#Poor Unfortunate Souls AU
Waltzing Waves
Author’s note: This is the song this is based off of. More Mermay, with dear Reader. It's a lovely bop.
Warnings: gender neutral reader, threats, allusions to death, and murder, drowning, let me knows if I need to add more.
Summary: Reader barely survived encountering a wave-soaked mer-astartes. Reader hadn’t realized they were real and not folk tales, or legends told by the sailors to frighten and impressive those who are land dwelling.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog
Tagged Again: @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
You were on your fishing boat, it had been in your family for years, patched and faded in some places, but well loved and cared for so that it would take care of you. The sea gives and takes, is one of the lessons that your parents had taught you. Memories of your father’s calloused hands gently guiding yours in how to cast the nets from the boat. How to be patient, quiet and watch the sea and skies for the changing, dangerous nature of the weather in the area where you lived out amongst the waves.
You felt the tugs and carefully grabbed up the net, and groan a little, both with effort and hope, it had been a week with very little to show for fishing, so to have the net so heavy was a boon and a blessing, even if it was really heaving and struggling against you with the weight of the fish that you caught. You almost dropped the net back into the water and lost the catch but with a heavy and a curse you pull the catch inside the boat and look to see what’s in your net. What would have to be tossed back, after all, sustainable fishing practices, as well as being concerned about the planet, despite the fact that it meant less money in your coffers, the fish would replenish in the seas better that way.
Your heart drops when you notice something tangled up amongst the fish is something that glints like metal. It was massive and large, with scales that you trace from an aquatic life form to something that looks far more human and your stomach clenches and you gulp in air as you realize what, it was that you caught. He had fins where his feet should be, and his eyes were red as blood, hair as gold as the sun, his features, were hauntingly beautiful, and his angry hissing sound, and the growls as she skitters back a bit. Oh no. You’d accidentally caught an Astartes, this was a very dangerous situation and not dying or being brutally maimed was now your goal. Hopefully he might forgive you if you are very careful.
“Come closer, Human,” The Astartes croons at her in heavily accented language of the locals. “And I’ll eat you alive, like you would have done to me.”
“Please don’t feast upon my flesh,” Your lips tremble and your legs buckle as they gaze upon his massive irate form and you plead, “If I return you to the sea, please let me live?”
The Astartes glares down at you impassively with a sneer, his teeth look terribly sharp. The Astartes glares down at you haughtily from where he’s been tangled in the net, likely still only in it for… some reason. You know that they can, or at least so you heard, can swim through the seas and air.
“I will let you go, but quickly leave these waters,” The Astartes hisses out you with a vicious glare. “If you drop your nets amongst these waves, then my brother’s and I will take you down with us.”
You gulp and nod, quickly and as carefully as you can dump the net, fish and Astartes both back in, barely reeling the net back in to your boat. Before you can start to roar, a massive, clawed hand, from the Astartes you’d accidentally caught. You yelped as he tugged you close with a sharp glare.
“I want something in return for not harming you human,” He hisses.
“W-what?” You ask nervously, he’s so handsome and terrifying at the same time.
“A kiss,” He says, he’d noticed the mixture of terror and attraction in your scent with a slight smirk.
You blush and nod and he press a swift, hard kiss to your lips and then lets you go as fast as he had grabbed you. Your cheeks are pink as you start to head back to the dock as fast as you could safely. Occasionally glancing back at where the Astartes was, or possible still is lurking under the waves. You unintentionally like your lips, they taste of salt and iron as you rub your face and hook your boat up to the dock and stagger down the docks, perhaps, you should let your younger brother take over the family business- and have him go to a different fishing spot while you took over more of the administrative duties.
Sleep is hard to come by that night, and the next several weeks you are haunted by the Astartes in the water that you had accidentally caught. His red eyes and golden hair. His large, long, muscular form. He’d look like a gorgeous statue glittering in the sun, as much as he’d terrified you. And that kiss it haunted you, his lips had been softer than you’d expected, and of that salt and iron. You groan and rub your face, unable to sleep as you stagger to the shore and stare into the water, your joints had been aching something fiercely recently, and the water looked so inviting right now.
