#42 character development questions
starstrider · 1 year
The "42 character development questions" for both Gan and Alma: 9, 15 and 21.
Heyo, thank you for the ask!
9. How do they manifest energy, exhaustion, tension, or other strong emotions?
When Gan is excited and energetic their aloofness takes a back stage and a mischievous gremlin that wants to fling fireballs at everything takes hold. Big toothy smile, flailing tail, all the good stuff. Warmth radiating into every direction, loud laughter and happiness that is rather contagious.
When Gan is exhausted, their stoic veneer breaks. Their posture shrinks and you can see a miserable and weakened person instead of a steady warrior. Slouching walk, hair falling on their face obscuring the pained expression. You can tell this exhaustion was welling up for a very long time, but Gan hid it to either not bother everyone around her, or not being questioned about it herself.
Tension doesn't really affect their expression - they may furrow their brows, but that's it, but their whole body does tense up. Unless it's extreme tension, let's say a breakdown - then they'd curl up and grab their head. A defensive position.
The illustration below shows some other emotions and how they physically manifest.
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I haven't drawn anything expression-related for Alma, so the response is going to be text-only.
Alma is very energetic by nature, but if something particular is a source of her excitement, she immediately gets on her competitive streak. She gets a grin that's both determined and somewhat hungry, the same way a monster grins at their toy. Not a predatory smile, but a playful one.
Exhausted / depressed Alma is mostly motionless. Her face shows no anger or sadness - only whisks of regret and boundless numbness, gaze that leads nowhere, hand weakly lying on her chest. Looking at her you see - this is it, this might just be the finish line. But it isn't. She'll get up again, like time and time again before. Hopefully.
Tense Alma is angry Alma pretty much. Whatever or whoever is posing a challenge - she'll take it head-on and she's fully focused on it, groaning shortly when the plans don't work out and immediately taking onto the next one. Plan B. Plan C. Plan C2...
15. What kind of inner life do they have — rich and imaginative? Calculating and practical? Full of doubts and fears? Does it find any sort of outlet in their lives?
Gan's inner life is more intuitive and imaginative, I think. They're often lost in thought or preoccupied with feelings and tasks they have at the moment rather than making long-term plans. Magical theories, experiments, whatever they're currently observing and so on and so forth. The lack of foresight is apparent though, or rather - the confidence to deal with what comes when they're pulled out of their inner world.
That inner world is also occupied by loneliness, sadly, and Gan tries their best to distract themselves from it by either silently sticking around with the others and doing something or receiving tasks to do.
Alma's inner world is rather restless - it's like a long to-do list that will span for decades: Alma always has ideas of what to do next and what steps to take to achieve either her short-term or long-term goals. A headspace that's both chaotic and busy, yet among countless tasks and possibilities fester bad outcomes that might occur. So yeah, doubt and fears are present, but instead of trying to ignore them like Gan does, Alma kind of boils in that evil soup while going about her day.
The fact that Alma chooses not to talk about the inner turmoil with others does not mean it isn't constantly present in her own mind.
21. What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why?
Gan desperately needs people who would take care of her, entertain her with something new to accomplish and show warmth that would melt her initially cold exterior.
She intentionally seeks out groups of people rather than individuals to be her employers or coworkers, because that's what they're most used to: a group large enough so that their existence in it won't be questioned and scrutinized.
But in reality, if you wait for some time and let her warm up to you - you'll pretty much have a devoted open book of a person as a friend.
Alma prefers partners and no more than 3 people to hang out with. She seeks someone mutually devoted who's willing to accompany her on her crazy ventures. While she's fine with large groups of people, what she really wants is emotional intimacy and feeling of unity, trust and honesty. Though it might become codependent at some points.
Usually, introverted loners seeking friendship and bookworms flock to her because she's fairly straight-forward and offers comfort in her presence, be it conversation or fresh food.
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
13, 19, 22 for Ozi? (42 oc questions list)
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Thanks for the asks, @space-unicorn-dot !
How do they greet the world — what is their typical attitude towards life? How does it differ in different circumstances, or towards different subjects? Why do they take these attitudes, and why do they change? How do these tend to be expressed?
Ozibaumnu's typical attitude towards life for much of his lifetime was one of emotional detachment. This was due in large part to his childhood trauma and growing up as a slave. To keep it short - He lived his life almost as if reading it out of a book. He is a scientist. Things interested him, but usually just for themselves and their utility in his interests. (Such as creating biochemicals.) When he discovered that he was Force-sensitive with the potential to become a Sith, he would embrace it not because of any philosophical connection to the dogma - in fact, he thinks the "traditional" interpretation of the Sith Code is stupid. No. His short-term goal was to survive the manipulations of His long-term goal was to become powerful enough to carve out a tiny of piece of the galaxy for himself, then to spend the rest of his life conducting his various experiments and reading. Nothing much; just someplace isolated where people wouldn't bother him. That started to change when he met Ashara. He actually started to think about having 'a life', and perhaps even build a family. As he is not the Outlander in my Nas Legacy (that's his sister), he wasn't separated from Ashara. He started to build a life with her on Rishi before Nas'ash'dia was freed by Lana, and the revolt against Zakuul began. Maybe someday…
How do they behave within a group? What role(s) do they take? Does this differ if they know and trust the group, versus finding themselves in a group of strangers? Why?
Ozi… did not like being the de facto "leader" of his crew. He did make the decisions, but he leaned a lot on the advice of each of them. (Except perhaps Xalek.) He does not see himself as a leader. Having said that, he does value most of his crew, and those who have pledged themselves to him, and does his best to care for their needs and safety. This is something I hope to write about in the near future. In larger groups - including the Alliance - he is the quiet one. He watches everyone carefully, and only interjects on specific technical points or when asked a direct question. More than once, he has spoken privately to his sister after a meeting, only for her to say "Why didn't you say something during the meeting then???" (Yeah, its a thing.)
How do people respond to them, and why might these responses differ?
Oh, it takes awhile to get to understand Ozi. Surprisingly, its Andronikos who figures out a bunch of things about him first among his crew. He gives Ashara some very sage advice about Ozi around the time she began her relationship with him. (He was ship-ing them HARD.) Everyone else… well, he comes off as cold to a lot of people, and he's played the "Sith Lord" archetype to several, so to them, well… he comes off like a Sith Lord. His sister sees him differently, because she knew what he was like as a child. A few others get him as well, but his confidante list is short.
Thanks for the asks!
42 character development questions!
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hobie-enthusiast · 1 year
— rulebreaker!hobie brown x perfectionist!gn!reader
— enemies to lovers, fluff, cursing (a lot tbh), arguments, character development, secret relationships, gossip, kissing, sneaking around, hobie is shirtless (its for one part for comfort)
— hobie brown was everything you weren’t, so maybe that’s what attracted the two of you together so well (pt. 3)
— part 3 woohoo! shoutout to 🫓 anon for the idea and honestly part 4 maybe? i have an idea brewing
— part 1 | part 2 | part 3 (here)
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Sneaking around with Hobie Brown was truly exhilarating.
After the event in the supply closet, he declared you to be in a relationship (that’s about as far as he would label it). Only problem was it had to stay secret. Your reputation was on the line, and being with Hobie could label you as trouble alone. Plus, Hobie hated labels.
So a secret relationship ensued. For two months worth of sneaking around during school hours to rooftop dates, the two of you avoided all judging eyes. You were content with that, and so was he.
That was, until your grades started to slip.
It truly wasn’t a big deal. 100’s turned into 90’s, and you still maintained your A’s. But that wasn’t good in your parent’s eyes. They noticed the weird absences for singular classes. When you said it was for academic competitions, they grew even more weary.
A confirmation was apparent to them when you climbed in through your window while they were awaiting your arrival. They wanted to talk with you about the grades, only to find you missing. Of course they were worried, but they still found themselves more angry than not.
“What is going on with you?” Your mom questions, arms crossed. “It’s like we don’t even know you anymore!”
“Mom, stop, please.”
“No, that’s not how you’ll speak to her.” Your dad interjected.
You groan, sitting at your desk. “Nothing’s going on! I’m doing perfectly fine.”
Your dad raises an eyebrow and scoffs. “Yeah, because sneaking through the window and skipping classes is ‘fine’.”
“I’m not skipping classes!”
“Oh so you want to lie?” Your mom questions.
“Why won’t you believe me?” You ask. Of course you were lying, they couldn’t know about Hobie. “I’m still doing great. Keeping up. It’s normal teenage stuff.”
Your dad shakes his head. “Nope. I don’t think so.” He declares, crossing to the door. “As of right now, you aren’t going to prom. Maybe that’ll teach you to not sneak around and lie.”
“What?!” Your eyes widen as you stand. You turn to your mom. “Are you seriously going to let this happen?!”
“Let it be a lesson, [Name]. Get your act together.”
Your parents walked out of your room, and you groan in frustration. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You wanted to go to prom! The nice outfits, the dancing, and maybe even convincing Hobie to go was your plan. Now you couldn’t.
You angrily grab your phone, typing to Hobie before tossing your phone away.
Me (9:42 pm):
My parents banned me from going to prom.
Hobie <3 (9:42 pm):
Me (9:46 pm):
Caught me sneaking through the window and cornered me. Said I was skipping classes and told me that I needed to “get my act together”.
It’s absolute bullshit.
Hobie <3 (9:46 pm):
shit im sorry sweetheart
give me 5 minutes
You smile gingerly at the phone, moving to lock your room door. You knew Hobie was already on his way, so you had to ensure your parents wouldn’t get you in more trouble. That’s the last thing you needed.
You sat in silence by your door, trying your hardest not to cry over the situation. It was rough.. you never disappointed your parents before like this. They always thought highly of you, but now they didn’t, and this feeling wasn’t kind.
A knock on the window stole you away from your pity. Glancing up, you move to open the window, Hobie entering and immediately hugging you tightly.
You couldn’t help but let out a choked sob at the warmth. “Oh swee’heart.. shh, ‘s okay..”
“But it isn’t!” You respond, pulling away and wiping your face. “I know this may seem stupid but I was looking forward to.. I don’t know.. having a genuine date to prom. I was going to ask if you wanted to go with me, become public, all that stuff. And now I can’t!” You finish, plopping down on your bed.
Hobie’s eyes widen before a sigh escapes his lips. He didn’t know you wanted to go public, not at all. Of course, everyone already had their suspicions after the incident in the hallway. But no one knew you actually were together. Just thought of it as Hobie being Hobie.
He sits next to you, draping an arm around you. In response, you lean against him with a deep breath.
“It isn’t just about prom. I’ve never.. seen my parents so disappointed in me. And I don’t get it. I’m still a great student. Like.. it doesn’t make sense, y’know?”
“I get ‘t. But they put a lot ‘f pressure on ya. Can’t let this get t’ ya.” He explains, a soothing hand rubbing your arm.
