#oc: alma kha
starstrider · 10 months
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devolawrites · 2 years
about the mun:
r. 32. she/they. queer poc. neurodivergent && chronically ill.
this blog is a mixture of musings && my own personal interests. it’s gonna be a lot of anime, horror movies, ffxiv and drakenier. i do not apologize one bit.
i don’t tag nsfw, and i cuss a lot. DO NOT FOLLOW IF UNDER 18.
wrestling muses:
aiden wright. oc, fc: noah sebastian
tyr fuller-mason. oc, fc: spencer charnas
vivienne blacker. oc, fc: tbd.
warriors of light / ffxiv ocs / ffxiv npcs:
tsovinar nasrin kha/waters. xaela blm/rpr.
batbayar mohsan kha. xaela pld.
yohah nelhah. moonkeeper brd.
tezeh nelhah. moonkeeper mnk.
kaida lavali bihn mridul. raen drg.
aster irmela wynne. highlander pld.
afrid kisne. veena war.
coeli alma. rava blm.
tigran dhoro. xaela drg. 
a’nuloh tia. sunseeker brd.
granson wright. hume drk.
ardbert hylfyst. hume war.
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jirandaikha-blog · 6 years
Relationship Gifs - Jirandai Kha
Rules: Pick ONE of your OCs and THREE of their relationships (friends, parents, LIs, whatever). Find a gif that represents each relationship.
Ignis & Jira
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Arhi & Jira
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Alma & Jira
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starstrider · 11 months
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girliepops! and spriggan
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starstrider · 1 year
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starstrider · 11 months
10, 20, 28? the ganmachine
10. How do they feel about their relationship with Hydaelin? Midgarsormr?
Oh man you don't know what you're getting yourself into because there is. Heaps of heaps of lore that I just come up with genuinely sorry if it's too much
Like "5 google doc pages big" SPEAKING OF WHICH if reading this stuff in Google here's the LINK:
Ohhhghghghh both of my WoLs have an insanely complicated relationship with Hydaelyn that becomes way better in Endwalker.
But beginning is beginning and like.
Gan comes from a fucked up tribe of Black Mages and masters of Dark Arts where their khatun Lena is basically a Mhach mage that escaped the Void Ark tragedy by teleportation magic and time travel shenanigans (she attempted to travel between shards, but got stuck in a space in-between and when she came back to the Source a couple hundred years already passed and Void Ark was nowhere to be seen).
So she assimilated herself into a xaela woman and either coerced or forced talented mages to join her emo band newfounded tribe.
And she shaped the tribe to be extremely hostile to anything resembling magic of Light because of course she, the Mhachi mage, would. She was maintaining her immortal rule by possessing the bodies of children of her close Archmage circle and using advanced dark arts.
Then Lena, to her surprise, secretly and genuinely fell in love with Just A Guy and Gan was born.
Lena was arrogant and a little bit stupid, so she was pumping herself with Black Aether. The plan was to basically use her own child this time to prolong her immortality. And only because Hydaelyn gave Gan the blessing, Gan didn't turn into a voidsent and didn't do the 1979 Alien Chestburster on her mother.
So Lena got the baby, but the baby had a very high attunity to Light aether, which would make for a poor host.
So she decided to be world's first immortal deadbeat mother and just left Gan to her lover and left him on read.
That being said, rumors still spread that Gan was a potential bastard child and a Light-blessed idiot which made her ostracized in already pretty hostile clan.
So when Gan came to Eorzea and realized she's light-blessed and by someone else's God to boot she was PISSED (only the khatun and voidsent held status of deities in the Magan tribe). She used it because being a Warrior of Light gave her purpose and an easy way to be accepted in a land completely foreign to her + get more privileged position than she was in and not be shunned anymore (in Gan's head pretty much if you're Cream of the Crop then you're safe from harrassment because of harsh hierarchy of her tribe).
I think Gan accepted Light as also part of themselves long before they met Venat, but a lot of it was them unlearning self-hatred and learning to accept themselves. And meeting Venat didn't turn their world upside-down, but it pretty much cemented in the fact that “Yeah it's not bad that I'm like this. I am good as I am”.
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Have a bonus sketch of Gan’s parents, I guess. The guy on the right is way sweeter than he actually looks and he’s never treated Gan with anything but kindness, care and patience.
Regarding Midgarsormr... Well there's like a huge chunk of Gan Azem lore that Tumblr specifically missed and I have to preface it with whatever I'm about to say.
