkenobi48 · 2 years
Blood Moon Sky: A Work In Progress
My gothic novel-inspired project starring Amsel and my self insert, who I’ve decided to name Vincent (even though he’s basically me). I’ve been working on this project quite a lot as of late and here’s what I have so far.
(Trigger warning: brief mentions of intergenerational trauma, dysfunctional family relationships and death in childbirth)
The novel is divided up into four parts, titled Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue.
The “Something Old” section is more like a prologue to the main narrative, as its entire purpose is to set up the lore of this fictional world, explain how vampires work and explore the lineage of the Bloodmoon family. This section also provides Amsel’s backstory, how he’s regarded as a harbinger of doom by his kin due to a prophecy stating that “the end will come” when he, the seventh son of a seventh son, is born and his subsequent exile from nearly all of his kin except for Micah, one of his brothers.
The “Something New” segment switches to Vincent’s point of view as he’s backpacking across Germany in search of the perfect material for his novel. As he travels into increasingly remote territory, he begins to hear rumours of vampires from the locals, who urge him to turn back while he still can, but he loses his bearings while in an allegedly haunted forest and encounters a pack of Strigoi, the evolutionary cousins of vampires, who are basically like bloodthirsty bat/ape monsters (think the Crawlers from The Descent).
While running for his life, Vincent hears a voice guiding him to the safety of a castle, the sight of which frightens the strigoi away. When he enters the castle, Vincent discovers the owner of the mysterious voice: Amsel. Vincent is fascinated by his rescuer, wondering how he was able to communicate telepathically. Amsel offers to let the author stay for a while until he’s ready to return to civilisation. The two become friends and this becomes a romantic relationship.
“Something Borrowed” takes things up a notch, as we see these two at their most vulnerable, not just physically, but emotionally, too. Vincent opens up about the prejudice he has faced due to being transgender. Amsel also reveals that he is a dhampir, as well as another reason why his father and most of his brothers despise him; they blame him for his mother dying in childbirth, which they take a sign of the aforementioned prophecy due to vampires being pretty much immortal. He also doesn’t understand why he’s half human, unlike his brothers.
Throughout these chapters, a lot of time passes, as Vincent and Amsel grow closer and more intimate (Vincent pretty much moves in with him). They develop a soft BDSM dynamic in which Vincent learns to trust someone else and Amsel learns to trust himself. Towards the end of this segment, Amsel plans to propose, but Vincent has to abruptly leave and return to civilisation (the reason why is still very much a work in progress). Shortly after he leaves, Amsel basically spends each night yearning for his return. When he hears a knock at the door, he rushes to see if Vincent is back, only to be greeted by none other than Micah! *cue dramatic music*
The final segment, “Something Blue”, begins with Micah, who is an accomplished scholar in vampiric history, revealing a discovery he made to Amsel after tracing their family history. It turns out that their mother wasn’t a vampire, but was actually a dhampir as well (albeit only due to distant human ancestry, but a dhampir nonetheless), which not only made her mortal (although still immortal in a biological sense) but explains why she passed away after Amsel was born.
With this revelation, along with several others, the prophecy is recontextualised: the ominous statement “The end will come”, doesn’t mean the end of the lineage, but instead the end of a curse that plagued that bloodline; the cycle of abuse. As Amsel is trying to process all of this, a currently unspecified event reveals that Saul, Amsel’s oldest brother, has captured Vincent and his holding him hostage.
Here’s where the plot gets a little fuzzy, as I haven’t fleshed it out that much yet, but in essence, Amsel and Micah come to the rescue, narrowly avoiding a sticky end at the claws of the strigoi, where Amsel finally stands up to Saul and the rest of his family, calling them out for the torment they inflicted on him as a child, how Matthias (Amsel’s father) and Saul let their grief and prejudice blind them and how they perpetuated the Bloodmoon Curse.
Most of them begin to rethink their actions, helped by Micah’s revelation of the prophecy’s true meaning, but Saul instead doubles down on his malicious mindset, revealing that he drank some of Vincent’s blood, thus initiating the painful process of transforming into a vampire. Vincent tries to escape despite his weakness, Amsel and Micah protect him and a fast-paced chase scene ensues as Saul telepathically commands the wild Strigoi to attack the heroes.