You sigh. “I can’t help it. I..” You want to say you love them, because you do. But you aren’t doing this for love. “…want them to care.”
Well that wasn’t what Hobie was expecting.
He says no more words, just holding you closely. He soon finds himself hearing you request he stay, him holding you close, underneath your blankets. He knew this was bad, if your parents walked in it wouldn’t end well. But it was alright. He could just.. keep you safe for a little while. That’s what his job is.
His job as.. as..
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Your eyes adjust to the light pouring in, a groan escaping your lips. You’re about to turn over and stretch when you feel yourself trapped. Glancing down, you see some familiar hands and rings.
The warmth elicited from Hobie was amazing. You let out a content sigh, savouring the moment with him.
Once Hobie awakens, which was possibly two minutes after you, you turn to him with a small smile. “Can’t believe you slept in your jeans and jewelry.”
“Eh, ‘ur worth the discomfor’.” He responds, a yawn escaping his lips.
“That’s.. corny as hell.”
Hobie grins, pulling you closer to him. “You make me wanna be corny, hm?”
Before you could respond, a knock comes at your door. Your mom’s voice rang on the other side, causing both of you to shoot up.
“Honey? Can I come in?”
You stand from the bed, almost falling in the process, trying to fix up the scene. You usher Hobie up, who happened to be shirtless for comfort, into your closet.
“Woah woah, slow down darlin’.” He says as you shove him. His eyes glance over at something before he looks back, not saying anything on it.
That’ll be fun.
You glare at him. “Hobie Brown, you are currently shirtless in my room, slept in the same bed as me, with my mom on the other side of the door. The one who just got me in trouble for going from an A plus to an A minus. Get in the damn closet.”
He says no more, instead putting his hands up as you shove him into the closet, shutting the door. You fix up your hair before unlocking the door, opening it with the best smile you can manage.
“Hey mom.” You speak casually. “What’s up?”
She smiles back, pushing past you into your room. “Just wanted to say.. don’t take your father’s punishment too hard. He just wants what’s best for you.” She says, cleaning up some things that are out and about.
“Oh yeah! No it’s okay I’m just-”
Suddenly she stops, picking up Hobie’s shirt that lied on your desk chair. “Who’s is this..?”
You pale, clearing your throat. “No one’s! Just.. a gift I got.. couple days ago..?” You say in an almost convincing tone.
She eyes you suspiciously before shrugging, tossing it back onto the chair. You silently breath a sigh of relief, anxiety still in your heart. You’ve never hid a boy before in your closet; not a universal experience.
“…you understand? We’re just concerned.”
“Y-yeah! I get it.” You respond, not knowing what your mom said.
She smiles, walking over and ruffling your hair. “Good. I love you, honey.”
You mutter it back as she exits the room, closing the door behind her. You let out an exasperated breath before running to open the closet door. Hobie can only let out a chuckle as you slam in shirt into his chest.
“Damn you!”
“Oh come on. ‘t was excitin’.” He responds, following you back into the room.
You glare back at him as you sit on the bed with a huff. You cross your arms, as if pretending to be mad, turning away from Hobie. He rolls his eyes as his shirt slips back on.
He takes a seat next to you and plants a soft kiss on your head. “Ah.. Can’t stay mad a’ me. Ya like me t’ much for that.”
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“I’m sorry.. what?!”
“Shh, keep it down!” You shush your friend, shoving their shoulder. “Seriously, it’s whatever.”
They look at you with still complete shock. “Whatever? Whatever?! You’ve been looking forward to prom tomorrow for months! How could they?”
You sigh, stopping in front of your locker. “It’s because of the small slip in my grades.” You explain, turning toward your friend.
“You mean the measly five percent? You’re still top of the class!”
“Trust me, I know.”
You open up your locker, and a small piece of paper falls out. You smile and pick it up, opening it up. You already had a feeling who it was from.
‘downtown apartments tmrw night. dress nicely. got a surprise for u. - h.b’
As you read the note, your friend seems to notice what you have. They glance over, only to see the initials it was signed by before you stuff it away.
“Secret admirer?” They question, holding their books closely.
You laugh, shutting the locker. “Mhm, you know how it is.”
As the two of you walk down the hallway, you manage to see Hobie standing at the corner, seemingly watching you while chatting with a friend. You smile slyly and he winks when you pass by.
‘Oh.. holy shit oh!’
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The next day came, and with it, prom night. You were bummed, truly. Though, maybe a small hangout with Hobie was certainly enough to get you cheered up.
You told your parents you were going to the library, to try and catch up. Luckily, they didn’t question you. Just sent you on your way and told you to be careful. That’s when you rushed to the bathroom to change into nicer clothes and snuck out after.
Hobie waited for you outside the apartments, like asked. For the first time in a while, he wore a button up instead of his vest. His pants remained the same, but he looked more done-up.
And it was worth it when he saw you.
“Well well. Who’s date are ya?” He asks with a small smirk.
You groan, shoving his arm. “Truly hilarious, Hobie. Gotta say, you clean up nice.”
“I manage.” He shrugs, placing a hand on the small of your back. “C’mon. ‘s upstairs. ‘nd close ya eyes.” He requests, prompting a suspicious look from you.
Once he was able to assure you that he wasn’t a killer, he led you to the rooftops. After some bumps and near-falls, he managed to make it, telling you to wait a moment while he ran off.
Hobie returned behind you, breathing in your ear. “‘right swee’heart, open ‘ur eyes.”
What greeted you were strung up lights, a couple of balloons, and a blanket on the ground. Some snacks lied there with the blanket, and soft music was playing in the background; your shared playlist to be exact.
“Su’prise. Figured ‘s the next bes’ thing, hm?” He whispers, hands gently holding your arms. “Jus’ the two of us. ‘nd ‘s free.”
You laugh gently, turning to face Hobie. “You did all this?”
He nods, and you can’t help but lean forward and hug him tightly. He didn’t understand, not by a long shot, why anyone would want to go to prom. But he still helped you, made it up for you. And that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you.
Pulling away, you plant a gentle kiss on his jaw. “Thank you, seriously. I thought I was going to spend tonight sulking.”
Hobie laughs quietly, pulling you towards the make-shift prom. There isn’t much to do, but the two of you share snacks and drinks, dance a small bit, and just talk a lot. It was quiet with just the two of you, much nicer than a normal prom.
You noticed how close Hobie wanted to be with you. He was always touching you; holding your hand, waist, or fingers. It was so.. out of character. Yet, you felt amazed at how comfortable he was with you after everything before to now.
When the two of you settle on the blanket, you silently watch the sunset. Your head lies in Hobie’s chest while he strokes your hair contently.
“‘ve been thinkin’.” Hobie starts, glancing down before looking up again. “‘bout what ya said. Goin’ public ‘nd stuff.”
“Oh? That was just-”
Hobie cuts you off. “‘f ‘s what ya wan’, le’s do it.”
Your eyes light up as you sit up, turning to face him. “Seriously? You’re okay with getting labeled as my boyfriend? Just like that?”
“‘f ‘ur fine with gettin’ labeled as trouble.” He responds confidently, a smirk on his face. “‘s not easy.”
You smile gently, kissing Hobie gently on the lips, his lip ring giving a cool and sensational feeling. He grunts for a moment before grabbing your waist, kissing back. He’s obsessed with you, the way you feel on him and here in this moment. His brain goes haywire every-time he’s near you.
When you pull away, you place a gentle hand on his cheek. “It’ll be easy if we’re together, hm?”
“‘s the spiri’. Now, dance wit’ me, yeah?”
He stands you up to dance with him, the music playing a softer yet harsh tune to dance to. But you both didn’t care. You simply danced and swayed together, twirling and sharing laughs and kisses.
As Hobie dances and kisses you again and again, his thoughts run. He was used to being labeled; as a hero for Spider-punk, as a rebel for school, and as scary all around. But this label he’s creating for himself - it’s better than the others. One that he controls and more importantly, let’s them know that he’s got you. That he was given a chance and proved himself.
But of course he would never admit that.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The weekend comes and goes, and soon, it’s Monday, and your standing outside the school. You and Hobie both agreed to meet at the front of the school, walk in together, act as if all was normal. Treat it like another day.
“Hope I didn’ keep ya waitin’.” A voice calls from behind.
You turn and smile as Hobie makes his way up the steps. He leans down to kiss you, causing a few lingering students outside to gasp. He smirks when he pulls away, holding his hand out.
You nod. “Absolutely.”
With a deep breath, you open the doors, walking in hand-in-hand with Hobie. He told you before to stand straight, to look confident, so you did. You looked forward, ignoring the gasps and stares you both got.
Everyone was going to go nuts about your relationship, it was quite annoying. They needed excitement in their lives, so on they go to bother the two of you. But you both agreed you were ready to ignore it. It was one of the terms to going public.
“Holy shit! Dude look, [Name] [Last] and Hobie Brown!”
“Holding hands? When did they start dating? Or.. even talking?”
“Girl remember, they kissed in the hallway that one time!”
“How could I forget?!”
Hobie grit his teeth as you squeezed his hand, opening up your locker. “Sorry.. maybe we shouldn’t have-”
“Don’t.” Hobie immediately stops you, leaning against the wall. “Don’ regre’ i’ jus’ because of those planks, hm? All tha’ ma’ters ‘s us.”
You sigh, shutting the door as you kiss his cheek. “You’re right. Thanks.”
“C’mon, ‘ll walk ya t’ class.”
“But you’ll be late if you do..”
You both look at each other before busting out laughing. Of course Hobie didn’t care, it was funny in itself. You were even able to ignore the annoying stares everyone around you were giving. Instead, the two of you walked off in blissful ignorance.
Maybe being with Hobie Brown would be easier than you thought.
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tags for those who wanted it (🫶); @serenn08 | @babydollfoster | @em711 | @girl-detective16 | @midnightnoiserose
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theweeklydiscourse · 1 year
LARPing Villainy: Rhysand’s character is weighed down by Sarah J Maas’s need to make him sympathetic to the audience.
Maas distorts her own narrative in her attempts to make Rhysand more sympathetic to her readers. Although Maas will employ the aesthetics of villainy or grey morality, her framing is such that the established negative traits or actions of certain characters are contradicted within the text. Rhysand is not the only example of this in ACOTAR, but I believe that he exemplifies this problem the most.
I believe that Rhysand’s development is stunted by Maas’s favoritism and it makes him a less interesting character when she tries so hard to keep him noble and heroic. It’s as if his actions can’t just exist and instead, must be explained away by incessant justifications to keep him sympathetic but dull the story's edge in the process.
To illustrate my point, I'd like to point to chapter 42 of ACOMAF.
