#oc: Su'Cona
Soup Kitchen
Prologue =-= Next
Author's note: Su'cona's debut in Husbandry.
Warnings: Let me know if I need to add any.
Summary: Su'cona is lost and found. Soup Kitchens are a nice thing.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Su'cona had been wandering on this planet for a while, he's kept count of the days, he's tried to send a message on the Vox and all he'd gotten back was static and he'd been glad to find some form of civilization, but none of the base line humans spoke any of the languages that he knew.
He'd listen to them quietly, he'd run out of rations, hydration and nutrition three days ago, and his stomach had started to complain to him loudly. Also his headache was reaching a wicked crescendo, as it made light of the sun, or artificial light agonizing, even with his helmet protecting his face.
He stopped as he smelled something really good and his stomach gurgled angrily at him as he headed towards the source of the delicious smell. There were a bunch of base line humans, some were nicely dressed and handing out brown paper bags filled with food, to humans that had a much rougher appearance.
He slowly, carefully approaches, there was also a nearly free standing cooking area that had a large cauldron of soup happily burbling and one of the humans who were in nearly identical uniform of some kind was carefully ladling out soup into bowls that other humans were gratefully taken with the paper bag of longer shelf-life lasting food.
One of the people handing out the free food spots him and gives him a bright smile and waves him over. Su'cona carefully approaches them with a tilt of his helmet and they offer him a steaming bowl of soup and the bag of food, a fruit, some vegetables, a sandwich of some kind in sealed plastic, and a metal can filled with something carbonated.
He gratefully accepts both things, even though he knows that it won't be nearly enough calories to fill his belly full, at least it will do something to keep the hunger partially at bay.
He takes of his helmet and murmurs, "Thank you kind one."
They babble at him and he nods to them, as he sits down and carefully eats the soup, it tastes so good, it's warm, hot and filled with vegtables and some kind of meat, the texture reminds him of poultry.
Then, he carefully eats the sandwhich, fruit, a bright red skinned fruit that was about half the size of his palm. He bites into it, eating half of it in one go, its sweet and crunchy and he finishes it swiftly. While the vegtables are a bright-dark green and have the taste of clorophil and growing things.
The metal can that has the metal drink is colorful, and he can tell that there is writing on it, but he doesn't read the local language, so he cracks it open how he sees the base line humans around him do and takes a sip, it fizzes and bubbles and is incredibly sweet with hints of citrus in it that is almost overwhelming, yet he's not going to let it go to waste as he finishes the whole fizzy drink in several large swigs. He carefully takes the refuse to one of the large trash bins nearby and then heads back over to the human.
"Is there a way I can help?" He asks them.
They talk to him in the local's tongue that he doesn't understand yet, before they gesture for him to help with moving some supplies, they look heavy, for a base line human.
But is easy enough for him to pick up and carry with his superior strength, he takes it to where they gesture and gently sets it down before starting to help serve base line humans in, what he hears is called a 'zoup kitchen'.
Giving food to those less fortunate is a good, kind act. One that his gene-father would be happy to participate in. One that he's happy to help with as they serve other base line humans for most of the day. He continues to help and some of the humans are almost tearful in how grateful they are for the food.
The leftovers are easily, happily handed over to the less fortunate humans who happily tote the rest of the food bags with them to other parts of this city. He helps the Zoup Kitchen staff clean up and he's happy to help.
One of the humans that is apart of the staff for the Zoup Kitchen, for some reason he feels like he should follow them. A warmth spreading in his soul as he got to watch them work and help others. Like a chain, or something looping around him and tying him to them.
It didn't feel forced, and from what he can tell of the base line human, they seem to be unaware of this strange spontaneous bond that has formed, and they don't seem as if they are a Psyker.
Several days later, and he continues to help at this Zoup Kitchen in order to have something to fill his belly with, an Ultramarine shows up and blinks at him and they talk about the State of Things, and he says goodbye to his human for a moment- he will go with the Ultramarine to the nearest base for more information, before going back to his human.