Specific events and their chronological order are currently a little unclear, but essentially, the chase takes them outside into the sunlight, which turns the Strigoi to stone, Saul is defeated (haven’t decided whether or not to let him live yet) and Vincent’s transformation seems imminent. He and Amsel have a heart to heart as they hide from the setting sun, swearing that they’ll love each other no matter what. Amsel proposes to Vincent, who accepts. They mention the phrase “till death do us part”, to which Vincent replies that they’re probably past that point. He becomes weaker as the transformation begins to play out and he and Amsel kiss.
After the sun sets, however, a blue moon rises and its enchanted light (angelic beings called Moonfolk play a part in this story too) heals Vincent and transforms him back into a human. The curse is lifted and Amsel and Vincent prepare to get married, with Micah giving them his blessing (no pun intended). The fate of the rest of the Bloodmoon family is left ambiguous, but ends on the hopeful note that the next generation, Amsel’s nephews and nieces, will break the cycle and pave the way for a more stable future.
The final chapter focuses on Amsel visiting his mother’s grave, telling her that the curse is broken and that he and Vincent are about to be married. He tells her he loves her and bids her farewell, placing a white rose on her grave, before flying off to his castle, where Vincent - his future husband - is waiting for him.
Ofc there’s other details and snippets of lore that I haven’t mentioned in this summary but that’s more or less what the plot entails and I’m very happy with how it’s turned out. Still needs to have a few plot points smoothed out and some expansion on the characters, but I think it’s not too bad at all, if I do say so myself. I’ll be working on it more in the coming months.
Also there’s a footnote revealing that Vincent and Amsel co-wrote the entire novel. Just thought it’d be a neat detail.
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bettercallroasty · 12 days
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Damn I made a meme
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sunflawyer · 26 days
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"I love my wife!"
JIMMY "MY WIFE IS MY LIFE" MCGILL 🧡😭 He loves Abby more than anything in the world and will shout it out from the rooftop!! He's not afraid to show just how big his love to Abby is 🧡🧡🌻
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a little taglist ehehe o⁠(⁠(⁠*⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠*⁠)⁠)⁠o thank uuu!!
@eternally-smitten @caelums-fate @wisp-herr @gideongrovel @glory-steadygo @goldenshrine @dmclr @qilinkisser @pippin-squeaks @xxmellochii @literally-just-there @tyrianludaship @pinkdinkydoon @gogolsbf @gandalfyaoi @meowkid1000 @jayyships @moon-roam @fae-koon @frozenhi-chews @idsmiile @bizarrescribblez @aprillilypegasi @fluffyselfships @kylars-princess @radagastyaoi @carnival-of-love @retrojem @m0uschi @knightfallships @kurolumiis @dreamwinged @espresso-ships @kendallroysmethpipe @dudefrommywesterns @heatobrienswife @bobmckenzie @stoneshipper @mutareadastra @hypocriticaltypwriter @frankenbridez @charkittykelly @atarifront @puffpal7 @dalvs-wife @bunbunsheart @bioexorcizm @miahearts @plutoselfships @sillyyygoodman
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mrrwsoup · 10 months
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crime circus
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hombrediablo · 1 month
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It’s my birthday! 5/17 🎉
Ty all for being here and supporting Rivastraut!
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“His large, rough hands adorned with rings, tenderly kissing the strings.”
*this is my very first gnr/slash fic. I’m not proofreading it either it’s just something for the depraved slash girlies*
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✰slash!xfem!/age!gap/praise kink/daddy issues/extreme!smut/NSFW ✰
Did not narrow down slashes age here. Anywhere from 40-current age- left up to reader
Because of your "fading talent", your dad thought it would be best to force you into guitar lessons. He told you if you took lessons seriously, that he wouldn't make you get a job. Guitar was your job.
You never resented guitar playing. It was your first love. You knew you were good at it. You could lose yourself in playing and the world would disappear. And you didn't want to disappoint your dad. You constantly felt like you weren't meeting his expectations of being some sort of renowned guitar player. But you knew nothing else and felt good at nothing else but guitar. It felt like you're only option as a career path.