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fanby-fckry · 7 months
Alastor-Dr. Facilier comparisons this, Friends on the Other Side that. *slamming fists down on table* Where are the Ursula comparisons? Poor Unfortunate Souls is incredibly Alastor-coded!
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otsmosis · 3 months
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more little mermaid au. known deal-maker and magic man alastor working over the princess of hell with her crush on a lowly human.
Part 1.
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scarapanna · 5 months
I STARTED PLOTTING/silly (aka """""storyboarding""""")
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more bug horse songs with this possum thing/silly
I should stop starting WIPs after being certain I won't finish the prev hsndns
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bajistadiamond · 2 years
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Yuu Singer, Octavinelle (Poor Unfortunate Souls)
Yuu was furious, he doesn't cross that out, he was about to get angry when he found out what Ace, Deuce, Grim did.
He didn't understand why or what was the need to make a deal for the answers when he had been helping them with the studies, even Jack was going to study with the group…reluctantly, but he was going.
Yuu even praised Grim when they delivered his notes, he was proud of his monster-cat-friend-almost-brother and a few minutes later he was completely disappointed.
At first he didn't want to help and Jack shared that thought. His friends and the other 250 students needed to learn that every decision has consequences.
But Crowley begged Yuu and Jack for help, they didn't want to… but Dire is a cunning dog.
Dire sighed tiredly and with a hand on his forehead said. "Gods, too bad they can't help…and just now when I was looking into a new chef who's an expert in pear compote." Jack's ears perked up with interest. "…and he was also going to do the math to increase the dorm's budget so they could have a suit of their own." Yuu's right eye twitched angrily.
"Damn you Crowley and damn us for giving in to temptation." Yuu and Jack thought before agreeing to help Crowley by freeing those Blue chained with his contracts.
Jack thought it would be a good idea to follow the Octavinelle leader.
But Yu no. "Azul surely expected that and more after we faced him in Mostro Lounge" Yuu said seriously.
The singer thought they could see the student records… when he asked Dire if they could see them this with a mysterious smile he said he. "Each student's information is confidential and I, as principal, cannot divulge it… but if I leave I don't know my keys lying around and then someone uses them… it wouldn't be my fault." he said as he pulled a golden raven key from his keyring and tossed it to the ground before walking off.
Yuu and Jack looked at each other blankly as to how that man managed to get the position of director of NRC…
But well, in the end, checking Azul Ashengrotto's logs didn't reveal that much, although it was useful.
Everything unfolds as in the game, the changes occur when they ask Yuu and Jack for help in Mostro Lounge while they wait for Azul.
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As Yuu set down some drinks on a table, he looked at the stage. An idea formed in his mind and she went with Jade Leech.
The twin was intrigued when Yuu asked if he could put on a little show. "Some entertainment will keep customers calm until they are served." Yuu said with a smile. Jade looked at the first year, the young man who had caused a stir and chaos with her friends in just the first few months of the semester.
Jade knew that Azul would make a deal with him that night, perhaps to get her magical gift, but they needed to see how far his magic was. He accepted with his typical charming smile.
Yuu thanked him. He wasn't stupid, he knew that entering Mostro Logue to talk to Azul was like entering the mouth of the whale, but he needed to risk it. He called over to Jack, who was taking orders from one of the tables. The young man with wolfish features finished writing down the order and went to Yuu.
"Jack, do you like the singer Karla Mary?" He asked Yuu with a smirk. While he was not yet familiar with all that TW had to offer, he caught up with the singers and types of music that his new world had to offer. Like Karla Mary, a 34-year-old singer from the Land of Pyroxene; she famous for always singing in a mermaid outfit and pearl accessories. He had also seen Jack's playlist for his workouts, basically all the songs were hers.
Jack blushed at the question; His first instinct was to deny it, but his tail betrayed his emotion at hearing his crush's name. "What's the question!?" Jack asked the other in a snarl; Yuu told to Jack the idea... put on a show
And to the surprise of both of them, Jack liked the idea. They went backstage and got ready. "Don't worry, what you have to say will come to your mind while I use the voice of the gods." He assured Yuu to his friend.
Floyd, who was sitting at the bar watching the anemones, looked confused when his twin came on stage. Jade feeling his gaze winked at him with a smile.