Learning about when and where they are is… quite the shock. Also, learning about how the Space Marines are from, as near as anyone can tell every when and everywhere and that… well… He wonders just how messy things might, could get with the Space Marines from before the Heresy, while those during and post Heresy have a lot of… dark, grim portents to inform the others as needed.
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Pains that Grow
Author's note: Su'cona's next chapter.
Past =-= Next
Warnings: descriptions of chronic illness and pain. Uh. Let me know if I need to add anything else.
Summary: Su'cona tends to his bonded when they are having a bad pain day.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
You wake up and turn to look at your phone, which you have charging next to you as it rings, waking you up from sleep. You groan and grab your phone, squinting down at it. Reading the numbers on the clock which brightly tell you the time. You set your phone down and rub your face with a tired groan. 
It’s been a while since you pushed yourself and helped out at a Soup Kitchen. Part of you had known that doing so would have Consequences, but you liked helping out people who had less fortunate situations than yourself when you could. Besides, volunteer work was not quite-mandatory for your Work. 
If you did do Volunteer work, logged the hours, and sent in the hours, dates, times, as well as Proof of doing it, then you’d get extra paid time off. Which could be a godsend sometimes. Your job, which you are very grateful to have is remote work, with once or twice a month you come into the office to have In Person meetings that the Higher ups insisted had to be done in person. 
You didn’t mind it. Much. The in-person training days were fine, and you learned the things that you needed to, or the refresher courses. It also helped when new team members came on to have everyone meet face-to-face, rather than over a Video conference phone call. You shiver a little as you feel a burning feeling that has been spreading over your shoulders and down your back, and has been slowly intensifying since you’d finished doing the Soup Kitchen. 
There is a dull throbbing sensation that pulses angrily to the beat of your heart. During one of the times you had worked at a soup kitchen, you met Su’cona, a Salamander Space Marine. He’d seemed… lost and alone. Which, as far as what you knew about Marines (which wasn’t much, just what ‘everyone said’ about them) it was unusual for him to be alone. 
He’s also hungry, and happy to hand out soup and sandwiches to the very grateful folk who’d shown up for the food and drinks. You hadn’t ever thought about having a Space Marine in your life, sure, as a kid you’d been as excited as most kids about maybe getting a Space Marine, but as you’d gotten older and your life had gotten much fuller and emptier in some ways, you didn’t have room in your life for a pet, or a romance partner, much less a space marine, but one had shown up in your life. 
Large, Green, warm, and very affectionate and friendly. You had to move, since Su’cona had decided you belonged to him now (some people would say that the Space Marine’s belonged to them) for some reason, you think that it’s likely more complicated than that. 
But, having subsidized Space Marine housing that included housing for you because of Space Marine Stuff isn’t something that you were going to complain about. Grateful that your job was mostly remote, and that it was still within reasonable driving distance to get to and from the office in a car. Su’cona was already quietly puttering about, making both of you breakfast. You slowly get up, and carefully stretch as you try not to whimper in pain. You have a high pain tolerance, usually, because of your condition, but it was feeling particularly bad this morning.
Su’cona comes over to where you are, out of armor and tilting his head down, a concerned expression on his face as he trills down at you in Space Marine Language ???. You try to smile up at the big guy.
“Thanks for worrying buddy,” You say rubbing your eyes, “It’s just a bad morning.”
He tilts his head a different way, his brows furrowing, as he lifts a tray of food that had a warm, tasty looking and smelling meal. It’s one of your favorites, but your stomach rumbles uneasily and the thought of food makes you want to gag. 
“Thanks for making breakfast,” You say as you get up, and carefully take the tray from him. “I’m going to do it in a bit, I need to get ready for the day.”
He gives you those devastating fire-bright puppy eyes that melt your heart. Every. Single. Time. Your shoulders slump a little, “Buddy, I need to get ready for work. I get a half day off since I did the Soup Kitchen, but there is an important deadline that the Boss is on my ass about.”
Su’cona rumbles down at his bonded human. They are having a Bad Day, he’d learned quickly that his human had a… condition? Of some kind where they would get pain that would flare up. Their skin would become discolored and warm to the touch. 