Gan and Alma's predecessors, Phobos and Anteros, were two halves of one planet-eating creature, Jörmungandr, initially, until Venat met them and made a sort of prototype sundering so Jormie could experience being human and forget the emotions of the planets it consumed: grief, pain, unfulfilled dreams and joy and so on and so forth. Jörmungandr wasn't a dragon, it was just some messed up snake creature that was floating in space until it stumbled upon Etheirys, attempted to eat it and Venat through conversation invoked personality that the creature was repressing this entire time because it had like no one else to show it to? So it never really mattered to it.
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WIP concept of Jormie that I did.
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Jörmungandr shapeshifting to be able to communicate with Venat (took them around a month to achieve this form).
And I think the fact that Gan immediately took a great liking to dragons and peepaw Midgarsormr  both stems from the fact that she was, for the longest time, just like they are, the outsider. Someone who people didn't want to do anything with and had reservations about.
But also I feel like apart from that it's very much the fact that parts of Jörmungandr 's experience still dwells within Gan and there's this subconscious feeling that Gan wouldn't know about for a LONG time until like post-Endwalker that's basically ”Oh. Hey. We're both space travelers and aliens to this place. We should stick together“ and so on and so forth. Like a magnetic pull sort of feel.
And honestly considering Gan's initially complicated stance on Hydaelyn they were kind of happy that Midgarsormr stripped them of their blessing for some time. They were more than eager to prove themselves worthy in spite of it, because their self-esteem hinged on it greatly.
Now they're chilling.
20. Of all the places they've been to, which is their favorite? Do they like to go back there?
ISHGARDDDD BABYYYYYY IT'S ALWAYS ZENITH IT'S ALWAYS FORTEMPS MANOR YOU KNOW IT those are the first places where Gan truly felt accepted and at home.
28. Were they suspicious or open to Emet-Selch's presence when he first appeared?
Oh you fucking bet they didn't like Emet but since Gan is very reserved they didn't say anything outright malicious to him while still holding the grip on their rapier. But I think hostilities escalated in-between them over the story and after Gan found out that Phobos, their Azem self, used to be his apprentice and used to be very much miserable. It was like. ”You miserable fucking asshole, it seems by some sort of twisted karma I'm stuck with people who don't know how to be normal parents“. It never truly becomes sunshine and rainbows between them for obvious reasons, but Gan does give him the satisfaction in Endwalker of forgiving him on behalf of Phobos.
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starstrider · 11 months
2. How did they acquire their Echo?
3. Does their Echo function like it does in the MSQ? Or is there a twist to it? 
2. How did they acquire their Echo?
Both of my WoLs acquired their core Echo abilities during their teenage years, Gan right before the Calamity befallen their scouting group and cut her away from the rest of the tribe; Alma right before she moved to Thanalan being commended as a “talented repairman“ by Kugane merchants.
The ability to see the past, however, came a bit later. To Gan it was when the events of the game itself began, and Alma started seeing events of the past only when she moved to Thavnair and her Echo flourished in Garlemald.
Does their Echo function like it does in the MSQ? Or is there a twist to it?
Both of my characters' Echoes make them SEE shit in the present through a different lens, sometimes in the past or future.
Gan's Echo is similar to Y'shtola's in a way that Gan can see Shrimp Colors, i.e. aether, but it doesn't take a toll of any sort apart from potential mild headache. It's like soul-sensing abilities in Soul Eater, you can see fluctuating aura of the person but not the shape itself. Gan also sees ley-lines and stuff like that, helping them cast more powerful magics.
Alma's Echo is inspired by Shirou's see-through vision in Fate/Stay Night. She basically X-Rays the object or person and sees their “construction” and perfect shape, but that doesn't mean she'll inherently understand. But it does help with finding weak points during battles. You could say it's more about vision of aetheric density than the Characteristics of said Aether.
To put it simply Gan sees souls while Alma sees the physical state of things. Sometimes they see the state of a soul or a person/object a little bit in the future or a little bit in the past. They can't control it time frame-wise and can only really consciously use Echo for a short time to see how things are in the present.
Also, due to being connected, Alma and Gan can technically snap the other one out of the vision. There is a moment between the two when Gan involuntarily peeks into Alma's past and Alma goes ”nope“ and cuts the vision short. They can also limit each other's Echo abilities. Girls that are both perfect friends and perfect enemies to each other.