Your dad worked in the music industry for over 20 years. He saw the success that could come from being a musician. He had connections and everyone knew him and he knew everyone. You remember tagging along in and out sporadically throughout growing up. It was just the two of you. You had met cool bands and musicians and other famous figure heads. While it was "cool", you also didn't care much as it had monopolized your childhood. Long nights, early flights, the rush of recording studios, backstages, waiting around on your dad in meetings. Probably sometimes being in places not meant for a kid. You became indifferent and tired.
But now you were older and the expectations of you were even more elevated. Your dad wanted more from you. You weren't sure if it was for profit or fame anymore for him. He never seemed quite satisfied and never gave any sort of clear affirmation.
You hopped out of the blacked out suburban with your equipment. Your dad closing the door behind you. You stepped into the cold night air. A shiver ran up your exposed legs under your skirt. Although a brisk walk from the parking garage to the recording studio, you wished you had dressed a little warmer. But dressing like a rockstar wasn't for wimps! You liked to model your style after female rockstars you had met growing up but always ended up just looking like some little groupie.
The recording studio was more or less an old penthouse with a recording area built in one of the rooms. It was nice but had this eerie grungy appearance that made it seem like it could have been a trap house in the 80s. While you tried your best to fit the role, you looked like you didn't belong there. Even your dad looked cooler than you. Suddenly you started to feel insecure. As you walked down the dark hallway inside, music became louder as the smell of cigarettes did too. A hazy light shone through a cracked door at the end of the hallway. Was this a guitar lesson or a concert? Your dad pushed through the door and you followed tucked behind him timidly. Immediately old friends of your dads excitedly gave him greetings and hugs complete with hearty slaps on the backs. You stood there nervously clutching your guitar. "You guys remember my daughter, Y/N!" Your dad announced you, stepping back to reveal you hidden behind him. Your cover suddenly exposed. "Well I'll be damned! If it isn't Y/N!" They all exclaimed happily. A scruffy man with blond hair embraced you fatherly and gave you a small gentle noogie on your head. "Man look at this kid! Haven't seen you since you were what, 12! Look at you all grown up now!" He said simultaneously exchanging his eyes from you to your dad. You grinned sheepishly embarrassed at the attention in the room on you. Guns n Roses. Man they were so fucking cool. You'd met them a few times growing up when your dad worked with them off and on. This part of his job was pretty cool. It was more like family friends than the world famous rock legends. Except when you were younger, the barrier between you and them was bigger. Your dad shielding you from the crazy drunken scraps, sessions and other rockstar mischief. You'd meet and then your dad would leave you with his assistant in another office or the tour bus while he fucked around with the guys elsewhere. But now you were an adult like them! You finally got to be on the inside. In the ring with the rockstars. This made you even more intimidated. 'Am I getting lessons from rockstars?' You panicked to yourself. Suddenly completely doubting your skill at all. They can't see you play! They'll laugh for sure. There's no way.
The music playing on the speaker suddenly changed to a softer tempo, "She Rides" by Danzig started playing. The slow intro intertwined with the dark atmosphere of the studio. Dark purple velvet curtains limply hung from the ceilings, old trunks full of excess junk and costume attire, records plastered the walls, the only light in the room glowing from dim warm lamps throughout the room. It felt safe and comfortable in here, like an old theatre. Cigarette smoke danced through the warm glow of the lamps.
The feeling of eyes on you started burning the back of your head. Someone was watching you. You turned your head to the left corner of the studio. A broad shoulder man sat open legged on a old couch and became illuminated by the warm glow of the lamp. The smoke trailed from his full lips out from under his dark full curls decorating his tan face. He had remained quiet and out of frame when the greetings went on. You dad shooting the shit with the other men in the room.
It's Slash. Your heart beat a little quicker in your chest. Oh my god of course, how could I forget SLASH! You became suddenly star struck for a brief moment. He was the GOD of guitar. He's so badass and he's so talented and he's....staring..at me? Your thoughts left your head. You felt his gaze on you like you were being hunted. Like his prey? You tried to examine him back, thinking you were being inconspicuous. His luscious curls sat atop his large broad frame, shirt slightly tight across his massive chest. His legs spread open as he relaxed into the couch like a lazy king on a throne. A cigarette pursed between his soft lips as he strummed a guitar. He kept his eyes on you, strumming without even looking. His large, rough hands adorned with rings, tenderly kissing the strings.