It had alarmed him when he’d seen the mottled purplish and irregular looking skin. It had Worried him, afraid that they were ill. As they had been so lethargic and unlike their normal self. He’d gotten one of his Apothecary Brothers to make a house call to see what the issue was.
He’ll make sure to get them some of their medication to help ease the pain, swelling, inflammation. If it’s a particularly bad day, their skin could be so sensitive that the slightest touches of wind or cloth could feel like torture to his poor human.
He wondered if this was a curse that beset his poor human from Chaos. But his Librarian brothers had assured him that it was no curse, and his Apothecary brother’s had explained that it was just how their body was made. Which had distressed him greatly, as he’d hoped he, or his brothers or cousins might be able to help ease their distress and pain.
They also could forget things easily, or become frustrated, with themself, or their world around them. So he’d learned how to help them, make sure to give reminders and help them when their brain and body worked against them. They have such a strong soul and spirit. He admires and cherishes his Bonded human dearly. 
He’s glad that they were able to have a full night’s sleep, as that could be an issue, with the pain their body had, sleeping was in short supply a lot of time. Su’cona had learned about the symptoms and signs of his human’s conditions, and the ways that he could help them… without being overbearing. 
Which had… taken time to learn what they would allow him to help them with and what they wouldn’t allow him to help them with. He knew that some of the Death Guard Apothecaries were willing to make medications that were not available for humanity in this age, for a price, and he’d heard of Apothecary Hura- a Death Guard Veteran and Apothecary who could be… reasonable, for a certain measure of the word with Renegade and Loyalists. Of course, all services come with a price attached to it. He shook his head, banishing thoughts that could go down a bad, dark, ugly road if he wasn’t careful. He’s not met this Hura, only heard of him from his brothers and cousins.
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Good Intentions
Past =-= Next
Author's note: Su'cona's next part in Living Waters AU.
Warnings: None that I can think of?
Summary: Su'cona meets with his human again.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
You had been quite surprised to have been approached by Su’cona, he was a mer-astartes, and he was a really large one too. With green, black, and gold on his scales. Dark skin and friendly ember-warm eyes that sparkle in the sunlight.
Your cheeks grow warm and you shake your head a little, slapping your cheeks a little to get yourself to focus on your work. You shouldn’t be distracted by a handsome mer-astartes with a deep voice, smooth as glass and deep as dark molasses that had almost felt like it had caressed you.
You were a part of a team of marine biologists who helped study areas affected by illness and disease. An order had come down to purge and burn everything that had been collected due to being highly dangerous and volatile, when the Mer-astartes had realized just what was Going On was. 
The mer-astartes in Blue and Gold, Ultramarines? You think they are called, and brought everyone involved and explained what was happening and why it was extremely important to ensure for the safety of the people and the ocean to burn everything, as well as be checked over by some of their mer-astartes specialists for contamination.
Everyone had questions, and they had asked them, frustratingly the Ultramarines only answered half the questions. While some of the other questions they had kept vague. They had reasons for not giving all of the information, or so they said. They had done as they were bid, but you had been assigned to check on the affected area and to help set up the exclusion zone.
Su’cona was one of the specialists involved in burning the entire area which had seem a rather extreme solution. But the mer-astartes had been firm and unyielding in the matter. 
The loss of ocean life and the destruction to the ecosystem was going to be immense and they had been told that the mer-astartes were going to help restore the area, once they were sure that no more of the Corruption was going to take root again. But not before. There is a lot that humans don’t know about mer-astartes, a lot of things that they leave unsaid, frustratingly enough. Su’cona had come up from the ocean, having spotted you and smiled softly at you. Leaning on the boat, his arms dangling into the boat as you turn to him.
“It’s nice to meet you again, Su’cona,” You say warmly to the Salamander.
“It’s nice to meet you again, my Spark,” He says warmly. “My brothers and I have finished cleansing the area that has had the Corruption happen. For safety it’s best for you and your crew to stay away until we are certain that the Corruption won’t try to take root again.”
“Do you know how long it will be before we can start revitalizing the area?” You ask him.