“Good evening Mostro Louge…” Jade said into a microphone. “First of all, an apology for the inconvenience tonight; They won't happen again." He said looking at the students with anemones that became more nervous. “Now, enjoy a little show prepared for you; a tribute to the Sea Witch…with you Yuu and Jack Howl.” He said before going backstage.
Yuu and Jack came out wearing their uniforms; the first confident and the second somewhat nervous for not being used to being in the spotlight. "Vil makes it look so easy." The werewolf boy thought as he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat.
The customers looked expectantly at the stage with a question on their mind. What the hell were they going to do? Your question was answered in seconds…
"Why have you come pumpkin?". Yuu asked with a mischievous voice. "I-I've heard that if someone needs help, you're the one to talk to". Jack said nervously the moment the words came to his mind. Yuu leaned in. "Of course! As the Sea Witch that's my job"
Everyone present understood; Yuu was the sea witch and Jack a soul in need. Even without clothing it was easy to understand.
"Now let me guess" Yuu walked around Jack in an elegant waddle as he looked at him. "You need help with a woman; a princess to be precise". He added before sitting down on a golden chair out of nowhere. "H-how did you…" "My dear, it is my job to know the deepest wishes of the unfortunate souls who seek my help." Jack blushed. "She's a mermaid isn't". Jack nodded. "But, I am a werebeast. Even if I knew her, her family would not allow the relationship." Jack said in a sad tone.
Those present who were newts and hybrids of various kinds understood. Not many people accepted the relationship between a half-beast and merfolks.
"Don't be so sad, that's easy to fix." Yuu said downplaying it. A shadow appeared behind him and passed him a cup of tea. "All you have to do is hide your wolfish features and become a merman. It's the only way to get what you want."
Many felt uneasy when they saw the shadow, even more so when no face could be seen and only heterochromatic eyes were visible; one yellow and one white. Jack nearly went out of character as he saw another similar shadow appear behind the first.
"Can you do that?" Jack asked, nervous about the apparitions.
Yuu smiled; it wasn't easy to use the voice of the gods when you weren't singing, but she was doing it. Shadows were added, using the Leech twins as inspiration; He had to use shadow magic to extract a piece from each of them to do so without hurting them.
My dear, sweet child. That's what I do. It's what I live for~
To help unfortunate humans, merfolks, and in your case therianthropod like yourself~
Poor souls with no one else to turn to~
The mysterious music started playing, the lights dimmed, and purple smoke began to envelop the stage.Yuu dances gracefully as she hopes to gather enough magic to change her outfit, something she's been practicing for weeks.
I admit that in the past I've been a nasty~
They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch~
But you'll find that nowadays~
I've mended all my ways~
Repented, seen the light, and made a switch~
True~? Yes ~
Octavinelle was in awe of the song. It was known to the entire sea of TW that "poor needy souls" was the only thing left of a song created by a woman with the voice of the gods and lost over time.
And I fortunately know a little magic~
It's a talent that I always have possessed~
And dear lady, please don't laugh~
I use it on behalf~
Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed~ (pathetic~)
Yuu smiled at the shadows and they smiled before dancing as they looked at their flesh and blood versions. The Leechs felt a chill run through her body; the twins looked at each other confused because they were afraid of some kind.
Poor unfortunate souls~
In pain, in need~
This one longing to be thinner~
That one wants to get the girl~
And do I help them? ~
Yuu snapped his fingers and instantly Jack's outfit and he changed. Jack had torn black pants, a light blue shirt with lace on the sleeves and neck, a pair of golden balls. Yuu was in black; from the boots to the jacket with the train up to the knees. Both sporting smokey eyes, rosy cheeks and Yuu with red lips.
Yes, indeed~
Those poor unfortunate souls~
So sad, so true~
They come flocking to my cauldron~
Jack was impressed; he used to he didn't understand why some people get carried away by the moment or a popular song, but damn him now he understood. "Maybe you should see more asking Vil about the best movies to watch." He thought the wolf as he danced
Crying, "Spells, Ursula, please!" ~
And I help them ~!