"Your new guitar teacher!"
You snapped into reality. "What?" You responded sounding a little more eager than you wanted to but so in disbelief. " Slash was kind enough to lend his time to you. You remember him right?" Your dad said flippantly. He walked over to the couch, harshly scooting you along with him. No fucking chance. You tried to lock back in and play it cool. Slash lifted his guitar off his lap and set it aside. He leaned forward on the couch to greet you. His gaze on you now more apparent and obvious. He scanned you up and down. "Well look who's all grown up." He said in a teasing but serious manner. He half smirked at you. You weren't sure how he intended that to come across but the way it landed made your stomach flutter and your cheeks flush. "I've been told you're quite the player these days" He said, still scanning you. Was everyone else in the room so oblivious to the electricity unfurling? Or was it just you? Was his blatant hungry gaze all in your head because you wanted it to be real? Because you wanted slash to think you were pretty? Because you thought he was attractive? No. It was real. His primal gaze on your body was definitely real. How was everyone else missing this? The energy in the room? Did your dad not realize the borderline dangerous fixation that slash's eyes cast on you? You snapped back again, remembering why you were there.
What you yourself were oblivious to was the fact that his eyes had locked onto you the second you entered the room. Not recognizing the delicate girl who looked like a brand new doll getting thrown into a junkyard. She stuck out like an Angel to him. Her soft and bright features contrasted the worn out room. She looked pretty but young. How young? Who was this girl? This wasn't Y/N was it? His friends daughter he had agreed to tutor although half drunk at the time of his agreement. It couldn't be her, this girl here now was grown up and filled out. He couldn't help but pour his eyes over her entire body. Her soft and smooth legs, her thighs tucked under a little black leather skirt that hugged her hips so perfectly. A nice little ass under there too. God she was perfect. His pants grew a little tighter. He couldn't stop looking at her. She's like a timid little bunny, he thought to himself. Too timid. Too young. Need to check yourself, he snapped back into reality as she walked over to the couch. It was Y/N. Wow- She had to have been 19 or 20 by now if he remembered right. Still, what would a bright young girl like herself want with a old man like him? He steadied himself. Remember why she's here. She's not your next meal. Yet.
It was nearly midnight at the studio. But to everyone in the music industry it might as well have been 5'o clock in the afternoon. The night just getting started to most. After and hour or two of your dad catching up with the guys and some other musicians, the penthouse became filled with people. This was one of your average studio parties it seemed. Not so much a lesson. You did wonder why the lesson was so late at night in the first place. Now it was apparent that your dad had wanted to party with the crews and the lesson was a back burner idea. You were not really a partier. In fact not at all. As the party began to rage louder and heavier, the more you stuck out like a sore thumb. You felt silly and out of place. Surrounded by drunk messy adults, heavy metal blaring through the sound system. Everyone had filtered out of the studio and you sat on the couch once occupied by Slash earlier in the night. His peppery, musky cologne lingered on the couch, it smelled so good. He smelled so good. You couldn't stop seeing the image of his face in your mind. The depraved, hungry stare he had locked onto you earlier. It simultaneously struck butterflies and fear into your body. Your dad had disappeared into the party and it honestly gave you relief that he wasn't there to hover over you, casting shadows of his disappointment in you through every undertone of every word he spoke. Technically though, that did mean you could practice without anyone's judgement.
You began unpacking your guitar on the floor, checking the strings, your picks, your sheet music. You put your headphones on and turned on none other than Guns N' Roses. Trying to drown out the heavy metal playing in the other rooms. You hummed to yourself while you fiddled with your things.
Moments later, the door opened slowly and slash entered. He was alone, holding a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He immediately saw you over the corner by his favorite spot. He quietly shut the door behind him and made his way to the couch. Seeing you oblivious to his gaze, he quietly studied you from the couch. His thoughts once again snaking their way through impure desires. The way your reddened knees held you on the floor. A small glimpse of cotton panties poking out from under your skirt. Your thighs curving across your calves like a puzzle piece. He watched the way your delicate small hands tried to handle the far too oversized guitar laid across your lap. Fuck she's so cute he thought. He could hear the GNR song "Think about you" playing from your headphones. Unaware you weren't alone, you softly chirped out a few lyrics to yourself as you hummed.