“It depends on a number of factors,” Su’cona says.
Not the least of which being of the Death Guard, whether it was a single one or a whole Chaos-cursed shoal that had been making the garden came back and made a Mess of things. Again. Slow to rouse is the anger of the Death Guard, but things could be very messy when they got pissed off. Especially those that were corrupted by Nurgle. Not that he’s going to tell you that.
“Have you seen any… strange Space Marines in the area?” Su’cona asks suddenly.
“Strange, how?” You ask him, wondering what’s going on through his head.
“Strange in the sense of looking… mutated, very large, multiple eyes, limbs, mouths,” Su’cona lists carefully, “Some of the more sensitive humans get bad headaches… Any unusual illnesses among your people popping up suddenly?”
“No?” You reply confused and wondering what he meant by that.
“Thanks for letting me know.” Su’cona says a slight frown gracing his lips.
“Su’cona- what?” You start to ask him.
But he seems to hear something and raises a hand up. You put your hands on your hips and huff, but obligingly wait, as some smaller Salamander Mer-astartes Pop up and speak to him rapidly in one of their languages. He responds to them, and they peer at up at you curiously and give you a big grin before saying something to Su’cona that has him shoot the younger Salamander an Unimpressed look as the younger Salamander swims up.
“What’s going on?” You finish your question.
“Pestering little brothers,” Su’cona says with a very tired sigh. “Stay away from the exclusion zone, please.”
“I will,” You say with a sigh.
Mer-Astartes could be so frustrating to deal with sometimes. But that was actually a good interaction. You have heard some… horror stories about some of the different should of mer-astartes. 
How dangerous they could be. No one knows how they reproduce, and that is not a question they answer, if a particularly bold human has asked them. Or if they’ve answered, no one’s telling.
You tell the rest of your team what you were told by the Salamander and you head back to base. Your younger sibling had been slow in responding to you recently. You know that they had moved to the nearby oceanside city due to health issues recently.
You sent them a message asking if you could visit them in a few days and they responded that they’d be happy to host you. Also- they had a Surprise that they wanted to show you. A new person in their life that they’d like you to meet.
That had you raising your eyebrows in surprise, your younger sibling was … not aloof, but tended to be shy around people. When you were younger, they’d tend to stand next to you and watch as you made friends, and via osmosis they became friends with your younger sibling.
It didn’t help that they could sometimes come off as way more intense than they meant to. They struggled with saying the right words and often didn’t seem to understand what people wanted from them. 
They had complained that it was like everyone else was given a manual or a rules book on what the unspoken rules were and that they were just lost and could never seem to say the right thing, or do the right thing to make friends, or not annoy people into hating them.
You often wondered if they might be on the Autism spectrum, or at the very least not neurotypical with how they reacted to things. They tended to shy away from people touching them, even their family members it was hard for them to allow touch. 
They’d once told you it was because sometimes it felt like someone was dragging razors against their skin. So, to have a new person in their life, that is living with them, had you been very surprised, and a little bit concerned.
So you ask them follow up questions about their room mate. They had explained that they’d met a mer-astartes one day while on the beach and had gotten to talk with him. That had your second eyebrow rising in shock at that.
When you pointed out in a text message that this is the first time they had said anything about having met a mer-astartes. They had sent back a confused reply that they thought that they’d talked about them with you.
Which had you chuckle a little ruefully, your younger sibling had a terrible memory at times. And could accidentally gaslight themselves into believing that they had said something to someone, when in fact, they hadn’t told them anything at all. 
Your younger sibling had a very active imagination, one that had gotten them lost in their own head a lot when they were younger… and sometimes tended to do so now that they are older.
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Footsteps in the Sand
Past -.- Future
Author's note: More Mermay with Su'cona.
Summary: Su'cona meets his bonded!