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This chapter is centered around Feyre’s introduction to the Court of Nightmares and it is meant to be a moment of growth for Feyre as demonstrated by her fortitude and willingness to re-enact events that had previously traumatized her under the mountain. The passage describes Feyre as "barely covered" and emphasizes the color of her lips, describing them as “blood red”. A color that once triggered Feyre due to its association with Amarantha but no longer bothers her as demonstrated by her donning it.
Feyre's empowerment, as shown in this chapter, feels both superficial and hollow in nature. It is a moment of development that is marred by Maas's lack of build-up and her desire to accelerate Feyre's healing journey. Suddenly, after months of panic attacks, flashbacks, and anxiety, Feyre is calm, collected, and ready to partake in a plan where she will be placed in a situation where she will reenact her previous negative experiences. Something that should be triggering, but isn't.
This scene masquerades as a moment of growth and empowerment for Feyre but is in actuality a thinly veiled excuse for Maas to clumsily gesture towards the sexual tension between the main couple and form the basis for a contrived argument in the very next chapter. I came to this conclusion because the "plan" Rhysand creates is politically incoherent and ridiculous. The plan necessitates putting Feyre in a vulnerable position even though doing so makes very little sense and arguably puts Feyre in a worse place than before.
This incoherent plan is never meaningfully questioned or used as a foundation for change in Rhysand's tactics and strategies.
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Let’s put this in perspective. According to the story, Rhysand is aware that the Court of Nightmares is full of unrepentant misogynists who habitually sanction the violence and abuse of the women in their court. So with this in mind, is it truly a wise plan for Rhysand to put the person he loves in a position where she will be the subject of judgment and contempt for an audience? He actively puts Feyre in a vulnerable position and approved a plan that involves Feyre putting on the costume of the High Lord’s “whore” and yet, is later appalled that Feyre was slandered as a result.
He then leans further into his darker persona, affirming Keir’s comments about Feyre being his “pet”.
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The pair continues their show and Rhysand exchanges a few more words before Keir calls Feyre a whore and hisses that Feyre will “get what’s coming to her”. To this, Rhysand reacts explosively and puts Keir in his place by brutalizing his arm and forcing him to apologize for his words in a “how DARE you slander my mate?! grrrrr” moment. This moment informs my larger point because it is the cause of an argument between Feyre and Rhysand in the very next chapter.
There are certain parts of this exchange that bother me.
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Feyre silently draws similarities between Tamlin and Rhysand’s behavior and criticizes Rhysand’s reaction to Keir’s slander. Obviously, we understand why he acted that way, but I hate how Rhysand responds to Feyre’s criticism in a way that feels like guilt-tripping. As if to say “So I’m such a bad person for protecting you from harm? Go on, hate me for protecting you I guess.” And this puzzles me because technically it was Rhysand’s plan that placed Feyre in a position where slander and contempt should have been expected.
Feyre is right. Rhysand should have prepared himself better for this plan but I feel like it’s a missed opportunity that Feyre never brings up how this plan could’ve been done away with altogether. They could have had an easier time in the Court of Nightmares if they had just not placed Feyre in such a vulnerable position and not made her image that of the “High Lord’s whore” which attracted Keir’s slander in the first place. This plan that necessitates Feyre wearing a dress that barely covers her as she’s shown off to a crowd is irritatingly contrived and makes even less sense when you factor in Rhysand’s concerns about Feyre’s safety.
But now onto my main point. I present to you, my least favourite passage from chapters 42 and 43.
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I’d like to call attention to how Rhysand frames himself in this passage. He says “how stories get written” as though the narrative is under the sole jurisdiction of outside forces. He denies his agency in the “story” being written about his relationship to Feyre. He frames himself as noble, being unfairly characterized as a demon or a dark lord for stealing Feyre from Tamlin. But his complaints are ridiculous to me because…did the previous chapter not just happen?
Because… if we’re checking the till here, it was Rhysand who explained his public relations strategy as a “mask”. It was also Rhysand who deliberately cultivated his image to be one of an intimidated and dangerous ruler, it was Rhysand who constructed a persona of cruelty which was bolstered by his presumed collaboration with Amarantha. Rhysand was the one who approved a plan that involved toting Feyre around like a “pet” and making a statement that implies that he is a “ dark lord who stole away the bride of spring”.
He wrings his hands over how their story will be written as if he has no control over it. As if he isn’t deliberately shaping the narrative that the public sees and has no say in the matter. The narrative frames him as being “anguished” that people would view him as a villain…but then had him take active measures to reaffirm that he appears villainous to the public.
So What's My Point?
Why does Maas establish facts about her characters, only to obfuscate those qualities later on? Why do the readers need to know that Rhysand is in such anguish about his being perceived as a villain when he takes active measures to project that exact image to the public? What I reason, is that Maas wants to have it both ways (to have her cake and eat it too) She wants Rhysand to be cool and villainous, but doesn't actually want to make him villainous. Rhysand is LARPing villainy, enough that he possesses the aesthetics of a dark love interest (ex. dubious morals, manipulative, shrewd) but not so much that he actually pushes the boundary because Maas is always there to walk back his edgier qualities.
The same can be said for the events of these two chapters. She wants to have a moment of sexual tension where her leads are engaging in pseudo-BDSM exhibitionism and getting close with one another, but also wants to make a grand statement on healing from one’s past trauma which ends up being in conflict with the former.(it wouldn’t be impossible to accomplish both in theory, but Maas just isn’t skilled enough to pull it off)
All this to say, I think Rhysand had potential but is unfortunately held back by Maas’s need to absolve him. Personally, I think I’d like it more if Rhysand actions/decisions were criticized more within the text and that his “mask” was discarded as a legitimate aspect of his character. The “mask” makes him less interesting, I’d prefer it if Maas just let him contend with his flaws and grow because of it.
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moldycigarette · 6 days
alright so i know this isn’t like my normal posts but a lot of people on this platform struggle with writers block, including me, and i wanted to give some prompts that could help! you don’t have to use these and can adjust them however you’d like, these are just ideas!
Fiction & Creative Writing
1. a character wakes up in a world where everyone communicates through music.
2. a mysterious book appears on your doorstep, but its contents change every time you read it.
3. write about a time traveler who is stuck in the past and can only communicate through dreams.
4. a detective who solves crimes using supernatural powers realizes they’ve met their match.
5. a ghost is trying to prevent the person who killed them from dying.
6. a famous artist is haunted by a subject they’ve painted who comes to life.
7. your character is the sole survivor of an apocalyptic event, but soon realizes they're not alone.
8. a town where no one is allowed to speak after sunset, and no one knows why.
9. an inventor creates a machine that allows them to experience alternate versions of their life.
10. a person discovers their reflection in the mirror has its own consciousness.
11. a magical library appears only at midnight to those who need it.
12. in a world where dragons are extinct, your character finds a dragon egg.
13. your character inherits a mysterious key with no lock and begins a quest to find out what it opens.
14. write about a warrior who is bound by a curse to protect the very thing they want to destroy.
15. a forest that grows whenever someone tells a lie.
16. your protagonist discovers they are the reincarnation of a legendary hero, but with none of the hero’s abilities.
17. an ancient prophecy foretells that your character will either save the world or destroy it.
18. write about a society where magic is powered by emotions.
19. a kingdom built on clouds is in danger of falling to the earth.
20. a witch casts a spell that backfires, turning her into a child and her familiar into her guardian.
Science Fiction
21. a spaceship is sent to explore a distant planet, but the crew starts aging in reverse.
22. an AI designed to assist humanity begins developing emotions.
23. humanity’s last hope for survival is a space station, but something—or someone—inside it doesn’t want them to survive.
24. a society where everyone’s lifespan is determined at birth by an implanted chip.
25. your character discovers an alien artifact that changes their perception of reality.
26. a scientist creates a device that can predict the future, but only five minutes ahead.
27. the world’s oceans have disappeared, and underwater civilizations are revealed.
28. in the future, people can purchase memories and experiences—but at what cost?
29. a human and a robot must work together to survive on a hostile alien planet.
30. a colony on mars finds an ancient alien structure buried beneath the surface.
31. two rivals are forced to work together and uncover feelings neither expected.
32. your character accidentally texts a stranger and starts an unexpected relationship.
33. a love story set in a small town where everyone seems to know your character’s secrets.
34. two people from different timelines fall in love through letters that mysteriously appear.
35. your character is engaged but starts to question everything when they meet someone new.
36. write about a romance that blossoms during a road trip across the country.
37. your character returns to their hometown and reconnects with a childhood friend who has changed in unexpected ways.
38. a relationship between a human and a shapeshifter who struggles with their dual identity.
39. a character falls in love with someone from their dreams, only to meet them in real life.
40. your protagonist is a famous actor who falls for someone who has no idea who they are.
41. a family moves into a house where no one can leave after nightfall.
42. a seemingly ordinary object starts bringing terrible luck to everyone who touches it.
43. a town where no one remembers the year 1999, but your character discovers they lived there during that time.
44. your character is being watched by something in the shadows, but no one else can see it.
45. a child starts drawing pictures of places they’ve never been, but those places exist.
46. a group of friends find an old VHS tape, but every time they watch it, the events change.
47. your character wakes up in a hospital with no memory of how they got there and discovers they’re not alone.
48. a haunting occurs only when your character speaks a specific word they can’t remember saying.
49. write a story about a character who realizes they’ve been dead for years, but no one else knows.
50. a creepy doll your character threw away keeps reappearing in their home.
Historical Fiction
51. write about a soldier who returns home after a war to find their village completely changed.
52. a story set in ancient rome, where a slave and a senator form an unlikely alliance.
53. during the salem witch trials, a character must prove their innocence while hiding a dangerous secret.
54. set your story during the french revolution, with two characters on opposite sides of the conflict.
55. write about a young woman navigating life in the 1920s, struggling between traditional roles and modern aspirations.
56. your character is a spy during WWII, but their mission is compromised.
57. a historical figure falls in love with someone who wasn’t meant to exist in their time.
58. a doctor in the victorian era discovers a breakthrough that could change medicine forever, but at a high cost.
59. write a story set on the titanic, focusing on passengers from third class.
60. a knight and a scholar form an unlikely partnership to solve a mystery in medieval england.
Thriller & Mystery
61. your character receives a letter from a friend they thought had died years ago.
62. a private investigator uncovers a conspiracy that links seemingly unrelated crimes.
63. your protagonist’s sibling goes missing, but as they search, they uncover secrets about their family.
64. a heist goes wrong, and now your character is on the run from both the law and their partners.
65. write about a detective who must solve a crime, but they themselves are the prime suspect.
66. a series of disappearances in a small town are all connected by a single photograph.
67. your character is trapped in a game where their every move is being watched, but the rules are unclear.
68. a journalist uncovers evidence of a crime that happened decades ago, but someone wants to keep it buried.
69. a locked-room mystery where the murder weapon has vanished without a trace.