"I think about youuuu, deep inside, I love you best."
He let out a breathy chuckle
"I think about youuuu, you know you're the one I want..."
He could watch you in your own world forever like this. Your sweetness enveloped the room. A breath of fresh air he had been craving for so long. It made his heart pound in his chest. He licked his lips. Studying his student. The adoration danced with a dark and perverse stream of wishes. To get closer to you. To feel your warmth and inhale your sweet scent. To touch you. Your soft and delicate skin. To have you. He had to have you. He left the couch and stood behind you. The light from one of the lamps now being shaded threw you out of your little world and you slowly turned around in confusion.
"Oh my god!" You yipped out in a fast spool of fear, embarrassment and shock. You twirled back to him on your knees. His tall dark body towered over you like a monolith. He smirked big. Looked down at you on your knees in front of him sent aches down his chest and into his abdomen. It drove him crazy. It was exactly where he wanted you if it were up to him. Your innocent eyes peering up to him. Your fear almost adding a little bit of extra sweetness to him. You looked so cute to him when you were scared. You quickly took off your headphones. "Didn't mean to scare you doll face." He chuckled maliciously. You hesitated to believe that was true.
Suddenly Slash broke the thin barrier of space that had been aching to be ripped apart between the two of you. His large strong hands wrapped around your small wrists and he yanked you on your feet. At full stature you still only met his sternum in height, still peering up at him. The warmth of his strong hands touching your skin shocked you in the best way. Deep swirls pooling inside you. His scent now strong in your presence. You were so close to him. Almost body to body. Your doe eyes glittered up at him. He let out a slight huff as his serpent stare connected with you once again. Like a hungry animal. "This perfect body. I need to ruin her pretty cunt. Fuck me..." he thought. He glanced down at your chest concealed in your tight shirt and then back to your face, know you saw him do it too. He wanted you to see. A slight curl of his lips as he did it. His big hands still wrapped around your dainty wrists. You slightly try to pull them away as to relieve him of his duty to help you up but his grasp tightens and his lips curl. "You've grown up little bunny" he broke the thick silence in his scratchy and deep voice. Giving one more soul stealing stare and he let you go before you could reply. He sat on the couch, resuming his king like pose. He took a drag from his cigarette and sucked the smoke into his nose. Staring at you as he slowly let the smoke trickle out of his lips and nose. God did he know what he was doing? Fuck he was so hot you thought. You wanted to just climb on top of him and steal the smoke right out from his mouth. "So I've been told" you sneer back. "And you're sassy now too? Tsk tsk" he clicked jokingly. "So.." you ignore his quip. "When do I get this lesson of yours?" You ask earnestly. His eyebrow raises. Was that a serious question? He thought. The innocent and curious nature of your voice. He tried to ignore his pants becoming more uncomfortably tight again. He placed a guitar over his lap and strummed to hide anything. "I have a couple things I could teach you little bunny."
You wondered if his statement was two folded or if you were just imagining things. The conversation could have easily been interpreted as normal to an unsuspecting person. So your reply you camouflage in case his intention isn't what you thought. "I want to learn so many things. I'll be the best student. I promise" you say sweetly. That drives him crazy. This girl knows what she's doing doesn't she? He thought. He thinks on a reply before saying anything. Combing his mind to think what the next move is here. Calculating.
Everything else falls away and you deem it in this moment to finally have something YOU want for a change. No more expectations. If it fails it fails but it's not like you lose anything. It's not like anyone cares, let alone this massive superstar in front of you who can have anyone he wants.