Warnings: None? Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Su'cona was swiming along the shoreline, patrolling the area, he'd heard that there had been rumors of Death Guard pulling some Nurgle grox-shit near this area. So he's patrolling the area to see if he can find any Death Guard or Death Guard Activity in the area to see what kind of threats they are posing to Ancient Terra. While most of their disease and inflictions that they have as swimming biohazards are severely weakened due to where they are in the time stream, they can still be very deadly, and can, with time and patient cunning, slowly poison and sicken an area into Rot and Ruin if it's not noticed soon enough.
So far, he and his squad haven't found anything, but he's told the younger brothers to stay sharp and to report anything that seemed off. Even if something didn't come of it, it was better to call if something seemed Off, rather than not and it potentially causes catastrophe. He turns his head, sensing movement and sees one of the many base line humans walking near the shore, their footsteps pressing shapes into the sand.
He blinks and follows apace with them subconsciously, they look quite lovely focused, and in thought as they slowly enter the water a bit, grumbling about how cold the water was, and he sees the goose pimples that rise on their skin from their reaction to the water. It's cute, as they still walk in the water, slowly getting used to the water as they get in pretty far in the water, that makes him frown in concern as he circles closer, popping his head up, and pulling of his helmet.
"Take care," He trills in the one of the local languages in the area, carefully forming the words, "The there is a drop off nearby that can pull the unwary down over their head. "Ocean can be dangerous."
They yelp a little, surprised to see him and stare at him with large wide eyes, startled to see a Space Marine. He tries to give them a friendly smile, "I am sorry for startling you, it wasn't my intention."
"Hello!" They say enthusiastically. "It's nice to meet you. I've never met one of your kin before."
"It's nice to meet you," He says warmly as he swims closer to them, his muscled sinuous form and the light of the sun in the water makes his scales shimmer. The humans eyes track his form. He is both a little amused and flattered when he smells the change in their scent as they see his form. How strong he is.
"I go by Su'cona," He says with a slight purr in his voice. "May I have the honnor of knowing your name?"
"Oh, my name its ---," The human replies with a bright smile.
"That's quite a lovely name, ---," He says carefully saying their name, their name rolls of his tongue smoothly, and he can almost taste honey with their name on his tongue. Which surprises him, as he feels a heady strong feeling.
He blinks, as he remembers what his brothers and cousins have said what it was like when they first bonded. Some had stronger or weaker bonds with humans. This lovely heady feeling has him feeling as he'd taken more Mjod than he'd intended to. Or had a concussion and spun in a circle a hundred times, upside down. With this wonderful, floaty, confusing feeling he wonders how any could try to reject it? It's... this is surely a blessing, a good thing. He continues to speak with the human, however he does notice they seem to be tiring and he offers to carry them to wherever their mode of transportation is. They seem flustered and move a bit before wincing and asking for his help. He carefully scoops up his precious, fragile, amazing bonded human and activates his flying through air ability and 'swam' carefully not to go to high off the ground, some humans were very scared of heights as he 'swims' as they direct him to their vehicle and he carefully sets them down gently.
"Thank you for speaking with me ---," He says warmly.
"It was nice to meet you Su'cona," They reply with a tired, but happy smile as they get into their car and he watches as they leave.
Part of him is tempted to follow them. He shakes his head. No, even though he spent his time well with the lovely human, he needs to get back to his duties with hunting after tainted warp-craft and Death Guard who aren't follow the rules laid out by some of the larger pods of Loyalist, Renegade, and Chaos. The patrol doesn't find anything, and he listens to his younger brothers talk about what they saw and did during the trip, although they peer down at him with little Looks.
He hums out a question and they point out that he seems... different. He explains to them with a joyous smile that he'd met his human and they were Bonded. They are all surprised and Delighted for him. And he laughs in amusement as they ask all sorts of questions on what his human was like, and if he'd let them meet his human and all sorts of other questions. Most of those questions he did not have the answer to, as he didn't know the answers to them himself. He'd reported into his Captain, about the patrol, as well as the personal thing that he had going on.
He was congratulated on finding his bonded and given some leave to try and find his bonded and decide if he'd keep the bond or not and get to know his human if he did or not. He thanks his Captain for his kindness and heads off to think, as well as see if he can try to find his human again. Salamanders are usually some of the more accepting of the bonds with humans, more than most. They tended to not have the... Super Intense bonds, that some of the other chapters have, due to embracing the bonds whole heart(s)edly.