70. your character witnesses a crime but is unsure whether it was real or imagined.
Dystopian & Post-Apocalyptic
71. after the collapse of society, your character stumbles upon a group that claims they can rebuild the world.
72. in a future society, books are banned, and your character is part of the underground effort to preserve them.
73. your protagonist lives in a world where all forms of art are illegal, and they are secretly a painter.
74. a virus has wiped out most of humanity, and your character is immune—but they’re hiding that fact.
75. the government monitors everyone’s emotions through implants, but your character is beginning to feel something new.
76. in a world where water is the most valuable resource, your character uncovers a hidden freshwater spring.
77. a character is chosen to participate in a deadly competition, but they have no idea why they were selected.
78. the sky has turned permanently red, and no one knows why—but your character is determined to find out.
79. society is divided into castes based on intelligence, and your character is faking their way to the top.
80. in a future where memories can be bought and sold, your character is tasked with recovering a stolen one.
Literary Fiction
81. a character returns to their hometown for the first time in years and must confront their past.
82. your protagonist faces a moral dilemma that could change the course of their life.
83. write about a friendship that slowly unravels over the course of a year.
84. a character grapples with the realization that they are more like their parents than they ever wanted to admit.
85. a story about an ordinary day that takes an extraordinary turn.
86. your protagonist is an artist struggling with creative block, but an unexpected encounter changes everything.
87. a character is given a choice between two life-changing opportunities, but both have major consequences.
88. write about a family gathering where long-held secrets come to the surface.
89. a story about forgiveness, where a character must come to terms with a betrayal from the past.
90. your character navigates life in a big city while feeling completely disconnected from those around them.
Memoir & Personal Reflection
91. write about a time you felt completely out of your comfort zone.
92. describe a moment when you realized you were stronger than you thought.
93. what is a memory that you revisit often, and why does it stay with you?
94. reflect on a relationship that changed your life, for better or worse.
95. write about a place that holds special significance to you and why.
96. describe a moment when you had to make a difficult choice and what you learned from it.
97. write about an event in your childhood that shaped who you are today.
98. reflect on a time when you felt misunderstood and how it impacted you.
99. write about a dream you’ve had that you can’t seem to forget.
100. reflect on a moment of failure and what it taught you about resilience.
Romance x Mystery
1. a couple moves into a new home only to discover love letters hidden in the walls, all addressed to someone who lived there decades ago. they set out to uncover the fate of the mysterious lovers.
2. your character is a private investigator hired to follow someone’s spouse suspected of cheating. along the way, they start falling for the person they’re spying on—but discover something far more dangerous than infidelity.
3. two strangers meet on a train, both running from their pasts. they quickly fall for each other, but one of them is hiding a dangerous secret that could destroy their new connection.
4. a detective is assigned to protect a key witness, who turns out to be their ex. as they work together to solve the case, old feelings resurface, but so do the reasons they broke up.
5. your protagonist receives a love letter from a secret admirer—except it’s from someone they thought had died years ago. the search for answers leads them deeper into a web of lies and hidden passions.
6. a journalist meets a charming stranger while investigating a string of disappearances. as they grow closer, she begins to suspect the person she’s falling for may be involved in the case.
7. two former lovers reunite when a mutual friend goes missing. as they investigate, they discover that not only is their friend in danger, but someone is trying to keep them apart.
8. your character finds an old photograph of a couple at a flea market and becomes obsessed with finding out who they were. along the way, they meet someone who helps them uncover the mystery, sparking a romance.
9. a billionaire hires your character to solve the mystery of a missing family heirloom, and they quickly fall for the billionaire’s aloof but alluring sibling, who may know more about the theft than they’re letting on.
10. your protagonist is a novelist who starts receiving anonymous love letters that mimic the plot of their latest mystery book—except the events in the letters begin happening in real life.
11. two people inherit an old mansion, discovering a series of love letters that reveal a tragic romance tied to a long-unsolved crime. as they investigate, they find themselves falling for each other.
12. a couple's relationship is tested when one of them starts receiving cryptic, romantic messages from an unknown sender. the deeper they dig into the messages, the more dangerous the situation becomes.
13. your character's spouse disappears, leaving behind a single cryptic note and no trace. as they unravel the mystery, they uncover shocking secrets about the person they thought they knew—and question whether they should trust their love.
14. a woman finds a diary in a forgotten room of her partner's house, filled with entries that seem to predict the future—including their blossoming romance and an unsolved murder.
15. two rival art thieves fall in love while hunting for a legendary painting, but as they get closer to the truth, they discover one of them is keeping a dangerous secret.
16. a wedding is interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious stranger who claims to know the groom’s deepest secret. as the bride searches for the truth, she finds herself questioning the person she’s about to marry.
17. your character starts dating someone new, only to realize their new partner is connected to an unsolved crime from years ago. as they grow closer, they must decide whether to confront them or live with the suspicion.
18. a character receives an anonymous invitation to a masquerade ball, where they meet someone they feel an instant connection with. after the night ends, they’re left with only a cryptic clue to the person’s identity—and a growing sense of danger.
19. two amateur detectives fall for each other while solving a case, but the deeper they get into the mystery, the more they realize their pasts are dangerously intertwined.
20. your protagonist's ex goes missing, and as they investigate the disappearance, they begin receiving love letters and cryptic clues that suggest the ex may still be in love with them—or is leading them into a deadly trap.
21. an online dating match leads to a whirlwind romance, but when your protagonist tries to learn more about their new love interest, they realize the person’s entire identity might be a fabrication.
22. a librarian and a mysterious stranger team up to investigate an old family mystery involving forbidden love. as they unravel the clues, they find themselves drawn to each other, despite the growing danger.
23. a woman starts receiving flowers from a secret admirer, but each bouquet contains a puzzle piece that, when put together, reveals a decades-old mystery involving her own family.
24. two people reconnect at a high school reunion, but one of them is hiding their involvement in the disappearance of a mutual friend years ago. as old feelings resurface, so do dark secrets.
25. a detective falls in love with a suspect in a high-profile art theft. as they try to clear the suspect's name, they begin to question whether they’re being manipulated.
26. your character starts dating a brilliant scientist, only to discover that the scientist’s previous partner vanished under mysterious circumstances. the deeper they dig, the more dangerous their relationship becomes.
27. a couple’s honeymoon is interrupted when they find a hidden message in their hotel room, leading them to uncover a mystery involving a missing person.
28. your character falls for a charming stranger while on vacation, only to find out that the stranger is under investigation for a crime they may or may not have committed.
29. a letter from a long-lost love arrives, telling your character to meet them at a specific place. when they arrive, they find a murder scene and a trail of clues leading them to question everything about their past relationship.
30. your protagonist discovers their new partner is being stalked by someone who knows intimate details about their life. together, they must uncover the stalker’s identity before it's too late.
Romance x Science Fiction
1. after a nuclear apocalypse, two survivors meet while scavenging for supplies. they fall for each other, but one holds a secret that could jeopardize their relationship—and their survival.
2. a deadly virus wipes out most of humanity, and your character is immune. when they meet another immune survivor, they struggle between opening their heart and staying emotionally distant for survival’s sake.
3. a comet is heading towards earth, and society collapses in the face of the impending disaster. your protagonist falls in love with someone they meet in a survival bunker, but time is running out.
4. the world is overrun by zombies, and two people from rival survivor groups find themselves trapped together. as they fight to survive, their initial distrust turns into an unexpected romance.
5. an alien invasion destroys civilization, leaving two humans as the last survivors in a city. they rely on each other for survival, but the closer they get, the more they worry about what will happen if one of them doesn’t make it.
6. the sun is dying, and a scientist is working on a solution to save the world. as they work against the clock, they fall for their assistant, who is secretly planning to escape to a hidden underground colony.
7. after the collapse of technology, two people living in a primitive society discover old-world relics that hint at a more advanced way of life. as they journey to find answers, they grow closer, even as danger looms.
8. in a world where oxygen is scarce, two people fall in love while competing for a limited supply of clean air. they must decide whether to share their resources or save themselves at the expense of the other.
9. a solar flare wipes out all electronics, plunging the world into chaos. two strangers meet in the aftermath and fall for each other while trying to build a new life in a world without technology.
10. a giant earthquake destroys most cities, and a woman is trapped in a remote cabin with a stranger. as they rely on each other for survival, they discover a deep emotional connection.
11. a group of survivors hides from relentless storms that have devastated the earth. two people find solace in each other while living in an underground bunker, but when they run out of supplies, their bond is tested.
12. the earth is slowly freezing over and two people stranded in an arctic research station fall in love. they must choose whether to stay together in their isolated world or attempt the dangerous journey to warmer lands.
13. in a dystopian future where water is scarce, a water hunter and a desert nomad fall in love while on a dangerous quest to find the last freshwater source. their romance grows even as they realize they may not both survive the journey.
14. a plague wipes out most of the population, and two survivors from different backgrounds must navigate the ruins of civilization. as they work together to stay alive, they find love in the most unexpected circumstances.
15. humanity flees earth to live in space stations, and your character is separated from their partner. as they try to reunite, they must survive the dangers of space travel and the political intrigue aboard the stations.
16. the world is invaded by hostile robots, and two people from opposing resistance factions are forced to work together. they fall for each other despite the growing tension between their groups.
17. a mysterious fog covers the earth and people begin disappearing. two survivors fall in love while trying to unravel the mystery of the fog, knowing they could be taken at any moment.
18. a solar flare has caused mass blindness, and two sighted survivors meet while helping guide the blind to safety. as they fall in love, they must decide whether to reveal the truth about their abilities.
19. the seas have risen, and the last remnants of humanity live on floating cities. two engineers from rival factions fall in love while working on a project that could determine the future of their people.
20. after the apocalypse, a group of survivors rebuilds a small community, but food is running low. two members of the group fall in love, but their relationship is put to the test when one of them is chosen to leave on a dangerous supply mission.
21. a solar storm wipes out communication satellites, and a long-distance couple is separated. as the world descends into chaos, they struggle to reunite, facing dangers and new relationships along the way.
22. a mysterious virus kills anyone over the age of 30, and two young survivors fall in love in a world ruled by teenagers. as they grow older, they must come to terms with their inevitable fate.
23. after a global blackout, two people living in a fully automated city must learn how to survive without modern conveniences. their romance blossoms as they work together to find food, water, and a sense of purpose in the ruins.
24. a volcanic eruption covers the earth in ash, and a scientist and a firefighter trapped in a rescue bunker fall in love. as they wait for the skies to clear, they must decide whether to stay together or return to their previous lives.
25. in a world where the air is toxic, two survivors live in protective suits, communicating only through radios. as they fall in love without ever seeing each other’s faces, they must decide whether to risk exposure for a chance at real connection.