Your need for his touch makes you brave and you trace your fingers over his as he plays. He doesn't stop at this though but glances at you. "I can be a real good student, Slash." You coo to him in exactly the right tone to drive him crazy. This now stops him. Hearing his name escape your perfect lips. He needs to have you. All to himself. As soon as possible. He traces his ring decorated fingers over yours on the neck of the guitar. You hover your face at the head of it. His fingers slowly snake up the neck. He takes a final pause before connecting with your skin once again. His thumb grazes your bottom lip. Goosebumps explode across your arms. The tip of his thumb dips into your mouth, he rests it atop your tongue. "Sweet girl" he whispers gravelly. He doesn't know your slit is wet with eagerness just as you don't know his cock is throbbing with excitement. He removes his thumb slowly from your mouth and grips your jaw with his robust hand. He pulls your face forward to him. "Do you want to be a good girl for me Y/N?" His hand tightly gripping your face. You ignited something inside him. You awoke something so primitive. He set his guitar aside and you quickly took its place on his lap. Your light warm weight resting on his crotch. You felt his bulge already at full extent. It felt good against your panties. You give it a slight grind as you secure yourself on top of his lap. He lets out a low sharp groan and gently throws his head back, leaving his thick neck open for the taking. You start peppering small kisses up his neck. His warm silver scruff brushes against your lips as his jaw clenches. You meet his ear.
"I want to be your good girl Slash." You whisper in his neck. You felt him throb underneath your wet panties.
He needs to fuck you. You were like a precious gem to be scrounged after. He wanted all of you. He needed to make you his. To own you entirely.
Climbing him like a jungle gym. He pulls you back with your hair in his fist. He grips your face again tighter this time and makes you look at him.
"Are you sure you want this?" He asks.
"Please" You cry.
You lock the door The air seems to leave the room. Is this really happening? What's happening? Does he just want to fool around? To kiss me? To fuck me? God I need him to fuck me. Your thoughts raced at the reality before you.
Suddenly his hands snake around your waist. His warmth flush against your back. You let out a small gasp of surprise and pleasure. His large hand grips your entire neck tilting it to the side. He sprinkles gentle kisses down your neck and you let out a sigh of pleasure. "I'm going to ruin you Y/N. You know that?" He cooed. "I'm going to make that pretty cunt of yours mine." He taunted. You let out a whimper.
I want to ravish her but at the same time I feel like I could break her in half at a single touch. He thought.
Fuck it. I need to have her."
You become blind with pleasure and melt into his arms. Still gripping your neck. He walks you both backward and falls back on the couch, towing you onto his lap. Still behind you, he fists your hair in his hand and the other travels down to your thighs. You get increasingly needy for more. You grind your ass on his lap. His ringed fingers tease up your inner thigh. "You ready to be a good little bunny for me?" He affirms one more time before letting himself go feral on your body.
"Please Slash"
"Please what baby? Use your words honey"
"Please fuck me. I need you. Please." You whine.
That was all the confirmation he needed. He just wanted to hear you say it again. Hearing you beg for him pushed him over the edge. He grips your hair tightly again. Ensuring your neck is wide open. He is suddenly completely animal. He dives into your neck and collar, this time his kisses are many and messy. He bites your neck. You whimper louder this time and he moans into your neck in reply. "That's its sweet girl. Let me hear that pretty little voice of yours" he pants
His fistful of your hair, guiding your neck open. His other hand slides up your skirt and finds your panties.
"My little bunny is already wet? That's a good girl." He praises into your ear from behind. You arch your hips into his hand. Needing more.
"Needy girl, aren't you?"
His hand moves from your hair to your breast. His large hand completely covering it. He gives it a strong squeeze and then slips it underneath your shirt and bra. You gasp as you feel his rough hand hold you. He loves the way your tits feel. Grinding your ass on his lap he begins rubbing circles on your panties. Right where it feels so good.
"I've wanted to do this since the minute you walked in tonight. In your tight little skirt. It drove me crazy." He whispers with hot breath on your ear. Still working his hands simultaneously on you. He shoves his hand into your panties and starts toying with your soaked cunt.
"So wet for me huh dollface?" He grins feeling his way through your warm folds. He hikes you up higher on himself and enters a finger inside you.
"Oh fuck Slash." You moan.
"Spread those pretty legs for me doll"
"This pretty pussy is mine now, you understand?" He growls in your ear. His hands so muscular and talented, he effortlessly slides in and out of your pussy while making perfect pinches on your nipple simultaneously. The years of guitar playing shining through his fingers. He plays you. His thrusts feel so fucking good inside you. You grind down on his fingers, he holds you tight in his arms like a wild animal trying to squirm. You grind your ass back on his cock, feeling his size through his jeans. He groans. "I need to see that pretty cunt". He exits you and places you on the couch facing outward and he kneels before you. He lays you back and grabs your legs and pulls you forward to his face. He carelessly flips your skirt up and hikes it over your hips, exposing your panties underneath.