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Hunting Practice
Warnings: Hunting Fish, let me know if I need to add more.
Author's Note: Su'cona's debute in Mermay!
Summary: Su'cona has been tasked with herding a bunch of Scouts on a hunt. Things go well.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog
Just in case Tagged: @kit-williams, @whorety-k
He's been on Ancient Terra for several months, and he's watching over a pod of Scout-aged Salamanders, mostly monitoring how they are doing with hunting after several large tuna, they'd been going after the fish, and a couple of his bolder little brothers managed to spear one of the fish, causing the rest of them to scatter, so long as they brought back at least three or four of the massive fish, they'd be find. He going to do an active part of the hunt if they have trouble getting the amount required of them. Some of the large fish are heavy with eggs, which pleases Su'cona, as the fish eggs are a delight to eat, they pop and have delightfully salty flavor that dancing merrily on one's tongue.
Well, unless they were picky eaters, which, as an Astartes, who can feasibly eat nearly everything, but whether they should or not is another matter entirely. They do have ways to make nutri-paste and that is what they usually eat, but occasionally having fresh, real food, is a treat, it doesn't do much, not unless its in insanely high amounts, but having it as an occasional treat as they are taught hunting skills or maintain such skills so as to not get rusty. A couple of his scouts swim over to him their chest puffed up with pride as they show the massive fish that they managed to catch and he nods smiles down at them.
"Well done, Scouts," He says proudly as he gently pats their shoulders.
They perk up, the smallest bits of praise seem to have the biggest impact, as adorable as it is, it also breaks his hearts as he notices that the Mechanicus has treated the poor younger brothers... poorly when he's been able to gently get them to tell them what they went through. Salamander training is long, and at times difficult, but they nurture each of their little brothers, helping them grow and be the best version of themself that they could be, and to continue to strive to be a better, stronger person as a whole.
He hadn't heard of Primaris Marines, until a little while ago, and they are good boys, larger, stronger, and faster in some ways, but still Scouts all of them. Which means they need training and learning their own strength and how to use it, as well as how to be gentle. They are good boys, a little too obedient at times, but seeing their little mischiefs is good, and as much as it occasionally exasperates him, he's glad that they are starting to, carefully, push their boundaries without going too far, usually, or without someone or someone’s doing something spectacularly stupid or foolish. Usually.
He'd heard of a pod of Primaris Lamenters hunting down a ship for stealing away their Sargent. They'd manage to win the day, a rare occurrence for the terminally, and often lethally, unlucky Sons of Sanguinius. While luck is a force in this galaxy that can be for, neutral and against others, at least, his luck has never been as poor as the Lamenters. He starts to herd the youngsters back to where the main pod of Salamanders in this area are schooling at the moment, it takes several days and they are all happy as they let out chirruping calls and croons to each other, happy to have the young hunters return and have had a successfully retrieved enough large fish so that they may all have a taste of the flesh and scales for it to be a delightful treat. He is glad that nothing untoward had happen before, during and after the hunt. Excitement could happen later, after they are fed and had some more rest.
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Easier More Bite Sized Master Lists
Poor Unfortunate Souls Husbandry AU Land Version of Poor Unfortunate Souls:
Answer The Call
Winds of Change
Soup Kitchen
Pains that Grow
Full Speed Ahead
Tell Me
Brave New World
No Part Goes To Waste
Only in Death does Duty End
Questions and Answers
Alpharius "chief" "Zariel" "Zarius"
Spin Around, Around, Around
Fields of Strife
Blooming Ever Sweet
Evil Flower Reaps
Drowning in Colors
Sweet Poison
Sting of Flowers
Thorn on a Rose
Root and Stem
Till the Soil
Pollen Floating on the Wind
Tending the Flowers
Arrival on Ancient Terra
Heathen in My Own Right
Break All
Dripping Poison
Wonders Unceasing
Where Secrets Hide
Draco Kai:
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Soup Kitchen
Pains that Grow
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