26. the oceans have dried up, and a sailor and a scientist searching for answers fall in love in a world of endless deserts. as they race to find a solution, they must confront the possibility that it may be too late.
27. a supervolcano has erupted, and two people living in different cities are connected through a ham radio. as they fall for each other over the airwaves, they must decide whether to risk their lives to meet in person.
28. a worldwide famine has left food scarce, and two strangers form a bond while scavenging in the wilderness. their romance blooms, but they must decide whether to keep their relationship or join larger, more dangerous groups for survival.
29. the stars begin to disappear, and two astronomers fall in love while trying to solve the mystery. as the universe itself seems to collapse, their relationship becomes their only anchor.
30. in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, two bounty hunters are after the same target. as they compete—and eventually team up—they fall for each other, even as their dangerous line of work threatens to tear them apart.
i hope these helped! if you have specific genre suggestions just let me know in my inbox and i can give ideas!!
likes, comments, reposts, and submissions to my inbox are always appreciated.
☻ kenai
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deusvervewrites · 4 months
Kinda sucks that Tumblr ate the queried asks and this is likely to occur for the next few days after your ask game.
Wish Carefully AU, the only person holding back Shinso was Shinso himself, especially since this was before his canon character development post Sports Festival.
Though here a good question, while I don't remember what the canonical reason why canon Aizawa would want to train Shinso, do we have a canonical reason other than the fact that Shinso did apply for the Hero Course and that he reached the third round(and that he had a really good Quirk)? Would the Wish Carefully Aizawa even consider training this Quirkless version of Shinso who didn't even try hard enough to pass the first round of the SF? WC Shinso likely applied for the Hero Course but he didn't do anything noteworthy and Aizawa likely assumed that Shinso was one of those students that UA has in the other courses who apply for the Hero Course but never really did anything noteworthy at the Sports Festival(like how canon Shinso did it).
Since we have 42 students with all Hero Course students and Mei and it's declared that Shinso's lack of conviction will prevent him from succeeding in the first round, is it generally accepted that Togeike(or any other student) will replace Shinso for these rounds as the one that Aizawa will train up as she actually tried(if not then Aizawa is doing his job for real for 1-A)?
Heck, even this version of Shinso would likely be more pathetic as from UA's and everyone else's POV, he just a Quirkless student who just happens to be smart enough to know the school material(not counting the fact that Shinso likely wouldn't know the circularium for later on in the year). I would presume that in canon, Shinso had to maintain good grades on top of training with Aizawa in order to be allowed to transfer to the Hero Course but would this version Shinso maintain those same standards?
Now that I know it'll do that I can simply avoid queuing thing when Tumblr tries its shit but it sucks that a lot of asks were lost.
When Shinsou learns that he had a chance for One For All and that he blew it--and that, in his place, Midoriya wouldn't have and didn't--he's gonna be real upset
We weren't ever given a reason for Aizawa training Shinsou, which is in fact one of the main sources of ammunition for people who aren't fond of Aizawa's teaching since he doesn't do this for his actual students, but I digress. I doubt that Aizawa even knows who Shinsou is in this AU; they have so many applicants that he wouldn't stand out without doing something noteworthy. Which he didn't. Also Aizawa probably wouldn't approve of a Quirkless Hero Student anyway
Someone did ask about Togeike and I said yes but alas... the Asks were eaten... I need to use her more, for one thing, and it's also interesting for someone else to get Shinsou's opportunity.
Shinsou's grades are never a problem, not even in the original timeline, but that's not as relevant here as his performance elsewhere
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verdemoun · 17 hours
i have one simple question:
assuming Dutch's original plan all went right and the gang was able to get the money to buy some land and settle down, what do you think they'd do with their time now that they don't have to constantly fight to survive? i imagine them living in a small commune doing their own farming and living off the land, still maybe committing small petty crimes but nothing that would get them back into deep trouble. How do you think they'd live their life in a universe where it all went well and they settled down? How do you think the characters would develop now that they have more time for themselves and their personal likings and endevours? Feel free to write about whatever characters you'd like !!
PS: i love your blog
I think it comes down to what the gang believe in.
PS: thank you so much!! it really touches my heart knowing people enjoy my mad ramblings
Hosea? Hosea was ready to settle down in his virgin lands in the west. I think the older he got, the more he regretted not being emotionally and mentally ready to settle down with Bessie. He left the gang (which was just Dutch and Arthur at the time) only to go back while Bessie was still alive, and lost time he could have spent with her. He wanted to spend that time with Dutch (and Arthur), craving the exhilaration.
Dutch? Dutch wanted fame. He wanted infamy. He had a message to deliver about the nature of mankind and delivering that message took priority over everything. He would abuse and manipulate minorities to deliver a message about inequality.
When you look at money, in contrast the cost of land in canon era - the gang had enough. In 1907, John bought Beecher's Hope for less than $2k (including land, building the house and barn). If you go back for the money, Dutch has $42, 875 in the chest.
The gang could have settled down whenever they wanted. Whenever Dutch wanted, because they trusted Dutch with the money. And Dutch didn't want to settle.
If Hosea realised Dutch never changed, there was never a good old Dutch and Dutch had always been willing to compromise the ideals he preached for his own goals? I think Dutch would have honored what he once had with Hosea enough to at least give Hosea enough money. Because enough money to start anew wasn't that much money in the scheme of things.
Then it becomes - if given the choice, who would choose the safety and stability and a home with Hosea, and who would still choose to follow Dutch. Because Dutch would never settle down.
For Arthur, it would be an impossible choice. Arthur uses his dying breath still trying to save Dutch. Everytime Dutch brings up loyalty, Arthur backs down and blindly agrees with Dutch. We know what a big deal it is the first time Arthur disagrees: when Arthur insists. Would Arthur really be able to choose between Dutch and Hosea, if he had the choice?
People who would go with Hosea: Abigail (who wanted her son to be safe), Jack, John (begrudgingly, because Abigail and Jack were goign), Lenny (who believed in the better life Hosea wanted for him, like his father wanted for him), Javier (who only became an outlaw for a woman, who was tired), Karen (a former prostitute traumatised by her past, willing to abandon it), Mary-Beth (a poet who became a thief to survive), Uncle (an old man), Pearson (a cook who only ever wanted purpose), Kieran (who never had a choice but to become an outlaw until Hosea offered otherwise).
People who would stay with Dutch: Bill (still seeking Dutch's validation), Micah (who craved order, or to implement his own agenda), Sean (who wanted to continue the fight his father died for), Sadie (who had known how fragile that life of peace was), Tilly (who owed her life, and therefore loyalty, to Dutch), Grimshaw (who loved Dutch, and loved the gang as her children), Swanson (who saved Dutch's life once, and had Dutch save his life every day since).
I think Arthur's choice would come down to Charles. Not just charthur but because Charles was a voice of rationale. And Charles could go eitherway: Dutch, the man who believes in equality, something Charles hasn't been able to find his entire life before the gang, never entirely belonging to a community of his own, or Hosea, promising safety, promising that equality in a way Charles has never experienced, an independent community that relies on one another but without the aspect of criminality, a commune almost in parody of his distant childhood memories.
Hosea's gang would very much still live like the gang - in tents, spending nights singing around a campfire, until they figured out farming was easier than hunting, and raising chickens meant selling eggs and slowly starting their own self-sufficient group where they learned to hunt and farm off the thousands of acres they'd be able to own with fractions of the money the gang had. Jack and Lenny would pursue their education. Abigail would find herself in Grimshaw's position, taking care of the housework for people who never learned to look after themselves. Karen would follow after either Abigail or Uncle. Mary-Beth would write her novels. Pearson would still cook, to a more grateful crowd. Assuming Arthur and Charles went with them, they would be the ones to first figure out farming livestock and spend their days moving herds across the open plains and nights under the stars knowing they were safe from the law.
The others would meet their end at Dutch's whim, one way or another.
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meraki-yao · 8 months
Taylor Nick Variant Universe Brain Rot Part 2
Remember this? When I went unhinged and started coming up with an iPartment-inspired Taylor/Nick characters crossover rom-com universe???
And yes I handwrote my ideas on paper that is my real handwriting I just think better when I write physically
So three parts:
Part 1: Family Relations
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I made some of the characters relatives because of convenience and because it was fun
Henry's family follows the movie version, so Henry's surname is Hanover-Stuart Fox
Both the King from RWRB and the King from M&G are named James lol (the former James III of the UK; the latter James I&VI of England and Scotland), both bear the name Stuart but it's fucking weird for brothers to have the same name so I made Hanover-Stuart a joint surname only for Catherine and her children: Henry's Grandfather is a Hanover, Henry's Grandmother is a Stuart, George's lover/sugar daddy is Henry's Grandmother's younger brother
Robert (Cinderella; Nick) is from a (trashy) musical theatre movie and since Arthur Fox is an actor, I gave him a stage actress sister who's Robert's mother: Henry and Robert are cousins
During the pillow talk scene in RWRB Alex mentioned his father has a sister so I made said sister Marco's (The Kissing Booth; Taylor) mother: Alex and Marco are cousins
Part 2: Jobs/Studies
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Alex and Henry are what they are
At the end of KB3 Marco said he wanted to go to New York and become a musician so yeah
Robert is from a musical so might as well make that his study
Being a sugar baby is the best way I can translate George's situation into a modern setting
Henry's parents are as they are, with the modification that Catherine is a professor at Oxford
Oscar Diaz is as he is
Arthur's sister/Robert's mother is a stage actress
Questions/Input/Help Please
What music school in New York can Marco go to? I only know Julliard but it seems a little too unrealistic
I don't know how the American government system so if Ellen isn't president what position can I put her in? Senator too? Or something else?
What job works for Henry's grandfather and James Stuart? Does old money work? What's a modern substitute for a monarch?
George was historically a really good dancer and we're gonna see that in M&G, does it make sense to translate that into a club dancer or something? I ask as someone who has never in her life gone to a club
Part 3: Living Arrangements
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I want them to be roommates? The fic and the show that inspired this idea was the characters living in two neighbouring apartments: 1 with 4 residents and 1 with 3 residents
I kind of want to start with all of Nick's characters in one apartment and all of Taylor's in another, then maybe mix it up as relationships develop
So for the 4-person apartment right now I have Henry and Robert
For the 2 or 3-person apartment I have Alex and Marco
George, as a sugar baby, has James giving him a luxurious loft where he lives on his own
I... don't really know how apartments in New York/ the states work? My understanding of an apartment is like one complex with a living room, dining room, bedrooms, kitchen and washrooms, and one floor of one building has a couple of those for each floor. Is the States the same? 'Cause yall live in houses and we don't really have that here? The building my apartment is in has 42 floors and each floor has 8 apartments.