"You don't need these anymore" he says. You raise your hips as he slides your panties down and off your legs. The cool air washes over your exposed bottom.
Now bare, he spreads your legs open wide and looks at your pussy as he prepares to dine on it like a wolf with fresh meat. "Such a pretty cunt" he gives it a slap and before you can fully react to the surprise or pain, his face disappears into your legs. His warm tongue glides right into your pussy.
"Oh fuck." You moan softly. You can't think straight. You lace your fingers into his thick curls.
Heavy rock muffles in the background but all you focus in on is the sounds of his lips on yours. He eats you like a savage. He looks up at you through dark eyes and flattens his whole tongue up your pussy in one long stroke.
"You taste so good baby."
You whimper. You need more. He looks at you with hooded dark eyes. He needed more.
He stands up and unbuckles his belt. You sit up on your knees and take over. Your hands stop his own and you look up at him. "Can I do it please?" You almost beg. He takes no time to think on that and allows you to continue. Your eyes line with his tanned happy trail peeking out from under his shirt. You dip your fingers into his waistline and feel a massive warm shaft. The other hand pulling down his waistline. You free his throbbing cock. It glistens along its thick veins. The girth is incredible. You waste no time and lick the pre cum off the tip. That send him into a craze. He tips his head back and groans loudly. "Fuck baby. Be a good girl for me." He commands. You take him in your mouth -or try to. He's so big but you manage to take it all in down to the back of your throat. You gag slightly on its size. He tastes so good. You Bob your head up and down. Swiping your tongue all over in a messy fashion. He fists your hair again and starts guiding your head on his hard cock. He lets out a deep hiss and pants faster.  You look up and see the muscles in his throat clenching. He looks down at you as he continues thrusting into you. "That's a good girl. That's such a good girl" he pants in disbelief and pleasure. Sweat beads down his face. Tears well in your eyes as you choke on his size. Giving a few last hard thrusts he slips himself out of your mouth and caresses your messy spit covered face. Looking at you on your knees if front of his cock, the hungry look on your face. It makes him throb. It's almost painful. "Lay down baby" he says. You obey and lay back vertically on the couch. He removes his pants and shirt, exposing a muscular yet softly toned and tan abdomen, decorated with a large tattoo across his stomach. He then leans over and removes your shirt and bra. All that remained was the small leather skirt riding up your waist more like a sash than a skirt now. He hovers over you, his necklaces hanging from him. He opens your legs and gives his cock and few pumps before teasing your soft wet entrance. "Look how sweet you look." He smirked devilishly. "Please fuck me slash" you beg. He grits his teeth out of pleasure to hear those words come from your mouth. Hours earlier this was nothing but a perverted fantasy in his mind. But now he had you, naked underneath him. Ready for his cock. He leaned down to your face and gripped it once more. His hand on your face, he licked your breasts briefly. You try to tip your head back but he forces it forward. " Look right at me honey. Right here. Let me see that pretty face as I fuck you. Are you ready? You're so ready." He grumbles out. He smiles at you, a painful grip on your face, forcing you to look straight at him. His tip brushes the leaking wetness from your pussy all around like a paintbrush. And then slowly he slides his cock in.
You want to squint your eyes shut in pleasure, he gives your head a firm shake to remind you to look at him "I know baby I know." He growls. He himself tries to control his voice through his own searing pleasure. You whimper loudly
"Oh fuck Slash oh my god" You sharply inhale and whine out.
"That's it little bunny, let me hear your pretty voice".
He coos as he begins thrusting in and out of your wet hole. His grunts vibrate your body. His thrusts rock your body like ocean waves. He begins a faster rhythm almost If only to watch your breasts sway up and down with each thrust. His stance towering over you.
You continue letting out moans. Your moans are like honey to him. Weakening his limits with each sweet cry out.
"Oh that's a good girl taking my cock." He coos again.
"Slash I can't-" words fail you. You begin feeling a familiar tenseness overtake your body. 
"Is my pretty girl going to cum out of her pretty cunt?" He teases.
His rhythm increases. His rough skin slapping agains your soft supple skin. Sweat drips down his tanned abdomen. The power of each thrust inside of you increasing.