Yes I do~
Azul was hiding at the entrance of his establishment watching the show. "The voice of the gods is amazing." He thought. He knew what Yuu was up to and was pleased to see another with his level of cunning… excepting Jamil. As for his opinion of the song, he was delighted; he felt alluded to even if the show was in honor of the founder of the dormitory he ran.
Now it's happened once or twice~
Someone couldn't pay the price~
And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals~
The students who made a deal with Azul touched the anemone on his head feeling marked by the phrase. Ace, Deuce and Grim who were listening to the song felt Yuu's angry glare and vowed not to sink so low again.
Yes I've had the odd complaint~
But on the whole I've been a saint~
To those poor unfortunate souls~
"Now, here's the deal." Yuu said guiding Jack to the center of the stage. "I'll use a potion to turn you into a merfolk for a month… you get the idea, a month!" Yuu pointed out with a frown. "Because love is not like in fairy tales and it takes time." Yuu said looking at those present. Yuu clapped his hands twice and a cauldron formed in the middle of the boys. "Listen Howl…" Jack looked at Yuu as if he was going to tell him the secret of life. "before sunset on the last day of the month your dear princess must fall in love with you." Yuu explained as a heart with a tiara bloomed. "And give you a kiss, but not just any kiss, a true love kiss". The heart shone; Jack beamed with delight, making use of Vil's acting lessons.
Azul, Jade and Floyd felt that he had heard that explanation elsewhere. Almost word for word, but they couldn't remember where. While on Olympus, Lady Fate laughed as she watched the three of them try to remember something from them old life. "Yuu, you're doing great". She congratulated one of her favorites in Twisted Wonderland.
"If the princess gives you true love's kiss, you will be a merflok permanently… but, if she doesn't, you will revert to your true form and…". A golden merfolk-like Jack figure transformed back into the beastman. "You will belong to me!" Yuu said with a maniacal smile.
Whether it was Yuu's pleased smile or the unfairness of the deal or the deal felt like the one they signed or the power of the voice of the gods made them do it, Ace, Deuce and Grim screamed. "Not Jack…!" The two shadows appeared behind them and covered their mouths. Customers were on the edge of their seats from the drama of the show. Jack looked worried, because those shadows looked too much like the Leech. "Have we got a deal?" Yuu asked impatiently making Jack look at him without knowing what to do. Jack thought, his mind didn't have what he should say and one look at his singing friend was enough to know what he wanted; Yuu wanted her to improvise. Jack thought about the deal, and while he knew it wouldn't be easy it wasn't impossible, but on the other hand…
"I-if... I become a merfolk, I'll never be with my family again".Said Jack sad; his crush couldn't be more important than his family. "But you'll have your woman and a life of royalty, heh heh. Life's full of tough choices, isn't it? Heh heh~ ". Yuu laughed with a fake sympathy grimace. "Oh, and there is one more thing. We haven't discussed the subject of payment". Yuu reminded him before bringing the chair back to sit Jack in it. "You can't expect me to do this for nothing in return, or can you".
A chill ran through the 250 students trapped by Azul in a contract. "God, they got it… Yuu didn't have to torture them so much." They all thought embarrassed.
Jack frowned and making a worried voice said. "But I don't have- ". "I'm not asking much, just a token really, a trifle!". Yuu cut him off innocently. "What I want from you is...". Yuu made a dramatic pause before saying in a deep voice. "your voice".
"What!?" Customers and Octavinelle members yelled in concern and astonishment. Mostro Lounge customers long ago forgot their complaints about the slow service in favor of watching the show; even Azul got caught up in the plot. Jade and Floyd would also be sitting on the plot if it weren't for the twin shadows looking at them. For the first time the Leech twins were scared and unknowingly… by shadows created with a piece of theirs.
Jack was confused and tried to ask."But without my voice, how can I- ". Yuu silenced him before chanting again.
You'll have your looks, your pretty face~
And don't underestimate the importance of body language, ha! ~
Yuu danced before taking off his jacket revealing a tight black shirt that showed off the few muscles in his arms and torso. Azul felt a twitch in his eye when he heard "body language"… "How easy it is to say that for those who didn't have to be fat in their childhood or have a slow metabolism." He thought angrily as he went over his plan to trap Yuu in his tentacles.
The women there really like to be praised.