Suggestion for roommates for each apartment? I need 2 Nick characters and 1 Taylor character who would be reasonable enough to share a new York flat with college students
Final Question:
Suggestion for a name for this universe/fic?
Tagging @luainthewild @henryfoxisgenderqueerandautistic
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roykleinberg · 3 months
a couple unpopular tron opinions!! lmao
Tron '82 > Legacy, but idk if that's an unpopular thought loll
What that makes Legacy's story go from good to great is all of it's various companion pieces— The Flynn Lives ARG, The Next Day, Betrayal, Evolution, Uprising, etc etc. The best thing about the Tron franchise is how it uses so many different mediums (and technology that viewers interact with in different ways!).
The Flynn Lives ARG, to me, is still the most ingenious thing that has happened to this franchise. Is it a little sad that the deeper aspects of Alan and Sam (and sort of Lora and Roy)'s characters get sidelined to something that average movie-goer isn't going to seek out? Yes, extremely. But the ARG is such a treat for fans that I'm genuinely surprised that Tronblr of the 2020s doesn't pay any attention to it. There's so much character and world building, and so many little, little easter eggs— I think the ARG deserves so much more attention!!!!
Evolution does more for the main program characters of Legacy (Clu2, Quorra) character development than Uprising does 😭The existence of Abraxas makes Clu more sinister because we see him purposefully going behind Flynn's back, and as dark as it was, Quorra's personal losses almost felt more heavy in Evo than Uprising since Anon and Quorra work together through the game. But I'm also very biased because I liked Evo's story so much lmao
—— from @quorras :)
tron confessional with moss
alright let's break this down lol
1. 82 v Legacy
admittedly I have gone back and forth on this one a lot over the years. because I generally (obviously) love 82 to bits and it is my favorite part of the whole franchise. but at times I have questioned if Legacy is narratively the Better Movie(tm). and at the end of the day I think it's somewhat hard to compare because they're telling pretty different stories, once you get past the surface level sucked into cyberspace plot. 82 has a warmer fuzzier view of the potential of technology in the right hands compared to Legacy, which in my interpretation leans more into the idea that family -- human love and connection -- supersedes the more "alien" program way of life. 82 wants you to like the programs and see them as people just like us, whereas Legacy has more of a Basics kinda suck and only the more human ISOs are worth anything approach lol. and I think there's validity in both those takes, and I think the times and environments in which they were created has a huge impact on how they view and approach technology. but. yeah. 82 wins for me on its more optimistic hopeful vibe alone.
2. The Tron EU (extended universe not European Union)
100% agreeeeeeeeee. I sometimes catch myself lamenting the fact that it's such a small franchise, but when you add up all the comics and games and the ARG (Flynn Lives ARG light of my life we will get to you in a moment xoxo) and the show there really is a lot! honestly throw ElecTRONica in there too, there was lore there. half the reason I have such a hard time even recommending the movies to people is because I want to be like okay but you also need to watch/read/play all of this please you don't UNDERSTAND
the way Tron has been handled by some many creators and creative teams is honestly just.... really beautiful and special to me in the most unironic sense. it sucks that the mouse has never given the franchise the trust or the resources to grow, and I hate that so many projects are soured by this air of something being ripped away from people who clearly loved it and wanted to do more. but that love is so undeniable in all these bits and pieces of the franchise. there will always be people who love Tron as much as we the fandom do, and I would rather have a hundred of these one-off passion projects like Uprising or Identity than a bunch of soulless blockbuster movies
3. ARG my beloved <3
42 Entertainment I am kissing you on the mouth
I really can't even articulate everything that the ARG is to me, and I wasn't even involved when it was ongoing. when I was just getting into Tron after Legacy got the home release, a good chunk of the ARG sites were still live, and I remember digging into all of it and being amazed and obsessed. I still have the wiki site where everything is archived bookmarked. there's so much good background in there. and Roy! ROY!!!!!!! and the big reveals in The Next Day? OUR little operation, ISOlatedThinker???? I am not and will neve be normal about it, and it's sad to think the current iteration of the fandom doesn't know about or acknowledge it as much
4. Evolution v Uprising
I feel ya. don't get me wrong, I love the Uprising cast, but I was never completely in love with how the show handled the pre-established characters. like I was saying before I didn't like how Uprising made Clu a more detached / distant villain, so having him be a more direct bastard in Evo worked better for me. and Quorra ugh :( she really loses everything over the course of the game, and I think it makes her character in Legacy so much more poignant knowing that she went through all of that but was still so hopeful. Abraxas was such a good, tragic, fucked up antagonist. and Gibson oughhhhhh. again hard to say what would have happened in a second season of Uprising (pour one out), but Evolution is so deliciously bleak in a way the show never completely got to be. Uprising is mostly dark because we know or can infer what's going to happen, because we know where canon ends up. but Evolution has more of an opportunity to show us the dark and horrible things that went on after the coup, and it's a carries a little more weight as a result. rip Anon you will always be famous
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sarucane · 11 months
OFMD Meta Series Master Thread
My brain works in meta series for some reason, and a couple of my individual metas have been really popular! So in case you're looking for more of my stuff, or to read a meta related to one you already liked, here're my series. I'll update them as I go.
Metas about Stories and Storytelling in OFMD
Do we just keep telling the same story forever? Meta on OFMD S1E7 "This is Happening"
(Note: writing this while on a holiday, there'll be more metas in this series once I get home and go through drafts ;) )
The Fuckery's the Thing: Finding truth through lies in "The Art of Fuckery"
True Stories, False Stories: "The Best Revenge is Dressing Well"
Stories within Stories (within more stories!): OFMD Meta Analysis of Ep 1 E4
Stede Bonnet's Stories (S2)
Ed Teach's Stories
Stede Bonnet's Stories (S1)
Storytelling in Our Flag Means Death
Character Analysis Question Metas
Why was finding Stede's letter so important for Ed?
Why did Ed think becoming a fisherman made any sense at all?
Why did Ed throw away his leathers?
Why did Ed want to "take it slow"?
Why didn't Izzy shoot Ed (then)?
Why did Ed headbutt Stede?
Why didn't Ed always protect Stede?
How did Stede leave pirating so easily?
Did Ed really want to die?
How did Stede know that Ed wanted to "watch the world burn"?
Why did Ed shoot Izzy then?
Spiral Parallels: The second season of OFMD references the first a lot, generally in ways that add a lot to the emotional depth of an original scene. Here's a heap of metas about that because I think it's cool.
53: Ed's Suicidal Spiral (S1E10, S2E1-3)
52: Weddings (S1E4/10, S1E1/2/8)
51: Pinocchio (S1E1, S2E1/8)
50: Beards and Unconditional Love
49: Whims, Self-Knowledge, and Commitment
48: Lessons of Episodes 5 (S1E4/5 & S2E5)
47: What would Jeff do? (S1E5 & S2E3/6/8)
46: Izzy Being Wrong Part 4--Izzy's redemption (in which he learns to be right) (S1E10-S2)
45: Izzy Being Wrong 3 (S1E6-9)
44: Izzy Being Wrong 2 (S1E5)
43: Stede's Fantasies Creating Reality (S1E1/3/8, S2E1/3/4/8)
42: Sandy Beards and Self-Hatred (S1E8 & S2E3)
41: Izzy and the Queer Community of the Revenge (S1E5 & S2E6)
40: Izzy Being Wrong Part 1 (S1E2-4 & S02E8)
39: Wearing Fine Things Well (S01E05 & S02E05)
38: Mad Devil Blackbeard (S01E04/10, S02E01/02)
37: Ed and Izzy in Those Scenes 2 (S01E10 & S02E08)
36: Ed and Izzy in Those Scenes 1 (S01E10 & S02E08)
35: Lighthouses (S01E04/10 &S02E06/08)
34: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 5 (S01E08 & S02E04)
33: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 4 (S01E08 & S02E04)
32: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 3 (S01E08 & S02E04)
31: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 2 (S01E08 & S02E04)
30: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 1 (S01E08 & S02E04)
29: Silk Robes and Ed's Self-Identity (S01E10 & S02E07
28: Izzy and Stede Talk Blackbeard (S01E06 & S02E03)
27: Ed's Despair (S01E10 & S02E02)
26: A Fall into Dark Water (S01E10 & S02E03)
25: Mary and Stede, Stede and Ed (S01E10 & S02E08)
24: The Character Development of a Belly Flop (S01E01 & S02E03)
23: Stede's Duels (S01E06 & S02E07)
22: Ed Leaves Stede (S01E08 & S2E07)
21: Executions of Stede Bonnet and Ned Lowe (S01E09 & S02E06)
20: Lucius and Pete (S01E6 & S02E05)
19: Ed and Izzy Sing (S01E10 & S02E06)
18: Izzy's Interventions (S01E06 & S02E01)
17: Stages of Intimacy (S01E06 & S02E06)
16: Poison and Positivity (S01E06 & S02E06)
15: The Kraken (S01E06 & S02E08)
14: Party Time 4 (S01E05 & S02E07)
13: Party Time Part 3 (S01E05 & S02E07)
12: Party Time 2 (S01E05 & S02E07)
11: Party Time Part 1 (S01E05 & S02E07)
10: Attention Crew of the Revenge, may I present… (S01E04 & S02E05)
9: Breakroom Chats (S01E04 & S02E06)
8: Ed, Izzy, and the Death of Blackbeard (S01E04 & S02E02)
7: Blackbeard and his First Mate (S01E03 & S02E01)
6: Cowards (S01E04 & S02E07)
5: The Unicorn (S01E04, S01E08, S02E04, S02E08)
4: Stede's Letters (S01E04 & S02E08)
3: Rise and Shine, Pirate (S01E04 & S02E04)
2: Stede's Grand Entrance (S01E03 & S02E08)
On the Spiral Narrative of OFMD 1: Pirates and Mermen (S01E03 & S02E03)
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technicallywrite · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @envexenveritas, you're enabling me to procrastinate on writing a rather tricky scene.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Just two but one of them is sort of a song parody (about writing fanfiction, to the tune of Losing My Religion), not a fic. But the question says 'works' and... for better or worse, it's a work, I guess.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
393,520 across both works but the song is just 273 so, yeahhhh. That should tell you everything you need to know about my One Fic.
(42 chapters so far, in case you're wondering, including one that was a whopping 20k+ words)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Doctor Who, specifically the new UNIT gang, with heavy emphasis on the Big Finish audios in terms of sourcing story material. I'm basically rewriting the new UNIT storyline, centered on the developing relationship between Osgood and Kate Stewart.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I mean, if we're specifically talking fics, I have just the one. So it's my best fic and my worst fic at the same time, on any metric you choose to apply!
My Cosmos is Yours, aka Cosmos or sometimes Cosmosgate, has 297 kudos so far. Also, 30 bookmarks and 10,493 hits, in case that matters.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Do I reply to comments? Hah. Yes, yes I do. Religiously. Not always immediately, as sometimes I need a bit of time to digest them before replying; but I do read them all right away and I reply to everything eventually.