He feels your wet walls tightening around his cock. Looking down at you getting fucked by him- he was close too.
"Slash I'm-" you moan
"Be a good girl and cum for me doll-face. Look at me, look at me."
"That's it, you can do it" he encourages before tipping over his own edge. His grunts louder and more animal. His chains sway above you. He slaps against you. His brow furrows and his sweaty curls drape along his face as he pants like a dog in heat.
The bittersweet finale of stars bursts throughout your body. Your pussy tightens over his cock once more in ecstasy.
"Oh that's such a good girl" he grunts as he also reaches his breaking point. He releases hot white spurts inside of your quivering cunt.
A loud grunt leaves his throat. His large cock twitches inside you, finishing you off with pure pleasure. He smiles still thrusting inside you. Shoving his cum deeper inside
"That's a good girl, take it. Take it all." he whispers
The wetness leaks out of you as he pulls out. You both panting for air.
"God you're beautiful. You're perfect" He says breathlessly. He looks at his disheveled masterpiece below him. Completely braindead fucked. You blush hard. A shyness making its way back to your senses. He continues eyeing you. He softens his hand on your face, thumbing your cheek gently.
He protectively dotes on you as he helps re dress you again. Taking pride in taking care of you like this. You feel satisfied yet silly. You blush as he finishes and smooths him hand down your hair. "I own you." He whispers.
To him. The most beautiful girl was now his and his alone. He felt prideful and protective of his girl. He didn't want anyone else here to even glance at you. You were too sweet and kind for a place like this. Parts of him questioned his own morality for corrupting something so delicate. But he was too far gone.
He had unlocked the door with luckily no one having tried to find them in the past hour. In precise timing, axl drunkenly stumbled through the studio door. "Studying guiar at a time like this?" He slurred.
"Careful now girlie or you'll end up the teachers pet."
"Alright fuck off" Slash Ushered him out the door and closed it. He locked it again.
You sat embarrassed on the couch and he sat next to you.
"You are a little teachers pet aren't you?" He smirked.
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kiddycup · 6 months
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hello!!!! i am opening my store back up with NEW MERCH!!! THREE days from now on dec 26!!!!!
if you order that day you will be able to use a 10% off code: BOXING10
keep me afloat as i stay unemployed...for the foreseeable future...
🐌 snailclubshop.bigcartel.com ✨
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theboarsbride · 11 months
Maul Goodman, Attorney at Claw⚖️📜
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Heehee Bob Odenkirk werewolf because I wanna be silly and on-brand, and y’all are gonna suffer because of it heehehehehe
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rivastraut · 13 days
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Rivastraut yume intro 🐴🥃
Kleon(me) x Mike Ehrmantraut! Reblogs/likes appreciated!
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Chibi Rivastraut by Alex I’m exploding with joy 🐻‍❄️🩵🐻🌈
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fanghaunt · 2 years
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he stretchin
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monkeybebop · 1 month
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My monthly attribution to the Lalo Salamanca tag
Translation: “Gus Fring can suck my dick”
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sunflawyer · 2 months
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me and my wife 💗
a little redraw i did for fun (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ not quite sure what to put for the background but i like this one too! 💓
old piece below ↓ (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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decided to go with different outfits bc i want abby to have colorful wardrobes 💗 ehehe
@eternally-smitten @caelums-fate @wisp-herr @gideongrovel @glory-steadygo
@goldenshrine @dmclr @tidekissed @pippin-squeaks @xxmellochii
@literally-just-there @tyrianluda @pinkdinkydoon @gogolsbf @gandalfyaoi
@meowkid1000 @jayyships @moon-roam @fae-koon @frozenhi-chews
@idsmiile @bizarrescribblez @aprillilypegasi @puppy-baby-doll @kylars-princess
@radagastyaoi @retrojem @m0uschi @knightfallships @kurolumiis
@dreamwinged @k6ivies @lysandreslittlechatot @puppysynonym @hamms-uwu-12
@beechu-beechu @connorships @bobmckenzie @stoneshipper @panshipper
@mutareadastra @hypocriticaltypwriter @frankenb-rbs @charkittykelly @atarifront
@bioexorcizm @riddlersboyfriend @byakuyas-darling @mistercage @showyoutheworldinmyeyes taglist (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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