They think that a man who talks too much is atrocious ~!
Yet on, at the bottom of the sea it is better to agree to what the mermaids say. And after all dear, what is idle babble for? ~
Although Yuu had to change the lyrics, he was trying to show that women were not equal and that while some would go for a pretty face, others would prefer someone who praises them, and others wanted a partner who would see them as an equal.
Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation~
Unless you plan to scare them away~
But they adore, swoon and fawn~
In a kind gentleman who is withdrawn~
He is the one who bites his tongue and doesn't speak much who gets a woman~
Every magic sensitive NRC student could see it revolving around Yuu. While Yuu was elated, he had accomplished a lot in a single song and though he was feeling the weariness he had a show to finish and a deal with Azul to finish.
Come on you poor unfortunate soul~
Go ahead! ~
Make your choice! ~
Yuu raised his hands creating tendrils of golden magic with his hands and towers of gray smoke. The lights glowed in various shades of red, purple, and green creating the perfect setting for the song's climax. Jack was drawn to make the deal; It could be a simple song, but he attracted you like a magnet or maybe Yuu's magical gift.
I'm a very busy person and I haven't got all day~
It won't cost much~
With a wave of her hand in the cauldron, golden smoke formed Karla Mary's face with a smile. Others who admired and loved the singer blushed and looked at the image of her with dreamy eyes. Jack tried to touch the image, but it disappeared when he tried.
Just your voice! ~
You poor unfortunate soul~
It's sad but true~
If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet~
You've got the pay the toll~
Take a gulp and take a breath~
And go ahead and sign the book~
The cauldron and chair whirled off the stage to form a silver book and pen that floated in front of Jack. The students trapped in a contract looked at the scene so much like what happened to them and forgetting that it was a performance, they prayed that Jack wouldn't sign.
Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got him, boys~
Yuu told the shadows and unknowingly giving them the ability to live. The shadows upon feeling the power behind a name smiled with complicity. While they were part of Jade and Floyd's shadow, they would no longer have to be. The twins would have their shadows while they could be independent to bother and forever punish them for their wrongdoing.
The boss is on a roll~
This poor unfortunate soul~
Luckily for everyone, Jack didn't get to touch the pen because the entire stage was engulfed in white light and then it was just Jack and Yuu back in their school uniforms as they bowed to the crowd. Jack looked at Yuu with wonder and respect; Yuu looked at his furry friend with a smile. The Mostro Longue patrons gave them a standing ovation and the Octavinelle students whistled for such a fabulous show.
The rest of the night unfolds much the same… except that while Azul wanted "the voice of the gods" from Yuu, she couldn't get rid of it because those with that gift were born with a rune in her heart that prevented snatch her…
Meanwhile, in Pomefiore… Vil was watching the video that showed his childhood friend performing. "Awesome Jack" He thought with a smile, because even if it was a rookie performance he was pretty decent. "Maybe I can talk him into participating in the casting for the live-action Heracles." Yuu in his opinion also did well, but he only thought about his friend Jack.
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A bit long than the others, but it had to be given the situation of Twisted Wonderland chapter 3.
And taking advantage, I present Karla Mary inspired by Cala Maria from Cuphead.
Note: Therianthropy is a term used to represent humans with animal traits (therianthropod).
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gaysonlyocean · 1 year
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fanart for @moonflwer-gutz's au!!
girl you can stop biting! girl i dont think its moving anymore!!
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au-yuukiemcee · 5 months
Vanessa Coral - Backstory Deciding not to leave Twisted Wonderland, Yuuki gives up her memories and former identity in order to become a mermaid. Without her memories, her personality becomes warped and twisted. She joins Octavinelle as Vanessa Coral and thanks to her mermaid genetics gains magical abilities including her Unique Magic (To be revealed later).
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.... So, I may or may not be doing a tiny freelance project on casting call for a song-
if anyone is interested in doing bob for the song i wanna create for shits and giggles... dm me here and i'll send you a message on discord or audition on casting call! :3
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Essentially, bob is ursula with a little twist!
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samanthachandraws · 5 months
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First attempt at mermaid au cyn
Cyn is Ursula in this au
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
I don’t know what to call this exact Glitch-Trap yet, but it’s the same one from the Poor Unfortunate Souls animatic. It’s him encountering his future “Ariel” for the first time.