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starstrider · 1 year
Yes hello I would like to know things about your lizards
Give me your three favorite facts about each. Maybe something about how they handle an MSQ event, or a favorite food or thing, or a personality quirk that you find neat. Tell me some stories!
Heyo!! Thank you for the question
Gan and Haurchefant used to date in Heavensward and promised each other to travel together after the Vault, so after his passing she carried some of the dirt from his grave in a bag and spread a little bit of it on the wind every time she visited a new place. When she fell in love again, she spread the last crumbs of the dirt over Azim Steppe.
Gan knew that Esteem was not a person, but a manifestation of aether from the get-go, but didn't realize where the aether originated from, and so failed to determine Esteem as their own alter-ego and thought it was the previous owner of the job stone being pissed that they stole it.
I don't know if I mentioned it on this website or not, but Gan is from my fan-made Magan tribe, a cultist tribe of Black Mages. It derives its name from my grandma's maiden name, we had village witches in our bloodline (regardless if you believe in this stuff or not, I think it's neat). Lena, the manipulative khatun of the tribe and Gan's mom, alludes to the name me and my other blood relative were baptized with (not my legal name).
Heavensward events are not in Alma's backstory. During HW / Stormblood while she was training under Zenos he appointed her as the Eikon Slayer - basically WoL but for the Empire. I included this part in her story mostly because I really wanted her and Gan to have an epic battle as enemies at some point. Alma was not Eikon Slayer for very long though. She originally agreed to this only to kill gods, but she couldn't turn a blind eye to Empire oppressing nations under its heel and the more apparent her presence was, the more garlean military began to pressure her to do the same.
At some point Alma used to be a part of Mol tribe but left for Kha tribe after experiencing a personal tragedy. Kha and their trades with outsiders were the main reason Alma was able to travel to Eorzea, start anew there and meet Gan. Because of her feisty nature she had a moniker "Mol Wolfling" in the Steppe, as in "wolf among the sheep". Some teased her like that, while some demeaned her.
As someone who spent a few years in Garlemald and loves tinkering with small mechanisms, Alma feels most at home among Ironworks crew. Cid was one of the first people to accept her post-Eikon Slayer arc and they're besties now.
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starstrider · 11 months
Gan and Alma as a whole and the fact that they both came from Jormungandr and can't rejoin anymore because there are too many shards of them and also Gan and Alma's souls got too many memories on their own to fuse is just.
it's about one person and their conflicting personality traits and struggles and reducing yourself to your Base Traits and making peace with them and making peace with yourself and moving on
but it's also about codependent relationships and the need to let go a little bit and let the other person develop and trust that they will return to you naturally if they want to
because in the end of Gan's and Alma's story they sever the karmic ties that they have and venture onwards as independent souls. Jormungandr's wish is fulfilled. They are human. They now understand, as totally separate people, in their own separate ways. Because there is no single answer to what humanity is. There is no universal experience
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starstrider · 11 months
I'm imagining a funny but awkward situation with Alma suddenly getting Echo blasted and seeing the X-ray version of the guy before her and going "woah. ribs" and the guy goes "what?" and she goes "you got shot in the ribs?" and he's like "what. how the hell did you know that" and she pauses for a second because that would be too much too long to explain and goes "i overheard"
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starstrider · 1 year
The "42 character development questions" for both Gan and Alma: 9, 15 and 21.
Heyo, thank you for the ask!
9. How do they manifest energy, exhaustion, tension, or other strong emotions?
When Gan is excited and energetic their aloofness takes a back stage and a mischievous gremlin that wants to fling fireballs at everything takes hold. Big toothy smile, flailing tail, all the good stuff. Warmth radiating into every direction, loud laughter and happiness that is rather contagious.
When Gan is exhausted, their stoic veneer breaks. Their posture shrinks and you can see a miserable and weakened person instead of a steady warrior. Slouching walk, hair falling on their face obscuring the pained expression. You can tell this exhaustion was welling up for a very long time, but Gan hid it to either not bother everyone around her, or not being questioned about it herself.
Tension doesn't really affect their expression - they may furrow their brows, but that's it, but their whole body does tense up. Unless it's extreme tension, let's say a breakdown - then they'd curl up and grab their head. A defensive position.
The illustration below shows some other emotions and how they physically manifest.
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I haven't drawn anything expression-related for Alma, so the response is going to be text-only.