I welcome every kind of comment, from one-line "GAAHAHHHHHH" eructations to multi-paragraph analyses, rambles and vocal if not always coherent expressions of enthusiasm.
Funny thing, there's a bit of a culture of commenting that has grown around Cosmos. For reference, it has 1,194 comments (though half of that are replies from me).
Part of it, I suspect, is that word has got around that I'm pathetically needy for comments (I make no secret of it), so most of my regular readers have got into the habit of feeding me comments at every chapter, which is very lovely of them. And perhaps because there are so many comments on every chapter, some of the more occasional readers do also seem to find themselves motivated to leave comments, which is a wonderful effect, if true.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I haven't finished a fic yet so, no overall endings to speak of, but if I look across the 42 chapters I've written so far, Chapter 38: Endgame has got to be the most grim in terms of where it leaves Osgood and Kate.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hah well if we apply the same principle of looking across Cosmos chapters, Chapter 42: Life, the Universe and Everything has got to be the winner, with no fewer than three happy endings (one of them a double), if you'll pardon the phrase.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far, no. I occasionally get razzed by my British regulars for committing Americanisms (most famously, writing 'faucet' instead of 'tap') but it's all in good fun.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. Though I've been told it's not actually smut, it's erotica, which is the best compliment I can imagine. It's all character-driven, and it's very necessary to the story (I say to justify myself). I won't put any labels on it; I'll just say that by intent, it's loving, it's very mature, but it's never unnecessarily explicit. Though it does get people quite hot under the collar, reportedly, which is very gratifying!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Well, I did pull in Malcolm Tucker from "The Thick of It" for one chapter, and he'll be showing up again because he's so fun to write. But it's not a zany kind of crossover.
I don't think I have any crazy crossovers in me, at least not at this moment in time; when I'm in the mood for that sort of thing I go to Lambrookmist.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I'd be terrible as a fic co-author. I've co-authored a technical book in my professional life and it went well enough (the book got published and we're proud of it) but I suspect it was a frustrating experience for my co-author. I'm very critical and I change my mind about important stuff all the time.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Osgood/Kate Stewart obviously. With a side of Gabrielle/Xena and Janeway/Seven. There may be a pattern there.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm like a dog with a bone, I will finish everything, eventually. Although with Cosmos, I can't imagine running out of story to tell anytime soon. It could take years. Unless I find a good stopping point and just finish + start a sequel. That's an option.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Accurate characterization, I think? I'd like to think I do a pretty decent job with pacing and balancing action vs. talk. Also my real-life scientific/technical background helps me write credible plot details for our two favorite science geniuses.
From a stylistic standpoint, I've been told my writing has a cadence and musicality that's very enjoyable. That's something I care a lot about, so, yay.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm painfully aware that I overuse certain phrases. And I overthink things a lot, so it takes me ages to ship out new chapters. Especially now that I have a full time day job again, which I didn't when I started writing Cosmos— long story for another time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
A few lines here and there can be very helpful when the setting calls for it (the characters are abroad, or working with people from different cultural backgrounds) but you don't want to overdo it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Well, I wrote a one-off Picard/Crusher ficlet in the late 90s, so I'm legally obligated to say Star Trek: TNG. But I never wrote anything else (fic-wise) until Cosmos.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Surprise, it's Cosmos!
In case anyone is curious, I'm about 1/3 of the way through writing Ch. 43, so hopefully it won't be nearly as long til the next update. (For reference, it took me three months to get Ch. 42 out.)
I think I'm supposed to tag some other writers now? Let's say @starfleetwitch, @kowarth, and gosh I need to look up some usernames. Will add those later. Got to go feed my family now.
EDIT: adding @colourmestoked04 to the taggees
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origami10 · 6 months
Ok send help I loved Ajin so much it was my favorite anime and I watched it so many times I lost count, but i've lost hope for it getting another season... where in the manga should i start? should i just start from the beginning? I've heard it's different so I'm scared
It is different, but I think you'll like the manga too!!
I think two main parts that are in the anime, but different, are manga chapter 22 (in vol 5) where Kei and Kou leave the small village they've been hiding out in, and the Forge building arc, which runs from about chapters 31~42. If you're really invested in skipping parts of it, I'd suggested starting from chapter 31, since that'll give you context for how the Forge arc and the later arc(s) are different.
(Also like everything after chapter 42 is different because none of the adaptations made it past then)
Personally I'd recommend reading from the beginning if you have the chance, I feel like a lot of what makes Ajin good is the character development, and there's small moments that feel like they could make a difference in how you interpret things.
Get ready for the whiplash in the art style in the early volumes, though!
(Also, probably not specifically relevant to your question, but I just heard Kodansha is going to do 3-in-1 print volumes of Ajin [in English] soon)
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vantablackstudios · 4 months
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//hi!! <3. putting this here for a starting place for the clan's story. using some of the beginning characters to create some new lore for the clan!
year 0 lineup:
sootstar: a masked grey tabby tom with green eyes, 42 moons old. sootstar is the kit of guppypaw, and the brother of cinderscreech. from a young age, he's been told many stories of the lives of the clans, and through his adult life, he's helped his mother follow starclan's will to begin a new clan. he is a doting father to his two kits, fernpaw and dewpaw, and misses his mate rosymeadow horribly.
traits: righteous, great climber, lore keeper
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echorain: a masked black bengal and white tom, 55 moons old. echorain was a kittypet before meeting guppypaw's group. he was one of the later entries of the group, and after recieving visions of pawprints leading to the tidepools, and starry cats swimming under the waves, he decided to join the clan under sootstar's leadership. he was made deputy as a result of his logical mind and fighting prowess, and vows to work with sootstar to enforce the warrior code.
traits: responsible, unusually strong fighter
apprentice: dewpaw
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scarletpoppy: a ginger, single-striped she-cat, 85 moons. scarletpoppy is the clan's medicine cat, a skilled healer and prophet. she was a nomadic, traveling healer in her youth, but as she got earlier, she sought a secure community to settle down in. she was the first cat to join guppypaw's blossoming clan, after receiving a vision of an injured warrior in need of her help. her friendship with guppypaw blossomed here, and she chose her friend's son, sootstar, to lead the clan. she's a wise influence, and is her leader's most trusted advisor.
traits: faithful, trustful advisor, connection to starclan
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batheart: a white tom with dark-grey spots and blue eyes, 117 moons. batheart is an older tom, glad for a home to settle down. he's a faithful cat, and felt lost in his spirituality. he'd spent so long alone, wandering with no goals in life, which made him question whether there really is a purpose to living. when he met guppypaw and her developing clan, he realized that there really was a force, starclan, that had destined him to become a warrior in the new guppyclan. he's determined to prove his worth in this new group, and to achieve his true purpose in life.
traits: charistmatic, den builder, good hunter
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carpglide: a golden, smokey she-cat with bronze eyes, 68 moons. carpglide is a headstrong, fiery, and ambitious warrior, willing to take risks if it means keeping her clan safe. she was part of a rather rough and tumble group of rogues in her youth, but was intrigued by the structure and community that came with being a warrior. she's become good friends with the cats in her clan, and wouldn't have it any other way.
traits: daring, trusted advisor
apprentice: fernpaw
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cinderscreech: a dark-grey tabby warrior with hazel eyes, 42 moons. cinderscreech is sootstar's sibling, and they're rather brash. though they know they wouldn't be an effective leader, they find themselves endlessly jealous of their brother. cinderscreech knows they are abrasive and often unfriendly, but he can't help but wish he had the power and influence that their brother has.
traits: daring, good hunter
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foxwhistle: a marbled, ginger tabby she-cat with gold eyes, 12 moons. foxwhistle was found as a kit, abandoned and alone on a sandbar. she was raised by the whole clan, and grew up among many wise warriors. as a result, she's rather intelligent and well spoken. many cats admire how much of a smart young cat she is, and believe she'll grow up to do great things.
traits: charismatic, good storyteller
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dewpaw: a dark grey, smokey tom with pretty eyes, 6 moons. a little troublemaker, dewpaw is a rather immature young cat. he gives his mentor plenty of sass, and thinks that he could become a warrior right now with little trouble. he believes that since he's sootstar's son, he is obviously next in line to be leader. all of this big-headedness gets lots of laughter and head-shaking from the older warriors.
traits: childish, splashes in puddles, quick witted.
mentor: echorain
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fernpaw: a black she-cat with a white splash on her chest, 6 moons. fernpaw is a much more reserved apprentice, much quieter than her brother, at least. she wants to make carpglide and her father proud, and is a dutiful worker. she is an avid daydreamer, though, and often needs to be shaken from her imagination to focus on work.
traits: oblivious, quick to help, careful listener
mentor: carpglide
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guppypaw: a grey, smokey she-cat with yellow eyes, 125 moons. guppypaw was a mediator apprentice, well on her way to becoming a mediator. on her final assessment, a trip to mediate relations with another clan, a storm ravaged the beach, sweeping her far away. after a long journey, she became a loner. she eventually began seeing visions from starclan, destining her to establish a new clan. after many moons, she is so proud of her kits, her grandkits, and the cats they've met along the way that have formed her clan. she is honored to be guppyclan's namesake, and is happy to spend her retirement in her new home.
traits: nervous, good speaker, fast runner
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i'll hooopefully try and update every few moons or so. ill try and draw some scenes from the clan too, just to practice drawing cats.
thanks for reading <3
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vickyvictoria-3 · 5 months
REALLY late to the trend, but I want you to ask me!
100 Question Danganronpa Ask Game
1.) Favorite Game?
2.) Least Favorite Game?
3.) Favorite OST?
4.) Favorite Minigame?
5.) Favorite Game Design?
6.) What’s Your Favorite Cast?
7.) Favorite Class Trial From All The Games?
8.) Least Favorite Class Trial From All The Games?
9.) Favorite Execution?
10.) Least Favorite Execution?
11.) Favorite Unused Execution?
12.) Least Favorite Unused Execution?
13.) Favorite Love Hotel Scene?
14.) Favorite Freetime Event?
15.) Favorite Research Lab?
16.) Favorite Game End?
17.) Least Favorite Game End?
18.) Favorite In-Game Moment?
19.) Least Favorite In-Game Moment ?
20.) Happiest In-Game Moment?
21.) Saddest In-Game Moment?
22.) Favorite Random/Unessacary Moment?
23.) Favorite Chapter?
24.) Least Favorite Chapter?
25.) Favorite Anthology Chapter?
26.) Favorite Mascot?
26.) Least Favorite Mascot?
28.) Favorite Monokub?
29.) Least Favorite Monokub?
30.) Smartest Murder Plan?
31.) Hated Murder Plan?