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Not a good first impression...
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I'm an avid otome player and Kisaki's seiyuu (Showtaro Morikubo) is in a good handful of them (Hakuoki and Diabolik Lovers for example) and he's also a singer (he's on spotify!) so I consider that many wins. He's voiced a few popular characters too like Shikamaru Nara from Naruto! (Forgive me for filling your inbox with my love for Kisaki LOL I have so much knowledge and cannot contain it)
Ohhh I didn't know he voiced that many characters, that's cool! I remember finding put about the singing thing a while ago, it's a crime he doesn't have a character song yet!
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Full Speed Ahead
Prologue =-= Next
Author's note: More of Karlsor per poll request! This is his Husbandry Debut.
Summary: Karlsor arrives on Ancient Terra and decides to cause Problems on Purpose.
Warnings: Swearing, let me know if I need to add anything more. Okay?
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Karlsor was stalking after some Loyalists that he's spotted on this random ass planet that he's landed on. He doesn't remember being flown to this planet. The last thing he remembered was getting in a drop pod, ready to fight Ultramarines on McCragge, per the orders of his nearly fucking insane Primarch.
He noticed the large fuckers, one in Raven Guard colors, one in a strange heraldry and colors he doesn't recognize, but equally, unfairly massive as fuck. A third Scout-ling of the line of Dorn- from his silver hair, fair skin and blue eyes, with a medkit- and the fussy-clucking of an Apothecary.
They were being led by another Larger than normal Scout-ling, this one covered in mud from head to toe, and he doesn't see any obvious indicators of which legion the big shit belongs to. They head to, yet another giant fucking Scout- this one in the colors and heraldry of those uppity Blood Angels, he rears back silently- spotting the Wings, but as he shifts his weight, the Blood Angel with wings is too small to be Primarch Sanguinius.
He narrows his eyes as he tries to recall if any of the Blood Angels have ever had wings, or if he's heard of such rumors. Then again, such rumors and knowledge is kept from the 'insane murderous butchers' of his Legion. Still a whole bunch of Loyalist Scoutlings, unaware of him, his grin is sharp and vicious, and his eyes gleam with a dark joy.
Oh- he's going to enjoy hearing them scream as he gets answers of where they fuck they are and how he got here from where he'd been. Then- one of the little shits- the one in Raven Guard colors suddenly turns and looks in his direction- having spotted him. Karlsor gives him an unhinged, sharp grin and waved at the little Raven.
Who looks gratifyingly spooked as he hisses at the others. The other little birdy with wings, will be fun to pluck the feathers out of. Sons of Sanguinius have such a pretty-shiny reputation, after their Primarch showed up, before they'd had a reputation and style of fucking shit up worse than his Legion had before.
The bastards had been lucky to get the shiny-pretty Holy Great Angel, while he and his legion were stuck with the mad-bastard who barely understood who friend or foe was and hated all of them. He closes his eyes briefly before opening them. Now is not the time to brood about the past as he stalks closer to the strange too-large Scouts- and the bundle of them, after patching up the Blood Angel were trying to skitter out of the forest and evade him. Cute.
Not for nothing is he a Raptor Lord of the Night Lords as he chases after the scout-lings. Allowing them to run, to see where they would go. The Apothecary in no armor- which is fucking stupid has a conflicted expression on his face, before he murmurs something, turning his face so that Karlsor can't read his lips.
Which is a rude thing, clever, but rude of him. One of the others rumbles something in return and they seem to send a vox to… someone. It's cute how they think that they can call for help, they are stuck in this forest with him little Scouts- he ensures to croon that out, pitching his voice so that they can hear him.
Oh- that spooks the bundle of them. The Little Angel's wings flaring in alarm, trying to block the view of the rest of the Scouts. Like that would do much, more fuck all then stop Karlsor. Which has him chortling and taunting the Scout-lings.
As he approaches, he stops for a moment, as a truly Horrendous scent suddenly hits him like a punch to the gut and his eyes almost water. He's smelled death, and dead things rotten- but that overripe scent is by far one of the worst things he's ever smelled in his life as he tries not to gag or throw up as he hears a strange voice warble out.