Alma is very energetic by nature, but if something particular is a source of her excitement, she immediately gets on her competitive streak. She gets a grin that's both determined and somewhat hungry, the same way a monster grins at their toy. Not a predatory smile, but a playful one.
Exhausted / depressed Alma is mostly motionless. Her face shows no anger or sadness - only whisks of regret and boundless numbness, gaze that leads nowhere, hand weakly lying on her chest. Looking at her you see - this is it, this might just be the finish line. But it isn't. She'll get up again, like time and time again before. Hopefully.
Tense Alma is angry Alma pretty much. Whatever or whoever is posing a challenge - she'll take it head-on and she's fully focused on it, groaning shortly when the plans don't work out and immediately taking onto the next one. Plan B. Plan C. Plan C2...
15. What kind of inner life do they have — rich and imaginative? Calculating and practical? Full of doubts and fears? Does it find any sort of outlet in their lives?
Gan's inner life is more intuitive and imaginative, I think. They're often lost in thought or preoccupied with feelings and tasks they have at the moment rather than making long-term plans. Magical theories, experiments, whatever they're currently observing and so on and so forth. The lack of foresight is apparent though, or rather - the confidence to deal with what comes when they're pulled out of their inner world.
That inner world is also occupied by loneliness, sadly, and Gan tries their best to distract themselves from it by either silently sticking around with the others and doing something or receiving tasks to do.
Alma's inner world is rather restless - it's like a long to-do list that will span for decades: Alma always has ideas of what to do next and what steps to take to achieve either her short-term or long-term goals. A headspace that's both chaotic and busy, yet among countless tasks and possibilities fester bad outcomes that might occur. So yeah, doubt and fears are present, but instead of trying to ignore them like Gan does, Alma kind of boils in that evil soup while going about her day.
The fact that Alma chooses not to talk about the inner turmoil with others does not mean it isn't constantly present in her own mind.
21. What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why?
Gan desperately needs people who would take care of her, entertain her with something new to accomplish and show warmth that would melt her initially cold exterior.
She intentionally seeks out groups of people rather than individuals to be her employers or coworkers, because that's what they're most used to: a group large enough so that their existence in it won't be questioned and scrutinized.
But in reality, if you wait for some time and let her warm up to you - you'll pretty much have a devoted open book of a person as a friend.
Alma prefers partners and no more than 3 people to hang out with. She seeks someone mutually devoted who's willing to accompany her on her crazy ventures. While she's fine with large groups of people, what she really wants is emotional intimacy and feeling of unity, trust and honesty. Though it might become codependent at some points.
Usually, introverted loners seeking friendship and bookworms flock to her because she's fairly straight-forward and offers comfort in her presence, be it conversation or fresh food.
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starstrider · 11 months
Thinking about Alma using Echo for too long and getting a splitting headache mid-battle and nose bleeding and like OK. girl
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starstrider · 1 year
Alright then: between Gan and Alma, who's more likely to win an arm wrestling match?
I think Alma, but Gan would have a really strong start and the match would last a significant amount of time.
But all in all, Alma has more endurance
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starstrider · 1 year
for both Gan and Alma: what are their worst food habits, like what do they eat that makes others give them The Side-Eye?
Gan's eating habits send shivers down spines of others because sometimes they'll just eat a lot of sweets, overly spicy meat and finish that off with chomping on some raw vegetables. They're not the type to cook unless it's soup, their brain is distracted with other things usually. But boy are they good with grilling
They also kinda eat whenever they want to and that means skipping breakfast most of the time. They need a caring partner Direly to gently poke them to take care of themselves.
Alma's diet is a lot more varied and balanced because Alma loves to cook, so the process is just fun and relaxing to her. But overall Alma likes to stay up at night too often and snacks at night a lot or sometimes slips and has full-on meals before sleep. Baked stuff is her particular weakness. So it's like. Girl. Your calories
Also she's often eating on the run or eating during work.
Also gonna mention something depression-related below so if you can skip that part if you need to
Because Alma is chronically depressed, and still gets her depression episodes occasionally, even after things went seemingly well for her post SHB / post EDW, she tends to skip meals or cook something out of habit and eat Nothing of it.
And it can go like. Eating nothing for a day or two and then A Lot of comfort eating.
And like. Many people don't immediately clock her depression and think she's just being weird because she has the "high-functioning" type of depression.
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