32.) Favorite Culprit?
33.) Least Favorite Culprit?
34.) Favorite Protagonist?
35.) Least Favorite Protagonist?
36.) Favorite Antagonistic Character?
37.) Favorite Character?
38.) Least Favorite Character?
39.) Best Girl?
40.) Best Boy?
41.) Best Character Design?
42.) Worst Character Design?
43.) Favorite Eye Design?
44.) Which Character Has The Cutest Design?
45.) Favorite Major Character?
46.) Favorite Minor Character?
47.) A Character You Think Deserves Better?
48.) A Character You Thought You Would Dislike but Liked In The End?
49.) Who Do You Think is A Underrated Character?
50.) Who Do You Think is A Overrated Character?
51.) Which Character Should Have Survived In Your Option?
52.) Which Character Shouldn’t Have Survived In Your Option?
53.) Which Character Deserved To Survive In Your Option?
54.) Which Character Shouldn’t Have Deserve To Survive In Your Option?
55.) A Character Who Should’ve Got More Character Development?
56.) Which Character Did You Not Expect To Die But They Did?
57.) Who Did You Expect To Die But They Didn’t?
58.) A Character Who Looks Amazing but You Don’t Like?
59.) Which Character Do You Easily Forget?
60.) Which Character Seemed Like They Were Gonna Be Culprit But Wasnt In The End?
61.) A Character You’ve Never Expected To Become A Culprit but They Became One? (Besides Chiaki)
62.) A Character You Can Relate To?
63.) A Character You Relate To But Hate Anyways?
64.) What’s Your Option On The Danganronpa 1 Anime?
65.) What’s Your Option On The Danganronpa 3 Anime?
66.) Favorite Voice Actor?
67.) What Do You Think Of The Fandom?
68.) What Would Be Your Ultimate Title?
69.) Hope or Despair?
70.) Could You Be The Ultimate Lucky Student?
71.) Which Character’s Clothing Would You Like In Real Life?
72.) Popular Option?
73.) Popular Headcanon?
74.) Unpopular Option?
75.) Unpopular Headcanon?
76.) Which Character Would You Like To Meet In Real Life?
78.) Which Character Would You Never Like To Meet In Real Life?
79.) A Character You Would Choose To Have A Sleepover With?
80.) A Character You Would Choose To Have A Roadtrip With?
81.)A Character Who You’d Like To Snuggle?
82.)A Character Who Acts Like A Friend?
83.)A Character You’d Like To See As The Antagonist?
84.)Character as Antagonist Headcannon?
85.)Headcanons If Junko Wasn’t The Mastermind?
86.)Headcanons If Chaiki Surivived
87.)Headcanon on Pregame V3 Characters?
88.)Headcanons on Non-Despair AU
89.)Headcanons For An AU You Have
90.)Favorite Danganronpa Ask Account
91.)Favorite Fanfiction
92.)Recomended Headcannon
93.) Favorite Talent
94.) Least Favorite Talent
95.) Your Absolute OTP
96.) Your Absolute BroTP
97.) Any OT3
98.) Favorite Rare Ship
99.) An Overrated Ship Which Is Your NOTP
100.) Absolute NOTP
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4, 13, 21, 24, 25, 33, 42, 57, 63, 70 and 71 for the fic writer ask game!
Thank you for the questions! Okay, this took some time and thought. And some of my answers are long. It will be under a "read more" out of convenience and respect for my mutuals and followers.
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
I really want to write a background and sidestory for a one-off character from George Lopez that Tony O'Dell played. I don't think I've written it yet for a few reasons:
a) I don't know if his character is named Blaine (dialogue and closed captions) or Patrick (credits on IMDb and from the end of the episode).
b) I kinda want to ask Tony about that episode and role.
c) I haven't had time or haven't sat down and focused on it enough to start writing it.
No, I don't experience existential dread over it.
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
This isn't going to take long. But in writing my first fic, Is This Love?, I learned that I can write sexy things. This is the opposite of the "write what you know" advice. I have done research and will continue to do more. I've talked with others who have written smut. And I have had some friends read over what little I have written. As I tend to write out of sequence, I haven't published the smut and I'm still a bit anxious about it, but I decided to do this to prove to myself that I could. I wouldn't be upset if Is This Love? is the only fic that I write that contains smut, but proud of myself.
21. pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
A fellow fanfic writer? Hmm, I would say @curiousdamage @missviolethunter @cecexwrites @rynnie-rynn @themaradwrites @avatarskywalker78 and/or @the-time-lord-oracle.
With Curious, MissV, Rynn, and/or AvatarSkywalker78, I would write something for The Karate Kid or Cobra Kai because that is the main fandom that we have in common. The first three were with me when I created my OCs and I honestly would trust them to write Julie or Alyssa. But all of them have strengths writing other characters in that fandom that I'm not sure I can do justice or write with the nuance they deserve.
Curious, MissV, and I could finally write that spinoff/revival-type fanfic for The Equalizer with Scott McCall and his OC daughter as the central characters. Or Curious and I could write a Cagney & Lacey story.
With Cece, it would probably be a story set in the Wizarding World with supporting and minor canon characters.
Obviously, a Doctor Who story with The_Time_Lord_Oracle.
And were I to write an original story, it would be with Rynn or Mara.
All of these writers are ones that I greatly admire, consider friends, have created some of the best original characters (I wish they all were canon and I would protect them to the end), and have written many of my favorite stories.
If you are asking about published/professional authors, I'm not sure. Maybe Rick Riordan, Richelle Mead, David McIntee, Timothy Zahn, Jude Watson, or Cassandra Clare (yes, I know some of the allegations against her, but she is still one of my favorite YA writers).
24. on average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
It really depends on it's a workday vs. weekend, how much time I've had to write, and how inspired I was. If I write at least 500 words, I consider it a productive day.
25. what’s your revision or rewriting process like?
I edit as I write, which makes the writing process longer, I'm sure. Then I send it to my beta. After I hear their thoughts and suggestions, I take into account if those serve the story and make appropriate edits. Then I will post it on AO3.
33. do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
Honestly, a very rough plot idea. The characters are my main focus and I spend more time thinking about how to develop them and how they will react to the plot.
42. describe the aesthetic of a story in 5 words.
Let me preface this with "I'm not sure that I'm doing this right."
Family. Friendship. Discovery. Magic. Adventure.
57. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were reading it?
Okay, these might not be the actual last things, but they are the best that I can remember: Camille Coduri's natural hair color and Billie Piper's eye color.
63. what’s the best insult you’ve read in a fic?
I've read so many fics that I honestly don't know. I'm sorry.
70. are you very critical of your own writing? how much do you find yourself editing (either during the writing or after the fact)?
Yeah, I think I am. I second-guess myself a lot. I edit as I write, so I might spend hours on the same damn paragraph because I didn't like the original word choice, felt it was too similar to something I had previously written, or numerous other reasons. I once nearly trashed everything I wrote for Is This Love? and lay on my bed crying because I thought I was being too harsh on Jimmy and my OC Julie.
71. how do you balance writing and life? do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of writing you have to do?
Hahaha. Balance? What's that? Ironic isn't it, considering that I write for The Karate Kid and Cobra Kai? Yes, I constantly feel overwhelmed by the amount of writing that I have to do. I want to be able to post two chapters for three of my WIPs by the end of 2024. I haven't worked on two of them at all yet. I haven't done any writing since early or mid-February. Sometimes, I feel like a failure because I started writing Is This Love? in 2018 and I haven't even started writing the scenes concurrent with the plot of The Karate Kid, while I've got friends and mutuals who can write, finish, and post a few multichapter fics within a few months.
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bookqueenrules · 1 year
I go back and forth on Beth being alive and TPTB just being shitty writers who needed a shock value death. The back half of season 5 was so hard to get through cause I just wanted answers. Then sometimes I think 5x08 was just a shitty last minute rewrite because we know so much else was filmed and there was a shit ton of symbolism throughout the first half that meant her living. I still can’t get over the car scene in 5x10 or the coda after she gets shot. That’s the worst part is not having answers. But you’re 100% right. If they want viewers back then they NEED to shake it up. Stop writing in circles.
I think the truth is that we can't be 100% sure of anything. I would refer you to the AMAZING twdmusicboxmystery and her fellow theorist for all of the symbolism and weirdness pointing to Beth's return. I love analyzing the symbols too, but I also look at the practical.
So, the whole purpose of this spin-off is Daryl's happy ending, right? Judith says this to him as he is LEAVING Carol and Jude. So, how could just making it back home to them be his happy ending? It can't. Sorry to Carly fans, but they ended the flagship with Carol/Zeke rebuilding their relationship and yet another BEST FRIEND declaration from both Daryl and Carol. It won't be adding a romance with Carol as his happy ending. He could have had that any time in the last few seasons.
Will it be Isabelle? A French nun? How is that going to work in the TWD universe? Daryl WILL, at some point, have to go home. I have more thoughts on why it won't be Isabelle in the previous ask.
Connie? That has been firmly cemented as a friend only relationship. Daryl and Connie had a couple of years to pursue something and never did.
A new character? Not likely. The fans wouldn't accept it, and, practically speaking, the first two seasons of DD are filming in France, so the character would have some of the same issues as Isabelle does as Daryl's happy ending.
Beth was taken away from Daryl before their relationship could develop further, but even though we don't "see" it go full romance, Daryl is devastated and inconsolable for quite some time at her loss. He doesn't react the same to loosing anyone else. Did he burn himself over Merle or Rick? No. That should speak volumes to the audience. She has tons of ties to the remaining TWD characters. Practically, it is hard to make a case for it being anyone BUT Beth.
But, she's dead, right? On FTWD the have brought back not one but TWO core characters the audience thought were dead for MANY years this season. The original working title of the DD spin-off was Raise the Dead! The whole TWDU is about raising the dead!
Fun Fact: According to the University of Google, a person has 42% of surviving a gunshot wound to the head if they receive medical treatment. The last time we saw Beth she was at Grady. We didn't see her buried or what happened to her body. This is EASY writing to bring her back.
Here is something interesting Angela Kang, who is a TWD showrunner and an executive producer of DD, said about Leah. When questioned she said they had NEVER planned to show Leah/Daryl kissing, COVID or not, because they knew where the story was going. She said they wanted to save Daryl's first on screen kiss for something monumental. When he really kisses someone, a romantic lip to lip, we will know that's it.
So, the writers have been holding out not having, IMO, their sexiest male lead even KISS anyone for 12 years! Why? The only sane answer is that had a plan all along. The plan may have been delayed or altered slightly, but Beth has always been the plan. They have stuck to that. I believe she will show up, but I am concerned that their continuing to delay bringing her back and restarting her story will negatively impact the spin-off, and the story they end up telling.
I know that was a LONG answer but thank you for the ask!
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