"Now, Night Lord," A voice croons at him, his head snapping in the direction of the… Thing- it looks like a Death Guard. Sort of.
"What the fuck are you?" Karlsor asks bluntly.
"My, you are a rude one," Hura says, "I am a Death Guard Apothecary."
"The Fuck you are!" Karlsor says bluntly, "I know hygiene isn't Death Guard Astartes best trait, but fuck you are a nasty, gaint fucker ain't ya?"
Hura's smile behind his helmet has him frowning. "Do you know about Chaos, little cousin?"
"… The way you say Chaos, sounds like it should mean something," Karlsor says eyes narrowing at the strange, stinking Thing.
He's got both eyes on this new threat- the little Scoutlings are scampering out of his sight. Clever bastards- avoiding two Larger Threats. He's still going to hunt after them later. He has to deal with… whatever the fuck this is.
"It does mean sommething," Hura replies, still patient, just less amused. "When are you from? What was happening before you got here?"
"I was in a drop pod headed to fight on McCragge," Karlsor replies.
"Ah, you are from during the failed Rebellion of Horus." Hura muses.
"The fuck? So it doesn't end well. Fucking perfect," Karlsor groans, "Wait… what do you mean failed?"
Hura chuckles and explains when and where they are. As well as about how there is an… Alliance between the Chaos, Renegade, and Loyalist factions.
"So I'm not allowed to go after those Scouts then?" Karlsor asks unhappily, "And just why should I listen to you? Or to this so called grox-shit alliance?"
"Because you will be hunted down, punished and likely tortorously killed for breaking the alliance," Hura replies, his voice still sounding so amused and patient.
There was a darker turn to his words, and his giant fucking frame seems a bit more… ominous.
"… You make a good point. Death Guard," Karlsor replies reluctantly eyeing the … other 'Astartes' with careful caution.
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right-there-ride-on · 6 months
Poor Unfortunate Souls would be valentine’s disney villain songs
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er. tw for suicidal thoughts? and there are some minor Implications™ in this, too, so take that as you will.
Shinya holds back a whimper as the hand sanitizer he'd… obtained goes on the cut. "Fuck, shit, ow," He whispers quietly. It burns, and he knows this is one of the worst sanitizing agents out there, but there's no other option and he's got a Skyrace tomorrow and if he doesn't win that one he'll- it'll-
He has to win. He has to. Shinya is not going back to those soulless underground tunnels where long-dried bloodstains splatter the walls.
He reaches for the med-kit he's been stockpiling ever since he could remember, and gently flips the lid open.
It's… deep. No need for stitches, they'll just tear tomorrow- butterfly bandages to hold the cut close. Gauze and white tape over it.
He sprays all that with the liquid disinfectant. It soaks through the gauze and the bandages, and sterilizes it, faux-heat going down to the bone.
Shinya breaths in, closing the med-kit and tucking it back under the fake panel of wood. There are other injuries. Those can wait.
A sprained ankle -the suit will take care of that, but he should apply that numbing liquid and wrap it-, bruises, cuts, and the one he'd just bandaged.
Alright. Alright, he can do this. "One race," Shinya says to himself and the concrete walls. "One race. And after that-" His throat constricts on the words.
After that… he lives, or he-
He lives. He will. Shinya will win.
He refuses to go back. No. That is not an option.
Shinya will win, or he will die tomorrow by his own hands. That is a better ending than dying slowly, the will to fight being crushed out of him and exhaustion dogging his every step. Better than the slow death of failure.
…there is a rope in the bathroom. Cleaning agents under the sink. Knives hidden under the mattress.
"I am going to win," Shinya says to an empty room and the memories of people that once were. "Or I am going to die."
a bit shorter than my usual stuff, but this hit me like a freight train and i had to get it out before i forgot!
-story anon (hello eclair :D)
GAH this /pos
Poor Shinya </3
No one ever wants to get sent to train with the Soulless...its worse than death.
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jillyb2004 · 1 year
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Day 16: Sea Witch
Based on this image
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catwingsathena · 2 years
The daemon AU is up! More Suitor Squad feels and lots of angst.
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